Psychology questions to ask your partner
101 Deep Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend, Girlfriend or Partner
How well do you know your partner? Ask them these questions to connect on a deeper level and reach a whole new degree of intimacy.
How well do you know your partner? We don’t just mean their favorite color or movie, but really know them. Have you ever asked the deep questions? Their likes, dislikes, trauma, regrets, passions, dreams and greatest desires.
RELATED: Do the 36 Questions That Lead to Love Really Work?
These are not meant to undermine your relationship, simply to point out an area for improvement, something that needs to be strengthened if you hope to get through not only the good times, but also the bad ones.
Fortunately, there’s a pretty easy way to strengthen your bond. And luckily, it’s
a lot of fun (even if it can get heavy sometimes). Think back. When was the last time you had a meaningful conversation with your partner? An open and honest discussion can help bring couples closer together by building trust, mutual understanding and compassion.
Communication will bring understanding and understanding will cause harmonious mutual relationships which can establish peace and stability.
– Lobsang Tenzin
Allowing yourselves to be vulnerable, by practicing active and empathetic listening, also tends to reveal a lot about your partner’s character, their values, their past and their visions for the future. It’s an opportunity to learn more about your partner and ultimately, more about yourself.
The Power of Deep Questions in Every Relationship
Asking the right question at the right time can help us realize breakthroughs in many important areas of life, from finding out what we want to do with our life to improving personal relationships.
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Understanding is the gateway to compassion and love, and questions allow us to obtain that necessary level of understanding, helping us learn why our partner behaves or thinks a certain way.
Have you ever wondered what are the right, deep questions to ask your boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse or partner? Well, wonder no longer. Here below are 101 deep questions to help you connect with your partner on a more intimate level. May they help you realize a deeper understanding, boundless compassion, and open love.
Couples Should Have Deeper Conversation about Life
1. What’s something you’re glad you’ll never have to do again?
When it comes to getting to know your partner on a more meaningful level, it really helps to build an understanding of any experiences they’d like to avoid — and why. Knowing the answers to these questions can be stress-relieving, or help to circumvent awkward situations, as well as cultivate empathy and a deeper understanding of their character.
2. What’s one thing you always procrastinate on?
3. What would you do with your life if you were suddenly awarded a billion dollars?
While winning a billion dollars is highly unlikely, anything is possible.
What this question really reveals is more than their dream vacation, or how they would spend almost unlimited wealth. It reveals where your partner’s priorities lie when the usual obstacles and impediments are removed, and what their biggest dreams will be — the ones they’d like to pursue in their heart of hearts.
4. What should a healthy relationship provide for the people in it?
Relationship questions like this one are rather crucial to your expectations and theirs, and can be very helpful in determining whether your relationship needs and goals are aligned or not. If they’re not, you may find there is common ground enough to come together anyway — but knowing comes first.
5. Do you believe everything happens for a reason, or do we just find reasons after things happen?
6. Is there anything you consider absolutely unforgivable?
If your partner has a deal-breaker associated with unforgivable acts, it doesn’t hurt to know what it is so you can be sure that it doesn’t conflict with any of your own unforgivable end zones. Plus, if you disagree on what’s forgivable, that’s worth discussing.
7. If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what would you do first?
8. In your life, what has been the biggest blessing in disguise?
This is a great way to understand how your partner’s mind works — how they put things in perspective for themselves, and how they process ‘positive’ vs ‘negative’ forces in their lives.
9. If you could pick one year of your life to do-over, which would it be and why?
10. What is one behavior that you never tolerate?
Your partner may not tolerate clutter or messiness in their home, or they may not like the idea of having friends over late into the night. It’s worth comparing and contrasting which behaviors you find acceptable and which you can’t stand. How else will you know if you’re well-aligned?
11. If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only three words?
12. What is the one thing that makes you feel alive?
Whether it’s mountain climbing, skydiving, performing in front of an audience, traveling to new places, or simply being creative on a regular basis, it’s worth knowing what gets your partner’s juices flowing.
Because arguably, feeling alive is everything!
