Apology to your boyfriend

Here's How To Say Sorry To Your Boyfriend In A Text: 20 Ideas


You can do better than “my bad.”

by Rachel Shatto and Hannah Kerns


Originally Published: 


There’s nothing worse than the sinking feeling you get when you know you've crossed a line, said something hurtful, or betrayed someone's trust — especially when you've done it to your partner. And although you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself (everyone makes mistakes, after all) these kinds of situations usually call for a more in-depth apology than a simple “I’m sorry.” Those aren’t always easy to make.

Now, an in-person apology is usually preferred, but a texted apology can work, too. If you’re in a position where you can’t drop everything to say sorry in person, sending an apology text can let your SO know that you know you messed up and that you want to start making amends ASAP. Fair enough, but the question of how to say sorry to your boyfriend in a text or how to apologize to your girlfriend over iMessage in a genuinely remorseful way remains. Fortunately, Chris Armstrong, the founder of relationship coaching company Maze of Love, and Hillary McBride, registered clinical counselor, helped clarify things.

In a previous conversation with Elite Daily, Armstrong suggested sending a quick preface to set up an effective apology text. “Start with a couple of phrases, [like] ‘I would much rather have this conversation in person, but…' and, 'I realize that some of what I'm sharing is one-sided or through my lens, and I'd love to understand yours,’” Armstrong recommended.

It’s also important to recognize that a genuine apology will likely require more than one message — no matter how perfect your original text may be, a good apology usually sparks a more in-depth, back-and-forth conversation. “The apology means nothing if you haven't listened to what the other person said,” McBride told Bustle. A huge part of apologizing is listening, or, in this case, reading.

In fact, taking the time to take in your partner’s response is what makes any apology (virtual or IRL) legit. Listening shows that you care about how your mistake affected your SO. It also makes it easier to ensure you won’t make the same mistake again. (FYI, if you aren’t paying attention, it’s a lot harder to know where exactly you went wrong.) “It's OK to pause, to consider how that impacted them and what it might be like if you were in their shoes,” McBride explained. “Think for a second about what it would be like if you experienced what they experienced.” Checks out.

How to apologize to your boyfriend for hurting his feelings or how to make amends with your girlfriend for making her upset varies depending on your personalities. Whatever route you take, it should feel authentic to the way you typically communicate. But at the end of the day, every method should have the same basic components. A good apology will acknowledge what you did and reaffirm that your partner has the right to be angry with you. It should also include your concrete action plan to alter the behavior that made the apology necessary. You might not be able to take back what you did or said, but you can pledge to do better in the future. All of this might seem like a lot to get into one text, but it is doable (and you don’t need to write a novel for it, either). Here are some examples of what that apology text could look like.

