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31 Awesome Jobs You Can Do With a Psychology Degree
Careers in Psychology
If you are wondering what careers are possible with a psychology degree, the short answer is that there are many. One of the benefits of having a psychology degree is that it prepares you for many different types of careers in many different fields of work. That’s due in part to the wide variety of knowledge and skills that one acquires while studying psychology.
It’s also due to the fact that so many different jobs depend on an understanding of human behavior on some level. Whether it’s working as a counseling psychologist, a forensic psychologist, a college professor, or something in between, a degree in psychology is a good way to prepare for many different fields of work.
Below is a list of 31 psychology careers you might pursue with a background in psychology.
Aviation Psychologist
Aviation psychologists combine their studies of human behavior and aviation to provide services to airports, airlines, and government agencies that make flying safer. This might include working for an airline to conduct behavioral assessments on pilots or devising stress tests for government agencies like the FAA, or aiding in the design of airports to facilitate improved travel.
According to a August 2022 report by PayScale, psychologists earn an average of $83,057 per year.
Behavioral Disorder and Mental Health Counselor
With a master’s degree in psychology, one can pursue a career as a behavioral disorder and mental health counselor. Counselors in this field treat people that have any number of mental health difficulties, from eating disorders and behavioral disorders (i.e., attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) to mood disorders (i.e., depression) and personality disorders (i.e., schizoaffective disorder).
Though the needs of each client might vary widely, behavioral disorder and mental health counselors approach treatment by evaluating their client’s needs, developing goals for treatment, and helping clients develop the skills they need to function better, among other things.
As of May 2021, workers in this field earn an average yearly wage of $83,486.
Career Counselor
Career Counselors are professionals who are trained to assist people identify an area of the workforce or particular job that will be fulfilling to them based on their interests, goals, and abilities. Career Counselors work with individuals who are at a variety of life stages. They may be ready to enter a higher education program, seeking to change careers at midlife, or planning for a future job change to meet new goals.
The median salary for career counselors, as of May 2021, is $60,510 per year.
Case Manager
A career as a case manager can begin with as little as a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Workers in this field act as liaisons that coordinate services for people that cannot do so themselves, like children or the elderly. For example, a case manager might help an elderly client fill out paperwork for Medicaid and find financial assistance to pay for rent.
As of May 2021, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that the median annual salary for case managers was $74,00.
Child Life Specialist
The primary role of a child life specialist is to prepare children and their families for major medical events like chronic illness or hospitalization. For example, they might teach pediatric patients coping strategies that help them deal with the stress of being severely ill. Child life specialists typically work in a hospital setting as a member of a larger medical team.
In general, child life specialists make between $44,000 and $68,000 per year, with the median falling at about $56,000, reported as of early 2022.
Child Protection Specialist
An entry-level position for people with a bachelor’s degree in psychology is a child protection specialist. These workers investigate reports of child neglect or abuse, usually on behalf of a state agency like Child Protective Services. In this role, child protection specialists interview families, assess the level of danger for the child, help families build skills to break the cycle of neglect, and work with law enforcement to remove children from abusive homes.
As of May 2022, PayScale reported that workers in this field earn an average of $53,842 per year.
Community Service Manager
A common line of work for individuals with a background in psychology is as a community service manager. In this position, workers coordinate with different stakeholders to improve the well being of different community members. For example, if homelessness is identified as a problem, a community service manager might spearhead the development of a program that helps homeless people find work or mental health care.
As of May 2021, the median yearly wage for this career was $74,000.
Correctional Treatment Specialist
A correctional treatment specialist is responsible for evaluating people on probation or parole, with the specific goal of developing a rehabilitation plan aimed and helping the probationer or parolee to avoid further run-ins with the law. For example, they would play an important part in developing job training programs in prisons so individuals have skills that will help them gain employment upon their release.
According to a 2021 report by the Bureau of Labor statistics, correctional treatment specialists earn $60,250 per year, on average.
Counseling Psychologist
Counseling psychologists typically work in private practice or in an institutional setting where they provide counseling services to clients with mental health needs. This often takes the form of individual therapy to treat a host of mental disorders, from anxiety and depression to post-traumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder.
Through the counseling process, psychologists help their clients recognize the issues that are impacting their ability to function, identify strengths they can rely on to improve their life situation, and develop resources to cope with the difficulties that arise from having a mental health issue.
ZipRecruiter notes that counseling psychologists, as of May 2022, make on average $89,728 per year.
Developmental Psychologist
Typically, developmental psychologists are employed in the research sector, where they evaluate the processes involved in human development across the lifespan. In addition to exploring how things like behavior and personality develop in the childhood and adolescent years, psychologists that work in this field also examine topics related to adulthood like the development of relationships, aging, and death.
Some developmental psychologists work in a clinical capacity as well. For example, they might provide counseling services to developmentally disabled children or consult with other professionals to develop programs that help older adults stave off mental decline.
According to PayScale, as of April 2022, developmental psychologists make an average of $67,985 per year.
Educational Counselor
An educational counselor is a highly trained psychological professional who provides a number of services to children, teachers and parents in a school setting to help students achieve academic and social success usually in an academic setting. An educational counselor spends most of their time providing direct services to the student.
While these services can vary quite a bit depending on the setting and a student’s needs, generally an educational counselor will provide services along three continuums: academic, social/developmental and career.
