Best headspace courses
The 3 Best Lessons I Learned From Meditation (My Honest Headspace Review After 260+ Hours)
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes and 16 seconds. This post is about how meditation has changed my life. I will be perfectly honest about my experiences.
For a long time I didn’t understand the point of meditation. I had a vague idea that it could help other people but it seemed so… supernatural and so far from my regular life, which was very earthly and very real.
You see, I was very busy being an entrepreneur: servicing my clients, keeping up with deadlines, overseeing accounts, running from one meeting to the next. You get the idea.
I had no time to sit on the floor and hum away for an hour but I know I needed to do something – to slow down, calm down and cut down on everything. Eventually, I did just sit down to do nothing and that’s when everything changed.
WHY did I start meditating?
Not too long ago, I thought that people who sat down to meditate were not ‘normal’ people like me but eccentric-freakish-vegans who spent their days reflecting on God-knows-what while sitting cross legged on a hard floor with their eyes shut tight to the rest of the world.
I had so many questions about the whole idea of meditating:
- Do I really have to do it every day? Don’t I already have enough commitments?
- If I skip a few days or stop altogether, would I go back to feeling like crap?
- Will I need to cross over to the ‘other side’ with a spiritual journey to visit a group of monks in the Himalayas?
I stopped asking questions about meditation around the same time I was reading the autobiographies of highly successful entrepreneurs. You see, I was always curious about the decisions these winners made to become who they eventually became. Yes, they all had the usual habits of waking, working and weighing pros and cons of their decisions, but they also had something else in common: they meditated. Every. Single. Day.
After reading that for the umpteenth time, I started to think
“There might be something in it…”
Since I had absolutely no idea where to start, my first step was to look for an app (of course), which led me to calm. com. The first time I put on my headphones to listen to the launched app, I just sat there listening to stirring leaves and chirping birds… was this meditation?
I had no idea what I was doing.
Turns out, there were guided meditations and non-guided meditations so I just sat there and waited for something to happen. Believe it or not, this became my daily routine: sit down for 10 minutes in this “virtual” nature of birds and leaves while my brain whirled around and around.
It went on like this for a couple of days when I read about another interesting thing called Headspace.
Headspace instead of meditation music
From the first moment, Headspace felt as if every single element of it was made for a total beginner like me. Just as their motto says: “meditation demystified,” without forcing any kind of spirituality on you. Instead, it offers a different perspective on everything around you. This clever video will give you a better idea of what it’s all about. Take a look.
I admit it. I totally fell in love with Headspace! The way it communicates all these really complicated things in a simple, easy-to-digest way. Genius!
Practically speaking, Headspace offers different collections of guided meditations. For example, some will help you practice focusing while others help you better understand anxiety or even improve your relationships with other people.
The whole thing is about observing ourselves (how we feel, how we identify, how we dream) and adjusting our perspectives. The basic principle is so obvious: if we change our mindsets, we change how we think – and only then can we experience different results.
On a personal level, I learned that getting rid of bad feelings is not really a smart thing to do. Why? Because all feelings, even the ‘bad’ ones, are parts of the whole wide and colourful spectrum of human feelings. By trying to understand and accept this, my attitude towards negative thoughts has changed and they don’t affect me the way they used to.
It goes without saying that meditation didn’t change my life from one second to the next.
In the beginning, I just decided that no matter what happens or doesn’t happen, I would do it for 30 days. After the first few days I didn’t feel any change at all but I was still curious about what might happen and it was enough for me to keep going.
At around the twelfth day or so, it felt like the universe just slapped me across the head.
Just like a light sweet home being turned on, I suddenly started noticing my body during the meditation: my breathing felt different, I could feel every toe on each foot one by one, my thoughts were completely joyful and I could see myself from the outside, as if I were watching this very relaxing movie in which I was the star.
I don’t get paid for being so enthusiastic about Headspace but I just wanted to tell you what worked for me and about my results.
I like the fact that it’s easily accessible and I can use it whenever and wherever I need it so if you want to check it out, sign up for a free 10-day trial.
Here’s something else I know: you will experience amazing changes in your life if you spend just 15 minutes a day meditating. Of course you need to stick with it but the positive effects will be evident in all areas of life.
Here are the 3 most important ways that Headspace and meditation helped me:
1. No matter what’s happening in my life, I can always bring myself to the present moment.
Did you ever get to your destination but you couldn’t remember how you got there? Me, too! All the time. It’s because we get so lost in our own thoughts, trying to find answers to questions, which leads to more questions and fewer answers. I was never living in the NOW because my mind was always on overdrive.
