How to inspired
10 Gentle Ways to Find Inspiration in Everyday Life
- July 10, 2022
We all have those days (or weeks, or months) when we feel like we’re just going through the motions. Everything seems a bit grey, underwhelming, and uninspiring. If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, here are some ideas to gently reconnect with your creative spirit and find inspiration in everyday life.
Sources of Inspiration in Everyday Life:
Connect With People
It can be helpful to talk to people we know and trust about what they do when they need inspiration. It can be good to voice things we’re thinking about. Maybe a struggle or challenge we’re experiencing, or a new direction we are contemplating.
This can also inspire some ideas that might not have occurred to us before. Other people can give us a sense of generative accountability as we move forward. But it’s important to avoid talking to people who might hold us back or discourage us, as this could have the opposite effect.
Get Moving
If we’re feeling stuck and uninspired, one of the best things we can do is to get our body moving. Physical movement can help jumpstart our creative energy. And by not looking directly at the problem, our subconscious mind can untangle thought webs and give us some clarity and focus. Plus, being in nature has been shown to calm and rejuvenate us.
Remember What Energises You
It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of everyday life and forget to do things that give us creative energy. We can make a list of these activities and make it a point to prioritise one today. This can help us stay connected to what is important to us and keep the flow of inspiration alive in everyday life.
Unplug From The Noise
The constant stream of social media and news is almost inescapable, but it’s important to take breaks and unplug from time to time to open space for creativity and inspiration to germinate. This can be especially beneficial for us introverts or highly sensitive people when we find the constant noise and stimulation overwhelming.
Learn Something New
If we’re looking for inspiration, one of the best things we can do is learn something new. We often get stuck in knowledge ruts, forgetting how much there is to explore. By opening ourselves up to new possibilities, we can jump-start our curiosity and creative spirit…
DON’T Learn Anything New
…On the other hand, sometimes the pressure to always be learning and growing can be draining and uninspiring. If this is the case for you right now, find ways to be content with where you are. Allow yourself some peace of mind at this moment and let go of the inner voice telling you to strive for more. You don’t have to learn anything new right now and that’s okay.
Look At The Big Picture
When we take the time to look at the big picture, we can see how our individual actions fit into a larger whole. We can find inspiration and meaning in something bigger than ourselves, which can give us some rooted energy.
Shift Your Environment
We might be feeling stuck in a rut because we need a change of scenery.
Whether we’re craving a new environment or a new perspective, shifting our surroundings can do wonders for our creativity and well-being.
For introverts and highly sensitive people, a change of pace can be especially refreshing. Providing a different perspective and a gentle shift in the rhythms of everyday life.
Give Yourself Permission To Play
Inspiration doesn’t just come from other people, places, and things. We can generate inspiration through our own actions and habits, too. A big source of this kind of inspiration is play.
When we allow ourselves to play, we open up to different parts of our brain. This can help us come up with new ideas, see things in a different light, and connect dots that we didn’t know could be linked.
It’s important for all of us to give ourselves permission to play every once in a while. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul!
Encounter Creativity
The arts have always been a source of rest, energy, and inspiration for me. By taking in various forms of art, we can infuse our inspiratory system with a sense of deeper sense connection.
Other peoples’ creative work can provide us with a much-needed respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But it can also help us tap into new parts of our own imagination.
Allow Yourself To Rest
If you’re an introvert or a highly sensitive person, you know how important it is to allow yourself time to rest. Our society’s obsession with productivity can actually make us less effective at times, especially when it comes at the expense of our wellbeing.
When we’re well-rested, we’re in a better position to notice and respond to inspiration. Our minds become clearer, and our sense of urgency and busyness slows.
We can open the door to inspiration in everyday life, especially once we are aware of what is impacting us right now. It’s not always easy to notice what’s going on within though. It requires us to notice what we are noticing so that we can respond in appropriate and healthy ways.
The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or down, take a few minutes to yourself and assess your relationship with sources of inspiration.
You can try this short Inspiratory System exercise as a way to reflect on the role some of these different sources of inspiration are playing in your life right now. You’ll find some gentle meditations to help you think about where you’d like to invite more inspiration into your everyday life.
30 Simple Things You Can Do To Get Inspired
We all feel uninspired at times. The good news is that it’s a natural part of the creative process and something everyone struggles with. It’s totally normal! The next time you’re stuck in a creative dead zone, read this list of 30 things you can do to get inspired.
