What is the difference of introvert and extrovert
Extrovert vs. Introvert: How They’re Different
Extroversion and introversion live on two opposite ends of a spectrum. How you get and put out energy helps determine where you fall. But you can be anywhere on this spectrum, not necessarily at one end or the other.
There are a lot of myths surrounding the concept of introverts versus extroverts — one of the main ones is that it’s an “either-or” situation.
You’re either an extrovert or an introvert. End of story. The other huge myth? Introverts are shy, and extroverts are outgoing. But the reality is a bit more complicated.
Megan MacCutcheon, LPC, further explains that “people sometimes assume introverts always have social anxiety or dislike being around others while extroverts are always loud, aggressive, and boisterous.”
Here’s a more realistic look at the extrovert-introvert spectrum and why one end isn’t any better or worse than the other.
The extrovert-introvert spectrum is just one of the “Big Five” traits that researchers use to study personality. The five traits are:
- extroversion
- openness to experience
- conscientiousness
- agreeableness
- neuroticism
You can be high or low on a particular trait, or fall somewhere in the middle. But your “level” of a trait — for example, how extroverted you are — is thought to be stable across different situations and times in your life.
Let’s focus in on the extroversion trait. In our day-to-day lives, we tend to call people high in extroversion “extroverts,” and those low in extroversion are the opposite, “introverts.”
People who tend to fall near the extrovert end of things draw their energy from the outside world: the people, places, and things around them.
You enjoy working in a group
Extroverted people tend to feel most comfortable when working with other people, whether the task is a work project, party planning with friends, or a school assignment.
You might organize the group, keep it running smoothly, or even jump in as the leader.
No matter how you participate, you most likely feel energized to do your best work when that work involves active collaboration with other people.
You’re always ready to try something new
Are you confident and outgoing? Not afraid of taking a chance on something you’ve never done before, even if it’s a little risky? Maybe you find it easy to change plans or adapt to a new situation.
If so, you probably have a more extroverted personality.
Extroverts tend to take action rather than ponder. Once you decide to do something, you usually just go for it without worrying too much about what might happen.
You may not spend a lot of time considering all potential outcomes, and people might even describe you as impulsive.
On the bright side, some studies suggest that people who are more extroverted are also more innovative.
Talking through a problem often helps you solve it
Extroverted people often find it easier to understand and solve problems when they can talk through them, restate them in their own words, or seek input from other people.
What’s your go-to approach when faced with a challenge or difficult problem?
Say you’re dealing with a homework assignment, sticky situation with a friend, or tough task at work. Do you talk about it to as many people as you can to get different perspectives? Sort through your thoughts out loud?
If so, you’re likely more of an extrovert.
You find it easy to express yourself
Extroverted people usually have little to no trouble expressing thoughts, feelings, and opinions. These can range from minor preferences, such as the foods you dislike, to deeper emotions, including romantic feelings.
While some people might think of you as blunt, the ability to clearly communicate how you feel without hesitating or worrying what others might think can often be a positive trait.
Spending time alone can drain you
Extroverted people recharge best in the company of other people. You might move from one social setting to another, like to have people around you most of the time, and avoid spending time by yourself whenever possible.
“If spending time with other people energizes you after a long, stressful day, you’re likely more extroverted,” MacCutcheon explains.
Feeling tired, cranky, or out-of-sorts after too much time on your own also suggests you’re an extrovert.
You find the good in everything
Optimism is one key way extroversion often shows up.
Keep in mind that being optimistic doesn’t have to mean you’re relentlessly cheerful and never sad. If something bad happens, it still affects you, and you probably still have days where you feel down — just like most people.
But you may have an easier time finding silver linings in a negative situation. You’re also more likely to focus on those and bounce back more readily when something bad happens instead of feeling drained and overwhelmed.
You make friends easily
Extroverted people are generally known to be very sociable.
If you fall on this end of the spectrum, you might:
- have a large circle of friends
- enjoy meeting new people
- find it easy to have heart to heart conversations with strangers or people you don’t know very well
Some studies link higher extroversion with longer life, but it’s impossible to know whether being extroverted is really the cause. However, one theory is that extroverts’ strong social networks may support better health.
