What my worth
Self Worth
Self-worth is the internal sense of being good enough and worthy of love and belonging from others. Self-worth is often confused with self-esteem, which relies on external factors such as successes and achievements to define worth and can often be inconsistent leading to someone struggling with feeling worthy. Whereas it is important to have a solid understanding of our strengths and areas for growth, we also need to feel good enough even when we make mistakes or things do not workout in our life as we had hoped. How would you describe your self-worth right now?
Think about:
- What words would you use to describe yourself?
- What value did you place on yourself or aspects of yourself?
- Were your descriptions generally positive, balanced, or negative?
- Where did your messages around your worth come from?
Low self-worth is having a generally negative overall opinion of oneself, judging, or evaluating oneself critically, and placing a general negative value on oneself as a person. People with low self-worth often criticize themselves and abilities, brush off compliments or positive qualities, focus on mistakes, what they didn't do, or what other people seem to do or have. Sometimes, low self-worth is the result of difficult childhood experiences where a child is led to believe that they are not good enough and this narrative sticks with them into adulthood. This low self-worth may manifest in different ways for people.
- In school or work, may avoid challenges and achieve less
- In personal relationships, may become upset or distressed by any criticism or disapproval.
- They may bend over backwards to please others
- Be extremely shy or self-conscious
- Avoid or withdraw from intimacy, vulnerability, or social contact
- Less likely to stand up for themselves from being abused or neglected
There are many ways you can increase your self-worth. Self-compassion is a wonderful place to start. Self-compassion is the ability to be kind to yourself and actually say and do kind things towards ourselves the same way we would a good friend versus being self-critical. We can remember and remind ourselves that everyone makes mistakes and is imperfect as this is what makes us all humans. You have to start by noticing that you are struggling and allow yourself to sit with whatever emotions may arise from situations. The resources below may help in gaining insight into what impacts your self-worth and increasing your self-worth with self-compassion and other methods acceptance and healing.
- Self-Compassion
- Self-Worth Blog- PsychAlive
- Self-Compassion Meditations and Exercises
- Self-Worth from Positive Psychology
- Free Self-Compassion Workbook and Handouts
- Free Self-Esteem Workbook and Handouts
- Self-Esteem Pamphlet
- Center for Mindful Self-Compassion
- Self-Compassion Exercises from Positive Psychology
- Recovering from Shame Pamphlet
- How I learned to love myself as a Black Woman
- Video: The Space between Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion
- Video: Dare to Rewire your Brain for Self-Compassion
- Video: Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth
- Video: Self-Compassion Exercise
- Video: Overcoming Objections to Self-Compassion
- Video: I am not your Asian Stereotype
- Podcast: Being Well, Self-Compassion
- Podcast: Insights from the Edge, Compassionate Abiding
- Podcast: Insights from the Edge, The Liberating Power of Self-Compassion
- Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself
- The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook
- The Gifts of Imperfection: Let go of who you think you are supposed to be and embrace who you are
- How to be Nice to Yourself
- The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion
- Healing your Emotional Self
- You can Heal your Life
13 Things That Don't Determine Your Self-Worth

For years, I’ve wondered about my worth.
It all started after I watched the movie The Joy Luck Club. In one scene, the mother tells her daughter a story about worth. The mother explains, “My mother not know her worth until too late; too late for her, but not for me. Now, we will see if not too late for you, hmm?”
The movie made me think: How do I know my worth, and how do I know it before it’s too late?
Do You Know Your Worth?
Self-worth is how you value yourself. It’s not based on what others think of you or the things you have (or haven’t) accomplished—it comes from within. But it’s easy to forget that our worth isn’t determined by outside forces.
In an article for Psychology Today, Amy Morin, L.C.S.W., a psychotherapist, explains that we constantly measure our worth, but we’re often not aware of how we do it. Sometimes it's by our careers, our appearance, other times by our relationship—she compares this method to measuring our height with a random stick.
We constantly measure our worth, but we’re often not aware of how we do it.
“When it comes to measuring self-worth, many people use something just as unreliable as a random stick,” Morin writes. “You may not even consciously think about what type of stick you use to measure your self-worth. But it's likely that, deep down, you know. After all, when you feel like you're measuring up, you feel good about yourself. But when you feel as though you've fallen short, your self-esteem likely plummets.”
