Quotes on personal boundaries
75 Boundaries Quotes About Setting Limits in Your Relationships
by Rebel Jones
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If you’re a ‘Yes’ person, it can be difficult to set boundaries. Pleasing other people becomes a priority, and in doing so, you often put your own wants or needs aside.
‘Yes, I’ll work overtime tonight, no problem.” Or “Yes, I can cancel my plans. It wasn’t a big deal anyway”, even though, deep down, it was a big deal.
Though you may find it hard to admit, the lack of boundaries is leaving you open to overcommitting and undervaluing your own needs. And that’s not OK.
It’s time to sit down and reassess the boundaries, or rather lack of them, in your life. The sooner you establish some ground rules, not only for yourself but for the people around you, the sooner you’ll find yourself saying “Yes” to a happier you.
And to help you get started, we’ve put together 75 boundaries quotes about setting limits in your relationships.
Table of Contents
Why Should You Set Boundaries in Your Relationships?
It’s great to see other people get what or where they want to be in life. And it’s even better knowing you’ve helped them get there. But not at the cost of your own wellbeing.
If you spend all of your time, and use all of your energy on other people, what’s left for you? At the end of each day, when you’re exhausted, both physically and mentally from aiding others, where do you fit in?
Quite simply, without being assertive, without setting strong boundaries, and living by then, you don’t. Your wants will become less warranted; your needs less important.
And all because the thought of saying “No” leaves you feeling uneasy.
But why? You should be able to say “Not tonight, sorry” or “I’m busy, maybe another time” without opening up the flood gates of anxiety and guilt. It’s OK to put yourself first.
And this is something that too many people forget, especially in relationships. Whilst it’s great to be there for each other, setting boundaries gives a clear insight as to what is and isn’t OK.
It brings comfort, respect, and understanding, all of which are key elements within a healthy relationship. And guess what? If you’re partner, your friend, or even your family can’t accept your boundaries, then they aren’t accepting you. And that’s not a good place to be.
Now is the time to pull on brave pants and say “No”. No to hindering your life whilst helping others. And no to just doing what everyone else wants or expects.
So let’s get started with these boundaries quotes.
75 Boundaries Quotes About Setting Limits in Your Relationships
- “No is a complete sentence.
” – Anne Lamont
- “Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.” – Brené Brown
- “It is how we create firm boundaries and allow others to know who we are and what we value.” – John Earle
- Accept that setting boundaries with other people is not going to make you popular. Once you set a boundary, stand by it. Remain strong in the truth that by setting boundaries against mistreatment, you are aligning with the higher, positive, and loving way of living.” – Unknown
- “Boundaries need to be communicated first verbally and then with actions.” – Henry Cloud
- “Setting emotional boundaries prevent people from manipulating you, using you, and playing with your feelings.” – Remez Sasson
- “Lack of boundaries invites lack of respect.” – Unknown
- “Boundaries represent awareness, knowing what the limits are and then respecting those limits.” – David W. Earle
- “Boundaries are, in simple terms, the recognition of personal space.
” – Asa Don Brown
- “Speak in your own voice about the things that matter to you.” – Marty Rubin
- “I’m very clear with my boundaries…I hope I do influence other women to set better boundaries for themselves,” – Amy Schumer
- “Saying NO can be the most empowering word if you struggle with codependency, abusive relationships or low self-esteem.” – Unknown
- “Families living in dysfunction seldom have healthy boundaries. Dysfunctional families have trouble knowing where they stop and others begin.” – David W. Earle
- “Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” – Anna Taylor
- “Be honest with who you are, what you want and how you want to be treated. Boundaries only scare off the people that were not meant to be in your life.” – Shannon L. Alder
- “Power for me is ‘no.’ That’s when you know your worth, when you know your value.
