Psychology of a cheating woman
13 Psychological Facts About A Cheating Woman
Let’s first let go of the idea that all women who cheat are irredeemable, selfish monsters.
Generalizing is lazy thinking dressed up (often enough) as cleverness.
It’s not that simple.
There’s more to cheating women and the reasons behind their infidelity than most people bother to understand.
You’re here because you want to.
Let’s start with some simple facts about cheating and go from there.
What is the Psychological Reason Behind Cheating?
The psychology behind cheating is worth keeping in mind, if only because it helps us understand why someone cheats even when their partner has done everything possible to show them love and treat them with respect.
Here are a few clues to get us started:
- While men are more likely to have a sexual motivation for cheating, women are more likely to cheat because of dissatisfaction with their relationship;
- Men are just as likely as women to cite emotional or sexual motivations if their primary relationship is lacking in either area;
- Couples who don’t match on one or more critical traits (education, income, religious views, attractiveness, interests, etc.
) are more vulnerable to infidelity.
Look for the following signs your partner may be cheating on you:
- She’s not interested in talking or spending time with you;
- Her schedule has changed, and she spends less time at home;
- She’s unreachable, and not because of work;
- She never leaves her phone out of sight when you’re around;
- She tries to hide unexplained expenses (cheating costs money).
While none of the above are actual proof she’s a cheater woman, they do serve as red flags (with blaring alarms). Take them seriously enough to insist on a heart-to-heart conversation with your wife or partner.
Better to get an honest answer (however painful) than to spend another day worrying.
[Read more here about a cheating girlfriend.]
How Does Cheating Affect a Woman Mentally?
How cheating affects a woman mentally or emotionally depends on the particular woman in question and her personal values.
If cheating is a direct and serious violation of those values, she’s more likely to feel guilty about it, which can manifest in a variety of ways:
- Suddenly going above and beyond to spoil you or show you extra TLC;
- Withdrawing and having a difficult time making eye contact with you;
- Spending more time praying, going to church, doing penance, etc.;
- Acting suspicious whenever you’re away from home longer than expected;
- Pushing you away or provoking you to start a fight and hasten a break-up.
If she’s been unfaithful to you, and she feels even a little guilty about it, the truth will eventually spring a leak.
13 Psychological Facts About A Cheating Woman
Read through the following psychological facts about cheating and make a note of any points that stand out for you. Keep in mind none of these facts, if they apply to your situation, excuse or justify the cheating.
The goal here is simply to understand better than before.
1. She feels unwanted or taken for granted.
She needs to be seen as more than “the wife” or “the partner” or as the mother of your children. She needs to feel valued and wanted—not just needed for what she can do for you.
You may take her desire for you for granted, but she doesn’t assume you still want her the way she needs to be wanted.
2. She uses alcohol or other addictive substances to escape.
This substance abuse isn’t true of all cheating women, but alcohol (enough of it) makes infidelity more likely when your wife or spouse is thrown together with a guy who’s as willing (or as impaired) as she is.
If she wakes up the following day next to someone other than you, she may have no memory of what happened the night before.
If her remorse is genuine, pay attention to the why behind the drinking.
3. She’s lonely (with you) and feels emotionally connected to someone else.
She’s human. And humans need to feel connected to other humans.
If her connection to someone else grows deeper than the one she feels with you, she’ll find it harder to say no if the other person, who makes time for her, wants physical as well as emotional intimacy.
If there’s a strong mutual attraction, an emotional affair can easily transition to the physical.
4. Her self-esteem is low.
Whether this is a new development or something she’s always struggled with, she may feel unattractive or uninteresting to you, especially if the passion in your relationship has cooled.
So, if someone comes along and builds her up and is there for her, she’s likely to feel a stronger connection with them.
And with mutual attraction comes temptation.
5. She’s bored and craving excitement.
If you don’t spend much time together, let alone communicate on more than a superficial level, she may look for excitement and stimulation somewhere else.
We’re not condoning infidelity. But keeping the relationship strong is a two-person job.
If couple time is taking a back seat to everything else, she may look to someone else for the thrill and romance she sees with others and doesn’t have with you.
6. She wants to be the dominant one in your relationship.
This desire is a whole other ball game, but if your wife likes to be the dominant half, she may cheat simply because she’s feeling less than satisfied with your attention or the time you spend together. And she may feel justified in seeking gratification elsewhere.