Meditation taught me how to consciously return to the present. Now, when I catch myself spinning over an issue, I can identify whether this issue is actually a thought or a feeling and then I focus my attention on something else: my breathing, the breeze in the air, the weight of my body with each step I take. This instantly gets me out of the head spiral….
- “Did I make the right decision?”
- “What would have happened if I had done it differently?”
- “Should I say, ‘yes’ to this project or will it be too overwhelming?”
- “What’s wrong with my relationship that things are moving so slowly?”
In general, it’s perfectly natural to think, but thoughts like these create different pictures in our heads, which in turn lead to unrealistic fears and anxiety.
If we spend 80 percent of our time in an imaginary world we miss out on a lot of things in the real world. Plus – and this is perhaps the most important factor here – we can only act in the present.
So go ahead and get lost in your thoughts, but find your way back to the present as soon as your head starts spinning. Having said that, I find myself time-travelling on a daily basis even after 260 hours of meditation. But now, I’m able to come back to NOW and it makes me feel better – like I’m in control and on the right track.
2. I don’t get tangled up in negative feelings for very long.
When negative feelings pop up, I don’t get swept away in wave after wave of bad emotions for days or sometimes weeks at a time the way I used to. Now, I can truly separate them from myself.
Meditation taught me that “nervousness” is not ME but simply a feeling that I can actually release.
Previously I often didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin and I couldn’t tell what was wrong with me. I was being controlled by that terrible emotion, which then “mutated” and made me feel even worse…
Now I have the skills to fix it.
One of the things that distinguishes us from animals is that we have the power of our consciousness. I’ve learned that my feelings are not me and this is how I handle them now:
- I notice when I’m getting entangled (by worries, insecurity, nervousness, etc.)
- I make myself aware that these are just feelings
- I accept that having all sorts of feelings is part of human nature
- I separate this negativity from myself because these feelings just come and go and come and go
- I do something that fully relaxes me, like taking a walk, watching something online, calling a family member, or writing down my thoughts in a notebook.
I make very good use of being able to get out of these situations and observe myself from the outside in many areas of my life. For example, when I notice that I’m not treating my girlfriend the way I really want to (an important part of my VISION is to become the person I would like to be as a partner), I make myself aware of it ASAP. I know that I can change my behavior in a positive way at any moment and focus on the big picture, which is for both of us to feel good together.
3. My focus is getting stronger and stronger
When it comes to productivity, losing focus is a recurring problem for most of us. I get emails about issues like this on a daily basis and this topic is pretty popular in the Facebook group, too.
- “I know I could do a lot more than this. Most of the time I lose my focus and I am also a notorious back-to-square-one person.”
- “As I am interested in many people, I tend to lose focus a lot, even though I have a great deal of ideas and plans.
I need to put this aside to be able to be able to go through with my plans.”
- “I have just realized that I’m trying to concentrate on too many things simultaneously. This is inefficient because it pisses my energy away.”
I am very familiar with the issue as losing focus because it used to be part of my everyday life. When I would sit at my desk to get something done, I suddenly realize that I had been scrolling through Tumblr for half an hour. And of course I had no idea how it happened.
I’ve tried different tricks and even though some of them do work, I had to face the fact that nothing will solve the real problem, namely that I couldn’t stay focused on one thing for an extended period of time.
One of my most astonishing moments with Headspace happened when I was listening to the “focus” pack. The task was to move the focus of my attention from one part of my body to another, scanning myself from bottom to top.
I started from the space between my ankles and finished with my forehead. Then the instruction was to focus on the space 10-15 cm above my head.
“What the hell?” I thought to myself.
This part seemed weird to me but then I started to concentrate and then visualize my focus as sun rays coming out of my body. When I managed to do it…
It felt amazing!
It was like a brand new section of my mind just opened up so I experimented with this technique and started using the same approach to focus on different objects – first was when I sat at my computer and then when I had to do something difficult. Whenever I felt I was losing my focus, I recognized it and managed to return to the present.
I also became more accepting of myself and I now consider losing focus as an opportunity to practice rather than as a problem, which is my own fault.
It was my curiosity (and desperation) that first made me try meditation but now it’s all about the results that keep me motivated. I am calmer inside, more accepting of myself and situations and I really feel a lot better in my own skin, which has had a tremendously positive effect on the people around me.
