What does afab stand for
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assigned female at birth.
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Words nearby AFAB
Aetolia, Aetolus, AEW, af, A.F.A., AFAB, AFAIK, fair shake, a, A.F.A.M., afar, a far cry
Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
What does
AFAB mean?AFAB stands for “assigned female at birth.”
When a person’s gender identity is different from the female sex they were assigned at birth, for example, they might share that they were AFAB.
How is AFAB pronounced?
[ ey-fab ]
What are some other forms related to [AFAB]?
DFAB, “designated female at birth”
Where does
AFAB come from?Sex and gender are not the same thing. That means the sex label (male/female) traditionally put on babies when they’re born doesn’t always match up with a person’s gender identity.
AFAB (and AMAB, “assigned male at birth”) were created to help describe the difference between sex and gender, especially as a way people whose gender identity does not match the sex they were assigned at birth.
How is
AFAB used in real life?Sex assignment at birth is made using biological markers, such as chromosomes and the presence of sex organs. Someone who is assigned female at birth, or AFAB, will typically have two X chromosomes and female genitalia, but as they grow up, they may identify as trans or two.
More examples of AFAB:
“While AFAB or AMAB may be useful for describing different trans or non-binary experiences (like whether or not someone experiences/has experienced male privilege), they are generally not considered identities in and of themselves. Calling a transman “AFAB,” for example, erases his identity as man. Instead, use a person’s requested pronouns and self-description.”
—Emilia Marcyk, Rainbow Round Table News, March 2017
“The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” #transawarenessweek #translivesmatter #transgender #transrightsarehumanrights #wontbeerased #translove #mtf #ftm #amab #afab #thisiswhattranslookslike
—@HavenPromos, November 2018
This content is not meant to be a formal definition of this term. Rather, it is an informal summary that seeks to provide supplemental information and context important to know or keep in mind about the term’s history, meaning, and usage.
What are they? AFAB/AMAB Definitions
The last couple decades have seen widespread acceptance of the singular pronoun “they,” and terms like “agender,” “gender non-conforming,” and “gender-expansive.” The queer lexicon continues to grow everyday to encapsulate different experiences. Up until recently, FTM and MTF, acronyms that mean “female-to-male” and “male-to-female,” were used widely in queer circles to categorize transness. Today, those terms have largely been replaced by the more precise and affirming AFAB and AMAB, meaning “assigned female/male at birth,” which can be applied to anyone regardless of gender identity.
And while these descriptors are used primarily in queer and gender-expansive spaces, they’re inching their way into the mainstream, giving people of all orientations new ways to explore their gender identity.
Ready to expand your own gender vocabulary? Read on for everything you need to know about the terms AFAB and AMAB.
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What does AFAB/AMAB mean?
AFAB/AMAB stands for “assigned female/male at birth” and refers to the moment a person, usually a medical professional, determines the sex of a baby by examining the genitalia, either in an ultrasound or once the child is born.
“When we talk about assigned female/male at birth, the focus is on the assignment. It’s the fact that something is being assigned to you from without,” says Lucie Fielding, sex educator and author of Trans Sex: Clinical Approaches to Trans Sexualities and Erotic Embodiments.
Terms like MTF and FTM are now thought to be insufficient because they “assume that you started out in one gender,” Fielding says. That if you were deemed “biologically male” or “biologically female” at birth, your gender at one point aligned with that assignment.
Claudia Johnson, a relationship, intimacy, and sex therapist, says this distinction is important because “biological sex is one thing, and gender identity and expression is another.”
Fielding also notes that “[MTF and FTM] cut out non-binary gender identities or agender identities,” while AFAB and AMAB apply to almost everyone regardless of how you grew to identify or express your gender.
Related terms:
- Pangender
- Bigender
- Demigender
Where did AFAB/AMAB originate?
According to Johnson, AFAB and AMAB are newer iterations of CAMAB (coercively assigned male at birth), “a term coined by trans women to express the violence of being forced against their will into a male gender role.” CAMAB appealed to intersex activists who also related to the term and adopted it for themselves. From there, trans folks developed AFAB/AMAB.