Men aren’t the only ones capable of being players; dominant women can be just as insatiable and ready to play the field.
7. She’s cheated before.
If she’s cheated on past partners, she may be more likely to cheat on you. That said, her past infidelity is no guarantee of an encore.
Pay less attention to the fact she cheated than to the reasons behind it. Repeating the same circumstances in your own relationship is a much stronger indicator.
On the other hand, if she’s a serial cheater, it’s not really about the circumstances.
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8. Cheating is part of her family history.
If one or both of her parents cheated on the other, she might be more inclined to do the same in a committed relationship of her own.
Again, look beyond the act in her past. She may seek to understand why her parent cheated. And she may cheat only because she believes it’s part of her make-up (“like mother/father, like daughter”).
9. She’s out for revenge.
Maybe she wants revenge because you cheated on her—or because she sees you spending more time with someone else and suspects you of cheating.
Or maybe she’s looking for a way to show you what can happen when you neglect your partner and leave her to find friendship, romance, and intimacy with someone else.
For whatever reason, she’s cheating to punish you or as a prelude to a break-up.
10. She wants passion.
And your relationship doesn’t have any. Maybe it never did, or perhaps work, parenting, etc., have dominated your time and energy. You’ve forgotten what it was like to find it impossible to keep your hands off each other.
She may think you’re just not interested (enough) in rekindling what you had. Meeting someone who wants her as badly as you used to desire her may just scratch that itch.
She’s especially committed to maintaining a conversation with someone she met online in a Facebook or Twitter group, on an online forum, etc.
She seems more invested in her social media time than ever before. And she pays less attention (if any) to your social media activity.
In fact, she may only see it as further proof of the widening chasm between you.
12. Her success has altered the relationship.
She’s found success in a career she loves, she’s earning considerably more, and she’s hanging out with people who, like her, make more than you do.
Just as you may feel left behind, she may feel you’d rather complain about your job situation (and about her) than actually do something to improve your life or your relationship.
And she may feel a pull toward a colleague with similar goals.
13. She has a habit of breaking rules and taboos.
It’s also possible she doesn’t believe in monogamy or committing to one sexual partner for as long as they both shall live, etc.
She’s likely to remind you of this if you call her out for hooking up with someone else.
To her, sex is a natural appetite. And monogamy seems as unnatural as eating only one type of food for the rest of her life.
Now that you’ve looked through all 13 of the psychological facts about cheating women, which ones stood out for you?
Which, if any, have changed the way you see your partner or your relationship with her?
Not all relationships end as a result of cheating, though many do. Whatever you and your partner decide, may you both find a better way forward — with forgiveness and peace.
What will you do differently today?
15 Psychological Facts About A Cheating Woman + Signs
They say that cheating is a choice and not a mistake. I say cheating is much more complex than we think. To be more exact, the reasons women cheat are not that simple.
Worry not. Today we’ll talk about the psychological facts about a cheating woman. (And no, there will be no space for judging, generalizing, or similar because we’re better than that.)
Without further ado, you’ll find all you need to know about a cheating woman’s mindset, the background behind their infidelity, and much more below!
15 Psychological Facts About A Cheating Woman
Why do people cheat? Wait, why do women cheat? To understand things better, let’s go through the following psychological facts about a cheating woman:
1. Feeling unappreciated and unwanted
For both partners to thrive and become the best versions of themselves, they need to feel loved and appreciated. If a woman doesn’t feel valued in her primary relationship, she won’t feel complete.
If another man gives her the needed attention and special treatment, he will succeed in filling the gap by giving her what she is lacking. (Note that I’m not trying to justify cheating but provide the background behind it.)
A woman needs to feel VALUED and not just NEEDED in a relationship. If that need is not met, balance will not be established.
2. Commitment issues
She has issues being in a committed relationship, or she can’t stay in one for long. That’s the main reason why she cheats on her partner in the first place.
If a woman has commitment issues, she will exhibit the following red flags:
• giving mixed signals
• lack of emotional attachment
• avoiding talking about the future
• delayed communication (texting and calls)
• constant nagging (usually about trivial things)
• a history of short-lived relationships
Commitment issues can stem from events and traumas from childhood, toxic relationships, bad breakups, and similar. So, when a woman sees that things are becoming serious, she immediately pulls away to protect herself from investing emotionally.
For her, emotional connection is a risky endeavor she can’t afford. If her current partner (or potential partner) becomes too pushy, chances are she’ll run away and won’t think twice about cheating for the sake of regaining her freedom.
