My little pony personality types
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2010) Personality Types
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2010) Personality Types - Personality ListWhat is the personality type of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2010)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2010) from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic 2010 and what is the personality traits.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a children's animated fantasy television series created by Lauren Faust for Hasbro. The series is based on Hasbro's My Little Pony line of toys and animated works and is often referred by collectors as the fourth generation ("G4") of the franchise. The series premiered on October 10, 2010, on The Hub cable channel. Hasbro selected animator Lauren Faust as the creative director and executive producer for the show. Faust sought to challenge the established nature of the existing My Little Pony line, creating more in-depth characters and adventurous settings; she left the series during season 2, to be replaced by Meghan McCarthy as showrunner.
aka: MLP
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Starlight Glimmer
Twilight Sparkle
Princess Luna
Princess Celestia
Sunset Shimmer
Trixie Lulamoon
Maud Pie
Big Mac
Sweetie Belle
Apple Bloom
Rarity (Equestria Girls)
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My Little Pony, Mane-Six Characters
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- My Little Pony, Mane-Six Characters
To help you get started with your My Little Pony watching: a guide to your mane six ponies.
By Ethan Lewis | |
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One of the greatest mysteries of the Geek universe is the issue of Bronies. Why would a fullgrown man engage in a fandom aimed at young girls? The author’s answer to this question is simple – the characters. The characters make this show awesome. Here is a brief description of the Mane Six.
Rainbow Dash Element of Harmony – LoyaltyMemorable Appearances – Fall Weather Friends, May the Best Pet Win, The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Rainbow Dash: number 1 fan of the Wonderbolts, Lesbian icon, inventor of the sonic rainboom and the boldest Pegasus in all of Equestria. Rainbow Dash is an incredibly good flyer who is very self-assured and tends to be on the cocky side. She boldly flies into any situation (often before thinking about it) and attempts to fix any problem with her fancy moves. She is often very concerned about her self-image (as seen in Read it And Weep). Like many of us, her cockiness is often just a cover for her insecurity. Her concern over being seen as cool is often at odds with her ability to remain a good and positive friend. She often has to be reminded that humility is a virtue and that friendship should come before personal ambitions. Despite that she is a wonderful friend and often helps her friends face their fears and grow because of it.
FluttershyElement of Harmony – KindnessMemorable Appearances – Dragonshy, Stare Master, Putting Your Hoof Down
One of the things to note is that each set of characters of the same “species” are foils of one another. Fluttershy is a much different Pegasus than Rainbow Dash. She is shy, easily frightened and very unsure of herself. She is incredibly cautious and often strongly considers a situation before jumping into it. One of the things that is most interesting about her as a Pegasus is that her flying abilities are very weak compared to other Pegasi that we have met on the show.
She finds that she is much more comfortable in the realm of the Earth Ponies. In a dramatic moment displaying how she acquired her cutie mark (the MLP equivalent to puberty, we think) Fluttershy falls from the clouds and lands on the ground. (A dear friend of this author finds an analogy here about the fall of Lucifer.) Well Fluttershy’s fall leads her to find her calling as a helper of animals. Though she is painfully shy and often unwilling to go outside her comfort zone, Fluttershy is a great friend. She embodies kindness, empathy and is beginning to learn what it means to stand up for one’s self.
Twilight SparkleElement of Harmony – MagicMemorable Appearances – The Ticket Master, Winter Wrap Up, Lesson Zero
If there was a protagonist to My Little Pony Friendship is Magic it would be Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle is a Unicorn from Canterlot and is a student under the guidance of Princess Celestia. She decides to stay in Ponyville after saving it from destruction. Her studies focus on the magic of friendship and the lessons of each episode are often taught through her letters to Celestia. Twilight Sparkle embodies many contradictions, which makes her one of the more complex characters of this show. She is rational, logical and scientific yet her element of harmony is magic. She is an excellent and dedicated student yet is always concerned about failing assignments. She didn’t understand the power of friendship despite being surrounded by ponies who care about her (her brother, Spike, Princess Celestia, etc). She is a very open minded friend and an incredible listener though sometimes her rational leanings lead to misunderstandings regarding others feelings.
