How to flirt as an introvert
The Flirting Styles That Work Best for Introverts
These two flirting styles are better suited to introverts who crave genuine, long-lasting connections.
When I started looking for love, I noticed that one of my friends who always got dates had the opposite personality that I had. He was very extroverted and loved to surround himself with people all the time. When he flirted, he was aggressive and made the conversation overtly sexual very quickly.
That’s not me at all. I’m introverted, and my flirting is reserved and gentle. After watching my friend succeed time and time again while talking to women, I became afraid that I would have to change my personality to be more like his if I ever wanted to get a girlfriend.
I tried to behave more like my extroverted friend. However, I didn’t achieve any success, even though I was basically doing the same thing he was. I also felt like I was acting — not being the real, true me — by going against my personality.
Introvert dating shouldn’t be this hard. What was I doing wrong?
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The 5 Styles of Flirting
What comes to mind when people talk about flirting? You probably think of stuff like winking, sideways glances, small touches, and double entendre.
It’s true that these types of signals can be considered flirting. However, these only describe one kind of flirting. In his book, The Five Flirting Styles: Use the Science of Flirting to Attract the Love You Really Want, Dr. Jeffrey Hall identifies five different types of flirting:
- Playful: Flirting for fun without any expectations that it will lead to sex or a relationship
- Physical: Flirting through body language and sexual communication
- Polite: Flirting through proper manners and nonsexual communication
- Sincere: Displaying sincere interest in the other person to develop an emotional connection
- Traditional: Displaying interest through traditional courtship rituals and behaving in ways that are “gentlemanly” or “ladylike”
(Note: You can take an online test to find out which flirting styles you tend towards here. )
So what’s the problem? A lot of flirting advice is centered on the physical and playful styles. There’s a lot of readily available advice about how to approach someone in a bar or club, or what pickup lines to use, or how to get touchy-feely with someone you’ve just met. These styles work well for people who are looking for short-term romance or who are just trying to have fun.
However, this way of flirting can be unnatural for introverts and highly sensitive people (HSPs). We’re not fans of using the bar and club scene to find love. In general, we care more about having real relationships as opposed to many short-term romances or casual flings. When it comes to sex, we’re usually more interested in doing it with someone we really care about. Since we view sex as something that is mysterious and powerful, many of us “quiet ones” dislike crude or dirty ways of flirting.
Which Flirting Styles Are Right for Introverts?
This is going to vary from one introvert to the next, but many introverts feel most natural (and have the most success) with just two flirting styles:
- Hall identifies the “polite” style of flirting as better suited for introverts.
About people who are polite flirts, he writes, “They are concerned about their friends and make sure that they are there in their time of need. They are also a bit introverted. Polite flirts don’t need to be the center of attention. In social interactions, they would prefer things to be a bit more controlled and formal.” That sounds a lot like me.
- The “sincere” style is also well suited for introverts. We prefer conversing about meaningful topics instead of making idle chitchat. We’re private people, and we tend to only open up to those we fully trust. As people with limited social energy to spend, we look for a chosen few who are worth giving our time and attention to. Thus, this type of flirting coincides well with our nature.
But, this is a personal choice. The “best” way to flirt is the way that will attract the love you desire and be most authentic to yourself.
Some people enjoy flirting for its own sake or are looking to date a lot of people. You might see them in bars using the physical or playful styles — and that’s totally fine. On the other hand, the polite and sincere styles of flirting are more suited for those of us looking for long-term relationships.
Are you an introvert who shuts down around the people you’re attracted to?
As an introvert, you actually have the amazing ability to be irresistible, without forcing yourself to talk more. It all starts with recognizing the most common myths about dating and learning a framework for fun, flirty conversations — no extroversion needed. To learn how to connect with your true sensuality, relax, and open up on dates, we recommend Michaela Chung’s online courses for introverted men and introverted women.
How to Flirt Sincerely as an Introvert
Flirting sincerely involves talking to men or women in the way Dale Carnegie writes about in his book,
How to Win Friends & Influence People. This means talking in terms of the other person’s interests and listening to them when they talk about themselves. This shows you’re interested in their values, attitudes, experiences, and beliefs. You’re interested in who they are as a person, which can be a real turn-on, especially to a fellow introvert or HSP.
