Shortness of breath when hungry
What Is Air Hunger – Causes & Signs
Humans need air to survive; it is a fundamental part of our lives that we don’t have to consciously breathe in and out. That’s why it is extremely frightening to experience air hunger because it threatens our survival!
Running out of breath is normal during certain strenuous physical activities like exercises. Also, wearing tight clothing and spending time at high altitudes are common reasons people experience air hunger. But these are usually temporary and not necessarily signs of underlying health problems.
However, respiratory concerns, an irregular breathing pattern, allergies, heart problems, and other underlying health issues can cause breathlessness. This is especially true if you experience an unexplained and serious feeling of suffocation.
What is air hunger, and how do you know if you’re merely experiencing regular breathlessness or something more severe? And most importantly, how can you improve indoor air quality in your living spaces to reduce air hunger?
Keep reading as we serve up answers.
Known medically as dyspnea, air hunger is a symptom often described as a feeling of suffocation, breathlessness, difficulty breathing, or intense chest tightening. According to a 2016 study, an estimated 25% of outpatients have dyspnea, making it an extremely common symptom.
Keep in mind that dyspnea is not a condition but a symptom, so its causes, severity, and treatment will vary between individuals. And because air hunger has many causes, it is tricky to diagnose.
For example, a person with asthma will likely experience dyspnea as one of the symptoms, but that doesn’t mean everyone with dyspnea is asthmatic. Also, most chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients experience air hunger, but that’s not to say anyone with dyspnea has COPD.
Thankfully, preventing and managing the symptom isn’t very difficult, as you’ll learn in this article.
Causes of Air HungerOccasional air hunger is normal in healthy individuals. However, the symptom is often associated with serious health problems, including difficulty breathing or respiratory distress.
Some of the most common causes of dyspnea include COPD, asthma, pneumonia, congestive heart failure, and lung disease.
Sudden episodes of intense breathlessness are often caused by asthma, anxiety, allergic reactions, and exposure to high levels of carbon monoxide. Other causes of sudden or acute air hunger are low blood pressure, anemia, and collapsed lungs.
People who experience air hunger for longer than a month have chronic dyspnea. It is usually caused by serious health problems like lung cancer, obesity, COPD, asthma, lung tissue scarring (interstitial pulmonary fibrosis), and heart problems.
Although underlying health conditions can cause dyspnea, environmental pollutants are the most common triggers of the symptom. Dust, fumes, wildfire smoke, tobacco smoke, and chemicals emitted from household products can make it extremely difficult for people with dyspnea to breathe enough air into their lungs.
Mold, pollen, and other allergens can also trigger air hunger, especially in people with asthma. And tobacco smoking can make breathing very difficult for people with obstructive lung diseases like chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
However, see a doctor as soon as possible if you think you don’t have any underlying health condition but still experience air hunger. In the meantime, you may want to check out more tips if you suspect something in your home environment triggers dyspnea, especially if you or others in your household have recurring episodes of breathlessness.
Shortness of breath after a workout session is understandable and usually isn’t a cause for concern. However, you want to see your doctor as soon as possible if you observe any of the following:
- You experience shortness of breath or a sensation of suffocation without any explanation. For example, you find it difficult to take in enough air even though you didn’t do strenuous exercise or activity
- You wake up from sleep gasping for breath ― a situation called PND (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea)
- You experience breathlessness and breathing difficulty after a normal activity that didn’t cause air hunger in the past
- You run out of breath too quickly than usual after a workout or physical activity
Air hunger can be extremely distressing for sufferers, especially if it is caused by an underlying health condition like heart failure, asthma, and lung problems. Recurring breathlessness and respiratory distress episodes can impact patients’ moods, making coping with daily activities quite challenging.
For this reason, finding effective ways to avoid the triggers must be top of mind for sufferers, especially patients with existing medical problems.
Minimizing Air Hunger Episodes in Indoor EnvironmentsIf you’ve always asked, “What is air hunger?” now you have a fair idea of the symptom, its various causes, and common indications. Seeing a doctor, undoubtedly, is your best bet if you suspect dyspnea. That said, you must take steps to avoid its causes or at least manage them.
Environmental pollution leading to poor air quality is a major contributing factor to breathing problems, including air hunger. While it might be impractical to control air in outdoor environments, staying on top of your IAQ is fairly easy.
