Tricks alcoholics use
SAMHSA’s National Helpline | SAMHSA
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SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.
Also visit the online treatment locator.
SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357) (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service), or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders.
This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.
Also visit the online treatment locator, or send your zip code via text message: 435748 (HELP4U) to find help near you. Read more about the HELP4U text messaging service.
The service is open 24/7, 365 days a year.
English and Spanish are available if you select the option to speak with a national representative. Currently, the 435748 (HELP4U) text messaging service is only available in English.
In 2020, the Helpline received 833,598 calls. This is a 27 percent increase from 2019, when the Helpline received a total of 656,953 calls for the year.
The referral service is free of charge. If you have no insurance or are underinsured, we will refer you to your state office, which is responsible for state-funded treatment programs. In addition, we can often refer you to facilities that charge on a sliding fee scale or accept Medicare or Medicaid. If you have health insurance, you are encouraged to contact your insurer for a list of participating health care providers and facilities.
The service is confidential. We will not ask you for any personal information. We may ask for your zip code or other pertinent geographic information in order to track calls being routed to other offices or to accurately identify the local resources appropriate to your needs.
No, we do not provide counseling. Trained information specialists answer calls, transfer callers to state services or other appropriate intake centers in their states, and connect them with local assistance and support.
Suggested Resources
What Is Substance Abuse Treatment? A Booklet for Families
Created for family members of people with alcohol abuse or drug abuse problems. Answers questions about substance abuse, its symptoms, different types of treatment, and recovery.Addresses concerns of children of parents with substance use/abuse problems.
It's Not Your Fault (NACoA) (PDF | 12 KB)
Assures teens with parents who abuse alcohol or drugs that, "It's not your fault!" and that they are not alone. Encourages teens to seek emotional support from other adults, school counselors, and youth support groups such as Alateen, and provides a resource list.After an Attempt: A Guide for Taking Care of Your Family Member After Treatment in the Emergency Department
Aids family members in coping with the aftermath of a relative's suicide attempt. Describes the emergency department treatment process, lists questions to ask about follow-up treatment, and describes how to reduce risk and ensure safety at home.Family Therapy Can Help: For People in Recovery From Mental Illness or Addiction
Explores the role of family therapy in recovery from mental illness or substance abuse. Explains how family therapy sessions are run and who conducts them, describes a typical session, and provides information on its effectiveness in recovery.For additional resources, please visit the SAMHSA Store.
Last Updated: 08/30/2022
Prevention of Substance Use and Mental Disorders
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Prevention and early intervention strategies can reduce the impact of substance use and mental disorders in America’s communities.Prevention activities work to educate and support individuals and communities to prevent the use and misuse of drugs and the development of substance use disorders. Substance use and mental disorders can make daily activities difficult and impair a person’s ability to work, interact with family, and fulfill other major life functions. Mental and substance use disorders are among the top conditions that cause disability in the United States. Preventing mental and/or substance use disorders or co-occurring disorders and related problems is critical to behavioral and physical health.
- Overview
- Substance Use Disorder Prevention
- Mental Disorder Prevention
- Workforce/Practitioner Training and Education
- Resources and Publications
- Related SAMHSA Grant Programs
- Related Organizations
SAMHSA’s Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) leads federal efforts to promote the prevention and treatment of mental disorders. SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) aims to develop comprehensive systems through providing national leadership in the development of policies, programs, and services to prevent the onset of substance misuse.
SAMHSA’S Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center works to provide communities, clinicians, policymakers, and others in the field with the information they need to incorporate evidence-based practices in their communities for prevention, treatment, and recovery services.
SAMHSA’s prevention and early intervention efforts promote evidence-based decision-making. Some of SAMHSA’s prevention campaigns and initiatives include:
Substance Use Disorder Prevention
- Talk. They Hear You. Campaign—Aims to reduce underage drinking and substance use among youths under the age of 21 by providing parents and caregivers with resources to discuss substance use with their children.
- Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD)—Coordinates federal efforts to reduce underage drinking and served as a resource for the development of A Comprehensive Plan for Preventing and Reducing Underage Drinking. This committee is comprised of 15 federal agencies and is led by SAMHSA.