The median salary for educational counselors, as of May 2021, is $63,090 per year.
Family Therapist
A family therapist is a trained and credentialed psychotherapist with a masters or doctoral degree, plus a minimum of two years’ of clinically supervised experience. They are licensed to diagnose and treat mental health and substance abuse problems. Studies have shown that family therapists are often very helpful in the treatment of depression.
One of the core perspectives of a family therapist is based upon systems theory: no one individual operates in isolation; family members are interdependent and one person’s actions and behaviors influence those of another person within the family system.
Therefore, if one person changes, this change affects the other people within the system and the dynamics of their inter-personal relationships change accordingly. “Family” is defined as those people with whom a client has strong connections and feels supported by; they are not necessarily bound together by blood. A family therapist will treat individuals, couples or families.
According to ZipRecruiter, as of May 2022, the average salary for marriage and family therapist is $74,392 per year.
Forensic Psychologist
Typically, forensic psychologists have a master’s degree or doctorate in psychology with a specialization in forensics. This training allows workers in this field to assess individuals that are part of the legal system. This typically involves tasks like evaluating defendants to determine fitness for trial, consulting with law enforcement agencies on the potential characteristics and motivations of a criminal that’s being pursued.
Forensic psychologists also serve as an expert witness in court proceedings in which their testimony paints a picture of the defendant’s mental state or capacity.
According to ZipRecruiter, as of May 2022, forensic psychologists earn a median yearly wage of $147,585.
Grief Counselor
Grief counselors specialize in counseling people that have experienced a loss, be that a spouse, a child, or another loved one. Typically, grief counseling is done in a one-on-one setting, though group therapy is common as well. The purpose of grief counseling is to help the bereaved work through their pain and emotions and return to normalcy.
According to PayScale, as of April 2022, the median annual wages for a grief counselor stood at $46,956.
Guidance Counselor
A guidance counselor usually works in a high school to provide testing and support services for students to prepare for their post-secondary lives. For example, a guidance counselor might help a college-bound student to determine which college to apply to or help students that wish to join the military to fill out the proper paperwork or arrange a meeting with a local recruiter.
Guidance counselors earned an average of $63,090 per year as of May 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Health Educator
The primary role of a health educator is to teach specific populations about health-related issues that impact them. For example, a health educator might work with teens to teach them about safe sex. Likewise, they might develop educational materials for people suffering from obesity about how to improve their diet.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in 2021 that the annual yearly salary for health educators was $48,860.
Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Though psychology is the study of human behavior on the individual level, industrial-organizational psychologists focus on human behavior within the context of organizations, most often, the workplace.
Industrial-organizational psychologists most often work in areas related to human performance, career development, organizational development, and similar topics, and use their knowledge to address workplace issues like improving employee morale, developing employee training and recruitment programs, and restructuring organizations to improve their efficacy.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that based on 2021 salary data industrial-organizational psychologists can expect to earn around $113,320 per year, on average.
Laboratory Assistant
Workers with a bachelor’s-level education in psychology may find many work opportunities as a laboratory assistant. Psychology research is a popular field for workers with more advanced education and experience, and they need assistants to help them conduct research into a variety of psychological topics.
Laboratory assistants might be responsible for anything from interviewing potential subjects for an experiment, managing the tasks related to the experiment itself, collecting and analyzing data, and writing reports on the findings of the research.
The median income for laboratory assistants, as of April 2022, is $50,381, though the pay range extends from a low of $34,000 per year up to $70,000 per year.
Market Research Analyst
Businesses don’t just devise a new product and put it to market. Instead, the development of a product (or service) requires a lot of behind-the-scenes work from many different stakeholders. One important person in that process is the market research analyst.
These workers collect data to determine everything from what consumers want to buy, the specific age ranges of consumers that would be interested in a product, to how much a company should charge for a product or service. Market research analysts often collect and analyze data on a company’s competitors and the consumer marketplace as a whole as well.
The median salary for market research analysts, as of May 2021, is $76,080 per year.
Police Officer
In their duties to protect citizens and property, many police officers have to rely on psychological principles to not only understand the behavior of criminals but to communicate effectively with criminals and victims alike. As such, a background in psychology can be highly useful, particularly in high-stress situations like responding to emergency calls and interviewing suspects.
Likewise, the meticulous nature of collecting evidence and writing detailed reports are made easier with the research and reporting emphasis in undergraduate psychology studies. The median salary for police officers, as of May 2021, is $64,610 per year.
Probation Officer
The role of a probation officer is to oversee the rehabilitation of individuals that have been convicted of a crime.
The rehabilitation process involves many aspects that are closely related to psychology, including arranging basic social services like job training, providing educational opportunities for skill building like improved decision-making, and coordinating with other specialists like psychologists to ensure the client receives the support that’s needed to stay on the right side of the law.
As of May 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, probation officers earn an average yearly wage of $60,250.
Licensed psychologists must have a doctorate in psychology or a related field. This background in human behavior can be used for different types of careers as a psychologist. Some psychologists work directly with clients, providing therapeutic services to people with emotional, behavioral or mental disorders. This might be done in the context of individual therapy, couples therapy, or even group therapy.
Other psychologists focus on research and developing a better understanding of human behavior by conducting experiments, collecting data, interpreting data, and reporting their findings.