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  1. I’ve been thinking a lot about what I said last night and I really crossed the line. You have every right to be offended and hurt, and I'm truly sorry. I'm going to spend some serious time working on understanding why I lash out and change my behavior.
  2. Hey babe. I'm really ashamed of how I behaved yesterday. The worst part about it all is how I made you feel. You don’t deserve that kind of treatment. I promise you it won't happen again.
  3. Hi. First and foremost, I just wanted to text you to tell you I know I really blew it. I heard what you said and how it made you feel. I apologize from the bottom of my heart.
  4. I’ve had some time to cool down and really consider my behavior. I now realize I was totally out of line. I hurt you and feel horrible about it. Take whatever time you need to process your feelings, and when you're ready I’d love to apologize again face-to-face.
  5. I feel absolutely terrible about our fight. I really let you down. You deserve better and if you are willing to forgive me, I'm ready to be better for you.
  6. I should never have done/said that. It was totally out of line. I'm so sorry that I hurt you and I'm going to work hard to never be so careless again.
  7. You are such an incredible partner and I love you so much. I feel awful that I ever let you down like this. I'm asking for your forgiveness and I promise to do better going forward.
  8. Hey babe, I totally lost my temper last night and I'm so sorry. It doesn’t justify what I said or did. I just want you to know that I know I messed up and I'm going to talk to a professional about it so it never happens again.
  9. I woke up feeling absolutely terrible about our fight last night. I'm so sorry for how I acted and I really regret hurting you. Can we meet up later to talk about it?
  10. I really blew it. I owe you a thousand apologies. Here's the first one: I'm so sorry for how I acted yesterday. You didn't deserve it and I wish I could take it back. I can’t, so instead I'm promising it will never happen again. One apology down, 999 to go!
  11. I'm so sorry for blowing up like that. It's not OK and you deserve better. Here's my promise to you: I'm going to get professional help to learn how to process my anger and frustration better so I don't end up taking it out on you.
  12. I feel like such a fool today. I'm so sorry for what I said. I should have heard you out instead of losing my temper. I promise to do better.
  13. I really messed up. Whenever you feel ready I'd love to meet face-to-face. I promise to just listen this time.
  14. That sucked. I hate fighting with you in general, but especially when I know my actions caused it, and that I caused you pain. It’s not OK and I'm so sorry.
  15. Hey. I just want to let you know how much you mean to me. I'm so ashamed of how I behaved and the way I made you feel. Please forgive me. I promise I'll do whatever it takes to never do that again.
  16. I am so sorry for how things went down yesterday. I know I took it too far, and I hate that I made you feel anything other than loved and appreciated. I’m going to do better and make it up to you. Promise.
  17. I hate what I did, and I hate how it made you feel even more. You have every right to be upset with me, and I want you to take as long as you need, but I want you to know that I won’t make that mistake again.
  18. I’d love to apologize in person whenever you’re ready. For now, though, please know that I’m sorry for everything. I wish I could take it back. I know I can’t, but I promise I’ll work on doing better for you and for us.
  19. What I said was unacceptable, and I’m so sorry. I want you to know I’ll never treat you that way again. Is there anything I can do to earn your forgiveness?
  20. You are so important to me, and I hate that I made you doubt that. I am so sorry. What can I do to make us OK again?

Apologizing can be a tough pill to swallow, even when you know you were in the wrong. It’s tricky any time you have to face up to hurting someone you care about. But there are benefits to showing true remorse that go beyond salvaging your relationship. Even through text, a sincere apology can be a real opportunity for personal growth and self reflection.

Although it's a great first step, an apology text cannot stand on its own. Part of a strong apology text is making a plan to follow through with an in-person conversation. It may be intimidating, but a face-to-face apology can be a chance to forge better communication between you and your partner. Who doesn’t want that?


Chris Armstrong, founder of relationship coaching company Maze of Love

Hillary McBride, registered clinical counselor and author of Mothers, Daughters, and Body Image: Learning to Love Ourselves as We Are

This article was originally published on

Apology Letter To Your Boyfriend

So, you had a stupid ugly fight with your man and now he is not talking to you. Why don’t you write an apology letter to your boyfriend? We are aware of the fact that there is no “perfection” when we talk about relationships. Some disagreements and arguments are unavoidable, no matter how much you adore each other. You can think the world of each another and even prioritize each other, but you will still find yourself in circumstances where one of you is miserable.

You may not intentionally attack him during your disputes, but you may get swept away in the spur of the moment. Your lover may be hurt as a result of these fights. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging and owning up to your faults if your actions have caused harm to someone, especially if that someone is your boyfriend.

If you are wondering how to apologize to your lover, you have come to the right place. Sending a heartfelt apology letter could help diffuse the situation. We have included a couple of sample apology letters below. These letters span a wide range of situations and can be useful in various scenarios. Though you can send these letters to your partner as is, we recommend modifying them to make them more personal for you. Keep scrolling!

In This Article

How To Write An Apology Letter To Your Boyfriend

  • Cute Letter For Him After An Argument

Image: Shutterstock

Dear Ron,

We’ve spent a lot of time together, creating some truly special memories. The connection that we have is one I have not had with anyone else in a long time, and I feel grateful for how cherished you make me feel. The last thing I’d want is to spend our precious time together arguing over petty stuff.

I still remember making you a fresh cup of coffee at our home on the morning of the first weekend we spent together as a couple. I am not sure if my cup of joe will still work its old magic, but I’d like to brew you your favorite French press first thing tomorrow.

It is time to put our differences to bed and take a day off to enjoy each other’s company. You in?

Love, Betty

  • ‘I’m Sorry’ Letter To Your Boyfriend For Hurting Him

Image: Shutterstock

Dear Alex,

I know sometimes I can be a bit oblivious and distant, but trust me, it doesn’t mean that you are not a priority in my life. I have been busy with work for quite some time, so I have not been able to spend as much quality time with you.

