Vitamin for add
10 Supplements and Vitamins for ADHD Symptom Control
What ADHD Supplements Improve Symptoms?
Research shows that medication does a good job of managing ADHD symptoms in many children and adults. Still, the thought of starting your eight-year-old son or daughter on a drug, no matter how effective it might be, causes lots of hand-wringing and soul-searching in parents before they agree to do it. There are potential side effects to be considered, along with the fact that ADHD medications don’t work the same way for every child in managing symptoms. So some parents look for other natural remedies for ADHD, such as nutrition, exercise, and supplements, to help their child deal with symptoms.
It is important to understand what a supplement is. A nutritional supplement provides basic nutrients for optimal health and function that you may not be getting from your food. Supplements include vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats. I don’t include herbal or botanical ingredients, such as ginkgo or St.
John’s wort, in the supplement category. Botanicals are plant-based products that are not necessarily nutrients, but which may have positive effects on health and function.
Now let’s look at the individual ADHD supplements I recommend. Every natural remedy for ADHD mentioned here has some research to support its effectiveness in improving some symptoms.
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If possible, I’d consult a physician to help you incorporate supplements into your treatment plan. Managing supplements and other integrative treatments requires expertise. It is difficult for a family to do this on their own.
ADHD Supplement: Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Usually given in the form of fish oil, omega-3s are probably the best-researched supplement for ADHD. Numerous studies, including two meta-analyses, have found benefit in the area of hyperactivity, attention, or impulsivity.
[Get This Free Resource: Everyday Foods Filled with Omega-3s]
Finding the best omega 3 supplement is a different story. Despite all the studies on omega-3s, questions remain about the optimal dose and how to give it. The important omega-3 fatty acids are EPA and DHA, which are listed on most product labels. I recommend a total of 1,000 mg. of EPA plus DHA (add the two together) for smaller children, 2,000 mg. for adolescents, and 1,500 mg. for those in between. There should be 1.5 to 2 times as much EPA as DHA. Most omega-3 gummies don’t provide these higher levels, so your best option is to give your child capsules or a liquid. For children who are vegetarian, algae oil is available, but it requires large doses to get enough EPA and DHA.
A related supplement is phosphatidylserine. This is a type of molecule derived from fatty acids that plays an important role in cell signaling. A couple of small studies indicate it might be helpful for ADHD. My clinical experience is that the benefits have not been impressive. It can be taken on its own or in conjunction with a fish oil supplement.
ADHD Supplement: Zinc
I recommend zinc for children with ADHD.
The mineral is not as well researched as omega-3s and iron, but there is some positive research. One study showed that taking zinc with a psychostimulant caused a nearly 40 percent reduction in the amount of the stimulant required to function at optimal levels. Other studies have shown benefits for ADHD symptoms in general. Zinc levels can be measured in the blood, but it is safe to give 20-25 mg. of zinc daily to your child without first doing a blood test.
ADHD Supplement: Vitamin D
Many American children have abnormally low levels of vitamin D. Newer research shows that children with ADHD have lower vitamin D levels than children without the condition. One study showed that expectant mothers with low vitamin D levels had a higher likelihood of their children having ADHD. There are no studies showing that giving vitamin D to children with ADHD improves their symptoms. Nevertheless, I would check vitamin D levels and supplement if the levels are low or even borderline low.
ADHD Supplement: Iron
Low levels of the mineral iron can be a significant problem in children with ADHD. Studies have shown that iron is crucial for normal brain function, and that treating with supplemental iron can improve ADHD symptoms.
Before giving an iron supplement to your child, it is important to measure the iron levels in your child’s blood. When doctors measure these in children, they test for hemoglobin and hematocrit — the level of iron in red blood cells. These readings are usually normal in children with ADHD. I recommend that doctors also check the ferritin level, which measures circulating iron. This is often low, or borderline low, in kids with ADHD. One study showed that the average ferritin level in ADHD children was 22 compared with 44 in non-ADHD children.