And that’s power for me.” – Taraji P. Henson
- “Whatever you are willing to put up with is exactly what you will get.” – Unknown
- “There are reasons to set boundaries for yourself, but there are also reasons to keep doors open” – Ashley Graham
- “You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say NO to people.” – Unknown
- “Setting boundaries is your responsibility. People will continue to do what you allow. You get to decide what is and what isn’t allowed in your life.” – Unknown
- “You create your mental boundaries, your mental walls, but you can free yourself, and soar high, beyond your beliefs, your thoughts and your mental attachments.” – Remez Sasson
- “If you’re offended by my boundaries, then you’re probably one of the reasons I need them.” – Steve Maraboli
- “The only people who get upset about you setting boundaries are the ones who were benefiting from you having none.” – Unknown
- “People who violate your boundaries are thieves.
They steal time that doesn’t belong to them.” – Elizabeth Grace Saunders
- “You get what you tolerate.” – Henry Cloud
- “Individuals set boundaries to feel safe, respected, and heard.” – Pamela Cummins
- “No one will listen to us until we listen to ourselves.” – Marianne Williamson
- “When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated.” – Brene Brow
- “Boundaries are easier to manage when your values are well-defined.” – Joe Jordan
- “Healthy boundaries are important, but you may be building a brick wall when a picket fence would do.” – Amy Dickinson
- “When you set personal boundaries you feel stronger as you act on your boundaries.” – Unknown
- “Make good boundaries your goal. They are your right, your responsibility, your greatest source of dignity.” – Elaine N. Aron
- “Healthy boundaries are not walls. They are gates and fences that allow you to enjoy the beauty of your own garden.
” – Lydia Hall
- “Givers need to set limits because takers rarely do.” – Rachel Wolchin
- “A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect.” – Unknown
- “You best teach others about healthy boundaries by enforcing yours.” – Bryant McGill
- “Power for me is ‘no.' That's when you know your worth, when you know your value. And that's power for me.” – Taraji P. Henson
- “Setting boundaries is a way of caring for myself. It doesn’t make me mean, selfish, or uncaring just because I don’t do things your way. I care about me, too.” – Christine Morgan
- “Emotional self-defense… When you set healthier relationship standards in your life, some people will take it personally. That’s their issue, not yours. The distance isn’t against them; it’s for you. It’s a boundary, not a grudge.” – Steve Maraboli
- “To me, self-care does not mean going to the spa. It's learning to say no.” – Tracee Ellis Ross
- “A healthy boundary is one where each person understands that they have their own thoughts and feelings and can maintain a curiosity about the other person's thoughts and feelings without making assumptions.
” – MacMillan
- “It is necessary, and even vital, to set standards for your life and the people you allow in it.” – Mandy Hale
- “Poisonous relationships cloud your vision. I wasted a lot of time adjusting my personal boundaries and justifying disrespect when it would have been so much easier (and a lot less painful) to simply adjust my life to their absence.” – Steve Maraboli
Poisonous relationships cloud your vision. I wasted a lot of time adjusting my personal boundaries and justifying disrespect when it would have been so much easier (and a lot less painful) to simply adjust my life to their absence.” – Steve Maraboli
- “When someone oversteps your boundaries, they’re letting you know that what you want doesn’t matter.” – Phil Good
- “You are not too nice. You are just too afraid to say no and honor your boundaries.” – Xavier Dagba
- “Boundaries protect the things that are of value to you.
They keep you in alignment with what you have decided you want in life. That means the key to good boundaries is knowing what you want.” – Adelyn Birch
- “I’ve gotten much better at saying ‘no’, setting boundaries, and stating my own needs.” – Unknown
- “Boundaries were necessary for a successful relationship. Most relationships aborted in the boundary defining stage. Not because people demanded what they needed. But because they didn’t, then got resentful about it.” – Karen Marie Moning
- “Personal boundaries, if you feel comfortable saying something about yourself and you say it, and someone doesn’t like it, that’s their problem. Don’t let who you are be up for debate.” – Jenna Ryan
- “In order to thrive and be successful, you have to be able to set boundaries.” – Oprah Winfrey
- “You have the right to say ‘No’ without feeling guilty.” – Manuel J. Smith
- “I set boundaries not to offend you but to respect myself.” – Unknown
- “Being able to say “No” is a necessary ingredient in a healthy lifestyle.