13. What would your perfect day look like?
Not only can this question help you plan the perfect surprise birthday itinerary, but it can teach you a ton about how your partner likes to unwind and have fun — always useful information!
14. Do you usually follow your head or your heart when making decisions?
Contrary to surface-level understandings, “heart people” can be highly compatible with “head people,” even helping to balance one another out, so don’t worry about their answer being different than yours, or being overly emotional compared to them. Also, don’t get stuck on black-or-white answers, as these things never are.
15. What is something that never ends well?
16. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
Romantic Questions: Thinking about Your Relationship
These are not just random questions to ask your boyfriend or partner. In real life, knowing how they want to spend date night, what the most attractive quality they find in others is, or what their favorite romantic movie is can seem like a silly thing to want to know at first.
However, they are also interesting questions that reveal much about compatibility, and the sort of romantic things and experiences they want in their lives.
1. What did you think when you first met me?
If you haven’t discussed your first impressions of one another, there’s really no time like the present. The answer to this question might be amusing; it might also be romantic. One thing’s for sure, it’ll give you an insider’s view on the path your partner traveled to choosing you.
2. What about our relationship makes you really happy?
Best case scenario: you gain a deeper understanding of what your partner appreciates about you, which can serve as a wonderful anchor in your relationship. Not to mention, regularly communicating what you appreciate about one another is the stuff of strong relationships.
3. If you had one word to describe our relationship what would it be?
4. What’s your biggest fear for this relationship?
Relationship anxiety is extraordinarily common, but there’s no antidote to this particular brand of fear like talking it through with an empathetic partner. Relationship fear is often based on past experiences, and once they’re out in the open, they have a greater chance of dissipating.
5. What’s one difference between us that you absolutely love?
They say opposites attract, and while this is certainly not always the case, having palpable differences is often a source of interest, intrigue and attraction between partners. Why not get some positive feedback on being yourself?
6. What’s one similarity between us that you absolutely love?
7. What about me (outside of a physical feature) made you fall in love?
If you’re in love, and the feeling is mutual, this is a question that can only feed your mutual affection and appreciation for one another — so don’t be afraid to ask.
8. What’s your favorite memory of us?
9. What’s one thing you want to do together that we’ve never done before?
This question is perfectly suited to laying sprawled out in a field of flowers, visioning for the long-term with your significant other. It’s really healthy to want to share certain experiences (be it singing a duet at an open mic, entering a marathon, or buying real estate). And it’s even healthier to express it!
10. Where is your favorite place to be with me?
11. What’s one thing you’re scared to ask me, but really want to know the answer to?
These types of boyfriend questions are important: If your partner actually has an answer to this one, chances are you’ll want to ask the question. Better to get everything out in the open sooner than later. It may end up being an opportunity to hear the hardest truth, but one that strengthens the relationship over the long term.
12. What’s one thing you feel our relationship is lacking?
13. What’s your favorite non-physical quality about me?
Attraction is often based at least in part on physical traits, particularly at the beginning of a relationship. But if your relationship is a strong one, there is surely more to your bond than looks. Hearing all the other things that fuel your partner’s attraction can be really refreshing, enlightening, even.
14. If our relationship ended, what’s the one thing about it you’d miss the most?
15. What do you think was your most vulnerable moment in our relationship?
Staying honest (and therefore vulnerable) is integral to any successful relationship. What better way to achieve this than to talk about moments of authentic vulnerability without judgment?
16. What’s one secret you’ve wanted to tell me, but haven’t?
17. What’s your favorite way to receive affection?
Different people have different love languages, from physical touch, to words of affirmation, receiving gifts, quality time, and acts of service. There’s no better way to give and receive affection than by speaking each other’s language.
18. What’s one thing you think makes our relationship unique from everyone else’s?
19. If you could change one thing about our relationship what would it be?
It might seem counterintuitive to invite conversation based on the assumption that your partner would, in fact, change something about your relationship, but sometimes, it’s questions like these that make someone feel comfortable enough to raise an issue that’s been on their mind.
