How to do personality development
The 10 best Personal Growth Tips
Imagine that you're a soccer player and you miss an important penalty. That will leave a negative imprint in your brain. The next time you have to take a penalty, that imprint will trigger fear, meaning you won't want to take it...
Traumatic experiences and negative comments create toxic mental patterns that condition our behaviour far more than most people know. Our brains were 'wired' during more dangerous times and the fight or flight response is no longer adequate for coping with modern day threats. However, this response is still triggered when we are victims of circumstances, we miss that all-important penalty kick or even when we are plucking up the courage to take it.
The good news is that it is possible to break this vicious circle and to see things for what they really are to bring out all our potential. You only need two things to start out on this path to self-development:
- A real desire to get rid of the toxic thought patterns.
- A mastery of the right psychological tools.
Henry Ford said that "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." To achieve personal growth you need to look toward the goal, design the best strategy to reach it and focus on it. This is the first step in any action and you should spend as long on it as you need.
Once you have set your sights on your goal and worked out how to achieve it, it is time to take action and to get out of your comfort zone. These are the main psychological tools you must master to succeed:
Learn visualisation techniques
Visualise yourself taking the steps necessary to achieve your goal and achieving that success will help you to break toxic thought patterns, keep you motivated and to be more natural along the way.
Avoid negative thoughts
It is essential you keep a positive attitude. Monitor your thoughts and, when you start running an old, toxic film, cut those negative thoughts at the root.
Spending a few minutes a day controlling your breathing and focusing your mind will be very helpful when you have to cope with stressful situations outside your comfort zone.
Be resilient
The road to success is paved with errors and unexpected setbacks. There are few things you'll get right the first time. It doesn't matter if you fall. The only problem is not getting up.
Only compete against yourself
Toxic competition with other people will only wear you out. Focus on your goal and how you are going to achieve it.
Set small challenges
Just as missing a penalty leaves a negative imprint, overcoming small challenges leaves positive imprints that will help you to move forward with more determination.
Be persistent
Don't give in to laziness or disappointment.
Keep moving toward your goal as consistently as possible. If you set your mind on achieving your objectives every day, this attitude will become part of your personality.
Celebrate victories
It is good to reward yourself for small triumphs; these treats will motivate you to keep moving forward.
Top 12 Most Important Personality Development Tips
Image source: The AcademiaAvinash Bikumalla
Avinash Bikumalla
Head of Performance Marketing | Ex. Flipkart, Apna, BankBazaar
Published Nov 18, 2016
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“Personality Development”. How often do we hear this term, from our mentors, our teachers, on the covers of self-help books or on the banners of institutes and learning centres? The abundance of the usage of this term signals towards its importance in today’s life. So what do you mean by personality development? Is it something about how you look, or how you speak? Or is it how easily you can connect with people? Personality development is none of these. Or somewhere it is all of it. In order to survive in today’s world one needs to be smart and quick-witted all the time. It’s no longer just about how much effort you put into your work but one’s personality also has a lot to do with what one achieves. Here I have got 12 simple yet crucial tips over how you can acquire a well-meaning personality.
12. Know yourself
Obviously before you get on developing something you need to know all about it first. The same goes with your personality. One needs to start with taking a good look at themselves, analyzing their traits, the strengths and weaknesses and everything that needs to be worked upon. Don’t shy away from accepting your flaws and learn about yourself as much as you can.
11. Bring positivity in your outlook
Your thoughts and your actions both need to be positive in order to have an attractive personality. The way we think has a lot of effect on the way how we act. And if one prospers positive thoughts inside his mind then that also gives him a confidence boost and enhances their personality. Situations and circumstances in life can always be full highs and lows. But in order to adopt a positive outlook towards life, you need to find the brighter side of the things and focus on the good parts.
10. Have an opinion
Having an opinion and being able to confidently put it forward doesn’t just help making your conversations interesting but it also makes you look more influential and well informed around other people. Never shy away from projecting your opinions even if they happen to conflict with those of other people. Be well informed about all the relevant stuff in your surrounding and fell free to have opinions. It will make yourself feel important too
9. Meet new people
Meeting new and different kinds of people is a healthy step towards expanding your horizons and exposing yourself to a larger number of things. You get an opportunity to know more about other cultures and lifestyles and it significantly has a positive effect on your own personality.
8. Read more often and develop new interests
A man of very few interests has very little to talk about. But if you are well informed about things and cultivate a number of interests, more people tend to like you. You can strike up interesting conversations instead of appearing to be dull and monotonous. When you meet new people you do not have to think about what to say as you can share your knowledge or your interests and get them indulged in conversation.
