Introverted libra woman

The Kind Of Introvert You Are, According To Your Zodiac Sign

By Christine Schoenwald — Written on Jan 24, 2017

Photo: weheartit

No one is 100 percent introvert or extrovert. If you consider yourself an introvert, you probably have moments where you are too exhausted or worn out to be the life of the party; you just want to go home and curl up with a good book. If you’re an extrovert, you might be very active with your social media.

If you don’t occasionally stray into introverted or extroverted behavior but tend to fall between the introversion and extraversion spectrum, then you’re known as an ambivert. Ambiverts demonstrate behaviors and characteristics of both introverts and extroverts depending on the situation.

RELATED: 3 Huge Tips All Extroverts MUST Know When Dating An Introvert

Some people may change as they grow up. Perhaps they were outgoing as a child but as an adult, they’re more introverted. Or, maybe the opposite is true where they were shy and insecure in their pre-teen and teen years but blossomed socially in college.


You probably have a good idea of what kind of personality you have and if you’re more comfortable in certain situations. We don’t really need a label but if knowing that you’re an introvert gives you comfort to decline that invitation to a party without guilt, or if you notice that you get unhappy when you’re not around people, then knowing your personality type is a good thing.

RELATED: 3 BIG Signs You're An Extroverted Introvert

Sometimes you can surprise yourself. You might not feel like going to a networking event but you know it will be helpful for your brand; when you go, you make all kinds of connections with people and have a good time. And while it may not make you want to go out of your introvert comfort zone, it shows that it’s sometimes good to do so.

It’s possible to get very specific on the type of introvert you are, but that's where astrology can help. Here's the type of introvert you are, according to your zodiac sign.

ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

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You're not much of an introvert but you do need some downtime by yourself every once in a while, especially when you first wake up in the morning. It's not that you're not a morning person — you get a lot done before lunch — it's more that you have a ritual that you go through, often involving coffee and letting it take effect.

You're constantly on the move, facing challenges, competing to be the best (at everything), and taking risks which require a lot of energy, so it's no surprise you need to recharge.


Read: The 13 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aries, As Written By One

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

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You're definitely an ambivert because you can be completely self-sufficient happy in your beautiful home, and then other times you like to be with your closest friends and family. You need to be alone and you need to be with people, it's as simple as that. You may try to come off as completely independent but it's not true; you have a lot of love to give and it's more than self-love.


Read: The 5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Taurus, As Written By One

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

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There may be two sides to your personality but they're both fairly extroverted. The funny thing is, you tend to think of yourself as somewhat introverted because of your love of reading and new ideas. You get excited when you're connecting with people and communicating on a deep level.

Yes, you like some quiet time and you need to decompress, but when you get intellectually fired up, you want to share it with someone.


Read: The 13 Brutal Truths About Loving A Gemini, As Written By One

CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

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You are a careful introvert. There are times when you just want to be left alone to cry and tend your wounds. You're emotional, and when you get hurt, you retreat and it's hard for you to come out of your shell and trust again. It's not that you don't love people, you just care too much about them and find that you open up yourself for hurt.  


Read: The 5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Cancer, As Written By One

LEO (July 23 - August 22)

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Leos are well-known for being extroverted but underneath all that charm and dazzle is a bunch of insecurity. You need to feel supported and admired, and if you don't think you're getting what you need, you'll retreat for a while.

Since you're usually front and center, you know that people will notice and hopefully reach out and give you the praise you're looking for. In the end, you're a self-centered introvert.


Read: 6 Brutal Truths About Loving A Leo, As Written By One

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

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You're a focused introvert. You're often not the life of the party as you can get on a know-it-all roll or become visibly awkward, so you may find it easier to concentrate on things you're fixing, solving, or creating. 

You don't like it when people take you away from whatever you're researching or working on and you get impatient when trying to get another person up to speed. You do your best work alone.


Read: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Virgo (As Written By A Virgo)

LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)

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You're a balanced introvert. You love entertaining and are the consummate host when you throw a party, but you can't be around people every minute of every day. You need your own space sometimes and you tend to distance yourself from others.

