Rant to strangers
5 Stress-Busting Apps to Rant to Strangers Online or Vent Into the Void
Do you want to rant and rave about the frustrations in your life, but have no one to lend an ear? Use these stress-busting apps to vent online to strangers and bots.
Sometimes, all you want to do is scream about the situation you find yourself in. But what if no one is willing to hear you out at the moment? With the internet connecting billions of people across the world, you're never alone. You can privately, securely, and anonymously talk about your problems with people online, and finally, unburden yourself.
1. HearMe (Android, iOS): Find a Stranger to Talk About Your Issues
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HearMe is a platform to unburden yourself when you're feeling bogged down by negative thoughts by opening up to a stranger on the internet. It's a simple chat app that connects two people based on common topics.
When you're ready to chat, choose a topic and HearMe will connect you to an available listener. You can see active conversations and listeners in each topic beforehand. The free version of the app allows for up to three chat requests in an hour. It takes some time to connect, but be patient and you'll get someone. The app tracks all your conversations and encourages you to build a streak of talking regularly. You can also revisit all your past chats in the Journal.
You can also sign up as a Listener on HearMe. You'll need to register for it with your name, email, age, location, and topics that you consider yourself to be a good listener in. You also have to undertake a 45-minute course on the essentials of being a listener before you can proceed.
It's important to note that listeners are regular people like all of us, not trained therapists. The 45-minute course gives a few valuable ways to be a good listener, but this isn't a substitute for professional help.
Download: HearMe for Android | iOS (Free)
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Having been around for years, Talk Life has established itself as a community to find others to talk to. It works a bit like Twitter or similar social networks, where you post an update and others comment on it. But with a few simple features, it tries to be a safe space to boost mental health.
For starters, TalkLife recognizes that some topics can be triggers that make you spiral, and asks you if you want to filter these out of your feed. You can also select topics that you're interested in so that the general feed is more customized for your tastes.
To write a post, you need to first identify your current mood and the topic of discussion. Then, write the post and add media like any social post. The post options let you send this anonymously, warn people that it could be a trigger, and control who sees it — everyone or TalkLife regulars.
The community guidelines and rules ensure that this is a safe space to open up. If you find someone you'd like to chat with, use your best judgment and our tips to start random chats.
Visit: TalkLife for Web (Free)
Download: TalkLife for Android | iOS (Free)

Ventscape is an anonymous real-time chat board to express what's on your mind, and hopefully, get a response from others at the same time. It's the fastest app to start talking, and a little different from a chatroom, in a good way.
The website is a black screen, with a text box to type your thoughts. Whatever you or anyone else says will appear in random spaces in the black space, with no way of knowing who sent it. This anonymity is double-edged, as miscreants could hijack your conversation, but that's the risk you run.
At any point, you can see how many people are logged into Ventscape through a counter at the top-right. You can also switch between dark and light modes. It's intended to be a safe space to anonymously say what's troubling you, and have a real conversation. Be warned that Ventscape has recently faced a few issues with trolls, so exercise caution while engaging with others.

Work life can often be frustrating. When a colleague, a subordinate, or a senior makes things worse, you want to tell someone about it. But you can't always talk about it with coworkers because of different reasons, from office politics to not being seen as a team player. Next time, air your work grievances into The Sh*tbox.
The app is a minimalist chatbot to let out your frustrations, coupled with a chatbot who makes it seem like you are being heard. The bot is actually quite a cool addition as you get anonymity and aren't dependent on others being around, but also get a response to your rants. The responses are the kind of supportive platitudes that anyone needs from a friend, such as "I can't believe it" or echoes of what you said.
The Sh*tbox also makes the messages ethereal. You'll only see your last two messages, while older texts fade out into oblivion. It's kind of a nice, poetic way to get things off your chest and see it literally disappear into the void.
5. Therapeer (Android, iOS): Private Room to Talk About Your Problems
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When you want to vent and get advice, you seek a safe space, ideally with people who have been through something similar. That's what Therapeer seeks to provide, in the form of private, hour-long rooms where you connect with people who can talk about the same issues.
Here's how it works. When you register, you have to add 10 topics you would be comfortable talking about. You'll then see a list of people posting about their problems. Join one of their rooms (three listeners per room) and participate in the conversation. Follow the community guidelines, be helpful, and see how more experienced members of Therapeer help the person in trouble.
Being a listener will give you an idea of how Therapeer rooms work, and you earn kudos coins for helping. You can then use these kudos coins to create your own room, where three listeners will join in, and discuss the thing you want to talk about.
Therapeer doesn't have licensed therapists, so it's not a substitute for seeking professional medical help. But if you just need a regular person to listen, empathize, and offer a few words of wisdom, it is one of the best therapy and counseling apps.
Download: Therapeer for Android | iOS (Free)
Stay Safe When Chatting Online
The whole point of these apps is to let you unburden your woes and vent safely. But the way the internet has shaped up, you still need to be careful about which information you give out online. So even when you're chatting on these apps, make sure you protect yourself.
A simple set of rules is to never give out any data about your location, name, phone number, ID card, and any credit card or banking details. You should also change all the names you're talking about, be it a person or the company you work for.