Many people say, “I am not really a meditating kind of person because I find it difficult to focus my attention.” But I challenge you to ask yourself this: “How can I become the kind of person who can meditate?”
If you speak a little English, Headspace is as excellent way to get you through the first 100 hours. After using the app for 18 months for my daily 15-20-minute practice at home, I’ve decided to look for some advice from a mindfulness expert. (No, not a monk in the Himalayas…).
For a little more inspiration, check out this TED talk by Andy, the founder of Headspace, about the effects of 10 conscious minutes a day.
How to get the most out of Headspace
Thinking about adding Headspace to your list of tools while working remotely? Here are some handy tips for using the meditation app.
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a unique and stressful experience. But thankfully, there are tools you can use at home that could help when things get overwhelming.
One popular option is meditation app Headspace. It was set up by Rich Pierson and Andy Puddicombe in 2010 and now has more than 60m users in 190 countries.
Headspace offers guided meditations and exercises, spanning everything from stress management and sports to sleep hygiene and mindful cooking. Courses are led by Puddicombe, a meditation and mindfulness expert who studied in the Himalayas and was trained as a Buddhist monk.
How does Headspace work?Headspace describes itself as “an app that teaches you how to meditate”. You can use it on your computer, tablet or phone.
When you set up an account and log in, you’ll see a video for a ‘daily expert tip’ on the Headspace homepage. Clicking on your profile icon in the top-left corner will let you see your ‘buddies’, stats and journey.
The stats you have access to include the total amount of time you’ve spent meditating with the app, the number of sessions you’ve completed and the average duration of your meditations. Your journey is shown as the different meditation sessions and courses you’ve taken in chronological order.
The next tab is where you’ll find meditation resources. You can filter by recent or featured courses and the day’s featured session. From this tab, you can explore sessions and courses in alphabetical order, click into the SOS tab for when “you really need a break”, access timers and read up on mindfulness techniques and tips.
Meditation and mindfulness supports on Headspace are listed as singles and courses. Courses are comprised of multiple sessions under the same theme, typically involving around 10 different recordings and often spanning 30 days of material. A single is just one recording on its own.
Let’s focus on the featuresOnce you find yourself in the Headspace app, you’ll see a number of different categories you can explore. The first is about sleep. When I was starting out working from home, it felt like a huge silver lining that I wouldn’t have to get up early and face the commute into the city centre every morning. I was sure I’d get a bit more time in the evenings too, since I could stay up later.
But one of the many lessons I’ve learned in the past few months is that I should really be taking this opportunity not to keep pushing my bedtime back, but to capitalise on the extra sleep I can get in.
Sleeping has never been that easy for me and I know that has an impact on my mental health. So, I’ve started doing some short meditations and mindfulness sessions on Headspace when I’m getting into bed. You can choose from ‘sleepcasts’, which tell stories to help you nod off, as well as ‘wind downs’, a ‘night-time SOS’ and sleep music. Some of the most useful ones I’ve found are the ‘back-to-sleep’ sessions.
Of course, there are other resources out there that offer the same sort of content. Having it all in one place and to-hand if I wake up in the middle of the night, though, has been a positive for me.
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As well as the sleep content, Headspace has resources for fitness and focus, too. The movement sessions are framed around stress release and mental wellbeing.
Music playlists and short courses on staying productive and mindful can help keep your overall mood up while you’re working from home. Those with children at home can also try out the tailored sessions for kids.
There are soundscapes, which are real recordings from places around the world. They provide excellent background noise if I’m not in the mood for music or a podcast.
Daily group meditations are another unique feature of the app. Sometimes meditation, mindfulness and other practices such as yoga can resonate more if they’re a shared experience. Having the option to try that from your own home is a nice bonus.
Meditate on your own termsBased on your preferences, you can tweak a few other things. Once you click into a course or a single, for example, you can set the narrator’s voice to that of a man or a woman for the duration of your session.
You can set reminders by going to ‘settings’, then ‘notifications’ and ‘reminders’. This will let you set up alarms to remind you to get your daily meditation in. You can also sync your Headspace with your Apple or Google Health apps, integrating your meditative data with your fitness data. I’ve found this helps me look at my overall wellbeing more holistically.
You can sign up for a Spotify and Headspace package, giving you a subscription to both under one discounted payment plan.
