Private personality types
Here’s How Each Personality Type Feels About Privacy
Here’s How Each Personality Type Feels About PrivacyPrivacy is extremely important for some people, while others are entirely open even with strangers. Here is how each personality type feels about privacy.
INFJ PrivacyINFJs are definitely very private people, and enjoy being able to have their own space. They aren’t the type to share information with strangers, and even struggle to share things with people close to them. It takes a lot for INFJs to feel comfortable and safe sharing their personal lives with people, and often takes time. They prefer to keep most of their personal information private, and believe that it is unnecessary to share this with others. INFJs will share things with people they truly trust, but only if that person wants them to. INFJs simply dislike feeling like they are being too vulnerable, and also feel like other people should be more concerned with privacy.
ENFJs often like to appear more open than they are, and can actually be rather private people. They don’t mind sharing parts of themselves with people, and will often share stories and certain information. ENFJs want parts of themselves to be kept quiet, and often struggle to share these things with others. They enjoy being able to connect with people, but they enjoy a healthy combination of openness and privacy. They do think it is important to remain private about some things, but can struggle to respect the privacy of others. This only happens because the ENFJ is concerned with caring for the needs of others and always want to make sure they are doing okay.
INFP PrivacyINFPs definitely like to have privacy, and are extremely independent people. They want to have plenty of space and dislike when people try too hard to push them. When someone is attempting to get information from the INFP, it often makes them extremely uncomfortable. They know who they trust and those are the only people they feel like sharing information with. INFPs will keep private until they meet someone they want to share themselves with completely. When the INFP loves and trusts someone they often lose that desire for privacy completely. They want to connect with that individual and prefer to share every part of themselves with them.
ENFPs definitely enjoy their privacy, especially with strangers. They dislike being forced into anything, and don’t want people smothering them. When it comes to their relationships though, ENFPs often do not feel a need for privacy. They want to have things open and honest with their significant other, which often means they dislike if the other person wants too much privacy. They want to feel connected to that person, and will do whatever it takes to draw close to them. ENFPs believe that space and independence is important, but privacy is an entirely different thing to them.
They are open and honest people, and often do not feel like they have anything to hide.
INTJs definitely believe in privacy very much, and want to maintain it in their lives. They dislike when people try to invade their personal space, and want to keep most of their information private. INTJs often dislike when people know too much about them, and might feel like it can be used against them. They tend to lack trust in most people, and prefer to keep their distance. When the INTJ does trust someone they will begin to open up much more, but they still struggle to divulge too much. Even when the INTJ develops a close connection with someone and decides to share their lives with them, they still believe that certain levels of privacy are necessary to maintain a happy relationship.
ENTJ PrivacyENTJs are generally private people, and prefer to keep certain personal information to themselves. They often do not trust people unless they know them very well, and prefer to keep things private because of this. ENTJs know that trusting people with their personal information just gives them ammo to use against them later on. They definitely will divulge information to people they trust, especially loved ones. ENTJs believe that privacy is important though, even in their romantic relationships. They want to be open about certain things, but believe they should have some things that they can keep to themselves.
INTPs are extremely private people and often prefer to keep to themselves most of the time. They can often be fearful of trusting others, which makes them even more private about their personal information and desires. INTPs might worry that other people could use what they learn against them, which makes them hesitant to divulge anything. INTPs will share things with people they trust, but they will often still keep certain things private. They want to have independence even when it comes to their close relationships, and prefer to have plenty of space.
ENTPs can be very private people, but they are more open than some of the other thinking types. They want to share things with their loved ones, and are not afraid to be open about their desires. They dislike anything that holds them back, and too much privacy can do this sometimes. ENTPs want to have balance in their lives, so they will have a nice combination of privacy and openness. They certainly don’t feel the need to share personal information with everyone, but they know where their boundaries are from testing them so much.
ISTJ PrivacyISTJs are often very private people and enjoy having a sense of independence. Boundaries are rather important for ISTJs, and they believe that people should allow others their own personal space. ISTJs do not feel the need to share everything with others, and often prefer to keep things cordial and light. ISTJs certainly do have deep thoughts and desires, they just prefer to keep those private most of the time. They will share themselves with their loved ones on occasion, but often have a hard time opening up. ISTJs just believe in having a certain level of privacy, and they also believe that others should respect this.
ESTJs are private people for the most part, but are rarely afraid of divulging information to people. They are often storytellers, and will share a personal recounting with others if they see fit. ESTJs will often keep their feelings and desires private, and only share them with people they trust. They might struggle with boundaries though, and will find themselves wanting to know about the people in their lives. Their desire to know so much about their loved ones can actually seem like a disrespect of privacy. ESTJs simply want to feel connected to the people they love, and do not mean this in a harmful way.
