Mbti love compatibility
What the Myers-Briggs Test Says
Do you know your personality type and who you’re most compatible with? The Myers-Briggs test aims to help you find out.
It’s natural to wonder if some types of personalities are more compatible with yours, or if other factors have more relevance when trying to find a match. This is a question that experts may not have an exact answer to just yet.
Your personality is a distinctive combination of thoughts, emotions, and experiences that make you who you are. It’s unique and complex and may not fit into a rigid mold of traits. It can also change and adapt to circumstances.
For decades, experts have tried to classify the possible different types of personalities in an attempt to better understand why everyone is so different and yet so similar in some aspects.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of the tools developed to identify personality types. It isn’t evidence-based, and its validity is often questioned.
The MBTI is a self-reported questionnaire developed by the mother-daughter duo of Isabel Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs, and it’s based on the personality theory by Carl Jung.
The questionnaire asks you to indicate your preferences in different areas of life. It’s designed to measure:
- how you relate to the world around you
- where you draw your energy from
- what your innate behaviors are
Based on these answers, the Myers-Briggs test assigns 1 of 16 categories. Each of these is identified by a four-letter system indicating your dominant traits based on these scales:
- extroversion versus introversion
- sensing versus intuiting
- thinking versus feeling
- judging versus perceiving
Since categories are based on your own report about your interests, preferences, and tendencies, the MBTI could help you determine what other personality types have similar interests or preferences and may be compatible with you.
But, much like personality, romantic compatibility isn’t an exact science.
In fact, some people believe that opposites attract when it comes to personality traits, but 2019 research actually suggests otherwise.
Romantic compatibility may depend on a lot of factors and circumstances, and this is just one of many ways to look at it.
The Myers-Briggs personality test isn’t validated by research, and many experts suggest it as a fun personal exercise rather than an exact scientific method to determine personality type or compatibility.
Based on the answers to your self-report, the Myers-Briggs test indicates where you stand on four personality scales.
Extroversion vs. introversion (E/I)
This personality scale is about where a person draws their energy from.
Extroverts get recharged and energized from being around other people. They’re typically outgoing and action-oriented, and they can feel mentally and emotionally drained if they spend too much time on their own.
Introverts draw their energy from alone time and tend to prefer meaningful social interactions with fewer people instead of large groups. They can get fatigued and stressed if they don’t get enough time by themselves.
Sensing vs. intuiting (S/N)
This category involves the way you gather relevant information in your life.
If you lean toward sensing, you pay more attention to the tangible information you receive from your five senses. You are more likely focused on facts and concrete data that you can measure.
If, on the other hand, you rely on intuition, you’re more focused on:
- abstract concepts
- gut feelings
- contemplating all possibilities
- exploring underlying principles
Thinking vs. feeling (T/F)
This category refers to how you make decisions based on the information you gathered.
If you’re closer to the thinking side of the scale, you may prefer to make rational, logic-driven decisions that you feel are objective.
If, instead, you lean toward the feeling side of the scale, you may make decisions based on emotional and human aspects at the moment of deciding.
Judging vs. perceiving (J/P)
This scale is about how you operate on a daily basis.
If you lean toward the judging side, you may prefer structure, order, and planning in everything you do.
If you’re more of a perceiving person, you may be more flexible, adaptable, and spontaneous in your actions.
The 16 personalities
When you take the Myers-Briggs test, you’ll end up with a four-letter tag assigned to your personality. This result depends on where you fall on each of the above-mentioned personality scales. So, each letter comes from one of the scales indicating the side you lean toward.
- I: Introvert
- E: Extrovert
- N: Intuiting
- S: Sensing
- T: Thinking
- F: Feeling
- J: Judging
- P: Perceiving
The 16 Myers-Briggs personality types are:
- ISTJ — The Inspector
- ISTP — The Crafter
- ISFJ — The Protector
- ISFP — The Artist
- INFP — The Mediator
- INFJ — The Advocate
- INTP — The Thinker
- INTJ — The Architect
- ESTJ — The Director
- ESTP — The Persuader
- ESFP — The Performer
- ESFJ — The Caregiver
- ENFP — The Champion
- ENFJ — The Giver
- ENTP — The Debater
- ENTJ — The Commander
Some experts have tried to identify compatible personality types based on the Myers-Briggs test. However, no exhaustive research has been conducted to validate the scales or establish a degree of compatibility. This is one of the reasons why the MBTI is typically seen as a way to entertain yourself rather than get accurate answers about your personality type.
In their book “Just Your Type: Create the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Using the Secrets of Personality Type,” Barbara Barron and Paul D. Tieger say they’ve found that many personality types are more satisfied when they’re paired with similar partners.