RarityElement of Harmony – GenerosityMemorable Appearances – Look Before You Sleep, Suited for Success, A Dog and Pony Show
If Twilight Sparkle is the essence of practicality, Rarity is all things fabulous. She is a Unicorn who values beauty, style and appearance. She runs a dress shop and is always creating her own unique sense of style. She is the object of affection for Spike. And though she can be very materialistic and vain she is also much deeper than that. She is very focused on running her own business and often uses her creativity to help in situations. She is very generous with her time and energy and is often found creating dresses for her friends. She embodies both the feminine and the tough. She is a wonderful friend and a great big sister.
Apple JackElement of Harmony – HonestyMemorable Appearances – Applebuck Season, Look Before You Sleep, Over a Barrel
Apple Jack is what we would consider “a guy’s girl.” If Apple Jack were a human girl (and not a cartoon pony) she would out drink you and arm wrestle you until you were in pain. And then she’d laugh at you. She’s an incredibly tough worker who is dedicated fully to her family’s apple farm. Her role as a sister and granddaughter are the most important roles her in life. She is tough and strong while also being a very savvy business woman who always puts her family first. She is also a wonderful friend, often helping to bring a sense of practicality to situations. She brings both the brawn and the brains when her friends call on her for help.
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Pinky PieElement of Harmony – Laughter Memorable Appearances – Feeling Pinky Keen, Party of One, Baby Cakes
If Apple Jack is “work hard,” Pinky Pie is the “play hard.” Pinky Pie is a girl always on the search for a good time and is usually actively seeking out fun. She’s the friend that bursts into song and giggles. She is always the one throwing a party and making delicious goodies. In fact, she has her very own party cannon taking her continuously ongoing party of a life on the road. She also has some very quirky (and lovable) traits including a “Pinky sense” which is something like a cross between intuition and an impending sense of doom. She thinks very “outside the box.” She’s a great friend who is always ready to make herself look silly if it means a friend will smile. Pinky Pie is a friend who always encourages and helps her friends cheer up.
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Ethan is an Upstate New York kid who loves horror movies, Doctor Who, and is a total brony. Ethan wonders why they only ever say "he/she…
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Recently, I came across a table of psychological portraits of ponies according to the Myers-Briggs typology (MBTI). This classification, in general, seemed logical and interesting to me, so I decided to bring it to you. I was too lazy to translate the table, instead I just found descriptions of types in Russian. Under the cut, a wall of text awaits you.
In the comments, I propose to write which of the descriptions suits you personally.
To help, I give a link to the MBTI typology test, consisting of 94 questions. (Only works in Internet Explorer and Google Chrome).
Another MBTI test (70 questions).
UDP: By popular demand, added the names of the corresponding socionic types. What is MBTI? nine0003
Carl Jung developed psychological types based on two pairs of functions (Thinking [T] and Feeling [F], Sensing [S] and Intuition [N]) and two types of attitudes (Extroversion [E] and Introversion [I]). In his theory, there are eight basic psychological types, each of which has its own dominant function.
