Axl rose personality type
Was Axl Rose of Guns n Roses an INTJ?
Speed Gavroche
Whisky Old & Women Young
- #1
I ask the question because I've always seen him typed as an ESTP, and so, I thought he was. But I've also seen him typed as INTJ a few times, I've read a part of his biography, and what I read did'nt resonate ESTP at all. He is and has always been a reclusive, a loner, withdrawing, very shy and awkward at the point that even as an adult he has difficulties to watch people in face. He seems very independant and introspective, work carefully on his long-term project and is a perfectionist.
He hardly tolerate when things don't go in his own way and is a control freak. Plus, he was relatively sober, and an hard-worker. Use your illusion is a typycal Ni monster.
ESTP seems to be more his on stage personality, I could see an ESTP act like this if he has shyness, paranoia and some others neurotic issues, I could also see an ESTP be like this if he's submit to a an oppressive inferior Ni and become severly paranoid. But it's just a possiblity. Billy Idol and Nikki Sixx are ESTP for sure, Axl Rose, not sure. INTJ could fit better, tons of things he did was so anti-rock'n roll, he is the anti-Elvis to me in some sort (Elvis was ESFP).
Some interviews:
Speed Gavroche
Whisky Old & Women Young
- #2
New member
- #3
He doesn't seem like one of us to me.
Anew Leaf
- #4
New member
- #5
Ugh. .. was?
Speed Gavroche
Whisky Old & Women Young
- #6
Saturned said:
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Can you develop on this please?
Speed Gavroche
Whisky Old & Women Young
- #7
animenagai said:
.. was?
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Lol, no, I just got the impression that he was part of the past, but he's not dead. Just a little mistake from me.
- #8
He could be a ISxP with strong Ni.
When one is in that sort of a field one tends to get more and more in touch with the abstract.
Maybe even an INFJ.
Speed Gavroche
Whisky Old & Women Young
- #9
Riva said:
He could be a ISxP with strong Ni.
When one is in that sort of a field one tends to get more and more in touch with the abstract.
Maybe even an INFJ.
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If he is an SP, he is an ESP. ISFPs prffer behind-the-scene role, he does'nt, he is a conqueror, probably of an in-charge type. ESxP can be very in touch with Ni too.
I was interested by INTJ because he's defeinetly a meagalomanic man who wants power.
INFJs are holistic dreamer oriented toward contemplations, I think he's more the frontman who is energised by social contact, now exactly where he wants to go and release the vibe of a comandant. Of course, a few INFJs, like Hitler or the ayatollah Khomeini are like this, and Axl Rose was called "the ayatollah" by his peers, but INFJs usually make the pope looks like a whore, it's not his case. I also think he's too much phisically exuberant and impulsive to be Se-last.
- #10
J seems pretty unliekly for him
He is known to get terribly late for concerts and even miss some. INTJs are not known to be irresponsible. He sounds quite irresponsible and lost in some strange world. That screams No No for INTJs.
If he is indeed an in-charge SP, he could very well be an xSTP.
Speed Gavroche
Whisky Old & Women Young
- #11
Riva said:
J seems pretty unliekly for him
He is known to get terribly late for concerts and even miss some. INTJs are not known to be irresponsible.
He sounds quite irresponsible and lost in some strange world. That screams No No for INTJs.
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Very good point. Actually, he says for his defense (and I assume that he is in part sincere) that he's a perfectionist afraid of the judgement of peoples about the finished product, and he says that if he's in late for his concert, it's because he wants to take more time to "be prepared" and offer a better performance. This is very characteristics of Ps I think. That habit to report the action later to take more time to take more information... Js are not alone to be perfectionist, Ps are too, but in this very characteristic way.
Use your illusion was also very characterisitic of Pness... That giant compile of absolutely everything the band did... Clearly that guy has a problem with "collecting and can't discard".
If he is indeed an in-charge SP, he could very well be an xSTP.
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Yes, and I'd rather say ESTP than ISTP. I also suspect that he could be an Ne-dom.
- #12
No idea since he's flying high in those clips. But he's not an INTJ. xSxP.
pathwise dependent
- #13
Axl Rose is a very obvious ESTP.
Speed Gavroche
Whisky Old & Women Young
- #14
FDG said:
Axl Rose is a very obvious ESTP.
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That works for me. I also thought that he could be a socionic ENFj, what do you think about?
Speed Gavroche
Whisky Old & Women Young
- #15
Actually, he was an ENFP. Clearly an Ne-dom, and not a Thinker at all.