- STOP Underage Drinking —This interagency website portal of the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD) provides research, federal and state resources, and funding opportunities to reduce and prevent underage drinking and its consequences.
- National Prevention Week—Held in May, NPW promotes community involvement, resource sharing, and partnership engagement to increase public awareness of substance use and mental disorders.
In addition, NPW provides resources to communities so they can highlight their prevention successes throughout the year.
- Communities Talk: Town Hall Meetings to Prevent Underage Drinking—This nationwide initiative provides community-based organizations with the resources they need to start, or support, a conversation about evidence-based underage drinking prevention. Held every two years, Communities Talk events engage multiple stakeholders within each community to mobilize action in underage drinking prevention or strengthen existing prevention programs.
Mental Disorder Prevention
- National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day—Held in May, Awareness Day works to increase public awareness about the needs of children with serious mental illness and severe emotional disturbance. The day also demonstrates how children’s mental health initiatives promote positive youth development, recovery, and resilience.
- Federal Commission on School Safety—This federal commission, established in 2018, works to address school safety by recommending policy and best practices for school violence prevention.
It includes various federal cabinet members, including current Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use.
- National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (NCTSI)—This initiative raises awareness about the impact of trauma on children and adolescents as a behavioral health concern. NCTSI develops and implements evidence-based interventions to reduce the mental health impact of traumatic experiences on children and adolescents.
Workforce/Practitioner Training and Education
- Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network — Provides training and technical assistance to the substance use prevention field through 10 regional centers, 2 National focus area centers, and a Network Coordinating Office.
- Mental Health Technology Transfer Centers (MHTTC) Network— Provides training and technical assistance to organizations and behavioral health treatment providers to deliver evidence-based practices in mental illness prevention, treatment, and recovery support.
- SAMHSA’s Suicide Prevention Resource Center – This web portal, supported by a SAMHSA CMHS grant, provides resources, programs, training, and research on suicide prevention best practices.
- Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC)—Helps communities support the success of the next generation by increasing access to evidence-based infant and early childhood mental health consultation.
- National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health (NTTAC)—Provides states, tribes, and communities with training and technical assistance on children’s behavioral health, with a focus on systems of care.
Resources and Publications
- SAMHSA Publications on Substance Use Prevention
- National Survey on Drug Use and Health
- Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit
- Tips for Teens Series
- Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of Underage Drinking, 2018 (PDF | 3.
8 MB)
- Talking With Your College-Bound Young Adult About Alcohol
- Know the Risks of Marijuana
- Get Connected: Linking Older Adults with Resources on Medication, Alcohol, and Mental Health
- Keeping Youth Drug Free
- Focus on Prevention
- Tips for Health Care Practitioners and Responders: Helping Survivors Cope with Grief after a Disaster or Traumatic Event
- Substance Use and Suicide: A Nexus Requiring A Public Health Approach
- National Strategy for Suicide Prevention Implementation Assessment Report
- Promoting Emotional Health and Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for Senior Centers
- Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools
Related SAMHSA Grant Programs
- Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant—Provides funding to states, territories, and tribal entities for efforts in prevention and treatment of substance misuse.
Community Mental Health Services Block Grant—Supports grantees in carrying out plans for providing comprehensive community mental health services.
- Synar Amendment—As part of the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant, SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention oversees the implementation of the Synar Amendment, which requires states to have laws prohibiting the sale and distribution of tobacco products to minors.
- Strategic Prevention Framework - Partnerships for Success grants—Provides funding to prevent the onset and reduce the progression of substance abuse and its related problems while strengthening prevention capacity at the community level. This grant is targeted for interventions to prevent underage drinking among persons age 9 to 20.
- First Responders-Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (FR-CARA) Grants—Provides funding to train and provide resources to first responders on carrying and administering naloxone, an opioid overdose reversal drug.
- Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act grants— Aims to prevent and reduce alcohol use among youth and young adults ages 12-20 in communities.
- Tribal Behavioral Health Grant Program—Aims to prevent and reduce suicidal behavior and substance use, reduce the impact of trauma, and promote mental health among American Indian/Alaska Native youth through age of 24.
- Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education) State Education Agency Grants—Aims to build the capacity of state education agencies to increase awareness of mental health issues among school-aged youth; provide training for school personnel to detect and respond to mental health issues; and connect school-aged youth and families to needed services.
- Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) Campus Suicide Prevention Grant—Aims to develop a coordinated approach to enhance behavioral health services for all college students, prevent mental and substance use disorders, promote help-seeking behaviors, and improve the identification and treatment of college students at-risk for suicide.
- Garrett Lee Smith State/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention Grant Program—Supports states and tribes with implementing youth suicide prevention and early intervention strategies in schools, youth-serving organizations, and health care settings.
- National Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation—Works to promote the healthy social and emotional development of infants and young children and to prevent the onset of serious emotional disturbance through funding of public and private nonprofit entities.
- Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health Grant Program (Project LAUNCH)—Aims to promote the wellness of young children, from birth to age 8, by addressing the social, emotional, cognitive, physical and behavioral aspects of their development and prevent the development of serious emotional disturbances.
Learn more about SAMHSA grants and how to apply.
Related Organizations
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- National Institute of Mental Health
- Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
- National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors
- National Council for Behavioral Health
Last Updated: 09/26/2022
Folk remedies for the treatment of alcoholism - NewLife - narcological center in Kyiv
The people have long known this serious illness of people, called alcohol addiction. As you know, alcohol affects the nerve cells of the brain, affects memory, which leads to a deterioration in the control of one's actions and attention when moving, and responsibility for actions is lost.
In a state of intoxication from alcohol, most car accidents, fights, and crimes occur. To overcome alcoholism in many ways needs a strong desire of the most dependent.
Drinking is dangerous not only for the health of the body and the human psyche, because the important point is that children conceived in alcoholic intoxication can also become alcoholics.
Mankind has long known alcoholism as long as it knows some of its own practical methods of treating and coding alcoholism . The people know many remedies that can help with alcoholism, not only dependent people, but also their loved ones. Widely known folk remedies that can protect yourself from intoxication and reduce the effects of alcohol. Before the planned booze, in order not to get drunk, you can drink a cup of well-brewed tea (both black and green tea is possible) with mint, black coffee or tea with lemon (since it is known that the action of lemon in coffee or tea neutralizes alcohol influence). The procedure can be repeated after drinking, slight intoxication disappears. Remember that it is better to drink one alcoholic drink, since a mixture of the same vodka with wine, for example, leads to a significant deterioration in a person's condition. You can also sober up by drinking cold water with 20 drops of mint tincture in one glass. The state of intoxication passes and headaches and heaviness in the head are removed.
A glass of cold water with 2 drops of ammonia also helps with slight intoxication. If intoxication is stronger, then the dose must be increased to 5 or 6 drops.
Binge drinking
Binge drinking is a serious condition that is difficult to treat. It is characterized by a periodic irresistible craving for alcohol. In this case, the violent patient should be sent to a clinic, hospital, or alcoholism treatment center as soon as possible. There is such an offer on the Alcoholism Treatment Kyiv market - as a home visit of the center's specialists for binge treatment. Center "New Life" 099 338 64 00 will help you seven days a week, help your relatives understand the problem and start treatment. Original special offer - home visits in Kyiv and suburbs of Kyiv!
Suddenly this is not possible, try the following: pour cold water on your head, take baths from water at room temperature. When vomiting, give ice to swallow. For such a patient, the main thing is sleep.
Treatment of alcoholism with folk methods
Methods that have been passed down through generations when people noticed which remedy had a positive effect on aversion to ethyl alcohol. Alternative treatment of alcoholism consists mainly of two main areas, which are sometimes used in scientific medicine. The first direction is based on aversion to alcohol and induction of vomiting due to the addition of substances that have an unpleasant taste to alcohol. So, earlier in Rus', preparations of gold were mixed into alcohol, they insisted on Bogorodsk grass (thyme), elderberry, juniper. The second direction of folk treatment of alcoholism is based on the use of psychotherapy methods: persuasion, suggestion, self-hypnosis. The role of a psychotherapist in the treatment of alcoholism was usually performed by a priest, to whom the drinker gave a vow from drunkenness.