3. Indecisiveness + alcohol
Yes, women can be indecisive too. We often hear stories about men having trouble committing or choosing between two or more women.
With the arrival of social media and other elements of our modern lifestyle, our choices have multiplied. All this has resulted in indecisiveness being deeply ingrained in almost every aspect of our lives.
It becomes natural for us to suffer from the grass is greener syndrome and question almost every decision we make.
So, a woman might start overthinking the following questions: Is he the one for me? What if I’m better off being single? What if there is someone better than him?
Add alcohol to the equation, and there you have it: A recipe for becoming a cheater.
4. Struggling with low self-esteem
Low self-esteem can be a catalyst for many destructive behaviors, including cheating. The best way to describe a low self-esteem battle is by comparing it to a silent killer.
Most of the time, people are not even aware that they suffer from low confidence. They subconsciously start seeking self-worth and validation from others.
These insecurities might not seem like a big deal at first, but they are. Why?
If a woman (or man) doesn’t get this much-needed validation from their partner, they’ll start seeking it someplace else.
They might become addicted to their new source of a self-esteem boost, thus neglecting their primary romance and the consequences that come with the act of cheating.
5. Unfulfilled desire for dominance
I have a strong desire to debunk the generalized thinking that dominant behavior is only reserved for men because it is not. Some women also like to be dominant both in bed and in relationships (in general).
If their significant other doesn’t allow them to express their dominant side, they might start suffocating. The more they feel suffocated, the stronger their desire for dominance.
I’m not saying that only women should be the dominant ones in a relationship, but these dominant-submissive roles should be accepted interchangeably. Both men and women deserve to express their dominant and submissive sides (if they want to).
6. Craving excitement
The butterflies in your stomach, endless laughing, plenty of warm hugs and kisses…All these things happen during the honeymoon phase when our excitement is at its peak.
Once the honeymoon phase ends, reality kicks in! If partners aren’t willing or don’t know how to spice up their relationship, they will slowly but surely start falling into a rut.
And that is when the “craving excitement” part comes into the story. This is one of the reasons women (and men) start looking for that initial excitement in a new partner.
7. “Like mother, like daughter”
A study of men and women in the UK revealed that a woman is more prone to cheating if her mother cheated on her romantic partner(s).
They say that children learn mostly by imitating their parents. Perhaps we could connect this hypothesis to the psychological facts about a cheating woman.
Additionally, the science of cheating also confirms that infidelity can be genetically predisposed.
8. She’s fueled by revenge
Many people underestimate a woman’s rage until revenge becomes her fuel. A woman’s partner cheating on her is a surefire way to trigger her desire to avenge herself.
When a woman is fueled by revenge, she easily becomes a cheating wife or cheating girlfriend. I’m not taking sides, but I’ve always believed karma is a bitch.
One cannot know the pain of being cheated on until one experiences it. This goes both ways.
9. Lack of passion
Lack of passion with a primary partner is one of the most common reasons for relationship infidelity or extramarital affairs. Passion is not something that depends on one person.
Both partners should express their passion and ultimate devotion to their partner. If a relationship becomes devoid of passion, hookups filled with passion become an alternative.
Besides passion, emotional connection is also an important aspect of a healthy relationship. When a woman senses that both of these elements are long gone, she either decides to call it quits or subconsciously starts looking for them elsewhere.
10. Increased social media activity
Social media and the curse of having everything just one click away are the main culprits of infidelity. It has never been easier to meet someone new in record time.
So, once a relationship loses its initial charm and becomes unhealthy, women (and men) instinctively start looking for the missing elements elsewhere.
Specifically, we’re talking about emotional cheating that sometimes turns into physical cheating as well.
When it comes to cheating on the phone, every text filled with attention and appreciation gives you a dopamine shot, aka short-term happiness. That’s how you become addicted to receiving them.
11. She doesn’t believe in monogamy
Long-term relationships with one romantic partner are not something she believes in. To her, monogamy is unnatural. The idea of having one sexual partner for the rest of her life is not appealing.
She sees it as choosing one ice cream flavor to eat for the rest of her life. She’s not sure if that’s even possible.
If her current partner is not on the same page, she will feel pressured and misunderstood, which might result in cheating. This is especially true if her partner judges her and forces her to change her mind.