Johnson says these terms are the product of an intentional shift in the last 16 years away from binary restraints. “There has been an investment in studying gendered linguistics without focusing on the binary, or at least to move away from gender normativity,” she says.
According to Fielding, AFAB/AMAB is hardly a final destination within trans, non-binary, and gender-expansive communities.
“Some folks are really comfortable with [AFAB and AMAB] and really like them, and some of us are already looking for the next term that will be more nuanced and that will allow more people to feel seen and heard and held,” she says.
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Technically, just about everyone falls into AFAB or AMAB. “And on top of that you can identify as trans, non-binary, cis,” agender, or anything else, Johnson says.
But AFAB/AMAB itself is not a gender. As Fielding says, it’s not a noun; you wouldn’t say “I am an AFAB” or “I am an AMAB.” It’s a descriptor that asks everyone to consider their relationship with gender.
“To talk about AFAB and AMAB is to say, ‘Hey wait a minute, let’s take a step back,’” Fielding says. “‘Cis woman’ is not a different gender from ‘trans woman,’ it’s just that when we say ‘cis’ we’re trying to make a point that everyone has a relationship with gender.”
“‘Cis’ is an activist term that’s not supposed to create another binary but really just say that everyone has a relationship with gender,” Fielding continues. “And many of us have complicated relationships with gender.”
Why should I care about AFAB/AMAB?Terms like AFAB/AMAB further distinguish biological, assigned sex from lived and expressed gender. They draw attention to what Johnson and Fielding see as the absurdity of categorizing people at birth and conscripting them to the narrow roles and expectations of a gender.
“Society is slowly starting to recognize that biology does not dictate gender identity,” Johnson emphasizes.
AFAB, AMAB, and similar terms offer us new ways of thinking about gender expansiveness.
“It’s important that we create new terms,” Fielding says. “We’re not trying to make people’s lives more difficult, we’re simply trying to make life more nuanced.”
She continues, “A lot of times, we come up with language that categorizes people. That’s instituting a power dynamic, and so often power dynamics are unseen. When we create new terms—when we nuance language and rhetoric—we are giving ourselves ways of interrogating power and deciding, ‘Is this who we want to be?’”
Emma Glassman-Hughes
Emma Glassman-Hughes (she/her) is a freelance writer for Cosmopolitan and a part-time editor at the Boston Globe. She was formerly a staff writer at Elite Daily, where she covered sex, intimacy, and queer topics. She is a graduate student at Boston University, where she’s pursuing a master’s in journalism with an emphasis on narrative and investigative reporting. She has a Twitter but her website is way more fun.
Words to save from oppression City 812
This text is about a hot topic today: gender, feminism and tolerant taboos coming from the leftist youth party. Before you is a small visual and educational educational program, explaining to readers what language is used today to debate all these burning issues in high intellectual circles.
The article will help those who are still not interested in gender studies and cannot understand the reason for their existential loneliness. The fact is that while you are studying blood plasma microparticles and iambic tetrameters, the world's intellect is concentrated on the most important gender issues - oppression, discrimination, objectification. So read quickly and have time to get into the trend! nine0004
Abuse, mensplaning, safespace, toxic masculinity - do you know all these words? Great if yes! So, you have already heard about the left feminist community or even belong to it.
But suddenly not? Indeed, in the information arms race it is difficult to keep up with everything at once. Reading all the recent news about harassment, you can find that not everyone understands what “harassment” is and how it differs from rape, on the one hand, and flirting, on the other. And what kind of term is this, behind which rape and flirting can simultaneously try to hide? And this is just one example of the complexity of newfangled left-feminist terms for the traditional conservative ear. nine0004
Therefore, a dictionary was prepared especially for the readers of the Gorod magazine, which helps to understand several things at once:
– in the current agenda, coming mainly from left-wing youth (and near-youth, ideologically close to left-wing feminism) circles;
- in the vocabulary of some (many or all) of your acquaintances;
- in what is happening to you and around you, from a new point of view.
Of course, you can find similar dictionaries using any search engine that is convenient for you. But a feature of this material will be visibility, which even Jan Amos Comenius rightly called the “golden principle of didactics”. nine0004
As a visual collective image of the reader, who should learn the basics of actual feminism (and ultra-tolerance in general in the broadest sense of the word) and to whom this article is addressed, there will be a drawn guy named Dron, who can be shamed with a clear conscience for everything that he says and does. The drone works in a painted office and recently went to a painted corporate party with painted colleagues.