” – David W. Earle
- “Set and enforce your personal boundaries.” – Jonathan Lockwood Huie
- “Boundaries aren't all bad.” – Unknown
- “Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious and you get to decide how you use them. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” – Anna Taylor
- “The hardest part about setting boundaries with people, no matter who they are, is not feeling confident in our authority to do so. As long as you realize that setting boundaries is necessary for healthy relationships, you will feel better defining and keeping them.” – Tamera Mowry-Housley
- “When you say ‘yes’ to others, make sure you’re not saying ‘no’ to yourself.” – Paul Coelho
- “Boundaries are a part of self-care. They are healthy, normal, and necessary.” – Doreen Virtue
- “Stop allowing people to disrespect your right to say no and enforce boundaries as a form of self-care…” – Tasha McCray
- “Evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of any relationship is your responsibility.
You do not have to passively accept what is brought to you. You can choose.” – Deborah Day
- “Create boundaries. Honor your limits. Say no. Take a break. Let go. Stay grounded. Nurture your body. Love your vulnerability. And if all else fails, breathe deeply.” – Aletheia Luna
- “People who violate or cross your boundaries by being cruel, insensitive, thoughtless, abusive, rude or disrespectful should not be a part of your life. You deserve love, dignity and respect. People who willingly and knowingly cross boundaries have mental issues that need to be dealt with.” – Unknown
- “Stop asking why they keep doing it and start asking why you keep allowing it.” – Unknown
- “It feels great to be connected to people, but having boundaries is so important.” – Selena Gomez
- “Emotional self-defense is an act of WISDOM. Building personal boundaries is an act of STRENGTH. Anyone who tells you differently is often the reason we need both.” – Steve Maraboli
- “If you have to ask to be treated right, you are around the wrong people.
On the other hand, if you allow this behavior to enter into the relationship from the start, it can and will continue, and will be very difficult to change up later. Set your boundaries sooner than later.” – Christine E. Szymanski
- “Boundary setting helps you prioritize your needs over other people’s wants.” – Lauren Kenson
- “I swear to God, the second I learned how to say ‘no,' I felt that was the best anti-aging I could do for myself.” – Gabrielle Union
- “Walls keep everybody out. Boundaries teach them where the door is.” – Mark Groves
- “Guard your heart, mind and time. Those three things will determine the health of everything else in your life.” – Andrena Sawyer
- “Your personal boundaries protect the inner core of your identity and your right to choices.” – Gerard Manley Hopkins
- “Honoring your own boundaries is the clearest message to others to honor them, too.” – Gina Greenlee
- “Each time you set a healthy boundary, you say ‘yes’ to more freedom.
” – Nancy Levin
- “Having healthy boundaries not only requires being able to say “no”, but also being willing and able to enforce that “no” when necessary.” – Jessica Moore
Final Thoughts on Setting Boundaries
Whilst setting boundaries may feel like a daunting task, it’s an important part of self-care. You are defining what is and isn’t OK. And you are outlining how you expect others to treat you.
Take some time to work on your own boundaries and remember, that this is about you and not what other people want. Try using these short, positive affirmations and start working on a more self-assertive you.
And if you want more inspirational quotes, be sure to check out these blog posts:
- 73 Overcoming Insecurities Quotes for a Confident 2023
- 53 Envy Quotes To Stop Worrying About Other People
- 57 Self-Control Quotes to Master Your Emotions
Finally, if you want to use these quotes to make a lasting change to your life, then check out and recite these 57 affirmations for success.
Rebel Jones has been writing from a young age. She first used poetry to organise words – the rhythm and flow brought peace to her chaos. But as she developed (both as a person and as a writer), she embraced her offbeat thought process and found her own style and tone. Writing is definitely her happy place and one that she’s happy to share with the world.
Boundaries Quotes (479 quotes)
Quotes tagged as "boundaries" Showing 1-30 of 479
“Every woman that finally figured out her worth, has picked up her suitcases of pride and boarded a flight to freedom, which landed in the valley of change.”
― Shannon L. Alder
“No" is a complete sentence.”
― Annie Lamott
“If you spend your life sparing people’s feelings and feeding their vanity, you get so you can’t distinguish what should be respected in them.”
