How to unwind from stress
Easy Ways to Relax, Recharge, and Vanquish Stress
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Read more about our vetting process.There’s no doubt that today’s modern lifestyle can be stressful. Between work, family, and social obligations, it can be hard to make time for yourself. But it’s important to find the time.
Relaxing can help keep you healthy, in both your body and mind, helping you recover from the everyday stresses that life throws at you. Luckily, no matter how busy you are, it’s simple to learn how to create time for chilling and also how to best relax.
When it comes to relaxation strategies, the easier the better! If you can find five minutes of your day for yourself, you can easily slip in a simple relaxation strategy. Here are some easy ways to help relax:
- Breathe it out. Breathing exercises are one of the simplest relaxation strategies, and can effectively calm your stressed-out body and mind anywhere at any time. Sit or lay down in a quiet and safe place such as on your bed or the floor in your home and put one of your hands on your belly. Breathe in to a slow count of three, and then breathe out to the same slow count of three.
Feel your belly rise and fall as you breathe in and out. Repeat five times, or as long as you need to feel relaxed.
- Release physical tension. When we feel mentally stressed, we often feel physically stressed as well. Releasing any physical tension can help relieve stress in your body and mind. Lay on a soft surface, such as your bed, a carpet, or a yoga mat. Tense up one part of your body at a time, and then slowly release your muscles. As you do this, notice how your body sensations change. Many people start either with the muscles in their face or those their toes, and then work their way through the muscles across their bodies to the opposite end. Shop for a yoga mat
- Write down your thoughts. Getting things off your mind by writing them down may help you relax. When you feel stressed, take a few minutes to write down some short notes about how you’re feeling or how your day is going. You might do this in a notebook or in a notes app on your smartphone.
Don’t worry about being poetic or spelling everything correctly. Just focus on expressing yourself to help release some of your stress. Shop for a journal
- Make a list. Making a list about what you’re grateful for can help some people feel relaxed. Experts say that when we’re stressed, we tend to focus on the negative parts of life rather than the positive. Thinking about the positive parts of your life and writing them down may help you chill out. Try to think of three good things that happened to you today and write them down, even if they’re small things like getting to work on time or eating a delicious lunch. Shop for a gratitude book
- Visualize your calm. Have you ever heard the expression “find your happy place”? Sit in a quiet and safe place, such as your bedroom, and begin to think about a place in the world where you feel most calm. Close your eyes and imagine all the details linked to that place: the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile feelings.
For example, if you think of the beach, you might imagine calm waves, the sound of children playing in the sand, the smell of sunscreen, the taste of cool ice cream and the feel of gritty sand under your feet. The more you get into your visualization, the more you can relax.
- Connect to nature. Spending just a few minutes in nature when you feel stressed may help you relax. When you’re feeling stressed, take a step outside and go for a short walk, or simply sit in nature. But you don’t necessarily need to be in nature to feel its stress-reducing effects. Scientists have found that simply looking at images of nature with greenery for five minutes on a computer screen can help calm you down. So, thanks to technology, even people living and working in big cities far from nature can still experience its calming effects. Shop for nature sounds
Relaxation isn’t just for adults: It’s important for kids and teens too. If you sense your child needs to relax, help him or her through these exercises. Better yet, get involved in these easy relaxation exercises with your child. This can help encourage self-regulation and relaxing behavior in your child.
There are many benefits to keeping your brain and body relaxed. Relaxation balances out the negative mental and physical effects of stress that we all experience every day.
Positive effects of relaxation
- the ability to think more clearly and make better decisions
- the power to better resist future stressors
- a more positive outlook on life and your experiences
- a healthier body, with a slower breathing rate, more relaxed muscles, and reduced blood pressure
- a reduced risk of heart attack, autoimmune disease, mental health disorders, and other stress-related illnesses
Children who are encouraged to take up relaxing behaviors tend to be better focused and have an easier time learning than children who are more stressed. They may also be more cooperative and experience fewer social and behavioral issues in school.
Stress is a part of everyday life. It can be a helpful thing that motivates people to act, and can even save your life in a dangerous situation. Most stresses we experience are small, like getting caught in traffic on the way to a party or losing an earring on the train to work.
The same helpful “fight-or-flight” instincts we get from these small stressful events in our life can backfire on us if we don’t take time to relax. Relaxation doesn’t just feel good, it’s also important for good health.