The wages psychologists earn is highly dependent upon their specific field of work and their level of education. However, the average yearly salary for all psychology occupations is $81,040.
Psychiatric Technician
Working as a psychiatric technician usually requires just a bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related field. Typical job duties revolve around providing care for patients that have developmental disabilities, behavioral disorders or psychiatric illnesses.
Psychiatric technicians often monitor patients’ vital signs, provide assistance with activities of daily living (i.e., bathing, dressing, etc.), administer medication, and oversee therapeutic and recreational activities for patients. However, the duties performed by psychiatric technicians can vary widely, especially if they work in a specialized area like in a psychiatric ward in a hospital or an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of May 2021, workers in this field make an average of just under $36,570 per year.
Psychometrists are responsible for designing psychological assessments, administering them to clients, scoring them, and analyzing the data.
Primarily, psychometrists function to assist others in the field of psychology by providing them with evidence-based data on individual clients. This might be done by administering and scoring an intelligence test or an IQ test, which can be used to help develop a patient profile or treatment plan.
Likewise, information garnered from psychological assessments can be used to determine a person’s fitness for a particular job, such as a police officer or member of the military. Psychometrists are master’s level workers, with many holding a doctorate.
As of April 2022 the yearly pay range for workers in this field is anywhere from $31,000 to $62,000.
Psychology Professor
Many people with a master’s degree or doctorate in psychology work in the education field as a psychology professor, most often after completing a career in another area of psychology.
For example, a clinical psychologist that practiced for 20 years can use their education and work experience to transition into teaching college students that wish to pursue a career in clinical psychology.
Likewise, someone with experience in experimental psychology can find employment teaching and conducting research at a college or university, again, drawing on their education, skills, and work experience to teach the next generation of psychologists.
According to the American Psychological Association, tenured psychology professors earn an average of $94,218 per year.
Rehabilitation Counselor
Rehabilitation counselors are tasked with assisting people that have developmental disabilities, emotional disabilities, or physical or mental disabilities to live as independently as possible. In that context, rehabilitation counselors provide counseling to individuals and groups that help clients build skills required to adjust to their disability.
Likewise, workers in this field are responsible for evaluating each client’s abilities, developing appropriate treatment plans, and making arrangements for clients to receive needed services, like occupational therapy, speech therapy, and job training.
With a master’s degree in psychology, workers in this field earn an average annual wage of $38,560.
Sports Psychologist
Sports psychologists are trained professionals who work with professional athletes, helping them to improve and maintain various aspects of their life and athletic performance. They usually work one to one with athletes in a variety of sporting fields, but may also be involved with specific teams or sports.
Sports Psychologists focus on providing therapy, physical training, and consulting with athletes who want to improve their performance. However, they also work with athletes off the field, assisting them with rehabilitation or helping them to transition out of athletics.
Some sports psychologists also specialize in research, studying new ways to help athletes achieve success. According to the American Psychological Association’s (APA), the salary for sports psychologists can vary significantly. Most professionals can expect to earn between $60,000 and $80,000 a year, with some annual salaries reaching $100,000.
Social and Human Services Assistant
A bachelor’s degree in psychology is good preparation for a career as a social and human services assistant. These workers provide critical services such that their clients have the resources they need to live healthy, comfortable lives.
Social and human services assistants often meet with clients to assess their needs, develop a treatment plan for their clients, and research services that might provide their clients needed assistance, like Medicaid or rent subsidies. Often, workers in this field must coordinate with other professionals, like social workers, to ensure the spectrum of the clients’ needs are met.
As of May 2021, social and human services assistants make, on average, $37,610 per year.
Social and Community Service Manager
The duties of a social and community service manager entail oversight of programs that provide social services and community services to the public.
Community service managers can draw on their studies in a psychology degree program to better serve their community through effective communication, robust research and writing skills, and the ability to analyze and interpret data to draw evidence-based conclusions.
Workers in this career field often conduct outreach activities to raise community awareness of critical problems or programs to address those problems, write grants to procure funding for community programs, and advocate for groups that are underserved as well. Workers in this field can expect to make $74,000 per year, on average.
Substance Abuse Counselor
Substance abuse counselors typically need a master’s degree in psychology or a related field. This career draws on an understanding of human behavior, how substances like alcohol and drugs influence behavior, and effective methods to treat substance abuse in various populations.
Substance abuse counselors not only evaluate their clients’ current mental and physical state, but they also work with their client to explore their addiction, reasons why it might have begun, and the ramifications of their addiction on their social, mental, emotional, and physical health.
A significant part of this job is developing a treatment plan and working with the client to help them achieve the treatment goals.
According to ZipRecruiter, as of August 2022, substance abuse counselors earn a median annual wage of $61,897.
Because there are heavy requirements for research and writing in most psychology undergraduate and graduate programs, they are ideally suited for preparation as a writer.
In this line of work, there are virtually unlimited possibilities, with some writers working for themselves and self-publishing books, eBooks, and so forth, while other writers work for publications creating content for a specific audience, like writing self-help articles on psychology-related topics. With such a variety of possible employment in this field, there is also a wide variety of salaries.
On average, writers earn $63,200 per year, though the pay range extends from a low of well under $30,000 per year to well over $115,000 per year.