Some people might view your expansive social circle as a sign that you aren’t that close to anyone in particular, but this isn’t necessarily the case. You likely have a few best friends or people you feel extra connected to.
Folks on the introverted end of the spectrum sometimes get a bad rap.
It’s often said that they’re:
- shy or socially awkward
- lack strong interpersonal skills
- don’t make good leaders
But these characteristics don’t really have anything to do with introversion, which simply means your energy comes from within — instead of from people and things around you.
You consider things carefully
When faced with a new opportunity, or any big decision, you probably spend a good amount of time thinking it over before you make any plans to proceed.
Research may back this up. A 2020 study found that a person’s level of extroversion may be associated with the strategies they use to make decisions. In addition, people who were more extroverted scored lower in rational decision-making.
This means that extroverts may use less rational methods to make decisions than more-reflective introverts do.
People with a more action-oriented approach may not always understand why you devote so much time to reflection, but this tendency to look before you leap may help you feel confident you’re making the right choice for yourself.
You prefer to avoid conflict
Generally speaking, introverted people are less likely to strike up conversations with people they don’t know well, or even with people they do know well.
This can relate to a preference for internal dialogue and reflection. But a dislike of conflict can also play a part.
Research suggests introverts often have a higher sensitivity to negative feedback. If you’re worried someone might criticize you or view you in a bad light, you won’t have much interest to put yourself in any situation that leads to that outcome.
If you do join a debate or discussion, you might be more likely to share your ideas in written form, anonymously, or both. Responding in writing gives you the chance to think over what you want to say first, which is probably what feels most comfortable to you.
You’re good at visualizing and creating
People on the more introverted end of the spectrum often spend a lot of time in their heads. Your friends and loved ones might say you’re always off in your own world, or something along those lines.
But that world is where you do your best work. You might think through challenges or use your imagination to brainstorm new ideas.
Sharing those thoughts and feelings out loud may not come easily to you, but it might seem completely natural to write, illustrate, or set them to music.
You’re a natural listener
If you’re introverted, socializing can drain your natural energy reserves, so you prefer to listen and absorb what’s happening around you.
When at work, among friends, or in other social settings, you usually settle comfortably into the background.
The myth that introverts are shy or socially anxious stems from this natural tendency to quietly observe.
Sure, you might avoid small talk, prefer to let the noise of the crowd wash over you, or feel better when you can tune everyone out with headphones. But you also listen and weigh ideas carefully, and when asked for your opinion, you often have quality ideas to contribute.
And the whole thing about introverts not being leaders? There’s a lot of value in a carefully considered perspective, especially one that includes not only your thoughts but those of your coworkers and peers.
You need plenty of time for yourself
Needing to recharge your batteries after a long day by enjoying some quiet downtime alone tends to suggest an introverted nature, according to MacCutcheon.
This doesn’t mean you always avoid people, but you probably don’t have a large social network. Instead, you most likely share your available social energy with a handful of close friends.
Even if you don’t make friends easily and see no need to widen your circle, you highly value the people you do feel comfortable with.
“But wait,” you’re thinking, “neither one sounds like me!”
Maybe a combination of traits from the two lists best fit your personality. For example, you might take a little time to think over a decision that involves some risk, but then you take action decisively without looking back.
Well, there’s a word for that.
Ambiversion describes a personality style that lies somewhere in between introversion and extroversion. If you’re an ambivert, you’re closer to the middle of the spectrum, so you might feel more introverted at times and extroverted at others.
If the signs below ring true for you and you’ve never fully identified with introversion or extroversion, you just might be an ambivert.
You do well in social settings
and aloneIntroverted people usually feel exhausted and worn out after a lot of socializing. On the other hand, when extroverted people spend a lot of time alone, they often notice a drop in mood and energy levels.
As an ambivert, you might not feel too drained by either situation. Maybe you enjoy spending time on your own and around other people in fairly equal amounts.
You might notice small changes in your mood if you’ve been doing more of one than the other, but it may not deplete your energy as much as it would if you were closer to one end of the spectrum.