Stress from work, family, social obligations, and even exercise will wear you out over time if you don’t set aside time to relax. Some of the negative effects of not relaxing enough include:
Risks of too much stress
- frequent headaches and pain throughout the body
- sleeping problems, such as insomnia or nightmares
- forgetfulness and confusion
- chest pain and heart problems
- stress-related illness
- increased or decreased appetite, often with weight gain or loss
- social isolation and loneliness
- increased use of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol
- crying spells and feelings of depression, sometimes with thoughts of suicide
- loss of interest in punctuality and appearance
- increased irritability and overreaction to small annoyances
- poor performance at work or in school
Stress may be a universal part of life, but that doesn’t mean you should let it get the best of you. Take charge and control your stress by learning how to relax.
Reach for a simple relaxation exercise when you feel stressed, and encourage your child to do the same if you notice they’re feeling stressed out. Even if you don’t feel very stressed, practicing relaxation exercises daily can be a good preventative measure for keeping stress away in the first place.
If relaxation exercises are not helping reduce your stress, you should seek the help of a mental health professional. They’ll be able to recommend a specific treatment plan suited to your needs.
Call 911 or the toll-free National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) if you’re having thoughts of suicide.
15 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety
Engaging in activities that support self-care may help reduce stress and anxiety. These can include exercise and mindfulness practices.
Stress and anxiety are common experiences for many people. In fact, millions of adults in the United States say they feel stress or anxiety daily.
Many people deal with stress every day. Work, family issues, health concerns, and financial obligations are parts of everyday life that commonly contribute to heightened stress levels.
What’s more, factors such as genetics, level of social support, coping style, and personality type influence a person’s vulnerability to stress, meaning that some people are more likely to become stressed than others (1, 2, 3).
Plus, research shows that parents, people in professions such as healthcare and social work, People of Color, and LGBTQIA+ individuals are more likely to have higher stress levels (4, 5, 6, 7).
Minimizing the chronic stress of daily life as much as possible is important for overall health. That’s because chronic stress harms health and increases your risk of health conditions such as heart disease, anxiety disorders, and depression (8, 9, 10).
It’s important to understand that stress isn’t the same as mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression, which require treatment from medical professionals. Although the tips below may relieve many types of stress, they may not help people with these conditions (11).
Here are 15 evidence-based ways to relieve stress.
If you’re feeling stressed, moving your body on a consistent basis may help.
A 6-week study in 185 university students found that participating in aerobic exercise 2 days per week significantly reduced overall perceived stress and perceived stress due to uncertainty. Plus, the exercise routine significantly improved self-reported depression (12).
Many other studies have shown that engaging in physical activity helps reduce stress levels and improve mood, while sedentary behavior may lead to increased stress, poor mood, and sleep disturbances (13, 14).
What’s more, regular exercise has been shown to improve symptoms of common mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression (15, 16).
If you’re currently inactive, start with gentle activities such as walking or biking. Choosing an activity that you enjoy may help increase your chances of sticking to it in the long term.
SummaryRegular exercise may help reduce stress and improve symptoms related to common mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.
Your diet affects every aspect of your health, including your mental health.
Studies show that people who follow a diet high in ultra-processed foods and added sugar are more likely to experience higher perceived stress levels (17, 18, 19).
Being chronically stressed may lead you to overeat and reach for highly palatable foods, which may harm your overall health and mood.
Plus, not eating enough nutrient-dense whole foods may increase your risk of deficiencies in nutrients that are essential for regulating stress and mood, such as magnesium and B vitamins (20).
Minimizing your intake of highly processed foods and beverages and eating more whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, fish, nuts, and seeds can help ensure that your body is properly nourished. In turn, this may improve your resilience to stress.
SummaryFollowing a nutrient-dense diet and limiting ultra-processed foods may provide your body with the nutrients it needs for optimal health and decrease your risk of deficiencies in nutrients that help regulate stress.
Smartphones, computers, and tablets are an unavoidable part of everyday life for many people.
While these devices are often necessary, using them too often may increase stress levels.
A number of studies have linked excessive smartphone use and “iPhone addiction” with increased levels of stress and mental health disorders (21, 22, 23, 24).
Spending too much time in front of screens in general is associated with lower psychological well-being and increased stress levels in both adults and kids (25, 26, 27).