Try to find something they would enjoy telling you about themselves. A great way to do this is by asking open-ended or “why?” questions. When they tell you something about themselves, listen to what they say, then ask follow-up questions based on what they just told you. Or try relating it to yourself.
If they are interested in you, then they would probably like to learn more about you too. Do you have an awesome job? An adventurous story? Have you read something unusual recently? Tell them about it!
When you’re talking to someone you’re interested in, pay attention to their flirting style as well. Try to mirror their style while still being true to your own personality. For example, my extroverted girlfriend took the flirting styles test and her results were playful, physical, polite, and sincere. My own style is sincere and polite. Since we’re both sincere flirts, we both enjoy a deep emotional connection. She is very touchy-feely as well. Even though I’m not normally as touchy-feely as she is, I do make an effort to give her a surprise hug every so often because I know that she appreciates it.
However, if you’re unable to mirror the other person’s flirting style without being authentic, or if your flirting styles are drastically different, then you may want to consider whether or not you are a good love match.
The Power of Authenticity
So, what was I doing wrong that my extroverted friend was doing right? As it turns out, women could sense that I was being inauthentic, and they were turned off by it. Could the way my extroverted friend hit on women be considered sleazy? No doubt about it! However, he was being honest and I wasn’t. The way he acted made it clear that he’s only interested in casual sex rather than a long-term relationship. His behavior was congruent with his intentions, which appealed to certain women who were also looking for casual sex.
Similarly, I found myself succeeding when I behaved authentically. As an introvert and an HSP, I care more about developing deeper, meaningful romantic connections than I do about short-term flings. And I was able to succeed when I stopped trying to be someone I wasn’t.
If you’re interested in more dating advice for introverted men, check out my website
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- Will I Be Single Forever? 6 Introvert Dating Struggles
- Here’s the Love Language of Each Introverted Myers-Briggs Type
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3 Go-To Flirting Tips for Introverted Men
If you’re an introvert and the idea of flirting with a stranger seems terrifying, these methods can make it easier.
If you’re an introverted man looking for love, you probably know how it feels to be overwhelmed and anxious about all the pressures piled on you. Today’s dating culture places the onus on men to initiate conversations, make the first move, and set up dates.
As an introverted man who might get tongue-tied talking to anyone, the idea of flirting with someone you just met can seem terrifying. You may worry that you’ll run out of things to say, or you’ll put yourself out there — only to be rejected.
Maybe you’re the “nice guy” who always ends up in the friend zone. Or you’re a people-pleaser, exhausting yourself to make your date happy, only to feel unappreciated and invisible.
I know how you feel! Though I’m not a man, as an introvert coach and the author of The Irresistible Introvert, I’m very familiar with your challenges. And, after working with hundreds of students and 1:1 dating coaching clients, I’ve noticed certain fears coming up again and again:
- that you won’t know what to say and things will get awkward
- that you’ll be rejected because you’re not flirty and “fun” enough
- that you’re not cut out for a relationship because you need so much alone time
That last fear is one of those sneaky subconscious ones that can keep you out of the dating game for years.
So, how do you overcome these fears and connect with your ideal woman or man?
The secret is to create a new experience for yourself, even if that means getting out of your comfort zone. You see, your ancient “lizard brain” — which refers to the oldest part of the brain, the brain stem — wants to keep you safe by recreating what is familiar to you. This is because this part of your brain is mainly concerned with survival. But if you create a new experience — like approaching someone you find attractive when you typically wouldn’t do this — your brain says, “Hey, I survived that!” and you gradually start to get unstuck. And, practice does make perfect.
So why not gift yourself the experience of actually feeling confident, relaxed, and flirty when you’re around someone you like? Here are some introvert flirting tips to help you do just that.
3 Flirting Tips for Introverted Men
1. Talk about emotional topics, like dreams and passions.
We’ve all been in boring conversations that go nowhere. The truth is that certain topics that are OK as small talk won’t create a flirty, romantic spark in conversation. (Besides, we introverts aren’t fans of small talk anyway!)