So often, the “stick” we’re using to measure our worth exists outside our control. We measure our worth based on the X’s on our to-do list, the number of matches on a dating app, the likes on our latest Instagram post, the promotions we receive—the list goes on and on. We tend to notice how our sense of self-worth affects us (aka those “I’m not good enough” feelings), but we rarely stop and think about how we’re doing our calculations.
We notice how our sense of self-worth affects us, but we rarely stop and think about how we're doing our calculations.
How we measure our worth affects the kind of life we live, according to Morin. And when we let other people and things determine our worth? It sets us up for a rollercoaster of emotions. That's why the best “measuring stick” we can use is one that we control.
“Use a measuring stick based on factors you can control—not the external events in your life,” Morin says. “When you know who you are—and you're pleased with the person you've become—you'll experience a sense of peace through life's inevitable ups and downs. You'll believe in yourself regardless of whether you've been fired, gone through a divorce, or failed to get a promotion.”
"When you know who you are—and you're pleased with the person you've become—you'll experience a sense of peace through life's inevitable ups and downs." - Amy Morin
I’ve learned this lesson the hard way. I’m a people pleaser, and I let that determine my worth for the longest time. I always felt like I had to prove myself as worthy of everyone for everything. I did things that made others happier than it made me. I did this so often that I lost track of what I valued.
Thankfully, I recently realized that this "measuring stick" set me up for disappointment. I decided that what made me happy mattered more than pleasing others. I’m still a work in progress, but I now try to measure my self-worth based on my own sense of self rather than how other people perceive me. It’s a tactic Morin suggests, too.
“Instead of chasing things that temporarily boost your self-esteem, measure your self-worth by who you are at your core,” she writes.
When you need a reminder to detach yourself from other self-worth “measuring sticks,” here are 13 things that don’t determine your value in this world.
13 Things That
Don’t Determine Your Self-Worth1. Your To-Do List
Crossing off items on your to-do list is a satisfying feeling, but you can’t let the number of things you crossed off your list (or the number of things you don’t) control your worth.
“While it's normal to feel proud of your accomplishments, basing your entire self-worth on your achievement is like building a house on an unsteady foundation,” Morin writes. “You'll need to experience constant success to feel good about yourself—and that means you'll likely avoid doing things where you could fail.”
2. Your Job
No matter the type of job you have or how much you love (or hate) it, your job doesn’t define who you are as a person.
So what if you don’t have a million Insta followers or Twitter retweets? In this digital world, it can feel like that number determines your value, but you’re more complex than what anyone can see on a screen.
4. Your Age
Speaking of numbers, your age is just a number. Some people may say you’re too young or too old, but that’s just who you are at the moment, so just be.
5. Your Appearance
If you want to change the way you look, do it for you. But know that your physical appearance shouldn’t define how worthy you are. “A beautiful body or a handsome face won't last forever,” Morin writes. “Hair loss, wrinkles, and a middle-age spread can feel catastrophic for someone whose self-worth depends on their physical appearance.”
6. Other People
I’m guilty of comparing myself to others who have the same job title as me and others my age. But I’ve learned I have to manifest in my own lane—and so should you.
Manifest in your own lane.
You do you. Let them do them. Sometimes others may pass you on this road called life and that’s OK. We’re all traveling at different speeds.
7. How Far You Can Run
Ever tell yourself you’ll run a mile and then beat yourself up when you weren’t able to? It happens, but know that your worth comes from trying at all, not how quickly you crush a goal.
8. Your Grades
Maybe tests freak you out or school is just really difficult. Your grades don’t determine your intelligence, and they don’t measure things like your dedication and integrity.
9. The Number of Friends You Have
The more friends the merrier? Sometimes. But whether you have a ton of friends or just a couple, what matters is how you treat one another and if you can turn to them in times of need.
Single schmingle. It doesn’t mean you’re not worthy of love or of being loved—it means you’re doing you and focusing on loving yourself.
11. The Money (or Lack Thereof) in the Bank
Whether you’re a billionaire or don’t have much in your wallet, the amount of money you have or are making doesn’t define your worth. “Going deep into debt to create a façade of wealth backfires in the end because while goods and services have monetary value, they don't reflect your value as a human being,” Morin writes.
12. Your Likes
I’m not talking about Facebook likes, but your personal likes, such as your taste in music or movies. Like what you like, whether it may be considered “high art” or “low art.”
13. Anything or Anyone But Yourself
Bottom line: Your worth is entirely up to you. You are worthy because you say you're worthy and because you believe it. Look within, and trust that you are enough.
