Enneagram personality type quiz
The Enneagram Personality Test
Q. What is the Enneagram personality test based on?
A. The Enneagram is a system of personality that describes people in terms of nine personality types, each with its own core motivations, fears and internal dynamics. Learn more about the Enneagram: What is the Enneagram?
Q. How long is this test?
A. The Enneagram test consists of approximately 105 questions and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.
Q. Is this personality quiz really free?
A. You do not need to purchase or register to take this test and view a basic overview of your results. However, you can purchase a more comprehensive full report.
Q. Is the Enneagram Personality Test accurate?
A. No personality test is accurate for everyone, but this test has been researched extensively to ensure it is valid and reliable, using a variety of statistical methods. Most of our users describe their results as both accurate and insightful. To better understand what you can expect from the assessment, check out our customer reviews.
Q. What will my results for the Enneagram Personality Test look like?
A. After completing the test, you will receive free basic test results showing how you scored for each of the nine types and you will have the option to unlock your full, in-depth report for a fee. To see what you can expect from your full report, see this sample report.
Q. How can I access my Enneagram test results?
After you take a test, you will have the option to create an account by entering your email address. If you create an account, you can view your test results at any time by returning to Truity.com and logging into your account. We do not email your results to you.
Q. Do I need to complete this Enneagram test all at once?
If you’ve created an account and are logged in when you take the test, your responses will be saved as you go through the test. If you do not log in to a Truity account before starting the test, your progress will not be saved and you will need to complete the test all at once.
Q. Can I have my employees, team or group take the Enneagram test?
A. The Enneagram Personality Test is only available for individual use. However, our Enneagram for the Workplace assessment is available for organizational use through our Truity @ Work platform. For more information about 0ur Truity @Work platform, please see our Testing for Business page.
Q. Is this personality test appropriate for children?
A. None of our tests are appropriate for children under the age of 14. We recommend that those under the age of 18 take the Enneagram Personality Test only with parental guidance.
Q. Where can I find more information about the 9 Enneagram types?
You can find comprehensive profiles of each of the nine Enneagram types here: Enneagram 1 - Enneagram 2 - Enneagram 3 - Enneagram 4 - Enneagram 5 - Enneagram 6 - Enneagram 7 - Enneagram 8 - Enneagram 9
Q. I'm looking for the official Enneagram test. Is this it?
While there are several Enneagram tests available, there is no official Enneagram test.
Truity’s test is the most popular Enneagram test in the United States, with more than one million tests taken each month and an average customer rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars.
Q. Are you going to sell my data?
We do not sell your email or other data to any third parties, and we have a zero-spam policy. We carefully comply with applicable privacy laws in handling your personal information. You can read more in our privacy policy.
Take the Free Enneagram Personality Test
Free & no email required
Takes just 12 minutes to complete
See how you score for all Enneagram types
Accurate and backed by research
Instructions for taking the Enneagram test
Be yourself
Don’t overthink your answer. Your gut reaction is usually the most accurate choice.
Be general
Describe yourself as you have generally been in most situations throughout your life.
Be honest
Be as honest as possible, even if you don’t like the answer. There are no right or wrong answers.
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Enneagram tests taken
What others are saying about the Enneagram test
“As someone who’s brand new to personality types, this completely blew my mind.”
- Madison
“You guys are nailing it! This really helped.”
- Joshua
"Honestly, this was painfully accurate.”
- Brooke
“Love it.”
- Rhonda
“Never thought this would be so accurate. Also, love the style of presentation. The full screen test really gave me the chance to focus on each individual question without distraction.”
- Logan
“Best test out there. I had tried a few different ones, but this one was the first that made me really understand what my personality type is all about. Told three of my friends to do it already.”
- Diana
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Test FAQs
Want to know more about the Enneagram test? These are the questions we get asked most often.
This personality test is based on the Enneagram personality typology. The Enneagram is an amazing tool to help people understand themselves and others better. The test will give you a first hint towards which of the 9 Enneagram personalities fits you best.
We've built the first fully dynamic Enneagram test that significantly reduces the number of questions while still being as accurate as possible. Depending on your answers, you will answer between 45 to 93 questions. Which is, on average, between 30%-50% faster than other comparable Enneagram tests you find online. It will take you between 9 and 15 minutes, but for most of our users, our data say it takes them less than 12 minutes.
But in case your fear is that it’s not long enough: Rest assured, there is no time limit. You can take as long as you want.
Here’s what you’ll get:
- Your test result, with a graphic showing how you score for each of the nine types
- A comprehensive overview of your most likely Enneagram type
- An option to unlock your Full Report for your Enneagram type.
