Survivor personality types
The MBTI Of Popular Survivor Winners
Part of what has made CBS's hit reality series Survivor so watchable over the last 20 years is the fact that the casts are all people with varying personality types. Watching people with different Myers-Briggs Personality Test types try to make alliances and get along with one another can lead to fights, long-lasting friendships, and in some cases, even marriages.
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It should be no surprise that most Survivor winners are extroverted, as they need the outgoing social skills to make it far in the game and create tight bonds with those around them. Not all winners have an extroverted personality type result though, in fact, of the 39 different winners, there are very distinct MBTI scores for many of them.
Sarah Lacina - ENTJ
The first time Sarah Lacina played Survivor, she was dead-set on being the good cop to Tony Vlacho's bad cop. She was ultimately blindsided for playing both sides, but it was her charisma and outgoing personality that left fans wanting more of her, causing her to come back and win her second season, Game Changers.
Sarah's personality type is ENTJ. They're described as the "commanders" and are typically commended for their problem-solving and leadership abilities. Sarah's extroversion was shown by her strong relationships with her fellow castaways, and her intuition came through in her ability to sense when she was a target during her returning seasons. She had a plan for her games and she made sure it went off without a hitch, a true ENTJ move.
John Cochran - INTP
John Cochran was a fan favorite during his first season of Survivor, and ended up winning during his second. He managed to rise to the top by flying under the radar and making moves that didn't upset or anger people in his winning game.
Cochran's personality type fits that of an INTP, or "the logician". He was introverted and kept to himself, but was calculated and thought out every decision he made, utilizing the "thinking" portion of his MBTI. INTPs prefer to be intellectual instead of being emotional, which was definitely Cochran's style of gameplay, as he used the "outwit" part of the game to his advantage.
Kim Spradlin - INFJ
Kim Spradlin made a bad season a mediocre one with her win on One World. She was able to sweet-talk her fellow castaways, entertain viewers, and put her own spin on the game with her dazzling, yet not too flashy personality.
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INFJs are referred to as "the advocates", and Kim is one of them. Though she was on the quieter, more introverted side, Kim still knew how to advocate for herself and others in the game. She was so tame and caring that she made others feel safe and protected, using her intuition and better judgment to further herself and end up a Survivor winner.
Adam Klein - ENTP
Adam Klein won Survivor unanimously for a few reasons; he was outspoken about how he played the game, won over his peers with his likable personality, and was an expert storyteller. Adam's extroversion paid off in the end, as it typically does for many Survivor winners.
ENTP's are regarded as "the debater". They present their cases, and they get what they want. Debaters are okay with being on the outs, because they know that they'll find a way to survive. Adam used his intuition and thinking to the best of his ability, outsmarting his opponents in a creative and intelligent way.
Yul Kwon - INTJ
Yul Kwon is one of the smartest Survivor players to ever compete on the show, choosing intellect and well-thought-out plans over spontaneity and risk. Yul won because of his loyalty, trustworthiness, and overall knowledge of how to best play the game.
Yul is an INTJ, otherwise known as "the architect". For Yul and other INTJs, life is all about being rational and wise. He made strong alliances with those around him and never felt like he was going to be betrayed because he had thought through every decision he made on the island. INTJs are determined and heavily independent, just as Yul was both times he played Survivor.
Michele Fitzgerald - ESFP
Michele Fitzgerald surprised fans when she came to victory in Survivor: Kaoh Rong over runner-up Aubry Bracco. But Michele had a lot up in her sleeve going into Final Tribal Council, using her dazzling, infectious personality to gain the support and acknowledgment of those she voted out.
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Michele is an ESFP, otherwise known as "the entertainer". People with this personality type are bold and have great social skills. Michele exemplified this through and through, making friends with her teammates that were so genuine (to them) that they felt she deserved the title of Sole Survivor. Her extroverted nature and controlled emotions made her the easy choice for Kaoh Rong jury members.
Ethan Zohn - ISFP
Ethan Zohn was a fan favorite when he first competed on Survivor during the third season. He was known for his athleticism, strong friendships, and overall likable personality. These traits led him to an easy victory over his fellow finalist, Kim Johnson.
Ethan's personality type fits that of an ISFP, or "the adventurer". ISFPs are introverted, but also very charming and charismatic. Ethan was easy to empathize with, and he told his story in such a genuine and heartfelt way. ISFPs often have a zest for life and love to explore, which is exactly what Ethan did during his three Survivor journeys.
Tony Vlachos - ESTP
Tony Vlachos is regarded as possibly the best to ever play the game of Survivor, and is hands down one of the most entertaining contestants the show has ever seen. His loud and extroverted personality made him fun to watch, root for, and cringe at as he spied on his tribe-mates in his spy shacks and spy nests throughout his seasons.