Active listening comes naturally to you
A key communication skill, active listening goes beyond simply listening.
When you actively listen, you’re engaged in the conversation. You consider what’s being said and offer thoughtful responses.
In conversations, you’re more likely to listen carefully and respond, often helpfully, instead of quietly absorbing the conversation or immediately jumping in with your take on things.
You’re flexible when it comes to problem solving
Ambiverts may not feel too committed to any one approach to figuring things out. You might be comfortable talking over some types of problems, while you might like to take notes or doodle when solving others.
This can be really helpful since trying a new method can sometimes offer a new viewpoint you hadn’t considered.
You’re more decisive than impulsive
Introverts tend to think things over carefully, while extroverts may show more of an inclination to take chances without spending too much time pondering possible outcomes.
As an ambivert, you might be willing to take chances after giving them some brief thought. Once you make up your mind to do something, you generally don’t devote too much time to reconsidering.
You do spend some time considering choices before you make them but generally make a decision fairly quickly. And while you might get some background information about what you want to do, like moving to a new area, you don’t feel the need to do exhaustive research to support your decision.
Drawing others out is a natural talent
Ambiverts often have a knack for keeping group dynamics running smoothly.
In a group of people, you’re comfortable speaking when needed, but you’re also ready to give others a chance to say their piece. If a conversation falters, you might add a quick comment or ask a thoughtful question that gets people talking again.
This can also help you balance out friend groups or other social situations. You likely find it easier to understand how both introverts and extroverts might feel in the same setting. As a result, you might have a good instinct for the best ways to engage someone of any personality type.
You adapt easily to new situations
Even if you don’t always need to have people around, you might feel fairly comfortable engaging with others on short notice.
Maybe you don’t feel too bothered by putting down your book to talk with the person next to you on a plane, switching from a night out to a night in (or vice versa), or giving an impromptu speech at a meeting.
This may not have been your first choice, but you’re generally able to work with what’s happening around you.
Your personality can help you make important life choices: the kind of work you do, the environment you want to live in, even the type of person you want to date.
Like other aspects of personality, your position on the introversion-extroversion scale is an innate part of who you are. Your unique combination of genes contributes to your personality, and your genes aren’t something you can change.
Research suggests there are some key differences between brains of introverted and extroverted people, including differences in:
- learning and motor control
- language acquisition
- language use
Extroverted people may also have higher levels of dopamine in their brains. Experiencing more of a dopamine release when trying new things, making new friends, or simply engaging with surroundings can link these activities to increased positive feelings, strengthening these extroverted traits.
It takes all kinds
Some people see extroverts as more successful and consider this an ideal personality. Others may think of ambiversion as “the best of both worlds.”
If you’ve ever wished you could change your personality style, here are a few things to keep in mind:
- No personality style is right, wrong, or better than any other style.
- Introversion and extroversion simply indicate preferences for getting and expending energy, but there’s room for variance.
- People generally aren’t exclusively an introvert or an extrovert. Understanding your nature can help you learn more about how you see and deal with the world.
“If you feel compelled to change your introverted/extroverted/ambiverted nature,” MacCutcheon says, “ask yourself why you want to change.”
Do you feel like there’s something lacking in your life? Or something you wish you were better at?
Instead of trying to change your personality, try to put that energy toward learning and developing new skills that will help you meet those goals.
You may not be able to change your nature, but you can play to your strengths and work at developing new skills.
Your personality is uniquely yours — whether you tend toward extroversion, introversion, or ambiversion. There’s nothing wrong with any one of these styles. They’re just ways to describe how you get your energy and relate to the world.
It can help to know where you fall on the spectrum, since knowing more about your personality style can teach you more about your decision-making process, your emotional needs, and your ideal self-care toolkit. But don’t let this knowledge hold you back.
“In reality,” MacCutcheon concludes, “we all utilize both sides of the spectrum in various circumstances. In order to be most successful in the world, it’s important to develop skills to exercise both ends.”