In particular, these pairings had romantic satisfaction rates over 70%:
- SJ: sensing and judging
- NF: intuiting and feeling
Barron and Tieger also found that compatibility increases when two partners are both feelers, even if they’re different in other aspects. This may be because feelers tend to spend a lot of energy on their relationships and often value open communication.
Specifically, based on Barron and Tieger’s research, these categories would be the most compatible:
Other research also shows that, based on similar interests and patterns of behaviors, these are some of the most highly compatible matches:
Can you make it work with an ‘incompatible’ partner?
The Myers-Briggs personality indicator test is just one of many possible ways to look at personality traits. The test can be a fun and informative way to get to know yourself and your partner better, but it should be taken with a grain of salt.
Many complex parts are involved in human interaction, particularly romantic relationships. And since you can actively work on making romantic connections last, as long as there’s love and willingness, you could make it work with any partner, incompatible or not.
The Myers-Briggs type indicator isn’t a validated tool to evaluate your personality type or romantic compatibility with someone else. However, it may be a fun way to question yourself and your partner in a way that fuels deep conversation about your interests and values.
The MBTI uses four scales to categorize a person’s personality based on their decision making behavior, preferences, and worldviews. It includes 16 personality types.
Some people use the test to evaluate romantic compatibility. In general, those who tend to lean on feelings seem to be more compatible with each other, even if they score differently on other scales.
But romantic compatibility is as complex as individual personality, so it’s difficult to calculate it as a mathematical formula. Still, taking the Myers-Briggs test can be a fun way to learn more about you and your partner’s interests and priorities.
What the Myers-Briggs Test Says
Do you know your personality type and who you’re most compatible with? The Myers-Briggs test aims to help you find out.
It’s natural to wonder if some types of personalities are more compatible with yours, or if other factors have more relevance when trying to find a match. This is a question that experts may not have an exact answer to just yet.
Your personality is a distinctive combination of thoughts, emotions, and experiences that make you who you are. It’s unique and complex and may not fit into a rigid mold of traits. It can also change and adapt to circumstances.
For decades, experts have tried to classify the possible different types of personalities in an attempt to better understand why everyone is so different and yet so similar in some aspects.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of the tools developed to identify personality types. It isn’t evidence-based, and its validity is often questioned.
The MBTI is a self-reported questionnaire developed by the mother-daughter duo of Isabel Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs, and it’s based on the personality theory by Carl Jung.
The questionnaire asks you to indicate your preferences in different areas of life. It’s designed to measure:
- how you relate to the world around you
- where you draw your energy from
- what your innate behaviors are
Based on these answers, the Myers-Briggs test assigns 1 of 16 categories. Each of these is identified by a four-letter system indicating your dominant traits based on these scales:
- extroversion versus introversion
- sensing versus intuiting
- thinking versus feeling
- judging versus perceiving
Since categories are based on your own report about your interests, preferences, and tendencies, the MBTI could help you determine what other personality types have similar interests or preferences and may be compatible with you.
But, much like personality, romantic compatibility isn’t an exact science.
In fact, some people believe that opposites attract when it comes to personality traits, but 2019 research actually suggests otherwise.
Romantic compatibility may depend on a lot of factors and circumstances, and this is just one of many ways to look at it.
The Myers-Briggs personality test isn’t validated by research, and many experts suggest it as a fun personal exercise rather than an exact scientific method to determine personality type or compatibility.
Based on the answers to your self-report, the Myers-Briggs test indicates where you stand on four personality scales.
Extroversion vs. introversion (E/I)
This personality scale is about where a person draws their energy from.
Extroverts get recharged and energized from being around other people. They’re typically outgoing and action-oriented, and they can feel mentally and emotionally drained if they spend too much time on their own.
Introverts draw their energy from alone time and tend to prefer meaningful social interactions with fewer people instead of large groups. They can get fatigued and stressed if they don’t get enough time by themselves.
Sensing vs. intuiting (S/N)
This category involves the way you gather relevant information in your life.
If you lean toward sensing, you pay more attention to the tangible information you receive from your five senses. You are more likely focused on facts and concrete data that you can measure.
If, on the other hand, you rely on intuition, you’re more focused on:
- abstract concepts
- gut feelings
- contemplating all possibilities
- exploring underlying principles
Thinking vs. feeling (T/F)
This category refers to how you make decisions based on the information you gathered.
If you’re closer to the thinking side of the scale, you may prefer to make rational, logic-driven decisions that you feel are objective.
If, instead, you lean toward the feeling side of the scale, you may make decisions based on emotional and human aspects at the moment of deciding.