12. She’s a serial cheater
Both women and men cheat for various reasons. However, sometimes people cheat for no apparent reason other than being a serial cheater. Confusing, I know.
So, one of the reasons why someone cheats – I mean why women cheat – is because they’ve done it before and will most likely do it again.
Perhaps they get addicted to the adrenaline and euphoria that comes with the act of infidelity. We could compare this to kleptomania (feeling a strong urge to steal).
In both cases, tension is what gives them pleasure. Also, in both cases, people feel guilty or remorseful after the act of cheating or stealing.
However, this feeling of remorse for being a cheating partner is not enough to prevent them from doing it again. Why? Because the need for another shot of adrenaline and tension is stronger than them.
13. Narcissistic tendencies
Females who belong to the category of narcissists or have narcissistic tendencies choose to cheat to control their partners.
Sometimes, they do it out of fear that their partner will cheat on them. The need for being in control is something they can’t control. (What a brilliant sentence, I must admit.)
Here are some of the narcissistic traits that will help you better understand the background behind their cheating tendencies:
• poor impulse control
• ego problems
• lack of remorse
• exaggerated feelings of self-importance
• delusions of grandeur
• lack of empathy
The most important factor in all of this is their thinking that they can get away with cheating. Also, their lack of remorse makes it easier for them to continue cheating on their partner without ever feeling any regret.
14. Impulsiveness
I daresay that impulsiveness is not too common among female cheaters because women are mainly great at overthinking, empathy, and re-evaluating their decisions. However, it sometimes happens.
Making impulsive decisions is often linked with mental health issues. It also happens when a woman decides to shut down her rational thoughts and emotions for her primary partner.
Now, why would she do that?
Perhaps she already thought about suggesting a break up but, for some reason, didn’t mention it to her partner. Maybe she decided to wait for something to change, but unfortunately, it didn’t.
Now, she’s at a crossroads.
She met a great guy she’s totally attracted to, but she’s still in a relationship. Usually, she would question her decisions, but this time, she let her impulses get the best of her.
15. Lack of emotional connection
If we had to summarize the psychology behind cheating women, it would be this one sentence: Lack of emotional connection.
We all know that women are emotional beings. They don’t feel the need to hide their feelings from the rest of the world (like the majority of men). Women enjoy expressing themselves in various ways.
When it comes to romance, establishing a deeper emotional connection is a prerequisite to everything else that follows. A lack of emotional connection is the main reason for emotional infidelity.
Women are more prone to having emotional affairs than men. Why? Because men are capable of separating their physical needs from emotional ones, whereas many women have difficulties doing so.
What Are The Signs Of A Cheating Woman?
Some of the main warning signs of a cheating woman are a sudden change in her appearance, avoiding communication, and being overly protective of her phone. Here’s a list of common signs of a cheating woman:
• being overly protective of her phone and/or having her phone on silent mode
• she’s treating her current partner more like a friend than a romantic partner
• change in her appearance
• distraction
• not interested in physical intimacy with her current partner
• lying
• acting annoyed when being asked questions about her whereabouts
• avoiding communication
• asking to try new things in the bedroom
• passive-aggressive behavior
If a cheating woman is confronted, chances are she’ll tell her partner that he’s imagining things. She will act insulted when in reality, she knows that her partner is right for suspecting that she’s cheating on him.
Truth be told, when cornered, most of them decide to tell the truth sooner or later. When the guilt becomes unbearable, the urge to tell the truth seems like the right thing to do.
I’m sure the above psychological facts about a cheating woman helped you better understand the whole thing about cheating. As you can see, cheating is not only a matter of choice, but it goes way deeper than that.
Cheating tendencies are connected with a woman’s personality, her current mental state, dissatisfaction with a current relationship, and many other factors.
Some women feel remorse after cheating, while others don’t. Some of them decide to tell the truth after being questioned, while others need more time to do so.
Cheating is an individual thing, and everyone experiences it differently. No matter why a woman (or man) would decide to cheat, they don’t deserve to be ostracized from society because tomorrow, this might be you or me.
The least we can do is try to understand things before judging.
7 reasons why women cheat: from bad sex to self-esteem problems
Who cheats more often - men or women? Ha ha, you say, men of course! Statistics and truth from decade to decade confirms the main weakness of the stronger sex. Surveys conducted by researchers at Boston University as part of a large-scale project to study family relations found that, on average, 20% of men have cheated on their significant other at least once, compared with 13% of women.