You know you can be aloof but you're convinced that once someone proves they're worthy of getting to know the real you, you'll let down your defenses... but you're still going to need some me time.


Read: 11 Brutal Truths About Loving A Libra, As Written By One

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

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You're a fierce introvert. You won't back down from a fight but you try not to act hastily. If you think someone has done you wrong or lied, you'll quietly collect evidence, come up with a plan, and quietly wait until the perfect moment strikes.

You enjoy your own company and don't get lonely. It's not that you're a hermit, you're just careful about who you spend your time with as they have to measure up to the most amazing person you know: you.


Read: 14 Brutal Truths About Loving A Scorpio, As Written By One

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)

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It's not that you don't love or need people, it's that you prefer to travel alone. You want to do what you want to do, where you want to do, and you don't want to miss some experience because your travel companion doesn't want to do it. You're a wanderlust introvert and want no strings that will keep you from taking off at a moment's notice to go somewhere fascinating.


Read: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Sagittarius, As Written By One

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)

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You're an oblivious introvert. It's not that you shy away from people, it's that you get so wrapped up in work or a special project that you simply forget there are other people around. You get fixated on whatever you're doing and tend to forget the people in your life, and sometimes you even forget yourself.

On the other hand, when you need to, you work great with people as you are a natural leader. It's all about the task at hand with you.


Read: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Capricorn, As Written By One

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)

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You're an emotional introvert. You don't like sharing your feelings with others, so when you're going through something emotionally, you tend to go off by yourself. You find people and all their quirks interesting and they tend to gravitate towards you and your acceptance of them. But if they have a meltdown or go off on a rant, you'll do anything to get away from them.


Read: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aquarius, As Written By One

PISCES (February 19 - March 20)

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You're a creative introvert. People inspire you, usually so much so that you take whatever inspiration they get from you and you get lost in your own world. You do your own thing and are completely happy when you're by yourself either creating art or enjoying it. It's almost as if your favorite books, pieces of art, or music are your friends.


Read: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Pisces, As Written By One

7 of the Coolest Characteristics of a Libra ...

Characteristics of a Libra I’m going to talk about today are too cool not to mention, something you’ve either already noticed or are going to right after you take a peek at this list and definitely one more reason to love your Libran friends and family members for. Yes, a Libra can be self observed at times, introvert and moody even but the qualities of a Libra definitely surpass its shortcomings. And with that said, here are some of Libra’s best traits:

1 Intellect

The first on my list of wonderful characteristics of a Libra has everything to do with the mind and, yes, some might even be surprised to find out their beautiful, graceful Libra does have a pretty good head on her shoulders which she uses for more than just hair and makeup! Extreme curiosity, deductive skills, quick thinking and the ability to pick things up here and there as well as thoroughly research the matters of special interest will provide Libra with an array of topics to discuss during her social quests, making the male representatives of this sign the focal point of each conversation and female Libras well-loved social butterflies!

2 Diplomacy

Represented by scales – a symbol of justice, balance and harmony, this zodiac sign wants to make sure both sides are at peace and is therefore a perfect negotiator. Law is another area in which Libras might be able to develop a successful career although their ideals might prove to be a limitation of sorts. A Libra rarely ever makes a fool of herself or others by saying something stupid or weird as Librans are known for their ability to foresee the potential outcome of their words and will reformulate potentially hurtful sentenced before letting them roll off their tongues.

Sadiq The last statement just hit different 😂😂😂😂...

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3 Elegance

If you have a Libra in your life or happen to be one, you certainly know elegance is on the list of Libra’s best traits, too! A male Libra is a real Prince Charming – he looks the part, acts like one and will definitely show you how a lady such as yourself needs to be treated. A female Libra is a head-to-toe lady, even if she does not come wrapped in haute couture. Libra’s carefree elegance is not something that has to do with money, blue-blooded attitude or any of those things folks try to pass as “elegance” these days which is something, I’m sure, you are well aware of in case you have a Libra as a loved one.