Katharina Briggs developed the teachings of Carl Jung, and Isabelle Myers-Briggs discovered the fourth pair of preferences - Decision [J] and Perception [P]. This made it possible to create a four-functional model of the psychological type, taking into account all four positions of the functions mentioned by Carl Jung: dominant, auxiliary, third and subordinate. Thus, 16 psychological types appeared, used by the modern Myers-Briggs typology. nine0003
The Myers-Briggs type identifier is widely used in business, and in particular in some large Western companies. In the US, up to 70% of high school graduates take the MBTI personality test for career choice purposes. The Myers-Briggs typology study is approved by the American Psychological Association as part of the Category 1 continuing education for psychologists.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is designed to determine one of 16 personality types. It includes 8 scales combined in pairs. The purpose of the typology and tests is to help a person in determining his individual preferences - which poles of the scales are more suitable for him. nine0003
1. Scale E—I - orientation of consciousness:
E ( E xtraversion, extraversion) - orientation of consciousness outwards, towards objects,
I ( I introversion of consciousness) - inversion of consciousness, introversion , on the subject;
2. Scale S—N — way of orientation in a situation:
S ( S ensing, sensation) — orientation to specific information,
N (i N tuition) — orientation, intuition summarized information; nine0003
3. Scale T—F — decision-making basis:
T ( T hinking, thinking) — rational weighing of alternatives;
F ( F eeling, feeling) - making decisions on an emotional basis;
4. Scale J-P - method of preparing decisions:
J ( J udging, judgment) - preference for planning and organizing information in advance,
P ( P udging) - preference for action, perception without detailed preliminary preparation, more guided by the circumstances. nine0003
Two of the four functions (Thinking and Feeling) are rational, decision-making functions. The other two (Sensation and Intuition) are irrational, functions of information perception. If the dominant function of an individual is rational (Thinking or Feeling), then the auxiliary function is always one of the two irrational ones (Sensation or Intuition), and vice versa. The third and fourth functions are always reflections of the first and second. For example, if Feeling is the first and Thinking is the second, then Feeling (the opposite of Thinking) must be the third, and Intuition (the opposite of Feeling) will be the fourth. nine0003
The settings of all four functions depend on the setting of the dominant function. If the dominant function is Introverted, then the settings of all functions from one to four will be I-E-I-E, if the dominant function is Extraverted, then E-I-E-I.
More details can be found here.
ISTJ - (
I ntroversion, introversion) - ( S ensing, feeling) ( T hinking, thinking) ( J udging, judgment) - The Duty BigintoshSocionic type: "Maxim Gorky", "Inspector" - logical-sensory introvert (logic, sensory, introvert, rational)
Cautious and conservative; accurate, realistic and practical; caring, meticulous and resistant to change; logical, honest and attach great importance to facts; do not tolerate gossip, deceit and lies. Serious and silent, interested in security and peaceful life. Extremely thorough, responsible and faithful. The dominant value in ISTJ life is a strong sense of duty to do what needs to be done here and now. Their realism, organizational skills and skillful handling of facts allow them to carry out any business thoroughly and with great attention to detail. Deeply logical pragmatists, they make decisions based on their own experience, paying attention to the effectiveness of each of the things. They are infinitely loyal to the people and organizations they belong to; take their work very seriously and are convinced that others should do the same. nine0003
Silent and reserved individuals interested in security and peaceful life. They have a strong inner sense of duty that gives them motivation and seriousness to their intentions. Organized and methodical, they can succeed in any business they undertake. Full description.
ISFJ - (
I ntroversion, introversion) ( S ensing, feeling) ( F eeling, feeling) ( J udging, judgment) - The Bellturers -ie0101Socionic type: "Dreiser", "Keeper" - ethical-sensory introvert (ethic, sensory, introvert, rational)
Cautious and soft; very precise and efficient; organized and determined. Silent, kind and honest. Usually they put the needs of others above their own. Solid and practical, they value safety and tradition. The dominant value in the life of an ISFJ is an unwavering respect for and a sense of personal responsibility for what needs to be done here and now. The affairs of practical help to others are of paramount importance to them. Their realism, organizational skills and skillful handling of facts allow them to carry out any business thoroughly and with great attention to detail. They bring an aura of calm warmth, care and dedication to their work; take their work very seriously and are convinced that others should do the same. nine0003
ISFJs live in a concrete and kind world. They are sincerely warm and kind and want to believe in the best in people. They value harmony and interaction and tend to be very receptive to other people's feelings. ISFJs are valued by others for their insights, awareness and ability to see the best in people through their relentless desire to find the best. Full description.