I recommend supplementing with iron if a child has a ferritin level under 30. It is important to use a chelated iron product, which reduces the problem of constipation or stomachaches. I usually begin with 30-40 mg. of elemental iron a day, and measure ferritin levels again in three to six months.
Multivitamin/Multimineral for ADHD
It is important that children with ADHD have adequate amounts of a wide range of vitamins and minerals, but until recently, there has been little research suggesting that taking a multivitamin/multimineral was helpful for ADHD. Research indicates that a specific multivitamin/multimineral combination is effective for kids who have ADHD and emotional dysregulation, often displayed by oppositional children.
Daily Essential Nutrients is made by Hardy Nutritionals. In one study, the micronutrients in this formulation reduced impairment and improved inattention, emotional regulation, and aggression. DEN did not improve hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. The downside is that it is expensive, and a child has to take six pills a day. It’s possible that other multivitamins have similar effects, but they have not been well-studied.
ADHD Supplement: Magnesium
This mineral won’t directly improve attention, but it can calm hyperactivity and agitation, which compromise attention. I find magnesium helpful for children who have a “rebound effect” after their stimulant medication wears off. A child can safely take 100-300 mg. of elemental magnesium twice daily in the form of magnesium glycinate, citrate, or chelate. The citrate form tends to lead to loose stools.
ADHD Supplement: Inositol
Inositol is found in very small amounts in many foods. In concentrated doses, it helps to counter agitation and anxiety. I recommend 12-18 grams a day divided into two or three doses for adults. The dose for kids would be calculated based on their mass.
ADHD Supplement: Ginkgo Biloba
This herb has been used to improve cognitive function for thousands of years. A couple of small studies have shown that it may be helpful in children with ADHD. A recent double-blind randomized study looked at adding ginkgo to a stimulant that children were already taking. Some children took ginkgo plus a stimulant, while others took a placebo and a stimulant. Those who took the ginkgo had a 35 percent better response rate in terms of improving attention. It had no effect on hyperactivity or impulsivity. I use 60 mg., twice a day, for children.
Bacopa and gotu kola, which are part of Ayurvedic medicine (the traditional medicine of India), have both been used to treat ADHD, but western medicine has done little research on them.
One herb, St. John’s wort, is often recommended for children with ADHD, but research shows that it helps with mood disorders, not ADHD. A study on using St. John’s wort to treat ADHD reached the same conclusion: It did not help. This study was discussed in the June 2008 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. View the study abstract.
The ABCs of ADHD Supplements
Among the many questions parents ask me when thinking about natural supplements for ADHD are: How can supplements help? Are they a substitute for ADHD medication, or can they be used together? How long do they take to work? Can they have side effects?
- How do supplements improve attention, impulsivity, or hyperactivity? It is helpful to understand how supplements are researched.
The most common method is to give either the supplement being studied or a placebo to a person, and see if ADHD symptoms improve. Researchers measure this by looking at ADHD surveys or checklists, filled out by teachers and parents. In most cases, the research shows improvements in attention and focus, hyperactivity, or impulsivity, or all of them. It is hard to predict the effect any single supplement will have on a child.
- Will supplements improve symptoms as much as ADHD medication? For the most part, no. ADHD-friendly supplements are helpful, but they do not have the immediate and powerful effect on ADHD symptoms that medication does. It is hard to quantify the effectiveness of these supplements compared to medication. It is worth noting that supplements in general have far fewer side effects than medication, and less potential for severe side effects. I use supplements as part of an integrative treatment plan that includes interventions related to school, parenting, sleep, and exercise.
- How long will it take to see results after starting a supplement? This varies, depending on the supplement and the child. Some families have told me that they saw improvement within days of starting fish oil; other families didn’t see any improvement after a month. I recommend waiting a few months before deciding whether or not supplements are helpful.
- Do supplements have side effects? Some supplements have side effects, but they are milder and less common than the side effects of ADHD stimulants. Iron, for instance, may cause constipation or abdominal pain. It is important to notice any symptoms that occur after starting one or more supplements and consult with your physician.