Furthermore, screen time may negatively affect sleep, which may also lead to increased stress levels (28).
SummaryMinimizing screen time may help reduce stress and improve sleep in both children and adults.
Several vitamins and minerals play an important role in your body’s stress response and mood regulation. As such, a deficiency in one or more nutrients may affect your mental health and ability to cope with stress.
Plus, some studies show that certain dietary supplements may help reduce stress and improve mood.
For example, when you’re chronically stressed, your magnesium levels may become depleted.
Since this mineral plays an important role in your body’s stress response, it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough each day. Supplementing with magnesium has been shown to improve stress in chronically stressed people (20, 29).
An 8-week study in 264 people with low magnesium found that taking 300 mg of this mineral daily helped reduce stress levels. Combining this dose of magnesium with vitamin B6 was even more effective (30).
Other supplements, including rhodiola, ashwagandha, B vitamins, and L-theanine, have been shown to help reduce stress as well (31, 32, 33, 34).
However, dietary supplements may not be appropriate or safe for everyone. Consult a healthcare professional if you’re interested in using supplements to help relieve stress.
SummaryCertain supplements may reduce stress levels, including magnesium, L-theanine, rhodiola, and B vitamins.
Setting aside time to practice self-care may help reduce your stress levels. Practical examples include:
- going for a walk outside
- taking a bath
- lighting candles
- reading a good book
- exercising
- preparing a healthy meal
- stretching before bed
- getting a massage
- practicing a hobby
- using a diffuser with calming scents
- practicing yoga
Studies show that people who engage in self-care report lower levels of stress and improved quality of life, while a lack of self-care is associated with higher risk of stress and burnout (35, 36, 37).
Taking time for yourself is essential in order to live a healthy life. This is especially important for people who tend to be highly stressed, including nurses, doctors, teachers, and caretakers.
Self-care doesn’t have to be elaborate or complicated. It simply means tending to your well-being and happiness.
Exposure to certain scents via candles or essential oils may be especially calming. Here are a few relaxing scents:
- lavender
- rose
- vetiver
- bergamot
- Roman chamomile
- neroli
- frankincense
- sandalwood
- ylang-ylang
- orange or orange blossom
- geranium
Using scents to boost your mood is called aromatherapy. Several studies suggest that aromatherapy can decrease anxiety and improve sleep (38, 39).
SummarySelf-care is an important part of managing stress. A few simple strategies you may want to try are yoga, lighting candles, taking baths, and reading a good book.
Caffeine is a chemical found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks that stimulates your central nervous system.
Consuming too much may worsen and increase feelings of anxiety (40, 41).
Plus, overconsumption may harm your sleep. In turn, this may increase stress and anxiety symptoms (42).
People have different thresholds for how much caffeine they can tolerate. If you notice that caffeine makes you jittery or anxious, consider cutting back by replacing coffee or energy drinks with decaffeinated herbal tea or water.
Although many studies show that coffee is healthy in moderation, it’s recommended to keep caffeine intake under 400 mg per day, which equals 4–5 cups (0.9–1.2 L) of coffee (43).
Still, people who are sensitive to caffeine may experience increased anxiety and stress after consuming much less caffeine than this, so it’s important to consider your individual tolerance.
SummaryLarge amounts of caffeine may increase stress and anxiety, although people’s sensitivity to caffeine varies greatly.
Social support from friends and family may help you get through stressful times and cope with stress (44).
A study that in 163 Latinx young adults in college associated lower levels of support from friends, family, and romantic partners with loneliness, depressive symptoms, and perceived stress (44).
Having a social support system is important for your overall mental health. If you’re feeling alone and don’t have friends or family to depend on, social support groups may help. Consider joining a club or sports team or volunteering for a cause that’s important to you.
SummaryHaving strong social ties may help you get through stressful times and is important for overall mental well-being.
Not all stressors are within your control, but some are. Putting too much on your plate may increase your stress load and limit the amount of time you can spend on self-care.
Taking control over your personal life may help reduce stress and protect your mental health.
One way to do this may be to say “no” more often. This is especially true if you find yourself taking on more than you can handle, because juggling many responsibilities may leave you feeling overwhelmed.
Being selective about what you take on — and saying “no” to things that will unnecessarily add to your load — can reduce your stress levels.