I had had a bad day at work when you confronted me about my being too busy, and it sort of triggered me. I wish I could take back anything hurtful that I might have said out of anger and irritation. I am sorry that I let my emotions get the better of me.

I apologize that I unknowingly took you for granted. I deeply appreciate you being in my life and supporting me through everything. You do matter a lot to me, and I regret not being able to show you through my actions how much I care for you.

I promise not to get so busy that I don’t have time for us. I’ll be more attentive to our relationship. I hope you give me another chance to show you how much I love you.



  • Apology Letter To Your Boyfriend For Being Insecure

Image: Shutterstock

Dear Joaquin,

Getting together with you has been one of the most amazing things to happen to me. You have been nothing but kind, caring, considerate, and sweet to me. In spite of all this, I doubted your intentions and loyalty. I am generally not one to overthink, but my anxiety got the better of me this time. I got a little jealous and paranoid about losing this relationship.

I am aware, deep down, that you are 100 percent committed to our relationship. I am deeply sorry for having let my insecurity get the better of me, leading me to believe that you’re unfaithful. I completely agree that such insecurity is not what you’d expect from your partner in a loving relationship.

Related: Everything You Need To Know About A Committed Relationship

Everyone deserves to have privacy and personal space. You should not have to explain yourself or be questioned regarding the time you spend with your friends. Unfortunately, seeing you spending a lot of time with them lately led me to believe that I must have become less of a priority to you. In reality, I know that you have always put me first. And contrary to my recent actions, I have always appreciated you for it.

You mean the world to me, and you have every right to be able to talk and hang out with friends whenever you wish to, whether I’m around or not. I didn’t mean to be so rash and insecure about it.

If there’s one thing I can promise you, it would be not to doubt you, no matter what, and I will work towards trusting you more and giving you a chance to be able to trust me again too. Would you be able to forgive me for my outburst?



Quick Tip

It is unnecessary to hold on to your pride at this stage; instead, be honest with him and let him know that you value the relationship more than your pride.

  • Apology Letter To Boyfriend For Cheating

Image: Shutterstock

Dear Oliver,

I am at a complete loss of words because nothing I do will ever be enough to make up for this awful mistake. Trust, loyalty, and communication are the building blocks of any loving relationship, and I have completely let you down in all these three departments. There is nothing I can say or do to make you trust me again. But, if there is one thing you know about me, it is that I love you and I love us more than anything else in my life. I hope that we can find our way back to love.

Related: How To Fall Back In Love With Your Partner In 15 Simple Steps

For the last month or so, we had been having a lot of fights and arguments. Every time we tried to have a conversation, we ended up fighting, and this led to us slowly drifting away from each other. This didn’t mean that we stopped loving each other, but there was temporary anger and resentment as a result of all the fights and arguments. It is deeply unsettling when we can’t find peace with the person we love the most.

Being away from you led to a situation where I found myself spending time with others who made me feel special, albeit temporarily. This heady feeling of being special for someone led me to slowly get closer to them. And then the thing that happened in the heat of the moment became one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

I know that I have caused you to feel hurt, disappointed, betrayed, and torn. There is nothing I’d want more than to go back in time and fix this, but that is impossible. So, all I can do is hope and pray that no matter how much time you take, you will find it in your heart to forgive me for this indiscretion.

Not even in my wildest dreams had I imagined that I would cheat on you. I did something that did not mean much to me, but in the process, I hurt the man who means everything to me. For the rest of my life, I am going to regret my actions with every fiber of my being. I know it’s a lot to ask for, but would you be able to find it in your heart to let this go and move on with me?



  • Apology Letter To Boyfriend For Being Rude

Image: Shutterstock

Dear Ethan,

If there is one truth that we can’t fight, it is that ‘Words, once spoken cannot be taken back and you will have to live with them. ’ And here I am, apologizing to you for letting my emotions get the better of me and saying things that I didn’t mean.

Be it in a fight, an argument, or a disagreement, being rude is not acceptable, and I will not make any excuses for my inconsiderate behavior. Lately, I have been under a lot of pressure at work, and that stress has caused me to go into a negative headspace. I let the tension build up, and ultimately, I ended up lashing out at you.