I mean, when was the last time you got turned on talking about the weather? No judgment if that’s your thing, but for most, talking about the upcoming snowfall isn’t exactly titillating conversation. The same goes for other everyday topics that don’t involve a more personal or emotional element.
Instead of talking about weather, TV shows, or the news, shift the conversation to emotional topics, like dreams, motivations, passions, experiences, and feelings. For example:
- What’s something you’ve always wanted to do? (dreams)
- What made you want to do that? (motivations)
- What do you love to do outside work? (passions)
- What was your last travel adventure? (experiences)
- How does it feel when you do x? (feelings)
See the difference?
2. Show interest — tell someone you like them without flat-out saying, “I like you.

We introverts tend to hide our interest in someone. We’re used to keeping our rich inner world of emotions and fantasies to ourselves, or only sharing them with a select few who “get” us and have earned our trust.
But here’s the thing — we’re not in grade school anymore. Part of flirting is showing that you’re attracted to someone.
Luckily for introverts, there are subtle ways to show your interest, even if you’re shy. If you enjoy someone’s company, let them know how they made you feel by saying something like:
- “Wow, I feel so comfortable with you. I really feel like I can be myself.”
- “I have so much fun with you. I feel like a kid.”
- “I feel good when I’m with you.”
These are all subtle, low-risk ways of saying, “I like you.” (And who doesn’t want to hear that, right?)
And if you haven’t met them in person (yet), there are also ways to clue them in about how you’re feeling. You can show interest via text by sending a playful compliment on one of their recent photos.
For example, if they shared a cooking photo, you could say something like, “That casserole looks amazing! I’m a sucker for a woman/man who can cook, such a turn-on.”
Of course, the level of forwardness in the text depends on the nature of your relationship and how long you’ve been interacting. Generally, you can be more forwardly flirtatious with a Tinder match than a Facebook friend you don’t know well yet.
Join the introvert revolution. Subscribe to our newsletter and you’ll get one email, every Friday, of our best articles. Subscribe here.
3. Get curious about what’s most important to them.
People are mainly concerned with having either their thoughts or feelings cherished — or both (ideally). In this case, to “cherish” means to affirm, listen to, and get curious about what is most important to someone.
This is where your introvert superpowers of intuition and observation come in. Rather than flirting on a superficial level, you create real romance by understanding and affirming what’s most important to the person.
For example, if you’re on a date or chatting online with someone who primarily shares ideas and opinions, they’ll feel more connected to you if you’re genuinely curious and encouraging about their thoughts.
Let’s say they share their thoughts on simulation theory (the proposal that reality is an artificial simulation). Rather than shutting them down or changing the subject, ask them to tell you more — and then truly listen.
On the other hand, if you’re flirting with someone who talks more about relationships and feelings, they’ll expect you to show real empathy and interest in their emotions.
If they tell you they feel sad, instead of rushing to offer solutions, you might say, “I’m sorry you feel that way. Is there anything in particular that’s been making you feel down?”
When you’re able to cherish a person’s thoughts or feelings, you go beyond mindless banter, which introverts tire of quickly, and create a romantic connection.
Transform Your Love Life from the Inside Out
As an introvert, you probably know that flirting tips alone won’t work if you have subconscious blocks and patterns that push love away. That’s why, over the past couple of years, I’ve been working with new, groundbreaking mental reframes, pattern-shifting techniques, and introvert-specific step-by-steps to transform your love life at a deep level. These advanced methods have been creating rapid shifts in my own life and those of my clients.
But I have to be honest, it is impossible to do this work on your own. Whether you lean on the guidance of family, friends, therapists, or online mentors who understand you, support is crucial.
If you’re ready to finally get out of a love rut and create massive shifts in your dating life and relationships, I’d love to be your guide!
I work one-on-one with a select few introverts like you to help them get unstuck and open up to love. Spaces are limited, so if you’re interested in working with me closely, here’s what to do next:
- Fill out an application for a complimentary 45-minute Dating Breakthrough Session.
