Overeaters anonymous forum

Resources - Overeater Mommy

Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional. If you have concerns about your mental health, please talk to a medical provider.

Mental Health Resources

If you feel you might hurt yourself or someone else, please call 911 immediately, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Someone is always there for you.

  1. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
  2. Top 25 NAMI HelpLine Resources
  3. MentalHealth.gov
  4. National Institute of Mental Health (NIH)
  5. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Eating Disorder Resources

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)

If you think you or someone close to you may have an eating disorder, NEDA is the place to start.

  • For 24/7 Crisis Support text NEDA to 741-741
  • Helpline 1-800-931-2237 and Live Chat are available Monday – Thursday from 9:00 am – 9:00 pm (EST) and Friday from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (EST) Closed holidays.
  • Forums– There are several forums for people suffering from eating disorders working toward recovery, in recovery, and for family and friends of sufferers. Take a look at the forum community guidelines first, there are certain subjects/triggers that are prohibited from being talked about in the forums.
  • Email: [email protected]
Overeaters Anonymous (OA)

Overeaters Anonymous is an organization for compulsive overeaters, binge eaters, bulimics, anorexics and/or anyone who believes they have an unhealthy relationship with food.

  • The program is based on Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and focuses on dealing with compulsive overeating and eating disorders and working the steps to recovery.
  • An in-depth overview of the program is here.
  • Meetings have multiple formats such as face-to-face, phone, online, and non-real time.
  • All are welcome, no registration is required.
Eating Disorder Hope

Eating Disorder Hope is a website dedicated to spreading information and resources to anyone who suffers from an eating disorder. The resources are for family members too.

A link to their contact form is here.


DrugRehab.com is not just for drug and alcohol addiction. They have resources for eating disorders too.

Their guide details the different eating disorders by category. It also discusses how mental health disorders and addiction can and do frequently occur alongside eating disorders.

Access the in-depth eating disorders guide here.

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Overeaters Anonymous : Free Audio : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive

Overeaters Anonymous


1. Amazing Recovery: Passport to Unity

Mar 11, 201903/19

Mar 11, 2019 by Overeaters Anonymous

This series of 9 podcasts features speakers from the 2017 WSBC Forum – Amazing Recovery: Passport to Unity. There are two speakers in each podcast speaking about their experience, strength and hope; each speaker comes from a different background or uses a different approach to working the Twelve Steps. When we try to identify with […]

Overeaters Anonymous


2. Amazing Recovery: Passport to Unity

Mar 10, 201903/19

Mar 10, 2019 by Overeaters Anonymous

This series of 9 podcasts features speakers from the 2017 WSBC Forum – Amazing Recovery: Passport to Unity. There are two speakers in each podcast speaking about their experience, strength and hope; each speaker comes from a different background or uses a different approach to working the Twelve Steps. When we try to identify with […]

Overeaters Anonymous


3. Virtual Meetings and Bulimia

Mar 9, 201903/19

Mar 9, 2019 by Overeaters Anonymous

This series of 9 podcasts features speakers from the 2017 WSBC Forum – Amazing Recovery: Passport to Unity. There are two speakers in each podcast speaking about their experience, strength and hope; each speaker comes from a different background or uses a different approach to working the Twelve Steps. When we try to identify with […]

Overeaters Anonymous


4. Relapse Survivor and 90 Day Program

Mar 8, 201903/19

Mar 8, 2019 by Overeaters Anonymous

This series of 9 podcasts features speakers from the 2017 WSBC Forum – Amazing Recovery: Passport to Unity. There are two speakers in each podcast speaking about their experience, strength and hope; each speaker comes from a different background or uses a different approach to working the Twelve Steps. When we try to identify with […]

Overeaters Anonymous


5. Men in OA and Non-Tradional HP

Mar 7, 201903/19

Mar 7, 2019 by Overeaters Anonymous

Men in OA – “I have met the enemy and it is me.” – A journey to surrender and acceptance and long-term abstinence as a man in OA. Non-traditional HP –In his journey through the Steps, he found conscience and a small quiet voice in his head led him to good orderly direction and the […]

Overeaters Anonymous


6. English as Second Language and Young Person

Mar 6, 201903/19

Mar 6, 2019 by Overeaters Anonymous

English as Second Language – Literature in his language was so important to him when he came into program and learned about OA. Young Person – She found a healthy connection among her body, soul and spirit and has integrity with herself. She no longer has to be in control of everything.