Whoops! Drone uses the word "crazy" in his speech. This is ableism, that is, discrimination aimed at people who have health problems - physical or mental. The idea of such discrimination is that unhealthy people are worse than others, they are not worthy of respect, and this is what Dron is now relaying. From here come such insults as “idiot”, “imbecile” and “moron”, since initially these words are diagnoses. Accordingly, phrases like “go crazy,” “crazy idea,” and “that was crazy!” only reinforce the idea of negative labeling of people's mental illness, because most often they mean "bad", "creepy" or "over the top". And by the way, you can’t use the word “depressive” outside of a medical context either. The word "painful", of course, too. nine0004
The phrase “like small children” is a typical example of ageism, age discrimination, in this case it is an example of the objectification of all small children. Drone wants to say that 1) all small children (by the way, are there any certain age limits for “little children”?) are attached to words, 2) attached to words is something bad. In other words, in terms of emotional coloring, the words of Dron are the same as the definition of all children as “little bastards” from Ksenia Sobchak. Most likely, Dron still considers all teenagers stupid and pimply, and all pensioners - out of their minds and often uses the expression "old senile. " nine0037
Here Drone uses the word "abnormal" and a typical psychological manipulation - gaslighting. The drone is trying to make us doubt our own "normality". Gaslighting always involves dividing people into “adequate” (in this case, adherents of the Dron point of view) and “inadequate” (all other people), therefore it often turns out to be a form of psychological violence. Typical gaslighter vocabulary: “You only see what you want to see”, “you exaggerate because of… (reason, for example: you are sad)”, “you misunderstand”, “you miss the point of this article”. Perhaps, during quarrels with loved ones, Dron says something like this: “You are spoiling our good relations!”, As if hinting that it is clearly not he who is to blame for the quarrel, but other “abnormal” people. nine0004
And here you can see how Drone, offering “everyone to be themselves”, supports the patriarchal order of the world. Drone uses the words “each”, “themselves” and their gender is masculine, but Drone addresses his question not only to men, but to a world that is diverse and people in which have different identities. The drone ignores the female and other identities, puts the male in the first place, making the rest second-rate.
You ask: "What is the right way?". It is correct to use gender gaps in such cases (or literally “gender gaps”, which, of course, Dron does not use!) - an underscore (less often an asterisk), meaning that your audience includes men, women and people with other non-binary identities. That is: “each”, “self”, instead of “each”, “themselves”. The feminine ending after the gap is used to make up for the lack of representation of women in the language, and the underscore includes all non-binary identities. You should not infringe on people on the basis of gender - a person can define himself as a middle sex, gender fluid (a person whose gender identity can change), etc. nine0004
Well, as you can see, Drone needs a lot of work!
Abuse (abuse) is a concept that has collected all types of violence of one person in relation to another: physical, psychological, emotional, etc.
Upskirt (upskirting) - a form of sexual crime, peeping / photographing under women's skirts - forced voyeurism, sexism, objectification.
Afab (Assigned female at birth) is the person listed as female on the birth certificate. Amab (Assigned female at birth) - the same as a man. That is, in the future, this person could change his identity.
Body-positive (body-positive) is a movement for the right to feel comfortable in any body and change your body at your discretion in any direction.
Body shaming - condemnation of the body, physique of other people.
Bulling - aggression from the team towards the person, verbal, psychological and physical.
Victim blaming - blaming the victim, transferring responsibility for what happened to her.
Gaslighting (gaslighting) - a type of psychological abuse, during which a person is forced to doubt his memory and adequacy.
Gatekeeping - setting barriers to entry into the community. So, some vegan communities cannot be entered by vegetarians (in particular, because they can drink milk and eat honey), trans women cannot enter some lesbian communities. nine0004
Gendergap (gender_gap) is an underscore character used to indicate a space between the main part of a word and its ending, serving the purpose of equalizing all genders and identities.
Gender binary - a system in which there are only two biological sexes, excluding intersex people.