Related Reading
- 12 Pros and Cons of Being a Social Psychologist
- 12 Pros and Cons of Being a Military Psychologist
- 8 Pros and Cons of Being a Forensic Psychologist
- Psychology PhD Programs That Don’t Require GRE
- NO GRE Online Masters in Mental Health Counseling
Forensic Psychology jobs - Ministry of Justice jobs
Geographical teams
The majority of the male prison estate is organised into geographical teams. You will work across a range of prisons which provide an unparalleled breadth of experience, environment and challenge. You’ll be assessing high-risk, complex and diverse cases, undertaking intervention work, consultancy, and research.
You’ll also support incident management, provide evidence to the Parole Board and other stakeholders, and take part in training and development. Once you’re registered with the HCPC, you’ll be supporting and later supervising and managing trainee psychologists. Throughout all this, you’ll be working alongside other staff groups throughout the prison estate.
In some sites, we work on individual units, so it’s possible to find a more site-specific role within geographical teams if you prefer. For example, you could join the team in one of our Psychologically-Informed Planned Environments (PIPEs) which operate within the Offender Personality Disorder pathway. They are your chance to create a psychologically-informed, safe and supportive environment which encourages the development of people in the units’ care or in one of our Therapeutic Communities.
We have strong links with academic institutions and colleagues across a range of other settings.
We are the biggest single employer of
psychologists in the country, so whichever location, client group or specialism you might work with, we are likely to be able to accommodate you.
Wales has its own Forensic Psychological Services (FPS) which works across custody and community as part of HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) in Wales.
As a forensic psychologist in Wales, your scope will be broad. For example, you’ll be working with a range of stakeholders or partners such as the police, Youth Justice Board and courts.
National Probation Service – UK-wide
Some of our psychologists opt to provide consultancy and support to colleagues within the community. They offer expert advice, services and assistance across the country.
Headquarters – London
Here, our psychologists work on a range of areas including the design of accredited interventions. They support what we do through evidence-based practice, learning and development, and specialisms such as organisational design, staff recruitment and staff selection.
Functional teams
In England, we have three main functional teams in custody:
- young people
- high security
- women
Young people
(Males aged 15-18)
- HMYOI Werrington (Midlands)
- HMYOI Feltham (West London)
- HMYOI Wetherby (Yorkshire)
- HMYOI Cookham Wood (Kent)
Custody is considered a last resort for young people. Our sites for young people hold those who have carried out the most serious offending and present the most complex issues – which often manifest as difficult and challenging behaviour.
Given the age and inherent vulnerabilities of the population, our psychologists play a key role in meeting our moral and legal duties around safeguarding and public protection, and in reducing reoffending as part of rehabilitation.
This growing national team concentrates on the 10 public sector women’s prisons in England and also provides psychological services for two private sector sites.
The needs of women serving custodial sentences are different to those of men. There’s real scope for you to develop and deliver individualised interventions.
You’ll work directly with women with differing complex needs, and provide psychological advice and consultancy to the prison staff who engage with them every day. You’ll also input to the process of managing women with the highest risk of harm towards others, help set the strategic direction for new national initiatives and policies, and carry out research and regime development.
Long term and high security
This newly-formed directorate supports 13 public sector prisons housing the most complex, challenging and high-risk category A and B men in the country. They also support one young offender site in Aylesbury. Here, you’ll be an integral part of prison life. Specifically, you’ll be involved in assessing complex and diverse cases, intervention work, consultancy, research, training and development. Once you’re registered, you will be supervising and managing trainee psychologists. Psychologists in these sites tend to be located in their ‘host’ prison.
There are a number of individual units within LTHSE in addition to PIPEs and Personality Disorder Services
Close supervision centres
These are small, specialist and highly supervised units for the most dangerous and disruptive men in the country. Psychologists here play a vital role in the day-to-day management of the unit by assessing and providing intervention approaches with men within the environment and regime, and developing and supporting staff.
Separation centres
These remove men from the main prison population with an aim to prevent terrorist acts and the dissemination of views or beliefs that might encourage others to commit such acts. As a key member of a multi-disciplinary team, you’ll be involved in assessment, management, intervention planning and staff training and development.
Work as a psychologist in Moscow. Private advertisements of employers: vacancies of a psychologist in Moscow
I am looking for a psychologist who will help me cope with my problems. It is important that I was listened to and heard and accordingly helped to solve problems.
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It is necessary to work out relationships with parents, aggression, lack of understanding, and inaction are manifested.
Vacancy from a private person nine0005 Anastasia
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Auto-aggression, I bite my tongue, I can sometimes cheeks, lips, etc. possible work with psychological trauma from childhood
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I am looking for a psychologist/psychotherapist to conduct at least one consultation (we'll see as we go) for an 18-year-old girl. Gender - female, to be comfortable. Online or face-to-face in Moscow (because I. ..
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Anna Sergeevna
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Looking for neuropsychology for individual consultations, solving learning problems and improving control of emotions
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Tatyana Evgenievna
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I am looking for a psychologist for full-time work with an adult woman.
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Tanya Vladimirovna nine0003
Looking for a qualified psychologist or psychotherapist to provide psychological assistance. Preferably with online consultations
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Ekaterina Sergeevna
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I am looking for a psychologist to clarify some points in my life. I need help in realizing my mistakes, in order to overcome myself. Need a side view.