― F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night & The Last Tycoon
“Indeed, the only truly serious questions are ones that even a child can formulate. Only the most naive of questions are truly serious. They are the questions with no answers. A question with no answer is a barrier that cannot be breached. In other words, it is questions with no answers that set the limit of human possibilities, describe the boundaries of human existence.”
― Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
“When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated. This is why we sometimes attack who they are, which is far more hurtful than addressing a behavior or a choice.”
― Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection
“We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing. Consequences give us the pain that motivates us to change.”
― Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
“Eros is an issue of boundaries. He exists because certain boundaries do. In the interval between reach and grasp, between glance and counterglance, between ‘I love you’ and ‘I love you too,’ the absent presence of desire comes alive. But the boundaries of time and glance and I love you are only aftershocks of the main, inevitable boundary that creates Eros: the boundary of flesh and self between you and me. And it is only, suddenly, at the moment when I would dissolve that boundary, I realize I never can.”
― Anne Carson, Eros the Bittersweet
“We need to have a talk on the subject of what's yours and what's mine.”
― Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
“every healthy marriage is composed of walls and windows. The windows are the aspects of your relationship that are open to the world—that is, the necessary gaps through which you interact with family and friends; the walls are the barriers of trust behind which you guard the most intimatesecrets of your marriage.”
― Elizabeth Gilbert, Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage
“Children who are not encouraged to do, to try, to explore, to master, and to risk failure, often feel helpless and inadequate. Over-controlled by anxious, fearful parents, these children often become anxious and fearful themselves. This makes it difficult for them to mature. Many never outgrow the need for ongoing parental guidance and control. As a result, their parents continue to invade, manipulate, and frequently dominate their lives.”
― Susan Forward, Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life
“I like geography best, he said, because your mountains & rivers know the secret. Pay no attention to boundaries.”
― Brian Andreas, Story People
“The best traveler is one without a camera.”
― Kamand Kojouri
“The only true borders lie between day and night, between life and death, between hope and loss.”
― Erin Hunter
“When you notice someone does something toxic the first time, don't wait for the second time before you address it or cut them off.
Many survivors are used to the "wait and see" tactic which only leaves them vulnerable to a second attack. As your boundaries get stronger, the wait time gets shorter. You never have justify your intuition.”
― Shahida Arabi
“Once you see the boundaries of your environment, they are no longer the boundaries of your environment.”
― Marshall McLuhan
“There was a wall. It did not look important. It was built of uncut rocks roughly mortared. An adult could look right over it, and even a child could climb it. Where it crossed the roadway, instead of having a gate it degenerated into mere geometry, a line, an idea of boundary. But the idea was real. It was important. For seven generations there had been nothing in the world more important than that wall.
Like all walls it was ambiguous, two-faced. What was inside it and what was outside it depended upon which side of it you were on.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia
“Compassion is all inclusive. Compassion knows no boundaries. Compassion comes with awareness, and awareness breaks all narrow territories.”
― Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power
“Let us not subside into a single mandatory way of thinking or feeling, immersed by a spirit of self-gratification. But let’s dig into the fresh energy of new boundaries and at the same time pick the blossoms of poetry welling up along the path of our life, and enjoy the innocence of the little wonders of every day.
("A Thousand times touched." )”
― Erik Pevernagie
“When we walk out of our boundaries, we find out that knowledge is not a completion or a windfall, but a long process of revisions or adjustments. Likewise, we recognize that wisdom results from the painful filtering of experiences we collect on the bumpy path of life. ‘("Loss of benchmarks")”
― Erik Pevernagie
“if you want to live an authentic, meaningful life, you need to master the art of disappointing and upsetting others, hurting feelings, and living with the reality that some people just won’t like you. It may not be easy, but it’s essential if you want your life to reflect your deepest desires, values, and needs. ”
― Cheryl Richardson, The Art of Extreme Self-Care: Transform Your Life One Month at a Time
“Boundaries aren't all bad. That's why there are walls around mental institutions.”
― Peggy Noonan, Patriotic Grace: What It Is and Why We Need It Now
“Evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of any relationship is your responsibility. You do not have to passively accept what is brought to you. You can choose.”
