Is it anxiety or something else quiz
Do I Have Anxiety Quiz – Rogers Behavioral Health
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Living with the paralyzing symptoms of an anxiety disorder can make even the simple things in life seem difficult. With one of the most comprehensive anxiety treatment programs available for kids, teens, and adults, Rogers Behavioral Health is here to help you.
Anxiety quiz
Answer the questions completely and honestly. Your responses should reflect the way you feel now, not the way you’d like to feel.
Remember, it is never too late to seek help.
Do I have anxiety? Anxiety is a behavioral disorder that is more extreme than day to day anxieties. For example: worrying more than those around you about multiple areas of your life, recurrent episodes of intense fear, and more. Answer the quiz questions completely and honestly. Your responses should reflect the way you feel now, not the way you’d like to feel. Remember, it is never too late to seek help. This brief quiz below can help determine if you behave in a way that demonstrates a tendency toward an anxiety disorder. While helpful, it is not intended to be a comprehensive diagnosis or to diagnose a specific type of anxiety disorder. Based on your answers, you may receive a possible indication of anxiety. If so, we are here and ready to help!
Over the past month:
1. Do you find yourself worrying more than other people would about more than one area of your life such as personal finances, job security, or the health and well-being of family members?
Yes No
2. Do you find yourself having difficulty controlling your worry and performing necessary tasks at work, home, or school?
Yes No
3. Do you feel you have more difficulty than most people with social situations such as talking and interacting with others either in person or by phone?
Yes No
4. Do you avoid social situations because you are concerned you may do or say something embarrassing and that others will reject you? Examples include avoiding speaking in front of others, job interviews, or asking for assistance.
Yes No
5. Do you have recurrent episodes of intense fear and physical symptoms that seemingly happen for no apparent reason or from out of the blue? Symptoms can include an increase in heart rate, chest tightness, dizziness, stomach upset, feeling hot or cold, or tingling in your hands or feet.
Yes No
6. During one of these episodes, do you ever fear that that you may be dying, going crazy, fainting, or losing control?
Yes No
7. Do you avoid situations that may provoke these episodes such as being alone or in crowded situations, driving or riding in a car or public transportation, or going to movie theaters or church?
Yes No
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Anxiety Test — Do I have Anxiety? I Psych Central
This quiz can’t replace a clinical diagnosis. If you believe you might have an anxiety disorder or another condition after taking this test, consider reaching out to a qualified professional about your symptoms.
You’re getting ready for that big test at school or that job interview, and you can’t stop sweating. Your heart feels like it’s going to jump out of your chest, and you feel nauseous and like you’ll faint any minute.
This is anxiety — and it’s natural to feel anxious in those moments.
But when feelings of anxiety become overwhelming and interfere with your daily life, it might be an anxiety disorder.
Typically, feelings of anxiety come and go, lasting only a few moments or in certain situations. But if you have an anxiety disorder, these feelings of anxiety and fear might be with you all the time.
If you’re concerned about your anxiety, you’re not alone.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), over 40 million (19.1%) U.S. adults have an anxiety disorder and about 7% of children between 3 and 17 years old have issues with anxiety each year.
Anxiety disorders can look different from person to person, and symptoms can vary based on the situation or object that causes your anxiety.
There are also different types of anxiety disorders, each with its own unique set of symptoms and negative thoughts associated with them. The types of anxiety disorders include:
- panic disorder
- generalized anxiety disorder
- social anxiety disorder
- agoraphobia
- separation anxiety disorder
- specific phobias
Other mental health conditions — such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) — may also have symptoms of anxiety but are not considered an anxiety disorder.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), the most common anxiety disorder in the United States is specific phobias, affecting about 19 million U.S. adults.
While the cause or object of your anxiety can look different, there are ways you can manage your anxiety.
The first step in addressing your anxiety is determining whether you have an anxiety disorder or if there’s another underlying cause for your symptoms.
Discussing your concerns with a healthcare professional can help. They’ll be able to help determine the cause of your symptoms and refer you to a mental health professional if needed.
If you want to find out more information about anxiety, you can check out Psych Central’s hub on anxiety.
This brief, time-saving questionnaire is designed for anyone who thinks they may be experiencing symptoms of anxiety.
The items below will help you determine whether you may need additional help and professional support for your symptoms.