Read more: Read This If You Ever Find Yourself Doubting Your Worth
"What am I worth?" A question that allows you to find strength
Know yourself
The question "what am I worth?" we ask most often at turning points. For example, when we choose a place of work and analyze our professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Or when you need to demonstrate strength of character in a difficult situation. But there are crisis situations when we evaluate not qualities and skills, but our whole path as a whole. We ask why our life is so difficult, does not give gifts, contains so much pain and suffering. And what is its meaning?
The exercise I offer to clients in this situation is called Jewel. You need to come up with an answer - draw, mold, compose a poem or dance the answer to the question "What is my value?". When we shift the focus from what life owes us to ourselves, a lot changes. How do I feel about my own life and what unique things do I bring to this world? The man recalls the support he gives to friends, that many projects would not have taken place without his ideas, and his family would have been completely different without him.
One of my clients was a teenage girl in a difficult situation. Her mother died, circumstances did not allow her to continue her studies in the 10th grade, there were many changes ahead. She complained that life was unfair to her, so I asked her to do the Jewel exercise.
The creative process opens up access to our hidden treasures, and it is our important task to comprehend and accept them.
She painted a sapphire with hands depicted on the central facet. She began to talk about how she needed support. To my cautious question: “What can you offer life?” she thought for a moment and said, “I always tried to take care of my mother when she was sick and supported her. But I always support others, and I like it.”
She suddenly froze for a minute, and then said: “Those hands in the picture are probably not accidental: I remembered how I saved a girl I didn't know. We were walking in the winter by the river, and suddenly I saw a girl fall through the ice. I don’t know why I did this: I didn’t think, I just ran up, lay down on the ice and pulled her out.”
The girl entered the College of Psychology. Then she told me that it was then that she realized that the support of people is the main value of her life.
Art and Logotherapy allows you to find meaning through creativity and art. The creative process opens up access to our hidden treasures, and understanding and accepting them is an important task that will help answer the question “What am I worth?”.
About the author
Tatyana Popova — psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the Department of Psychotherapy and Psychological Counseling of the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, senior researcher of the laboratory of counseling psychology and psychotherapy, professor of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “PI RAO”.
Photo source: Getty Images
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It's already late: after midnight. In a huge room in a large armchair (this is an old “Voltaire” chair, somewhat strange among all the modern furniture in the room) sits a Woman (what is called “still a young woman”).
She (sitting in a chair, very comfortable, with legs, and chatting, chatting on the phone). I had a dream... My ex-beloved Sasha boarded an airship and flew along Vernadsky Avenue... But at that moment you called, and I still didn't know if it had crashed... Ha-ha-ha... ( Listens to the answer) Well, what are you, for me the most desired call is after midnight... At this time I eat, drink tea... and call, call on the phone After midnight it is always busy for me... Ha-ha-ha...
Piercing whistle .
Wait, I'll take off the kettle, otherwise he's screaming in the kitchen like a child with a hernia... ( Listens to .) It's good for you to say: "Pay no attention", and he will spit his precious spout on the stove - and again I'm without a kettle . Ha ha ha! ( Throws down the phone on the armchair, leaves. Returns with a cup of tea. Drinking tea, he continues to talk on the phone, but only in a strange way: without picking up the abandoned receiver . ) Well, chilly! I go to bed in boots, like three musketeers. Ha-ha-ha ... Only tea and save myself ... Damn it! There was normal tea: I poured it into a cup, it immediately turned green. Even the flowers wither from me lately ... Ha-ha-ha. What do you think: "Sasha on the airship" - what is it for? I have an old dream interpreter: “Dream Interpretation”, published in 1902 ... It says: to beat a loved one in a dream - for a wedding, kissing him - for a quarrel ... Can you imagine? But not a word about the airship! Ha ha ha! ( Listening to answer) No, everything is much simpler. Yesterday the whole evening I saw Sasha in reality - in a restaurant. And, as a result, he flew on an airship. Ha ha ha! Well, what are you, yesterday was an awesome day! Wait, I'll smoke. ( Lights up) All morning I have been studying the part of the house painter, which was sent from TV. Absolutely idiotic role in the same musical program. But when a plane makes an emergency landing, you don't think about the quality of the airfield.