Plus, creating boundaries — especially with people who add to your stress levels — is a healthy way to protect your well-being. This can be as simple as asking a friend or family member not to stop by unannounced or canceling standing plans with a friend who tends to create drama.
SummaryIt’s important to create healthy boundaries in your life by declining to take on more than you can handle. Saying “no” is one way to control your stressors.
Another way to take control of your stress is to stay on top of your priorities and avoid procrastinating.
Procrastination may harm your productivity and leave you scrambling to catch up. This can cause stress, which negatively affects your health and sleep quality (45, 46).
A study in 140 medical students in China linked procrastination to increased stress levels. The study also associated procrastination and delayed stress reactions with more negative parenting styles, including punishment and rejection (46).
If you find yourself procrastinating regularly, it may be helpful to get in the habit of making a to-do list organized by priority. Give yourself realistic deadlines and work your way down the list.
Work on the things that need to get done today and give yourself chunks of uninterrupted time. Switching between tasks or multitasking can be stressful in itself.
SummaryIf you find yourself regularly procrastinating, staying on top of your to-do list may help ward off related stress.
Yoga has become a popular method of stress relief and exercise among all age groups.
While yoga styles differ, most share a common goal — to join your body and mind by increasing body and breath awareness.
Several studies show that yoga helps reduce stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Plus, it can promote psychological well-being (47, 48, 49).
These benefits seem to be related to its effect on your nervous system and stress response.
Yoga may help lower cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate while increasing levels of gamma aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter that’s low in people with mood disorders (49, 50).
SummaryYoga is widely used for stress reduction. It may help lower stress hormone levels and blood pressure.
Mindfulness describes practices that anchor you to the present moment.
Stress reduction techniques that utilize mindfulness include meditation and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), a type of cognitive behavioral therapy (51).
Meditating on a consistent basis, even for short periods, may help boost your mood and decrease symptoms of stress and anxiety (52).
If you’d like to try out meditation, countless books, apps, and websites can teach you the basics. There may also be therapists in your area who specialize in MBCT.
SummaryMindfulness practices such as meditation and MBCT may help reduce stress levels and improve mood.
Human touch may have a calming effect and help you better cope with stress (53).
For example, studies show that positive physical contact and sex may help relieve stress and loneliness (54, 55).
These types of contact may help release oxytocin and lower cortisol. In turn, these effects help lower blood pressure and heart rate. Both high blood pressure and increased heart rate are physical symptoms of stress (56).
Interestingly, humans aren’t the only animals that cuddle for stress relief. Chimpanzees also cuddle friends that are stressed (57).
SummaryPositive touch from cuddling, hugging, kissing, and sex may help lower stress by releasing oxytocin and lowering blood pressure.
Spending more time outside may help reduce stress.
Studies show that spending time in green spaces such as parks and forests and being immersed in nature are healthy ways to manage stress (58, 59).
A review of 14 studies found that spending as little as 10 minutes in a natural setting may help improve psychological and physiological markers of mental well-being, including perceived stress and happiness, in college-aged people (59).
Hiking and camping are great options, but some people don’t enjoy — or have access to — these activities. Even if you live in an urban area, you can seek out green spaces such as local parks, arboretums, and botanical gardens.
SummarySpending more time outside — whether at your local park or atop a mountain — may help reduce levels of stress and boost your mood.
Mental stress activates your sympathetic nervous system, sending your body into fight-or-flight mode.
During this reaction, stress hormones trigger physical symptoms such as a faster heartbeat, quicker breathing, and constricted blood vessels.
Deep breathing exercises may help activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which controls the relaxation response (60, 61).
Deep breathing exercises include diaphragmatic breathing, abdominal breathing, belly breathing, and paced respiration.
The goal of deep breathing is to focus your awareness on your breath, making it slower and deeper. When you breathe in deeply through your nose, your lungs fully expand and your belly rises. This helps slow your heart rate, allowing you to feel at peace.
SummaryDeep breathing activates your body’s relaxation response, thereby counteracting some of the physical sensations of stress.
Having a pet may help reduce stress and improve your mood.
When you cuddle or touch your pet, your body releases oxytocin — a hormone that’s linked to positive mood (62).
Plus, studies show that pet owners — especially those who have dogs — tend to have greater life satisfaction, better self-esteem, reduced levels of loneliness and anxiety, and more positive moods (63).
Having a pet may also help relieve stress by giving you purpose, keeping you active, and providing companionship.