Recipes that cause vomiting or aversion to alcohol, used by the people. When drinking alcohol prepared according to these recipes, the patient should not know that something is mixed in the drink. During the treatment of alcoholism, you should not use spicy spices, but eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.
Folk recipes for the treatment of chronic alcoholism
The use of folk methods for the treatment of alcoholism instills a certain intolerance of alcohol, which ultimately leads to the release of a person from addiction. However, before applying alternative recipes, you must consult a doctor or doctor who is a specialist in the field of addictions. If you personally do not know such people, it is better to contact a drug treatment clinic, do not experiment with your health.
Recipes for the treatment of chronic alcoholism with herbs and other folk remedies:
Centaury - 1 part, wormwood - 1 part, thyme - 1 part. 3 tbsp Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist, wrapped, for 2 hours and strain. Take 1 tbsp. 4 times a day.
Put lovage root and 2 bay leaves into a glass of vodka. Insist for 2 weeks and give to drink. This can cause an aversion to alcoholic beverages.
Increases aversion to drinking alcoholic beverages and the constant use of sour apples.
In large doses, in combination with alcohol, thyme causes a nausea-vomiting reaction, which allows it to be successfully used in the form of a 7.5% decoction orally for the treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism.
Pour 10 g of dry herb ram moss with 1 glass of boiling water, boil for 20-30 minutes. Drink 0.5 cups. Use only as directed by a doctor.
Psychological treatment of alcoholism
Coding, "suturing" or filing, installation of a blocker, alcohol blocker and other similar methods are based on the suppression of the will to drink alcohol. We recommend that you undergo a comprehensive treatment of alcoholism in a drug addiction center, which will give results and help get rid of addiction.
How often do we hear: “Alcohol helps me relieve stress”, “When I have a drink in a company, it is easier for me to communicate”, “I prefer the natural remedy – alcohol to pills for all diseases”. At the same time, a person does not mean the presence of a problem, but rather, on the contrary, emphasizes his ability to cope with the situation, not to succumb to life's difficulties. In fact, a person who tries to get rid of difficulties with the help of chemicals deprives himself of the ability to healthy experience and living with troubles, the ability to endure difficulties in a sober mind. Frequent "relaxation", "rest" with alcohol can work as a mechanism that triggers the need for alcohol. And the picture “I wanted it - and I drank it” eventually turns into “I didn’t want it - but I got drunk again.”
Alcohol, in addition to being addictive, also has a psychological effect that changes thinking and the ability to think logically about problems related to alcohol. A person who is addicted to alcohol develops his own, so-called alcoholic thinking. And the problem of alcoholics is not that they cannot understand something, but that there is some internal conflict between what they know and what they feel. For example, a person understands that he should not drink alcohol, but the desire to drink is stronger than reasonable arguments.
As a person continues to drink, his reasoning becomes more focused on justifying his own drinking than on overcoming this addiction. So the advice that you shouldn't drink at all starts to come across as almost offensive. There are excuses in the form that ''I'm not lying around'', ''I'm not rampant'', ''I don't skip work'', ''there are those who drink more, end up in hospitals'', '' can't quite stop drinking. All this and more is a description of typical alcoholic thinking, which in this case boils down to the fact that everything is fine with me and there are those that are worse. An alcoholic can be very persuasive in his reasoning, and loved ones can easily fall for it. The alcoholic himself sincerely believes what he says, but the way he thinks allows him to continue his drinking. Life without alcohol seems gloomy and boring.
It is initially impossible to learn how to think soberly on his own, otherwise he would have done it long ago. If I knew how it sounds, I would think differently and stop drinking. But the problem of the alcoholic is not that he does not know something, but that there is an internal conflict between knowledge and what he feels. For example, an alcoholic knows that he should not drink, he has an important meeting tomorrow (an interview, a promise made, etc.). What does a drunk person do? He goes to bed to be in good shape tomorrow. What does an alcoholic do? He says to himself: "tomorrow is an important meeting, I need to sleep well, and in order to sleep better, one glass will not hurt." Then he (she) will feel that he can afford another one, and then another and another ... In the morning, he may not go anywhere at all, as he will feel bad or will not wake up at all by the appointed time, but he will explain to himself that that this meeting is not very important and he (she) does not need these interviews, and he (she) made promises simply so that they would not pester. From the outside it may seem that these are ordinary conversations, but this is precisely what the destructive thinking, and then the destructive behavior of an alcoholic, consists of in the beginning.
