How patient are you
QUIZ: Find out how patient you are with our personality test
Patience is a virtue that many of us could do with a little more of in our lives. When we take a step back and let things happen in their own time, we can enjoy a sense of calm and relaxation.
It's amazing how going with the flow a little bit more often can have such a positive impact on our daily lives.
How to be more patient
In the instant-access world we live in, it is tricky to even imagine cultivating patience. It seems boring and oh-so-frustrating to have to wait for the outcome we want.
However, the art of patience isn’t simply about waiting – it’s more about your attitude as you do so.
I recently bought some house plants from a lovely lady in her seventies. As she walked me through her exquisite garden, she proudly introduced me to a small, unimpressive looking shrub, before announcing that it had been a project of hers for the last 26 years.
I was struck by her ability to keep a plant alive considerably longer than I ever have, but even more so by her incredible patience to wait so many years for the goodness to literally grow.
She kept a joyful and curious disposition, instead of harbouring frustration that there wasn’t more to show for her efforts, and that’s exactly what we need to focus on when learning how to be more patient.
Developing a patient attitude
As author Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton said, "patience is not passive" – it’s an active choice to not react negatively when things take time or turn out differently to what you expected.
When practiced regularly, it supports you to increase your powers of self-regulation and persist with your projects long-term.
On the flip side, impatience is the uneasy restlessness and familiar feeling of agitation that stirs up when things aren’t happening to your ideal timeframe. Perhaps you aren’t who or where you wanted to be by now.
Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated strength.
Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
Whether your destination is mental, physical or emotional, frustration builds up, tolerance wanes, and aggravation overtakes the ability to accept the present for what it truly is.
The thing is, not much will be achieved by expressing anger at a situation which is out of your control. You can’t change whatever it is that has thrown you off-course, but you can change how you react to it.
How patient are you? Take our personality test
How to slow down
As life speeds up, there has been a steady rise in popularity of initiatives such as the Slow Living movement. More people than ever are coming together to form communities (and, in some parts of Italy, whole cities) who are willing to practice patience.
They’ve discovered that through patience food grows, experiences unfold, healing transpires and deep connections are formed.
The most patient people are those who embrace the enjoyment of the full experience, knowing that calmly moving past the setbacks will lead you to a greater sense of appreciation in the end.
3 steps towards a more patient life
Consciously respond to life’s little ups and downs
After all, you get to choose whether you want to be patient or not! Starting with something small, make the choice to bring calm and acceptance into the moment you’re facing a challenge and notice how that feels for you.
Relax and release
In moments of impatience, start to progressively relax your body from your head down to your toes. When you're tense, your muscles tend to tighten up. Scan through your body and, with awareness, recognise the tension that you're holding on to, then release it.
Use patience to achieve your long-term goals
The road to success can be long and winding, so let go of wanting to reach the end or see results immediately, instead celebrate the small wins and milestones you've passed along the way.
Photos by Andrew Neel and Shelby Miller on Unsplash
Test: How impatient are you?
Question 1/12
A colleague is making slow progress on a deadline you’re working on together. You:
All questions are required
- A Take on as much of their share of the work as possible
- B Focus on other things
- C Remind them of the impending deadline three times a day
- D Put your foot down
Question 2/12
You finally get around to dealing with that boring pile of filing.
All questions are required
- A Dive in, reminding yourself how good you’ll feel when it’s done
- B Allocate a maximum of two hours for it, then move on to something else
- C Sort through the papers, all the while cursing bureaucracy
- D Whizz through the pile of paper angrily; too bad if you haven’t sorted it all accurately
Question 3/12
The film you’re watching is starting to become boring, so you:
All questions are required
- A Start reading a book at the same time, but keep an eye on the screen
- B Switch channels during the dullest bits
- C Rant about talentless directors
- D Cut your losses and watch something else
Question 4/12
You’ve got a trolley full of shopping but the queue at the checkout is enormous.

All questions are required
- A Flick through Facebook on your phone
- B Decide to phone a friend
- C Complain to the person next to you about poor management
- D Angrily try to ditch enough items to join the express queue
Question 5/12
A friend is talking to you on the phone about her problems. You:
All questions are required
- A Listen to everything, while doing the ironing
- B End the call abruptly and switch off your mobile
- C Give her some advice, then find a reason to end the call
- D Bring the conversation to a close when she starts repeating herself
Question 6/12
You encounter a problem with a project you’re working on.

All questions are required
- A Delegate the task, just this once
- B Ask for advice from your team
- C Take a break and come back when you’re feeling in the mood to tackle it
- D Move on to another project
Question 7/12
After nagging your child in vain to tidy their bedroom, you:
All questions are required
- A End up doing it for them
- B Tell them at length about the perils of laziness
- C Abdicate responsibility and leave the mess as it is
- D Lose your temper and punish them
Question 8/12
Your day is proving to be difficult.