ISFJ PrivacyISFJs are definitely private people, and prefer to keep their personal information quiet most of the time. This comes from a desire to focus on the needs of others, since ISFJs might feel guilty being too open about themselves. ISFJs can sometimes upset their loved ones though, since they do not always respect their desire for privacy. They do not mean any harm by this, and simply want to express concern towards the people closest to them. ISFJs want to be able to know what is wrong with others, so that they can help them to feel better and solve their problems.
ESFJs are often skilled at making themselves appear much more open than they actually are. They want to be able to share parts of themselves with others, but can struggle with divulging too much personal information. ESFJs can actually feel guilty if they share too much with others, and will feel like they are monopolizing the conversation. They simply prefer to focus on the needs and emotions of others, and will be very private about themselves because of this. ESFJs are good at getting information from other people, even those who consider themselves to be very private.
ISTPs are very private people, mostly because they prefer to be by themselves most of the time. They enjoy having plenty of independence and privacy in their personal lives. ISTPs want space to do their own thing, and dislike feeling smothered by others. They even prefer to have a certain level of privacy in their relationships, and hate feeling forced to share all of the time. ISTPs will be open about the important things, and really aren’t trying to keep secrets from their loved ones. They simply desire to have some sort of privacy in their lives in order to maintain a sense of boundaries.
ESTP PrivacyESTPs are rather independent people, which often makes them feel more private when it comes to strangers. When it comes to people they know and care for, the ESTP is an open book. They dislike hiding their feelings and desires from their loved ones, and prefer to be upfront with them. They don’t want to share with strangers and can become very defensive of their privacy with people they do not trust. When the ESTP trusts someone it is entirely opposite to how they behave with most people. They will be completely upfront and might share personal information that most people would keep secret.
ISFPs like to have a combination of privacy and openness in their personal lives. They are not likely to keep things secret from others, they just don’t always feel inclined to share without being permitted to do so. ISFPs won’t push themselves onto others, and will only share if someone shows interest in learning about them. ISFPs love to be open with the people close to them, and enjoy being able to share themselves completely. They often dislike too much privacy in their intimate relationships, and prefer to have a very clear and honest line of communication.
ESFP PrivacyESFPs are generally very open people, and might even share personal information with strangers. They enjoy sharing stories and feeling open with others. ESFPs are not afraid to be themselves, which makes them very sincere individuals. They would rather be open, than keep everything bottled up and to themselves. They aren’t very private individuals, which can sometimes upset their family or loved ones. The ESFPs desire to converse with others can cause them to share things about their family that they don’t want known. It is not done with ill intent, ESFPs are just much more open than other types.
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See All Articles Here:Entire List Of Personality Growth Articles
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here. Sign up for less than $70/week.How Other People See You, Based On Your Personality Type
Have you ever wondered if your personality type impacts the way other people see you? While each of us has unique traits and qualities that have nothing to do with type, there are certain themes and characteristics that each type tends to display. Let’s take a look at what those are for you!
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Estimated reading time: 13 minutes
Here’s How Others See You, Based On Your Personality TypeThe ENFPENFPs are usually seen as lively, friendly, and open-minded individuals. They bring curiosity and enthusiasm to most encounters and this tends to draw new people to them wherever they go. Simultaneously, they are usually deeply honest and crave a great deal of authenticity in their friendships.
Because ENFPs like an ever-changing, evolving lifestyle, they tend to appear free-spirited and restless. And for all their open-minded, friendly characteristics, they can become deeply passionate when one of their values is threatened.
Healthy ENFPs are seen as:
– Friendly, insightful, compelling
– Spontaneous and creative
– Generous and curious
Unhealthy ENFPs are seen as:
– Hyperactive or scattered – unable to focus
– Struggling to apply logic to their decisions and inspirations
– Frazzled and burned out from following too many paths and being unable to say “no”.
– Worn out from forgetting to take care of their physical needs
ENTPs are usually seen as energetic, curious, and spontaneous. They have a buzz of intellectual energy and a visionary nature that makes them intriguing to others. They are good at mobilizing people to participate in their vision and don’t mind instigating challenging or deep conversations as a way to debate ideas and pose new theories.
Because ENTPs use a process called introverted Thinking (Ti), they can become abrupt and intense when they challenge other people’s logic. They have a tendency to play devil’s advocate, and this can irritate some people, but it is usually a way for the ENTP to connect all the data points in their mind and find out if something is definitively accurate.
Healthy ENTPs are seen as:
– Lively, curious, innovative
– Autonomous and independent
– Insightful, challenging, and logical
Unhealthy ENTPs are seen as:
– Scattered – rushing from idea to idea without accomplishing anything.
