Lump feeling in throat anxiety
Can’t Clear Your Throat? That Lump May Be Anxiety
Anxiety can cause symptoms that affect your mind as well as your body, including feeling as though you have a proverbial “frog in your throat.”
You might be familiar with some physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a rapid heart rate or sweating. But the physical symptoms of anxiety go beyond those.
You might feel as though you have a lump, soreness, trouble swallowing, or tightness in your throat.
Managing your anxiety and learning ways to de-escalate stress when your anxiety is particularly intense can help wade through its symptoms.
Anxiety can manifest in your body in many ways.
The connection with the throat may relate to stress. The National Institute of Mental Health explains that stress can trigger anxiety or potentially contribute to the causes of generalized anxiety disorder.
Anxiety can then trigger additional stress, which creates a cycle of anxiety and stress.
Stress causes the body to release cortisol, often known as the stress hormone. Your body has several cortisol receptors attached to different organs, including the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems.
When your body releases too much cortisol, it can cause you to react by increasing:
- breathing
- tension in the muscles
- nervous or anxious coughing
These reactions can then cause you to feel as if something is stuck in your throat. This feeling is known medically as globus sensation.
Globus sensation translates to “throat fullness” or “lump in the throat” sensation. Diagnosis requires a doctor to rule out other potential causes.
You may see globus sensation on screening questionnaires provided by psychologists or other doctors.
Several conditions can cause globus sensation, including anxiety or generalized anxiety disorder. Anxiety can spur globus sensation, or globus sensation’s occurrence can cause situational anxiety or depression.
Globus sensation can go away either on its own or with some treatment.
No formal treatment for globus sensation exists yet, which means how a doctor treats you may vary based on the underlying cause.
If you find you often experience the phenomenon, you may consider taking steps to curb the sensation:
Eating or drinking
Feeling like you have a lump in your throat typically doesn’t stop you from eating and drinking. Some evidence even suggests that eating and drinking may help improve the symptoms.
In some cases, you may find that understanding the condition can help improve the sensation of a lump in your throat. Recognizing that the lump in the throat won’t hurt you may help you calm down more quickly, which could help improve the symptom.
Antidepressants may be an effective treatment for globus sensation. Evidence suggests that amitriptyline may be effective in lessening the sensation. If you’re interested in this medication, you can talk with a doctor. However, clinicians might first prefer trying other therapies.
Behavioral modifications or therapies
You may find behavioral modifications or therapies help with globus sensation. Some techniques can include:
- speech therapy
- stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, exercise, and deep breathing
- cognitive behavioral therapy
Treating your underlying anxiety
Treating your underlying anxiousness or anxiety disorder may help you clear the lump in your throat. Treating anxiety may involve a combination of lifestyle modifications and formal medical treatment.
Anxiety treatments may include a combination of:
- talk therapy
- medications
- support groups
Anxiety can cause mental, emotional, and physical symptoms. During periods of high stress or anxiety, you may experience the sensation in your throat of something being stuck there, known as globus sensation.
Often, treating your anxiety can help you to manage the feeling in your throat. Some potential treatments you may be interested in looking into more include:
- medications
- therapies
- stress management
- joining a support group
The Anxiety & Depression Association of America offers this free tool to search for local support groups.
Can’t Clear Your Throat? That Lump May Be Anxiety
Anxiety can cause symptoms that affect your mind as well as your body, including feeling as though you have a proverbial “frog in your throat.”
You might be familiar with some physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a rapid heart rate or sweating. But the physical symptoms of anxiety go beyond those.
You might feel as though you have a lump, soreness, trouble swallowing, or tightness in your throat.
Managing your anxiety and learning ways to de-escalate stress when your anxiety is particularly intense can help wade through its symptoms.
Anxiety can manifest in your body in many ways.
The connection with the throat may relate to stress. The National Institute of Mental Health explains that stress can trigger anxiety or potentially contribute to the causes of generalized anxiety disorder.
Anxiety can then trigger additional stress, which creates a cycle of anxiety and stress.
Stress causes the body to release cortisol, often known as the stress hormone.
Your body has several cortisol receptors attached to different organs, including the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems.
When your body releases too much cortisol, it can cause you to react by increasing:
- breathing
- tension in the muscles
- nervous or anxious coughing
These reactions can then cause you to feel as if something is stuck in your throat. This feeling is known medically as globus sensation.
Globus sensation translates to “throat fullness” or “lump in the throat” sensation. Diagnosis requires a doctor to rule out other potential causes.
You may see globus sensation on screening questionnaires provided by psychologists or other doctors.
Several conditions can cause globus sensation, including anxiety or generalized anxiety disorder. Anxiety can spur globus sensation, or globus sensation’s occurrence can cause situational anxiety or depression.