All questions are required
- A An opportunity to focus on the here-and-now
- B A challenge to your abilities
- C A test of your nerves
- D An antidote to feeling bored
Question 9/12
You are waiting for some vital information, which hasn’t materialised. You:
All questions are required
- A Harass the person responsible
- B Think it doesn’t really matter, as you can improvise
- C Move on to something else
- D Pace up and down like a caged lion
Question 10/12
You can choose between several routes to your destination.

All questions are required
- A The most reliable
- B The fastest
- C The quietest
- D The most picturesque
Question 11/12
You can’t stand working with…
All questions are required
- A Anxious types
- B Slow coaches
- C Predictable people
- D Authoritarians
Question 12/12
The upside of technology is:
All questions are required
- A To always be connected to others
- B Being able to access information instantly
- C To provide solutions to life’s problems
- D The ability to do it all yourself
How patient are you with people? - Tricky - tests for girls
Let's check how patient you are with people.
Question 1.
You are walking down the street and suddenly you see your classmates. You listen to their conversation. You understand that they are talking nasty things about your girlfriend. Why spoil her mood?
I'll leave silently... Here's another thing, arguing with these fools!
I will join the conversation and defend my girlfriend in every possible way.
I'll go home, call my friend and tell her everything. Let her know!..
Question 2.
Today is your birthday. However, someone close to you forgot about it. What will you do?
I will remind him, but I will also “forget” about his/her holiday. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!
I'll start a quarrel. How is that possible! I never forgot to congratulate him/her!
I'll hint to him/her about my birthday. But if he/she doesn't guess, I'll be very offended...
I'll just remind him/her about this event.
Question 3.
Imagine that your younger sister/brother scattered all your things around the room, scattered all your cosmetics. What will you do?
I complain about him (her) parents. Let him (her) fly!
Tell him/her that this is not good and ask him/her to help me clean the room.
Silently take him/her out of the room and clean up myself.
I will make you clean everything up immediately. Let him learn to be responsible for his actions!
Question 4.
Imagine that you see your friend, even if not the best, having a nice conversation with your boyfriend. What will you do?
I'll wait for them nearby. Well, you think that they can't be friends? It's not forbidden for them to talk.
I'll come and arrange a showdown right here. I don't care what others think, I can't stand it, I have to figure everything out right now!
Defiantly turn around and leave. It's all over! I was betrayed by close people...
I'll pass by, but then I'll find out what's the matter. Both.
Question 5.
Your younger brother/sister asks you to help him/her with homework.
I will help with reluctance... Otherwise, he will suddenly get a deuce and tell his mother that I did not help! There will be a scandal!
Of course I will help! Moreover, studying is easy for me, which means we can do it quickly!
I will say that he needs to be more independent. I can't help him forever!
Question 6.
Now imagine that you and your friend were going to go for a walk. But suddenly the friend refuses, says that her mother asks for help. You go for a walk alone, and you see how your friend is walking with some guy. ..
Okay. My friend might have her own life too. I'll pretend it didn't happen.
I'll come up and invite them to take a walk together. Out of politeness, she won't refuse. I'll break her whole buzz!
How could she! We've been friends since childhood! And we've never lied to each other...
I'll just keep walking and then tell my friend that she could tell me the truth.
Question 7.
Imagine that you were sent an offensive message in some social network. network.You...
Feel free to add this person to the Black List.
I'll write one or two bad names and send them to the Emergency Situations (Black List)
I'll ignore the message.
I will answer the same. I will not tolerate insults in my face!
Question 8.
Mom asks you to help her around the house. You...
I will help my mom with pleasure! She gets tired every day at work, and the whole house is on her!
I'll pretend I didn't hear anything and go for a walk.
Quickly come up with a reason for the refusal.
I will help with reluctance. At least my mother will be pleased.
How patient are you with others? Are you a patient test
Check your preferred answer.
1. You think you have an interesting idea, but it was not supported. Get upset?
2. You are meeting with friends, and someone offers to start a game. What would you prefer:
a) that only those who play well participate;
b) so that those who do not yet know the rules can play.
3. Will you calmly accept the news that is unpleasant for you?
4. Are you annoyed by people who appear drunk in public places:
a) if they do not overstep the allowed limits, I am not interested at all;
b) I have always disliked people who do not know how to control themselves.
5. Can you easily find contact with people with a different profession, position, customs than you:
a) it would be difficult for me to do this;
b) I don't pay attention to such things.