Methods used in the Center. Marina Guterman aims to learn to think, reason and act soberly.
After you learn some facts about the disease called "alcoholism", your views will change. You will learn that living sober does not mean being gloomy, boring and restless. Living sober is a state that you begin to enjoy and bring joy and benefit to yourself and others.
Anyone can stop drinking – staying sober and living sober is the goal of our program.
Alcoholism is a chronic progressive disease. In its development, 3 stages are usually distinguished.
01First stage
first symptoms
One of the first and characteristic signs of the first stage of alcoholism is the disappearance of the gag reflex. If at the beginning of his "drinking practice" a person drinks more than he can tolerate, he immediately vomits. In a person who is already "experienced" in drunkenness, this protective reflex does not work, and therefore a certain enumeration occurs, which is why partial forgetting of the circumstances of intoxication and one's behavior is possible.
Such hard-to-recover memory lapses are called "palimpsest" by narcologists. Alcoholic palimpsests are the second characteristic feature of the first stage.
Another sign of alcoholism: the so-called tolerance to alcohol is growing. This means that if in the past a person needed 100-150 grams of a strong alcoholic drink for intoxication, now he needs 3-4 times more. That is why this stage of alcoholism is called "HEROIC". The patient begins to brag about the fact that he can drink a large amount of alcohol and not get drunk.
At this stage of the development of the disease, mental dependence on alcohol is formed, which is expressed in the following complex of changes in behavior, experiences and feelings: are thoughts about liquor.
The search for reasons to drink and the struggle of motives "to drink - not to drink" begin. In communication with others, such people involuntarily start talking about drinking, about alcoholic beverages, presenting themselves as "experts". An expression of the arisen mental dependence is the justification of the absurdity of the behavior of drunk people, of course, their own behavior, too - by intoxication itself ... in anticipation of intoxication, there is a noticeable rise in mood and revival.
02Second stage
new symptoms
In the second stage of alcoholism, all these phenomena remain and deepen, and besides, new symptoms appear.
As a rule, already at this stage of alcoholism, conflicts appear in the family and at work. If the patient is condemned, but he cannot suppress his desire, he has to "dodge", lie. At the same time, bitterness arises towards relatives, who, as it seems to him, find fault in vain, do not understand, and he drinks "like everyone else!"
Drinking alcohol becomes regular, up to 2-3 times a week. At the same time, disgust disappears, which is natural the next day after deep intoxication, if it somehow happened to a healthy person. In connection with the disappearance of disgust, the ability to drink in a row for more than one day appears.
At the second stage, there is often a partial awareness of one's own psychological dependence on alcohol and attempts to "not drink", which, unfortunately, are usually unsuccessful. For a number of reasons, at this stage, the patient is maximally efficient when he is moderately drunk...
Tolerance, that is, resistance to alcohol, gradually increases and reaches the individual limit. At the same time, the dose of strong drinks is 6-10 times higher than the "average physiological" - necessary for intoxication of a healthy person...
Memory lapses become more voluminous: either all the circumstances of deep intoxication, or a significant part, are forgotten. Most often, and above all, everything that is connected with the absurdity of one's own behavior and with negative emotions is forgotten.
Direct consequences of alcohol abuse against the background of mental dependence on it are weakening of the body, deterioration of well-being in a sober state, increased irritability, and a slight decrease in overall performance.
At this stage, not only mental, but also physical dependence takes place. Partly in connection with it, quantitative control is lost, and a person goes over the allowable dose for him so much that he experiences a hangover in the morning after that. The hangover syndrome has a complex nature: it is an expression of both energy and mental dependence on alcohol, and an expression of alcohol poisoning, as well as its half-life products. Due to the prevailing mental dependence, a person experiences real satisfaction only from intoxication; everything else becomes noticeably less important.