SummarySpending time with your pet is a relaxing, enjoyable way to reduce stress.
Although stress is an unavoidable part of life, being chronically stressed takes a toll on your physical and mental health.
Fortunately, several evidence-based strategies can help you reduce stress and improve your overall psychological well-being.
Exercise, mindfulness, spending time with a pet, minimizing screen time, and getting outside more often are all effective methods.
Just one thing
Try this today: Although there are many ways to reduce stress on your own, it’s important to get help when you need it.
If you’re experiencing overwhelming stress or symptoms of anxiety and depression, consider making an appointment with a therapist or visiting a trusted healthcare professional to discuss ways to improve your mental health.
Read this article in Spanish.
13 Ways to Quickly Relieve Stress and Increase Productivity in the Workplace
Even if you love your job, you probably feel like a lemon from time to time. New messages are pouring into your inbox, managers and colleagues are demanding an account from you, you are forced to search for the necessary information on the network, and at the same time, even more important and urgent matters are constantly being found. Even the level of light and air temperature in the office can become sources of additional stress. All these factors overlap, and now you are already suffering from a headache, seizing anxiety and tossing and turning from side to side at night, unable to sleep.
But no matter how easily stress builds up during the day, you can just as easily resist it from the comfort of your desk. Try these 13 ways to help reduce stress, improve your mood, and increase productivity at work.
1. Write down your concerns
Whether you're anxious about preparing an important presentation or the results of a future project, simply writing down your concerns can help reduce stress and improve productivity. Worrying about an evolving situation impairs short-term memory by draining your brain's "processor" power. By writing down problems, you stop replaying them over and over again in your head and identify the true sources of stress. As a result, your short-term memory resources will be freed up, and you will be able to perform more efficiently when the need arises.
2. Watch funny videos
Laughter not only helps to unwind and clears the mind, but also reduces the stress response. It reduces blood pressure and pulse rate, improves blood circulation, relaxes muscles and promotes the production of endorphins. And it not only helps fight stress, but also enhances creativity and productivity.
3. Turn off the monitor for 10 minutes
Computer and smartphone monitors, TV screens attract our attention from the moment we wake up until we go to bed. The resulting computer vision syndrome leads to eye fatigue, headache and neck pain, nausea, and increased anxiety and depression. So try to switch off as often as possible - literally. Instead of checking out social media during your break or texting a friend, turn off your monitor, close your laptop, and let your eyes rest. Read a book or magazine, go for a walk (don't play Pokemon Go!) or make yourself a cup of coffee and chat with a colleague.
4. Try Progressive Muscle Relaxation
This relaxation technique relieves muscle tension resulting from stress. You need to tense and then relax the main muscle groups for five seconds each. This will help slow your breathing and heart rate, stabilize your blood pressure, and help you relax.
5. Pet the dog (or go to a dog park)
Playing with your dog helps lower blood pressure, releases good mood hormones like oxytocin, and reduces the stress hormone cortisol. By the way, dogs are great listeners, so you can safely share your worries with them without fear that they will judge you.
6. Snack but don't
overeat We are often advised not to stress eat, but sometimes you can treat yourself to a treat without harming your figure. In fact, a healthy snack contributes to a slight increase in blood sugar and, as a result, a good mood. The main thing is not to reach for a box of donuts, but to choose foods that have proven to be effective in combating stress, such as berries, nuts, dark chocolate and oatmeal. Also, do not forget to eat slowly, enjoying every bite, and not chew on the run.
7. Breathe deeply
You don't have to go to a yoga studio to experience the benefits of deep breathing, which can lower blood pressure, help you relax and calm your nervous system. Plus, it's a great way to relieve stress—quickly, efficiently, and discreetly, even in a crowded office. Just inhale for four counts and then exhale for four counts.
8. Listen to music
Music, especially classical music, is a powerful tool in dealing with stress, helping to lower heart rate, blood pressure and levels of harmful stress hormones. It also improves mood and self-esteem. (I offer for example my personal stress-relieving playlist. Share your playlists in the comments!)
9. Take up meditation
Recent studies have shown that a few minutes of meditation a day can have a significant impact on stress levels. What's more, meditation improves attention and mental performance, and even increases the density of gray matter in the brain. You can download a free meditation app like Calm, listen to meditation podcasts on iTunes, or watch YouTube videos to carve out a few moments of peace right at your desk.