Learn everything about your personality type and find out how that can help you in your daily life.
On a less material level, you get to discover the unique perspective of how you see the world, and begin to better understand why you think, feel and behave the way you do.
No catch at all. Our dream is that every person gets the chance to discover who they really are and become their healthiest self. That’s why we offer most of our material for free – also this Enneagram test. However you can support us by purchasing your Full Report.
Currently, our personality test is about 85-90% accurate. We have researched it together with top experts in the field who have used and pioneered the Enneagram for decades. To ensure it is accurate and reliable we have put the best available research and technology together in an adaptive and flexible testing system.
But it doesn’t stop there. We are using the data of our test to constantly improve and refine it, meaning it just gets more accurate the more people take it.
There’s just one thing, and we want to be transparent about this: Any Enneagram test, no matter what it promises you, can never reach 100% accuracy. Why? Because it is trying to assess your inner world. And that depends on how well you know yourself and how open and honest you are about it. No test in the world can measure for that.
There is no such thing as an „official“ Enneagram test. There are a lot of tests out there, some of which are good, some not so much. A good test will measure which of the 9 Enneagram types is your dominant type with an accuracy of 80%-90%, which is what we can say with confidence our test does very consistently – while being short and quick.
Since no Enneagram test can be 100% accurate, you should always take your result with a grain of salt. Consider it more as a hint towards your dominant type than a definitive assessment.
On top of that, we realized that two things help a lot of people to get a more accurate and consistent test result: First, when taking the test, think about your life in broad terms. Don’t confine yourself to your work environment or your family life, but be as general as possible. Secondly, think of yourself how you have been behaving in your early twenties, rather than how you behave now.
One last thing: The whole topic of discovering your Enneagram type is much more interesting and complex than just one test. That’s why we have put all resources and tips into a comprehensive guide on how to be sure.
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Based on the work of Virginia Price, MD, and David Daniels, MD.

The Enneagram is a model that is represented by nine personality types. It is widely used in many areas including business, personal and spiritual development.
The Enneagram has been used in practice for at least 70 years. Since many different approaches to the interpretation of the Enneagram have emerged over time, there is no single universal test yet. Thus, many Enneagram personality tests are guided solely by the intuition of the author.
This test is based on data from the publicly available Psychometrics Project and the work of Virginia Price, PhD, psychologist, and David Daniels, MD, Professor of Psychiatry. Our team strives to create a test based on evidence and validated research that is more reliable than most tests of this type.
What is your enneatype? For each following statement, indicate how much you agree with it.
Question 1 of 36
I'm constantly looking for new experiences and adventures.
Disagree | I agree |
With the exception of 36 questions belonging to the public psychometric project, the IDRlabs Enneagram Personality Test is the property of IDRlabs International.
Our test is one of the few free and quick Enneagram tests that is statistically controlled and reliable. Despite this, please note that the test is only a kind of indicator that can only roughly determine your inherent qualities.
All personality, role or career tests, whether they are "official" tests such as the MBTI® (Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator), the NEO Personality Inventory, the FFM test, the Big Five test, or such free online tests, as given, serve only as indicators that can only presumably determine your personality type. None of the tests can determine your Enneagram personality type with absolute accuracy and certainty and cannot replace an in-depth study of relevant works in detail.
As the publishers of this free, online, evidence-based test to determine your Enneagram personality type, we have made every effort to ensure that this test is reliable, accurate, complete, and valid.
Enneagram Personality Public Test relies on the following sources: Cron & Stabile: The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery IVP Books 2016; Daniels & Price: The Essential Enneagram: The Definitive Personality Test and Self-Discovery Guide HarperOne 2009; Open-Source Psychometrics Project: The OSPP Enneagram of Personality Scales; and Riso & Hudson: The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types Bantam 1999.
The developers of this free online Enneagram test are graduates who have had experience with numerous personality tests, and also worked at a professional level with personality typology testing and in the field of psychometrics. Before taking our free online test, please note that although the result obtained may be the same as the results of the official tests, it should not be confused with the tests mentioned above. The results of our online personality test are provided "as is" and should not be construed as providing professional or certified advice of any kind. For more information, please see our Terms of Service.
Quiz: What is your Enneagram personality type?
The Enneagram is one of the widely used methods of introspection today. It was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by the mystical philosopher George Gurdjieff and later refined in the 1960s by the psychologist Claudio Naranjo. personality, isolated on the basis of careful observation of human behavior.