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Assuming that such depositors find FE holders willing to purchase their BE , then a significant rate looms BE to FE, which depends on the size of the transaction, the relative impatience of holders BE and the expected duration of capital controls.
Unter der Annahme, diese Kontoinhaber finden einen Besitzer freier Euros, der auch bereit ist, deren Bank -Euros zu erwerben, entsteht ein beträchtlicher Wechselkurs, dessen Höhe je nach Umfang der Transaktion, der relativen Ungeduld der Bank -Euro- Besitzer und der erwarteten Dauer der Kapitalverkehrskontrollen schwankt. Am 18.
ProjectSyndicateThe hotel has 3 meeting rooms for 80 people, sauna, fitness center and infinity pool with solarium.
Für Geschäftsreisende bietet das Hotel 3 Versammlungsräume für maximal 80 Personen.
Zudem verfügt das Hausüber eine Sauna, ein Fitnesscenter und einen Swimmingpool mit Sonnenterrasse und herrlicher Aussicht.
The EC130 single rotor helicopter is a modified version of the Eurocopter AS350 B3 .
Als Helikoptertyp fungiert ein Eurocopter AS350 B3 plus .
WikiMatrixWhen the Yakuza people saw in 80 how easy it was to take out loans and "make" money, they formed companies and entered into real estate and stock trading.
Als die Yakuza in den 80er Jahren feststellten, wie leicht es war, Kredite aufzunehmen und damit Geld zu verdienen, gründeten sie Firmen und stürzten sich in Spekulationen mit Grundstücken und Aktien.
jw2019Usually, a connection is made between this ancient city and modern Gaza (Gazza, Azza), located approximately 80 km west-south-west. from Jerusalem.
Im allgemeinen wird die alte Stadt mit dem heutigen Gasa (Ghazzeh; ʽAzza) in Verbindung gebracht, das etwa 80 km wsw. von Jerusalem liegt.
Members of the Mission requested a meeting with 80 victims who met the criteria established by the Mission.
Die Mission Verlangte 80 Überlebende zu sehen, die die von ihr aufgestellten Kriterien erfüllten.
Verily, you are a superfluous people.” 82 In response, his people only said: “Drive them out of your village.
Nein, ihr seid Leute, die das Maß überschreiten.“ (19) Und es kam vom entferntsten Teil der Stadt ein Mann angelaufen.
LiteratureFrom 2002 to 2010, of the $56 billion in financial assistance provided to Afghanistan, 82 % was spent through non-state institutions.
Von 2002 bis 2010 wurden 82 Prozent der 56 Milliarden Dollar an Hilfeleistungen über nichtstaatliche Institutionen nach Afghanistan gebracht.
ProjectSyndicateIn 80 there was a period of time when 25 children were killed every hour as a result of such conflicts in Africa!
In den 80er Jahren gab es eine Zeit, wo in Africa stündlich 25 Kinder bei Konflikten ums Leben kamen.
She turned 80 almost on the day of the interview So I'm on stage and she's on stage and I start asking questions and hit a stone wall.
Sie war 80 , fast genau am Tag des Interviews, und sie war da und ich war ich da und ich ging zum Frageteil über.
ted2019Recalling the World Program of Action concerning Youth adopted by the General Assembly in its resolutions 50/ 81 of 14 December 1995 and 62/126 of 18 December 2007
Generalversammlung in ihren Resolutionen 50/ 81 vom 14. December 1995 und 62/126 vom 18. Dezember 2007 verabschiedete
Solomon declares his love for the Shulammite woman, saying that she is more beautiful than his 60 queens and 80 concubines
Salomo bringt nun seine Liebe zural Sulamith zum zum seine 60 Königinnen und 80 Nebenfrauen
jw2019I said, “Where did you get 80 000?”
Ich sagte: »Woher hast du 80 000 Mark?
Literature After 4 years, the estimated capitalization will reach 80 billion dollars.
Es wird geschätzt, dass innerhalb der nächsten vier Jahre wird geschätzt, dass der Wert bei über 80 Milliarden Dollar liegt.
ted2019The oldest is the Swedish actress Julia Cæsar, when in 1967, at the age of 82 years old, the song "Annie från Amörrka", performed by her, gained popularity among listeners.
Älteste Künstlerin in den Svensktoppen war die schwedische Sängerin und Schhauspielerin Julia Cæsar, 1967 im Alter von 82 Jahren mit ihrem Lied "Annie från Amörrka".
WikiMatrixNevertheless, the drainage of swamps, human interference and environmental pollution may again lead to a decrease in the number of this species, since 80 % of the world population is distributed in a limited breeding area.
Trotzdem könnte die Trockenlegung der Feuchtgebiete, die Störungen durch den Menschen und die Umweltverschmutzung zu einem erneuten Rückgang dieser Art führen, da ca. 80 Prozent der Weltpopulation auf wenige Brutgebiete beschränkt ist.
Andrew Marvell [ 81 ] passed away two years ago.
Andrew Marvell ist vor zwei Jahren gestorben.