Trust me that I’d never be rude to you deliberately, especially when I know how understanding and patient you are with me all the time. I promise not to let you down again, and I am working toward mastering the art of being patient and compassionate even in difficult situations. Please accept my sincere apology and note that I’d never put you in a similar position again.



  • Apology Letter To Boyfriend For Being Mean

Image: Shutterstock

Dear Lucas,

You are one of the most caring and considerate individuals I’ve ever come across in my life. I am truly blessed to have you as a partner, and, trust me, I am extremely grateful for it. Be it a crisis at work, a family issue, or depression, I’ve never seen you take your stress out on someone else. I am inspired by your kindness and your ability to keep a level head in any situation. You have always helped and encouraged me to become a better version of myself.

When faced with difficult situations, I get flustered and panic easily. This causes me to be negative and insensitive, and it makes me feel overwhelmed. I tend to become mean to people closest to me when this happens. I know that no amount of apologies can excuse me being mean to you, that too for no apparent reason. But I also want you to know that I wouldn’t have behaved rudely had I been in the right mindset at the time.

I am not a naturally mean person, and you know that. But I am also aware that I can be harsh when I am overwhelmed. Not only do I regret treating you badly, but I also promise you that I am working on improving my behavior. Please know that I am sincere when I say this. I am sorry for having hurt you, boo, and I hope that you give me another chance.



  • Apology Letter For Being Disrespectful

Image: Shutterstock

Dear Noah,

One of the key features of a good relationship is mutual respect. Regardless of the situation, there is no excuse for treating someone disrespectfully. My harsh words said during a heated conversation were inconsiderate and disrespectful to you, and I sincerely apologize for my behavior. Believe me, I have regretted my rude words ever since.

Related: 9 Important Qualities Of A Healthy And Happy Relationship

No matter how mad we are at each other, it doesn’t give me the right to treat you with disrespect. I understand why you haven’t spoken to me since the incident, and I feel absolutely terrible about it.

My behavior was unacceptable, and I am not trying to make an excuse or justify myself at all. I understand that I am at fault. All I’m trying to say is that such behavior was totally out of character for me, and I did not mean to be hurtful toward you.

I’m sorry for my actions, and I hope that you can forgive me, so we can reconcile.



  • Apology Letter To Boyfriend After A Fight

Image: Shutterstock

Dear Felix,

When I first met you, I had no doubt that you were an absolutely amazing person and an even more awesome guy. I knew you deserved someone just as good and understanding too. However, I have let you down with my recent actions, which might have led you to question whether or not I am the right person for you. But let me assure you that I will be better. I am determined to make strong changes, so you’re not left wondering about me.

Sometimes, even if I am at fault, I’ve found it hard to be the first to apologize. I have been defensive, even when I was aware that I was in the wrong. But now, it is time for me to be honest and swallow my pride to show you that I’m not afraid. I care for you deeply, and I love you enough to admit when I am wrong because I wouldn’t want to lose you over a petty fight.

Fights are an inevitable part of any relationship, but it is always possible to reconcile after one. Here’s to hoping that you will be able to see that I’m more than my mistakes and give me a chance to make it all better.

I am sorry for letting my pride affect our relationship, and I realize that I was stupid to do that. My special bond with you is all that I care about, contrary to what I may have led you to believe. I’m sorry for the fight that happened between us, and I promise never to stir it up again.



Quick Tip

The last thing you want to do when you apologize to your partner is make them feel you are forcing your preferences on them. Just be patient and give them room to maneuver before letting them decide whether and when to forgive you.

  • Apology Letter To Boyfriend For Lying

Image: Shutterstock

Dear Aidan,

Trust is the foundation of any serious, long-term relationship. I’m afraid that I might’ve shaken your faith in me and my words by lying to you.

In retrospect, I’ve realized that I lied to you about something that doesn’t matter much at all. It was because I was afraid of my own naive actions, and I feared that you might judge me for it, which led to me lying to you. I know that you’re not the kind of person to judge anyone, but I was scared and took an ill-considered, impulsive decision that I now know was a big mistake. You have no idea how I wish I could take it all back.

You are an absolutely wonderful and understanding human being, and I should know better than to lie to you. I promise that I will be better from now on. I will be upfront with you about everything: no more lies and no more secrets. I wouldn’t want to risk losing you over insignificant lies.