Globus sensation can go away either on its own or with some treatment.
No formal treatment for globus sensation exists yet, which means how a doctor treats you may vary based on the underlying cause.
If you find you often experience the phenomenon, you may consider taking steps to curb the sensation:
Eating or drinking
Feeling like you have a lump in your throat typically doesn’t stop you from eating and drinking. Some evidence even suggests that eating and drinking may help improve the symptoms.
In some cases, you may find that understanding the condition can help improve the sensation of a lump in your throat. Recognizing that the lump in the throat won’t hurt you may help you calm down more quickly, which could help improve the symptom.
Antidepressants may be an effective treatment for globus sensation. Evidence suggests that amitriptyline may be effective in lessening the sensation. If you’re interested in this medication, you can talk with a doctor. However, clinicians might first prefer trying other therapies.
Behavioral modifications or therapies
You may find behavioral modifications or therapies help with globus sensation. Some techniques can include:
- speech therapy
- stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, exercise, and deep breathing
- cognitive behavioral therapy
Treating your underlying anxiety
Treating your underlying anxiousness or anxiety disorder may help you clear the lump in your throat. Treating anxiety may involve a combination of lifestyle modifications and formal medical treatment.
Anxiety treatments may include a combination of:
- talk therapy
- medications
- support groups
Anxiety can cause mental, emotional, and physical symptoms. During periods of high stress or anxiety, you may experience the sensation in your throat of something being stuck there, known as globus sensation.
Often, treating your anxiety can help you to manage the feeling in your throat. Some potential treatments you may be interested in looking into more include:
- medications
- therapies
- stress management
- joining a support group
The Anxiety & Depression Association of America offers this free tool to search for local support groups.
Lump in the throat - the causes of occurrence, in what diseases it occurs, diagnosis and methods of treatment
Diabetes mellitus
nine0002 Diffuse goiterThyroiditis
Esophageal dyskinesia
11974 12 December
The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, only the attending physician should prescribe diagnostic tests. For diagnosis and proper treatment, you should contact your doctor. nine0025 For a correct assessment of the results of your analyzes in dynamics, it is preferable to do studies in the same laboratory, since different laboratories may use different research methods and units of measurement to perform the same analyzes.
The sensation of a lump in the throat is not uncommon. Many have experienced this painless but uncomfortable condition at least once in their lives. In medical literature, it is referred to as the pharyngeal ball. In most cases, this symptom is not associated with serious diseases, however, an accurate answer can only be obtained after consulting a specialist, because there are a number of diseases that may be accompanied by a sensation of a foreign body in the throat. nine0003
There is no generally accepted classification. It all depends on the reason that caused this condition.
Possible causes of sensation of a lump in the throat
Patients complaining of a lump in the throat can be divided into two groups: in some, this condition occurs due to neuropsychiatric disorders, while in others, the cause lies in somatic, that is, diseases directly related to internal organs. nine0003
Often, a feeling of a lump in the throat appears in people who are easily excitable, sensitive to stress and emotional upheavals. A lump in the throat has long been described by doctors as a symptom of a neurotic disorder, more often occurring in young women. However, at present, this condition occurs with equal frequency in people of both sexes.
If the feeling of a lump in the throat is constant and persists for several weeks, then first of all it is necessary to exclude oncopathology. This may be a malignant or benign process in the larynx, esophagus or other organs of the neck, causing compression of surrounding tissues. Particular attention should be shown if the patient complains of pain in the neck or when swallowing, fatigue, loss of appetite and body weight. nine0003
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs can also cause a pharyngeal ball.
Very often the sensation of a lump in the throat is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
It is necessary to find out if the patient has symptoms such as heartburn, cough, sour belching, stomach pain and a feeling of heaviness after eating.
The sensation of a foreign body in the throat can be caused by thyroid disease. An increase in the volume of the gland is more often associated with a lack of iodine in the diet or with an autoimmune lesion (autoimmune thyroiditis). nine0003
Sometimes the feeling of a lump in the throat is caused by a decrease and even complete cessation of salivation.
This condition can occur in patients with diabetes mellitus, in women in menopause, with systemic autoimmune diseases.
Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck can also lead to discomfort and a sensation of a lump in the throat.
Difficulty in swallowing can sometimes occur due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. In this case, a person may be disturbed by headache, dizziness, pain in the neck, back, stiffness of movements. nine0003
Do not forget about the possible role of traumatic effects on tissues. Endoscopic examinations and even eating rough food can contribute to the appearance of discomfort in the throat.
Sensation of a lump in the throat is mainly accompanied by:
- Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, epiglottitis, pharyngitis).
- Diseases of the thyroid gland (endemic goiter, diffuse toxic goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis). nine0068 Neoplasms in the neck.
- Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
- Esophageal dyskinesia.
- Heterotopia of the gastric mucosa.
- Diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, hormonal disorders).
- Systemic autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, Sjögren's syndrome).
- Psychological factors, stress. nine0069
Which doctors to contact
a general practitioner who, after examination, will be able to refer the patient to a narrow specialist, such as:
- gastroenterologist;
- otorhinolaryngologist;
- endocrinologist;
- oncologist;
- neurologist; nine0068 psychotherapist.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe the following types of examination:
- Gastroscopy (esophagogastroduodenoscopy, endoscopy) for suspected gastroesophageal disease and esophageal dyskinesia.
- Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, blood test for thyroid hormones.
Thyroid: screening
Up to 1 business day
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RUB 1,860
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- X-ray of the cervical spine.
- Culture of upper respiratory tract discharge for microflora, determination of sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs and bacteriophages (in case of an infectious process, sputum culture and scraping of epithelial cells of the oropharynx may be required to identify the pathogen in order to prescribe adequate antibiotic therapy).
Culture of the upper respiratory tract for microflora, determination of sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs and bacteriophages (Upper Respiratory Culture, Routine. Bacteria Identification. Antibiotic Susceptibility and Bacteriophage Efficiency testing)
Synonyms: Upper Respiratory Culture, Routine. Bacteria Identification. Antibiotic Susceptibility and Bacteriophage Efficiency testing. Brief description of the study "Sowing the discharge of the upper respiratory tract on ...
Up to 6 business days
Available with home visit
RUB 1,430
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Careful collection of anamnesis (history of the disease), taking into account the patient's complaints, examination and additional research will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis.
Based on the cause of the feeling of lump in the throat, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If the cause is psycho-emotional disorders, it is necessary to eliminate the traumatic factor, reduce stress at home and at work. You may need pharmacological therapy and consultations with a psychotherapist.
In case of diagnosing gastroesophageal reflux disease, a gastroenterologist will give recommendations on correcting the diet and diet, prescribe antacids to reduce stomach acidity and proton pump inhibitors that suppress the secretory function of the stomach. nine0003
In case of infection of the upper respiratory tract, an otorhinolaryngologist may prescribe local anti-inflammatory, antiseptic therapy and antibacterial drugs.
In case of thyroid diseases, an endocrinologist may recommend hormonal therapy, and in some cases, surgery.
What to do if you feel a lump in your throat
If the sensation of a lump in your throat is caused by stress, try to calm down. Drinking plenty of water can improve the condition. nine0003
Do not smoke, talk loudly, shout.
If the cause is gastroesophageal reflux disease, do not lie down immediately after eating.
Do not overeat, try to stick to fractional nutrition; The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.
Do not wear tight clothing and tight belts, corsets, bandages, leading to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Clinical guidelines "Acute tonsillitis and pharyngitis (Acute tonsillopharyngitis)". Developed by: National Medical Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Interregional Public Organization "Alliance of Clinical Chemotherapists and Microbiologists", Union of Pediatricians of Russia, Interregional Association for Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases. – 2021.
- Clinical guidelines "Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis". Developed by: Union of Pediatricians of Russia, Interregional Association for Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, National Medical Association of Otorhinolaryngologists. – 2021.
The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, only the attending physician should prescribe diagnostic tests. For diagnosis and proper treatment, you should contact your doctor.
For a correct assessment of the results of your analyzes in dynamics, it is preferable to do studies in the same laboratory, since different laboratories may use different research methods and units of measurement to perform the same analyzes. nine0003
Cholesterol plaques
5805 November 18th
Hepatic colic
3493 09 November
- nine0002 Laryngeal edema
2649 07 November
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Chronic tonsillitis: causes, symptoms, treatments
Chronic tonsillitis is a chronic inflammation of the palatine tonsils.
The palatine tonsils (popularly called tonsils) are an important part of the human immune system. nine0003
Bacteria, viruses, microscopic fungi enter us with food and air. They settle on the mucous membranes, where they are picked up by a constant current of mucus, and this "river" flows in the direction of the oropharynx, just where the tonsils are located behind the palatine arches.
The palatine tonsils are like a sponge. They are dotted with lacunae. When we swallow a food bolus soaked in infected mucus, this mucus enters the lacunae of the tonsils. There, the guard cells of the primary immune response attack foreign microorganisms: neutrophils and macrophages. The latter not only kill the infection, but also “cut” it into small molecular fragments, on which the young cells of the secondary immune response – lymphocytes – are then “trained”. Prepared and trained lymphocytes leave the tonsils and "spread" along the mucous membranes of the pharynx and nose, forming a fairly reliable secondary specific defense. nine0003
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Causes of chronic tonsillitis
In fact, in the tonsils, inflammation takes place all the time - this is their function. But sometimes the protective resources of the tonsils are not able to cope with the infection, and then the inflammation, which has escaped from control, turns into a serious disease - tonsillitis.