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Dinar Linarovich nine0003
Looking for a psychiatrist.Looking for a psychiatrist.Looking for a psychiatrist. Looking for a psychiatrist.Looking for a psychiatrist.Looking for a psychiatrist.Looking for a psychiatrist.Looking for a psychiatrist.Looking for a psychiatrist.Looking for a psychiatrist.Looking for a psychiatrist.Looking for a psychiatrist.
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Anastasia Dmitrievna
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Vyacheslav Yurievich
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Looking for a psychologist to work with internal conflicts, working through emotions and emotional intelligence, self-esteem and states of apathy/burnout
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I am looking for a psychologist-oncologist for my mother. Mom is a teacher with an experience of 40 years, very active and active, now, due to the effects of chemotherapy, she has weakened and is experiencing physical suffering. Hard to endure...
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Mila Viktorovna
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Need a psychologist for individual consultations. It is necessary to overcome problematic situations associated with constant aggression and emotional burnout.
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Egor Andreevich
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Governess/tutor for a 3rd grade boy (diagnosis of dysgraphia, already healthy, but knowledge of appropriate programs and teaching aids is required). Moscow, m. Rokossovsky Boulevard. Schedule 5/2...
Job from a recruiter
Ekaterina Viktorovna
I am looking for a psychologist, I am very emotional, I get attached to people, I am going through a breakup. I cannot control my tears, I react strongly to reproaches, I blame myself in any situation, I like to be a "victim"
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Vladislav K
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I got lost in the world of people full of beauty, self-confidence and aspirations. It all crushed me. And now I don’t understand what I’m capable of and why I can be loved. While in a relationship, I...
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Maria Sergeevna
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Wanted: psychologist. Schedule of therapy: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Work format: only in person. What to work with: stress, fears, phobias, anxiety...
Vacancy from a private person
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Governess/tutor for a 3rd grade boy (diagnosis of dysgraphia, already healthy, but knowledge of appropriate programs and teaching aids is required). Moscow, m. Rokossovsky Boulevard. Schedule 5/2...
Job from a recruiter
Ekaterina Viktorovna
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In general, I would just like to talk to a specialist. Because I want to discuss everything, from childhood to current life. From childhood trauma to family problems. If we get together, then long...
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The child experiences stress in the learning process. Attacks of prolonged spontaneous crying which he cannot explain. nine0003
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You need to understand yourself in order to improve family relationships. A family on the verge of collapse. I want to get rid of all the rims on my husband that create a barrier between us. I also want to increase my self-esteem,...
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I don't really know what exactly I need, but I feel disgusting. Maybe it's called something, but I'm far from it. Thank you very much in advance
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We are looking for a family psychologist for joint consultations. Relationship issues need to be resolved.
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Constant anxiety, this makes it difficult to concentrate on work. I want to find a way to deal with this anxiety.
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I am looking for a person who will help get rid of destructive behavior patterns acquired from parents, help work through resentment and get rid of aggressive behavior and fits of rage.
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Looking for a pediatric neuropsychologist to work with a child. Interhemispheric recovery. 2-3 times a week. Morning before school or evening after school. We need a professional who knows how to find an approach to the child in order to ...
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We need a specialist: a psychologist. Payment for 1 session 2000 rub/session. Session start date: 10/07/2022. Schedule: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. I didn't have any experience with a psychologist. Need help with: depression,...
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Vera Maksimovna
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Help your child during school hours. Saturdays from 10.00 to 13.00. Or you can from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 17.00. nine0003
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Evgenia Alexandrovna
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I am looking for a psychologist to give a lecture for +- 40 minutes for the women's community. I'll tell you the details in private messages.
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Yana Evgenievna
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I am looking for a psychologist for individual consultations. A teenager (16 years old) needs to overcome problem situations, overcome panic attacks,
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I am looking for a psychologist to analyze the current situations, both in the family and at work. I am in a deep depression.
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Egor Sergeevich
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A child (10 years old) has impaired voluntary regulation of activity (frontal region), has problems with the volitional sphere, has slight spatial disturbances, which leads to tics, facial expressions, repetitive. ..
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Irina Anatolyevna
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See an adolescent psychologist to improve mutual understanding with a parent, as well as to combat anxiety and stress.
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Aggression, unreasonable jealousy (blank), self-doubt, interpersonal conflicts and misunderstandings with the other half, recovery from aggressive "abuse" relationships, solution...
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I am looking for a tutor for a 14 year old teenager. Responsibilities: observance of the daily routine, lessons, accompaniment to circles and sections. Schedule: all working days from 14:00 to 20:00. You can go home during classes and...
Vacancy from a private person
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Need a better one urgently. Gratitude will be tangible from the parents. A teenager, in December will be 12 years old. The problems started 2 years ago. But I have only just received confirmation. nine0003
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I am looking for a child psychologist with experience in helping a 7-year-old child cope with stress and aggression. We plan to have classes twice a week.
Vacancy from a private person
Anastasia Nikolaevna
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Need a family counselor to help a married couple with children from previous marriages and one joint. nine0003
Vacancy from a private person
Evgeny Grigorievich
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Boy, 9 years old, has behavioral problems, is too touchy, gets upset over little things, likes to argue with everyone and has a hard time concentrating and finishing one thing, jumps to another.