During the transition to the third stage, drunkenness acquires a permanent, or, as doctors say, pseudo-drunk character, when a person drinks for several days, and stops drinking only in order to work. At the same time, as a rule, sleep is disturbed: falling asleep without alcohol is difficult... As well as gradual degradation - physical, mental, social ...
Gradually, tolerance to alcohol begins to decrease, so that the patient gets drunk from smaller and smaller doses of alcohol...
Patients lose their appetite, lose weight. Their heart, liver, kidneys, and brain are poisoned. All vital interests are reduced, and even intoxication does not give any pleasant sensations. Moral degradation occurs even faster."
The danger of alcoholism is that in the early stages it is not noticeable to the person himself, and often to others, so a person sincerely believes for a long time that he is healthy, that he drinks like everyone else, and that if if he wants, he can easily quit drinking. Only the second stage of alcoholism becomes noticeable, because a hangover-withdrawal syndrome appears on it. This is already the formation of physical dependence on alcohol. When discussing this topic, in such situations, a person in the absence of alcohol becomes irritable, inattentive and begins to experience periods of strange anxiety or aggression, which was not observed before. If a person encounters resistance to his addiction in the family, he hides alcohol, begins to lie in order to drink.
There are many myths around this disease that give rise to denial until the last (and sometimes the last) stage of alcoholism.
As the book Alcoholics Anonymous says, the only obstacle to recovery is "failure to look honestly at yourself and your use." Alcoholism (drug addiction) is often called the "disease of denial". This means that the alcoholic (drug addict) tends to deny or downplay their illness. And he succeeds until he reaches the "bottom". Only then does he have a sincere desire to stop using, and at the same time he begins to look with open eyes at his drinking.
Reasons for denying your alcoholism:
01 The main reason is that giving up alcohol is a loss. To admit that he is sick with alcoholism means to refuse alcohol. But what about companies? Friends?? Holidays??? There is a question: "Really never...???". This frightens the patient.
It is extremely difficult to come to terms with the loss. Therefore, the voice of illness makes the alcoholic turn a blind eye to the severity of his situation, makes him look for a loophole in the thought that someday he will be able to control his use.
02 For many people, admitting to being an alcoholic means descending to the lowest rung of the social ladder. In addition, if you recognize yourself as sick, then the need for treatment follows from this. And to seek help for addicts is to admit defeat, weakness. Hence the common phrase that many alcoholics console themselves with: "Yes, I drink a lot, but I'm not an alcoholic."
Many alcoholics recognize themselves as drug addicts, and even go for treatment, but on the way to this, their psyche builds a number of protective barriers, which are delusions. The main ones are attempts to fight on their own, which does not lead to the desired result.
Minimize (reduce consumption):
- "I only drink on weekends"
- "I only drink beer or champagne"
- "I drink only in company"
- "I can quit whenever I want, I've done it many times"
- "Yes, I drink, but only when I skip work"
Projection (projecting one's problems onto other people):
- "Everyone drinks"
- "My friends are really alcoholics"
- "All talents drink, otherwise they would not be able to create"
Rationalization (search for reasons for use):
- "I drink because everyone is against me"
- "If you had to experience what I experienced, you would also drink"
- "I will stop drinking if they leave me alone"
- "I drink because I have such a job"
- "I drink because I'm very nervous"
- "I drink because my wife is trash and my boss is a scoundrel.
The stronger the shame, the remorse for one's use, the stronger these defenses. Thus, the alcoholic gets into a vicious circle.
Methods alcoholics use to control their drinking.
Defense mechanisms generate appropriate actions. The alcoholic begins to try to cope with the illness himself, resorting to various ways of self-deception :
- drink only beer
- limited to a certain number of glasses
- never drink alone
- drink only at home
- do not keep alcohol at home
- never drink during working hours
- drink only at parties
- stop drinking strong drinks
- drink only natural wines
- start traveling
- not travel at all
- make various promises to yourself
- do more sports
- read inspiring books
- live in training camps and sanatoriums...
This list can be continued indefinitely, but this does not solve the problem, and a person faces it again and again, having spent a lot of time and energy on empty experiments.