Ha ha ha! And yesterday I was lying with this role on the couch, lonely, like at Cape Chelyuskin ... and trying to learn the role ... It doesn’t work! On Sunday we have life everywhere! A floor above me, some kind of Sisyphus settled ... In any case, all weekend from early morning he rolls the same stone over my head. The vacuum cleaner hums below me like a harvester in the fields. Behind the wall, a young girl from amateur performances is learning the dance “Russian drobushki” over my left ear. And from the right ear, behind another wall, a deaf pensioner yells: “Mozart! Mozart! Mozart is his cat that gets lost all the time! ( Listens) Well, firstly, as you know, I have a dog... And secondly, for some time now I hate cats... You see, I once adopted a cat... Well, I did everything right: put a bowl for him to pee in the restroom, put a blanket on him on her own bed... Guess how it ended? The cat peed in my bed, and slept in a basin - in the restroom ... Ha-ha-ha! In short, I'm lying with my painter among all these harmonies .
.. and suddenly I clearly understand: I'm about to go crazy! I turn on the TV to somehow drown out all this bacchanalia of sounds ... And on the TV ... in front of me is the singer's face! Who died a long time ago! And the dead man looks straight at me, smiles kindly and sings in such an intimate voice: "Still ahead ... Still ahead" ... Imagine what an optimist! Then, terrified, I grab my goat jacket and go! Outside! From home! But try to get out of my house in winter! There we have such a wind - a sail! Rose of Wind! I get out of the front door on the third try. And then, instantly, the wind ties the skirt with a sea knot over my head ... The bones dance rock ... and my tender nose immediately remains in my hands ... I carry it in my palms. And they say - "Southwest ... Southwest !!!" Vyugo-West. (Picks up the phone from armchair .) It's funny to you, but I have a tragedy: it's cold for me to live! Ha ha ha! In general, I felt so sorry for myself! I feel like I'm getting the flu.
My first sign of the flu is when I feel sorry for myself. I see something needs to be done. And suddenly, right on the street, a hellish flame ignites in me. The demons immediately pick me up - and I begin to fly on a broom through my acquaintances ... In short, I flew around this South Pole for fifty kilometers of my acquaintances. ( Listens to .) Well, what was there? Everything is like everyone else. A plentiful table with deficits ... At the table they ate caviar along with salad and acquaintances ... "The soldiers of their comrades sit and eat." Ha ha ha! But gradually I warmed up. The slander is very warming. They gave me some terribly drunk Chinese wine to drink... And I already wanted to go to my Cape Chelyuskin to forget myself in a lonely Chinese dream... But here again - demons, demons! And I rush on my broom further - over the global glaciation. Until it precipitated in the Vityaz restaurant! Ha ha ha! ( Listens to ,) This is inexplicable, but after everything that I ate at a party, I suddenly felt terribly hungry again.
Ha ha ha! And so that there is music, and not the lonely Cape Chelyuskin. Ha ha ha ... I was in a terrible, completely non-restaurant form ... Previously, I would have been terribly complex about this. Do you remember what a fashionista I was - before! Once I spent three hours thinking about how to combine two active colors in one toilet: red and green. Ha ha ha! No, how much more comfortable my life has been since I became a feminist. A feminist is, first of all, convenient: there is no husband, so there is no need to cook; the whole toilet is a jacket and jeans. Hairstyle - also to the devil: a short haircut. Everything else is done with the palm of your hand: we comb our hair, hit our muzzles when they pester ... Ha-ha-ha. ( Derisively .) "A woman can forgive everything except a messed up hairstyle." Now this is such nonsense to me! ( Listens to .) God, how funny all this is to me! (Listens again, falls silent.) I'm not silent... just listening... (Cheerful again) In short, I enter the restaurant hall in my new feminist outfit: jeans, a goat jacket with too short sleeves.
.. you see, the goat was somehow short-armed… my usual luck… and I make a soft landing on a chair… Which is not quite easy with Chinese wine in my body… And I immediately see at the next table… Sasha! He was sitting with some young creature of God in lecherous foxes. He talked very animatedly and did not know ... that in a few hours he would fly on an airship. Ha ha ha! Naturally, the son of a bitch pretended not to notice me.