Active member
- #16
Speed Gavroche said:
Actually, he was an ENFP. Clearly an Ne-dom, and not a Thinker at all.
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Care to expand on that?
Speed Gavroche
Whisky Old & Women Young
- #17
Forever_Jung said:
Care to expand on that?
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Ne-dom because he is exuberant, and a performer, so E but he cleary prefer iNtuition over sensation. He has never ben very hedonistic, always was concerned about future projects, always introspective, dreamy, making associations and connection etc. Not a Thinker, because he was really too much sensitive and vulnerable, without realy strong will to control his emotions in order to make rationals, logical and dispationates judgments like Thinkers do. Also, he is clearly a P, it has ever been explained why.
- #18
Speed Gavroche said:
Ne-dom because he is exuberant, and a performer, so E but he cleary prefer iNtuition over sensation.
He has never ben very hedonistic, always was concerned about future projects, always introspective, dreamy, making associations and connection etc. Not a Thinker, because he was really too much sensitive and vulnerable, without realy strong will to control his emotions in order to make rationals, logical and dispationates judgments like Thinkers do. Also, he is clearly a P, it has ever been explained why.
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What about ENTP?
He seems too boring and analytical to me to be an enfp. Normally, I like listening to ENFPs.
Speed Gavroche
Whisky Old & Women Young
- #19
highlander said:
What about ENTP?
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I don't think so. He has strong issues with Te, but his Ti is nowhere.
- #20
Axl Rose Personality Type | Personality at Work
William Bruce Rose Jr. is a musician. He is a renowned personality and known as a vocalist for the American hard rock band Guns N' Roses. He has been honored with the title of being one of the greatest singers by recognized music organizations.
The ESTP personality type is constantly looking for action, for the 'next big thing,' throwing themselves in social activities, difficult situations and projects with real zest and energy. The imaginative, reflective life is not for them, preferring to jump in and see what happens. Supreme optimists, ESTPs will work long and hard on activities which interest them but can switch tack entirely once they begin to lose this interest. The ESTP does not enjoy the constraints of deadlines, schedules or end-dates so if an ESTP does exactly what you asked them, it is only because they wanted to do so in the first place. ESTPs love to be at the centre stage, demonstrating feats of wonder and daring.
An ESTP will need lots of practical, real-life experiences as it is through such activities that they best learn and understand, and indeed where they are happiest and at their best. The 'P' aspect of their characters means that they are flexible, but this can also mean they become bored by routine, procedures which they see as irrelevant, and impatient with those who say: 'let's think about it first.' The ESTP wants to suck it and see and, if it doesn't work, well there will always be another opportunity just around the corner. Real hard workers, ESTPs will immerse themselves activities which interest them, but they’ll become bored and lose interest if the task becomes more steady state and then their energies will become depleted or focused in a totally different direction. The ESTP is pragmatic, tough-minded and will act on the facts and data, rather than emotion. They don't like to be controlled, need to know they can switch horses in mid-stream and may slide out of obligations, if they get a 'better offer.' An ESTP will generally be able to switch tasks with good nature and humour, will enjoy interaction and 'the craic.' Being so action-oriented, the ESTP will look to get on with it and may therefore jump in without being in possession of all the facts as the excitement and rush of potentially interesting action will spur them on.
This makes them excellent champions for the cause, provided someone is checking progress and can sweep up any debris behind them. The ESTP sees life through their own very subjective lenses and it is a fun packed, great-tasting adventure with one sensory experience after another. They jump into the ‘next big thing’ without thinking through the consequences so keen are they to immerse themselves in something new. If the project needs an injection of energy or there’s a big immediate problem, step forward the ESTP. They are spontaneous, active individuals.
If the project needs an injection of energy or there’s a big immediate problem, step forward the ESTP. ESTPs are spontaneous, active individuals.
Strong ‘T’ types the ESTP may often forget to factor in the implications on other people as this new experience is to be grasped immediately and anything that stands in the way may be inadvertently trampled underfoot in the rush. The impulsive nature of the ESTP can see them cut to the car chase and bring great energy to bear on any new project that captures their interest, but this expedient side can also see them drop the idea once the initial fascination has passed and a new experience is ready and waiting. This need for excitement means the ESTP will learn ‘on the hoof,’ by actually throwing themselves into the experience without thought or planning, and “let’s see what happens.” Every new experience is ‘the big one’ and will consume their energies, attention and time until… doesn’t! The ESTP loves to get involved and will be great at enthusing others although their expedient side means that once others have been through several cycles and see how they operate there may be a feeling of ‘here we go again’ and ESTP leaders can create ‘initiative fatigue’ in organisations and staff, with their constant desire to try out new activities, ideas and projects.