10. Look out the window
Take a few minutes to just look out the window and mark. Admiring nature (real nature, not the picture on the monitor) helps to relax and slow down the heartbeat, and by dreaming, you unleash your creativity and can find an unexpected solution to the problem.
11. Remember what is important to you
Do you have a gratitude journal? Don't be too quick to dismiss the idea — keeping a gratitude journal reduced stress levels by 27% in a group of Stanford University students, and recent research from Yale and Columbia University found that using gratitude journals increased attention, receptivity, and energy, as well as boosting the immune system. system and reduce anxiety.
12. Call friends
When you communicate with a close friend, your body's production of the stress hormone cortisol decreases, and talking with a loved one can trigger the so-called "relaxation response". So the next time you're worried about signing a new client, call a friend or mom.
13. Take up a soothing hobby
Solve Sudoku, spend ten minutes knitting, read a chapter of a detective novel, take care of a bonsai plant - whatever your hobby, it helps you take your mind off work and focus on your favorite activity, which means it is an excellent opportunity to reduce anxiety and stress levels.
The all-in-one way to reduce stress
Instead of fighting stress, reduce it in any way possible by organizing your workflow. Try Wrike project management software to increase your productivity at work and get your projects done on time without stress.
17 ways to protect yourself from stress
Ministry of Health of the Astrakhan region
Center for Medical Prevention
17 ways to protect yourself from stress
Stress Prevention is an important condition for preserving
of emotional health. And it is important to follow the general principles
to increase the level of resistance to stressful situations.
This will prolong your life and increase its level several times.
Here are ways to control unpleasant experiences:
1. Take everything easy
You should not take everything to heart and worry about every trifle. Learn to calmly perceive any events in your life. Imagine that you are a sieve, or a cloud, and all stresses pass through you without leaving a trace.
2. Learn to think positively
If you are under stress, positive thinking will help you. Its essence is that you need to concentrate on positive thoughts and memories.
3. Use switching methods
Do you have unpleasant thoughts? Don't give them power. Switch. Shift your focus to the outside world. See what makes you happy. Concentrate on what you see and hear in the moment.
4. Release negative emotions
Suppressed emotions increase stress and can lead to depression. So let's get them out. Naturally, this must be done in a positive way. So as not to harm others. For example, beat pillows or engage in forgiveness.
5. Laugh more
Laughter is the best prevention of stress. Don't neglect her. Watch comedies, use laughter therapy, smile at passers-by.
6. Exercise
Sports help you cope with stress. Therefore, if you want to maintain emotional health, sign up for your favorite sports section and enjoy regular workouts.
7. Be grateful for what you have
Gratitude is a very good way to prevent stress. Instead of constant dissatisfaction, you will begin to enjoy what you have.
8. Relax
This method is very useful. All doctors and psychologists recommend daily autogenic training for 10-30 minutes to prevent stress.
9. Take a trip
One of my acquaintances was experiencing chronic stress related to anxiety about her health and being fired from her job. Her lover gave her a ticket to Mexico. After her return, she is unrecognizable. She left all the stresses in another country. Give it a try if you love to travel.
By the way, it is not necessary to go to another country, you can do tourism even in your hometown.
10. Take a bath
Great for relaxing. Especially with essential oils.
11. Be outdoors
Outdoors is recommended for everyone without exception. Therefore, make it a habit for yourself to walk the streets of your native city every day for an hour. It is even better to take walks in the forest or park.
12. Use auto-suggestion
Choose the right affirmation for you and say it aloud or to yourself as often as possible, tuning in to the right wave. For example, if you are worried at work, you can say the following formula: "Inside and around me, peace and harmony."
13. Find a hobby
A favorite hobby is a wonderful stress prevention. So ask yourself: What do I like to do? Perhaps write poetry, cook culinary masterpieces or study psychology. Got the answer. Fine. And now, without delay, proceed to an interesting lesson.
14. Make a list of things that make you happy
Take a few minutes to write down your favorite pastimes that make you happy. These classes are your salvation from stress.
14. Dream and fantasize
There is a technique in positive psychology called Visualization. Its essence is that you dream about what you want, do it with pleasure and in the present tense. And then you get what you drew in your imagination.
16. Keep a diary
The diary helps you understand yourself, analyze your life and find a way out of difficult situations.