A mental health professional can also help figure out if your issues might be a symptom of an anxiety disorder and recommend treatment if needed.
This online screening is not a definitive tool. It is not designed to diagnose anxiety or take the place of a professional diagnosis.
You can, however, use this test as a self-screening tool to track your moods. You could also use it to show your doctor how your symptoms have changed from one visit to the next.
Only a trained medical professional, such as a doctor or mental health professional, can help you determine the next best steps for you.
10 Effective Ways to Beat Anxiety - Ostap Bond on
The first thing I want to start with is to understand what is the difference between anxiety and an anxiety disorder. Your task is to attribute yourself either to one group or to another, because the approach and method of treatment in each case is fundamentally different.
This state is caused by certain circumstances here and now, that is, before that everything was fine, good, nothing bothered you. Then some event happens and you fall into a state of anxiety, the event has passed, changed and the anxiety is gone. Anxiety is an emotional experience in which a person experiences discomfort, a little fear, tension from the uncertainty of the future. It increases when you need to make a responsible decision, with some external “threat”, with a lack of information or time.
- Anxiety before an exam or important interview, speech, important conversation.
- Did I close the door, did I turn off the iron
- Worries about a future date, a girl's response to a proposal. Feelings about breaking up a relationship.
- Anxiety about current events in the world: illness or emergency
Anxiety disorder:
Anxiety is a condition that can haunt you for several weeks, months, and even several years, it reduces the quality of life. It is very difficult for a person to control his emotional state.
- a pronounced form of anxiety and emotional stress before the onset of panic attacks;
- frequent mood swings;
- persistent sleep disorder;
- constant conflicts with others;
- reduced acuity of reactions and inhibited thinking;
- increased sweating, rapid pulse;
- fatigue and weakness leading to decreased performance;
- complaints about the appearance of pain in different parts of the body.
If we are talking about the first cases, about anxiety, then you can really deal with it yourself, using the methods provided in this checklist. If we are talking about anxiety, then you can try to cope on your own, this will help in the moment, but will not solve the problem as a whole, and it is better to consult a specialist in the same way: a psychologist, psychotherapist, endocrinologist (if you have problems with the hormonal system, they can bring you to this state).
The second very important point. In a state of anxiety and anxiety, try not to focus on it. Don't make it your only target to fight. And don't interpret anxiety as something bad and terrible. Often, when we recognize anxiety in ourselves, we begin to worry too much about the fact that we even have it and only increase it. Anxiety is a normal state of the body that reacts to external factors and even helps to adapt to them. Understand that there is nothing terrible in anxiety, you should not be afraid of it, focus strong attention on it, treat it calmly.
Also form an action plan for the day, for the week, for the month. So that you can distract your attention, try to distract yourself with some business, some activity. Often, when we fall into a state of anxiety, we hang in it, forgetting about everything else and not trying to cope with it in any way. And it is everything else that can help with this.
Ways to deal with anxiety:
1. ASK YOURSELF, how can I make a difference?
If you understand that yes, I can influence the situation and start going through different options, write them down and decide which one you will try first. In this case, the anxiety will go away, and the emotional state will return to normal.
If you do not know how to influence the situation, and even realize that you cannot influence it. Then your task is to switch yourself to the following recommendations:
If you are in a negative informational field, where various news come from everywhere that make you anxious, then an informational detox is recommended for you.
This is when you limit yourself to watching some news that carries a negative message, and if some information really scares you, then it is better to exclude this source altogether in order not to put your body into a state of anxiety.
As soon as you feel anxiety, your task is to surround yourself with these people, call them up, ask them for support, care and not leave in a state of loneliness, not turn into a hermit.
Do not close with your emotions, fears, anxiety one on one. They need to go out into the public space. Call a loved one and say in plain text: “support me, please pick up some words that can calm me down, I need your help, I need hugs, I need your presence in my space.” At the same time, when you ask for this, do not ask for any advice, that is: “I don’t need advice, I don’t ask for advice, but I ask for support.” These are two fundamental differences.
Research results show that anxious people tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle. And it is activity that may be the best solution to prevent and treat anxiety. Time to lace up your sneakers, get out of your car and get moving!
A simple bike ride, dance class, or even a brisk walk can be a powerful tool for those who suffer from chronic anxiety. These activities also help people who are overly nervous and preoccupied, such as an upcoming exam, public speaking, or an important meeting.