Difference Between Introvert and Extrovert (with Comparison Chart)
Based on characteristics, there are two types of personality, i.e. introvert and extrovert. When a person is reserved and does not open up easily, he or she is said to be an introvert. On the contrary, when a person is social, talkative and makes friends quickly, then his personality type is extrovert.
“We all are same, but different” is an old saying, which means we all have same human nature, body, mind, thoughts, feelings, yet every individual is unique in its own way. Therefore, it is said that ‘No two people are alike,’ as our way of thinking, feeling and acting is different from other people, which represents our personality. The article excerpt presents you all the differences between introvert and extrovert in detail.
Content: Introvert Vs Extrovert
- Comparison Chart
- Definition
- Key Differences
- Conclusion
Comparison Chart
Basis for Comparison | Introvert | Extrovert |
Meaning | An introvert is a person who remains isolated, or enjoys the company of few closed ones. | An extrovert is an outgoing and outspoken person who enjoys being around and talking to people.![]() |
Nature | Self-contained | Gregarious |
Speaking | They think before speaking. | They reason things out by speaking them. |
Energy | Recharges with solitude | Recharges with social interactions |
Time | Spends more time with themselves | Spends more time with family and friends |
Focus | Inward focused | Outward focused |
Friends | Few | Many |
Change | Do not accept change easily. | Accept change easily. |
Communication | Openly communicate about themselves with people they know and trust. | Openly communicate about themselves with anyone. |
Concentration | Deeply concentrate for long period. | Get distracted easily. |
Definition of Introvert
A personality trait, wherein a person, is interested in his own mental self, is called an introvert. Introverts are reserved by nature, as they are preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings. So, they need a lot of personal space. Further, these people feel comfortable and more energized when they are alone. So, they prefer solitary activities to social interaction which includes reading, writing, listening music, and so on. They have their own world of facts, feelings, fantasies, etc.
Many believe that introverts are shy and anti-social, rather they have social fear, and they are active listeners. They do not make friends easily and have few friends, but their friendship is deep rooted.
Definition of Extrovert
Extrovert refers to a type of human behavior in which a person loves to be surrounded by and interact with people. They are socially confident and outspoken. The very identity of an extrovert is that they enjoy human interaction.
Extroverts, focuses on practical realities rather than inner feelings and opinions, so they get bored in solitude. Hence, they tend to be more social, practical, informal and enthusiastic. Further, their communication skills are excellent. Individuals who possess this type of personality enjoys social gatherings and like to become the center of attraction. They are same in public and private.
Key Differences Between Introvert and Extrovert
The difference between introvert and extrovert can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:
- A person who remains isolated, or enjoys the company of few closed ones and keeps himself busy in thinking, is called an introvert. An outgoing and outspoken person who enjoys being around and talking to people is an extrovert.
- By nature, introverts are self-contained and reserved, whereas extroverts are friendly, talkative and gregarious.
- When it comes to speaking, introverts listen more than they speak and in fact they think twice or thrice before speaking. On the other hand, extroverts are completely different, they speak their minds out, infact they try to find out the reason of something by speaking them.
- The energy of introverts recharges with soltitude whereas extrovert’s energy recharges with social interactions.
- If we talk about spending time, introverts get rejuvenated when they spend time with themselves and so they avoid social interaction. As against this, extroverts like to spend time with family, friends, etc. and love getting social.
- Introverts seem to be quiet but their minds are loud as well as active. On the contrary, extroverts are outside thinkers, as they can handle any situation by verbally communicating with others.
- Introverts open up to a very few people and hence they prefer two or three close friends. In contrast, extroverts are socially active people whose friend list is very long, as they make friends wherever they go.
- Introverts hate change, as they cannot easily adapt themselves to new situations. As opposed this, extroverts accept the change easily.
- Extroverts are one who can talk with other about themselves, freely.
Conversely, introverts openly communicate about themselves with people they know and trust.
- One of the major quality of introverts is, they can deeply concentrate on anything, while extroverts are easily distracted as they cannot concentrate on anything for a long time.