Finally, you can sync Headspace with Siri, Google Assistant or Alexa to kick off your next session via voice command, using such phrases as ‘Alexa, tell Headspace I’m ready to sleep’.
Paid versus unpaid subscriptionsBlame is like a raging fire inside our mind, natural and yet often destructive. So how do we hold others — and even ourselves — to account, without fanning the flames of blame? Today's #RadioHeadspace…
— Andy Puddicombe (@andypuddicombe) August 14, 2020
You can use the free version of Headspace or subscribe to Headspace Plus. The free version gives you access to three basic packages, all of which include 10 sessions. The first has meditations that you can choose to run from three to 10 minutes, the second lets you choose from between 10 to 15 minutes, and the third goes from 10 to 20.
Free users can download and listen to these as many times as they like, but to unlock the full library of meditations they’ll have to spring for the premium.
After a two-week free trial, the premium version will set you back just under $70 a year if you pay annually or just under $13 a month if you go for the monthly payment option.
There’s a massive discount available for students, however, who can pay just under $10 a year for Headspace Plus. A family plan is possible too, costing $100 a year for six accounts.
The free version of Headspace is quite limited, but if you’re just starting out or don’t mind a quick, basic session to keep you going each day, it’ll do the job. You can always subscribe if you find yourself getting immersed in the world of calm.
By Lisa Ardill
Lisa Ardill joined Silicon Republic as senior careers reporter in July 2019. She has a BA in neuroscience and a master’s degree in science communication. She is also a semi-published poet and a big fan of doggos. Lisa briefly served as Careers Editor at Silicon Republic before leaving the company in June 2021.
Places in St. Petersburg where they teach for free
Places in St. Petersburg where they teach for free-
five nine0005 5481
twenty nine0005 1331
nine0005 920
77 nine0005 38570
Gogol Library
Photo: vk. com
CULTURA lecture hall
Neva Space
"Dacha in the city"
Tour of the Youth Center of the Hermitage
Photo: nine0009
Youth Center "Kvadrat"
Photo: vk. com
Come in Studio
Open living room
Photo: nine0009
Do you want to be aware of the most interesting things in the city? Subscribe to us at Yandex.Zen . Recommendations from KudaGo, plans for the weekend, interesting events, places and selections - read us where it is convenient for you.
The most interesting events in the city.
The best concerts, exhibitions and performances according to the editors of KudaGo.
nine0085 Hermitage Youth Center 0+ The educational program of the main St. Petersburg museum includes lectures on modern and classical art, architecture and painting from different countries. In addition, students can enroll in additional sections - study history, photography, local history and much more. Students are not required to pay, but they are required to undergo mandatory registration. Entrance from the Moika embankment, house 47.
Library named after Gogol 0+ nine0079 Fashion Gogol
The Gogol Library regularly hosts lectures and meetings with various people, from veterans of the Great Patriotic War to contemporary writers Vera Polozkova and Linor Goralik. In addition, the library has a number of its own projects, which organize film screenings, performances, concerts and other events with free admission.
Rimsky-Korsakov Music School 0+ nine0086
This is the only music school in the city where people of all ages can study. True, in order to attend classes, you need to pass an entrance test. You can enter the department of piano, harp, guitar, violin, flute. For a complete list of programs, see the official website of the school. Schoolchildren and students can study music for free, adult students - for a certain amount.
Computer Science Club
In the club you can learn programming, software development and other computer sciences. Lectures are held on Saturdays and Sundays, read by both local teachers and invited speakers. All club events are free. In the club, you can enroll in evening courses, enroll in online courses, or you can attend open lectures, admission to which is free for everyone. nine0009
Find out more on the website.
st. Kantemirovskaya, 2ALanguage Free Project
Volunteers of the project help everyone to find those who could help them learn the language for free. It can be native speakers or just those who are fluent in it. In addition, Language Free constantly holds master classes, conversation clubs and lectures at various city venues. nine0009
See VKontakte for details.
"Open workshops" in the library "Ligovskaya" nine0086
Ligovskaya Library offers courses in applied arts: art ceramics, calligraphy, silk-screen printing, leather work and author's illustrations. Classes in all workshops are free, the duration of the courses is from one to two months. The class schedule can be found on the library website. Classes are held in small groups, so those who wish will have to pass the selection by fulfilling simple conditions and writing a motivation letter to the master.