– Overly-challenging, abrasive, rude
– Physically burned out or unhealthy from forgetting to take care of physical needs.
INFPs are usually seen as private yet kind individuals. Because they value depth and authenticity to such a great degree they are usually selective about who they spend their time with. They often seem mysterious to others because a lot of their vivid, inner world is very private. They are often seen as imaginative, creative, and focused on a future or vision they’d like to see become a reality.
Because INFPs use extraverted Intuition (Ne) they tend to enjoy brainstorming or posing unusual ideas or theories with others. They like to imagine and contemplate “what if” scenarios and get excited by ideas and possibilities for the future.
Healthy INFPs are seen as:
– Introspective, sensitive, and empathetic
– Original and individualistic
– Open-minded yet complex and reserved
Unhealthy INFPs are seen as:
– Overly-withdrawn from people and the world around them
– Overly sensitive or easily offended
– Impractical – struggling to bring their ideas and goals into reality.
Read This Next: 10 Things You’ll Relate to If You’re an INFP
The INTPINTPs are usually seen as reserved yet curious individuals. They tend to dislike pushing themselves onto other people or delegating or controlling anyone. They tend to be absorbed in several interests at a time and can work with remarkable determination towards ideas that capture their interest. They are usually tolerant of people unless they are pushy, domineering, or their logic is too flawed for them to ignore.
Because INTPs use extraverted Intuition (Ne) they tend to enjoy brainstorming or posing unusual ideas and theories in conversation. They also have a knack for seeing surprising connections and inter-relationships between seemingly disparate events.
Healthy INTPs are seen as:
– Quiet, easy-going, and calm
– Independent and innovative
– Logical, studious, and curious
Unhealthy INTPs are seen as:
– Isolative, argumentative, and critical
– Cynical, pessimistic, and insensitive
– Impractical. May forget mundane duties like paying the bills or taking care of physical needs.
ENFJs are usually seen as enthusiastic, friendly, and energetic individuals. They are very aware of the needs and feelings of other people and tend to have strong, inspiring communication skills. They are often good listeners and are attuned to unique gifts of individuals they speak to. They also tend to have clear, definitive values and opinions.
Because ENFJs are judging types, they like to have an organized world around them. This doesn’t mean their room will always be neat and tidy, but it does mean they like to have closure in relationships and clear plans. They don’t like ambiguity in their relationships and having a clear plan of action is important to them. They have a strong focus on the future and organizing their time to reach their goals.
Healthy ENFJs are seen as:
– Kind, compassionate, and tactful
– Expressive, responsive, and authentic
– Imaginative, strategic, and visionary
Unhealthy ENFJs are seen as:
– Jumping to conclusions too quickly.
– Overbearing and overly-sensitive.
– Detail-blind. In an effort to reach goals, they ignore logical flaws or miss important details.
Read This Next: What ENFJs Do When They Get Really Stressed Out
The ENTJENTJs are usually seen as intelligent, visionary individuals who like to challenge ideas and theories to reach mutual understanding. They tend to enjoy a good debate because this allows them to bounce ideas off other people and find the truth or new insight. They are fiercely logical and tend to take charge of the conversation if no one else is doing so or if the topics revolve around mundane activities or details.
Because ENTJs are judging types they like to have an organized world around them. They like having a plan, making plans, and reaching conclusions. However, their intuition can draw them into wide-ranging discussions and explorations of various theories and abstract concepts.
Healthy ENTJs are seen as:
– Objective, fair, and logical
– Self-assured, directive, and challenging
– Hard-working, curious, and insightful
Unhealthy ENTJs are seen as:
– Critical and tactless, seeing other people’s needs as less important than their own.
– Intrusive and bossy. Giving orders and making demands without listening.
– Pushy about getting a job done without giving others enough time to process or prepare.
INFJs are usually seen as reserved yet compassionate and caring. Their intuitions are often kept to themselves unless they are with people they trust deeply. They tend to keep part of themselves hidden and may seem “difficult to know.” They usually listen more then they speak, unless the conversation is very moving or stimulating to them, in which case they can speak passionately for long periods of time, seeming more like extroverts than introverts.
Because INFJs have a driving desire to stay focused on the future and global perspectives they can seem distracted if they are involved in a conversation that is focused primarily on day-to-day details. They tend to use metaphor and analogy in their speech more than literal details and this can make them seem confusing to other types.
Healthy INFJs are seen as:
– Intense, authentic, and insightful
– Empathic and compassionate
– Creative, idealistic, and deep
Unhealthy INFJs are seen as:
– Unrealistic. They can be so wrapped up in their ideas that they lose focus on what is actually happening.
– Impractical and out of touch with what is actually possible.