A healthy relationship is all about honesty, and I feel bad about not being completely honest with you about everything that has been going on in my life recently. I assure you that I will be more forthcoming with you in the future and share whatever is in my mind openly. Please give me one more chance to win back your trust. Let me know if there is anything I can do in order to make it all better because I love you to bits, and I want to fix this more than anything else.



  • Apology Message To Your Boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

Dear Dylan,

I am sorry if I have been stubborn with you. Sometimes, I get stressed and overwhelmed balancing all my responsibilities. This leads me to be inconsiderate of your feelings. But, I know it in my heart that I don’t mean to hurt you deliberately, and I hope you can see it too. You deserve to be treated better than this. I am deeply sorry for my actions, and I wish that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.



Related: 101 Best Text Messages That Will Make Him Smile

Although texting is the go-to way of communication in today’s advanced world, an old-fashioned and hand-written letter of apology to your boyfriend can help you express your feelings and show the efforts you put in. But always remember, be patient while apologizing. Do not force your boyfriend to accept your apology and forgive you immediately. The task is to let him know that you feel sorry. The apology should come right from your heart. We hope the examples will surely come in handy and help you frame the perfect letter for him.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I say sorry in a text?

Keep the content straightforward and avoid demanding forgiveness. Give the recipient time to process the apology and get back to you.

Is a text apology a real apology?

Yes, a text apology can be a real apology, too, if the tone is genuine.

What is another way to say “apology is accepted”?

You can say, “let bygones be bygones,” “let’s move on,” or simply say, “I understand, everyone makes mistakes.”

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  • Author

Should I apologize to a man. Apologizing to a guy in your own words

For a long time it was believed that a girl's behavior should correspond to the image of a proud and impregnable beauty. Parents often bring up girls in terms: do not call, do not write, do not apologize. These beliefs are completely incompatible with the desire for harmonious relationships.

In human relations, both personalities should be equal. Only in this case it is possible to build a harmonious and long relationship based on respect and trust.

However, there are situations in life when one person offends another. Cinema and literature are teeming with images of offended women, bypassing male resentment. The very combination of the words: “man” and “resentment” seems ridiculous to us. Although this is the reality of life.

Should I apologize to a man?

Men's psychology differs from women's in many ways, which do not include the perception of resentment. Insults, offensive words, humiliating actions affect the stronger sex no less than the weaker one. With the difference that a woman has always been allowed to express her emotions: to cry and suffer. And from a man from childhood they demand masculine behavior, which does not include tears. However, resentment does not become less significant for a man. He simply does not have the opportunity to express his emotions as vividly as the female gender.

Does a man take offense more easily? Of course not . The mental pain of a person depends more on personality traits than on gender. The law of harmony and karma is simple: if you offended someone, apologize.

The choice of how to apologize directly depends on the depth of the offense. The most important thing in an apology is not the process, but the result. In other words, it doesn't matter how you do it, it's important that the guy forgives you. You can’t ignore resentment, even if the guy behaves as usual. Remember that the pain of resentment tends to accumulate like a snowball. And one day a simple careless word can destroy a long relationship.

A few rules to keep in mind when apologizing to a guy:

  1. Determine how much you offended him. To do this, analyze your words (actions) and his reaction. It should be borne in mind that male psychology does not tolerate complaints and suffering. It is necessary to capture changes in his usual behavior in order to understand the depth of the impact. It is from the depth of his resentment that the depth of your guilt and the method of apology will depend.
  2. Give him a compliment. Small hurtful words or actions can be compensated with compliments. At the same time, it is important to note that you are wrong. Let us give examples of some statements of this kind:
    - "How could I say yesterday that you are greedy? You are the kindest."
    - "I want to see you as soon as possible, to look into your deep eyes, which I unfairly called small yesterday."
  3. Use your sense of humor. Come up with a funny explanation for an offensive word or offer to make fun of yourself.
    For example: “I didn’t paint my lips today, because yesterday unpleasant words about you flew off these lips ...”.
  4. Text your boyfriend or send a funny picture with emoticons on social networks.

When choosing a poem, remember that it should be light, short and funny so that the offended guy can read it with pleasure. When looking for pictures, you should not stop at the very first ones in search engines. Just imagine a situation where your boyfriend has already seen her, choosing a way to apologize to you.
If the situation is serious and the offense is deep, then simple ways of apologizing will not work here. Take this seriously, because your future fate may depend on the resolution of this problem.