"Dacha in the city"
"Dacha in the city" - a free course for lovers of gardening and landscape design. The program of classes includes not only lectures on ornamental plants and techniques for caring for them, but also trips to nurseries, the basics of creating spectacular landscapes. Look for the program of events on VKontakte. nine0009
Space "Neva"
For creative people, this is the perfect place to learn something new. For example, vocals, acting, modern dances are taught here, as well as yoga and makeup sections, a jazz-modern studio, and there is a place for free communication. For people aged 14 to 35, all classes are free. nine0009
You can find out more on VKontakte.
st. Smolenskaya, 1Philosophical cafe in St.

In the philosophical cafe, everyone who wants to discuss urgent topics meets on Tuesdays and, under the guidance of experts in a particular field, they tear the fabric of space and time, comprehending the secrets of the universe and the universe.
st. Pushkinskaya, 10BFilm Studio "Imaginary Space" nine0086
Two courses are open at the film studio: directing and acting. At the first stage, you will be taught how to write scripts, work with a cameraman and film actors, manage the process as a director, and edit. Take the first steps and get closer to the goal - make your debut film! On the acting course, you will master the basics of the acting profession and will play in performances. The studio holds its own film festival "Galaktika 35 mm", in which you can take part.
Lecture hall CULTURA
You can learn about the history of world culture at open lectures of the CULTURA project. For several years of the project's existence, more than fifty free lectures have been read. The Goethe-Institut library and other interesting places are used as platforms. Employees of museums and university professors are involved in lecturing. You can follow the news on VKontakte. nine0009
"Open Faculty of Philosophy"
If you have always dreamed of enrolling in the Philosophical Institute, but it didn't work out, we invite you to join this project. Here they offer a full-fledged alternative to university education: training courses with lectures and seminars, teachers are employees of the Institute of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University. Videos from classes are posted on VKontakte. nine0009
Creative Workshop "TERMINAL"
This is a space for creative people, open to everyone who wants to create and create. There is a workshop of arts and crafts and design, a photo studio and its own recording studio, here you can learn to play the electric guitar and drums, take part in creative meetings and musical and poetic evenings. The workshop is open on the basis of the Pulkovets Youth House, so everyone from 14 to 35 years old can become students. nine0009
Mayakovsky Library nine0086
The strong point of Mayakovka is free conversational clubs in Japanese, French, Spanish and other languages. These meetings take place on a regular basis. In addition, in the library you can watch movies, listen to lectures on various topics, and participate in creative workshops. The flyer is worth checking out on the website.
In the "Polyarnik" you will find only up-to-date knowledge that will really be useful in life. How fun is it to write for social media? What to do to attract subscribers to? About this, as well as about the basics of design, graphics, camera art and photography, you will be told in the courses. The only requirement for participants is the age of 14 to 35 years. nine0009
Youth Center "Kvadrat"
Another free project for young people under 35. In the priority of technology, there are many courses on design, SMM, robotics, programming. It's not a problem to learn languages, dance and even train with a trainer in the gym. Follow the news of the project on VKontakte. nine0009
st. Peredovikov, 16/2Studio Come in
Journalism, photography, video, painting, drawing, make-up, Photoshop - this is the list of directions offered by Come in studio. Recruitment for courses takes place every three months or six months, people under 35 are invited to participate. It is convenient to follow the work of the space on VKontakte. nine0009
"Open Lounge" nine0086
Open Living Room is a part of Lermontovka, where free film screenings, lectures, seminars, meetings with writers are held almost every day. The topics are usually humanitarian: the history and culture of St. Petersburg, architecture, art. If you want to replenish the treasury of knowledge, study the VKontakte poster.
If you are a fan of needlework, then pay attention to the studio of the author's doll in the Suzdal Palace of Culture. Classes are free on Wednesdays and Fridays (for beginners) and Saturdays (for continuing). Find more details on the website.
Suzdalsky Ave., 3, building 1Space "New Holland" 6+ nine0086
There are no systematic courses here, but there are series of lectures on various problems of our time. The regulars of the "Pavilion" have already got acquainted with social studies, with the theory of architecture, literature, contemporary art. There are also one-time lectures dedicated to exhibitions, as well as film screenings.
Poster available here.