- Physical exercise distracts from the disturbing topic.
- Physical activity reduces the feeling of anxiety due to muscle relaxation.
- Cardio training affects the processes in the brain, allowing the production of anti-anxiety hormones.
- Exercise activates the frontal lobes of the brain responsible for executive function, a system for responding to real or imagined threats to our survival.
- Regular exercise creates resources that increase resilience to violent emotions and can partially replace therapy by increasing levels of stress tolerance and self-confidence.
"Breathing is the most effective method to quickly reduce anger and anxiety," doctors say. When you're worried or angry, you tend to take short, shallow breaths. Doctors explain that such behavior only increases the state of stress, the same "fight or flight." Fear causes rapid breathing, which increases fear. This is why long, deep, calming breaths break this addiction and help you calm down.
Breathing exercise
- Breathing square
1. Sit comfortably. It is convenient for many to lean on the back, and put their feet on the ground. When you feel comfortable, close your eyes. Watch how you inhale and exhale again. Try to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
2. Place your hand on your stomach and feel your stomach rise and fall as you breathe. While inhaling mentally or quietly aloud, say “input”, when you exhale - “exhale”.
3. Think only of your breath and repeat the words "in" and "out". You can also try counting to ten - inhale for one, exhale for two, and so on until ten, then start again. If extraneous thoughts arise, try again to direct your attention to the process of breathing, counting, or pronouncing the words “inhale” and “exhale”.
4. Continue breathing like this for about two minutes.
5. Now pay attention to the sounds around you again and think about where you are right now. Slowly open your eyes and look around. Pay attention and think about whether you feel calmer.
- Diaphragm breathing.
Get into a comfortable position. Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Take a deep, even breath in through your nose. At the same time, the hand on the chest should hardly move, but the hand on the stomach should rise and fall. Exhale through your mouth. This way you will breathe with your diaphragm.
Another way to relieve stress is to keep a diary of your thoughts and feelings. It is not at all necessary to conduct it regularly, because many feel guilty if they filled it out one day and “dropped out” the next, etc. You can lead it according to relevance, and most importantly, after this practice, it becomes easier for you.
Writing out your emotions and releasing everything you have on paper is almost like a session with a psychologist. After all, one of the most important things that happens in a session is your story of what you sometimes cannot tell your friends and relatives. After practice, we simply cease to be torn from the inside, because we remove part of the energy, so writing is a wonderful self-help tool that you can use with just a pen and paper.
Meditation is a psychological method of auto-regulation that allows a modern person to reduce the level of anxiety, increase stress resistance and relieve mental stress by mastering the skill of managing emotional intelligence.
Meditation also shrinks the tonsils, which reduces the fight or flight response. In addition, regular practice reduces the level of stress hormones in the body.
Conscious meditation
There is one pitfall in this exercise - if the posture is very comfortable, you risk falling asleep) Therefore, be vigilant. Otherwise, this technique allows you to relax and concentrate. In our body every minute there is a lot of processes that we are not aware of. The ability to listen to oneself allows many people to reach a different level of awareness and calm down.
- Get into a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. If you are sitting, keep your back straight.
- Breathing is deep, calm. Imagine tension and anxiety leaving your body with each exhalation. If you feel uncomfortable somewhere, change position so that you can completely relax.
- Concentrate your attention on the very tips of your toes.
Observe any sensations in that area, everything that happens there. Imagine that you direct your breath there, and your fingers are filled with energy and warmth.
- After completely relaxing this zone, direct your breath up the body through the legs, pelvis, back, abdomen, chest, arms, neck, face, all the way to the top of the head.
- Listen to the sensations of relaxation, warmth and calmness throughout the body. After that, you will be full of energy and strength in order to cope with any life task.
After the tension of any muscle, the stage of its relaxation inevitably begins. And if muscle contraction causes anxiety, then their relaxation contributes to emotional calm. In particular, this technique works very well for those who play sports. So, you only need to strain the muscles for 10-15 seconds, and observe the relaxation in them for 15-20 seconds.
- Start with your breath, focus on your body, the sensations in it.
Thoughts are calm, breathing is even.
- Hands. Squeeze one hand tightly, feel the tension of all muscles. As you exhale, release, concentrating on the feeling of relaxation. Repeat the same with the second hand.