ENFPs are "the entrepreneurs". They carve their own paths and love being bold and in charge. Tony was the star of Cagayan and Winners At War for a reason; he was putting on a show. The ENFP in him really emerged in his social skills and ability to be direct at the Final Tribal Council and flat out tell the jury that he did what he had to in order to survive.
Parvati Shallow - ENFP
Parvati Shallow made a name for herself on Cook Islands as the biggest Survivor flirt, but in each subsequent appearance proved she was more than just a social butterfly. Parvati's games were intelligent and rooted in her close emotional connections with fellow players.
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Parvati is an ENFP, otherwise known as "the campaigner". Part of Parv's charm was her ability to make others feel like they're the most special person in the world. She won her opponents over with a smile, a pep talk, and a positive attitude before cutting them loose, where she then waves and smiles as they joined the jury.
'Boston' Rob Mariano - ESTJ
'Boston' Rob Mariano was one of the most extroverted players to ever compete on Survivor. He met his wife by having a Survivor showmance and flirting with her on the very first day of All-Stars. Rob's charisma and trust in himself allowed him to go far in the game and go down in history as one of the best.
Rob is an ESTJ, or "the executive". There were many references to The Godfather on the show, with his tribe-mates referring to him as "The Robfather", and it's because his negotiation skills were so strong. Rob used his sensible nature to convince Lex to keep Amber in the game over Jerri, leading to his eventual backstabbing of Lex (who he knew would do it) and allowing himself and Amber to smoothly sail to victory.
NEXT: 10 Things You Never Knew About Life On Survivor, According To Past Contestants
The Survivor Personality – Chapter One
With foreword by Bernie Siegel, MD
©2010 Berkley/Perigee Publishing
ISBN-13: 978-0-399-53592-5
- Available now from Amazon.
- Available now from Practical Psychology Press
Chapter One
When you are hit by adversity or have your life disrupted, how do you respond? Some people feel victimized. They blame others for their plight. Some shut down. They feel helpless and overwhelmed. Some get angry. They lash out and try to hurt anyone they can.
A few, however, reach within themselves and find ways to cope with the difficult circumstance. They eventually make things turn out well. These are life’s best survivors, those people with an amazing capacity for surviving crises and extreme difficulties. They are resilient and durable in distressing situations. They regain emotional balance quickly, adapt, and cope well. They thrive by gaining strength from adversity and often convert misfortune into a gift.
Are life’s best survivors different from other people? No. They survive, cope, and thrive better because they are better at using the inborn capabilities possessed by all humans.
Surviving and Thriving: Using Your Inborn Abilities
If you are like most people, you haven’t been well coached on how to cope well with adversity, crises, and constant change. This book shows you how to access your inborn survivor qualities and increase your range of responses for coping with whatever comes your way.
This book shows how to:
- Regain stability when your life is knocked off track.
- Cope with unfair developments in an effective way.
- Develop a talent for serendipity.
- Break free from childhood prohibitions that prevent you from coping effectively.
- Increase your self-confidence for handling disruptive changes.
- Avoid reacting like a victim.
- Thrive in a world of nonstop change.
In 1927 a twenty-five-year-old illustrator and one of his older brothers started a cartoon animation studio in southern California. Because they were among the first to master the art of moving picture cartoons, their studio received a big, one-year, renewable contract from a New York film distributor, Charles Mintz. They were to produce a cartoon series named Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.
Mintz, who owned the rights to Oswald, sent his brother-inlaw, George Winkler, to California to watch production activities. Winkler spent many weeks at the studio getting to know the animators and learning production procedures.
When the highly successful first year drew to a close, the illustrator expected to renegotiate a longer, more profitable contract with Mintz. He took his wife with him on a train to New York. The meeting did not go as expected, however. Mintz told the illustrator that he and his brother would have to work for a lower fee if they wanted to renew the contract. The illustrator was shocked and argued that he could not produce the cartoons for less money.
As they argued about the new fee, he discovered that Winkler had persuaded Mintz to take over production of the Oswald cartoons. During the visits to the studios in California, Winkler had secretly arranged to hire away several of the best animators. Mintz and Winkler believed they could cut costs and increase their profits by producing the series themselves. Their strategy in the negotiations was to get the illustrator to give up his right to renew the Oswald contract.
Winkler and Mintz succeeded.
Angry and hurt, the illustrator and his wife, Lillian, left New York and headed home. He had trusted Mintz and Winkler. He had trusted his employees. He had honored his part of the contract and expected fair treatment in return. He had worked many long nights and weekends to meet production deadlines. Now, without warning, the highly successful cartoon series was taken away from him. He would no longer be the producer of the series he worked so hard to develop. His studio had lost its only big account.
Turning Disaster into a Gift
But the young illustrator did not react like a victim to the raw deal pulled on him. During the train ride back to Hollywood, he refl ected on his situation and determined that he could create his own cartoon character instead of waiting to be hired to work on other people’s ideas.