[Free Resource Here: Guide to Natural ADHD Treatment Options]
Sandy Newmark, M.D., is a member of the ADDitude ADHD Medical Review Panel.
How to Treat ADHD in Children: Next Questions
- What ADHD medications are used to treat children?
- Is ADHD medication right for my child?
- What are common side effects associated with ADHD medication?
- What natural treatments help kids with ADHD?
- What are the most effective natural ADHD treatments for kids?
- What foods can help control ADHD symptoms?
- What vitamins and supplements should my child take?
- Does brain training help with ADHD?
- How much and what type of exercise helps kids with ADHD?
- What types of therapy help patients with ADHD?
- What if the medication stops working?
- How can I find an ADHD specialist near me?
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Fish Oil Benefits for ADHD: Best Omega 3 Supplements
Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help with ADHD?
You know that fish contain nutrients that help prevent heart disease and other serious ailments. Now evidence is mounting that these same omega-3 fatty acids also optimize brain function. Among other things, omega-3s boost the body’s synthesis of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that ADHD medications act to increase.
So, could a daily fish oil capsule help curb the symptoms of ADHD?
Quite possibly, suggest several research studies on fish oil for ADHD — including a study published in Pediatrics. “A lack of certain polyunsaturated fatty acids may contribute to dyslexia and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,” reports one of the study’s authors, Paul Montgomery, D. Phil., a researcher in the psychiatry department at the University of Oxford in England.
For Montgomery’s study, schoolchildren were given fish oil supplements rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) for a period of three months. During this time, the children showed significant improvements in behavior, reading, and spelling.
[Get This Free Download: Fish Oil Supplements for Children with ADHD]
Is Fish Oil Safe for Kids and Adults with ADHD?
Fish oil is generally safe when taken properly, but you should always speak with your doctor before trying fish oil. Make sure the fish oil supplement you take is free of mercury and other contaminants. Children and adults with shellfish allergies should not take fish oil supplements; instead, they should look for vegetarian omega-3 supplements, usually made of algae or other plant-based materials. Side effects of fish oil supplements are generally mild, and may include nausea, heartburn, or “fish burps.”
What Are the Best Omega-3 Supplements for ADD?
Over-The-Counter Formulations for Children with ADHD
Fish burps are a real, dreaded thing. These, and the fishy taste of many omega 3 supplements, deter many children from trying this line of treatment. So ADDitude asked three kids with ADD — Natalie (age 10), Harry (10), and Katie (7) — to try several popular omega-3 products.
Although none of the products caused the deal-breaker fish burps, some of them did need to be hidden in other foods to get past our tasters’ picky palates. Here are the results, along with some frank comments from our panel.
Carlson for Kids (lemon flavor) (#CommissionsEarned)
Benefits: Made from cold-water fish caught in Norwegian waters; bottled in Norway to ensure maximum freshness
Serving: 800 mg of omega 3s per 1/2-teaspoon serving
Comments: Our testers preferred it mixed with a favorite food. Harry has his mixed in chocolate milk. Try it in a spoonful of lemon yogurt.
Coromega Kids Omega3 Squeeze (orange flavor) (#CommissionsEarned)
Benefits: Portable, single-dose packets; clinically proven to deliver 300 percent better absorption than softgels
Serving: 284 mg of omega 3s per 2. 5-g packet
Comments: Our tasters weren’t thrilled with taking it straight. Mixing it in a smoothie or yogurt helped a lot.
Barlean’s Kid’s Omega Swirl (lemonade flavor) (#CommissionsEarned)
Benefits: Nine times more absorbable than regular fish oil; has the taste and texture of a smoothie
Serving: 720 mg of omega-3s per 2-teaspoon serving
Comments: All three kids liked it straight. Says Harry: “Double thumbs up.” Says Natalie: “Mmm, ahh, yummy. I could drink it all down.”
SaviSeed (cocoa-kissed flavor)
Benefits: Super-seeds from the rainforests of Peru; richest source of omega 3s, 13 times as much per serving as wild salmon
Serving: 7 g of omega 3s per 1-ounce serving
Comments: All three testers liked the taste at first, but were less pleased when the chocolate coating gave way to the earthy taste of the seed inside. Try having kids wash it down with chocolate milk.
Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Effervescent (creamy orange flavor) (#CommissionsEarned)
Benefits: Fun to drink as the powder creates fizzy bubbles when dissolved in water; convenient single-serving packets; added vitamin D3
Serving: 670 mg of omega 3s per 9.7-g packet
Comments: One of the three testers went for this one. Natalie: “Mmm. That’s good!” Instead of water, try mixing it in lemonade or orange juice.
[Read This Next: The ADHD Food Fix]
Research-Based Formulations Specifically for ADHD
Equazen Pro, a new Omega-3 supplement, manages omega-3 fatty acid deficiency to nutritionally support focus and attention in children with ADHD or ADHD-type symptoms. It was formulated to address a LC-PUFA deficiency caused by genetic abnormalities that is linked to ADD-type symptoms.
In addition, several vegetarian options do exist, including products like this: Purity Omega.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends treating ADHD in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 with FDA-approved medications, plus parent training in behavior modification and behavioral classroom interventions. Research studies like this one conducted by scientists at McGill University have found that “stimulant medications are most effective, and combined medication and psychosocial treatment is the most beneficial treatment option for most adult patients with ADHD.” All ADHD treatment decisions should be made in consultation and coordination with a licensed medical provider.
ADDitude Resources
- Read This Next: 12 Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- 6 Essential (and Often-Overlooked) Supplements for ADHD
- “ADHD and Fish Oil Supplements: What’s a Safe Dosage?”
Update 12/2020: An earlier version of this article misidentified DHA as an omega-6 fatty acid. DHA is an omega-3.
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what are needed and why are they useful
Why are vitamins useful for the skin of the face and body?
Many vitamins have a direct impact on the quality and condition of the skin of the face and body: their deficiency or excess can be expressed by dryness, peeling, irritation, redness, decreased tone and loss of radiance and freshness of the epidermis.
To maintain the beauty and health of the skin, dermatologists recommend replenishing its vitamin and mineral balance both from the inside and outside, using appropriate cosmetics with active formulas. Scientists have proven that the external use of vitamin complexes in sufficient volume provides the skin of the face and body with all the necessary substances. Vitamins are necessary for the skin at any age.
Modern cosmetic formulas are based on cutting-edge research, which allows the use of technologies to crush, combine and preserve active ingredients for the best result. Skin vitamins in the basis of home care cosmetics solve several main tasks:
- Nourish and enrich cells with microelements, improve the appearance of the skin.
- Moisturize and soften the epidermis, strengthen the hydro-lipid mantle.
- Helps increase the synthesis of natural collagen and elastin.
- Reduce visible signs of premature aging and prevent new ones (wrinkles, pigmentation, loss of skin elasticity).
- They have an antioxidant and detoxifying effect, help skin cells fight the damaging effects of free radicals.
- Strengthen the epidermis and protect its barrier functions.
- Helps fight imperfections and acne marks (blackheads, pimples).
- Regulates the production of sebum, reduces the oily sheen of the face.
What vitamins are needed for beauty, youth and skin health
A separate vitamin or a complex of several of them at the heart of cosmetic formulas is designed to solve various problems of different skin types at any age. There are more than 10 vitamins that will help maintain the tone and health of the skin. Here is a rating of the best vitamins for face and body skin, which are most often found in cosmetics.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A derivatives (retinoids) are one of the most popular antioxidant vitamins found in cosmetology. Retinol is responsible for cell renewal, accelerates the processes of their regeneration, is widely used in the care of oily problematic, as well as mature skin. Vitamin A effectively evens out the tone and relief of the skin, restores its softness, radiance and elasticity. Retinol is photosensitive, has a pronounced exfoliating effect, so dermatologists recommend using sunscreen or a day cream with SPF in parallel with it. Vitamin A deficiency can cause a decrease in the protective hydrolipidic properties, elasticity and firmness, cause dryness, peeling, thickening and loss of skin radiance.