However, in an American study in 2018, psychologists found a nuance: the infidelity of ladies in the age group of 18-29 years outdid the male. Adult women, as it turned out, are not up to adultery, while restless men continue to do this, increasing the gap in the score.
Another indicator that has long determined the sex differences in adultery is the causes of rampant behavior. It is believed that men are more likely to cheat for the sake of sexual diversity, and women - because of dissatisfaction with the relationship. An update of the Boston University polls published by experts this year eliminates the usual difference. These days, the gender gap in infidelity has all but disappeared: men and women cheat for similar reasons and with the same enthusiasm.
It is interesting to know the opinion of experts on why women increase the activity of cheating. What are they, in the sense, we? And where will the trend for boudoir adventures lead us in general? Here is what psychologists say, explaining the reasons for what is happening. First of all, women cheat...
1. Sex for the sake of sex
If someone convinces you that men cheat for carnal pleasures, and women because of romantic foreplay, laugh in the face of the ridiculous translator of medieval ideas. “Women, like men, value good sex and can easily become unfaithful to whoever turns them on,” says New York-based sex therapist Tammy Nelson. “A study published last winter in the Journal of Sex Research confirms once again that most men are seduced into infidelity out of a craving for diversity, but a thirst for experimentation also tops the list of causes of female infidelity.”
2. Dissatisfied with relationships
In the same study, the second most popular reason was revealed: women cheat because they are not happy with the one who is next to them. The one who is married, with whom they live or have a long romance. Even if love is still glimmering, a woman who is tired of current relationships (quarrels, boredom, domestic troubles, financial problems) will look for an object for flirting on the side. A love affair adds adrenaline to life - women of any age and status will confirm this.
3. Impulsive act on emotions
Reason number three - something went wrong. Circumstances arose, the mood coincided, and the woman gave herself up to the situation, which she would later justify to herself and her friends as: “it was a mistake.” “Sometimes there is no other meaning to an affair than an opportunity that a woman could not or did not want to miss at the moment,” adds Dr. Nelson. “Everyone makes mistakes, and even happy married women can act impulsively or out of revenge and regret it later.”
4. Lack of emotional intimacy with a partner
Physical or emotional intimacy are basic needs that we as social beings naturally desire to satisfy. If a woman does not get enough intimacy in a current relationship, and someone is around who is ready for this very intimacy, the chances of a mutual attraction increase significantly. “A survey from our university determined that women engage in side contacts with more sensual feedback than men. Lust for intimacy and romance are exculpatory aspects of female infidelity,” explains Boston University psychologist Alison Hardy.
5. To feel wanted
Both women and men cheat because they want to feel like an object of love and adoration. “The lack of attention in a relationship pushes a woman into the arms of another, in words and deeds confirming his love for her. It's hard to ignore attentions, compliments and genuine passion, no matter the family values and the seriousness of the relationship in which she is, ”says Nelson.
6. Low self-esteem
Low self-esteem can also motivate a woman to look for feelings on the side, says Alison Hardy. “If a partner is stingy with approval, but unreasonably generous with criticism, the accumulated need for love and understanding will sooner or later force the woman to seek outside support. Even if she is used to neglecting her own desires, the subconscious will find a way to remind her that she deserves more, and fate will throw a meeting with someone who is ready to see all the good that is in her.
7. They want a divorce
Sometimes cheating is a hidden manifestation of the fact that a woman is ready to end an existing relationship, but finds it difficult to announce her decision. Such behavior is unfair to the partner, although it is understandable from a psychological point of view. Tammy Nelson also notes that sometimes cheating expresses an urgent need for change in current relationships.
“Change is destructive, but does not necessarily mean the end of the couple, and sometimes it provides an impetus for change for the better,” says the sex therapist. - Events can develop in two scenarios: divorce without protracted efforts or acceptance of existing problems and working together to solve them. If you love each other and want to be together, in time you will rebuild trust, and your bond will grow stronger through these trials.”
Smirnova Natasha
- relationships
- Psychology
- Love and sex
But, surprisingly, the attitude towards male and female adventures is completely different. Speaking about the infidelity of the stronger sex, everyone, as a rule, is attributed to the notorious polygamy. But such liberties on the part of the ladies are accompanied by ardent indignation, because this does not at all correspond to the nature and purpose of a woman. The psychology of betrayal is an interesting subject for study, especially when it comes to the beautiful half of humanity.