Vacancy from a private person
Evgeny Grigorievich
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Responsibilities: - Development of general and individual training programs for artistes, aimed at revealing attractive character traits, emotional maturation and intellectual development. -... nine0003
Vacancy from a private person
Anastasia Olegovna
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Code of Ethics for a Psychologist
- The Code of Ethics for a Psychologist of the Russian Psychological Society is drawn up in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 "On Personal Data", the Charter of the Russian Psychological Society , the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association "Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects", the International Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists, the Ethical Metacode of the European Federation of Psychological Associations .
- The Ethics Committee of the Russian Psychological Society is the advisory and regulatory body of the Russian Psychological Society on the professional ethics of a psychologist.
- In this Code of Ethics, the term "Psychologist" refers to a person with a higher education in psychology.
- In this Code of Ethics, the term “Client” refers to a person, group of persons or organization who has agreed to be the object of psychological research for personal, scientific, industrial or social interests or has personally contacted a Psychologist for psychological help. nine0320
- This Code of Ethics applies to all activities of psychologists defined by this Code of Ethics. This Code of Ethics applies to all forms of work of the Psychologist, including those carried out remotely or via the Internet.
- The professional activity of a psychologist is characterized by his special responsibility to clients, society and psychological science, and is based on the trust of society, which can only be achieved by observing the ethical principles of professional activity and behavior contained in this Code of Ethics.
- The Code of Ethics for Psychologists serves: for the internal regulation of the activities of the community of psychologists; to regulate the relationship of psychologists with society; the basis for the application of sanctions in case of violation of the ethical principles of professional activity.
I. Ethical principles of a psychologist
The work ethics of a psychologist is based on universal moral and ethical values. The ideals of the free and all-round development of the personality and its respect, the rapprochement of people, the creation of a just, humane, prosperous society are decisive for the activity of a psychologist. The ethical principles and rules of a psychologist's work formulate the conditions under which his professionalism, the humanity of his actions, respect for the people with whom he works, and under which the psychologist's efforts are of real benefit are preserved and strengthened. nine0314
- The principle of respect
The psychologist proceeds from respect for personal dignity, human rights and freedoms proclaimed and guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and international documents on human rights.
The principle of respect includes : - Respect for the dignity, rights and freedoms of the individual
- A psychologist treats people with equal respect regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, belonging to a certain culture, ethnic group and race, religion, language, socioeconomic status, physical abilities and other grounds. nine0320
- Impartiality of the Psychologist does not allow a biased attitude towards the Client. All actions of the Psychologist in relation to the Client must be based on data obtained by scientific methods. The subjective impression that the Psychologist has when communicating with the Client, as well as the social position of the Client, should not have any influence on the conclusions and actions of the Psychologist.
- The Psychologist avoids activities that may lead to discrimination of the Client on any grounds.
- The psychologist should organize his work in such a way that neither its process nor its results harm the health and social status of the Client and persons associated with him.
- Privacy
- Information obtained by the Psychologist in the process of working with the Client on the basis of a trusting relationship is not subject to intentional or accidental disclosure outside the agreed conditions. nine0320
- Research results must be presented in such a way that they cannot compromise the Client, the Psychologist, or psychological science.
- Psychodiagnostic data of students obtained during their studies must be treated confidentially. Client information must also be treated confidentially.
- By demonstrating specific cases of his work, the Psychologist must ensure that the dignity and well-being of the Client is protected.
- The Psychologist should not look for information about the Client that goes beyond the professional tasks of the Psychologist.
- The Client has the right to consult a Psychologist or work with him without the presence of third parties.
- Uncontrolled storage of data obtained from research may harm the Client, the Psychologist and society as a whole. The procedure for handling the data obtained in research and the procedure for their storage should be strictly regulated. nine0320
- Awareness and voluntary consent of the Client
- The client must be informed about the purpose of the work, about the methods used and ways of using the information received. Work with the Client is allowed only after the Client has given informed consent to participate in it. In the event that the Client is not able to make a decision on his participation in the work himself, such a decision must be made by his legal representatives.
- The Psychologist must inform the Client of all major steps or treatments. In the case of inpatient treatment, the Psychologist must inform the Client about the possible risks and about alternative methods of treatment, including non-psychological ones.
- Video or audio recordings of a consultation or treatment can only be made by the Psychologist after he has received the Client's consent to do so. This provision also applies to telephone conversations. Acquaintance of third parties with video, audio recordings of consultations and telephone conversations can be allowed by the Psychologist only after obtaining consent to this from the Client. nine0320
- Participation in psychological experiments and research must be voluntary. The client must be informed in a form understandable to him about the goals, features of the study and the possible risk, discomfort or undesirable consequences, so that he can independently decide on cooperation with the Psychologist.
The psychologist is obliged to make sure in advance that the dignity and personality of the Client will not be affected. The Psychologist must take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of the Client and to minimize the possibility of unforeseen risk. nine0320
- Where prior exhaustive disclosure is contrary to the objectives of the study being conducted, the Psychologist must take special precautions to ensure the welfare of the subjects. Where possible, and provided that the information communicated will not harm the Client, all clarifications must be made after the end of the experiment.
- The client must be informed about the purpose of the work, about the methods used and ways of using the information received. Work with the Client is allowed only after the Client has given informed consent to participate in it. In the event that the Client is not able to make a decision on his participation in the work himself, such a decision must be made by his legal representatives.