– Pretentious and overly-sensitive.
Read This Next: 24 Signs You’re an INFJ, the Mystic Personality Type
The INTJINTJs are often seen as decisive, reserved, and intense. They tend to keep a lot of their creative visions to themselves unless they are with someone they really trust. What will be most obvious up-front is their ability to solve problems, see things objectively, and plan for the future. They can seem hard to get to know because they keep their emotions and insights internalized outside of very close relationships.
Because INTJs have a driving desire to explore new perspectives, particularly global perspectives, they usually get bored with small-talk or day-to-day conversation. They may appear bored or else abruptly change the subject during these times.
Healthy INTJs are seen as:
– Logical, knowledgeable, and insightful
– Conceptual, future-focused, and independent
– Private but open-minded
Unhealthy INTJs are seen as:
– Critical or condescending, especially to those who don’t share their vision.
– Tactless and blind to giving praise or affirmation to others.
– So focused on their vision that they miss practical realities and forget to take care of themselves.
Read This Next: 24 Signs That You’re an INTJ, the Strategist Personality Type
The ESFPESPS tend to come across as exuberant, lively, and easy-going. They are flexible, adaptable, and seldom plan ahead. They appear open to any opportunity or activity that life throws at them. Routine and structure irk them, so they’ll get irritated if they are feeling controlled by anyone. They seem full of adventure, fun, and good humor.
As extraverted Sensors and introverted Feelers, ESFPs like to interact and engage with their environment as much as possible. They tend to be physically active and expressive. They also are guarded about their deeper values but crave authenticity in their own actions and the actions of others. They are people who “keep it real”.
Healthy ESFPs are seen as:
– Resourceful, adaptable, and active
– Generous, optimistic, and sympathetic
– Observant, realistic, and specific
Unhealthy ESFPs are seen as:
– Distractable and overly-impulsive
– Over-sensitive and self-absorbed
– Putting enjoyment and fun over personal obligations and responsibilities
Read This Next: What It Means to be an ESFP Personality Type
The ESTPESTPs appear confident, energetic, and active. They like to be engaged and stimulated by their environment as much as possible and are always looking out for new opportunities and adventures. Their attentiveness to their surroundings gives them an intense, observant quality. They act quickly in response to incoming information and usually have quick reflexes. Others are drawn to their enthusiasm and good humor and their sixth sense for fun, enjoyable experiences.
Because ESTPs use both extraverted sensing and introverted thinking they are highly attentive to details in their environment and also have a gift for trouble-shooting, weighing pros and cons, and thinking critically.
Healthy ESTPs are seen as:
– Friendly, fun-loving, and energetic
– Adventurous and daring
– Logical, realistic, and attentive
Unhealthy ESTPs are seen as:
– Focusing entirely on excitement and fun at the expense of their responsibilities and obligations.
– Being unable to see the broader implications of their decisions.
– Overly direct and insensitive to the emotions and concerns of others.
ISFPs are seen as unassuming, authentic, and adaptable. People appreciate their sincerity and gentleness and are often drawn to their sense of humor. They tend to appear difficult to know well because they keep many of their values held close to the chest, only sharing them with those who’ve earned their trust.
Because ISFPs are introverted feeling and extraverted sensing types, they combine a need for authenticity and “keeping it real” with a desire for adventure and exploration. They enjoy taking life as it comes and being open to any opportunity that comes their way. As a result, they dislike overly-structured lifestyles or being “caged in” by a lot of rules. They also have very little patience for phoniness and people-pleasing or manipulative behaviors.
Healthy ISFPs are seen as:
– Gentle, sensitive, and empathetic
– Observant, realistic, and practical
– Adaptable, flexible, and spontaneous
Unhealthy ISFPs are seen as:
– Self-critical and overly withdrawn
– Rejecting of logical systems and rules
– Focusing entirely on the current moment without seeing the long-term implications
ISTPs appear observant, logical, and adaptable. They seem to have a confidence that comes from within and a calm ability to handle whatever life throws at them. They don’t feel the need to impose their will on others or win arguments unless their principles are being devalued or someone’s logic is incredibly poor. Overall, they keep a lot of their judgments internalized – they don’t feel the need to quibble with others over their flawed opinions. They tend to have a good sense of humor, which people are drawn to, but many find that they are hard to read or to know well.
Because ISTPs use a mental process called extraverted sensing, they like having their options open and being adaptable to whatever life gives them. They will appear disgruntled and frustrated if they are micro-managed or limited by a lot of external rules and regulations.
Healthy ISTPs are seen as:
– Adaptable, realistic, and observant
– Logical, tactical, and efficient
– Independent, self-determined, and adventurous
Unhealthy ISTPs are seen as:
– Cynical, pessimistic and/or critical
– Impatient of the needs and emotions of others
– Focused on immediate results without looking at the long-term ramifications of their decisions.