What is the difference between women's and men's expectations from marriage
Before understanding the psychology of infidelity and the signs that will help to recognize infidelity, it is worth analyzing how the representatives of both sexes relate to marriage, what is expected from family life. Comparative characteristics are given in the table.
Woman | Man |
Need for tenderness and care. Pleasant words and tactile contact are important. | The need for sexual satisfaction. Unconditionally, on demand. |
Need for conversation. It is important that a man can listen with interest and give the right response. | The need for rest and entertainment. It is important that a woman can accept and share hobbies. |
A man's need for honesty and openness. It is important that the husband devotes his wife to everything: from small things to big things.![]() | The need for a woman's physical attractiveness. It is important that she looks decent in society and seductive at home. |
The need for material well-being and stability. Confidence in the future and the availability of resources to ensure the comfort of home are important. | The need for home comfort. Not only the physical aspect (cleanliness and delicious food) is important, but also the moral one (peace and peaceful atmosphere). |
The need for a man to be a good father to children. | The need for a woman to admire her husband. |
What is the difference between female and male infidelity
The psychology of infidelity in men and women is not the same. It is worth starting the analysis with more primitive manifestations of infidelity. For the vast majority of the stronger sex, cheating is a way to diversify intimate life and take a break from family routine. At the same time, for a trip "to the left" no special reason is needed. A man can change, even if he is completely satisfied with his wife. It's just that he decided in such a peculiar way to satisfy his basic instinct.
The situation with the psychology of infidelity in women is completely different. For the fair sex, feelings come first, and intimacy comes second. It is important for a lady to feel attention. Simply put, the satisfaction of the basic instinct is not a sufficient reason for contact with another man. Wives, as a rule, change in two cases: if the spouse is cold and indifferent (takes it for granted) or if there is a strong love on the side.
As confirmation of significant differences in the psychology of adultery in women and men, we can cite an anonymous survey that was conducted by one social research institute in Eastern Europe (including Russia). Among women who confessed to adultery, only 25% noted that they did not experience any romantic feelings for their lover. But among men there were as many as 70% completely indifferent to their mistresses.
Two types of women's infidelity
Society has developed a strong idea of the essence of adultery. But not everyone knows that in the psychology of adultery there are two types of infidelity: physical and moral. The first one is more or less clear. It implies sexual contact. Moreover, it may not be accompanied by any romantic feelings at all (as is often the case with men).
But moral betrayal is a more complex phenomenon, something like platonic love. This type of infidelity, as a rule, is peculiar to women. This is a situation where a lady feels spiritual kinship with an outsider. It arises against the background of the similarity of characters, temperaments, hobbies, worldviews. The notorious "chemistry" can happen when people fit together on a physiological and psychological level. In this case, physical contact, as a rule, does not occur. Moreover, a married woman can watch the object of her adoration from afar, fearing to violate moral principles.
Actually, moral betrayal is not such in the minds of most people. However, its role and importance are underestimated. The psychology of betrayal and betrayal is much more complicated than just physical contact. The presence of spiritual attachment leads to no less deep relationship crisis than sexual contact on the side.
The main causes of women's infidelity
Women's infidelity in psychology is associated with certain reasons. Namely:
- Lack of emotional and spiritual connection with the spouse. It is important for a woman to be "on the same wavelength" with her husband, to feel warmth and care. If a man "breathes with a chill", this can provoke a lady to cheat.
- Unjustified expectations. Marriage often changes people. After marriage, many women are faced with the fact that the spouse is not at all a beautiful romantic prince. He does not devote time, earns little, scatters socks around the apartment, and even put on weight. Broken illusions push a woman to continue searching for her ideal.
- Revenge.
If a man has previously been caught in adultery, it is possible that a woman will want to repay him in kind. Also, betrayal can be revenge for physical or moral abuse by a husband.
- Tired of routine. If, after marriage, a woman is swallowed up by everyday life, sooner or later, she will want to break out of this "captivity". If the elastic does not bring his lady into the light, for sure, there will be someone who will satisfy this need.
- Sexual dissatisfaction. Despite the fact that for women, intimacy is in second place after feelings, if a man does not fulfill his marital duty (or does it inappropriately), the lady may not be able to stand it. This is one of the most common factors of betrayal in the family. In psychology, this phenomenon is called "compensation for the lack of intimacy."
- Old love. They say that the first romantic feeling is not forgotten. If a woman accidentally meets the love of her youth, it is possible that feelings can flare up with renewed vigor.