― Deborah Day
“I like that: a little pressure on the understood boundaries of yourself. Sounded like something out of a self-awareness class, probably with yoga. See what kind of a pretzel you can tie yourself into and press on the understood...
I was raving, if only to myself.”
― Robin McKinley, Sunshine
“Boundaries are, in simple terms, the recognition of personal space. ”
― Asa Don Brown, The Effects of Childhood Trauma on Adult Perception and Worldview
“Training moments occur when both parents and children do their jobs. The parent's job is to make the rule. The child's job is to break the rule. The parent then corrects and disciplines. The child breaks the rule again, and the parent manages the consequences and empathy that then turn the rule into reality and internal structure for the child.”
― Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
“If someone is inconsiderate or rude to you, risk telling them how it made you feel or that you didn’t appreciate being treated that way. If you tend to talk yourself out of anger by telling yourself that you don’t want to make waves, try telling yourself instead that it is okay to make waves sometimes and risk letting people know how you really feel.”
― Beverly Engel, The Nice Girl Syndrome: Stop Being Manipulated and Abused -- And Start Standing Up for Yourself
“If you live your life to please everyone else, you will continue to feel frustrated and powerless. This is because what others want may not be good for you. You are not being mean when you say NO to unreasonable demands or when you express your ideas, feelings, and opinions, even if they differ from those of others.”
― Beverly Engel, The Nice Girl Syndrome: Stop Being Manipulated and Abused -- And Start Standing Up for Yourself
“Your choice is to be active or passive in your responses.”
― Deborah Day
“Be in your own skin, as an act of self-loving.”
― H Raven Rose, Shadow Selves
“Just as we expect others to value our boundaries, it's equally important for us to respect the boundaries of others.”
― Laurie Buchanan, PhD
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Quotes about the border.
Sayings, aphorisms and quotes about boundaries.
Showing 1-30 of 66
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The borders of heaven and hell are moving, but they always pass through us.
• Stanislav E. Lets
Hell, Border, Paradise
You should not go to bed before you tell yourself that you have learned something during the day. What I understand by the word "learned" is the desire to push the boundaries of our scientific and any other useful knowledge.
• Georg K. Lichtenberg
Boundary, Motivational Quotes, Aspiration
There are limits to everything.
• Quintus Horace Flaccus
Frontier, Wisdom
• Bernard Shaw
Newspaper, Frontier, Fall, Press
"Thoughts are duty free?" - Yes, if they do not cross the borders.
• Stanislav E. Lets
Border, Thought
Erasure of boundaries leads to lawlessness.
• Georgy F. Alexandrov
Golden rain blurs all borders.
• Thomas Carlyle
Frontier, Money, Rain
I imagine the vast realm of science as a wide field, some parts of which are dark, and others are illuminated. Our work is aimed at either expanding the boundaries of illuminated places, or multiplying sources of light in the field. One belongs to the creative genius, the other to the penetrating mind that makes improvements.
• Denis Diderot
Frontier, Science, Teaching and Science
And that's when the bitterest thing comes:
We realize that we couldn't contain
That past within the boundaries9 of our life,
our to a flatmate,
That we would not recognize those who died,
And those with whom God sent separation to us,
They did fine without us - and even
Everything is for the better . ..
• Akhmatova Anna A.
Time, Border, Past, Neighbors
Don't be too sluggish, though. Let your own judgment be your teacher. Facial expressions and words must match each other; especially pay attention not to overstep the boundaries of the natural. Everything that is refined is contrary to the intention of the theater, the purpose of which was, is and will reflect nature in itself: good, evil, time and people should see themselves in it, as in a mirror. If you present them too strongly or too weakly, of course, you will sometimes make the layman laugh, but the connoisseur will be annoyed; and for you, the judgment of the connoisseur should outweigh the opinion of everyone else. I saw actors who were praised to the skies - and what? In words and gait, they did not resemble either Christians, or Jews, or people in general: they acted and yelled so that I thought: some day laborer of nature must have made people, but unsuccessfully - they imitated humanity so terribly.