Intersex - persons born with sex characteristics that do not match the typical definition of a male or female body. (They are called hermaphrodites in politically incorrect language)
Queer (queer - queer, extravagant) is a collective term used to refer to sexual and gender minorities who do not conform to a heterosexual or cisgender (in politically incorrect language - "traditional") identity.
Queschening (questioning) - a person who has not decided on his gender identity or sexual orientation.
Classism (classism) - discrimination of people on the basis of their belonging to a social class. nine0004
Corrective rape - rape to "correct" the victim's orientation.
Rape-culture - everything that justifies or legitimizes rape and violence against a woman. Thus, the phrase "all women want to be raped" and princes in fairy tales kissing sleeping princesses without their consent are all different aspects of the same rape culture.
"Sticky floor" is a term meaning that women stay at the top of the hierarchy longer than men. nine0004
Lookism (lookism) - discrimination based on species (a broader concept than body shaming, because you can stigmatize, for example, for clothes or use phrases like "ugly girl").
Mansplaining (mansplaining) is a condescending explanation coming from a man, something to a woman, where condescension is argued by the fact that women do not understand the essence of the issue from the very beginning.
Menspreading (manspreading, from the English man - “man” and spread - “scatter (s), spread (s)”) - the habit of men to spread their legs while sitting in public transport. A form of disrespect for women, as it makes it uncomfortable for them to sit or they cannot sit in the next seat at all. nine0004
Misandry (misandry) - hatred of men, but differs from misogyny in that it is less reprehensible, because: 1) not systemic, 2) most likely caused by traumatic personal experience.
Misogyny (misogyny) - systemic hatred of women, manifested in discrimination, sexual objectification, violence, etc.
MOGII+ – “marginalized orientations, gender identities and intersex”, a preferred abbreviation than LGBT, LGBTQUIAP+ and others, because the term MOGII+, unlike them, does not attempt to enumerate identities and does not reinforce hierarchy, but unites them. nine0004
Male gaze (male gaze) is the practice of displaying the world from the position of a heterosexual male, used in various media, films, programs, etc.
Neo-sexism Denial that all women are discriminated against.
Devaluation - refusal to recognize the importance of something or someone.
Objectification - the perception of a person (in particular, a woman) as an object or product.
Pansexual A person who is sexually or romantically attracted to all genders, regardless of combinations of secondary and primary sex characteristics.
Pan phobia (pan fobia) - discrimination against pansexuals.
Person is considered more inclusive than human because not all personas identify as human.
Polyamory is a belief system in which it is acceptable to have more than one partner in a relationship. nine0004
Privilege - social/economic/political approval based on preferred personality traits: men/thin/white/young/fertile have privileges, women/fat/colored/old/infertile do not.
Sexism - discrimination against women on the basis of sex. (Reverse sexism does not exist because the privilege is always given to masculine qualities, not feminine ones)
to the network). nine0004 Sexual objectification - the perception of a woman by a man as a sexual object. Skinny-shaming - discrimination based on weight, oppression of the thin. Slut-shaming - condemnation of a woman for sexual behavior or desires. "Glass ceiling" (glass ceiling) - any barriers that limit the advancement of a woman through the ranks. Safespace (safe space - “safe zone”) - a safety zone from any type of aggression, including verbal. It is assumed that xenophobic, homophobic and other devaluing statements cannot be used in such zones. Toxic masculinity - a type of behavior based on traditional "masculine qualities" that justifies a person if he causes someone physical or psychological harm. Trigger warning - a warning about a description of something that can cause discomfort or a panic attack: murder, rape, blood, hunger, oncology, insects. Phallocentrism - Jacques Lacan's term, which denotes a patriarchal order, where the phallus is a sign of privileged masculinity Fatphobia Harassment Any nuisance or harm that violates the privacy of a person. May consist of direct or indirect verbal abuse or threats, unkind remarks, rude jokes or insinuations, unsolicited letters or calls, display of offensive or humiliating photographs, intimidation, lascivious gestures, unnecessary touching, patting, kissing, pinching, hitting, physical