B vitamins
The complex of B vitamins consists of 11 different substances, the most common in cosmetology of which are: vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacinamide), B5 (panthenol), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin) , B9 (folic acid), B10 (H1, para-aminobenzoic acid), Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). All of the listed B vitamins have different, but equally indispensable effects on the skin: from cell division and respiration, to protecting and strengthening the barrier functions of the skin and reducing the negative effects of exposure to UV rays, they are responsible for lipid and protein metabolism.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is another essential antioxidant for beautiful skin. Vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis, protects the skin from premature aging, evens out tone (combats wrinkles, age spots and post-acne marks) and facial relief, moisturizes, tightens pores, reduces oily sheen, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Vitamin C is UV-sensitive, so always use a sunscreen with SPF along with it. A lack of vitamin C can manifest itself in the form of rashes on the background of oily problem skin, dryness, and flaking.
Vitamin D
Calciferol or vitamin D, known as the sunshine vitamin, is essential for strengthening cell membranes and reducing lipid oxidation. Up to 90% of vitamin D is synthesized in the skin under the influence of UV rays, so it is rarely included in cosmetics. With its deficiency, the face acquires a tired, dull color, dark circles appear under the eyes, dryness, and peeling of the skin.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E or tocopherol is another antioxidant, without which the skin becomes dull, its turgor and moisture decrease. Tocopherol resists free radicals, protects the skin from premature aging, promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin responsible for skin tightening, restores its elasticity, nourishes, moisturizes, smoothes, accelerates the healing of damage, strengthens the hydrolipid mantle. A lot of vitamin E is found in oils and plant extracts. Often used in the treatment of skin problems such as dermatitis, seborrhea, eczema.
Vitamin F
The popular name for vitamin F is linoleic acid or Omega-6, an essential vitamin for dry and sensitive skin with a tendency to develop imperfections. Quickly relieves dryness, peeling, soothes and softens irritated skin, restores tissue elasticity. Vitamin F is indispensable in the composition of care formulas in the cold season, as it helps the skin withstand temperature changes, strengthening its protective properties.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K promotes the speedy healing of bruises, mechanical damage to the skin (abrasions, wounds, burns). Due to the improvement of microcirculation, it is able to minimize the severity of rosacea (vascular network), relieves bruises under the eyes, and evens out scars and stagnant spots (post-acne marks), scars.
Vitamin N
Known as thioctic and alpha lipoic acid, it is a powerful antioxidant that prevents oxidative stress in the skin, has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and protective properties. Vitamin N is often found in anti-aging formulas, prevents glycation, restores firmness and elasticity to the skin, protects vitamins E and C from the damaging effects of free radicals. Reduces the risk of irritation, suitable for dry sensitive skin.
Vitamin P
Along with vitamin C, Vitamin P or rutin also has a powerful antioxidant effect, has a pronounced protective effect, improves skin condition. Vitamin P strengthens blood vessels, prevents rosacea, minimizes redness, and is suitable for skin care with rosacea. It is important to remember that hypovitaminosis of vitamin P can cause an exacerbation of acne, and a deficiency of the substance affects the state of the vascular wall: a characteristic blue tissue appears, spider veins.
Vitamin PP
Nicotinic acid or vitamin PP stimulates skin cell regeneration processes, improves skin microcirculation, relieves flabbiness, relieves inflammation and prevents transepidermal moisture loss, improves skin tone and texture, reduces the first signs of age-related changes: wrinkles and pigmentation. Also suitable for the care of oily problem skin, controlling the activity of the sebaceous glands and the synthesis of sebum.
Beta carotene
Another antioxidant vitamin responsible for moisturizing and softening the skin is beta-carotene, which can also be found in hair masks. In the basis of skin creams, the component helps to strengthen and protect the epidermis from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and photoaging, and is found in sunscreens. Beta-carotene is a source of vitamin A.