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Scenography - British Higher School of Design
History of Scenography
Students will get acquainted with the history of architecture and scenography of the ancient and Western European theater. It covers the period from ancient Greek tragedy to the end of the twentieth century. In the classroom, we will talk about how, in different historical periods, the theater turned either into a place for the presentation of new technologies, or scrupulously recreated the environment, or, on the contrary, used the opportunities of the stage space free from scenery and props. The development of stage design and theater architecture will be considered in the broader context of theater history. nine0256
Modern theater
The course of lectures introduces the history of modern theatrical thinking, traces the connection between various theatrical phenomena and innovative solutions from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. The program introduces into the context of the actual theater, gives an understanding of different directions, theatrical forms, develops the ability of critical thinking, analysis of a stage work, the ability to apply the criteria in one's practice.
Mastery of stage design
Acquaintance of students with the basics of theater design. Analysis of the methodology for creating scenography and artistic solutions for performances, dance, cinema, installations and all the variety of areas that are part of the professional activity of a theater artist. This includes practical skills for working with a stage work: creating sketches,
layouts, cuts, working with light, sound, implementing live projects, rehearsals. nine0009
The discipline is designed to study planar and spatial composition, and various expressive means. One part of the discipline is built on working with a real volume - a scene layout, the other - on the transfer of the impression achieved in the layout by means of graphics. In addition to purely compositional means (statics and dynamics, scale, tonal and color contrasts, texture and texture), the program includes work with the basics of drawing - the use of line and tone, light and shade, the transfer of space by means of graphics. nine0009
Stage production technology
Acquaintance with the technical side of the performance: work on various theater venues, the possibilities of stage equipment, norms and standards adopted in the theater. The section of the program dedicated to scenery production includes the study of basic traditional and modern theater technologies. Much attention is paid to the preparation of project documentation - sketches, drawings, technical descriptions.
History of modern dance
The course is designed taking into account the specifics of the direction of the faculty: we consider not only the main milestones in the development of choreography of the 20th century, but at the same time we place a significant emphasis on the development of contemporary dance scenography.
Through numerous video examples, we analyze the work of famous choreographers experimenting with performance space, such as Loy Fuller, Alvin Nikolai, Tricia Brown, Philippe Decoufle, and others. Exploring examples of creative collaborations such as Martha Graham and Isamu Noguchi, Merce Cunningham and Robert Rauschenberg, Angelin Preljocaj and Enki Bilal and others, students of the course can better understand the essence of working with choreographers and translate their ideas into real work with dance. nine0009
Basics of directing and acting
All classes are based on specific dramatic material. Directing schools of the 20th-21st centuries will be considered: Stanislavsky's psychological theater, Vakhtangov's comedy dell arte, Mikhail Chekhov's play theater, Meyerhold's biomechanics, Brecht's epic theater and others. Analysis of a dramatic text, a method of effective analysis. The practice of improvisation.
Contemporary Art
Describes the basic concepts in today's theory and practice of contemporary art. They influence both the description of works and the cultural landscape, and the methods of the artists themselves. Let's answer the questions: how did the concept of "cultural industry", "curation", "institutionalism" and, most importantly, "art" itself and "modernity" develop? nine0009
The main focus will be on the period that is usually characterized as post-socialism (the situation after 1989). On the example of the works of artists, texts by curators and theorists, it will be possible to form a basic picture of what is happening today in the world of contemporary art, which actors form this system, and what promising problems and crises are facing the art community.
Fundamentals of Lighting
A course of lectures and practical tasks to get acquainted with the profession of a lighting designer, the principles of interaction with a production designer and director, types of lighting equipment and technical equipment of stage spaces. Light is one of the important tools in the score of the stage designer for creating the atmosphere, the environment of existence, the dramaturgy of the work. The objective of the course is to apply the acquired theoretical skills in practice, compose and implement light scores in your course assignments and graduation project. nine0009
An introductory course of lectures and practical exercises to get acquainted with the methods and techniques of creating a layout and scenographic cutting. Students will learn to understand the variety of materials, techniques and scales used to create professional layouts, receive the base of necessary knowledge to apply them in practice.
The history of a dramatic work in general and the relationship between the laws of its construction and the stage performance in particular are considered. The emphasis of the course is on the analysis of the texts of the new drama, as well as on the creation of projects without a literary basis. The purpose of the course is the ability to navigate the structure of modern plays, explore and select non-theatrical material for
productions, as well as understand the principles of the dramatic assembly of modern productions.
Sound Theory / Opera
The discipline introduces the nature of sound, its characteristics and methods of extraction, as well as these aspects in a historical context. The course focuses on modern academic music, types of musical scores and multimedia compositions.