Theories or anything conceptual makes the ESTP restless, bored and then they will disconnect from the process and go look for something else, often without telling anyone. The ESTP has an attention span which is very short and their energies wane if they think they’re ‘treading water. ’ Having to sit and read or reflect would just not ‘compute’ with the ESTP and so they would move on, swiftly and often leaving debris in their wake. Follow-through isn’t the forte of the ESTP but if the project needs an injection of energy or there’s a big immediate problem, that is where they excel. Like the other SPs, ESTPs love acting on impulse. Activities involving power, speed, immersion and risk are attractive to the ESTP and supressing these de-energises them. The ESTP may be the ‘first to try it out,’ but then they’re onto the next experience as soon as it becomes predictable, the need for the thrill outweighing anything else.
Choose another celebrity type to compare side by side the different approaches work, attitudes to conflict and the way they engage with others.
Axl Rose: a short biography and work
The lead singer of the rock bands Guns N' Roses and AC / DC and one of the greatest vocalists of all time - Axl Rose, has a rather interesting biography. Bold and uninhibited on stage, capable of explosive antics when in a rage, he is a very modest and even shy person in ordinary life. What was the creative path of this talented, albeit controversial personality?
Early years
William Bruce Bailey Jr., who later took on the more sonorous pseudonym Axl Rose, was born on February 6, 1962 years old in Lafayette (USA, Indiana). He was the eldest of three children and grew up in a dysfunctional family: his own father left the family when William was still very young, and his stepfather disliked and constantly beat the boy. This greatly affected the character of William - he grew up a secretive, withdrawn and very shy child. Below is a childhood photo of the future musician.
As a teenager, the young man became interested in rock music. In many texts, he found similarities with his difficult childhood, and this was an outlet for him. Soon, William noticed that he himself could sing well - in connection with this, he finally decided to leave his hometown and went to Los Angeles in the hope of becoming the lead singer of some rock band. He immediately changed the surname of the hated stepfather to the surname of his own father - Rose, and simply invented the name Axel.
In Los Angeles, the young man's talent was appreciated, and, after briefly participating in several not-so-famous bands, he finally organized his own, from which soon, after changing several line-ups, the cult Guns N' Roses was formed.
Guns N' Roses
In its classic line-up, the hard rock band Guns N' Roses was formed in 1985 when Axel was 23 years old. Permanent members from that time to this day are Axl Rose - as a soloist, lead guitarist Slash and bass guitarist Duff McKagan. The rest of the musicians changed periodically. In the photo below you can see the composition of Guns N' Roses at 1992 year.
Since its inception, the band has released six studio albums that have sold over 100 million copies worldwide, making the band one of the most popular of all time. Below you can see the video for one of the band's most famous and successful songs - Welcome to the Jungle.
The Hard Path to Fame
Even though Axl Rose was aware of his vocal power and confident in his talent, he was still very insecure. While playing in obscure bands that played in small clubs, he could still manage himself, but as the popularity of Guns N' Roses began to grow and the audience grew, he felt more and more uncomfortable on stage. There were several cases when Axel, who was already ready to go on stage, suddenly turned around and ran out of the building. Concerts had to be interrupted or severely delayed, and the organizers literally ran all over the city looking for the shy rocker. As a result, the only way out of this situation was the decision to lock absolutely all entrances and exits for the duration of the concert. Even having changed his mind to perform, Axel could not escape anywhere, and therefore, with the help of praise and persuasion, he was returned to the stage.
However, the more famous the group became, the more withdrawn and unhappy Axl Rose became. The growth in popularity caused more and more disagreements between him and the rest of the group, and, in the end, this led to a temporary breakup in 1994. After that, Axel simply disappeared from view for several years. He did not speak, and nothing was heard about him in the media.
Broken heart
One of the reasons for the deterioration of the singer's mental state was a difficult parting with the famous American top model Stephanie Seymour. At 19In 91, she was invited as an actress in two Guns N’ Roses videos, in one of which (for the song Don't Cry) she saved Axel, and in the other (for the song November Rain) she was his bride. The video of the latter can be seen below.