How do you apologize to a guy?

  1. Determine the degree and essence of your guilt. Guilt must not only be defined, but also spoken out, choosing a clear wording: incorrect behavior, ignoring attention, excessive attention to another person, a forgotten date. The formulation of the essence of guilt is important, because. this is the definition that will sound during the apology. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that the guy will define your act differently. And during the dialogue, a situation of inconsistency may arise that needs to be resolved.
  2. Schedule a meeting. Do not apologize by phone or text message if you care not about the process, but about the result. During the apology, you need to have eye contact and free time to talk. Therefore, you should not conduct such dialogues in between work or "on the go" on the way home. The meeting must be specially organized. Both should be ready for it: both the guy and the girl. At the same time, the girl is preparing to apologize, and the guy should be ready to listen to them.
  3. Do not say too much. It often happens that when meeting, girls begin to say not the planned words, but unnecessary expressions that, as they think, justify them. Should not be doing that. Apologies with clear language should not be supplemented with unnecessary excuses. Say only what you have planned and wait for the guy's reaction. If the meeting is not accidental, then he also has something to tell you. Only after the guy’s words proceed to further dialogue. Remember: you came to ask for forgiveness and you should not move into an accusatory position.
  4. Give the guy time to think. It is not always possible to achieve results immediately. The guy needs time. Imagine a situation where resentment dictates specific images and reasons, and a dialogue with a person represents a completely different situation. How easy is it to change your beliefs? Pretty hard. And it takes time to accept the position of another person. Give it time and just wait for the result.
  5. Do not be intrusive. Keep your dignity even in the most unpleasant situations. Do not impose your apologies on the guy, do not humiliate yourself with unnecessary words. Do only what you must, and leave the choice to him. This will emphasize both your own and his significance. Let the decision to forgive be his own decision, and not an answer to requests and prayers.
  6. Make a decision to forget the situation. Make it a principle for your couple that you cannot accumulate mutual grievances. After forgiveness, the act must be forgotten and never returned to it.

To be able to forgive and to be able to ask for forgiveness are important concepts necessary for deep harmonious relationships.

Sometimes such unpleasant situations occur that even the most loving and close people quarrel.

And after a quarrel they don't know how to apologize to their wife, husband or other dear person.

It is sometimes even difficult for people to find warm and appropriate words to apologize. And they continue to feel guilty towards another person, not daring to take the first step towards reconciliation.

Sometimes a request for forgiveness and apology comes from a person who is not guilty, because he wants to quickly improve relations and just make peace. And this is also correct, because only a strong-willed and reasonable person can ask for an apology without guilt.

If you have done something wrong and want to ask for forgiveness through phone messages, there are a few small but important rules you need to know.

You are a man or a woman, it makes no difference. Just remember that before asking for forgiveness, you definitely need to calm down, cool down, realize your mistake and sincerely wish to improve relations.

After that, it is better to wait for some more time (at least a couple of days) so that the offended person can calm down and calmly accept your desire to make peace. You can be sure that almost immediately after a serious quarrel, the woman or man whom you offended will not even listen to you.

Forgiveness through telephone messages

Before apologizing, every woman who has done wrong, and also every guilty man, needs to know about the basic small nuances in order to apologize correctly. They must not only be remembered, but also adhered to:

  • SMS to a girl, beloved boyfriend, husband or wife should not be sent too often . One message in a maximum of 3-4 hours will be enough not to annoy a person. If there is no response after several sent messages, then either wait a while or try another way to apologize.
  • Do not duplicate text in subsequent messages.
  • What if there is no answer? If the person you're apologizing to doesn't answer, then you should go for a more serious apology than just sending an SMS.
  • Select the text of SMS based on what you yourself would like to read from your loved one as a request for forgiveness .
  • Do not abuse emoticons and brackets . After all, they still will not be able to naturally, accurately and correctly convey to a loved one the depth of your emotions.
  • Explain to your loved one that you are sincerely apologizing and asking for forgiveness. It is better not to use the phrase "I did this (a) because ...". This applies to situations where the girl is right (or the guy is right).
  • Do not think that immediately after the first SMS a person is able to forgive you . After a few messages, you can send the last one with the phrase "Are you ready (a) to forgive me?" Usually such a phrase allows you to get an answer right away.