30 Simple Things to Get You Inspired
1. Change Your Environment
Get out of the house and go somewhere new. A new environment can spark inspiration by giving you a new way of looking at things.

Get outside the boundaries of your own knowledge to learn something new. Learn ten words in a foreign language, research the music of 17th century Europe or pick up a star chart and learn about our universe.
3. Create a Vision Board
Think about what you want for your life and start envisioning it. Collect pictures and words that depict this life and bring them together on a vision board.
Credit: cottonbro via Pexels4. Get Back to Nature
Take some time out in nature and appreciate its amazing beauty. Go for a hike through the bush, climb a mountain or simply have a picnic by the pond in your local park.
5. Visit Your Local Bookstore
Bookstores are full of creative inspiration. Spend some time browsing the shelves and get inspired by the beautiful images and interesting ideas.
Credit: Nathalie Stimpfl via Unsplash.com6. Try a New Creative Art Form
Push yourself outside the bounds of your creative specialty and try something new. If you’re a writer, try painting. If you’re a musician, write a poem.
7. Keep a Notebook to Jot Down Ideas
Keep a notebook with you to jot down ideas whenever they strike. These ideas might not seem groundbreaking at the time but they might serve as inspiration at a later date.
Credit: Prophsee Journals via Unsplash.com8. Learn About the History of Your Craft
Learn about how your creative craft originated, who the pioneers and greats were and how it has progressed over time. In every craft’s history, there is much inspiration to be found.
9. Research What Others in Your Field Are Doing
Learn about what other people in your creative field are doing. A quick Google search can be a great source of inspiration when you are low on ideas.
10. Listen to a New Type of Music
Seek out music that is different from what you usually listen to and try it out. What about jazz, classical, or rap?
Credit: Laura Chouette via Unsplash.
11. Try Meditating
Take some time to sit, be still and breathe. Our busy lives can sometimes leave us so frantic that it can be difficult to get inspired. By taking the time out to meditate, you’ll give your brain a chance to refresh.
12. Follow Ten People Who Inspire You on Twitter
We’ve all got creative idols. Go follow yours on Twitter and get inspired every day by their musings.
13. Give Yourself the Gift of Time
Don’t rush yourself. Give yourself a day to just be and do whatever comes to you. You might be surprised at the inspiration that strikes when you least expect it.
Credit: Laura Chouette via Unsplash.com14. Read an Inspiring Blog Post
Visit your favorite bloggers and read an inspiring post. There’s nothing like a few powerful words to spark your inspiration. Insert Lifehack article.
15. Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone
It’s easy to get stuck in a routine. Try something you’ve never done before that pushes you out of your comfort zone. By breaking the routine of your daily life, you’ll encourage the flow of ideas and increase motivation.
16. Watch a Great Film
There’s something powerful about a great film that can really get you thinking. Pick out a great film and absorb it fully.
Credit: Samuel Regan-Asante via Unsplash.com17. Read an Autobiography of Someone You Admire
Reading about the life of someone you admire can be greatly inspiring. Hearing about their struggles and triumphs can inspire you in your own work.
18. Google Creativity Quotes Online
The words of others can be powerful and inspirational. Google creativity quotes and pick out ten that you find inspiring. Keep them in your journal and read them whenever you need a boost.
19. Journal Your Thoughts
Journaling can be a powerful release and spark creative inspiration both now and in the future. Your journal is your special space to be open and free with your words, letting what is within shine through.
20. Ask Someone Their Greatest Life Lessons
Seeking the wisdom of others can be incredibly inspiring. Ask someone you admire what the greatest lessons they have learned so far, you might just find a nugget of gold in there.
21. Watch an Inspiring TED Talk
There are so many inspiring TED talks just waiting to be watched. From science to art, history to technology, whatever your creative thing is, there is a TED talk to inspire you.
22. Read One of the Classics
The classics are rightly named for a reason. Google ‘classic books’ and pick one to read this week.
Credit: Markus Spiske via Unsplash.com23. Experiment With Your Materials Without Pressure
Sit with your materials, experiment, and create whatever comes to mind without the pressure of deadlines or achieving a particular outcome. The process of experimentation is liberating and can spark some amazing ideas.

Hearing about other people’s creative projects can be incredibly inspiring. Ask your creative friends what they have been up to and get inspired by their enthusiasm and ideas.
25. Start Before the Inspiration Strikes
Sometimes to get inspired, you just need to start! Inspiration comes from doing, so get your materials out and start creating!