assault or other similar activities. nine0004 Hippitting (from the English "he" / "he" and "repeat" / "repeat") - a situation where a woman makes a judgment, she is ignored, then a man repeats the same thing, and he is noticed. Hate speech (hate speech - "hate speech") - statements about any identity in an offensive way. Cisgender (from Latin cis - one-sided and English gender - sex, gender) - gender identity, in which the gender of a person coincides with sex in the binary system (a person with a member, identifying himself as a man - cisgender; a person with member who identifies as a woman is a transgender person). It is incorrect to say “transgender”, since this is a description of a person, but not always her indigeneity. nine0004 ableism - discrimination due to health characteristics. Ageism - age discrimination. Ecofeminism is a movement based on the idea that the oppression of women and the destruction of nature are closely related. By the way, what about our painted friend? wordmap The complexity and versatility of the Russian language sometimes surprise even its native speakers. Difficulties and peculiarities of word processing The Russian language has a huge number of assumptions that cannot be found in other cultures. Indeed, not only literary words are often used in speech, of which there are more than 150 thousand. But also dialectisms. Since there are many peoples and cultures in Russia, there are more than 250 thousand of them. Not surprisingly, even native speakers sometimes need to find the exact meanings of words. This can be done using explanatory dictionaries or a special WordMap service. nine0004 Why is such a platform convenient? This is a clear and simple dictionary of word meanings, which is proposed to be used online. The service allows: The site offers to get acquainted with the history of the word. It tells what language or culture it came from, when and by whom it was used in speech. nine0004 When looking up the meaning of words in a dictionary, it is important to understand its essence. After all, the sound component of each lexical unit in the language is inextricably linked with certain objects or phenomena. That is why when using the service, you should not put an equal sign between the meaning of the searched word and its concept. They are interconnected, but they are not a single whole. For example, the concept of the word "center" can be defined as the middle of something. However, specific meanings can indicate the interior of a room, a city, a geometric figure, etc. Sometimes it refers to a medical organization, mathematics or mechanical engineering. Polysemy is the complexity of the Russian language. nine0004 Finding values through WordMap In order to find out what a word means, painstaking work has been carried out. Thanks to this, you can find out not only all bookish, but also figurative meanings of a lexical construction. just searched for: UNIVLOPHY ALL -SUBLICAL COMPLY Kamos only Tryndets 1 seconds ago Azimates 1 seconds ago AGROPOT 6 seconds ago run around the grip 6 seconds ago Fitting 8 seconds ago 9 seconds ago 9 seconds ago 9 seconds ago 9 seconds ago 9 seconds ago 9 seconds ago 9 seconds ago 9 seconds0004 To be afraid of the rebellion 8 seconds ago shifting 8 seconds ago Bromate 8 seconds ago KFTEE 9 seconds ago NSOMICS Gomanso 9000 Your rating Close Thank you for your rating! Close Latest Word Games The concept includes the desire to dominate, aggression, the desire for rivalry, violence, etc. nine0004
The meaning of words in dictionaries
The peculiarity lies in the lack of structure. After all, a lot of liberties are allowed not only in the construction of sentences. The use of some word forms also has several variations. nine0004
After all, different manuals and collections can give different meanings of the same lexical constructions. To get the most complete picture of the word, you should contact the WordMap service. The system contains values from the most popular and authoritative sources, including dictionaries:
Name nine0365 Word Guessed Time Location Player 1 youth 55 words 7 hours ago 93. 80.183.199
Player 2 bus 22 words 7 hours ago Player 3 four hundredth 1 word 10 hours ago Player 4 youth 12 words 19 hours ago Player 5 premium 0 words 1 day ago nine0375 Player 6 walking around 0 words 1 day ago Player 7 weathering 1 word 1 day ago Play Words!
Name Word Account Location Player 1 milton 106:110 1 hour ago 31. 162.195.146
Player 2 riding 12:12 1 hour ago Player 3 chips 47:46 5 hours ago Player 4 beast 50:48 5 hours ago Player 5 city hall 50:48 5 hours ago Player 6 hunger 54:52 nine0377 5 hours ago Player 7 murka 50:55 8 hours ago Play Balda!
Name Game Questions Location Valya For one nine0377 10 questions 4 hours ago 5.