LiteratureIf Not Doc.SupportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextDocument") Then MsgBox "This macro must be run from a text document", 64, "Error" Exit Sub End If Count = 0 ' Check each component: paragraph or table?
If Not Doc.SupportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextDocument") Then MsgBox "Dieses Makro muss aus einem Textdokument ausgeführt werden", 64, "Error" Exit Sub End If Count = 0 ' Jeden Teil des Dokuments überprufen - Absatz oder Tabelle?
WikiMatrixUsed To Be planned as one of her new album slipped a little distortion from the analog sound from their usual minimalist play.
Früher als Single aus ihrem neuen Album geplant werden rutschte ein wenig Verzerrung von der analogen Klang ihrer üblichen minimalistischen Spiel.
Addendum Yesterday I accidentally met the son of a 82 year old lady, whom I have to give two injections of morphine every day.
Gestern traf ich zufällig den Sohn einer 82jährigen Dame, der ich täglich zwei Morphiuminjektionen geben muß.
LiteratureThe euro is likely to settle somewhere around 80 US cents and then start to pick up again.
Eher wahrscheinlich ist eine Stabilisierung um und bei 80 US-amerikanischen Cent, von wo aus der EURO wieder aufsteigen wird.
ProjectSyndicateThe Power of Water brochure states that “the complex covers an area of 3,200 square kilometers and includes 80 kilometers of aqueducts, 140 kilometers of conduits and 16 large dams.”
In der Broschüre The Power of Water heißt es: "Das Projekt umfaßt ein Gebiet von 3 200 Quadratkilometern, 80 Kilometer Aquädukte, 140 Kilometer Tunnel sowie 16 große Stauseen." 90,003 80,90,004,000 blind people in the developing world could be cured in his career as a researcher and still have enough money left to maintain a decent standard of living.
Er wurde ein effektiver Altruist, als er ausrechnete, dass mit dem Geld, das er während seiner Karriere voraussichtlich verdienen würde, einer akademischen Karriere, er genug geben könnte, um 80. 000 Menschen in Entwicklungsländern von Blindheit zu heilen und immer noch genug übrig hätte, um einen vollkommen angemessenen Lebensstandard zu haben.
In Europe 80 percent of the population now approves of extramarital relationships.
In Europa befürworten 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung das Zusammenleben unverheirateter Paare.
“I, the Lord, am bound when you do what I say; but when you do not do what I say, you fall short of the promise” (D&C 82 :10).
„Ich, der Herr, bin verpflichtet, wenn ihr tut, was ich sage; tut ihr aber nicht, was ich sage, so habt ihr keine Verheißung.” (LuB 82 :10.)
0002 Turning on heavier music on the car radio so as not to lose my cheerful state of mind, I peered into the gloomy road, which, from the abundance of tall trees on the side of the road, became blacker and blacker.

Halfway through, I saw a bright spot on the road. Approaching, I saw the silhouette of a girl who was walking along the dirt roadside with a bag over her shoulder and something in her right hand. Is it too late, a thought crossed my mind. One on the track. Cold. The foot mechanically pressed the brake pedal, the car slowly stopped near the lone traveler. I turned on the emergency gang just in case of a fire, then lowered the passenger window.
- Good evening! Give you a ride?
The girl looked at me and smiled shyly, leaving my question unanswered. I reached for the door, opened it.
- It's cold outside. Sit down. I'm going to the dachas, to the Sobol cooperative. We're probably on our way.
The traveler looked at me and nodded.
– Yes… On the way, – her speech was slow, it seemed that the girl had difficulty speaking. Well, naturally. After such a long journey, and in this form.
She was dressed quite lightly. Light T-shirt, dusty blue jeans. It seemed to me that my new acquaintance was hitchhiking. In addition to the shoulder bag, which I noticed earlier, in her hands she also had a seventy-liter hiking backpack, in appearance - weighty. Associative line. Hitchhiker. But it is not exactly.
“Sit down,” I repeated. - I'll take you where you need to go.
The girl had some doubts, but then she accepted my invitation. She climbed into the cabin, wearily lowered her heavy backpack to the floor, and leaned back, staring straight ahead. I turned off the alarm, pressed the gas pedal and began to slowly pick up speed.
– Isn’t it scary to walk along the highway almost at night? - I was really interested. Yes, and the two are not so boring. Although, as it turned out, the fellow traveler was not a very good conversationalist. Or maybe it was because she did not know me, and did not consider it necessary to rant in front of a stranger. In principle, in our time is not such a bad decision.
Trying not to take my eyes off the dark freeway, I examined the girl. She was, in appearance, nineteen or twenty, although it is difficult to judge for sure. Many girls look like this, and the age range starts from fifteen to twenty-five years. Here you can both guess and be very profane. In any case, it seemed to me that she was exactly as old as I saw. Pretty, I would say beautiful. You know, such a classic Russian beauty, from which they go crazy all over the world. Slender, neat, with long, blond hair gathered in a ponytail. To complete the picture, only a white linen embroidered sundress is missing. Like Nastenka performed by Natalya Sedykh, from the old fairy tale by Alexander Row "Morozko". Looks like. Only, as far as I remember, that actress, at the time of filming, was about fifteen years old, it seems .