Finally, you will now be able to identify the difference between these two personality types as they are just opposite. While introvert avoids social gatherings and love being alone, extroverts feel pleasure in taking part in social activities, and easily prone to boredom when isolated. Further, the introverts are silent and listen more but extrovert speaks more and enjoys being in the limelight.
what personality types are and how they differ, who are ambiverts
Many people think that an introvert and an extrovert are just two sides of the same coin. Will you stay at home on Friday night or meet up with friends? Will you be the center of attention or away from the spotlights? In fact, a person is not white or black, there are no pure types in psychology, experts assure. There are people, for example, very tall or short, but most strive for average values. So it is with extroversion. This is just one of the five main personality traits (openness to new things, conscientiousness, pleasantness, neuroticism), so it cannot completely determine our behavior. Let's take a closer look at what introvert and extrovert mean. nine0003
Vita Zorina
Psychology of communication
The famous psychiatrist Carl Jung at the beginning of the 20th century identified types of people - extroverts and introverts. In psychology, this distinction became convenient and popular, and over time began to be used to define a person in ordinary life. Knowing who you belong to, it is easier to understand yourself and choose a circle of friends. Sometimes it seems to us that the world is ruled and dominated by extroverts. Although in reality, they can simply make themselves louder, making more noise. But is the gap really that deep between an introvert and an extrovert? Do the former really need help and support in order to develop their own talents and not remain on the margins? nine0003
Everything is not as categorical as it seems at first glance. Yes, open and closed people exist. But there are many examples when an extrovert and an introvert behave in unexpected ways, because each person throughout life demonstrates flexibility and opens up from different angles. And in these categories there is a place for the golden mean. We will talk about it and the main opposites from the point of view of psychology below.
What does introverted personality type mean? The tendency to introversion is manifested if you like to spend time alone with yourself, your thoughts and ideas.

- love of being alone;
- unwillingness to be the center of attention;
- one-on-one preference;
- first think, then do;
- recovery alone;
- work in a quiet independent environment;
- secrecy.
There is a big difference between introversion and shyness. Shy people are often also afraid of what others will think of them, while introverts do not have negative emotions and such fears. nine0003
Just because introverts don't like big groups doesn't mean they can't make friends and relationships. In this sense, they are almost no different from extroverts. In addition, they can make great careers simply by sticking to roles that are likely to be lonely: accounting, engineering, writing, driving trucks, etc.
The main difference between an introvert and an extrovert is the desire to focus more often on their own feelings and thoughts . They are characterized by a greater concentration than representatives of the opposite camp. It is unfair to call them socially isolated, selfish or unhappy people. nine0003
Introverts also desire to communicate, show feelings, and care for others. But the difference is that an introvert will do all this with more restraint, "impartiality" than an extrovert. So the talk that people who are less generous with emotions love order too much, are sensitive to negativity, or are “on their own minds” are also groundless. These are already other characteristics, from the category of neuroticism.
How an extroverted personality type manifests itself
It is difficult to blame anyone for being passive or loving solitude, but this is an extrovert. He just needs to draw strength from external sources. To shine and find grateful listeners in the society is about them. Hence the significant differences: an extrovert knows how to present himself, and an introvert, no matter how smart and educated, is not always capable of this. nine0003
Such people direct their energy outwards - to other people and the realization of their ideas. We have looked at personality types in which an introvert manifests itself, and you can compare the main traits with an extrovert.
- many acquaintances and friends;
- love of attention;
- fast decision making;
- getting energy from being among people;
- enthusiasm and positive attitude;
- work in a team or group.
Extroverts tend to get more support from other people when they find themselves in difficult situations. And in general, there is a stereotype that society loves extroverts more, so they more often become leaders and choose sales, marketing, PR and other areas where communication with people is important. nine0003
It is important to remember that this is only one of the characteristics. And there is a big difference between a pleasant introvert and a rude extrovert.
By the way, people often talk about introverts as being too sensitive, unlike extroverts. The latter, they say, go through life easier and are not led to mental troubles. American psychologist and researcher Elaine Eyron has carefully studied the issue of sensitivity and came to curious conclusions. In particular, the writer noticed that Jung singled out in extroverts a love of risk, the ability to enter into a conversation without a shadow of a doubt and speak their mind. In his opinion, introverts are completely incapable of these feats. nine0003
And Elaine Ayron believes that about a third of highly sensitive people can be called extroverts. She singled out the concept of "social extrovert", which differs from Jung's introvert in that the former easily make acquaintances and feel confident in crowded places. Otherwise, they are even similar.