What vitamins are needed for various skin problems
If you have a specific skin problem, use a remedy based on certain nutritional complexes designed to correct various skin imperfections. Let us analyze under what imperfections it is recommended to apply formulas with the correct set of components. Top best vitamins for skin for different skin needs:
- Anti-wrinkle (for youthful skin)
Retinol (vitamin A), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin D, vitamin E, niacinamide (vitamin B3), vitamin F, vitamin N, vitamins P, PP, beta-carotene. - Anti-dryness (to moisturize the skin)
Vitamin A, vitamins B1, B6, B7, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin F, beta-carotene. - Anti-flabbiness (for skin elasticity and firmness)
Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamins B1, B2, B9, vitamin F, vitamin PP. - For regeneration and healing
Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamins B2, B5, B7, vitamin PP. - For acne and blackheads
Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B12.
When vitamin deficiency may appear
Avitaminosis, or vitamin deficiency, can occur at any age, but children, pregnant women and the elderly are most susceptible to it. Often, the skin reacts to a lack or excess of nutrients with increased dryness, peeling, irritation, which can appear on any part of the body: legs, arms, back, chest and head.
The lack of certain substances is seasonal in nature, for example, in the cold season (autumn and winter), the risk of beriberi increases by reducing the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits enriched with vitamins and minerals. Accordingly, in summer and spring, their consumption increases and the body compensates for the vitamin deficiency. Adhering to strict diets and food restrictions, the skin also suffers from beriberi, which affects its appearance.
How to compensate for the lack of vitamins
With food, vitamins enter the human body in insufficient quantities to fully support the organs. Therefore, in order for the skin to remain healthy, fresh, hydrated and young longer, an integrated approach is needed: a balanced diet, the consumption of biologically active supplements to the daily diet, a beauty routine enriched with vitamins.
- Cosmetics with vitamins
The most highly concentrated formulas differ face creams and serums. The compositions of these products can combine several vitamins at once or have a mono-vitamin base. The composition should be chosen based on the type, condition and needs of the skin. - Beauty treatments
Aesthetic procedures based on injections, for example, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, imply the delivery of a vitamin complex with hyaluronic acid to the deep dermal layers.Alternative non-invasive methods of skin vitaminization are electroporation and non-injection mesotherapy.
- Vitamin-mineral complexes
Bioadditives enrich the body with nutrients, in particular, they help nourish the skin with vitamins from the inside and make up for the lack of useful components that come with food. - Food
The easiest way to vitaminize the body is a balanced diet. Enrich your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, berries, nuts, cereals - these foods are high in nutrients and have a positive effect on the skin.
Review of cosmetics with vitamins La Roche-Posay
Here is an overview of products with fortified formulas from La Roche-Posay.
Anti-aging care for normal and / or combination skin Redermic C with a formula based on pure vitamin C participates in collagen synthesis, increases skin turgor, restores freshness to the image, and natural radiance to the face. Effectively fights all signs of aging: wrinkles, pigmentation, loss of elasticity.
Consumer reviews:
Anastasia: An excellent cream with a proven ingredient. It moisturizes well, rolls down only if you rub your face (and you don’t need to rub it), make-up falls on top as usual. The skin with it is radiant, by the evening it looks like such a fashionable “gym skin”. When it runs out, I'll try Redermic C10.
Elena : My favorite cream and the best care for my skin. Hydrates and brightens the skin. It goes well both as a daytime in winter and as a night all-weather. Nice texture, absorbs well. The face fills with beauty. Much less wrinkles.
Pure Vitamin C10 Antioxidant Renewal Serum with a high concentration of vitamin C restores natural radiance and healthy appearance to the skin, corrects wrinkles, evens out skin tone and relief, instantly moisturizes, softens.
Consumer reviews:
Natalia: I have combination skin with a tendency to oiliness and age-related changes. I liked the serum in use, it does not leave a sticky film and oily sheen on the face, the skin becomes moisturized and velvety, wrinkles are less noticeable. Definitely recommend to buy!
Anastasia: Excellent serum, quickly absorbed, delicate texture, economical to use, after application there is no sticky feeling. Perfectly moisturizes, softens, smoothes wrinkles, evens out tone. As a result, the skin looks healthy, radiant, moisturized.