His first illustration job had been at a commercial art studio housed in an old building in Kansas City. During long hours at the drawing board, he used food crumbs to train a mouse that lived in the building. He called the mouse Mortimer.
What about Mortimer the Mouse as a cartoon character? Lillian said the name Mortimer sounded too stuffy. This mouse needed a friendlier, more playful name. What about Mickey?
Back at the studio Walt (Disney, if you didn’t figure that one out yet) and his brother decided to take advantage of a new technology that added sound to motion pictures. He charged into his new project with enthusiasm. The rest, as they say, is history.
The new cartoon was an immediate success. And Oswald the Rabbit soon disappeared from theaters while Mickey Mouse went on to become one of the greatest cartoon personalities of all time. Instead of reacting like a victim, Walt Disney had converted Mintz and Winkler’s unethical conduct and treachery into one of the best things that ever happened to him.
Many successful people have similar, albeit not so dramatic, stories, but they share one thing in a common: the survivor personality in action.
Discovering the Survivor Nature
My interest in survivors began in 1953 when I joined the paratroopers. I was sent to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, for basic training and assigned to the 503rd Airborne Infantry Regiment. Part of the 11th Airborne Division, the 503rd had returned from Korea after suffering heavy losses in combat. We were told that only one in ten men had survived. We heard stories about the 503rd. This was the unit that had parachuted onto Corregidor Island during World War II and recaptured it from the Japanese. These were jungle fighters—tough, unstoppable, and deadly. They would be our training cadre, and we were nervous about what it would be like. Talk about mean, screaming drill sergeants spread through the barracks.
When we started basic training, however, the sergeants and officers were not what we had expected. They were tough but showed patience. They pushed us hard but were tolerant. When a trainee made a mistake, they were more likely to laugh and be amused than to be angry. Either that, or to say bluntly, "In combat you’d be dead now," and walk away.
Combat survivors, it turns out, are more like Alan Alda playing Hawkeye, the mischievous, non-conforming surgeon in the M*A*S*H television series than they are like the movie character Rambo. A commanding officer of SEALS training at the Naval Special Warfare Center, for example, said in a magazine interview, "The Rambo types are the first to go."
During our training, I noticed that combat survivors have a type of personal radar always on scan. Anything that happens or any noise draws a quick, brief look. They have a relaxed awareness. I began to realize it wasn’t just luck or fate that these were the few who came back alive. Something about them as people had tipped the scales in their favor.
They did not exhibit a self-centered survival of the fittest attitude.
Quite the contrary. They had such strong self-confidence that they didn’t have to act mean or tough. They knew what they could do and apparently didn’t feel the need to prove anything to anyone. We trainees knew that if we had to go into deadly combat, these were the fighters we’d want to be with.
A Practical Definition
Years later, when I was a graduate student in clinical psychology, I discovered that psychologists and psychiatrists did not seem to know much about the people who hold up well under pressure. After graduation I started a personal research project to understand people with, as I came to call it, survivor personalities. The criteria I developed included those who:
- Have survived a major crisis or challenge.
- Surmounted the crisis through personal effort.
- Emerged from the experience with previously unknown strengths and abilities.
- Afterward find value in the experience.
Using these four criteria as a frame of reference, I listed questions I wanted to have answered.
- How do some survivors of horrible experiences manage to be so happy?
- Is there a basic pattern of personality traits that survivors share? If so, what are the traits?
- Can a person be similar to others with survivor personalities and yet be a unique individual?
- Is the survivor personality inborn or is it learned?
- If it is learned, why do so many people grow up without learning it?
- What percentage of people have survivor personalities?
- What are survivors like when they aren’t in crisis? Is there a way to identify such people when things are peaceful?
A Map-Developing Odyssey
One benefit of a good education is learning how to learn. I kept a curious and open mind as I read autobiographies and interviewed hundreds of people over many years—survivors of the World War II Bataan Death March; Jewish survivors of the Nazi Holocaust; ex-POWs and war veterans; survivors of cancer, polio, head injury, and other physically challenging conditions; survivors of earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and other natural disasters; survivors of rape, abuse, alcoholism, codependency, and addiction; parents of murdered children; and survivors of bankruptcy, job loss, and other major life-disrupting events. I became curious about public employees who remain cheerful and dedicated to their work even while being maligned by the people they serve.
With a quiet mind I absorbed whatever people told me. I allowed the territory to create its own map for me. I gradually began to sense some patterns, some predictable qualities and ways of reacting. I stopped being surprised, for example, to hear survivors laugh at themselves about some stupid thing they did.