Judging vs. perceiving (J/P)
This scale is about how you operate on a daily basis.
If you lean toward the judging side, you may prefer structure, order, and planning in everything you do.
If you’re more of a perceiving person, you may be more flexible, adaptable, and spontaneous in your actions.
The 16 personalities
When you take the Myers-Briggs test, you’ll end up with a four-letter tag assigned to your personality. This result depends on where you fall on each of the above-mentioned personality scales. So, each letter comes from one of the scales indicating the side you lean toward.
- I: Introvert
- E: Extrovert
- N: Intuiting
- S: Sensing
- T: Thinking
- F: Feeling
- J: Judging
- P: Perceiving
The 16 Myers-Briggs personality types are:
- ISTJ — The Inspector
- ISTP — The Crafter
- ISFJ — The Protector
- ISFP — The Artist
- INFP — The Mediator
- INFJ — The Advocate
- INTP — The Thinker
- INTJ — The Architect
- ESTJ — The Director
- ESTP — The Persuader
- ESFP — The Performer
- ESFJ — The Caregiver
- ENFP — The Champion
- ENFJ — The Giver
- ENTP — The Debater
- ENTJ — The Commander
Some experts have tried to identify compatible personality types based on the Myers-Briggs test. However, no exhaustive research has been conducted to validate the scales or establish a degree of compatibility. This is one of the reasons why the MBTI is typically seen as a way to entertain yourself rather than get accurate answers about your personality type.
In their book “Just Your Type: Create the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Using the Secrets of Personality Type,” Barbara Barron and Paul D. Tieger say they’ve found that many personality types are more satisfied when they’re paired with similar partners.
In particular, these pairings had romantic satisfaction rates over 70%:
- SJ: sensing and judging
- NF: intuiting and feeling
Barron and Tieger also found that compatibility increases when two partners are both feelers, even if they’re different in other aspects. This may be because feelers tend to spend a lot of energy on their relationships and often value open communication.
Specifically, based on Barron and Tieger’s research, these categories would be the most compatible:
Other research also shows that, based on similar interests and patterns of behaviors, these are some of the most highly compatible matches:
Can you make it work with an ‘incompatible’ partner?
The Myers-Briggs personality indicator test is just one of many possible ways to look at personality traits. The test can be a fun and informative way to get to know yourself and your partner better, but it should be taken with a grain of salt.
Many complex parts are involved in human interaction, particularly romantic relationships. And since you can actively work on making romantic connections last, as long as there’s love and willingness, you could make it work with any partner, incompatible or not.
The Myers-Briggs type indicator isn’t a validated tool to evaluate your personality type or romantic compatibility with someone else. However, it may be a fun way to question yourself and your partner in a way that fuels deep conversation about your interests and values.
The MBTI uses four scales to categorize a person’s personality based on their decision making behavior, preferences, and worldviews. It includes 16 personality types.
Some people use the test to evaluate romantic compatibility. In general, those who tend to lean on feelings seem to be more compatible with each other, even if they score differently on other scales.
But romantic compatibility is as complex as individual personality, so it’s difficult to calculate it as a mathematical formula. Still, taking the Myers-Briggs test can be a fun way to learn more about you and your partner’s interests and priorities.
Myers-Briggs Personality Type Compatibility: What kind of people are meant for each other
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There are many ways to understand who you really are and what kind of people you will be most comfortable communicating with. Some people trust horoscopes and compatibility of zodiac signs, others rely on socionics, others trust only psychology. Any of the ways can be working if you do not perceive it as the only truth: the truth is always in the middle. nine0003
Among the various typologies, Myers-Briggs "characters" have recently gained popularity. This typology was developed by the writer Isabelle Briggs Myers and her mother Katerina Cooks Briggs, based on Jung's typology. Typology became especially popular in the 1940s and became a popular way in the United States and Europe to determine the professional and personal inclinations of a person.
Tests for this typology are currently included in the curriculum of many colleges, despite the fact that academic circles are wary of this classification. Psychologists and psychiatrists accept typology with many reservations and admit that it is more of a fun way to get to know yourself than a working principle worth living by. nine0003
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What types are
We talked about different types of personality in more detail in a separate article. In short, all people have four parameters on the basis of which the division is made: introversion / extraversion, sensory / intuition, thinking / feeling, decisions / perception.
Four parameters multiplied by 4 options - you get 16 different variations. To save time, we will not describe the features of each - it's all on the Internet. Here they are:
ESTJ: Administrator
ESFJ: Teacher
ENFJ: Mentor
ENTJ: Commander
👉 To understand what type you belong to, you must pass the test - short or long -long.