ESFJs usually appear friendly, outgoing, and organized. They tend to dress appropriately for the occasion and are usually on time and punctual. They are nearly always polite and empathetic, skilled in the art of hosting and making people feel “at home” with them. They seem to have an innate knowledge of what makes people feel comfortable.
ESFJs greatly value family and social connections and traditions. They enjoy rituals that commemorate favorite experiences and memories – things like annual excursions, dinners, or vacations. They like planning these experiences out and go to a lot of work to make sure everyone’s needs are met.
Healthy ESFJs are seen as:
– Sociable, energetic, and empathetic
– Organized and attentive
-Committed to preserving favored traditions and memories
Unhealthy ESFJs are seen as:
– Overly controlling and meddling
– Overly sensitive, assuming there was ill-intent where there was none.
– Unwilling to see alternative ways of doing things. Must do things their way.
ESTJs are usually seen as take-charge, “tell-it-like-it-is” individuals. Because they are gifted at organizing people and managing projects and schedules, they tend to take a position of authority relatively quickly. Some people appreciate this while others find them overpowering or controlling. They are usually outgoing, friendly, and detail-oriented.
ESTJs take their responsibilities and commitments seriously, and this is something that others will notice about them quickly. They don’t shirk their duties and can’t abide others who do so. It’s important to them to make their community a better place and they don’t mind taking charge and organizing people to achieve shared goals.
Healthy ESTJs are seen as:
– Practical, realistic, and self-confident.
– Conscientious and responsible
– Logical, analytical, and objective
Unhealthy ESTJs are seen as:
– Overly controlling or “know-it-alls”
– Rigid, and nitpicky about details
– Unwilling to try to new alternatives or solutions, must do things “their way”.
ISFJs usually appear unassuming, kind, and considerate. They are very aware of the practical needs of the situation and the people around them. They tend to go out of their way to make people comfortable and will often put others needs ahead of their own. While they are usually non-confrontational, they can be very quick to challenge people that are insensitive or rude to their loved ones. They are fiercely protective of their families and friends.
As introverted sensing types, ISFJs enjoy having consistency and will appear dependable and routine-oriented. They like to be prepared and to have all the details. Because of this, they tend to exude a cautious, focused demeanor. They enjoy preserving traditions and recalling positive memories and experiences.
Healthy ISFJs are seen as:
– Serious, conscientious, and empathetic
– Responsible and protective of others
– Dependable, detail-oriented, and planful
Unhealthy ISFJs are seen as:
– Rigid and overly dependent on their routine. Unwilling to try new things.
– Incapable of taking care of their own needs because they are so busy taking care of others.
– Resentful and complaining, frustrated with being “the responsible one”.
ISTJs are seen as pragmatic, responsible, and private. They are creatures of habit and usually have a steady routine and a consistent lifestyle. They tend to appear stable, calm, and grounded – nothing seems to surprise them and they enjoy being prepared for whatever happens next. They take their commitments seriously and others appreciate their honesty and reliability.
As introverted sensing types, ISTJs enjoy knowing what’s going to happen and having a plan. They don’t like having to deal with people who are wishy-washy, forgetful, or unreliable. They may seem annoyed or especially reserved if they are surrounded by people who are like this on a regular basis.
Healthy ISTJs are seen as:
– Serious, conscientious, and responsible
– Logical and objective
– Reflective, reasonable, and careful
Unhealthy ISTJ are seen as:
– Rigid about time, schedules, and doing things “by the book”
– Critical and judgmental
– So focused on logic that they forget to consider the feelings and needs of others.
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Find out more about your personality type in our eBook, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type.
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Conflicts. Concept, types, reasons, ways of resolution.
Note to the unemployed citizen…
concept…types…causes…paths of resolution…
(part 1)
The word "conflict" in Latin means disagreement, dispute, contradiction, discrepancy. The conflict can be interpreted as a struggle between two opposite sides actively defending their interests. But in psychology there is no single concept of “conflict”. For example, in the psychological dictionary A.V. Petrovsky conflict is defined as "a clash of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions or views of opponents or subjects of interaction." In David Myers' book Social Psychology, conflict is interpreted as a "perceived incompatibility of goals and actions." nine0005
* * * *
One of the grounds for the typology of conflicts is the affiliation of the conflicting party to one or another subject of the conflict action. In this regard, the following types of conflicts are distinguished: intrapersonal conflicts, interpersonal conflicts, intergroup conflicts.