- Desire to fill the void. If a man is never around (for example, he is at work for days or constantly on the road), the woman begins to feel lonely and unnecessary. Thus, she begins to try to fill the void with another man.
- Absence of feelings for the spouse. Sometimes, the reason for betrayal is the fact that a woman simply fell out of love with her husband.
- Midlife crisis. This phenomenon is not limited to men. Deep introspection and debriefing occurs after 30 years and in women. The psychology of betrayal at this conscious age is formed on the basis of whether the lady has received by this moment everything that she dreamed of in her youth. Realizing that real family life does not correspond to her ideals, she may think about changing her life partner. Moreover, she will be suitable for his choice not only from an emotional point of view, but also from practical considerations.
Hidden causes of female infidelity
The psychology of female infidelity is much more complex and confusing than it might seem at first glance. It is interesting that some ladies put some hidden meaning into their betrayal. Namely:
- The desire to make a man stronger. If a man is lack of initiative, does not complete the work he has begun, does not keep his promises, constantly complains, few people will like it. Cheating is a kind of original way to “shake up” a spouse and make him change his outlook on life.
- Desire to assert oneself. Cheating can be a means to demonstrate to a man that she is interesting to other members of the stronger sex, that she needs to be fought for.
- The desire to "warm up" a fading relationship. Some ladies believe that the appearance of an opponent will bring "pepper" and return passion. But, as a rule, this action leads to the opposite effect.
How to recognize infidelity?
The psychology of wives' infidelity is such that it is very difficult for them to hide their betrayal. Unlike men, ladies feel guilty for what they have done, and therefore often give themselves away. If the woman turned out to be a tough nut to crack, treason can be recognized for indirect reasons. Namely:
- Wife won't let you near her gadgets. For example, earlier you could safely use her smartphone or tablet, but now all devices have passwords. Also, as an example, you can give a situation if it abruptly closes chats in a laptop if you approach from the back. All this may indicate that the woman has some secrets from you.
- Dramatic changes in appearance. This is one of the key signs of a wife's infidelity in psychology. For example, your spouse suddenly changed her favorite jeans and sweatshirt for stockings and an elegant dress. She began to devote more time to hair and makeup, began to shine from the inside for no apparent reason. It is possible that in this way a woman is trying to please someone.
- New social circle. If, in addition to your mutual friends, the spouse began to spend a lot of time with people whom you do not know, this is an alarming sign.
Especially if a woman categorically refuses to introduce you to new friends.
- Removal from intimacy. Of course, one cannot write off poor health and emotional tension. But if a woman shirks her marital duty for a long time (or does it coldly, "for show"), this is saying something.
- Too busy. The wife began to return home much later, does not answer your calls and messages - these are "alarm bells". But do not exclude the possibility that the woman is really very busy at work.
- Uncharacteristic calmness. If earlier your wife “sawed” you for scattered socks, crumbs on the couch and other household trifles, but then abruptly stopped noticing them, this is not a reason to rejoice. Most likely, her thoughts are occupied with something or someone else.
Alternative sign
Another important aspect of women's psychology will help to recognize infidelity. After the betrayal of the fair sex, they feel guilty. Such is their nature. Therefore, by committing such an oversight, the spouse can try to atone for the sin.
Suspecting a woman of infidelity can be caused by unexpected positive changes. For example, the wife became very affectionate, began to cook new delicious dishes, became more attentive to your work and hobbies, and also became more passionate and inventive in her intimate life. It is possible that in this way a woman is trying to calm her conscience and make amends to you.
Is it worth it to forgive? Arguments "For"
In the confusing psychology of relationships, cheating is one of the most controversial topics. Some people consider infidelity a real crime that should never be forgiven. And some people are of the opinion that everyone deserves a second chance. These are the arguments the latter are guided by:
- To break is not to build. A family is not created in one day. People spend time and energy to get to know and love each other, to establish a joint life. Might be worth trying to save it.
- Everyone has the right to a second chance.
Nobody is sinless. And if a woman sincerely repents of her act, it may be worth trying to forgive her.
- Both are to blame for family problems. Before making an important decision, a man should analyze his behavior. Maybe it was he who pushed his wife into the arms of an outsider? If you have come to this conclusion, it is definitely worth forgiving each other for the mistakes made and trying to start over.