6. How do you react to a joke that you become the object of:
a) I don't like the jokes themselves or the jokers;
b) even if the joke is unpleasant to me, I will try to answer in the same manner.
7. Do you agree with the opinion that many people are “sitting in the wrong place”, “not doing their job”:
8. You bring a friend (girlfriend) to the company, who (s) becomes the object of everyone's attention. How do you react to it:
a) frankly, it is unpleasant for me that attention is diverted from me in this way;
b) I am only happy for him (her).
9. At a party you meet an elderly person who criticizes the modern young generation, extols the old days. In this case, you:
a) leave early on a plausible excuse;
b) get into an argument.
Now write down two points for answers 16, 26, 36, 4a, 56, 66, 76, 86, 9a.
From 0 to 4 points. You are adamant and, sorry, stubborn. Wherever you are, you may get the impression that you seek to impose your opinion on others, often without hesitation; to achieve your goal, often raise your voice. With your character, it is difficult to maintain normal relationships with people who think differently than you, disagree with what you say and do.
6-12 points. You are able to firmly defend your beliefs. But of course, you can also conduct a dialogue, change your mind, if necessary. They are sometimes capable of excessive harshness, disrespect for the interlocutor. And at such a moment, you can really win an argument with a person who has a weaker character. But is it worth it to “take it by the throat” when you can win more worthily?
14 - 18 points. The firmness of your convictions goes well with the great subtlety and flexibility of your mind. You can accept any idea, treat with understanding a rather paradoxical act at first glance, even if you do not share them. You are quite critical of your opinion and are able, with respect and tact towards the interlocutor, to abandon views that, as it turned out, were erroneous.
consists of 7 questions | rating 4.5 out of 5 points
Sometimes everything around bothers you so much that you want to go far, far away, where there is peace and quiet. This is especially true for those people whose every day is similar to one another, like twin brothers. Constant stress and overstrain lead to the fact that even an absolutely balanced person becomes inadequate and very aggressive. And what exactly brings him out of balance? Constant tension...
So it turns out that patience tends to zero. But, in spite of everything, you need to try to control yourself. Are you a patient person? Is it possible to piss you off with some nonsense? Or does it take a lot of effort to do so?
Psychological test How patient are you with others? You can go online absolutely free of charge (without registration and without sending SMS). If possible, leave your review and rate. Have a good testing!
You are a very patient person . Usually you are calm and work measuredly, without haste, paying attention to every detail. We are ready to endure a lot, and to cope with our emotions, even in those cases where any other person would already “explode”. Sometimes people around you have to work hard to "get you crazy." This happens extremely rarely, but aptly, as the accumulated irritation "comes out", sweeping away everything in its path. People who have absolutely nothing to do with you can often be at the epicenter of the explosion, for example, someone stepped on your foot, but his misconduct turned out to be the “last straw” for your patience, which is why he had to endure a considerable portion of aggression and accusations. In order not to feel guilt and regret later, and also not to bring yourself to an extreme state, I recommend that you read the article, it will help you better understand yourself.
You are patient enough , but don't let it "climb" on your head and dangle your legs. That is, they are usually able to control themselves, but when someone crosses the line, you give the kind of feedback that this person deserves. You try to express your opinion, irritation and anger in the place and situation, without holding negative feelings in yourself, because you understand that by doing this you will feel bad. Through this way of behaving, people around you are usually aware of what you like and don't like, which has a positive effect on your interaction. Only in the case of vertical relationships, when you communicate with management, it is important to be able to restrain your reactions at least a little, otherwise it will negatively affect your future in the company. Therefore, in order to then bounce back after such stress, I recommend that you read the article.
You are impatient and intemperate , ready to "explode" with anger at any second. Such an unexpected strong reaction causes surprise not only among others, but also in you personally. A lot of things annoy you, often you yourself are not able to detect the source of anxiety, so you accuse loved ones of all kinds of sins. And if you do not learn to control your anger, then over time you will find that you are left alone, since not everyone is able to withstand so much aggression in his address, despite the fact that you quickly cool down or even ask for forgiveness for your behavior. Take care of yourself and loved ones with calmer reactions to various stimuli. Life is impossible without problems and experiences, they will always be on our way, and you can learn tolerance by reading Article
A psychological test to determine your level of tolerance will help you determine which category of people you belong to, whether you respect other people's opinions and how tolerant you are. Our test will give you a reason to think and draw certain conclusions for yourself. Answer all questions honestly and without much thought. At the end of the test, you will be given an assessment of your tolerance with some comments. Our online test: [Tolerance Test] is completely free without SMS and registration! The result will be shown immediately after the answer to the last question!
The test contains 9 questions!
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