Intrapersonal conflicts
Intrapersonal conflicts are a clash of two oppositely directed goals (needs, motives, interests) in one and the same person. nine0005 As mentioned above, the situation of temporary unemployment can cause negative experiences that entail an intrapersonal conflict. Some people experience a loss of meaning in life. In this situation, a social worker should help a person cope with internal conflicts, overcome the experienced state of professional or general life uncertainty, teach them how to cope with problems that have arisen, and help form a more stable position in relation to unemployment. An employment center specialist may advise an unemployed person to contact a professional counselor or a psychologist, but at the same time avoid coercion. nine0005 There are various types of intrapersonal conflicts : motivational, moral, role-playing and adaptive.
Motivational conflict is characterized, for example, by a person's inability to earn certain material resources, to improve their well-being.
Moral conflict is characterized by the occurrence of negative consequences, caused not only by material factors, but also by a change in the internal state of a person, an increase in psychological tension in the family, a narrow circle of communication with other people. nine0005 Role conflict is often characterized by the desire of the unemployed to find a job that raises his status and determines belonging to the desired social group.
Adaptation conflict is characterized by exacerbation of feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, which prevent a person from adapting to new living conditions.
For example, an employment service client is offered a job suitable for him (in terms of education level and other parameters), but he is not sure that he will be able to cope with his job responsibilities. nine0005
Interpersonal conflicts
They are characterized by situations of contradiction, disagreement, clashes between people. Interpersonal conflicts can cover all spheres of human relations.
For example, a clash of interests between a client looking for a job and an employment service specialist (the first believes that the vacancy offered to him is not suitable, and the second - vice versa).
Intergroup conflicts
Intergroup conflicts are less common between people, but they are severe in their consequences.
For example, in the employment service, there may be a confrontation between a group of the unemployed and employees in the event of late payment of unemployment benefits, the presence of an unhealthy psychological situation in the staff of the employment center.
The causes of conflicts can be contradictions in views, mismatch of points of view, goals, approaches and different visions of ways to resolve the situation that may affect the personal interests of the people around. It is impossible to list all the causes, but a number of causal factors of conflicts can be identified. nine0005
Information factors. This group of factors is characterized by an insufficient amount of information that does not give a complete vision of the situation in order to objectively assess it.
The prerequisites for the emergence of a conflict in this case are incomplete and inaccurate information, rumors, premature information or information transmitted late, unreliability of information sources, etc.
Emotional upheavals can cause various negative consequences that lead to forgetfulness, absent-mindedness. The unemployed may be late for registration, or forget the information provided by the social worker. All this can lead to conflict. nine0005 To eliminate this reason, it is necessary to create conditions to ensure the completeness of information. It is important that an employment service specialist explain to the unemployed his rights and obligations, enlighten him about the real prospects for employment in the future. Offered to search for a job through advertisements in newspapers, through various agencies, directly at enterprises where such positions exist or may appear, etc.
Behavioral factors. They are characterized by a manifestation of behavior that does not suit the side of the other opponent - inappropriateness, rudeness, tactlessness, etc. nine0005 The unemployed person experiences discomfort, resentment, and can pour out his anger on an employment service specialist.
To eliminate the behavioral factor, the social worker is obliged to establish friendly contact with the unemployed. In this he will be helped by such qualities as kindness, calmness, tolerance. A professional response is always important to him. Do not imitate the behavior of the client and show negative emotions.
Value factors - unacceptability of one of the conflicting parties of the principles and values followed by the other side. nine0005 The unemployed does not conduct a revaluation of values. The situation does not change, the unemployed person retains a feeling of complete failure and hopelessness. He refuses low-skilled work, gets used to the thought: "I'm not good for anything."
In this case, the employment service specialist is obliged to help the unemployed person change his attitude towards himself, and to feel his importance, to restore his ability to actively search for work.
Structural factors are characterized by established circumstances, events that cannot be changed or corrected. For example, gender, age, resource, law, etc. nine0005 Often, the former specialty of the unemployed turns out to be unclaimed in the labor market, or, due to age characteristics, this or that job does not suit him.
This category of factors is characterized by deep feelings of one's condition, there is a feeling of hopelessness, uselessness, which sometimes entails the destruction of the family, narrowing the circle of friends.
To resolve the situation that has arisen, it is necessary to refer the client to a professional consultant or a psychologist ...
* * * nine0005
In a month, in the next selection of psychological recommendations for unemployed citizens, we will talk about effective ways to resolve conflict situations...