20. What do you think is your biggest strength in this relationship?
21. What’s one thing about your life you would never change for someone else, including me?
While the tone of this question may seem a tad negative at first glance, identifying your partner’s non-negotiable traits, habits or attachments can go a long way toward helping you understand what’s most important to them in life.
22. What about us do you think works well together? How do we balance each other out?
23. What does love mean to you?
24. What do I mean to you?
This question is makes both parties vulnerable, so it’s natural to want to shy away from it. But at a certain point in your relationship (you’ll know what point — it’s different for everyone), hot and heavy questions like this one are fair — and, hell, they can be extremely romantic too.
25. What was your first impression of me?
26. What’s the most romantic movie you’ve ever seen?

Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend, Boyfriend or Partner
Not everything has to be so serious! Sometimes the best relationship advice is to be silly, and enjoy cute questions about crazy things.
Funny questions can sometimes lead to a really good conversation that you guys will be really glad you had.
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you choose?
Although questions like these have a bit of a party-trick vibe, they can also be very revealing of your partner’s core values. What does your partner value more: looks or lucidity? While answers should be taken with a grain of salt, you can learn lots from the inevitable explanations that accompany such answers.

5. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?
Many of us fantasize about possessing certain “superpowers” or abilities. This is a fun question to ask, but it can also teach you lots about your partner’s deepest wishes (be it to fly above it all, turn invisible on whim, or set fire to things spontaneously) — so ask, ask away!
6. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
7. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
In the spirit of bringing the best out of one another, this question can help you plan a future in which you do just that. Why not encourage your partner to follow their dreams and talk through it with them if they get stuck?
8. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?

Think of your most embarrassing moments as a treasure trove of a) good stories, b) hard lessons learned, and c) personal growth signposts. Sharing these with your partner will very likely bring you closer. After all, any partner worth their salt wants to know the real you — not the airbrushed version.
10. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?11. What’s your favorite karaoke song?
12. What is your go-to Halloween costume?
13. Who is your big celebrity crush?
Questions to Ask Your Partner about the Future
1. Where do you see yourself in five years?
If your partner hasn’t given any thought to this question, and you have (or vice versa), a discussion wouldn’t hurt. Sometimes all it takes is a little communication for two people to start creating five-year plans together.
2. How do you see our future together? Where do you see it headed?
It may seem daunting, but it’s important to have ‘the talk’ with your best friend and potential lifelong mate. If your hearts and paths are aligned, there shouldn’t be much in the way of surprises. If they’re not, it’s still definitely worth knowing so you can reassess.
3. What are your goals in the relationship?
4. What are your thoughts on having a family?
This is not a peripheral question: if you want a big family but your partner would rather limit your dependents to cats and dogs, you need to have a discussion to determine whether there’s enough flexibility to move forward.
5. Where do you see yourself living when you retire?
6. What are your financial priorities and goals?
Money and love may seem antithetical, but the strongest relationships are transparent on all fronts. In other words, if you couldn’t care less about money or saving for the future, but your partner is steeped in mutual funds and RRSPs (or vice versa), it may be worth talking about to avoid future conflicts or imbalances in the relationship.
7. What is on your bucket list that we can do together this year?
8. What’s the one thing you want to achieve the most before you die?
If your partner has a goal to end all goals — something they don’t want to leave this earth without achieving (i.e. writing a novel, or opening a café) — you may want to consider getting behind it and supporting them. Because happier people make better partners!
9. Do you have any habits you want to change?
Be it quitting smoking and drinking, or curbing a bad temper, knowing your partner’s personal betterment aspirations can help you be a stronger support when they need it the most.
10. What do you most look forward to about getting old?
‘Getting old’ might not be a topic either of you naturally turn to, but talking about it can really help clarify your respective life trajectories (or at least the ones you see yourself following), as well as how your partner imagines life with you in the (distant) future.
11. What are you hoping to learn in the coming year?
12. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received in your whole life?
13. If you could see into the future, what’s one thing you want to see?
Many of us would rather not look into the future and find out things that might rob us of quality of life in the present moment. Then again, your partner may have good reasons to prefer knowing how certain life aspects will unfold. You should probably hear this.