Overeaters Anonymous


7. Health Issues and LGBTQ

Mar 5, 201903/19

Mar 5, 2019 by Overeaters Anonymous

Health Issues: This speaker was able to see how handling her health issue and working her program had similarities. LGBTQ: Coming out in OA in the late 1970s and starting an LGBTQ meeting focused on the Steps and Traditions was the start of years in recovery.

Overeaters Anonymous


8. Bariatric Surgery and 100 Pounder

Mar 4, 201903/19

Mar 4, 2019 by Overeaters Anonymous

Bariatric Surgery: Identify don’t compare She had surgery after a ten-year relapse. She never stopped going to meetings but kept quiet about the surgery to avoid judgments. Surgery is not the easier softer way. In reaching out she helps herself and possibly someone else. 100 lb. weight loss After a certain point she stopped weighing: […]

Overeaters Anonymous


9. Compulsive Exerciser

Mar 3, 201903/19

Mar 3, 2019 by Overeaters Anonymous

A viscous cycle of eating and exercising coupled with low self-esteem were her life before coming to OA. Now everything gets better when she works her program with the help of her Higher Power.

Overeaters Anonymous


Unity Day

Feb 23, 201802/18

Feb 23, 2018 by Overeaters Anonymous

In honor of Unity Day, the last Saturday of February at 11:30 a.m. PST, we now offer this podcast covering the topic of Unity. Here is a link to the script in case you would like to read it or translate the podcast. The literature referred to in the podcast is as follows: Twelve Steps […]

Gluttony! How to deal with it?

Gluttony! How is it with him ...

16 answers

Last - Go to


You won't want to eat before dinner.

And yet, deceive the body. Drink more water and eat apples.





And I heard that water, on the contrary, dilutes the gastric juice what interferes with digestion



but I heard that water, on the contrary, dilutes the gastric juice, which interferes with digestion

a small plate or bowl, about 250-300 ml. Sat down to eat - and do not take anything else, except for what fit into the plate. The first 2 weeks will be difficult, then you will get used to it. It helped me. Good luck! nine0003



14 October 2013 I have psychological hunger, not physiological. Don't know how to cope"





Eat every 3 hours. It's hard, but you have to force yourself. Divide your regular serving into smaller portions and eat at regular intervals. This way you will always be full and will not overeat (it helped me not to sweep the refrigerator), I used to overeat at night until I had cramps in my stomach and could not do anything about it





But what about your figure and the general camp of the gastrointestinal tract, or do you not care? Well, do you like that feeling of heaviness, discomfort in the stomach, nausea and remorse after the “holiday of the stomach?” You think about the consequences before you overeat, think about what will happen next . . Think about why you are doing this? After all, it’s probably not to satisfy hunger = / If the problem, as you say, is psychological, then only you can help yourself, a psychologist at least! nine0003



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Eating disorder, binge eating, who coped, please help.




Well, I don’t know less, in small portions and correct food, I eat from a saucer, a bowl, a soup mug, yesterday I wanted to overeat, bought 4 grilled wings, ate 2 and didn’t fit anymore + heartburn right away, I wanted to and couldn’t! nine0003



maybe you have a problem with the gastrointestinal tract? this is not normal



maybe you have a problem with the gastrointestinal tract? this is not normal, maybe I don’t have the opportunity to check, I’m on a proper diet and don’t eat fatty foods, especially never grilled, and nothing hurts


maybe you have a problem with the gastrointestinal tract? this is not normal Maybe I have no way to check, I am on a proper diet and do not eat fatty foods, especially never grilled, and nothing hurts

do you think that heartburn after 20 gr. meat ok? Well, well,





You believe that heartburn after 20 g. meat ok? well, well




SOHOGOGOGSTASS HAVE ALMOGOGHOG. meat ok? well, well, do you think that a slender girl is able to gobble up 4 fatty grilled wings??