After the first day of filming, Aksel called the girl and offered to meet. Bandmates recalled that he was head over heels in love. In January 1993, Stephanie Seymour and Axl Rose announced their engagement, but broke up three weeks later due to Stephanie's infidelity. The situation was aggravated by the fact that just three years earlier, Axel had already experienced a difficult relationship: he was married, but his wife had a miscarriage, which literally drove the musician crazy for a while. Pictured below is Axel and Stephanie.
Skirmishes with Kurt Cobain
Another popular rocker of the time, Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain, struggled to draw a clear line between Nirvana and Guns N' Roses (both bands were often compared in the media). In 1991, with the release of his cult album Nevermind, Kurt declared: "We are not some Guns N' Roses who have absolutely nothing to say," and also: "We rebel against people like Guns N' Roses."
Despite what Kurt Cobain said, Axl Rose dreamed of doing a joint tour with Nirvana, but the group gave a decisive refusal. As a result, Axel could not stand it either - during one of the concerts, right from the stage, announcing that Cobain and his wife Courtney Love were drug addicts, not musicians. Negative remarks on both sides continued until the death of Kurt Cobain at 1994 year. However, until now, fans of each of the groups are waging a cold war among themselves, agreeing that it is impossible to love both groups at the same time. For comparison - Axl Rose and Kurt Cobain in the photo below.
In March 2016, AC/DC founder and lead guitarist Angus Young approached Axl Rose to support the band on a world tour when their frontman Brian Johnson was suddenly hospitalized with a risk of permanent hearing loss. . Aksel agreed and joined the band as a vocalist on temporary terms.
However, already in September of the same year, after Brian Johnson finally left the group due to a threat to his health, Axl Rose became the permanent lead singer of the famous group, while remaining the frontman of Guns N' Roses. Pictured below is Axl and Angus Young during an AC/DC concert.
A new AC/DC album is coming out in 2018 with Axl Rose on vocals.
interesting facts and group records
Boris Barabanov
On July 13, one of the greatest rock bands of our time, Guns N'Roses, will perform at the Otkritie Arena in Moscow. The band will arrive as part of "Not In This Lifetime", a sensational tour that brings the three founding members of Guns N' Roses, Axl Rose, Slash and Duff McKagan, to the stage after years of bickering and controversy.
Music critic Boris Barabanov (Barabanov.FM) recalled all the records of Guns N'Roses for 33 years of the band's existence, including Axl Rose's vocal range, the budgets of the most expensive rock video, as well as interesting facts about the "Use Your Illusion Tour" concert .
"Appetite For Destruction" (1987) - the most commercially successful debut
album in the history of American recording. The first Guns N'Roses album was recorded in just three weeks. Contrary to all predictions, "Appetite For Destruction" not only hit #1 on Bilboard, but was also sold 18 times platinum. The record label expected to sell no more than 200,000 copies. To date, it has sold over 30 million copies worldwide and is the 11th highest selling album in the United States of all time (you can listen to the album on here ).
Guns N' Roses leader Axl Rose's vocal range is the largest of any vocalist in popular music. It spans almost 6 octaves, from F of the first octave (the song "There Was A Time") to B-flat of the sixth octave ("Ain't It Fun"). Axl Rose's baritone is lower than Barry White's, and "upstairs" he can sing higher than Tina Turner, Adele and Beyoncé.
"Sweet Child O'Mine" from the album "Appetite For Destruction" remains Guns N' Roses' unrivaled masterpiece and the band's only single to reach the top of the Billboard chart. The lyrics of the song are a love letter from vocalist Axl Rose to his future wife, Erin Everly, daughter of Don Everly of the Everly Brothers.
Slash's opening riff and his solo from "Sweet Child O'Mine" are on every possible list of rock's best guitar parts, and readers of Total Guitar magazine ranked the song's opening chords at the top of the list of the best riffs in history. At the same time, Slash himself considered them a joke, and only Axl Rose recognized them as a pearl. The public appreciated Slash's work even though the commercial media demanded that a shortened version of the song be made for the air, and it was shortened precisely due to the guitar solo. Summer 19For '88, MTV played "Sweet Child O'Mine" 24 hours a day, twice an hour.
Guns N' Roses' Use Your Illusion Tour ran from January 20, 1991 to July 17, 1993. During that time, the band performed 194 shows in 27 countries. The Guns N' Roses tour in support of the albums "Use Your Illusion I" and "Use Your Illusion II" is considered one of the longest tours in the history of rock. Despite the fact that the release of the albums was postponed from January to September 1991, the tour began as scheduled. Over 2.5 years, Guns N' Roses concerts were attended by about 7 million spectators. The group was accompanied by a technical team of 80 people, who even won the "Team of the Year" award from Performance magazine. During Guns N' Roses' Use Your Illusion Tour, one of its founding members, guitarist Izzy Stradlin, left the band. The longest concert of the tour took place in Los Angeles and lasted 3.5 hours.