14. How do you want to be remembered?
Questions to Ask Your Husband, Wife or Partner about Their Past
1. When’s the last time you felt vulnerable? How did you cope?
2. What have you accomplished in the past year that you are most proud of?
Close as you feel to your partner, you may not actually be aware of how they judge their own achievements and what it is they take real pride in. True intimacy requires learning more about your partner’s inner world when the opportunity presents itself.
3. What were the major turning points in your life?
From past trauma dating back to one’s childhood, to struggles with anxiety, depression, or addiction your partner may have dealt with before knowing you, ‘turning points’ come in many forms. Learning your partner means knowing their history.
4. When’s the last time you pushed out of your comfort zone? How did it make you feel?
5. What is your happiest memory?
Sharing the happiest memories of our lives is a beautiful way of getting closer to our partners while opening the door to creating new happy memories together as a couple.
6. How have you changed in the past five years?
7. When was the last time you cried and why?
Some people cry often, and others rarely. We all have different relationships to shedding tears, and understanding your partner’s will only shed light on their emotional reality. Bonus: asking the question entails sharing a vulnerable moment, and vulnerability breeds intimacy.
8. What is an important life lesson you’ve learned?
9. What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
We don’t all have the same notions of courage, or of boldness. You can learn volumes about your partner by hearing them tell of the most daring thing they ever did, and the kind of results it manifested in their life.
10. What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from past partners?
Not everyone likes to discuss their previous relationships with their current partner, and indeed, there should be a limit to such discussions. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t valuable lessons to be shared. Chances are that learning about your partner’s experiences in previous serious relationships will help you to better understand their behaviors today.
11. What’s the most challenging setback you’ve ever experienced? How did you overcome it?
12. If you could change one thing in history, what would it be?
13. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?

15. Did you have any pets growing up?
Particularly if animals are important to you, and/or you plan on having pets in the future, it’s integral you get to know your partner’s attitude toward animals.
16. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Heavy Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend, Boyfriend or Partner
1. Do you want to have kids? If so, how many?
2. When you’re having a bad day, what makes you feel better?This is the kind of question that helps you better understand how to comfort your girlfriend when she’s down and just needs a reprieve from life for a minute (or a day). Whether it’s cooking a meal, cleaning the apartment, or giving her a temple massage, these are important life skills, so never underestimate them!
3. Do you consider yourself a jealous person?
4. Have you ever cheated on a partner?
If your girlfriend has cheated in the past, it’s worth knowing, just as it’s worth knowing what led her to it, and how she feels about it in retrospect. People grow and change — they do it all the time.
5. Why did your last relationship end?
6. How important is religion or spirituality in your life?
Religion and/or spirituality may or may not play a significant role in your life — either way, unless the topic was at the forefront of your first meeting, your partner might have an altogether different relationship to faith. If you want to build a future together, don’t hesitate to ask her. If she’s worth being in a relationship with, she’s worth really knowing.
7. Who was your role model growing up?
8. Have you ever been in an emotional or physically abusive relationship?
If your partner has coped with an abuser in the past (be it an ex-partner, a parent, or anyone else) getting closer to your girlfriend likely means learning what she’s been through — to whatever extent she’s willing to share.
9. How important are looks to you?
10. Do you think a relationship can come back from cheating?
In a committed, monogamous relationship, no one wants a partner who strays. That said, your boyfriend might take cheating less seriously than you do — or vice versa. Put your mind at ease by addressing concerns as they arise, and with total transparency.
11. How long was your longest relationship?
12. How do you see our future together: do you envision a two-income household, or a different arrangement?
Whether you envision yourself as a blissfully content stay-at-home-mom, a high octane corporate executive — or both — finding out what kind of household arrangement your boyfriend imagines for his future (i.e., blissfully content stay-at-home dad) can help circumvent a lot of potential conflict in the future.
13. Have you ever struggled with addiction?
While it’s true that our struggles do not define us, your boyfriend’s history with any sort of addiction is something you’re within your rights to ask about, as it may affect you too. Even if this does not represent his current reality, understanding his past struggles can help you become a lot better acquainted with the man you’re sharing your life with.