I learned that survivors are ordinary people with flaws, worries, and imperfections. When people call them heroes they disagree. Captain Chesley ("Sully") Sullenberger of US Airways fl ight 1549, which landed in New York’s Hudson River in 2009, downplays his part of the successful landing. He gave large credit to his crew, training, and experience. Media interviews with the crew after the incident showed that they were aware it would take time for them to heal from their ordeal, that they are not superhumans who could resume doing immediately (if ever) exactly what they were doing before. In an interview with Larry King, Captain Sully said, "It’s going to take some time to integrate the experience into my persona and get my sleep schedule back to normal." While each individual aboard that plane has had his or her own path to recovery, it was a good sign to see the crew able to make light of their experience when interviewed by David Letterman on The Late Show.
It is important to understand, however, that chance and luck are key factors when a group of people is being randomly shot by gunmen, trapped in a sinking boat, or caught in a large burning building. It is as though a cosmic coin toss determined which people would be killed and which ones would not. In every crisis and emergency, however, some people have a better chance of surviving. If you are still alive after a major catastrophe, there can be a small window of time when what you do can make a difference.
I learned that a few people are born with their survivor traits firmly intact. They are the natural athletes in the game of life and have a natural talent for coping well. The rest of us need to work consciously to develop our abilities. Just as we would have to take lessons and practice to become musicians or artists, we have to work at learning how to handle pressure, difficult people, negative situations, and disruptive change.
I learned that some of life’s best survivors grew up in horrible family situations and that many people least skillful at coping with life’s difficulties have come from ideal homes. Many of the strongest people in our world have been through experiences that no public school would be allowed to arrange. They have been strengthened in the school of life. They have been abused, lied to, deceived, robbed, raped, mistreated, and hit by the worst that life can throw at them. Their reaction is to pick themselves up, learn important lessons, set positive goals, and rebuild their lives.
I learned that people seldom tap into their deepest strengths and abilities until forced to do so by a major adversity. As Julius Segal, a distinguished survivor researcher, has said, "In a remarkable number of cases, those who have suffered and prevail find that after their ordeal they begin to operate at a higher level than ever before. . . . The terrible experiences of our lives, despite the pain they bring, may become our redemption." 1
For example, former POW Lieutenant Commander Charlie Plumb was kept in an eight-foot by eight-foot stone cell for six years. He had no window to look out and nothing to read. He was frequently hog-tied, beaten, and subjected to grueling interrogations. Now, when he talks about his experience as a POW, he says, "It’s probably the most valuable six years of my life. Amazing what a little adversity can teach a person. . . . I really felt there was some meaning to that, to my experience itself."2
Thriving Versus Being a Victim
Again and again you can find stories of people who say their life threatening ordeals were the most valuable experiences of their lives. At the other extreme, some people who are healthy, employed, and living in safe communities with loving families complain about their lives as though they were being tortured.
The contrast in people’s reactions emphasize that the way we interact with life events determines how well we survive and thrive. Our attitudes determine our well-being more than our circumstances. Some people thrive in the very same situation that is distressing and overwhelming to others. In recent years, thousands of people have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Many become discouraged and financially distressed, while others find their strengths, start successful small businesses, and are thriving.
Fortunately, almost every person is born with the ability to learn how to handle unfair situations and disturbing experiences. The fact is that anyone can learn how to become better at handling life’s challenges. It is possible to avoid victim/blaming reactions by developing learning/coping responses.
A Teaching Challenge for Me, a Learning Challenge for You
Years of observing and learning about life’s best survivors have convinced me that:
- Survivor qualities can be learned, but they can’t be taught.
- Survivor qualities and a survivor spirit develop out of everyday habits that increase chances of survival should it become necessary.
- People trained to act, think, and feel as instructed do not cope with life’s unexpected challenges as well as a person with self-developed abilities because life’s best survivors have each developed a way of coping that is unique to them.
A frustrating situation for a teacher! How can I teach what can’t be taught? How can I offer expert advice about surviving and thriving when people who try to do what an expert says may, in fact, lower their chances of coping well with unexpected difficulties?
My way of handling this challenge is to offer coaching tips on how to manage your own learning. If you’ve read many self-help books, you may have noticed that the authors often start by saying that none of the existing self-help books worked very well for them. It was only after they compiled their own list of habits or principles that they finally found the way to greatness, effectiveness, excellence, prosperity, wealth, love, power, spirituality, or good digestion. Their book, they say, will save you the time and struggle of reading any other books.
The effectiveness or workability of any plan, however, comes from the learning struggle. In the school of life the responsibility is on the learner, not the teacher. Through trial and error you learn what works and what doesn’t work for you. True self-improvement, self-confidence, and spiritual development come out of real life, everyday experiences, not from books or workshops.
Thus my approach is to provide guidelines on how to learn your own surviving, coping, and thriving skills. This is a book of useful questions and practical guidelines. It is not a book of instructions. Think of it as a manual on how to discover inborn abilities that no other human can reveal to you.
What We Will Cover
Curiosity is one of the most important survivor qualities. When you ask questions about how things work, you acquire practical knowledge you can use in new situations.