26. Give Yourself A Little Note
It can be as simple as you’re amazing. Put it somewhere visible where you can see it every day. Grab a whiteboard marker and write on your mirror. Add some doodles on the side to make it cute.
Credit: Howie R via Unsplash.com27. Talk A Stroll Down Memory Lane
Have you always wanted to visit your nursery school for some reason? Then, go ahead. It might be the inspiration you need.
28. Volunteer
There’s nothing more inspiring than volunteering to help someone else or supporting a cause that benefits others. You might not have the financial means to help someone out but when you volunteer, you give something invaluable, which is your time.
29. Travel
Travel by bus, train, plane, or whichever way you like. Being in transit gives you some headspace to ponder about life, and sometimes generate new ideas.
Credit: Redd via Unsplash.com30. Strike Up A Conversation With A Stranger
This one’s a hit or miss. But sometimes you get to talk to a random stranger and you instantly vibe with them and end up having a good conversation.
Final Thoughts
These are just some ideas to get you started. You don’t have to try much to get inspired. Just take a look around you, and learn to appreciate all the little things. Be creative; go out of your comfort zone; do something you’ve always wanted to do.
Featured photo credit: Marcelo Matarazzo via
How to inspire a man: top 6 tips
Table of contents:
With the right woman, a man can move mountains. How to become a muse? How to inspire your man? The good news is you can learn it.
Quite recently I gave a master class at one of the city festivals. And many of the women asked the same questions:
- How to inspire a man?
- What does it mean to inspire a man?
- What should I do?
In this article I want to share the main aspects that will teach you how to properly inspire a man.
back to index ↑Behind every great man is a great woman.
A woman is the main muse for a man. To inspire a man means to “breathe” desire into him. The desire to do things, to grow, to develop, to work, to earn money, the desire to get married, to buy a house, to have children, the desire to be devoted to your woman, and so on.
A woman contributes to the success of her beloved man. With warmth, care and love, she fills a man with her energy, and he turns this energy into the energy of prosperity, success and wealth.
Before becoming a muse for her lover, a woman should think about the main question: “What can a woman inspire a man to do?”, And then move on to the “points” of the art of inspiration. Among them, the main ones are the following.
Faith in a man
The belief that there is something special in him, that he can, he will do, that all the forces will be found, is capable of working miracles. But only if you believe from the heart.
Faith arises when you share the aspirations of a man, ready to support his goal. Then the acceptance of his inner aspirations appears inside. Your faith will inspire a man, creating space for him to create and go to his goal.
Belief in a man arises if you also believe in yourself - that you are unique, inimitable, that you have special qualities, talents that are in demand and needed by the world, that you will find millions of ways to realize them and put them into practice. When you believe that you can do everything, you will believe that a man is capable of actions and can achieve his goal.
The internal state is transmitted without words. If you believe in your man and that he is able to achieve a lot, then it will be so.
Imagine that you need to fall back with your eyes closed - into the arms of your man. Will it be easy for you to do this? Do you want to control whether he catches you or not?
The ability to trust a man is perhaps the most important aspect in a relationship that inspires a man. A mature relationship is when a woman is ready to trust, and a man is able to take responsibility for his woman. And, unfortunately, very often our men behave immaturely, weakly and irresponsibly through the fault of a woman. This is because a woman likes to do "everything herself." Sometimes women themselves are not ready to give all responsibility into men's hands. It always seems to them that he will do everything wrong, he thinks for a long time, does it slowly, does it completely wrong or does not do it at all. This is very sad, because such attention relaxes a man. This is the road to nowhere.
If you want to inspire a man, learn to trust him!
back to index ↑Acceptance as he is
Most women want to remake or change their man. We always strive to adjust it for ourselves: here a little bit to reduce, here - to add. After all, he is a fully formed person. It is very important for a man to feel inner freedom, to understand that a woman loves and accepts him as he is.
And we, women, forget that men do not change. It is we who belong to the water element, and internal and external changes are our native space. A man by nature is very static. And he is greatly hurt and humiliated by our rejection of him.
You can notice the weaknesses of your man, but consider them ordinary human shortcomings. Everyone has them. You may not agree with all his ideas, but you must respect his position and point of view. Perhaps you do not share all his interests and do not understand his desire for some goals, but give him the freedom to go towards them. You should accept all this and see the best in everything. By accepting a man, you accept his right to be himself. This inspires a man to action.
When he sees and feels that a woman accepts all of him without a trace and does not seek to change him, he is very grateful to her and is ready to give her in full.