At this most tense moment the orchestra started to play and he went to dance past me, looking the other way with all his might. The lascivious one in foxes was very young and had an unbelievably round ass. I even thought: maybe an invoice? Ha ha ha! In short, I am sitting on my lonely chair, on my natural ass, absolutely alone, like on a cape ... no, there was already a cape ... like on the Taimyr Peninsula ... and I think: I don’t give a damn about you, now I’m a feminist. ( Listens) Wait, wait… Further events unfolded! Although I looked worse in a wheelchair, some mustachioed Georgian immediately rushed to me . .. What to do, eastern people are always crazy about me ... Ha-ha-ha! And the Georgian and I immediately started dancing ... not far from the ex-beloved Sasha ... and his young creature in lecherous foxes. (pauses, listening) I can't! I always have the feeling that someone is standing outside the door. ( Listens) It's not crazy at all, you just haven't seen my apartment... Well, that's a whole story! After the departure of my husband Martiros, ex-beloved Sasha decided to transform my two-room apartment. To do this, he, like the biblical Samson, broke down all the partitions. Entrance hall ... corridor ... kitchen - he connected everything to a large room. And it turned out to be a giant barn ... where I now live. Ha ha ha! The door from this shed opens directly onto the stairs... so it always seems to me that there, behind the door, on the stairs, someone is standing... ( Listens) No, he left the toilet for me, I begged for the toilet on my knees... The toilet and his room, where he hid when he drank.
(Listens) No, I can't settle there - there is now a museum named after him... Sasha's memorial. "Shadows of the past happiness of the sleeping one." Ha ha ha! In short, I'm dancing in a restaurant with a Georgian - and suddenly I feel terrible pain! I lower my eyes - and I see such a leg! You have no idea what a leg it was! I even rubbed my eyes - I think maybe this Chinese wine is naughty! I ask the Georgian: “Tell me, please, is it your leg or on purpose?” "In terms of?" he says, rocking and waving his creepy leg... "saber dance." "I mean," I say, dodging his knife, "maybe you're hiding a devil's hoof in your boot? And in general, my dear, how do you live with such a leg? Ha ha ha! ( Listens to the answer) Adaliye? After such questions, as you guessed, there is no “next” anymore! I always know how to ask a man the right question! Ha ha ha! But now I don't care, I'm a feminist! Ha ha ha! So - the evening passed in dances, games and songs ... Ha-ha-ha!
A sharp knock on the door. She stops. Again, a call.
Well, what did I say! Do you hear?
And how they call!
Continuous call.
On a boorish call, it's him... it's him, ex-beloved Sasha! Ha ha ha! Can you imagine how surprised this young woman in lascivious foxes would be if I told her that her Sashok ... who didn’t even deign to recognize me in a restaurant ... rushes to me at the first hour of the night ... Ha-ha-ha! ( Listening to .)
Continuous ringing.
... No, he hasn't appeared for two years ... And suddenly, quite recently, he began to visit me! (Listens) No, he doesn't care about me... He always had me - a fallback. Solid fallback.
You have seen the dogs that are tied up at the bakeries... and they dutifully wait for their owners. Rain, heat - they are waiting ... It is a pity that he does not know that the dog has become a feminist.
Ha-ha-ha! ( Listens to .) He just found out that the ship is sinking. .. And now he is coming to evacuate the property. He has so many possessions in the memorial room! Huge bottle of Italian vermouth. A book by Gabriel Marquez that he gave me for my birthday and wants it back. Thinks I remember where she is... Ha-ha-ha! The picture, about which he lied, that it was Roerich. And most importantly, a bunch of rags: trousers, sneakers, jeans ... But he heard that the ship was sinking. And he is greedy, like all men ... "If you want a man to leave you, ask him for a loan." Ha ha ha! It's from some play I played.
( Still paying no attention to the calls and not moving from his chair .) But the most vile thing is that this bastard has taken the habit of coming to my house after the performance ... He will play - and on the way from the theater almost at one in the morning , fails without a call - to seize some of the property. He has no thoughts that it is inconvenient that I, for example, can have someone! This son of a bitch is absolutely sure that I'm still a dog - at the bakery. That I am extremely happy. (Screaming) When he bursts into the house at midnight to get his rags!
Come on! Come on, Sasha! Call! How! Run away! All! No more opening!
Frantic calls.
...I'm not yelling, I'm talking. I just speak loudly so that he can hear everything outside the door.
Call, bell ringer... Call, worthless actor. ( Listens to .) No, when he left me he wasn't famous yet.