14. Have you ever been engaged or married?
Becoming acquainted with the broad strokes of your boyfriend’s past romantic life can help you better understand his behaviors, interests, and hesitations in your current relationship.
15. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
You might have a very different style of communicating or relating to others than your boyfriend does. This doesn’t make you incompatible—in fact, it might even make you extra complementary. Still, it helps to address these differences so you can better understand and empathize with one another, while also being supportive of your partner even if you can’t directly relate to their difficulties.
Why Are Questions in Relationships So Important?
Ultimately, when it comes to building and maintaining strong relationships, communication is both king and queen! The more deeply you open up to truly getting to know one another, the sturdier your foundation will be.
Nothing can shake you if your version of intimacy includes sharing your best and worst moments with compassion, acceptance, and love. Asking questions (and answering them) without reservation is a surefire way to open up the floodgates of vulnerability—by extension cultivating deeper shared emotional experiences.
With additions by MJ Kelly and Maya Khamala
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Want to Get Closer to Your Partner? Try These 36 Questions
We are constantly looking for ways to improve our closest relationships. Because intimacy is so important for our mental health, most people seek to maximize their chances of finding and keeping the bonds of love alive. Tests of love can help you determine how strong those bonds are with your particular partner. However, what if you don’t have a long-term partner? Is there a reliable way to produce one?
In a New York Times Modern Love column, writer Mandy Len Catron cited a study carried out a number of years ago by Stony Brook University psychologist Arthur Aron and collaborators. She claimed that by asking a potential love interest these 36 questions, you could not only determine whether this is a good mate for you, but you could actually use them to jump-start your relationship with this person.
The column generated a number of comments, but the most revealing comes from Aron’s wife and collaborator, Elaine Aron, Ph.D. She pointed out that the original purpose of the test was not to help people fall in love, but help guide people in gaining greater intimacy. As often happens when psychological studies are translated for the media, they lose their nuances. In the case of the Aron et al. study, it seems that there were plenty of nuances left unattended to.
In the actual study, college students participated in a study in which they completed a “sharing game” in which they read instructions on 36 slips, grouped into three sets. One person was asked to read each slip and then both were told to follow the slip’s instructions. They were given 15 minutes to go through each of the three sets, but they were not required to go through all 12 tasks in each set. The partners were paired based on prior information the researchers had about their personality, and not all of the pairings were of opposite-sex participants (due to the higher proportion of female student volunteers).
The researchers hoped that their work, completed now nearly 20 years ago, could help advance the science of close relationships. Even the article's title includes the word "preliminary." It’s even more important, then, that we keep in mind the cautions and limitations of the actual test. As they observed, “it is time for researchers of close relationships to find ways to welcome back our wayward friend, the true experiment” (p. 373).
In addition to the 36-item test to help develop intimacy, the researchers created a parallel set of questions intended to be used to generate small-talk. They are far less philosophically oriented and don’t require as much thought or self-disclosure. Sample questions ask about music preferences, the name of a childhood pet, and which foreign country you would like to visit. These questions may be helpful if you're trying to figure out what to say to get a conversation started, but they don't really stimulate feelings of closeness. To increase intimacy, it's necessary to increase your level of self-disclosure with another person.
With this background in mind, here are the 36 questions intended to promote intimacy grouped into their original three sets of 12 items each. The sets increase in the level of self-disclosure they require, and within each set, the level of self-disclosure increases from question to question. Remember that you don’t need to answer each question with your partner or prospective partner. By covering each of the three categories, though, you give yourself a better chance of gaining knowledge that may help promote your intimacy with that person:
Set 1:
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
4. What would constitute a "perfect" day for you?
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
8. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
11. Take 4 minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
Set 2:
13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know?
14. Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?
15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
16. What do you value most in a friendship?
17. What is your most treasured memory?
18. What is your most terrible memory?
19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
20. What does friendship mean to you?
21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of 5 items.
23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people's?
24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
Set 3:
25. Make 3 true "we" statements each. For instance 'We are both in this room feeling ... "
26. Complete this sentence: "I wish I had someone with whom I could share ... "
27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you've just met.
29. Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.