One of the most effective solutions is to install a portable air purifier in your home, office, or wherever you spend most of your indoor time.
EnviroKlenz offers top-of-the-line air purifiers for those who take air filtration in their living spaces seriously.
These air systems are designed with a patented 3-stage filtration process to capture, eliminate, and destroy 99.9% of toxic pathogens and chemicals present in indoor air. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to get rid of particulates, pet dander, allergens, or cooking odors from your indoor space; EnviroKlenz’s air purifiers are designed to effectively remove virtually all pollutants from the air.
Their portable designs mean you don’t have to worry about moving the air purifiers between rooms in your home or office. The built-in HEPA filters combined with highly effective UVC bulbs and third-party validated air cartridges are sure to leave your indoor space with nothing but fresh and clean air.
Whether you enjoy excellent health or have asthma, COPD, or other health problems that cause dyspnea, installing an air cleaner protects you and your family from harmful gases, vapor contaminants, and other pollutants in indoor spaces.
Skipping meals can result in “hunger breath” – The Denver Post
Breaking News
Q: When I get really hungry, my breath becomes really bad. How can I stop that from happening? — S. Ludwig, via e-mail
A: “Hunger breath” can leave you — and those around you — hungry for a way to avoid the fumes you’re exhaling. It’s usually caused by regularly skipping meals. Not eating reduces the amount of saliva in your mouth, and a dry mouth is like a Playboy mansion for randy bacteria that are looking to go forth and multiply. When they do, they let fly a sulfuric stench.
You can get a variation on hunger breath if you’re eating a low-carb diet and your body is burning fat instead of carbs for fuel. That can trigger ketosis, a chemical reaction that leaves your breath with either an odd fruits-and-nuts odor (not unlike perfume worn by your least-favorite aunt) or smelling like nail polish remover, never a come-hither scent.
Whatever the trigger, your breath can smell sweet again if you simply don’t skip meals. It invites bad breath and it’s a diet disaster — your body starts hoarding calories, your blood sugar plummets and the next thing you know, you’re eating whatever isn’t moving. To lose weight, try our “You: On a Diet” plan (get the basics at It encourages eating often (no hunger breath) and includes complex carbs (no ketosis). You’ll still lose inches, pounds and risky belly fat.
Q: My husband has been diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer (confined to the prostate gland), and his doctors recommend a “watch and wait” approach. I say get it out of there. What’s the smart move?— Carrie Waver, San Diego
A: To answer this question really well, we’d need to know your husband’s age and how healthy he is overall. Still, this should help you two.
Treating early-stage prostate cancer isn’t like correcting a bad hairdo: You don’t automatically snip and cut to fix it. What’s called watch and wait (or active surveillance) is often smart, because early-stage prostate cancer is usually small and slow-growing. For men over 70 or who have high-risk medical problems, the cancer often won’t progress fast enough to shorten their life.
If your husband’s younger than 70, it may still be smart to put off treatment. Surgery and radiation are no picnic; neither are their possible side effects, including sexual problems and leaking urine (up to 25 percent of guys do). This doesn’t mean your spouse will be sitting around staring at his prostate. His doctors will want to see him often, usually for:
• A PSA test every six months and a digital rectal exam every 12 months;
• A biopsy of the prostate in six to 18 months and as needed thereafter.
It’s also vital for him to exercise regularly, de-stress with at least 10 minutes a day of meditation or yoga, and clean up his diet by:
• Adding lots more fruits and vegetables to his plate;
• Making sure all grains are 100 percent whole grains;
• Nixing foods with added sugars or syrups;
• Saying no (and we mean NO) to foods with saturated fat: red meat, poultry skin, all dairy that isn’t fat-free, anything with palm or coconut oils;
• And no trans fats, of course!
We’re adamant about this, because studies show that all of the above hold prostate and other cancers at bay.
If any signs of cancer activity develop, his options include surgery — frequently first choice for younger men, when the cancer likely hasn’t spread. Radiation is often a good choice for older guys who have additional health issues. Brachytherapy — inserting tiny radioactive “seeds” in the prostat — is for men of all ages with localized prostate cancer. And there are more, but this is a newspaper column.
Our bottom line: Get a second opinion. It changes treatment (and even the diagnosis) about a third of the time. If another doc confirms this approach, go with it. If not, get a third opinion. And keep your eye on your hubby with a bit of active surveillance yourself.