An acute form of tonsillitis is tonsillitis. Untreated tonsillitis often turns into chronic tonsillitis. Conversely, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis leads to an outbreak of tonsillitis. If a person suffers from tonsillitis annually or several times a year, then he most likely has chronic tonsillitis. nine0003
Sometimes chronic tonsillitis can develop even if a person has not had a sore throat. This is possible if there is a source of infection that can affect the tonsils for a sufficiently long time, such as untreated caries or chronic sinusitis.
Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis
The inflammatory process in the tonsils can spread to neighboring organs, and then the person may complain of nasal congestion, sore throat, dry cough, and these secondary symptoms may be predominant. nine0003
In chronic tonsillitis, there may also be complaints of pain in the joints (knee, elbow, wrist), especially in the evening and when the weather changes, flying pains in the heart, palpitations without physical exertion, pain in the lumbar region. On the ECG arrhythmia and tachycardia may be detected.
Such symptoms are a serious cause for concern, since they can accompany the development of severe autoimmune diseases of the kidneys, heart, nervous system, which are complications of tonsillitis. This happens when inflammation in the tonsils causes the immune system to malfunction; as a result, antibodies are produced, but not to the causative agent of the disease, as it should be, but to the heart muscle, joint tissue and connective tissue. The frustrated defense system of the body tries to destroy the body itself. nine0003
The insidiousness of chronic tonsillitis also lies in the fact that it can occur without obvious symptoms. In this case, between outbreaks of angina, a person does not complain about anything, although a focus of inflammation remains in the tonsils.
The main symptoms of chronic tonsillitis proper are:
Sore throat
Chronic tonsillitis causes sore throat when swallowing, especially in the morning. The appearance or intensification of such pain can cause swallowing of cold food or liquids. nine0003
Sensation of discomfort in the throat
There may be no pain as such, but there may be discomfort when swallowing, a sensation of a foreign body in the throat.
Subfebrile temperature
In chronic tonsillitis, there may be a temperature that does not decrease for a long time (37.2-37.5°C).
Bad breath
Inflammation in the tonsils can be manifested by persistent bad breath.
General weakness
Typical manifestations of chronic tonsillitis are increased fatigue, sweating, weakness, feeling unwell. nine0003
Methods of treatment of chronic tonsillitis
It is very important to defeat chronic tonsillitis: otherwise, a constant source of infection and intoxication of the whole organism remains, not to mention the threat of severe autoimmune complications.
Home remedies can reduce the severity of symptoms, but it is difficult to achieve a complete cure. Tonsillitis is a disease that is too complex in nature and the nature of the course. Therefore, if you suspect chronic tonsillitis, you should consult a doctor. nine0003
First of all, a comprehensive examination should be carried out to determine the pathogen and the stage of development of the disease.
Before treating tonsillitis, it is necessary to eliminate other sources of infection - to cure carious teeth, inflammation in the nose and paranasal sinuses. If your child often suffers from tonsillitis, then it is very likely that one of the family members is a carrier of the infection. In this case, it makes sense to be examined by the whole family. nine0003
With complaints corresponding to the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis, you can contact a general practitioner (family doctor or therapist) or a specialized specialist - an otolaryngologist (ENT).
Children's appointments are conducted by qualified pediatricians and ENT doctors.
The clinics of the "Family Doctor" have the necessary equipment and a staff of qualified specialists to conduct examinations, establish a diagnosis and perform all procedures in accordance with the prescribed course of treatment, and in case of need for surgical treatment, to perform operations. nine0003
In the treatment of chronic tonsillitis are used:
Washing the lacunae of the tonsils
The course of treatment of chronic tonsillitis, as a rule, involves washing the lacunae of the tonsils using vacuum drainage. During washing, various anti-inflammatory drugs are used that penetrate deep into the tissues, destroying microorganisms that multiply in the tonsils.
In parallel with washing the tonsils, physiotherapeutic procedures (treatment with short-wave ultraviolet radiation, magnetic laser therapy, phonophoresis) can be prescribed. nine0003
More about the treatment
Antibacterial therapy
If chronic tonsillitis is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are treated.
More about the treatment method
Surgical treatment
If the inflammatory process has gone far enough, surgical methods of treatment are used. In JSC "Family Doctor" you can use the modern method of laser tonsillotomy. Laser tonsillotomy is a high-energy impact on the palatine tonsils, in which only the affected part of the tonsils is removed. The tonsils themselves, if possible, are preserved, which is very important for the immune system. In the most severe cases, the tonsils are removed completely.