• William Shakespeare
Actors, Frontier, Good and Evil, Evil, Theater
Righteous person. Knowing no fear, he is always on the side of justice - neither the passions of the crowd, nor the violence of the tyrant will force him to transgress its boundaries. But where is he, this phoenix of endurance? Truth has few fans. Many praise her, but only from a stranger; others follow her until there is no danger, and there the scoundrels openly renounce her, and the sly ones pretend to be faithful. Without hesitation, she will go against friends, against the authorities, against her own benefit - in this test, she is most often changed. The cunning in sincere reasoning will renounce it so as not to offend the interests of superiors or the state. But a straightforward husband considers all falsehood to be treason; proud of his steadfastness more than his vigilance, he is always committed to the truth. And if he leaves her subjects, it is not he who is changeable, but they left her first.
• Baltasar Gracian y Morales
Frontier, Treason, Violence, Truth, Righteousness, Integrity
• Agatha Christie
Border, Life, Happiness
The true limit of our desires is where we do not harm either us or them. Everything is allowed up to this limit.
• Buckle Henry Thomas
Attraction, Boundary
Man himself invents the boundaries of the world: it can be as infinite as a street, or it can become
• Arthur Schopenhauer
Border, World, Size, Man
• Heinrich Heine
Stupidity, Boundary, Wisdom, Wisdom Quotes
Old Mormon's advice: My friend, don't burden yourself with family. Only in a small family, in a close home circle, will you find comfort and peace of mind, which is the best and highest good of all prepared for us in this world. Believe me, ten - at most twelve - wives are enough for you, do not cross this border.
• Mark Twain
Good, Frontier, Ironic quotes, Family
Who, knowing the limits of his activity, does not approach dangers, he will live long.
• Lao Tzu
Boundary, Activity, Quotes of Wisdom, Danger
It is unthinkable to draw a line where foreboding ends and true love begins.
• Alexander S. Green
Boundary, Love, Premonition
One must be careful not to cross the line in criticism of shortcomings, where gossip begins.
• Vladimir I. Lenin
Border, Criticism
Respect has limits, while love does not have them 90 Yu. 03 s
Border , Love, Respect
Respect has limits, but love has none.
• Mikhail Yu. Lermontov
Border, Life, Love
Sovereign! You are overstepping the boundaries of your power. Russia, taught by long-term disasters, in front of the holy altar, handed autocracy to your ancestor and demanded that they rule it supremely, indivisibly. This covenant is the foundation of your authority; you have no other; You can do everything, but you cannot legally limit it.
• Nikolai M. Karamzin
Calamity, Power, Border, Russia
The mind, once expanding its boundaries, will never return to the former.
• Albert Einstein
Border, Reflections, Mind
The border between light and shadow is you.
• Stanislav E. Lec
Border, Light, Shadow
Madness... is a rather vague concept, and people of a philistine warehouse arbitrarily use it, guided by dubious criteria. They draw the boundary of the reasonable hastily and very close to themselves and their vulgar convictions, and everything that is beyond it they declare madness.
• Thomas Mann
Madness, Boundary, Wise Quotes, Madness
Who once crossed the border of modesty becomes constantly and openly shameless.
• Mark Tullius Cicero
Frontier, Modesty
Where there used to be the boundaries of science, now its center
002 Frontier, Progress, Learning and science
Do you want to live happily? Live without paying attention to boundaries and other people's opinions.
• Daria Dontsova
The circle of permissibility has begun to lose its precise boundaries, it is blurring, and everyone is about to start setting it for himself.
• Boris L. Vasiliev
Border, Freedom
. When happiness borders on grief, pleasure borders on pain, and one can instantly change into another.
• Mikhail I. Veller
Border, Love, Feelings
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Any person grows cold when he feels your dependence on him.
April 5, 2021
You are not responsible for other people's feelings and reactions. You cannot offend anyone. The person himself decides whether to be offended or not. If he decides to be offended, that is his choice. Your job is to say "no" when you don't want to agree. Then you turn on white noise in your head. Someone else's emotional reaction does not concern you.
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