What can I write in a message to my husband?

If a woman is to blame, then she can apologize to her husband using these SMS:

  • I really want to see you, look into your beloved and beautiful eyes, so that you can see that I am very sorry about our quarrel and sincerely wish you reconcile and be as loved as before. I was wrong.
  • Quarrels make people understand and decide how important and dear they are to each other. After this quarrel, I realized that you are the most precious treasure in life. And I ask your forgiveness because I want us to be happy again.
  • Before you, I want to apologize for the fact that tears flowed from your beautiful and beloved eyes. I want to take the first step towards reconciliation. I'm sorry...

Remember that a truly brave and intelligent woman can ask for an apology, even if the man is guilty. But in this case, you can correctly apologize only for raising the tone in the conversation, casually thrown offensive phrases or expressions. But no more than that.

How to ask for forgiveness from a loved one?

Woman - is a very sensitive and touchy creature that needs warm and gentle words.

Therefore, if a man is guilty, he can unusually apologize to his beloved with the help of such SMS:

  • I understand that it is very difficult to forgive me. Imagine how mad you are at me right now. And you are absolutely right - I went too far. I beg your pardon! I love you so much!
  • Please forgive me! I can't even imagine how much pain I caused you... I beg your pardon.
  • I really miss the happy sparkle in your eyes, which disappeared after our quarrel. I want you to shine your smile on me again, and your eyes to be the happiest. Forgive me...

By the way, if you add a meeting of your beloved with flowers and a gift to these messages, the chances of a speedy reconciliation will greatly increase! For a woman, first of all, it is important to be sure that you love her and sincerely regret the quarrel.

Joking messages

Also, when a man is wrong or a woman is wrong, but the quarrel was not so serious, you can apologize in a playful way. This will only allow you to properly defuse the situation and get forgiveness faster.

Don't know how to apologize beautifully through phone messages so that your loved one (s) likes it? Read more:

  1. The big toe and little toe on my right foot are still trembling convulsively from overwhelming shame that I could do this to you today! I even see a donkey with incredibly huge ears instead of reflecting myself in the mirror. I promise not to offend you like that again, I'm sorry. ..
  2. I miss you very much, because now I can't take out the trash, put things in order and vacuum the apartment on my own. Forgive me…
  3. I can't sleep, I can't think, I can't work, I can't drink, I can't eat, all my RAM is occupied by files only about you, and the rest of the programs are completely frozen. Forgive me or I'll need a full reboot.

It is not at all necessary to ask for an apology by texting your husband or wife. Together you can, for example, jokingly bury the hatchet of war (your quarrel) in the yard.

Romantic apology

Don't be naive to assume that men are completely unromantic. They love all sorts of romantic surprises and gifts no less than women.

Therefore, a woman can safely write SMS with a text like “You are my prince, whom I have been waiting for so long and patiently, and now I cannot understand how I could offend you so much.” There can be an unlimited number of options for such SMS, which depends only on your imagination and the seriousness of your quarrel.

No one alone can be to blame for a quarrel and scandal, therefore each of the quarreling must necessarily analyze the situation, draw conclusions and apologize so that old grievances do not become the cause of lengthy quarrels. Maybe a woman is not right, or maybe a man spoke too rudely during a quarrel?

Unspoken rules on how to ask for forgiveness

If you decide to apologize to your loved one via SMS, then try not to use phrases in the text like "I'm guilty (a), but ..." Such phrases can cross out all apologies, so forget about such expressions.

  • In order for your apologies to your beloved boyfriend or precious girl to be sincere, in an SMS message write the words that come from your heart. The recipient will definitely feel the warmth of the words that you put into the content of the SMS.
  • It is not at all necessary to ask for an apology in poetry or prose, because standard templates or poems composed by another person will not correctly and accurately convey the sincerity that you will put into an SMS message when writing an apology yourself.
  • It is not recommended to write too long text messages with apologies, because only a summary of your mistakes will help the person who was offended by you to see that you are really sorry. And do not try to focus on the shortcomings of a partner or on other not the best aspects of character. The text of your SMS should be not only short, but also open and sincere.
  • When a man is guilty, he should not criticize the girl for throwing tantrums or shedding tears. Because almost all women and girls can cry and get nervous during quarrels. And that's okay.