- Customer Self-Determination
- The Psychologist recognizes the Client's right to maximum autonomy and self-determination, including the general right to enter into and terminate a professional relationship with the Psychologist.
- Any person can be a client in case of undoubted legal capacity due to age, state of health, mental development, physical independence.
In case of insufficient legal capacity of a person, the decision on his cooperation with the Psychologist is made by a person representing the interests of this person under the law. nine0320
- The psychologist must not interfere with the Client's desire to involve another psychologist for consultation (in cases where there are no legal contraindications to this).
- Principle of competence
The psychologist must strive to ensure and maintain a high level of competence in his work, as well as to recognize the limits of his competence and his experience. The psychologist should provide only those services and use only those methods in which he has been trained and experienced. nine0005 The principle of competence includes : - Knowledge of professional ethics
- A psychologist must have a thorough knowledge of professional ethics and must be familiar with the provisions of this Code of Ethics.
In his work, the Psychologist must be guided by ethical principles.
- If staff or students act as experimenters in the conduct of psychodiagnostic procedures, the Psychologist must ensure, regardless of their own responsibility, that their actions comply with professional requirements. nine0320
- The psychologist is responsible for the conformity of the professional level of the personnel he supervises with the requirements of the work performed and this Code of Ethics.
- In his working contacts with representatives of other professions, the Psychologist must show loyalty, tolerance and readiness to help.
- A psychologist must have a thorough knowledge of professional ethics and must be familiar with the provisions of this Code of Ethics.
- Limitations of professional competence nine0316
- The psychologist is obliged to carry out practical activities within the limits of his own competence, based on the education and experience he has received.
- Only the Psychologist carries out direct (questionnaire, interviewing, testing, electrophysiological research, psychotherapy, training, etc.
) or indirect (biographical method, observation method, study of the products of the Client's activity, etc.) work with the Client.
nine0317 The Psychologist must master the methods of psychodiagnostic conversation, observation, psychological and pedagogical influence at a level sufficient to maintain the Client's feeling of sympathy, trust and satisfaction from communicating with the Psychologist. - If the Client is sick, then work with him is allowed only with the permission of the doctor or the consent of other persons representing the interests of the Client.
- Restrictions on the means used
- The psychologist can apply methods that are adequate to the objectives of the study, age, gender, education, condition of the Client, the conditions of the experiment. Psychodiagnostic methods, in addition, must be standardized, normalized, reliable, valid and adapted to the contingent of subjects.
- The psychologist must apply scientifically recognized methods of processing and interpreting data. The choice of methods should not be determined by the Psychologist's scientific predilections, his social hobbies, personal sympathy for Clients of a certain type, social status or professional activity. nine0320
- A psychologist is prohibited from presenting deliberately distorted primary data, deliberately false and incorrect information in the results of the study. If the Psychologist discovers a significant error in his research after the research has been published, he must take all possible steps to correct the error and further publish the corrections.
- The psychologist can apply methods that are adequate to the objectives of the study, age, gender, education, condition of the Client, the conditions of the experiment. Psychodiagnostic methods, in addition, must be standardized, normalized, reliable, valid and adapted to the contingent of subjects.
- Professional development
- A psychologist must constantly improve his professional competence and his awareness of the ethics of psychological work (research).
- Impossibility of professional activity under certain conditions
- If any circumstances force the Psychologist to terminate work with the Client prematurely and this may adversely affect the Client's condition, the Psychologist must ensure that work with the Client continues.
- A psychologist should not perform his professional activities when his abilities or judgment are adversely affected.
- If any circumstances force the Psychologist to terminate work with the Client prematurely and this may adversely affect the Client's condition, the Psychologist must ensure that work with the Client continues.
The psychologist must be mindful of his professional and scientific obligations to his clients, to the professional community and to society as a whole. The psychologist must strive to avoid causing harm, must be held accountable for his actions, and must ensure, as far as possible, that his services are not abusive. nine0487
Liability principle includes :
- Primary responsibility
- The Psychologist's decision to undertake a research project or intervention assumes responsibility for possible scientific and social consequences, including the impact on individuals, groups and organizations involved in the research or intervention, as well as indirect effects, such as the influence of scientific psychology on public opinion and on the development of ideas about social values.
- The psychologist must be aware of the specifics of interaction with the Client and the responsibility arising from this. The responsibility is especially great if the subjects or clients are persons suffering from drug dependence or persons with disabilities, as well as if the research or intervention program purposefully limits the Client's legal capacity.
- If the Psychologist concludes that his actions will not improve the Client's condition or pose a risk to the Client, he must stop the intervention. nine0320
- The Psychologist's decision to undertake a research project or intervention assumes responsibility for possible scientific and social consequences, including the impact on individuals, groups and organizations involved in the research or intervention, as well as indirect effects, such as the influence of scientific psychology on public opinion and on the development of ideas about social values.
- Doing no harm
- The psychologist uses only such methods of research or intervention that are not dangerous to the health, condition of the Client, do not represent the Client in the results of the study in a false, distorted light, and do not provide information about those psychological properties and characteristics of the Client that are not related to specific and agreed tasks of psychological research.
- The psychologist uses only such methods of research or intervention that are not dangerous to the health, condition of the Client, do not represent the Client in the results of the study in a false, distorted light, and do not provide information about those psychological properties and characteristics of the Client that are not related to specific and agreed tasks of psychological research.