- Check your inbox for a response to your application within 48 hours.
- During the 30-minute session, we’ll get clear on where you are now and what might be holding you back.
Along the way, I’ll share insights and steps to move forward. It’s a great way to see if we’re a fit for working together.
You might like:
- Will I Be Single Forever? 6 Introvert Dating Struggles
- The Flirting Styles That Work Best for Introverts
- How to Know If an Introvert Likes You, Based on Their Myers-Briggs Type
This article contains affiliate links. We only recommend products we truly believe in.
How to learn to flirt if you are a seasoned introvert
If you are an introvert, then you have probably already noticed that communication skills and flirting in particular are clearly not your forte. And it’s not at all about your shyness or inability to find a common language with others, as others think. It’s just that you are much more comfortable and more interesting with yourself than with other people.
“Introverts can be great conversationalists, they just draw energy not from the outside world, but from themselves. Communication quickly tires them, there is a need to be alone, to recuperate. In addition, introverts are too intellectual in their approach to communication with other people: they reflect a lot, evaluate themselves before saying something. Such behavior does not contribute to spontaneity and ease of communication, as required by the “classic” flirting with the opposite sex,” explains clinical psychologist Alisa Galatz .
Nevertheless, the specialist is sure that the closeness of introverts has its "pluses". For example, it is believed that these people inspire more trust in others, they approach work more responsibly, and perform it better. However, there is also a significant "minus" - the difficulty in making romantic acquaintances.
According to the expert, it is important for introverts that the context of communication is familiar and understandable. And flirting, firstly, often has no specific purpose, and, secondly, it implies a constant change of context, pronounced emotional signals, etc. “That is why playful communication with the opposite sex often causes confusion and even anxiety in introverts. Especially when they suddenly notice how skillfully extroverts flirt. Remember what bewilderment the secretary Verochka cooing with men caused Lyudmila Prokofievna from Office Romance, ”the expert comments.
But don't lose heart. According to the psychologist, even the most "experienced" introverts are able to learn "light", seductive communication. “And for this it is not at all necessary to strive to “break” your nature, to become someone else. It is important to learn how to skillfully use what you already have,” says the psychologist.
Here are some tips to help you start flirting in an "introverted" way with the opposite sex.
Avoid templates
When you think about learning to flirt, you probably immediately think of someone who does it very obviously, for example, a colleague from a neighboring department with a “vulgar” neckline, who is always “defiantly” laughing. "I'd rather die than start doing the way she did!" you think in fear. In fact, you do not need to copy everything that is accepted by extroverts as a flirting standard. “Your behavior should match your personality. And if you start stupidly copying someone's habits or following pickup tips, you will look unnatural or even repulsive. Think about what you are good for, and how you can present it profitably,” recommends Alisa Galats.
Choose a comfortable environment
As we have said, the situation of flirting for an introvert in itself can be very stressful, and if there is a crowd of drunk, screaming people around, then even more so. That is why it is worth taking care to start a playful communication with someone in a comfortable environment, where it will be quiet, calm and not crowded. “It is advisable to choose a situation in which you will feel as confident as possible in your environment. For example, if you have been seriously engaged in bodybuilding for a long time, you can start talking with the man you like in the gym, if you are a “dog lover”, then in the park, if you dance well, then go to a dance evening, etc. , ”the specialist notes .
"Neutralize" the inner critic
According to the expert, many introverts are prone to self-criticism, which prevents them from behaving naturally and naturally. “Closed people are often very picky about themselves - they study their behavior, notice “shortcomings”, then reproach themselves for them, get upset, feel guilty ... This behavior gives them the illusion that they control their behavior and “improve”. In fact, self-blame makes us internally tense and fixated on ourselves, and this is not at all sexual and only interferes with communication, ”explains the expert. The psychologist recommends learning the technique of “neutralizing” the inner critic: “Isolate those negative thoughts that usually torment you. Every time they arise in your head, try to be aware of them, “catch”, and then, as it were, distance yourself from yourself, saying: “My thoughts are not me, they are just thoughts that my brain throws up to me. ” After that, focus on what's really important, like hanging out with a nice guy." This practice will help you take control of your "critic" by freeing up energy for flirting. For example, instead of worrying about “how stupid I look right now,” you can discuss plans for the weekend with the object of passion.