INFJ — (
I ntroversion, introversion) (i N tuition, intuition) ( F eeling, feeling) ( J udging, judgment) - The Protectors - ZecoraSocionic type: "Dostoevsky", "Humanist" - ethical-intuitive introvert (ethicist, intuit, introvert, rational)
Creative, original and independent; thoughtful, warm and impressionable; think broadly and with a large share of their own unique views; cautious, prudent and planned; organized, productive and determined; closed and polite. They tend to get attached to things until they are completed. Extremely rely on intuition in the perception of people and are preoccupied with their feelings. The dominant value of an INFJ's life is attention to the inner world of possibilities, ideas and symbols. INFJs' main way of learning is through insight, and they show a deep concern for people and relationships. They often have a deep interest in artistic expression, as well as the expression of spirituality and human development. Since their energy and attention, as a rule, are directed to the inner world of ideas and premonitions, the first thing that those around them notice in them is the desire for solitude and the application of their ideas in caring for people. nine0003
INFJs are very kind, caring, deep and extremely intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. INFJs place great value on being neat and systematic in the world around them. They invest a huge amount of energy in determining the best way to get things done, and are constantly redefining and redefining their priorities. On the other hand, INFJs do not act on their own, but on the basis of intuition, which is absolutely spontaneous. Full description. nine0003
INTJ — (
I ntroversion, introversion) (i N tuition, intuition) ( T hinking, thinking) ( J9 udging, judgment) — The Scientists10:09 Socionic type10:09 socionic type "Robespierre" (Descartes), "Analyst" - logical-intuitive introvert (logic, intuit, introvert, rational)
Autonomous, cold and quick-witted; critical, analytical and logical; curious, have a craving for learning, increasing their competence and knowledge; in society - cautious and closed, organized and determined. Independent, original and relentless. They have an exceptional ability to turn theories into full-fledged plans of action. Knowledge, competence and order are highly valued. The dominant force in the life of an INTJ is attention to the inner world of possibilities, symbols, abstractions, images and thoughts. Intuition along with logical analysis is the essence of their relationship with the world, they think systematically. For them, ideas are the substance of life, they are driven by the need to understand, know and demonstrate competence in what interests them. They believe in their hunches and, through their action orientation, turn their dreams into reality. nine0003
INTJs live in a world of ideas and strategic planning. They value intelligence, knowledge and competence, and in these areas they tend to have high standards, which they strive to consistently implement. They expect nothing less from others.
Possessing a dominant Introverted Intuition, INTJs focus their energies on carefully observing the world and generating ideas and possibilities. Their minds are constantly gathering information and making associations about it. People of this type are extremely perceptive and usually grasp new ideas very quickly. However, their highest interest is not in understanding the concept, but in its rational application. Full description. nine0003
ISTP — (
I ntroversion, introversion) ( S ensing, sensation) ( T hinking, thinking) ( P erception, perception) — The Mechanics — 901 — Spike12 901 — Spike12 Gabin”, “Master” — sensory-logical introvert (logic, sensory, introvert, irrational) Logical and pragmatic, attach great importance to facts; unpretentious and autonomous; silent and uncommunicative; impulsive and curious about the physical world; flexible and resourceful. The driving force behind ISTP life is an understanding of how things and phenomena work in the real world and how they can be used in the most effective way. These are realistic people who are excellent problem solvers. If at some point they are not busy solving a problem, they calmly and analytically examine their environment. They tend to look for hidden meaning in any fact that attracts attention. ISTPs often look for variety and even excitement in their lives. Although they have spontaneous and even playful sides, the first thing people notice about them is their candid pragmatism. nine0003
ISTPs have an irresistible urge to learn how things work. They are good at logical analysis and are more than willing to apply it to practical situations. They tend to be very persuasive, even if they are not interested in theories and concepts until they see practical applications. They like to look at things in detail and find out how things work. Full description.