What personality types converge best
The most optimal pairs are obtained from people who have two parameters that match, that is, two letters. This means that these people look at the world in the same way and perceive the surrounding reality. On the other hand, people with a complete match of characteristics will be bored together, and therefore at least 1-2 letters should be different. nine0003
Description: An enthusiastic, creative and sociable mind who never gets bored.
Ideal couple: INFJ and INTJ
Ideal partners for this extroverted type are not the same extroverts at all. ENFP is a rather impulsive type, and therefore he needs someone down to earth and intuitive. In turn, the energy of the “fighters” will not let INFJs and INTJs get bored. nine0003
These people seem to be made for serious long-term relationships: they are responsible, loyal and carefully choose a life partner. Someone completely opposite, like a determined extrovert, will help you enjoy the facets of the relationship that are most dear to them - intimacy, loyalty and depth of feelings.
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The most spontaneous and impulsive of all 16 types is not easy to deal with. In addition, they are also introverts, and therefore all the magic and fireworks of emotions take place inside them. Extroverts will help this type to get out of his "shell", and the ability to plan ahead will save the couple from sudden decisions. nine0003
"Administrator" believes only what he sees with his own eyes. An ideal partner will help him focus not only on facts, but also on his feelings. At the same time, both agree that intuition takes over.
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"Virtuosi" do not seek to start a relationship, cherishing their freedom, but not against common adventures. They get bored easily, but they love making new friends - extroverts fully cover their need for communication. ISTPs are most compatible with ESFJs and ESTJs. nine0003
Description: Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always ready to help.
The perfect couple: ENFJ and ENTJ
"Intermediaries" feel more than they understand, and they need the same intuitions. On the other hand, ENFJs and ENTJs balance them by starting to prepare for problems in advance.
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Perfectionists and rather cold people in life. They need someone more open, extroverted, but also someone who also relies on intuition and can nip problems in the bud.
"Scientists" rarely open up to anyone and generally do not like it when they climb into the soul. Intuitive extroverts will know when it's best to leave this type alone and when to help make a difficult decision.
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The Myers-Briggs test is one of the most popular methods for determining personality type. It is used all over the world - including in government organizations. Such a test helps to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the individual in order to build competent relationships with others and increase one's potential. nine0003
However, before taking the test, you need to know the following about it:
None of the described types can suit you 100%. Because each of us has traits that take us beyond the average personality type.
The Myers-Briggs test helps solve many questions, but life is such an unpredictable thing that no psychologist can predict it.
Don't let testing (and any fortune-telling, horoscopes, etc.) rule your life.
This test determines the type of personality, but does not dictate how and when you should act. nine0003
Every person has positive and negative character traits. Therefore, it cannot be said that some of the personality types below are good and some are bad.
Now get ready and answer honestly 🤗 For each question, you need to choose only one answer and write down the corresponding letter.
1. How do you recover when you feel that you have no more strength?
2. Which description best suits you?
I like to live in the moment, here and now, I have a very well developed sense of reality and I am focused on the details of what is happening — S
I love to dream, to invent something new. I live for future projects — N
3. When you have to make an important decision (to choose a university or break up with a guy), what guides you?
I try to think with my head.
In such matters, logic is important - T
I am learning to listen to the heart. If you know how to listen to your emotions, then you make the right decisions - F
4. When you have something planned (for example, a friend’s birthday), you:
I think through the details in advance, I need a clear plan - J
I prefer to navigate - situations, in extreme conditions, my best ideas come to me - P
Find out your type by Myers-Briggs
Done? Now it's time to explain what these strange letters meant:
👉 If after reading you have a feeling that this type of personality does not suit you at all, then remember, perhaps when answering one of the questions, you did not know what to choose? Then come back to this question - and you will get a new combination. We are sure that everything will work out this time 🙃
ISTJ — inspector
Famous people: Queen Elizabeth, Natalie Portman
People of this personality type love order in everything and try to delve deeply into any, even the most insignificant issues. At the same time, they do not take anything for granted - they analyze any information, collect additional information. nine0003
They are able to see things realistically, so they only start work if they are sure they can finish what they started. You can rely on such people, but they prefer short contacts for the duration of the work.
ISFJ — defender
Famous people: Beyoncé, Kate Middleton, Selena Gomez
People of this type very clearly divide others into “us” and “them”, quickly recognizing falseness and pretense. For "their own" they are ready for a lot - and they will never ask for something in return. They can always stand up for these people, but they will not let themselves be offended either. nine0003
In general, they are good-natured "protectors" who are rarely aggressive. They analyze well, like order (but not fanatical), and draw inspiration from the people around them.