The world of work has changed drastically. Many employees now work without job descriptions as members of self-directed teams. Chapters 2 through 6 cover what it takes to cope and thrive in a world of constant change—without an authority telling you what to do. These chapters show how the ability to thrive comes from ways of feeling, thinking, and acting that parents and teachers have typically not encouraged in children, including guidelines that show you how to embrace people with negative attitudes.
Many chapters contain explanations of the psychological principles involved. Feel free to skip those parts if you want only the guidelines for handling a specific situation, but realize that your learning should not be limited to one or another unique occasion.
Self-Development Suggestion At various places in the book you will come across a suggestion in a box like this one. If you want to get the most out of the book, take time to do the suggested activity. In addition, "The Survivor Personality Manual," a workbook, is aslo available.
Understanding the underlying principles will always serve you well. If you understand how the psychological principles of cause and effect work, you can apply the ideas to a wide variety of new, unexpected situations.
The best survivors are those who find a way to convert misfortune into good luck. Chapter 7 explains why a talent for serendipity is a primary indicator of a survivor personality and how you can develop yours.
The biggest challenge for most people trying to cope with difficult situations is breaking free from inner prohibitions that act as invisible emotional handicaps. Most children are born with the inner motivation to learn how to survive and thrive but something happens to them during childhood. The natural process of self-motivated learning is disrupted when parents and teachers try to turn boys and girls into "good boys" and "good girls." This phenomenon is examined in Chapter 8.
The escalating pace of life has created numerous challenges facing many people today—too much pressure, too much change, negative people, angry people, and events that have an effect on our lives and livelihoods that are seemingly well beyond our personal control. Chapters 9 and 10 contain specific guidelines for handling difficult situations in ways that make you stronger. In each case, the coping effort shows how to thrive by converting the difficulties into valuable personal growth. (If you are trying to cope with an extremely difficult situation right now, go directly to Chapter 9.)
What about life and death situations? Chapters 11 and 12 offer insight into what others have done when thrown into the worst possible circumstances. While there is no prescription for survival in crises, disasters, and torturous conditions, we can learn from the experience of others, as Julius Segal suggests in his book Winning Life’s Toughest Battles. The value in learning about many kinds of survival is that one person’s way of surviving cancer, for example, may carry just the right clue for someone struggling with months of unemployment.
There is no way of existing on this planet that does not have its drawbacks. Chapter 13 provides insight into some of the diffi culties survivors encounter because they are survivors, and tips for how to handle them.
And finally, Chapter 14 gives you tools for creating a selfmanaged learning plan for developing your own palette of surviving and thriving skills.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, as quoted in Victor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning, said, "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger."3 The Survivor Personality shows you how to do just that. It shows how to cope with disruptive change, tap into the will to survive, and gain strength from adversity. It shows how to convert a distressing, unfair experience into something good for you.
Notes and References:
1 Julius Segal, Winning Life’s Toughest Battles, Ivy Books, 1986, p. 130.
2 Charlie Plumb quote from transcript of an interview on NBC June 24, 1986. His book, I’m not a Hero, can be obtained by writing to: Charlie Plumb, PO Box 223, Kansas City, MO 64141.
3 Nietszche quote from Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl, Washington Square Press, 1963, p. 130.
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The Survivor Personality.What psychological type of personality leads to the very top? — Personal experience on
Have you experienced the disappointment associated with the fact that different people start life from different positions? That someone needs less effort than you to reach the same goodies? I’m talking about disappointment, because I’ve almost never met people who are crazy about the fact that they are lucky and they are super lucky in life (Here is Azamat Musagaliev for his song, the title of which we bashfully transform into “What are you whining about?” Huge respect) . The negative comparison tendency is one of the mysteries of the psyche that never ceases to amaze me.
3014 hits
On the other hand, what can prevent us from coming up with an alternative world with better game rules?
Today's game will be like this: You are a Young Soul who is just about to go to earth. But you are not just a young, but a smart soul, you want not just to trample between people, but to achieve SUCCESS, to become an outstanding person (in Belarusian they say “knocked out”, that is, those who stand out from the general row, shoot straight to the top). Those. the goal is to be better, brighter, more famous, more influential and richer than almost everyone. You cannot choose parents, country of birth, gender. You can choose only personality traits, character.
What are the options?
1. Highly organized autist.
Supertalent: attention span 100 out of 100. Able to engage in an interesting business 24 hours a day, without holidays and days off, to study it in great detail, to become the greatest expert. Often this is also supported by excellent analytical and synthetic abilities, and great powers of observation. Lives in the real world, free from the pressure of conventions, tk. he simply does not know that in the communication of people there are things that are not called aloud, but most of them in the depths of their souls know and accept (such as “the son of a colonel cannot become a general”, or “if you don’t put it on, you won’t go”, etc. ) Therefore, such a person does not slow down before what is generally considered impossible. He does not experience anger (except for situations of inconvenience and interference here and now), greed, thirst for power. Causes surprise and a desire to admire, but at a distance.