4 Gentleness

Want to know more about cool characteristics of a Libra? Well, here’s one you should really respect Librans for. You see, this zodiac sign really appreciates balance, harmony and peace and is strongly against violence of any kind, rudeness, foul play and fighting. Librans often act as a glue that holds families and friendships together and are happy if they can do something to help end an argument or mend broken relationships.

5 Amity

Next on my list of admirable qualities of a Libra is, of course, the fact that Libras are generally considered to be extremely loyal friends. Their shoulder will always be available for you in case you have some crying to do, they’ll do their best to give you a good advice should you ask for one and are able to just listen which, I have to note, isn’t something a few other signs find easy to do. Libra is also terrible at holding grudges and will find it in her heart to forgive a lot of things although you should probably have in mind that betrayal is not one of them.

6 Social Skills

Chatty, witty yet well versed in courtesies and good manners, hanging out with a Libra is a watch-and-learn kind of thing that will never cease to amaze you. They are quite comfortable in a laid back kind of environment yet will easily swim trough a much tougher crowd, making themselves reliable companions of shyer or socially inept Zodiac signs. Politeness is also an often mentioned characteristic of a Libra, some even going as far to say that Librans can charm things out of people even when they are not trying. That sounds pretty awesome- doesn't it?

Jadah im a libra but im an introvert ...

7 Ideals

Often quotes as passe and totally unneeded in today’s society, ideals are still a very big deal for both male and female Libras. They believe in playing fair, in loving your fellow man, equity, protecting the innocent, true love and are pretty much a walking, talking version of a Hallmark card! This is one of both best and potentially worst characteristics of a Libra, by the way, mostly due to the fact that it has a huge potential of backfiring and shaking an idealistic Libra to her core.

What’s your favorite characteristic of a Libra and what makes you appreciate your beloved Libras so much? Are you even into all those Zodiac signs characteristics of think Horoscope is a big, fat lie people use to justify their actions and pass time? I really think stars and planets can affect our personalities to a certain degree although I’d hardly go as far to say that I’m 100% into all those stuff.

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😊 5 main introverts of the zodiac world | Facts about the signs of the zodiac

Even Gustav Jung divided people into introverts and extroverts, according to their behavior, temperament and preferences in contacts with the outside world. If extroverts are accustomed to turning life forces into the outside world, introverts are focused on the inside. They prefer not to waste energy in vain and save their internal resources, they prefer loneliness and work on themselves to noisy companies.

Typical introverts - for the most part, personalities are calm, often rather shy. They like to live according to a clear plan and do not tolerate spontaneity. A representative of this type of character without fail needs a sufficient amount of personal space, but he often avoids noisy companies and large crowds of other people. We at the editorial office of invite you to get acquainted with the main introverts among the signs of the zodiac.


Astrologers say that people born under the sign of Taurus do not like noisy companies and prefer, if possible, not to leave their personal comfort zone. Taurus will gladly organize a sumptuous dinner and invite friends to visit, but only if they themselves set the day and time. Otherwise, the named guests can become a real burden and problem for them.

Taurus does not like when his personal space is violated

In addition, Taurus introverts are used to performing professional duties at their own pace, and the slightest extraneous noise at the same time can unsettle them. Like no one else, they love to make lists and plans and strictly follow them.

Taurus, who have been hurt in the past, usually become especially secretive: it is now extremely difficult for them to open their souls for a new person.


Pisces are obvious introverts. As a rule, they live in their "aquarium" and they are not at all interested in what happens outside of it. That is why many people believe that Pisces are those snobs from which one can hardly draw even a word, but this point of view is extremely erroneous. It’s just that Pisces is much more interested in traveling through their inner world, because for them it is much more comfortable and familiar to the world around them. This explains their detachment.

Pisces prefer to build their own worlds instead of living in real life

Pisces love to dream, to soar in the clouds, so it can be very difficult to understand them. For Neptune's wards, emotionally receptive to the environment, a lot can be decided in a single moment. Usually, Pisces keep both anxieties and joys in themselves - at most, sometimes sharing them with the closest people.