Regular delays in the start of concerts have become one of the components of the Guns N'Roses brand. No other world star could afford to mock the public like that. During the Use Your Illusion Tour, it was common for Axl Rose to be two hours late. It is quite natural that the press accused him of disrespect for the fans, and the passions in the stadiums, full of impatient spectators, sometimes escalated into riots.
Nevertheless, people who knew the singer intimately claimed that the reason for the delays was his desire to properly prepare for the concert, to achieve an ideal physical shape. He could sing for hours in the shower, and there was always a personal massage therapist nearby. However, the desire to maintain the image of the "bad guys of rock and roll" should not be discounted either. The group sought to bring the audience to white heat and at the same time create a feeling of an event that will never happen again.
The song "November Rain" from the album "Use Your Illusion I" (1991) is 8 minutes 57 seconds long. It is the longest song ever to be in the Top 10 of Billboard's 100 Best Singles. It took 9 years for Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose to write the song. He first played it in rehearsal in 1983, and it wasn't Guns N' Roses, but its singing predecessor, L.A. guns. Neither Slash nor Duff McKagan were initially reluctant to participate in the recording of "November Rain" or in the production of "Estranged". They believed that ballads with an orchestra were something that contradicted the philosophy of the group.
The video for the song "Estranged" from the Guns N'Roses album "Use Your Illusion II" is the most expensive rock video in history. This is the only rock and roll video that is among the 15 most expensive music videos. All the rest are filmed for pop artists. In the list of musical blockbusters, "Estranged" takes 6th place. The video budget was $4 million, at the current rate - more than $6.5 million. Only three clips by Madonna and two by Michael Jackson were more expensive than "Estranged".
Video director Andy Morahan said, "Guns N' Roses never started a video with the idea that they were going to make the 'most expensive video'. It just became like that during filming. One idea clung to another, and a whole huge colossus grew out of a rather modest idea. Well, what, for example, can be said about the tanker in "Estranged". He was off the coast of Mexico. We were already there, flew in by helicopter, landed on the deck, and I still could not believe that we could film Axl Rose jumping into the water, and the rest of the musicians trying to save him. Until the last moment, I thought it was a ridiculous undertaking. And yet we filmed it. Everyone had a lot of fun."
The album "Chinese Democracy" by Guns N'Roses is considered the most expensive rock album in history. It took ten years and $13 million to record. In essence, "Chinese Democracy" is a demonstration of the inflated ambitions of frontman Axl Rose, who did not take on board any of the members of the group's classic line-up, but instead arranged a multi-year casting, choosing new ones. companions. Among others, Moby, Sebastian Bach (Skid Row), Brian May (Queen) and basketball player Shaquille O'Neal have visited his studio. The album peaked at number three in the US and number two in the UK, and was also banned in China.
In 2005 Rules of Life magazine presented Slash with their music award at the Esky Music Awards. The magazine wrote at the time: “Slash is who we think we are when we play air guitar. Cylinder. Curls. Cigarette in the corner of the mouth. Games with death. He will always be a part of Guns N'Roses for us, but we are happy to honor him as part of the Velvet Revolver group, with which he triumphantly returned to the line." Slash replied: “This is my first guitar achievement award. I do not know what to say. I want to thank my parents, as well as everyone I have ever worked with in the music business, from the very beginning of my career ... If I still walk this earth, then at least half of it I owe to my wife . And I also want to thank Robert Wolin - once he persuaded me to quit bass and take up the guitar.
Receiving the Golden Globe Award for his role in Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler, Mickey Rourke thanked Axl Rose for donating the song "Sweet Child O'Mine" to the crew of Guns N'Roses. Rourke's character enters the ring to this song at the end of the film. Interestingly, Mickey Rourke himself entered the ring to the same song in the 1990s, when he was professionally engaged in boxing.
During 2016, Axl Rose performed vocal duties in two of rock's greatest bands. In AC / DC, at the request of Angus Young, he took the place of Brian Johnson, who left the Australian team due to hearing problems. During the same period, Guns N' Roses began the first leg of their epic "Not In This Lifetime" reunion tour.