The You Docs, Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen, are authors of “You: On a Diet.” To submit questions, go to or e-mail [email protected].
Consequences of starvation for the human body. Help
Consequences of fasting for the human body. Help
Consequences of starvation for the human body. Help - RIA Novosti, 18.05.2010
Consequences of starvation for the human body. Help
Most experts say that prolonged hunger is always stressful for the body. Even with therapeutic fasting, as a rule, periods of more than 21 days are not used.
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Former head of Yukos Mikhail Khodorkovsky, accused of stealing 350 million tons of oil, announced an indefinite hunger strike. According to the report, Khodorkovsky announced his decision in a letter to the Chairman of the Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev. The reason for his writing was the extension of the term of arrest for the ex-head of Yukos until August 17.
Most experts say that prolonged hunger is always stressful for the body. Even with therapeutic fasting, as a rule, periods of more than 21 days are not used, since after this time the risk to the health of the starving person increases dramatically.
The feeling of hunger indicates that glycogen stores (the main source of "fast" energy) have come to an end and an immediate charge is required. If this does not happen, then the so-called hunger crisis will soon set in. At this time, mechanisms are launched to search for and utilize everything that, without harm to the main life-supporting centers, could be “melted” into kilocalories. General cleaning of the body begins. At this time, excess sodium is excreted, leading to excessive pressure, the level of cholesterol in the blood normalizes, and metabolic processes improve. A sharp release from internal debris can lead to severe poisoning. The kidneys and liver simply will not have time to remove toxins.
During the first days of the fast, pale skin, smell of acetone from the mouth, white coated tongue, weakness and an unhealthy gleam in the eyes. All this against the backdrop of headaches and a feeling of complete weakness. The next step is a gradual adaptation to hunger and the transition of the body to self-eating, which occurs in 2-4 days. Weakness remains, but the feeling of hunger practically disappears. By the 4th-7th day, the so-called supercompensation occurs, when the body completely switches to using only internal reserves. There comes a strict economy in energy consumption, so metabolic processes slow down significantly. You don’t even want to drink, because a significant amount of water is released during the oxidation of fat.
If a person has a lot of fat deposits, then the hunger strike process is easier, since it is the fat involved in metabolism that is primarily consumed, and as long as there are fat deposits, they will be consumed and maintain a more or less normal state of the body. But when there is no more fat, then various metabolic systems in the body suffer first of all: the same fat, carbohydrate - all types of metabolism are disturbed and underoxidized products accumulate in the body, products that should be broken down in a normal state. The liver and kidneys do not work well, toxins and salts accumulate, poisons are formed, and this, in turn, affects the central nervous system, the cerebral cortex.
In some, after 10 days, significant damage begins - cells die that cannot be restored. If the hunger strike lasts three weeks, then this is the most dangerous. If then the person is not paraenterally fed or helped, he can die at any moment.
During the so-called dry hunger strike, irreversible processes begin in the body already on the third day. And it is very difficult to save a person after five or seven days of a dry hunger strike. The main danger in the so-called dry hunger strike is dehydration (dehydration), water loss below the physiological norm. Dehydration of the body by only a few percent leads to disruption of its vital functions. If the amount of water that a person loses reaches 10% of body weight per day, a significant decrease in working capacity occurs, and if it increases to 25%, then this usually leads to death. When the body loses 1-5% of the fluid, acute thirst, feeling unwell, slowing down movements, drowsiness, redness of the skin, fever, nausea, and indigestion appear. With a loss of 6-10% - shortness of breath, headache, tingling in the legs and arms, lack of salivation, loss of the ability to move and violation of the logic of speech. With a loss of 11-20% - delirium, muscle spasms, swelling of the tongue, dullness of hearing and vision, cooling of the body.
According to experts, during any fasting, the body's adaptive mechanisms may fail.
Starvation and heart disease |
Depending on the severity of heart disease, fasting can be either directly indicated and have a therapeutic effect, or it is absolutely contraindicated.
When we say "fasting", we mean fasting diet therapy (RDT). Only in the case of RDT can a predictable result for health be given.
The fact is that fasting is a kind of training, so let's draw a parallel with sports. So, running improves the functioning of the heart and the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol - all this leads to the prevention of hypertension and a decrease in pressure numbers.