Manhood Recognition
Deep in his heart, every man longs for admiration for his masculine qualities, ideas. This is one of his most pressing needs. A sincere word of admiration inspires, makes him feel like a real man.
Do you remember the basic law of energy? What we focus on, it multiplies. If you focus and see the shortcomings of a man, then, in the end, it may seem that you have a monster with you, who does not need to be inspired, but to run faster and further.
A woman can simply endow a man with strength, emphasizing and strengthening his strengths. Also, she can simply take away this power, pointing out all the shortcomings, reminding him what did not work out and how he could not do something.
The ability to see the strengths of a man, draw his attention to this, convey to him that he has a lot of positive qualities and he can successfully use them - one of the best ways to inspire your man.
Awakening sincere feelings in him
Men are by nature less sensitive, but this does not mean that they do not feel at all. They are just not used to paying attention and accepting emotions as much as women. It is feelings that inspire, ignite, give energy to act.
When a man discovers that he can feel more, it puzzles, then surprises, and then opens up a new unknown world in himself or in the woman who is next to him. And it was you who helped discover it. The energy of admiration ignites, gives wings.
Discover in a man something new, extraordinary, something that you have not noticed before and something that is worthy of admiration.
back to index ↑Gratitude
The last but the most important item to inspire a man. He just needs to know that you liked his act, that you are happy with his surprise, even if it is a small bouquet. If you learn to see the small, notice the imperceptible and give thanks for it, then the man will want to do something else for you, just to see your admiring eyes again and hear the words of gratitude.
Give thanks for what he does for you!
Be happy and inspired!
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Angela Lozyan
Psychologist. Body-Oriented Psychotherapist. Sexologist. Women's coach.
How to inspire a man? 9 tips for a wise woman
In every family there are difficult periods that need to be overcome together, by joining forces. And men often need support no less than women. They are just embarrassed to show it. If your life partner has lost confidence, here are 9useful tips on how to restore his fighting spirit and inspire a man to new achievements. It will not be difficult for a wise and sensitive woman to do this.
1. Don't get irritated for any reason.
Excessive tension between you will result only in quarrels and scandals. Therefore, try to suppress the feeling of discontent in yourself and learn to forget about reproaches at least for a while.
2. Don't give a man a reason to doubt his own abilities.

Be less critical of him and show that you will always be on his side (no matter what happens). In addition, a loved one should see that you are always ready for dialogue and help find a way out of this situation. This will help him regain his lost self-confidence.
3. Is your life partner far from ideal?
Perhaps he simply does not understand what exactly you expect from him. If from the first days you took on all the household duties, then do not blame him for the fact that the trash can is full and dirty socks are lying around anywhere. Distribute work around the house and clearly formulate your requests and wishes. Avoid hints, omissions, and silent games.
4. Encourage the endeavors of your loved one.
Do not scold for not very successful purchases. And gifts, on the contrary, accept with sincere joy - so you can inspire your man. If a loved one is constantly “cut”, he will lose the initiative and become inert. And then do not expect exploits from him.
5. Praise your man (especially in the presence of friends and acquaintances).
Let's understand that you like his mind (decisiveness, perseverance, appearance) and that you approve of his actions. By the way, men are greedy for praise, in this respect they are like children.
6. Do not drive a man into a rigid framework.
Respect his interests and hobbies. Fishing, billiards and beer are not crimes. And personal space is necessary for everyone (including you). In the absence of a loved one, do not call him every ten minutes. It's humiliating. And not only a man.
7. Don't lose your femininity.
A casual, homely look not only leads to a cooling of feelings, but also lowers your man's self-esteem. Who wants to have a slutty wife! That is why watch your appearance, buy good underwear and perfumes (or hint to your loved one that you want it). Be charming and attractive. In addition, you may be able to inspire your man and open a new page in your sexual relationship. After all, routine and habit are the most deadly in intimacy. Moreover, don't let your man lose his confidence in bed. For him, this is vital.
8. Never criticize your husband in front of your children.
This is fundamentally the wrong move. If there are claims to the spouse, find out the relationship alone with him. Mother-in-law also should not complain every time: it is not known what her reaction will be. After all, many mothers take the side of their son, regardless of whether he is right or not.
9. They say that "husband and wife are one Satan."
This means that together you are strong, and difficult times cannot destroy your union. But first decide if you want to be with this person. If contempt has not unreasonably crept into your attitude towards him, then it will be difficult to save the situation.
It is believed that men rule this world. But in the hands of a woman are concentrated all the possibilities to direct life in one direction or another.