ISFP — (
I ntroversion, introversion) ( S ensing, feeling) ( F eeling, feeling) ( P erception, perception) - The Artists - Fluttershy very sensitive; thoughtful, devoted and tender with those whom they have known for a long time; sensitive to criticism and easily vulnerable; silent, kind and gentle; adaptable, responsive and curious; realistic and down to earth.
ISFPs live in a world of sensory experiences. They care about how things look, smell, sound, feel and taste. ISFPs have a fine aesthetic sense and are generally good artists, unusually gifted at creating and combining things that are highly evocative of the senses. ISFPs have a clear set of values that are firmly followed. ISFPs need to feel like they are living according to what they feel - right, so they will rebel against anything that conflicts with their worldview. They usually choose jobs and careers that give them the freedom to work in pursuit of value-oriented personal goals. Full description. nine0003
INFP - (
I ntroversion, introversion) (i N tuition, intuition) ( F eeling, feeling) ( P erception, perception) - The00902 Socionic typicalists1: 9002 "Yesenin", "Lyric" - intuitive-ethical introvert (ethicist, intuit, introvert, irrational) Silent, closed and kind; very passionate, sensitive and easily vulnerable; loving and devoted with those whom they have known for a long time; creative, original, curious, imaginative; nonconformal. Thoughtful and idealistic. They have well-developed value systems that they try to live by. Extremely true. The dominant value in the life of an INFP is a deep sense of caring and idealism towards people. Typically, they show this strong concern in relationships with other people, but they can also show it in relation to ideas, projects, and in general any thing that seems important to them. They often have excellent communication skills and are easily drawn to ideas that spark an interest in human potential. They live in an inner world of values and ideals, but the first thing people notice about them is their adaptability and interest in possibilities. nine0003
More than any other intuitive feeling types, INFPs are more focused on making the world a better place. Their goal is to find the meaning of life. What is their purpose and how best can they keep humanity in their lives? They are idealists and perfectionists who stubbornly strive to achieve their goals. Full description.
INTP - (
I ntroversion, introversion) (i N tuition, intuition) ( T hinking, thinking) ( P erception, perception) - The Thinkers - TwilightSocionic type: "Balzac", "Critic" - intuitive-logical introvert (logic, intuit, introvert, irrational)
Silent, independent and closed; logical and unemotional; inventive, with a wide flight of thought; curious and do not miss the opportunity to improve their competence; nonconformal and unpredictable. Original, creative thinkers. The main driving force behind the life of INTPs is the understanding of whatever phenomenon their attention is focused on. They want to find meaning in everything in the world - in the form of a concept - and often enjoy creative possibilities. They are logical, analytical and impartial in their attitude to the world; in their pursuit of understanding, they tend to question and criticize ideas and facts. They usually have little need to either control the outside world or bring order to it, often showing flexibility in their lifestyle. nine0003
INTPs live in a world of theoretical possibilities. They see everything in the context of how it could be improved or what it could be turned into. They live primarily within their own minds, and are able to analyze complex problems, recognize patterns, and provide logical explanations. They seek clarity in everything, and strive to receive and form knowledge. These are "absent-minded professors" who highly value intelligence and the ability to apply logic to theories to find solutions. They have such a strong desire to give a logical explanation of problems that they spend most of their lives inside their own heads and may not attach any value or much importance to the world around them. Their natural desire to turn theories into a form convenient for concrete understanding can turn into a sense of personal responsibility for solving theoretical problems and help society move towards a fuller understanding. Full description. nine0003
ESTP - (
E xtraversion, extraversion) ( S ensing, feeling) ( T hinking, thinking) ( P erception, perception) - The Doers - Rainbow Dash 9012 9012 typical "Zhukov", "Marshal" - sensory-logical extrovert (logic, sensory, extrovert, irrational) Entrepreneurial and impulsive; talkative and curious; logical, but capable of humor, fun and charm; attentive, specific and practical. Friendly, easily adapt to new conditions and cannot sit idle. "Businessmen" who want to see the result immediately. The dominant value in the life of ESTPs is their enthusiastic attention to the surrounding world of tangible and real events. They are excited by the endless involvement in new activities and the pursuit of fresh experiences. In their attitude to life, they tend to be logical and analytical, and have a keen sense of how things, events, and people work. As a rule, they are energetic and adaptable realists who prefer to perceive and experience life more than to judge or organize it. nine0003
ESTP - sociable and accurate type. Enthusiastic and easily excitable, ESTPs are “hands on” who live in a world of action. Rough, direct and risky, they are willing to take on any important task without fear of getting their hands dirty. They live in the here and now and place little value on introspection or theory. Take a look at the actual state of the situation, instantly decide what needs to be done, execute, and move on to the next one. Full description.