7. Be a good listener
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” True it is. Being a good listener may not seem like but it is an important step towards achieving a more likable personality. When somebody talks to you, listen with interest and give them all the attention and importance. Maintain a direct eye contact and do not get distracted by the surroundings. It will help you in knowing a better deal about people and attending them in a better way.
6. Be a little fun
Oh yes, this is necessary! Being able to find a humorous side in otherwise terrible situations and bringing a little quirkiness of your own is appreciated by one and all. Everybody loves a person who can make them laugh and bring a funny perspective to the regular things of life. One does not need to be all serious and sober all the time but adorning your funny hat (not literally) every once in a while will turn you in to a more charming personality.
5. Be courteous
Being courteous is never out of fashion and is well appreciated and respected by everyone. Be humble and greet everyone with a smile. Never shy away from helping or supporting your peers and being available to them whenever they need you. Doing random acts of kindness will not just make somebody else’s day but it will also make you come along as a pleasing person. Also it will give your personality a confidence boost. Be humble and down to earth to your juniors and seniors alike.
4. Work on your Body Language
Body language is just as important for your personality as your verbal communication skills. It tells a lot about yourself and helps people in making accurate conjectures about you. Everything including the way you walk, sit, talk or eat leaves an impact over the people around you and having a correct body language can do wonders for your personality. Walk in an upright position with shoulders straight. Do not droop. Sit in a relaxed posture and make always eye contact while speaking.
3. Check your attire
I am not abruptly beginning to emphasize about your exterior self instead of your skills and abilities but one’s attire has an important role to play while making a desirable impression. And not just that, but it also gives yourself a confidence boost knowing that you look good and are dressed appropriately. Dress up in a decent manner and keeping your surroundings in mind. While flashy colors and too much body tattoos or piercings convey an unprofessional attitude, neatly ironed clothes make you look presentable.
2. Be yourself
Though one can always look up to other people to take an inspiration from, but you should still remain your own unique self. Each one of us is different, we have our own sets of skills and flaws and trying to be somebody else gets you nowhere and just simply backfires. Trying too hard to fit in a new group or wanting to belong should never take your authenticity and singularity away. Never try moulding into another person but instead work on being the best version of yourself.
1. Be confident
Yes, that’s the key. Being confident about who you are and what you are doing is the most important tip for personality development. Never doubt your capabilities and if there is something you need to work upon then put in all the effort so you can come over your fears and gain confidence. Read success stories or surround yourself with motivational thoughts or “encouragements” which can boost up your self esteem and help you in attaining a charming personality. Just everything you do, have faith in yourself and put in your hard work. There can be nothing more appealing in your personality than an incredible confidence.
10 Personal Development Tips for Children - Child Development
Raising a child to be strong and self-confident is no easy task for parents. You need to make sure that the child is surrounded by a positive environment that encourages him to learn and understand the world around him.
The key stages of physical and mental development occur in early childhood, so it is important to engage in the development of a child's personality from an early age.
Consider 10 tips for developing the personality of children. They will help to form the personal qualities of the child, make him more self-confident and positive.
1. Make parenting a priority
Raising your child should be your top priority.
- You may find it difficult to work and manage around the house.
However, you should prioritize and spend more time with your child;
- At the initial stage of a child's development, your behavior with him will play an important role in the development of his personality.
2. Review your parenting style
Also during this period it is important to be aware of your own style of education.
- think about how you behave in certain situations;
- pay attention to how this affects the child's behavior;
- think about what expectations you have about your child, whether they are justified.
3. Don't Label
Labeling your child is the worst thing you can do to him.
- it is wrong to compare a child with other people, even good ones;
- give the child opportunities for self-expression;
- do not limit the child to certain behaviors.
4. Embrace your child's personality and move on
Everyone has flaws, and your child is no exception.
- keep realistic expectations of your child;
- encourage him to develop his talents;
- support his interests and hobbies;
- do not force your child to do something that he does not like.
5. Be careful
The Internet, television, etc. have a huge influence on a child's behavior. It is especially difficult to resist this, because today the Internet is a part of our daily life.
- pay special attention to the activities and interests of the child;
- follow his new interests.
6. Set a good example
Children often imitate their parents.
- remember that you must always show good behavior;
- A good example has a positive effect not only on the child, but also on you.