Guest meat ok? well, well, do you think that a slender girl is able to gobble up 4 fatty grilled wings?? nine0003

imagine - yes



Soho meat ok? well, well, do you think that a slender girl is able to gobble up 4 fatty grilled wings??

imagine - yes


Laugh last

The author, you yourself realize why you overeat. Therefore, at the time of the attack, you urgently need to find a joyful and exciting activity. Only it will pull you away from food. Look for something that really intrigues you. Only this will help. And another moment. It happens that a bad mood or you are upset about something and nothing at that moment pleases. So, get dressed and go outside. Away from the refrigerator. Wander around the streets, parks, pay attention to everything joyful - the leaves have blossomed, flowers have been planted in the park, a child laughed fervently somewhere, etc., fill yourself with joyful moments artificially, get distracted. nine0003


Laugh last meat ok? Well, well, do you think that a slender girl is able to gobble up 4 fatty grilled wings? Imagine - yes, even half a chicken, by the way. Slender people very often eat like a healthy man and everything burns out.





Do you think that heartburn after 20 gr. meat ok? well, well

Do you think that a slender girl can eat 4 fatty grilled wings??




and why did you eat them then?





22222222 If this also does not help, then buy yourself reduxin. It perfectly blocks the feeling of hunger.



I read about reduxin. They write that he really dulls the feeling of hunger. Only I did not understand how much it should be drunk in order to get rid of this feeling of hunger for a long time?

Woman.ru experts

  • Maxim Sorokin

    Practicing psychologist

    810 responses

  • Maria Sinyapkina


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  • Galimov Ildar

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  • nine0002 Vladimir Titarenko

    Fitness nutritionist

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  • Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh


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  • nine0002 Letosheva Tati

    Expert in Eastern practices

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  • Anna Antonchik

    Female psychologist

    62 answers

  • nine0002 Ekaterina Golikova


    48 answers




The same thing, the author. I don't know what to do with these. I signed up with a psychotherapist, she advised me to keep food diaries, I do all this, but when I'm upset or depressed, or someone offended me or I have an insoluble problem, I start eating. And about 4000 kcal per day. nine0003



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Eat apples, cucumbers how much it will fit ...





Author, how many kg are you? This is me0002 Dukan's power system to help you. July 14, 2014 On the contrary, the absence of such an important, exciting goal - to meet a soul mate, gives adrenaline and is a natural antidepressant. I have not yet married, gluttony was less. As for what happened after the birth, it's generally terrible.

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9000 #37



completely then 14 July 2014 , pp, but when I'm bored, sad, I start to eat like crazy, this is a purely psychological problem. nine0003



I read about reduxin. They write that he really dulls the feeling of hunger. Only I did not understand how much it should be drunk in order to get rid of this feeling of hunger for a long time? 14 July 2014 Don't meeting friends solve your problem? I have several girlfriends, but I don't always have time to see each other. But it always improves the mood. nine0003



9000 #45 9000

2222 Sometimes it seems that I even like this feeling of heaviness, I calm down so much.



I've been drinking reduxin - it doesn't suppress anything. Nothing happened to my appetite (but I generally didn’t overeat). In general, he did NOT affect me at all - despite the fact that I eat right and do fitness. Waste of money. nine0003



Thread starter

Yes, a lot, but people really get bored quickly, and when they get bored, then boredom comes, and when boredom comes, then I start. I have a constant need for new people, and this does not always work out. And sometimes I get tired of these meetings and start eating even more, like "how tired I am of you all."



Why did you drink? Judging by the description, you are all right.

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