ESFP - (
E xtraversion, extraversion) ( S ensing, feeling) ( F eeling, feeling) ( P erception, perception) - The Performers - ScootalooSocionic type: "Napoleon" (Caesar), "Politician" - sensory-ethical extrovert (ethicist, sensory, extrovert, irrational)
Sociable, playful and warm; impulsive, curious and talkative; sensitive, caring and soft; sociable and unpredictable; active, responsive and picky about things. They do not like theory and objective analysis. Interested in serving others. Society loves to be the center of attention. The dominant value in the life of ESFPs is their enthusiastic attention to the surrounding world of tangible and real events. They are excited by the endless involvement in new activities and relationships. In addition, they have a strong concern for people and show this concern in gestures of warm and pragmatic help. As a rule, they are energetic and easily adaptable realists who prefer to experience and perceive life more than to organize it. nine0003
ESFPs live in a world of human possibilities. They love people and new experiences. They are bright and cheerful personalities who love to be the center of attention. They live in the "here and now" and enjoy the excitement and drama in their lives. Full description.
ENFP - (
E xtraversion, extraversion) (i N tuition, intuition) ( F eeling, feeling) ( P erception, perception) - The Inspirers0 - Pinkie1 typical : "Huxley", "Counselor" - intuitive and ethical extrovert (ethic, intuit, extrovert, irrational) Enthusiastic, talkative and sociable; smart, playful and curious; very caring, sensitive and gentle; idealistic, highly inventive, creative and optimistic; adaptable, resourceful, but sometimes disorganized. They can do almost anything that interests them. Amazing people skills. They need to live in accordance with their inner attitudes. The dominant value in the life of an ENFP is attention to the possibilities of the outside world; they are excited by the endless enthusiasm for everything new, whether it be ideas, new people, or new activities. ENFPs not only thrive in everything possible and new, but also show a deep concern for people. Therefore, they are especially interested in the capabilities of people. They are energetic, enthusiastic people living spontaneous lives. nine0003
ENFP warm, energetic, usually very bright and full of potential personality. They live in a world of possibilities and get excited and delighted by new circumstances. Their enthusiasm is greater than other types and gives them the ability to push and inspire those around them. ENFPs show up regardless of the situation. They love life, considering it a special gift and trying to take everything from it. Full description.