Use CZN inspector 1st category V. Ya. Ivakhno, (81538) 4 47 80.
behaviors, typical characteristics, partial changes
- Destructive personality - definition in psychology
- Approaches to understanding the personality-destroyer
- Destructive character: concept and signs
- Destructive interpersonal interaction (asocial) nine0112
- How destructive people manipulate others
- Destructive personality - definition in psychology
- Approaches to understanding the personality-destroyer nine0113
- Destructive character: concept and signs
- Destructive interpersonal interaction (asocial)
- How destructive people manipulate others
A destructive personality (from Latin destructio, to destroy) is an individual whose activity is characterized by a sharp departure or violation of norms in order to destroy existing socio-behavioral (and not only) structures, social ties.
A destructive personality can be seen as a form of a personality disorder . She strives to destroy things of a material order, causing harm to herself and loved ones. Usually such an individual is socially maladapted or completely isolated from society. nine0006
The concept of a destructive personality should not be limited to the sadistic individual who seeks to inflict pain and enjoy it. Types of destructive personality can be an aggressor, a psychopath or a sociopath.
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It is worth distinguishing between destructive and deviant and non-standard behavior. nine0006
Non-standard behavior can be considered as going beyond the norms of interaction accepted in modern times, but being the basis for the progress of new varieties of social relations. This may be the behavior of people with non-standard thinking (creative individuals).
Deviant behavior, as deviant from the norms in the full sense, should be considered as a generic concept for destructive behavior, which is its kind.
Approaches to understanding the personality-destroyer
In the process of studying the phenomenon of destructive behavior of a person, two attitudes were formed:
- Destructive behavior is a manifestation of innate inclinations or character traits of a person.
- Destructive behavior is the result of the characteristics of the individual's socialization. The main role is given to sociocultural factors in the development of the human psyche.
Eric Fromm was the first who most consistently and systematically studied the nature of human destructiveness, substantiating his views with a psychoanalytic paradigm and philosophical ideas. Fromm considers destructiveness as an escape mechanism, as a result of the suppression of the desire for life. In the case of such suppression, a person seeks to destroy his own alienation, trying to make all living things dead and simple. nine0006
The data of ethnology, neuropsychology and psychological studies of the XX-XXI centuries provided a wide field of facts to substantiate the key role in the formation of destructive behavior of social and cultural factors. Destructiveness itself is a temporary and uncharacteristic phenomenon of human nature. It negatively affects the development of the individual, interferes with its harmonious existence in society.
At the same time, in modern behavioral psychology there are different approaches to the questions of the origins of the formation of a tendency to destructive behavior:
- The tendency to a destructive mechanism of action is the result of the influence of a specific way of life or behavior, in general, a destructive subculture.
- Destruction is the result of frustration (J. Dollard).
- This is a response to deprivation over a long period of time.
- E. Erickson's view - destructiveness is formed due to the negative self-identification of members of a destructive group.
- The narcissistic traumas of childhood push the personality towards the methods of terror in later life. nine0112
Personality is not born destructive, but becomes destructive. At the same time, the formation of destructiveness can also be influenced by innate features of temperament, introversion or extraversion, genetic predisposition to psychological diseases, etc. However, these factors do not necessitate the development of a destructive character in the personality.
In most real cases, it is more correct to speak of the destructive behavior of a person who is not destructive in itself. The use of such patterns of behavior may be a situational response of the individual. But in the case of the systematic nature of such behavior and its temporary duration (persistence), we can already speak of a destructive personality. nine0006
Destructive character: concept and signs
Destructive behavior is a consequence of the formation of the destructive character of the personality.
Destructive character is a complex of behavioral features and personality traits that are destructive and antisocial.
A destructive character is formed as a result of the personality's assimilation of destructive patterns of behavior as characteristics of its "I". Its main property is social maladjustment. A person with such a character does not strive and, accordingly, is not capable of building any social ties, denying any adequate forms of communication and contacts. nine0006
Destructive character is closely connected with the concepts of aggressiveness and aggression. Thus, aggressiveness should be considered as an innate characteristic of every living person, which can help an individual in mobilizing forces and active actions. Aggression can be considered in two varieties:
- non-destructive aggression, which is rather a natural defense mechanism of any personality;
- hostile destructiveness in the form of violence, rage, revenge, rejection, malice. nine0112
Destructiveness of character is distinguished by the following typical features:
- Negativity towards everything, increased level of criticality, constant dissatisfaction with others and their behavior.
- Unreasonable outbursts of aggression (temper), nervousness, irritability. Possibility of self-aggression and self-flagellation.
- Use of violence in its various forms (including psychological).
- Desire to humiliate others and subjugate everyone around. The behavior of the individual is not aimed at partnership and equal relations, but at achieving their own benefit. nine0112
- Confidence in one's own uniqueness, narcissism. Extreme rejection of help or comments.
- Achieving behavioral goals does not bring happiness or complete satisfaction, but generates a greater desire for destruction.
- Low or no empathy.
