Questions for counseling

Questions for counseling
Therapy Questions Every Therapist Should Be AskingHealing conversations are an art form in peril of being lost to our busy lives.The ultimate goal of talk therapy is to enable the process of psycholog...

Having no feeling

Having no feeling
I don't have feelings anymore“I feel like I don’t have feelings anymore” is a common experience for people who are developing psychosis or depression or who are recovering from a traumatic experience....

Cope with grief and loss

Cope with grief and loss
Coping with Grief and Lossgrief &...

Adhd neuropsychological test battery

Adhd neuropsychological test battery
Neuropsychological Testing for ADD/ADHD - Fifth Avenue PsychiatryFifth Avenue Psychiatry specializes in the accurate diagnosis of ADD/ADHD which often includes Neuropsychological Testing. Unfortunatel...

Behavioral interventions for children

Behavioral interventions for children
Examples of Positive Behavioral Intervention StrategiesPrint VersionExamples of Positive Behavioral Intervention Strategies ...

Psychiatric lab workup

Psychiatric lab workup
Psychiatric Lab Workuplast authored: Jan 2011, Craig Melochelast reviewed: Jan 2011, Michelle Mancell  IntroductionThere are many conditions, identifiable by lab investigations, that can cause a host...

Stages of divorce for women

Stages of divorce for women
7 Stages of Divorce | Amity Mediation Workshop, LLCby Jamie C. Williamson, PhDDivorcing couples do move through predictable and understandable stages of divorce, each associated with different practic...

Sertraline lowest dosage

Sertraline lowest dosage
How and when to take sertraline Dosage and strength Sertraline is available as 25mg, 50mg or 100mg tablets.The usual dose of sertraline is 50mg a day in adults. But your doctor may start you on a lowe...

How to cope with anxiety attacks

How to cope with anxiety attacks
How to deal with panic attacksA panic attack is a feeling of sudden and intense anxiety.Panic attacks can also have physical symptoms, including shaking, feeling disorientated, nausea, rapid, irregula...

Reviews for counselor

Reviews for counselor
BetterHelp: Reviews and Costs in 2023Looking for an affordable and accessible online counseling platform? BetterHelp is a convenient virtual therapy option for people who want to interact with a couns...