Scorpions are one of those who are extremely reluctant to make contact, and even more so will be frank with the first person they meet. For these comrades to open their souls to someone, something out of the ordinary must happen. Not many can boast of a close relationship with Scorpios: to feel a prick of their “sting” is much more real than to hear a kind word addressed to them.

Scorpios rarely open their souls to other people

In fact, people born under the sign of Scorpio can be passionate, charismatic and bright. However, most of these people can be compared to fireworks: flaring up for a moment, they burn out and quickly return to their cozy little world, "pitying" those who wish to disturb their precious peace.


Cancers can remain sociable and friendly, enjoy going out. Therefore, you cannot call aquatic wards one hundred percent introverts. But this "filler" in them is much more than an extraverted component.

Cancers often need to be alone with their thoughts and feelings

Cancers need to spend a significant amount of time with their loved ones in order to restore internal energy and just relax. Especially unpleasant for them are conversations of non-global significance, distracting them from creative impulses or bouts of soul-searching. If a trifle interferes with his inner "work", Cancer will become discouraged. Of course, representatives of this sign cannot stay alone for a long time, but they also cannot but lock themselves up with all the “locks”, because a positive attitude directly depends on the amount of time that these guys have devoted to themselves.

In general, most people "from the moon" are very worried about things that others would not pay attention to. Cancers are unconditional empaths. If a loved one suffers, they experience these emotions doubly.


Only selected people can enter the social circle of Capricorns. Sometimes representatives of this constellation are so immersed in their own thoughts that others consider them rude and cold towards others. Although in most cases this is not the case. Being at a noisy party is just torture for Capricorns. But to drink a cup of coffee with a good friend or even better lie down with your favorite book at home - that's it!

Capricorns know how to enjoy loneliness

Often focused and determined people belonging to the sign of Capricorn hide in themselves and do not want to share personal information even with their loved ones. Children of the earth sign are in no hurry to express their opinion, and if it is different from the conclusions of the majority, they will remain silent - just so as not to argue once again.

The opposite of introverts is extroverts. These people love to be in society, and loneliness is considered torture. About the signs of the zodiac, among which extroverts are more common, we wrote here.

How much of an introvert are you, according to your zodiac sign? Check yourself

But first, let's not get confused, let's remind each other again who is who.

Extroverts express themselves easily, are result-oriented, love crowds and action. Most of them like to communicate, engage in some kind of activity, work with people, be in the thick of things and events. Contrary to popular belief, they do not necessarily have an easy and cheerful nature, it is just that their focus is always outside their personality.

Extroverts use up energy easily and often cannot stop. They quickly restore strength by doing something outside the home, organizing active leisure.

Extroverts may experience loneliness and feel empty when they are not in contact with people or the outside world. They often find it difficult to relax and let their body rest.

Introverts, on the other hand, find the source of energy in their inner world of ideas, emotions and impressions. Contrary to popular belief, they are not necessarily quiet or withdrawn people. It's just that their focus is within their own personality. They need a quiet place where they can think carefully and recharge their batteries.

Now, as they say, find yourself.


Aquarians are considered the main introverts of the Zodiac. They often behave quite aloofly, they are not used to talking about their feelings to others, because they prefer to share only with those who deserve their attention.


Pisces have to be introverts because they are afraid that others may deprive them of inspiration. They feel much more comfortable when they have the opportunity to choose those with whom they would like to share their thoughts, plans and emotions.


Scorpios are accustomed to keeping their secrets to themselves, so they do not hesitate to act like real introverts. They like to maintain a certain mystique around them and are careful in choosing those people whom they decide to let in closer.


Taurus are incredibly willful and stubborn, and are also true introverts. Their emotional state is often quite unstable, so they prefer to keep their feelings to themselves.


Virgos are one of the top introverts on this list for a reason. Since by nature they are quite suspicious, they prefer to keep all their thoughts and feelings to themselves. The last thing they want is for their own fears to be used against them.


Capricorns know when to keep their mouths shut, which is why they are often considered true introverts. By nature, they perfectly adapt to any changes, are distinguished by special independence and are always aware of what they are capable of.


Cancers will only accept those who can help them solve a difficult problem.

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