7. Set the rules
When it comes to shaping a child's personality, it's important to make rules.
- create healthy communication patterns with your child;
- this will help strengthen emotional bonds with the child.
8. Punish with love
The punishments you give your child should not be offensive or cruel.
- it is important to show love even when interacting with a child;
- always emphasize the difference between right and wrong behavior;
- Explain why you do not approve of certain actions. Tell your child that you will be disappointed or sad if he does this.
9. Listen to the child
Pay attention to the child and do not be distracted by anything at this time. This is very important in raising a child.
- listen to the child when he complains to you about something;
- so he will feel his importance. His self-confidence and self-esteem will be strengthened.
10. Help your child
There are many challenges your child has to deal with.
- The best way to help a child cope with difficulties is to come to his aid every time he needs it;
- parents must provide unconditional support to the child;
- help him through his ups and downs.
Remember that every child is different. You need to understand what approach is best for raising your child. Your love and faith will help the child to develop his personal qualities to the maximum.
How personality develops ≡ Zhyvoedelo
Let's figure out what personality development is and whether a person himself can influence this process.
Personal development is a process during which the systemic qualities of a person's personality change as a result of his socialization and interaction with the surrounding social environment. Changes in this case are not quantitative, but qualitative. Each person has the prerequisites for development, initially the personality develops through the knowledge of the surrounding reality, in childhood. Adults are the first to influence. That is, education is an important component of personality development. In the future, the process is influenced by human activity and significant people for him. There are other factors that can act as a driving force for development. Let's figure out what personality development is and whether a person himself can influence this process.
Stages of personality development
Essentially, personality development occurs when a person enters a new social environment and adapts to it. Under favorable circumstances, personality develops in three stages:
- Adaptation.
A person gets acquainted with the values and rules operating in the environment, enters a social group and becomes like its members.
- Customization. A person has contradictions between established norms and the desire to show his own individuality. That is, the individual does not want to "be like everyone else", he strives to stand out from the mass. At this stage, a person is looking for ways to express their individuality.
- Integration. A person wants to show his individual qualities and at the same time strives for them to be accepted and approved by the rest of the members of the social group.
Personal development is a progressive process and begins at birth.
What influences the formation of personality
The driving forces of personality development can be various factors, among them the most basic:
- Genetics
- Environment
- Education
Every person by nature has a predisposition to certain emotional reactions to successes and failures, to the behavior of other people. It's genetic. Then the environment affects the person - the conditions in which he lives, the national characteristics of the country where he was born, etc. From early childhood, the child is influenced by adults who teach him, instill certain norms of behavior and thus influence the development of his personality .
What influences the development of a person, apart from heredity, environment and upbringing? Society has a great influence - not only parents, but also the school, university, various public / state institutions. The person himself can act as a driving force for his own development. It can be either his conscious choice or some internal human forces (fears, boredom, natural attraction, the desire to compensate for the lost, etc.)
Active and passive development of personality
Personal development can be passive or active. Passive growth involves the alternation of several stages of development from birth to old age in accordance with the norms of society. That is, a person develops as much as others expect from him. He "correctly" goes through the stages of childhood, youth, youth, maturity, preparation for old age. In fact, with the passive development of the personality, growth stops already at the stage of maturity, since qualitative changes in the personality, as a rule, occur during periods of adolescence and youth (they contribute to the successful fulfillment of life tasks). But there are people who supplement the passive development of the personality with active growth, and at all stages of life, including maturity, and sometimes old age.
Active development of the personality occurs as a result of the personal initiative of the person himself. If with passive growth the intellect grows naturally, "on its own", then with active growth a person has a desire, an idea that transforms into an intention, after which he sets goals for himself and engages in self-development, improving his own personality. He does it on his own or undergoes appropriate training, receives the education necessary to acquire certain skills.
Personal development - leaving the comfort zone
Personal development always involves going beyond the comfort zone. To master a new skill, you need to go through certain inconveniences, even the first steps of the baby do not work right away. A person who strives for active development is ready to leave his comfort zone for the sake of self-improvement. Such a personality has its own characteristic features:
- A large number of diverse desires.
- Interest in many things.
- Interest in one's own future.
- The desire to make your future bright.
- Seeing realistic perspectives.
People who strive to develop their personality are considered to be psychologically healthy, they are in harmony with their "I" and can build their lives the way they want. Qualitative personality changes do not fall from the sky and do not spontaneously arise inside - they are created by teachers, coaches or the person himself who decided to change himself and achieve a certain goal.