- Neck. Raise your shoulders up and in this position stretch your chin to your chest. Tilt your head back, turn it slowly from side to side. Then relax.
- Face. Open your mouth wide and raise your eyebrows as high as possible, as if you are very surprised. Then close your eyes tightly and frown your forehead, wrinkle your nose. Squeeze your jaws tightly, pulling the corners of your lips down.
- Chest. Inhale deeply, hold the air for a few seconds and exhale. Listen to the sensations.
- Back and stomach. Flatten your shoulder blades, arch your back. Tighten your abdominal muscles strongly.
- Legs.
Tighten the muscles of the thighs, while the knee should be half-bent. Pull the sock towards you, fully straighten it in the opposite direction. Stretch your entire leg with effort, squeeze your toes.
Do 3-4 repetitions of the entire complex. Each time you relax, focus on how much your muscles are relaxed, your whole body, how light it is. With each new approach, relaxation will be felt more and more.
In this practice, you need to bring the thought to the point of absurdity and come up with the most terrible scenario for the development of events. After that, ask yourself: “what will I do if this happens?”. When you find a couple of options, then you will gradually calm down. Our brain is afraid of the unknown, and when it understands that some problems can be solved and sees how, it calms down.
A: I'm afraid to shoot stories and broadcast it.
B: why?
A: suddenly I will disgrace myself.
B: what will happen?
A: Everyone will stop communicating with me, I will be completely alone in life.
B: Seriously? How is the failure in stories connected and that EVERYONE will not communicate with you and you will be left alone - NO way. Okay, let's say this happens, let's write a plan B, C and D. What will happen if this really happens?
A: I will find new acquaintances, go to a new company to work or to an event, etc.
When you come up with new ways to solve a fearful problem, you automatically understand that there is nothing to worry about, the fear subsides and you can act
1. Try the five senses exercise to focus on the present moment:
• List 5 things I see.
• List 4 things I hear.
• List 3 things that I touch.
• List 2 things that I can smell.
• List the taste I have.
The exercise can be done silently, mentally listing the things you feel, or you can do it with someone else.
2. Change your occupation and location.
If you are experiencing anxiety that does not go away on its own, it may be helpful to change your activities. For example, if your anxiety gets worse while relaxing at home, taking a walk or doing another activity that you enjoy might be beneficial.
3. Relaxing hobby.
A soothing hobby is something that will allow you not only to escape from the bustle of the outside world, but also to calm down, because something that you do with your hands: knitting or drawing a picture, playing some instrument, it relaxes the body, the nervous system. Many people just want to crack the seeds, for example, repeating the cleaning process, they calm down, the same with cigarettes. It's all about the same thing, just try to keep this habit healthy and environmentally friendly for you.
If you understand that you do not have the resource to cope on your own, there is no resource for reading some books, articles, exercises, for self-regulation and self-help does not lead you to calm down. So you need to contact a good specialist directly. Once again I repeat it can be a psychologist, psychotherapist, endocrinologist.
- I recommend that you try all the exercises and find out which one is more suitable for you.
- It is important to understand that these and other relaxation methods work in a cumulative effect. If you perform these exercises daily for at least 2 months, the body and mind will already get used to these states. Regular exercises help not only to adequately cope with the inevitable daily stress, but also to normalize the entire nervous system in general, put reactions in order, and generally become calmer.
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Technologies against anxiety: how to identify and reduce stress levels
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Many people are familiar with the feeling of anxiety. It may be due to family circumstances, exams, difficulties at work, an unstable situation around. Anxiety can escalate and become a serious problem. At the same time, anxiety can be overcome with the help of modern technologies.
Anxiety and its types
In 2022, according to VTsIOM, every fourth Russian has experienced stress several times a month. More than half of Russians experienced a sense of anxiety. A study by the Kaizer Family Foundation found that the number of people with symptoms of anxiety increased from 11% to 41% between summer 2019 and January 2021. Anxiety is a reaction to watch out for as it can lead to depression.
An anxiety attack cannot formally be classified as a clinical disease. People can talk about anxiety to describe a range of feelings, from butterflies in the stomach to panic. In order to understand how to classify the types of disorders, scientists have assessed and described the main types of anxiety.