- Difficulties strengthen relationships. If the spouses were able to survive the crisis together, in the future their union will become stronger, they will be less vulnerable to the influence of circumstances.
Is it worth it to forgive? Arguments "Against"
It is believed that the psychology of female infidelity is fundamentally different from the psychology of male infidelity. Some people consider the betrayal of a spouse to be more treacherous and criminal, and therefore they strongly do not recommend forgiving her. And here are the reasons:
- A man gets a deep psychological trauma after infidelity.
The psychology of the stronger sex is such that they are owners. Treason deals a strong blow to their ego.
- The woman no longer loves her husband. Intimacy for a woman is a matter of feelings. If she decided to cheat, then she moved away from her husband and has romantic feelings for her boyfriend.
- Humility means weakness. To accept and forgive betrayal means to show weakness. Women feel this and manipulate this feeling.
- A man can be the object of ridicule. If the rumor about marital infidelity has spread, the man who forgives can be considered a spineless weakling.
Is there a future together after infidelity?
A rather sensitive topic in the psychology of relationships is betrayal. According to statistics, most ladies forgive their faithful adventures "to the left", preferring not to destroy the family. But women's infidelity, as a rule, ends in divorce. Most men are possessive by nature. Cheating is too big a blow to their ego.
If you have decided not to act rashly, but to try to save your family, it is important to behave correctly. The most important thing is not to blame your spouse for a mistake. Psychologists advise to conduct a symbolic ritual of the destruction of past grievances. For example, write all claims on a piece of paper and burn it. But ideally, such couples should turn to a family psychologist who will help get rid of resentment and put their thoughts on the shelves.
Prevention of infidelity
Knowing the psychology of infidelity will help prevent negative developments in family life. Wives are sophisticated and sensitive creatures, and therefore they need a special approach. The following recommendations will help prevent adultery:
- Do not turn from a prince into a monster. Always remember what you were before marriage, and maintain this image already in family life. Watch your appearance, do not forget to be a gentleman.
- Be romantic. Give your woman gifts, arrange candlelit dinners, say nice words, show tenderness.
For a woman, romance is the foundation of a relationship.
- Help your spouse. Housekeeping and raising children is a shared responsibility. Moreover, if a woman works, you simply do not have the moral right to shift the entire burden of household chores onto her.
- Talk to each other. Do not hush up your feelings, claims and suspicions. Most problems can be eliminated in the bud if you talk about them in time and frankly.
- Do not lock your spouse at home. Work, creativity, communication - all this is necessary for any person. Otherwise, the woman will want to get out of your cage as soon as possible.
- Don't forget about intimacy. Sexual relations are equally important for both men and women. Do not forget that intimate contact should bring satisfaction to both spouses.
- Do not try to control a woman. Constant suspicions, jealousy and offensive hints will only push the spouse to change.
Advice for women
The psychology of a wife cheating on her husband is a very confusing area. In particular, it has to do with public opinion. Despite the fact that equality is assigned to representatives of different sexes, this does not apply to the issue of adultery. The adventures of a man, as a rule, are met with understanding and justified in every possible way. But such behavior on the part of a woman causes a sharp condemnation up to aggression. Therefore, ladies need to be extremely careful and reasonable. Follow these guidelines:
- Don't rush into marriage. Don't get married "for show" so that you don't regret the missed opportunities later, looking at the "better options". Creating a family is a responsible step that you must take with a person in whom you are 100% sure. And most importantly - you must be confident in yourself and your feelings.
- Do not plunge headlong into everyday life. It is in your power to form the right attitude of a man towards himself. Do not give up your interests and needs in favor of household chores, distribute responsibilities.
Otherwise, by closing yourself in a "domestic cell", you will accumulate discontent and anger at your man, and look at other gentlemen more often.
- "Warm up" feelings. It just so happened that men are more primitive in terms of instincts and needs. Therefore, the function of maintaining the "light" in a relationship lies with the woman. Create romance yourself or direct your spouse in the right direction.
- Learn to voice your complaints. If something does not satisfy you in family life, talk about it delicately, but directly, because men are not the most insightful creatures. And accumulating resentment is not the best option. After all, if you break loose, and it comes to treason, your claims will no longer be relevant.
- Evaluate other men objectively. If you feel fascinated by a new acquaintance, just imagine him in everyday life. Surely he does not walk around the house in a tie. Most likely, at home, he is not much different from your spouse. So is the game worth the candle?
- Be honest.