30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
31. Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them yet?
34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner's advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.
These 36 questions, or however many you are able to ask, may help you achieve greater intimacy. At the same time, asking yourself these questions may stimulate some soul-searching of your own, not a bad way to help promote your feelings of fulfillment.
Feel free to join my Facebook group, "Fulfillment at Any Age," to discuss today's blog, or to ask further questions about this posting.
Copyright Susan Krauss Whitbourne 2015
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100 relationship questions for couples
What is important in answering these questions? 🤗
- Honesty builds trust! Be honest with your partner when answering these questions.
- Don't be afraid! If you and your partner are made for each other, you should be able to talk about everything. So don't be afraid to talk about your innermost thoughts.
- Don't rush your partner! Some questions may make your partner feel uncomfortable. Don't rush to answer all questions. Be patient, some things take time. nine0008
- Do not judge! You may not understand every thought of your partner. This is completely normal. But try to be supportive, even if you have a different opinion.
Our collection of 100 interesting relationship questions 🥰
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20 questions before moving on to the next level 🤔
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Here are 20 questions you should ask your partner before taking the next step.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Will you support me no matter what?
How much honesty do you need in a relationship?
How do you think you have changed over the past few years?
What do you think about children?
How do you see love? nine0025
How do you deal with difficult situations?
Do you believe in God?
What is cheating for you?
What do you think about your boyfriend's relationship?
Do you feel that we make each other the best version of ourselves?
Have you ever cheated on someone?
Have you ever hit a person with whom you had a relationship?
What's on your wishlist?
What do you think about marriage?
How did/did you deal with your feelings and emotions as a child?
What do you want from this relationship?
How would you describe your relationship with your family?
How did your last relationship end?
N e w !
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20 questions about your hopes and dreams 👑
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- Which animal would you like to ride at least once in your life?
- If you had to change lives with someone, who would it be? nine0008
- Can you choose any person in the world that you would like to invite to dinner?
- If you had an invisibility superpower, how would you use it?
- What are the unfulfilled things in your life?
- If you could see into the future, what would you like to see?
- What do you think of the perfect honeymoon destination?
- If you could design an ideal home for us, what would it look like?
- What would you like to be really good at? nine0008
- If you could be any animal, who would it be?
- What geolocation do you see yourself in after retirement?
- If you had to change your name, what name would you choose?
- Is there anything you have long dreamed of doing? Why haven't you done this yet?
- If you had a time machine, would you choose to go back in time or visit the future?
- If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go? nine0008
- What are your dreams in life and what do you want from the future?
- What superpower would you like to have the most?
- What adventures would you like to experience before you die?
- If you could be the richest person in the world, what would you do with your money?
- If you could look like anyone else in the world, who would you choose and why?
20 questions about romance, love and sex life (18+) 👅
Time flies, you and your partner are struggling to find a balance between your full employment, personal life with friends and leisure activities, and, perhaps even combine it with your family with children. nine0025
👉 We offer you: 250+ questions for a guy: Get to know him.
It's no secret that our love and romantic life can suffer from stress at some point. You may feel like you have lost the passion you once had for your partner. If this sounds familiar, then these questions are for you. They are designed to spice up your sex life and rekindle the romance in your relationship.
What is your wildest fantasy?
What do I do that turns you on the most? nine0025
What is your idea of a perfect romantic date?
What would you like to do more in bed?
What dirty fantasy do you have about me?
Are there times when you feel lonely/lonely, neglected/deprived of attention, or as if I am emotionally unavailable/unavailable?
How would you like to spend a special date with each other?
Would you tell me that you have some secret fetishes?
What do you think it means to be good in bed?
Last time you saw me in your dirty dream? When it was?
What is your favorite part of my body?
What do you think about threesomes?
What is the best thing I can do for you in bed?
👉 We offer you: ❤️ Questions 99+ pairs Trivia
If you could ask me anything and I could answer honestly, what would you ask?
Is there anything you won't do in bed?
How do you see a romantic getaway?
Are you satisfied with how much time we spend together and apart from each other?
What is your favorite time of the day for sex?