ENTP - (
E xtraversion, extraversion) (i N tuition, intuition) ( T hinking, thinking) ( P erception, perception) - The Visionaries - Apple Bloom intuitive, extrovert, irrational) Friendly, charming and sociable; quick-witted and energetic; resourceful and creative; curious, flexible and unpredictable; logical and analytical. Good at a wide range of activities and things. They enjoy debating and may feel they are superior to others. The dominant value in the life of an ENTP is attention to the possibilities of the outside world; they are excited by an endless passion for everything new, whether it be ideas, new people, or new activities. They are looking for patterns and meaning in the world around them and usually have a great need for analysis, understanding and knowledge of the nature of things. As a rule, these are energetic, enthusiastic people living a spontaneous life. nine0003
ENTPs with dominant Extraverted Intuition are primarily interested in understanding the world in which they live. They constantly absorb ideas and images of the situations they encounter in life. Since they use intuition to perceive information, they usually have the ability to quickly and accurately take a look at the entire situation. ENTP understands the surrounding reality more than any of the other types, with the exception of its cousin ENFP. Full description. nine0003
ESTJ - (
E xtraversion, extraversion) ( S ensing, feeling) ( T hinking, thinking) ( J udging, judgment) - The Guardians - Applejack 9012 Stirlitz", "Administrator" - logical-sensory extrovert (logic, sensory, extrovert, rational) Energetic, friendly and talkative; productive and organized; realistic and sensible; honest and brutally direct; make decisions quickly, have an opinion about everything; traditional, serious and responsible. They are often skeptical of new or untested ideas, not interested in theories and abstractions until they see practical applications. The driving force behind the life of an ESTJ is the need to analyze and bring into reasonable order the external world of events, people and things. They like to organize everything that falls into their field of activity, and they will work energetically on the execution of an existing task in order to move on to the next one as soon as possible. Feeling orients their thinking towards concrete facts and reality, which gives their thinking a pragmatic quality. ESTJs take their responsibilities seriously and believe that others should do the same. nine0003
ESTJs live in a world of facts and specific needs. They live in the present and constantly monitor their environment to make sure everything is running smoothly and systematically. ESTJs respect tradition and the law and have a clear set of norms and beliefs. They expect the same from the rest, and do not tolerate people who do not accept these rules. They value competence and performance, so they like to see immediate results from their efforts. Full description.
ESFJ - (
E xtraversion, extraversion) ( S ensing, feeling) ( F eeling, feeling) ( J udging, judgment) - The Caregivers - Cheerilee"Enthusiast" - ethical-sensory extrovert (ethic, sensory, extrovert, rational)
Active, friendly and energetic; sociable, gentle and talkative; sympathetic with others and polite in joint work; realistic, specific and conscientious; very sensitive and easily vulnerable; organized and responsible. Warm and widely known. They tend to put the needs of others above their own. They have a strong sense of duty and duty. The dominant value in the life of an ESFJ is a deep concern for people and a strong desire to bring harmony into relationships. They bring an aura of warmth to everything they do and tend to get down to business to help other people, organize the world around them, and get things done. Sensation orients their feelings towards concrete facts and realities, which gives their feelings a realistic and pragmatic quality. They take their work seriously and are convinced that others should do the same. nine0003
ESFJs are public figures - they love people and take a warm interest in them. They use their Sensing and Judging preferences to gather specific, detailed information about others and use that information to provide support. They are attracted to people and have a special skill to help bring out the best in others. They are extremely good at reading others and understanding their points of view. A strong desire to please, or at least to be pleasant, makes them very sensitive to the needs of other people. People love being around ESFJs because ESFJs have a special gift for helping all people, without exception, establish a good opinion of themselves. Full description. nine0003
ENFJ - (
E xtraversion, extraversion) (i N tuition, intuition) ( F eeling, feeling) ( J udging, judgment) - The00 -1 Rarity typical "Hamlet", "Mentor" - ethical-intuitive extrovert (ethic, intuit, extrovert, rational) Friendly, sociable and full of enthusiasm; tactful, very sensitive, but easily vulnerable; creative and original; resolute and have an opinion about everything; productive, organized and disciplined. Widely known and impressionable, they have extraordinary communication skills. Concentrated on the outside world and interested in what others think and feel. As a rule, they do not like to be alone. The dominant value in the life of an ENFJ is an active and deep concern for people and a strong desire to bring harmony into relationships. They are open and emotional people who bring an aura of warmth to everything they do. Their intuition orients their senses to the new and the possible, so they often enjoy working to demonstrate a humanitarian perspective, or helping to develop the potential of others. They naturally and honestly take care of people and organize the world around them. nine0003