INFJ - advisor
Famous people: Nicole Kidman
Such a person is a real sensor of relationships between people. He not only perfectly feels other people's moods, but also easily determines their hidden talents, so he can become a good teacher. Seeing him as a support, others often turn to him for advice. nine0003
However, despite outward calmness and wisdom, human advisers are easily vulnerable, they can hardly endure aggression and (especially) lack of love.
INTJ - Inspirer
Famous people: Mark Zuckerberg, Michelle Obama
Inspirer people are not used to wasting time. They strive to improve everything they can, from projects to people. People of this type use atypical ideas, so most often their undertakings are crowned with success. nine0003
At the same time, they demonstrate independence in everything - thereby alienating the people around them with whom they already have a strained relationship (due to the introversion of inspirers).
ISTP — craftsman
Famous people: Olivia Wilde, Kristen Stewart
Such people are used to learning the world through sensations. They are excellent at working with their hands thanks to a technical mindset, while clearly observing all deadlines. They are not accustomed to throwing themselves into the pool with their heads - before making a decision, they wait a long time and analyze everything. Because of this secrecy, their final actions often seem unpredictable and strange to others. nine0003
ISFP - Composer
Famous People: Avril Lavigne, Lana Del Rey, Michael Jackson
These types of people don't try to remake the world and other people - they exist perfectly with what has already been created before them. They avoid conflict situations in every possible way, they like to entertain others. They can help and enjoy if they have been useful to someone.
Living with composers is a pleasure: they respect other people's space, don't demand anything, and set you on a positive wave. nine0003
INFP — healer
Famous people: Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn
Healers are well versed in the psychology of other people, they know how to feel them. Those around them are subconsciously drawn to them, however, despite the ease of communication, all the thoughts of people of this type are directed inward - as a result of their desire for inner harmony.
Healers devote a lot of time to appearance, sometimes they lose the sense of the reality of what is happening and rest for an unacceptably long time. nine0003
INTP - Architect
Famous people: Meryl Streep, Bill Gates it is simply impossible to do so.
So these people are constantly busy, they don’t consider it necessary to waste time on emotions, but they really appreciate comfort and coziness (an environment where they can do what they love — analytics 😁
ESTP - fidget
Famous people: Madonna, Mila Kunis, Miley Cyrus
These people are born fighters, they can even resort to physical strength to achieve their goal. It is not surprising that they simply cannot stand submission, but good leaders come out of them thanks to the ability to draw up a clear plan of action, which they strictly follow.
ESFP — activist
Notable people: Adele, Katy Perry, Will Smith, Cameron Diaz
People of this type are good at seeing the abilities of others, but often use this information for personal purposes - in particular, in order to put pressure on weak points and be able to manage them. It is very important for them to look in the eyes of other people as outstanding personalities.
In general, they try to build harmonious relationships. They do not like long-term projects - they live here and now, so they want to get the result immediately.
ENFP Champion
Famous people: Ellen DeGeneres, Sandra Bullock
Such people can't stand routine, creative work is great for them. Due to the ability to be equally extroverted and deeply sensitive people, they can see in others what is hidden from the rest.
Sincerely enjoy life, live in harmony with everyone. Due to their curiosity, they are intellectually developed and attract other people.
ENTP Inventor
Notable people: Robert Downey Jr.
This personality type fully justifies its name - these people are inventive and resourceful. With the ability to synthesize ideas, they are not afraid of unconventional methods of work.
And as a result, they become pioneers in many spheres of life and branches of knowledge. They hate routine, they are constantly in tension - because they are in the eternal search for new solutions.
ESTJ Administrator
Famous people: Emma Watson
Don't feed these people with bread - let them establish order somewhere or impose their own judgment. However, they are not dictators - they are driven by a simple desire for orderliness.
They are not alien to fun and sense of humor - they have a great time in a noisy company. Do not forget about loved ones and know how to show love. Yet sometimes they are harsh, stubborn and quick-tempered - especially when it comes to disobeying the order they have established.
ESFJ teacher
Famous people: Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba
People of this personality type are always the soul of the company. It costs them nothing to cheer up others, they easily find a common language with anyone and know how to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others.
However, they never ask for help in their work: they are used to achieving everything on their own. The only thing they need is for those close to them to pay attention to their virtues from time to time.
ENFJ mentor
Notable people: Jennifer Lawrence, Tom Hiddleston
Very emotional, such people are accustomed to comprehend the surrounding reality at the level of empathy — which they do very well. They have active facial expressions, their manner of communication attracts listeners. They know how to anticipate events, due to which they are ready for almost any unforeseen circumstances.
They feel well the dishonesty of other people, they always fight for justice.