While running, the heart contracts faster - a person has tachycardia. Due to the intensive work of the heart and muscles, we have increased blood pressure, a high pulse rate, and an increase in sugar and cholesterol levels. And this is a normal functional mobilization of the body. It does not lead to a deterioration in the condition, on the contrary, in the future all body systems stabilize.
Fasting is the same: rapid heart rate in the first days of fasting is due to an increase in the number of ketone bodies, which are formed due to the breakdown of fats. In the first two days, adrenaline and cortisol levels rise, which can also lead to a slight increase in heart rate.
In the following days of fasting, ketoacidosis continues - acidification of ketone bodies occurs and the heart experiences an additional load. This can be compared to intoxication, when you just get a cold, your body temperature rises and your heart beats faster.
It cannot be said that during fasting the heart experiences an overload. This is not a strong load on the heart. It is completely normal for a healthy person. In the future, the cardiovascular system not only normalizes, but also improves its work.
If the heart is in a very poor condition, when minimal physical exertion leads to shortness of breath or manifestations of angina pectoris, or a person has recently suffered a heart attack (CHF III-IV f.k.), then therapeutic starvation is contraindicated.
If we are talking about the first or second degree of hypertension, then fasting helps to stabilize the pressure. That is, with the help of RDT, hypertension can be treated.
Thus, D.K. Yakhin, Ph.D. hypertension of I-II degree, the course of RDT in 86.7% of cases reduced the average daily blood pressure below the level of 130/80 mm Hg
Among the advantages of RDT over other treatments for hypertension D.K. Yakhin singled out the following features of RDT: availability of use, effective hypotensive effect, good tolerability, and no side effects.
For more information on the use of RDT for the prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension, see scientific publications:
- Yakhin D.K. "Influence of unloading and dietary therapy in patients with arterial hypertension and obesity on the functional state of the cardiovascular system".
- S.A. Muraviev, N.S. Okonechnikova, I.V. Medvedeva "Differentiated use of unloading and dietary therapy in patients with arterial hypertension and obesity"
Fasting may reduce atrial fibrillation. But the danger is that due to improper blood circulation in the heart, the likelihood of a blood clot increases. On RTD, there is a relative loss of fluid, so there is a slight thickening of the blood. As a result, the likelihood of thrombus formation increases.
The situation is aggravated by the fact that you cannot use blood thinners while fasting. Such medicines are not used on an empty stomach, as this negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, a person with atrial fibrillation, in order to prevent the formation of a blood clot, must constantly use drugs that thin the blood.
Fasting in atrial fibrillation is an absolute contraindication
For those who are contraindicated in therapeutic fasting, there is an alternative - a diet that mimics fasting, otherwise the FMD diet. During the simulation of starvation, most of the mechanisms of starvation are triggered, so there are also contraindications to the FMD diet, but there are fewer of them than to RDT. Also, against the background of the FMD diet, you can continue taking drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots.
Another alternative to RDT is fasting days on the water, that is, a 24-hour food break. Daily fasting is acceptable if the likelihood of blood clots due to properly selected therapy is reduced to zero.
FMD diet and fasting days on water are contraindicated if the heart is in very poor condition. In the absence of contraindications, a course of simulated fasting and fasting days on the water should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.
So, with proper medical support, as an alternative to RDT, we recommend the FMD diet or fasting days on the water. You will get the beneficial effects of fasting without putting yourself at risk.
Atrial fibrillation is a complete contraindication to RDT.
Chronic heart disease that can be characterized as a pre-infarction condition is a complete contraindication to RDT.
If you have stage 1 and 2 hypertension, then fasting helps to reduce pressure, while the effect can be persistent. In people with obesity and hypertension of the first and second degree, 10-14 day fasting programs give remission. The hypotensive effect may persist for 6 months.
In chronic forms of heart disease that are not life-threatening, RDT courses can achieve improvement, remission and stabilization of the heart and an increase in life expectancy.
Fasting contributes to the global normalization of the body. The work of all vital organs and systems of the body improves. In particular, the load on the heart is reduced. It works without "emergency" mode, which means it works correctly.
These fasting links are hand-selected for you
Hypertension and fasting
10 Days of Fasting - Interview with Agrippina
Body Truth Podcast - Does fasting cure or kill?
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