The definition of introvert and extrovert can help leaders and managers when working with employees. In particular, when issuing orders. It will be more difficult for an extrovert to cope with a task that requires perseverance and attention to detail. And it is desirable to encourage the initiative of introverts, not allowing extroverts to become "irritants" in the team. nine0003
Despite the fact that the extrovert and introvert have significant differences, they are able to get along in the same unit of society. You probably noticed in the company a ringleader and a “quiet woman”, in a pair a more impulsive spouse and her “obedient” husband, and so on. They find compromises and interact with the whole world, and not just representatives of their "clan".
An introvert and an extrovert at the same time: an ambivert type
As soon as a friend refrains from a verbose conversation or wants to read a book alone on the weekend, you involuntarily begin to write him down as an introvert. Labels are always easier to attach. So there is a feeling that the person was able to “bite through”, which means it will be easier to build an appropriate relationship with him. But you should know that there are not only extrovert and introvert, but also other concepts. nine0003
Introverts and extroverts view pleasure differently. Their source for this is different. For one, this is a quiet rest, and for the other, being in the center of attention. But if after a noisy party there comes a desire to sit alone, this is the golden mean. The ambivert is the bridge between the introvert and the extrovert, containing the qualities of both. Psychologists believe that it is mixed personality types that prevail. Barry Smith, professor emeritus and director of the Laboratory of Human Psychophysiology at the University of Maryland, claims that ambiverts make up 68% of the total population. nine0003
Thanks to this view, we understand that not everything is so simple in the psychological portraits of people. Ambiver is the middle between the introvert and extrovert, it has its features:
- Flexibility in communication
- The ability to value charms of loneliness
- The desire to go out (dosed)
- ability to adapt to situation
- A good listener and an speaker
They took the best from two fronts, combining the character of an introvert and an extrovert. According to psychologists, ambiverts become worthy managers because they show leadership qualities and remain reasonable, able to stop and delve into issues. They are equally comfortable shining in society and secluded from prying eyes. nine0003
Indiana State University Shyness Research Institute Director Bernardo Carducci believes that the prevalence of introversion and extraversion is strongly influenced by genetics. The cross between an extrovert and an introvert - ambiversion - is also a hereditary tendency, not an acquired one.
How to know if you are an introvert, extrovert or ambivert
Most people are in the middle of the extroversion scale. This means that an introvert and an extrovert in their absolute form are extremely rare. And this is very good. Everyone has their own temperament, which reveals our emotionality to one degree or another, reflects actions. But this is only one of the puzzles of the multifaceted nature of man. nine0003
Extroverts and introverts, whose characteristics should not be reduced to the peremptory "open soul" and "lone wolf", can actually make friends. To do this, it is enough to mark the boundaries and build a dialogue.
There are many tests to determine your type, but they are of little importance and should not determine your life as the ultimate truth. Experts believe that one cannot forcibly change one's personality by stepping on one's own throat. But with a signal to leave the comfort zone, everyone can show and develop the necessary qualities. Therefore, the difference between an introvert and an extrovert is the same as between all people - there is a common thing, but individuality always comes first. nine0003
We briefly reviewed the concepts of extrovert and introvert, but it's like a horoscope - a conditional division, common points, but you can't treat everyone with the same brush. It doesn't matter if there are two people nearby or a hundred. It is much more important to cultivate positive personal qualities in oneself!
Extroverts, introverts, ambiverts: who they are and how to work with them
The company's team consists of a large number of people with different characters. In order for an HR specialist to effectively interact with employees, understand their motivation, know which work is comfortable for them and which is not, you need to be able to determine the personality type of specialists. There are three types of personality types: extroverts, introverts and ambiverts. nine0003
In our new article, you will learn what these types of people are and how to interact with them for productive work.