- Incessant self-digging, self-accusations (characteristic of auto-destructive behaviors).
At the same time, the manifestation of the destructiveness of character may depend on the following socio-psychological factors:
- low self-esteem;
- insufficient development of the intellect;
- low level of development of communication skills;
- stay of the nervous system in a state of increased excitability as a result of various physiological conditions (injury, illness).
Destructiveness of character can be realized in the following types of behavior:
- Externally destructive (antisocial) damage to another's property, prostitution. nine0112
- Indirectly destructive (asocial) - directed at other members of society and seeks to destroy interpersonal ties and related relationships (conflict as a way of communication, violence, aggression).
- Auto-destructive (dissocial) - self-destruction of a psychological or medical order, which leads to a regression in the development of a person's personality structure, his disintegration as a social individual (suicidal thoughts and actions, food addiction, autism, fanaticism). nine0112
- Indirectly destructive (asocial) - directed at other members of society and seeks to destroy interpersonal ties and related relationships (conflict as a way of communication, violence, aggression).
Quite clearly, the destructiveness of character is manifested in adolescents, who become closed and cruel, even in relation to relatives. Or quite justifiably, the destructiveness of character can be formed in a person who has experienced significant psychological stress and is trying to adapt to a new cognitive reality.
Destructive interpersonal interaction (asocial)
Destructive interpersonal interaction implies the use of methods and forms of destructive behavior. The purpose of such interaction is not to communicate on an equal footing, where the main thing is to achieve mutual understanding, solve a problem, clarify the situation, etc. nine0006
Often the destructiveness of interaction is a consequence of the motivation of only one of the participants, and not both at once. The form of such interaction is conflict , the reasons for which are often not clear to the party involved in the process.
The tasks of such interaction come from the personal motivations of the conflict personality-destroyer, who does not try to find a compromise, but sees communication or interaction as a "battlefield" for asserting his innocence. This interaction is different:
- an abundance of insults, sometimes threats;
- meaninglessness of communication;
- addressing the shortcomings of the interlocutor;
- projecting one's fears or shortcomings onto another;
- depreciation of personality, shaming;
- constant changes of topic and "transfer of arrows" to the interlocutor;
- control by another or struggle to establish control over the interlocutor; nine0109 the presence of sarcasm and a condescending or patronizing tone, offensive jokes;
- use of physical violence;
- active gestures (including indecent), raised tone;
- constant interruption or ignoring the interlocutor's remarks (reactions).
The most complex forms of destructive interaction acquires when both personalities strive for destructive patterns of behavior. Then the interaction itself carries with it the impossibility of the emergence of any productive constructivity. Such interlocutors are doomed to mutual misunderstanding, if at least one of them does not abandon the model of his behavior. nine0006
Destructive acts can be used by a person as a way:
- Achieving some significant goal.
- Reducing psychological stress - the implementation of relaxation.
- Fulfillment of needs for self-affirmation or self-realization.
Destructive people often just want to draw attention to themselves, get a dose of communication or any possible interaction. However, they may not even realize it or know how to act differently. Therefore, it is important to socialize such individuals and teach them other forms of interaction. nine0006
How destructive people manipulate others
Interaction with others for a destructive person is an emotional “feed”. He is only concerned with achieving his own goals, expressing his own experiences, gaining benefits by violating accepted communication structures. In general, a large part of destructive behavior is based on elementary manipulations in the form of false accusations, provocations, denial of problems, lies, incitement, etc.
Often, the use of destructive behavior is not the result of the realization of the individual's personal qualities, but rather the chosen tactics of responding to certain events. This is done in order to achieve special tasks, and the person herself is aware that she is acting unconstructively. Thus, many politicians resort to such methods solely for the purpose of manipulation. nine0006
Politician A constantly criticizes the food program of the party and calls for re-elections, while offering the most unconstructive alternative that cannot be implemented (due to objective circumstances). Purpose A is not at all to achieve qualitative change for the people, but to voice the popular opinion of the majority in order to score political points for future elections.
Quite often, destructive people practice the use of supposedly harmless at first glance remarks that actually offend the other interlocutor, humiliate him. The offender may appeal to the fact that he "did not know at all" or "did not mean to offend in any way", but this is a false explanation. nine0006
If the remarks are actually groundless, or the interlocutor's explanations cannot justify the appearance of criticism, then such behavior can be considered harmful and destructive.
Salesman And someone insulted me on the way to work. At work, A begins to humiliate visitor B, hinting at her imaginary fullness, for the sake of self-affirmation and replacement of the morning trauma.
Also destructive behavior can be considered in the form of gaslighting . Gaslighting is a kind of game where the goal of one is to make the other doubt the reality of their own perceptions, understandings and emotions.