Weaknesses: no empathy, ability to empathize tends to 0. Can interpret partner's states only if someone bothers to provide him with a scale of values. (It works like this: hard mouth, wrinkles near the eyes, breathing noisily - angry. Angry after my last phrase - what I said is unpleasant for him. I reminded him that he would die within the next 10 years with a probability of 70%. People are afraid of death. We need to talk about what he definitely likes. I’ll ask how his grandchildren are). Consequently, the effectiveness of interaction with the group, the ability to be a leader, is extremely low, it needs managers to cooperate with people. Situations of social interaction cause great anxiety. Close relationships are possible with people who are prone to unconditional acceptance and have special training.
The sphere of interest and super-attention arise involuntarily, are not corrected by pedagogical efforts. An all-consuming interest in one thing is, in fact, an attempt to minimize contact with the rest of the outside world.
Final Transformation Options: Auction Art Expert, IT Super Code Writer, Mars Exploration Mission Initiator, Fundamental Science Theory Developer, Most Popular Composer Ever.
2. Workaholic operator.
Supertalent: is always in activity, work, movement, stops only when the next stage of work is completed in search of a new activity application object. Employability 90 -100 out of 100. At the same time, he can do what is available. If you take a child of such a warehouse to mathematics, he will win the Olympiad, if he goes to the section, he will be the first to pass the standard for kms. If he works as a specialist, he develops a double norm, constantly improving the process. If promoted to a leader, he can get carried away with issues of management, organization and management and become a successful leader.
Limitations: may have trouble setting goals on his own unless he accidentally comes up with the idea that he needs to learn it. Therefore, rather, it will be a gray cardinal than a sun king. It is easier for him to think about how to correct the consequences of the stupid antics of the king than to be the one who determines the policy. But if you need it, you can do it. Goal setting 70 out of 100. Can be a good leader, but without charisma. Leadership 80 out of 100. With forced inactivity, it is flooded with anxiety or can get sick. Also, illness for him is the only valid reason to take a break for rest.
Empathy is well developed, 60-70 out of 100. The ability to understand one's feelings is very low 10-20. Often there is depression in the background, a feeling that life is meaningless, that he is not doing what he is interested in, but cannot understand what exactly would give him pleasure. For a person of this type, the threat of suicide or dependence on psychoactive substances is real.
Can imitate well (including for himself) a passion for another person, create a family, but it will soon become obvious that this is a “plastic” relationship and the partner in them suffers seriously.
Options for the final transformation: Top manager of a leading corporation, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Federal Security Service, with a more pronounced need for physical activity - a world-famous traveler, marathon athlete, shock worker.
3. Personality with features of paranoid psychopathy.
These are potential heads of state or quasi-states, heads of corporations or kings of the underworld. In general, if you do not overdo it with the features of psychopathy and do not become a notorious psychopath, then your future career promises to be brilliant.
People of this type have a high level of charisma, are able to penetrate souls and minds, become idols, and, most importantly, they feel great in this role. They see the world as a rigid structure (castes, military hierarchy, social strata). This world is full of dangers, from which people are protected by the world order and the Leader standing on top of this world order.
The surest strategy to avoid danger is to follow the rules of the "wolf" world and climb up the career ladder. The best thing is to become the greatest and most dangerous - the supreme Ruler. Ready to directly or symbolically kill the previous Ruler when he feels enough strength to govern those who are below, while not using romantic codes of honor, the concepts of “loyalty” and “gratitude”. Those who knew you weak and helped you are dangerous with their knowledge and deserve death. (Possible scenario: a graduate student seduces a professor, he helps her do research papers, she becomes dean and fires the professor because his chronic laryngitis is a contraindication for lecturing. Nothing personal.)
Suspiciousness 90 out of 100. Observant due to suspicion and understanding of hostile and aggressive feelings of people 90-100. Moral restrictions 15 out of 100 (understands the threat of retribution from violation of prohibitions). The ability to manage, inspire and motivate people through primitive needs 80-90.
Weaknesses: does not understand selfless love well (1-5 out of 100). He is attached to those on whom his survival depends and to those on whom he can project the opposite situation (his children). Any attachment is destroyed in case of suspicion of betrayal. Does not understand complex needs and motivations (self-esteem, self-development, attachment to group members). Very primitive in understanding culture, symbolism (perception of beauty at the level of a child of 3-4 years old - bright, shiny, rhythmic, melodious). As a result, it loses connection and causes rejection in people with a more complex cultural organization.
With age, paranoia increases, the desire to control and destroy everything incomprehensible increases. By virtue of high abilities for suggestion, he himself creates the conditions for his “murder”. Thrown from the Golden Mountain, usually spends a life of hatred and loneliness.
4. Gorgeous Narcissus
The story about a young man who fell in love with his own reflection is well known. People of this type can really be Amazing and Gorgeous. Just do not confuse, please, with Charming and Delightful Tantrums! Magnificent persons are magnificent, regardless of the number of observers. Charming - charm those who are nearby. The narcissist does not want to know that there are living people in the world besides him.