ENFJ - personalities aspiring to people. They live in a world of human possibilities and have better human qualities than other types. They understand and care about people and have a special talent for bringing out the best in those around them. An ENFJ's main interest in life is to give others love, support, and good times. They are focused on understanding, supporting and encouraging people. They turn the desires of people into fait accompli and get the highest pleasure from this. Full description. nine0003
ENTJ - (
E xtraversion, extraversion) (i N tuition, intuition) ( T hinking, thinking) ( J udging, judgment) - The Executive101 Great and Powerful101 Great and Powerful101 Great and PowerfulSocionic type: "Jack London", "Entrepreneur" - logical-intuitive extrovert (logic, intuit, extrovert, rational)
Friendly and honest; logical and demanding of themselves and others; do not miss the opportunity to demonstrate competence; decisive, organized and skillful. Pushy and talkative. Brilliant ability to understand complex organizational problems and find suitable solutions. Intelligent and well-informed, they tend to excel in speaking to large audiences. The driving force behind the life of ENTJs is the need to analyze and bring into reasonable order the external world of events, people and things. They are born leaders who build conceptual models that serve as blueprints for strategic action. Intuition orients their thinking towards the future and gives abstract qualities to thinking. ENTJs prefer a structured and organized world, and they will actively pursue a course and guide others to fulfill their set goals. nine0003
ENTJs are born to be leaders. ENTJs live in a world of opportunity, see many goals that must be overcome, and want to be the ones in charge of overcoming them. They have a craving for leadership, which is reliably supported by their agility in the transition from one solution to complexity to another, the ability to perceive and store a large amount of objective information and quickly make adequate decisions. These people gladly take the reins of government. Full description.
Which My Little Pony Are You? Test
"Which My Little Pony Are You?" - a test that can show you your main features in an entertaining way. What kind of pony are you? Modest, funny or brave? 15 questions - and you will learn interesting facts about yourself!
Test steps
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Do you consider yourself a gentle and polite person?
Answer options:
- Depends on situation or mood
- No, I don't like all these "tenderness"
- Yes, I'm always like that.
Do you often show aggression towards others?
Answer options:
- Yes, quite often. That's the kind of person I am...
- I prefer to solve everything quietly and peacefully
- Only if there is a reason
Do you manage to keep your composure easily?
Answer options: nine0003
- Sometimes I lose my temper
- It's hard for me to control myself
- I always keep everything under control, including my self-control
Can you classify yourself as a modest person?
Answer options:
- Modesty? - It's not about me...
- Yes, I'm a very modest person
- I'm moderately modest person
Do you like taking care of animals?
Answer options:
- Of course, I always take care of them
- Only about my pets
- No, animals are definitely not my weakness
Do you consider yourself a persistent and courageous person?
Answer options:
- Yes
- No
- Depends on the situation
Do you like to command and give orders to others?
Answer options:
- When I need it, I can give orders
- I love it!
- No, I'm not a commander in the army
Can you call yourself a patient person?
Answer options:
- I am a very patient person
- No, I can't boast of patience
- My patience has limits
Do you consider yourself a sweet tooth? nine0003
Answer options:
- I eat sweets, but I don't have an insane love for sweets
- No
- Yes, I still have that sweet tooth!
Can you show off your culinary skills?
Answer options:
- I like to cook according to my mood.
It rarely happens
- No, I don't like to cook. I prefer to eat delicious food!
- Yes, I love cooking and trying new things! nine0402
How do you feel about your family?
Answer options:
- We have a close and intimate relationship
- We don't have a very good relationship
- Respectfully, without much tenderness
Do you like competition and rivalry?
Answer options:
- No, I'm not that confident
- Of course. Forward to the victory!
- I like to compete sometimes, but it doesn't matter if I win
Do you like to read books?
Answer options:
- No, I'd rather spend time with friends than reading
- I read when I'm too bored
- I love it! I have a whole library of books
Can you be called a prankster and a joker?
Answer options: nine0003
- Sometimes I can play a joke on someone, but it's rare
- Oh, yes! I love playing pranks on my friends!
- No, I'm definitely not a joker or a prankster
Do you worry about what others think of you?
Answer options:
- I sometimes worry
- I don’t care what other people think
- Yes, I worry a lot about what others think
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