How/when do you feel most loved/most loved? nine0025
Which sex position would you like to try?
20 questions about your relationship 🔥
These questions are about your relationship and nothing else. Maybe you're not sure about your relationship right now. You feel like your partner doesn't care, unlike you. With these questions, you can subtly test each other's knowledge of your relationship.
These questions are great for starting a conversation about past, present, and future relationships. nine0025
- What do you think makes me smile?
- What do you remember most about our first kiss?
- What is the most romantic thing I have ever done for you?
- What do you like about me?
- If you had one word to describe our relationship, what would it be?
- What is your favorite similarity between us?
- Do you think that I understand you and understand how you feel? Why do you think so? nine0008
- What makes you the happiest person in our relationship?
- What is your favorite memory of me at the moment?
- What/what did you think about when you first met me?
- What difference do you like between us?
- How satisfied are you with the amount of non-sexual affection in our relationship?
- Do you think of me when I'm not around?
- What would you like to change about me?
- Do you think I can be your best friend and lover/mistress at the same time? nine0008
- Do you remember what we said to each other the very first time?
- How long did you think our relationship would last when we first started dating?
- What do you value most in our relationship?
- If you had one word to describe our love, what would it be?
- What about me made you fall in love?
20 “this or that” questions 🤩
Now we bring you a list of questions that work as a conversation starter and are perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon for you and your significant other. You may already know the answers to your partner for some questions, but we guarantee there will be surprises…
We offer you: Meet your questions for couples
Chocolate or vanilla?
Ice cream or french fries?
Hero or villain?
Cookies or cake?
SMS or call?
Summer or winter?
Book or movie?
Coca Cola or Pepsi?
Gold or silver? nine0025
Fruit or vegetables?
Ketchup or mustard?
Piercing or tattoos?
Sweet or salty?
Series or movies?
Pasta or pizza?
Family or friends?
Pop or indie?
Wine or beer?
Concert or performance?
Cards or board games? nine0025
65 questions for a partner | Self-help resources
When you start a relationship, it's normal to have some doubts. You are dating a person and you want everything that he has in his personality and in his life to be compatible with you. While it is true that everyone is who they are and that tolerance is important in every way, good communication is also always needed. We are going to ask you a series of questions to get to know your partner. nine0007 .
You don't need to ask these questions as you would in an interrogation, because your partner may feel guilty. It is best if you write down the questions that interest you the most in order to get to know him a little better, and in this way, in ordinary conversations you can use them naturally.
Next, we're going to leave you with a list of questions to get to know your partner a lot more and to let you know everything that comes to his mind. Likewise, if you want to ask your partner any of these questions, You must also be prepared to answer honestly the questions you are asked.
Communication and sincerity are important in a couple, so if you want me to tell you things sincerely, you must also be sincere about what I ask you to. So, If you want to maintain a relationship of mutual sincerity, you must be prepared to answer truthfully.
Don't miss this list of questions to ask your partner. One idea is to print out all the questions so you always have them handy, or perhaps write down the ones that seem most interesting to you. You can even propose a meeting with a question, and if he agrees, you can use the questions you want, but at the same time commit to answering the questions your partner asks you, Perhaps he will return the same question to you to see if you would answer the same question you asked him first!
- Where are you from? Where else did you live? What was your favorite place and why?
- What was your relationship with your parents like?
- Do you think that your parents treated you and your siblings equally, or was it favoritism?
- What are your favorite childhood memories?
- What kind of student were you? nine0008
- Which of your relatives do you get along best with?
- What do you value most in a partner?
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- Are there any health problems in your family?
- Are you close to members of your extended family?
- What important events happened in your past that you think have had a major impact on who you are today?
- What are your religious beliefs?
- What are your political ideas? nine0008
- What did you think when you first saw me?
- What attracted you the most about me when you first saw me?
- Is there a smell or sound that reminds you of me and makes you smile?
- Do you have a favorite adventure in which we are together? What made it your favorite?
- Did you have many friends as a child, or did you only have a few really good friends?
- How and when did you decide that you wanted to be with me? nine0008
- Tell me about your favorite childhood pet.
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