( Listens to .) Well, let everyone film it. But that didn't make him a better actor. Now he's a famous badass actor... Ha-ha-ha! ( Listens to .) Like "why is he being filmed?" And who else to shoot! As soon as his face appears on the screen, all the women in the hall have a chill on their backs: they immediately smell - the owner has appeared! They immediately remember their canine essence: how devotedly they served and how they don't care! anyway - quit! And they sob ... He has not yet opened his mouth on the screen, and they are already in burning tears! Ha ha ha! And a hundred times go to see this face! By the way, I was at the beginning of his movie celebrity. .. ( Listens to ,) But what about! I will tell! That's what I'm going to tell you today! Now it's all so strange to me ... Like a kiss for a Martian - unhygienic, that's all! Ha ha ha! Now I'm a feminist! Now I want! So, Sasha, the famous bad actor ... By the way, he knows his own worth. He has become sly now. Like all cunning bad actors coming of age, he stopped drinking and started writing plays. Such pretty "plays", such little lamps, lousy little charms ... Well, how is he! Sober Sasha. Ha ha ha! ( Listens to .) What are you doing! How I struggled with his drunkenness! How did I know that only drunk he looks like a man! Oh, how I loved him ... Ha-ha-ha! You know, when he left me, I crawled around the empty room - sniffing out his scent! Ha-ha-ha… ( Listens to ,) Yes, now he is so sober… And finally he became like his own stuffed animal. Eagle stuffed. Ha ha ha! That's it, Sasha. Dead Sasha. Who would have thought that he - a reveler - would become a boring miser .
.. He recently brought a bottle of vermouth from Italy ... Some priceless vermouth ... they gave him there. But he doesn't drink. And he felt so sorry that the guests drank a bottle ... And he decided to secretly hide it in my apartment. Quietly put it in a closet in his memorial… A stuffed eagle… But I am Sherlock Holmes! I found ... And now I sit in the evenings and drink ... this vermouth. Ha ha ha! ( Listens to .) Well, what are you, then I add something to the bottle ... So it will not be noticeable ... Ha-ha-ha! And now... I'm sitting with Sasha's vermouth... And slowly sinking into the Vermouth Triangle. Ha ha ha! ( Listens to .) Ha-ha-ha!
Call, honey! Nothing, get over it!
You know, I immediately cracked between his teeth... All that was left of me in an instant was a skeleton, gnawed by love. Ha ha ha! Oh, how I fell in love then! Deadly! I fell in love with a janitor at the age of nine because he had a very beautiful broom. At ten years old, I fell in love with a schoolgirl from our class, she had incredible hair! Then I fell in love in turn with all my teachers and even with an old man, a mathematics teacher, like with Mazepa ... I managed to fall in love with two hockey players on TV. And wrote letters to them. I fell in love with Sasha immediately! ( Listens to .) I met him at GITIS. He was a graduate, worked in the selection committee. And I already failed there once… And when he deigned to invite me… Ha-ha-ha. ( Listens to .) No, "in the cinema" - he did not honor me. Yes, he invited me - immediately to the dacha ... I was a girl! Crazy ugly girl. But I immediately decided: “That's it, Sasha!”
Frantic calls.
That's it, Sasha! It's cold outside the door, isn't it? And how cold it was then ... We swam until night, then the moon came out - and the witch's hour came. My time! There was a young doctor with us ... The fact is that Sasha, before starting to study for a worthless actor, studied for a worthless doctor. Well, that young doctor, you guessed it, suddenly disappeared. I left, Sasha and the moon ... I feel - pick up! Pick up! Demons of love! It's time to fly away on a broomstick! He takes me to the dacha... I'm in a wet bathing suit, but I don't feel the cold. I'm dying of love and fear... We go into the room... Complete darkness - I immediately knock on the bed. I bounce off... And from horror - I myself again begin to back away from this accursed bed. I'm mortally afraid, but I'm going, I'm going! And in order to conquer my fear, I flopped down on the bed with all my strength with my wet ass ... And then a wild scream was heard! I sat on the head of his sleeping friend… Ha ha ha! And so all my life: I sit in the wrong place with a wet ass! Ha ha ha! God, how I ran away from him ... But he caught up with me. He caught up! I'm lying ... He just whistled - and I trudged back ... And then I called him myself.
Frantic calls.
That's it! Nonstop!
Ha-ha-ha! How did I get it! And finally he got tired of fighting back, and he said: “That's it! Nina, I'm coming! Wait! I "make eyes", eyelashes . .. And I'm waiting for him, I'm waiting! And Sasha - no ... And I'm waiting, waiting! And Sasha - no! And that's when I started calling all my friends. And make appointments with them... And then my phone (thoughtfully listening to the doorbell) was torn... It was they who called - from places of failed dates... And I walked around the room, listened to these crazy calls and said: “That's it, Sasha!”