Extrovert: Distinctive Characteristics and Secrets of Interaction
Extroverts are the "lighters" of the company that are open to the world and directed towards people. They are very sociable and easily get along with people. As a rule, extroverts quickly get used to the new team and can carry on any conversations.
Extroverts are filled with energy if there are a lot of people around them. The book Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience states that there are two types of extroverts:
- Active. Their key characteristics are assertiveness, success leadership, perseverance. Active extroverts like to be the center of attention and very often occupy leadership positions.
- Affiliative. Friendly, open and sincere guys. They easily find contact with new people and value their loved ones very much, because relationships mean a lot to them.
The main features of extroverts:
- love to be the center of attention;
- do not like routine and monotony, they prefer variety;
- know a lot of people and easily make contact with strangers;
- they are driven by interesting work tasks, they are happy to take on a variety of complex tasks, but only if they are interested;
- first they speak, then they think;
- prefer to talk and talk about themselves than to listen to the interlocutor and try to understand his problem. nine0028
How to work with extroverts and set them tasks: 4 tips from the Hurma team
1. When setting tasks, it is very important to give them time and the opportunity to reason and ask interesting questions. Ask the extrovert for feedback on the task, let him tell you how he understood it, say deadlines and expected results.
2. Extrovert employees should be assigned to projects where they can learn something new for themselves. In addition, it is important to create a “competitive” environment for them, since it is these conditions that motivate them the most. nine0003
3. Give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight, be a mentor to someone, lead a discussion in which they can take the initiative and take action.
4. As a rule, extroverts have adequate self-esteem and are self-confident. But despite this, it is important to praise them and celebrate their achievements.
Introvert: distinctive characteristics and secrets of interaction
An introvert is the exact opposite of an extrovert. Such people focus more on their inner world than on the outside. Introverts are not very sociable, but at the same time, very pleasant interlocutors, if you talk with them on topics that interest them. In addition, if you find an approach to them and make friends, you can learn a lot of interesting things, since these are people with a rich inner world. nine0003
They place the main emphasis on their own knowledge and experience, and not on the views of other people. An introvert likes to read, plan things, work more productively in a calm environment. You can recognize an introvert by the expressions: “I need to think,” “I need to analyze,” etc.
How to work with introverts and set them tasks: advice from the Hurma team
1. Introverts think a lot and that is why they cannot always answer the question quickly. Give them time to think things over, formulate an answer, study more information. If introverts do not know something, they study the issue, delving into the details. nine0003
2. Be prepared to answer a large number of questions, because it is important for introverts to understand the manager's analytics, why the task needs to be done in this way, on what grounds this or that decision was made.
3. Introverts have one feature similar to extroverts - they also need praise and recognition of their merits. And in principle, praise is important to everyone, do not spare praise, well, really 🙂
4. When working with an introvert and setting a task, accurately calculate the time frame, explain step by step how and what needs to be done. nine0003
5. These are not the kind of people who need to be constantly monitored. If you want to work with an introvert, give him more freedom of action.
6. If you do not have time to communicate with them personally, use e-mail or corporate messengers.
Ambivert: distinctive characteristics and secrets of interaction
Ambivert is the golden mean between a calm introvert and a hyperactive extrovert. Depending on the specific situation, they can behave both as introverts and as extroverts. If they are uncomfortable, they immerse themselves in themselves; if they like the surrounding conditions, ambiverts actively communicate with everyone. nine0003
These people value both social interaction and solitude, when they can be alone and think. Barry Smith, director of the Human Psychophysiology Laboratory at the University of Maryland, claims that 68% of people are ambiverts.
The main signs of ambiverts:
- quickly join a new team and do not experience discomfort while communicating with strangers;
- have empathy, understand and listen to the emotions of other people; nine0028
- they have a wider social circle than introverts;
- they establish deeper contact with people, unlike extroverts.
How to work with ambiverts and set them tasks: tips from the Hurma team
1. Ambiverts can work with both routine and interesting tasks. Therefore, if there is monotonous work in the list of tasks, they will do it.
2. If you have difficult tasks, you can entrust their implementation to ambiverts. They are easy-going and not afraid to take risks.