Empathy - 0. People who annoyingly insist that they also exist are fiercely hated and are capable of inflicting hellish pain in response. If you do not touch it, then everything will be ok. And if you also serve him with additional arms, legs, a wallet, then everything will be just fine. You will even be allowed to admire the Splendor as a reward. Magnificence can be both in a personal body (cold beauties, perfect athletes), and in the products of Narcissus, which he creates exclusively alone (poems, sculptures, films). If you have listened to a magnificent report, to which neither add nor subtract, which did not raise questions, but made several people stand up and express their delight - know that Narcissus was at the pulpit.
Power: the ability to evoke a feeling of perfection and harmony, beyond the passage of time and vain anxieties.
Weakness: Narcissus does not suffer from loneliness and does not notice how people who admire his Splendor gradually become disillusioned with his coldness and leave for a less perfect, but more lively life. But there comes a moment when Narcissus is not, for one reason or another, the most perfect, interesting, beautiful. He is faced with the perishability of everything and the inexorability of the passage of time. This becomes a reason for despair, deep depression, and even direct or indirect suicide.
5. Charming Hysteric. No matter what folk mythology says, there are different sexes.
Super strength: Attention attraction 120 out of 100. Usually they don't realize it, but the central meaning of their life is to seduce others, make them forget about their affairs, families, work and hobbies and be fascinated by them. Empathy, emotional intelligence, the ability to enjoy beauty and feelings - tend to 100. With good intelligence and education, they produce the effect of a girl in a red dress at a dinner party on society. Someone is outright delighted, someone is furious, someone pointedly ignores or quietly licks his lips. But EVERYONE will discuss THIS PERSON after the ball. Charming Hysteric is always surrounded by a halo of sex, scandal, vice, violation of the norms of decency. In general, if it seems to you that the life of a star is yours, become Hysterical.
Weaknesses: Tendency to dynamize - 100 out of 100. Typical problem Hysteria is formulated as follows: “Well, how do you always manage to misunderstand me!”
Tantrums are immature and infantile. A girl with a half-bare chest sincerely does not intend to have sex after a date and just came to you to drink tea with honey. And the guy who talked about how he would like his wife to have everything, and at the same time she could not work, but only take care of the children, the house, and her own beauty, will be in a panic if he really has to answer for someone more demanding than a cat. Yes, and the cat, if he gets sick, it’s better to call someone himself, otherwise he might die. The fact is that the main goal of the Charming Hysteria is to capture your attention, to make you turn away from the whole world. And the “sex” button is the most suitable for this. But to lead the lifestyle of an adult, give birth and raise children, plan and implement plans - brrr. So, being a hysteric, you will have to push around in life to find a person who is close and understands that he is constantly being thrown and dynamized. The hysterical partner must be ready to be an adult for two, to take care and admire only his beloved. He will also have to take care of monetizing the interest that Hysteric will arouse among the public.
There are a lot of such people, so don't worry, if you choose such a character, everything can turn out very well.
What can you become? In addition to the fate of celebrity, this psychotype will succeed in politics, being a bright screen for serious people who remain in the shadows, a marketer or propagandist - a bright light that gullible moths with coins in their paws should fly to.
6. A healthy person after a mental trauma - Survivor.
Psychic trauma is always very painful, quite dangerous and poorly dosed. The collapse of faith in security, looking into the eyes of death, the loss of the object of love, understanding the chaos of the world - all this can kill, if not immediately, then delayed. More veterans died from alcoholism, drug addiction and dangerous behavior during the 10 years after the war in Afghanistan than during the actual fighting.
In order to recover from a mental trauma to a state of good social adaptation, one needs initially a very strong, whole personality and a very good supportive environment. Then there is the possibility that, in the end, the Survivor will be able to accept the world without embellishment, understand all conventions, but handle them at his own discretion, be the lawmaker for his world, endure failures calmly and be tireless in search of an effective solution. The survivor does not confuse the fuss and true values and his goals are always significant, and the results are impressive. These are great transformers, capable of fixing and preserving the result. Vito Corleone and his son Michael from the famous Godfather saga are perfect characters to illustrate this personality type. Their strength is freedom from psychological complexes, the ability to realize all available talents by 100%.
Weaknesses: looking into the eyes of Death never forgets them.
Well, Young Soul, it's time to choose. Whose difficulties will you take away from this hall?
How I divided people into types / Sudo Null IT News
Galton's Board“The main principle is not to fool yourself.
And the easiest way to fool yourself is Richard Feynman.
In the article about rationality, I made a reservation that rationality begins with criticism of one's beliefs. Let me tell you about how I found myself believing unreasonably in inaccurate beliefs. And how it put me in a very awkward situation.