Frantic calls.
That's it, Sasha... That's it, Sasha! And then he got sick of it all. And that's when he dumped me for the first time! Ha ha ha! Oh, how he knew how to do it! As if joking...
I… I call him annoyingly once… and he says (imitating): “Hare, how do you feel about me leaving you?” And he laughs like a joke. And I, a fool, laugh, where can you go if he laughs. Ha ha ha! And he continues: “There is a custom in the East: a man says to his woman “talaq” - it means “leave”. If he says "talaq" once, it means a warning... Twice - seriously. .. And three times "talaq, talaq, talaq" - should immediately go away in what is. Therefore, heifers in the East wear everything on themselves - just in case. “How many times have you said talaq to me? - And he answers cheerfully, cheerfully: “Three times, hare ...” And he rolled with laughter ... And for some reason I did too ... By the way, he called us all “hare” so as not to be confused! Ha ha ha! "Talaq, talak, talak, hare!" (Listens to answer) How are you? How could I not meet him?! I only thought that he would definitely meet! Poor fellow, he did not know why he always met on my way ... It was I who summoned him, like a Chekhov's "witch"! Ha-ha-ha… ( Listens) Why didn't I tell you that? Really?! Well, this is theater! And about Martiros? ( Listens) No, it's in the faces... After Sasha left me, I fell in love with everyone who looked like him! It turned out - similar through one! Because Sasha is nobody. He is general. Ha ha ha! Probably, I would have disappeared .
.. But, fortunately, Martiros appeared. Such a decent Armenian. Well… decent, you know? He taught foreign literature in our theatrical… Well, you know what kind of brains the actors have… In short… In short, he was an unfortunate Armenian. And I fell in love with him for torment, like Othello. But it turned out that in their family all were Martiros ... and he married me solely in order to quickly increase the number of these same Martiros. He immediately told me: "Soon we will give birth to Martiros." But somehow it didn't work! The planet was spinning, but Martirosov did not increase on it. But he was waiting! Everyone was waiting, dear, when we would produce a new Martirosik to the delight of everyone ... Good man! He had only three weaknesses: he liked to joke. He joked and laughed himself! He also liked to get sick ... He coughs a little - and immediately lies down with his huge oriental belly on the sofa ... And you should roll up a serving table for him. And then he ate and watched football on video.
Because after the future Martirosik, he loved football most of all. He recorded all the matches on video - he watched them a second time. And also yelled! Well, oriental man! That year we went south with him, where again we failed to create Martirosik. ( Listens to .) And that's when I met Sasha on the embankment. When I saw him, I immediately felt how all the bones became soft, like wax ... I was dying, my bones crumbled ... I feel ... only the ruins of love! Ha ha ha! “Hello, Sasha! What are you doing here? “I just can’t drink the fourth glass: either I don’t remember it, or they don’t give it to me.” Ha ha ha! Well, with such an answer, Martiros simply died from his Armenian laughter. “But actually,” Sasha says, “I’m here on the set, I’m shooting for money in some lousy movie ... in a lousy movie ...” Martiros was indignant: “Is it possible to act in films for money ... If I were filmed in a movie - I would pay for it myself! Ha ha ha! Oriental person. Good oriental man. But still he asked - how do I know Sasha! I told him something.
Sasha lived with us in the same hotel - and I stopped sleeping ... I was choking in my sleep and screaming! That evening, Martiros was watching football on TV, and I went outside ... I knew what would happen! And I saw Sasha! Right here! In the door! Ha ha ha! He chuckled and said, "Let's go?" And we went ... It was late evening. And the moon, as then... And I brought him to the seashore. The sea is a river "then"! Great? And I say - gently: "Do you even remember that shore?" And he looks like an idiot. Ha ha ha! And he says: "I remembered you - and thanks for that." Ha ha ha! In short, "after" he fled from the tantrum. But from that moment I remained faithful to him ... I guarded my womb ... And soon I found out that I was pregnant ... I told Martiros about this ... well, so that he would leave me alone. How happy he was! (Depicts Martiros laughing) Well, an Oriental! Poor Oriental! Of course, he immediately declared my fetus Martiros ... Then he made me go on maternity leave as early as possible, so that, God forbid, I would not harm the future Martirosik with anything .