Redermic Retinol Anti-Aging, Intensive Concentrated Fluid Treatment with vitamin A derivatives helps cells regenerate faster, reduces wrinkles, evens out skin texture and relief, prevents early aging and fights signs of photoaging.
Consumer reviews:
Ekaterina: Recently I use Redermic Retinol. Good cream! The skin requires more effective products after 30, I want to remove fine wrinkles and improve skin quality. I'm testing the cream for the first month, but I already like it both in smell and in texture. Thank you for the new line of products and for the opportunity to try
Tatiana: This was my first product from LA ROCHE-POSAY. I bought it because of the content of RETINOL in it to solve problems with wrinkles and pigmentation. I only wore it at night. The cream has a light texture, is easy to apply and absorbs quickly, there is no sticky feeling (I have normal skin). According to my feelings, the complexion has evened out, wrinkles have become less noticeable, in general, the cream works. Now I want to try the cream with RETINOL under the eyes. I recommend the cream.
13 essential substances for your health
We have all heard that the body needs vitamins. They really play an important role in metabolism, and some are irreplaceable: the body is not able to synthesize them itself.
But this word is used so often that sometimes it is difficult to understand what it really means. What substances do we really need, and what can we do without? And what are vitamins for? Let's find out in this article!
Attention! Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any vitamins and supplements. They should be drunk only if the doctor has confirmed such a need, and an excess of some vitamins can harm!
- 1. Vitamin A or retinol
- 2. Vitamin B1 or thiamine
- 3. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin
- 4. Vitamin B3, PP or niacin
- 5. Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid
- 6. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine
- 7. Vitamin B7 or biotin
- 8. Vitamin B9, folate or folic acid
- 9. Vitamin B12 or cobalamin
- 10. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid
- 11. Vitamin D
- 12. Vitamin E
- 13. Vitamin K
- 13. Note
Vitamin A or Retinol
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble substance essential for healthy vision and skin. Retinol supports the conjunctiva and cornea, and helps skin and bone cells divide and renew themselves. The substances from which vitamin A is formed are called carotenoids.
They are found in vegetables: for example, one medium-sized carrot is enough to cover 100% of the daily intake of vitamin A. Therefore, its deficiency is very rare. But an excess of retinol, on the contrary, is harmful. It can cause nausea, vomiting and headache.
Vitamin B1 or thiamine
B vitamins are water-soluble substances that are essential for normal metabolism and the nervous system. They do not accumulate in the body, so it is important to replenish their reserves every day.
Vitamin B1 plays a key role in our metabolism: it helps the body's cells turn carbohydrates into energy. Thiamine is also involved in muscle contraction and nerve impulse conduction. Sources of vitamin B1 include whole grains, meat, and fish. It is often added to breakfast cereal, rice, or bread.
One medium serving of meat contains more than 30% of the daily value of thiamine.
Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin
Riboflavin also plays an important role in metabolism: it helps extract energy from protein, supports cell growth, division and function. This vitamin is found in eggs, organ meats (liver or kidney), milk, green vegetables, and mushrooms. Often it is also added to grain products and cereals.
Vitamin B3, PP or niacin
Niacin is also an important participant in energy metabolism in the body. It supports the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, as well as skin health. Most people get enough of the vitamin from food, because it is found in many familiar foods: meat, fish, milk, eggs, vegetables and cereals. Our body can synthesize it itself from tryptophan: this is an amino acid that is found in protein foods.
At the same time, a high dose of niacin causes unpleasant symptoms: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. So no matter how useful it is, add it to your diet with caution.
Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid
Pantothenic acid, like the previous B vitamins, helps us get energy from food. And it is also needed for the production of fatty acids, hormones and cholesterol. Vitamin B5 is found in almost any kind of meat, vegetables and mushrooms. For example, 100 grams of beef liver will completely cover the daily requirement, and in one avocado there will be 40% of the norm.
Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine
This vitamin helps in the production of antibodies and hemoglobin: important for the immune and vascular systems. We need antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses, and hemoglobin is involved in the transport of oxygen in the blood.
Most vitamin B6 is in fish, beef liver, potatoes. They are rich in almost all fruits, except citrus. So its deficiency is also extremely rare, and an overdose causes serious consequences, up to ataxia. She loses control of her movements.
Vitamin B7 or Biotin
Biotin is needed by the body for the metabolism of fatty acids, glucose and amino acids, and it is also very important for the functioning of genes. In food, biotin is most often found in conjunction with proteins, although it can sometimes be found in free form.
It can be found in eggs, fish, meat, seeds and nuts. But in fact, it is not yet completely clear whether people need additional biotin, because gut bacteria can synthesize it.
Biotin deficiency is extremely rare: it has never been found in healthy people with a normal varied diet.
Vitamin B9, folate or folic acid
Folate is essential for cell division and is especially important during pregnancy. Its deficiency during this period can lead to defects in the development of the brain or the musculoskeletal system of the child.
Folic acid is often found in foods: it is found in green vegetables, fruits, beans and nuts. Vitamin B9 is often added to bread and other grain products. Of the fruits, oranges, lemons, bananas, melons and strawberries are the most rich in it.
For example, a serving of spinach contains 33% of the daily value of folate.
Folate deficiency is rare. But during pregnancy, women are sometimes advised to take additional folic acid up to about 12 weeks. It is also often prescribed to women during menopause to relieve unpleasant symptoms and reduce the risk of developing tumors.
However, before using any folate supplement, you should consult your doctor.
Vitamin B12 or cobalamin
Vitamin B12 is needed to form red blood cells: blood cells that carry oxygen. It is involved in the metabolism inside the cell, in the functioning of the nervous system and DNA synthesis. Our body usually stores an adequate supply of vitamin B12, so deficiency is rare. Most people get enough B12 from their normal diet. It is found in animal products.
Just one boiled egg already contains 25% of the daily value.
But if you are a vegetarian, it is better to keep an eye on your levels, because plant foods do not contain this vitamin. To increase its content in the diet, you can use special vegan products, such as soy milk or cereal fortified with the vitamin.
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid
Vitamin C is essential for normal growth, wound healing, bone and tooth health. Humans are unable to synthesize or store vitamin C in the body, so it needs to be constantly replenished.
But it is quite simple to do this: there is a lot of vitamin C in vegetables and fruits. For example, a serving of broccoli is likely to cover the daily requirement. So the lack of vitamin C in developed countries are rare.
Vitamin D
This vitamin is needed to regulate calcium and phosphate levels for healthy teeth, bones and muscles. It is also involved in the functioning of the immune and musculoskeletal systems. Vitamin D is almost not found in foods, mainly only in oily fish such as salmon or tuna.
But our body can produce it on its own with the help of sunlight. Even if you get at least a short time in the sun every day, this is already enough. However, if you live in a place where there are few sunny days, you can check your vitamin D level. Their main role: antioxidants. They help maintain healthy skin and eyes, and boost the immune system to fight off infections.
Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, nuts and seeds. For example, a handful of regular sunflower seeds contains about half the required daily intake of this vitamin.
Vitamin E deficiency is rare because it is simply obtained from the normal diet. However, sometimes people with liver disease or Crohn's disease need additional doses. But this is determined by the attending physician.
Vitamin K
This vitamin helps your blood to clot, so it's very important for wound healing. Vitamin K is involved in protein synthesis and strengthens the bones and tissues of the body.
There are several types of vitamin K, but it's easy to get them from greens, vegetables, vegetable oils, and fruits. For example, a serving of spinach or broccoli will have enough vitamin to cover your daily requirement. Some vitamin K is produced by the gut microbiota. However, it can be stored in the liver, so there is no need to add it to the diet every day.
Vitamins are really needed by our body, but their main source is a balanced diet, not pills and supplements. To ensure that you have enough of all the necessary substances, it is enough just to follow the variety of the diet.