During my student years, I actively participated in various youth forums. At one of these events, I participated in a training on personality typology. I will not name a specific typology, for the purposes of the article this does not matter. The mechanisms of such systems are very similar, so you can safely substitute any familiar to you ( about Stirlitz , capricorn or oral vector ).
This typology promised to teach you to better understand other people, and at the same time understand yourself as a bonus. She opened her eyes to the fact that people think differently and value different things in life. I quickly got into it, determined my type, and began to distribute types to all my friends. Along the way, I read a book by the author of the typology, after which I began to spread the idea among everyone I could even reach. Since social activity in my student years was in full swing, I managed to reach a lot of people.
There are almost no people left in my social circle who have not delved into the topic. This gave rise to a special jargon that outwardly looked like something sectarian, but we knew that the idea is based on science (as the author of the technology assured). The funny thing is, this mysterious jargon attracted people rather than repulsed them.
People asked questions, expressed skepticism and got very convincing looking answers. "Thank you" to the course of debate technologies ( according to the Karl Popper format ). At that time, I had very good persuasion skills. Did I mention that rhetoric is a double-edged weapon for any position?
From the inside, everything looked like the technology was working. There were no doubts, all the standard objections were worked out by me personally and passed through myself. This belief has become a part of me and my life. What could go wrong?
I won't go into details, but at some point a locomotive with big red letters "Critical Thinking" flew into my head. I confess that I did not immediately compare the contents of the carriages of this train and my own head. But on one of the cars it became obvious to me that something was wrong with typologies in general and with ours in particular. The cars then go in approximately the same order in which they drove through my inadequacy specifically in this topic.
Car 1. Forer effect (aka - Barnum effect ).
Psychologist Bertram Forer back in 1948 asked his students to fill out a test, and promised to make an accurate psychological portrait of everyone. 34 out of 39 students highly rated the accuracy of the description. But the description was one for all and was taken from a newspaper horoscope. The ability of our brain to accept vague descriptions of our personality as convincing has been called the Forer Effect. This effect is enhanced by two main factors: if the description is prepared individually for us (after a survey or testing) and if the description is made by a “qualified specialist”, that is, authority.
Car 2. Apophenia .
Our brain is designed to look for patterns. And this is cool, because it allows us to establish causal relationships. But there is also a side effect, we isolate patterns even when there are none. Even worse, correlations are inevitable, and more common the more parameters we analyze (there is even a site with funny correlations). Namely, our brain takes correlations for patterns and turns them into prejudices. Statistics could save here, but our intuition refuses to work with it. In addition, there are difficulties in the statistics itself with the processing of such cases. It is because of these complexities that arguments like the "Mars effect" are born.
Car 3. Normal distribution
Let's take extraversion and introversion. If we evaluate 100 random people on a scale from 1 to 10 (where 1 = absolute extrovert and 10 = absolute introvert), then we get ... something like this. Most people will be centered around averages, with "absolutely" extremes being the rarest. This is true for the overwhelming number of characteristics that "predict" personality typologies. People, by any randomly chosen criteria, will be more likely to be near the average than near the extremes.
Car 4. Confirmation Distortion
Our brain is designed in such a way that we “by default” tend to increase confidence in the observations we already have. Such a phenomenon is called rationalization or motivated thinking ( we will return to them more than once ). A clear demonstration of this tendency is Peter Wason's 2-4-8 problem experiment. Trying to refute what we believe is an unnatural activity. Moreover, a good command of formal logic, but its selective application, often leads to motivated skepticism. This is just my situation. After the debate course, I easily found errors in any arguments against my beliefs. The problem is that I didn't even try to look for such errors in the beliefs themselves. But I was good at finding sources that confirm my beliefs and “packing” them into convincing-sounding arguments. In this way I systematically built up my confidence in beliefs apart from the balance of evidence.
Car 5. Interpretation dependent.
This effect is perfectly demonstrated in the fiction book "Apophenia" by Alexander Panchin. There, astrologers are brought in as experts in court, but the code of corporate ethics forbids them to give a forecast if another astrologer has already made his prediction. So I, before determining the type, was always interested in whether the person determined himself, or whether someone from his mutual acquaintances determined him. After all, solving a problem is much easier when you know what answer you need to adjust the solution to. But if the answer is not given, then the results will already reflect the strength of the methodology. For example, John McGrew and Richard McFaul decided to test six of the best astrologers in Indiana (USA). They invited astrologers to establish a correspondence between questionnaires and horoscopes of 23 people. At least 4 correct matches for one astrologer would be significant. But the number of correct answers never exceeded 3 (and averaged in general = 1). At the same time, astrologers were asked to rate the confidence in the correctness of each comparison. The average confidence level was 75%.
Car 6. Floating convictions .
Briefly recall the essence: if the model is able to describe any outcome, it means that it does not give any forecast. In this case, the benefit from it is almost zero, and the harm is quite palpable.