If it is necessary to do a cycle of repetitive actions to feel better, such as pulling the doorknob three times before leaving, then we are talking about OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).
Sudden increase in heart rate, shortness of breath, nausea, suffocation, an attack of panic fear. This type of anxiety is referred to as panic disorder.
How to distinguish anxiety from anxiety
When anxious, a person analyzes a difficult situation, makes a decision and starts to act. Anxiety directly affects health: poor sleep, migraines, weakness.
Here are the main differences between worry and anxiety:
How to get rid of anxiety
There are many treatment options for anxiety disorders. The most common is to independently determine the object of fear. A person may be afraid to speak in front of the public, but if you understand the issue, find life hacks of famous speakers and apply them, you can feel much more confident. You can go to a psychologist. In case of panic attacks or depression, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. But if you're just worried, modern technology will help you calm down.
Applications of moods and habits. A person experiences negative and positive emotions throughout the day, whether at home, at work or on the road. There are handy apps to track your mood curve. For example, How Are You? throughout the day is interested in how the user is doing. For each answer, you can leave a small comment. As a result, a person receives a mood calendar and analyzes what events and situations preceded this or that emotion. Another interesting application was developed in the Behavioral Economics Laboratory at Duke University - Fabulous - Daily Routine Planner. The idea is to develop healthy habits through daily exercise. The service offers simple actions to help calm down, such as breathing, walking, exercising, or meditating. The apps are available on the App Store and Google Play.
Virtual psychologist. In moments of severe anxiety, it is not always possible to seek help from a specialist or share your feelings with loved ones. In this case, special programs and virtual doctors come to the rescue. For example, the domestic project iCognito has developed a convenient self-help application with artificial intelligence. In moments of anxiety and stress, the user can start communicating with the chatbot, which will analyze the answers and offer different techniques, exercises to relieve stress or anxiety.
There are three areas: "Anti-depression", "Anti-stress" and "Relationships". The programs are developed by qualified psychologists and psychotherapists and can help in different situations. For example, "Anti-depression" includes theory and practice in a playful way. The bot helps to understand the causes of depression, work through them and return a person to a normal state. It uses techniques for analyzing negative thoughts, regulating emotions and awareness, self-compassion, and problem solving and communication. The Anti-stress program will teach users about positive thinking, emotional awareness and irritability management. To do this, the bot will offer simple exercises that will help you relax and concentrate on your inner feelings. "Relationships" - devoted to relationships in the family. The bot asks questions and, based on the answers, analyzes the microclimate in a couple. In addition, the application allows you to keep diaries of thoughts, gratitude and take audio courses. The mobile app is available on the App Store and Google Play.
You can fight anxiety even in Telegram channel . Clinical psychologist Daniil Danilov launched the Calm Bot project, where you can keep a diary of thoughts and practice mindfulness. Moreover, the application is absolutely free.
VR Fighting Fear . Virtual reality technology reduces anxiety. This was confirmed by scientists from the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, who conducted an experiment. For 20 minutes, people used the Ocean Rift VR app. Under relaxing music, the subjects explored the underwater world. People with increased levels of anxiety noted an improvement in their condition. To use the app, you need to purchase a VR helmet or goggles. In addition to the underwater world, there are 11 more open places in the game, for example, an African safari. Detailing helped to make the virtual trip unforgettable: diving into the depths, for example, the user sees the outline of a swimming mask. You can download the application on the Steam platform.
Among the Russian developments is the XR Clinic project by Medviar. The developers have created special VR glasses. The user puts them and a pair of sensors on his hands and feet and finds himself in a virtual environment. Here he sees his body, sees other users, gets the effect of a highly realistic environment. With the help of glasses in the virtual world, a person can move, communicate. While the system automatically evaluates his actions as a psychologist and at the end of the session gives the results.
Games as a help for disorders. Sandbox games to help develop creativity, create your own world and relax - Minecraft, Subnautica, Roblox, The Sims. Travel games are aimed at helping to relieve nervous tension and immerse yourself in another world. These include Journey, Dear Esther, Alto's Adventure. You can download them on Steam or from the official websites of the developers.
In June 2022, among other things, the game Stray was released. In it, the user is invited to explore the open world by controlling a stray ginger cat. An unusual story, soothing music, the purring of a cat - all this will help you relax and calm down after a hard day.