Turn on self-irony
If you can't make fun of others gently or flirt, then try to charm the object of passion with subtle self-irony. “As a rule, many introverts can boast of an excellent ability to be ironic about their shortcomings or features, and this quality is always very captivating to the interlocutor. In addition, it puts you in a safe position, making you less vulnerable: since you boldly notice your shortcomings, it is impossible to prick you with them, ”says Alisa Galats.
Look for common ground
According to the expert, another way to interest the interlocutor is to find your common interests. “Ask more open questions, share your opinion - this way you will quickly discover what will be of interest to both of you,” the expert says.
Listen and notice
“Unlike extroverts, introverts are able to be extremely attentive to the interlocutor and really hear what he says. Use this skill, because sometimes they can be seduced much more than greasy jokes and a deep cleavage, ”the psychologist believes.
13 habits that almost every introvert has
Most extroverts will say that all introverts are a little weird. But even people who are introverts will agree that they have some strange habits.
These are just some of the strange habits that most of these individuals have. Do you have such strange things? What type would you classify yourself as? Perhaps the information below will help you learn more about yourself, understand how you look in the eyes of others.
They will check every corner before they go out and close the door behind them
The last thing an introvert wants is to talk to a stranger or neighbor! Therefore, they include the so-called military mode when it comes to leaving the house. Such individuals look out the window through the curtains, through the peephole or under the door before leaving the house.
They pretend to be asleep at parties.
Instead of talking to strangers, an introvert will pretend to be asleep at a party or social event. They would rather look rude than talk to people they barely know.
Such people never answer their phone
Another point of strange habits is that almost all introverts put their phones on answering machine, although they sit next to the device, hear and see who is calling. They prefer to listen to a voice message rather than talking to a real person.
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They get excited when plans change
For most people, the normal reaction to canceled plans is to feel disappointed, but this is not about introverts. They will only be delighted with such changes and will begin to plan their weekends in their own way. They are happy to spend a day reading a book or an evening alone.
Hates small talk but loves deep and meaningful conversations
Nothing is worse for an introvert than making small talk with people they don't know. However, if such people will communicate with someone with whom they are really close, when they can calmly delve into the conversation, then they will simply enjoy communication.
Pretend not to notice people when they come face to face
This strange habit is associated with avoiding any banal conversation. An introvert would rather hide behind a supermarket shelf than run into someone so they don't have to participate in a conversation.
They try not to tell anyone anything about themselves, and if they open up, then only a few
Introverts tend to have a few close friends who know absolutely everything about them. All other people who are familiar with an introvert will only have superficial information about him, they will not know anything about his personal life or dramas.
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Wear headphones in public to avoid talking to people
As a rule, when you meet people on the street with headphones, you assume that they are listening to music. Well, that's not always the case. Some people, for example, like our introverts, use them as a defense to protect themselves from unnecessary and unnecessary conversations.
They "reboot" when alone
Introverts find social interaction draining, so they have to spend a lot of time alone to recharge their batteries and refresh their energy levels, so to speak. Spending a lot of time communicating with other people is actually very tiring for them, makes them sick. So don't expect such individuals to be too outgoing, they just can't do it.
They can't and won't flirt
Introverts find flirting and all that calf tenderness a funny and humiliating activity, and in fact they don't know how to properly court. All these romantic meetings force people to look into each other's eyes, communicate, flirt. Not everyone can do this, and for an introvert it is too scary.
Prefer SMS over phone calls
Even unexpected text in SMS can alert any introvert, but believe me, it's much better than a phone call. The latter require quick attention and action, while SMS can be answered within a few hours or not at all.
Not afraid to show friends to the door when they get tired of talking to them
Friends of an introvert usually know when it's best for them to leave. But that doesn't stop the introvert from telling them that it's time to stop talking when they need to be alone.