- Solving ethical dilemmas
- The psychologist must be aware of the possibility of ethical dilemmas and bear his personal responsibility for their solution. Psychologists consult on these issues with their colleagues and other significant persons, and also inform them of the principles reflected in the Code of Ethics.
- If the Psychologist has ethical questions in connection with his work, he must contact the Ethics Committee of the Russian Psychological Society for advice. nine0320
The psychologist should strive to promote the openness of science, learning and practice in psychology. In this activity, the psychologist must be honest, fair and respectful of his colleagues. The psychologist should clearly represent his professional tasks and the functions corresponding to these tasks.
Integrity includes :
- Awareness of the limits of personal and professional possibilities
- A psychologist must be aware of the limitations of both his own abilities and the possibilities of his profession.
This is a condition for establishing a dialogue between professionals of various specialties.
- A psychologist must be aware of the limitations of both his own abilities and the possibilities of his profession.
- Honesty
- The Psychologist and the Client (or the party initiating and paying for psychological services for the Client) before entering into an agreement, agree on remuneration and other significant conditions of work, such as the distribution of rights and obligations between the Psychologist and the Client (or the party paying for psychological services) or the storage procedure and application of research results. nine0005 The psychologist must notify the Client or employer that his activities are primarily subject to professional and not commercial principles.
When hiring, the Psychologist must notify his employer that:
- within the limits of his competence, he will act independently;
- he is obliged to observe the principle of confidentiality: this is required by law;
- professional management of his work can only be carried out by a psychologist; nine0005 – it is impossible for him to fulfill non-professional requirements or requirements that violate this Code of Ethics.
When hiring a Psychologist, the employer must receive the text of this Code of Ethics. - Public dissemination of information about the services provided by the Psychologist serves the purpose of making an informed decision by potential Clients about entering into a professional relationship with the Psychologist. Such advertising is acceptable only if it does not contain false or distorted information, reflects objective information about the services provided, and complies with the rules of decency. nine0320
- A psychologist is prohibited from organizing advertising for himself or any particular intervention or treatment. Advertising for the purpose of competition must under no circumstances deceive potential Clients. The psychologist should not exaggerate the effectiveness of his services, make claims of the superiority of his professional skills and applied methods, and also give guarantees of the effectiveness of the services provided.
- A Psychologist is not permitted to offer a discount or reward for referring Clients to him, or enter into agreements with third parties for this purpose. nine0320
- The Psychologist and the Client (or the party initiating and paying for psychological services for the Client) before entering into an agreement, agree on remuneration and other significant conditions of work, such as the distribution of rights and obligations between the Psychologist and the Client (or the party paying for psychological services) or the storage procedure and application of research results. nine0005 The psychologist must notify the Client or employer that his activities are primarily subject to professional and not commercial principles.
- Directness and openness
- A psychologist must be responsible for the information he provides and avoid distorting it in research and practice.
- The psychologist formulates the results of the study in terms and concepts accepted in psychological science, confirming his conclusions by presenting the primary materials of the study, their mathematical and statistical processing and the positive conclusion of competent colleagues. When solving any psychological problems, research is carried out, always based on a preliminary analysis of the literature data on the question posed. nine0320
- In the event of a distortion of information, the psychologist must inform the participants of the interaction about this and re-establish the degree of trust.
- Avoiding conflicts of interest
- The psychologist must be aware of the problems that can arise as a result of dual relationships. The psychologist should try to avoid relationships that lead to conflicts of interest or exploitation of the relationship with the Client for personal gain. nine0320
- A psychologist must not use professional relationships for personal, religious, political or ideological interests.
- The Psychologist must be aware that a conflict of interest may arise after the formal termination of the Psychologist's relationship with the Client. The psychologist in this case also bears professional responsibility.
- The Psychologist must not enter into any kind of personal relationship with his Clients. nine0320
- Responsibility and openness to the professional community
- The results of psychological research should be available to the scientific community.
The possibility of misinterpretation must be prevented by correct, complete and unambiguous presentation. Data about participants in the experiment must be anonymous. Discussions and criticism in scientific circles serve the development of science and should not be hindered. nine0320
- The psychologist must respect his colleagues and must not criticize their professional actions in an unbiased manner.
- The psychologist must not, by his actions, contribute to the displacement of a colleague from his sphere of activity or deprivation of his work.
- If the Psychologist believes that his colleague is acting unprofessionally, he must point this out to him in confidence.
- The results of psychological research should be available to the scientific community.
II. Violation of the Psychologist's Code of Ethics
- Violation of the Psychologist's Code of Ethics includes ignoring the provisions set out in it, misinterpreting them, or intentionally violating them.
Violation of the Code of Ethics may be the subject of a complaint.
- A complaint about a violation of the Psychologist's Code of Ethics can be submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Russian Psychological Society in writing by any individual or legal entity. Consideration of complaints and making decisions on them is carried out in accordance with the established procedure by the Ethics Committee of the Russian Psychological Society. nine0320
- Sanctions applied to a Psychologist who has violated the Code of Ethics may include: a warning on behalf of the Russian Psychological Society (public censure), suspension of membership in the Russian Psychological Society, accompanied by broad information to the public and potential clients about the exclusion of this specialist from the current register of RPO psychologists . Information about the sanctions applied is publicly available and is transferred to professional psychological associations in other countries.