Sending an apology SMS to your husband or beloved wife is the easiest way to make peace. We picked up the text, put a sad smiley and that's it, sit and wait for an answer.

But while reading the message, the person does not see the expression of your face and the sparkle of your eyes, which is a very important factor in an apology. Make an appointment with your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, explain in a calm atmosphere why you did this and say that you really miss this person and regret the quarrel that happened.

If a person cherishes you and loves you madly, then he will definitely apologize in response and will happily go towards reconciliation. Author: Ekaterina Maiko

Quarrels are most often not planned and occur spontaneously, so it is difficult to predict what to say or do at any given moment. But now everything has happened, a quarrel has occurred and an insult has been inflicted, what to do next, how to apologize to your husband? Shut up and withdraw into yourself or try to still ask for forgiveness from your husband and fix everything? Definitely an apology! But how to do it right?

Sincerity first of all

There are many ways to apologize to your husband, but above all, be sincere with yourself and don't apologize if you don't feel guilty. When a person himself does not believe in the honesty and seriousness of his apology, how will another believe in them?

If you yourself do not believe what you want to say in your apology, then it is unrealistic to convince your husband of this. It is better to wait a while, understand everything yourself, draw conclusions, and only then apologize. Then your apologies will be honest and sincere, and the right words will be found.

Time is very important

Even if you understand and feel everything right away, do not rush to apologize. Let your husband cool down a little, and slow down the steam yourself. Emotions in any quarrel just go wild and the intensity of passions is very high. It is better for both of them to move away a little, calm down, only then start a new conversation with a sincere apology.

If this is not done, a new round of quarrel may arise due to misunderstood words or misinterpreted intonation. You yourself will feel when the moment has come to ask for an apology, but you should not delay it, otherwise even the most sincere apologies can be interpreted as simple banality.

Find the right setting

Use the time you both are cooling down to think about the right setting for your apology. Doing it in a hurry, on the run or on the phone is not worth it. A little romance, silence and comfort, a delicious dinner and your "alone" - this is the best setting for an apology.

Even if your quarrel happened in front of people (relatives, friends, just acquaintances), the first apology is best made in private. And only then, if you yourself feel the need for this, you can apologize in public.

Eye to eye

Never look away when you apologize - this will be a sign of your directness and sincerity. Moving eyes will convict you of insincerity, but an averted or downcast look will make your man think that your fault in the quarrel was much greater.

Yes, and his look will help you understand faster than words whether you are forgiven or not (or not completely). With your eyes, try to express not your guilt, but your love for your husband - then forgiveness will not take long!

Your tears are both strength and weakness

Do not try to force tears out of yourself to ask for forgiveness. If you are so sensitive that you simply cannot contain them - cry, but without sobs and tantrums. But it’s not worth it to “crush with tears” on purpose - men really don’t like this.

Most men are so afraid of women's tears that they are ready to do anything to stop them, but specifically use this "male weakness" - a blow below the belt and an illegal hold. It might work the first few times and then it won't be taken seriously.

Moreover, after a few such “tears” a man will feel irritation instead of guilt and pity, and you will achieve the opposite effect. Yes, and the words “I forgive you” can be a simple “excuse”, but is it really for this that you ask for an apology?

Stopping in time is the main problem of women's apologies

It is advisable to say your apologies, explain why you did it, and say words of love - that's all! You should not make excuses, prove something, constantly ask again “what would you do in my place?”, And the like, especially if you use one of your friends or relatives as an example. Otherwise, your apologies, instead of the long-awaited peace, will bring you not just a new quarrel, but also a protracted cold war.

A few words to the point, a gentle kiss and stroking on the hand - and step aside, go about your business (for example, start preparing a delicious dinner). You need to let the man calmly think over your words, draw his own conclusions.

If he begins to drown in the abyss of your excuses, babbling or cute absurdities - a quarrel may flare up again. And the second round of a quarrel, as a rule, gains much more momentum and often develops into a scandal with slamming doors! But even this can be avoided if it is simply done in a simple way.

Please forgive me! I'm sorry it happened. And this, indeed, was without malicious intent on my part. Our relationship is very important to me. And I want no grievances and disagreements to come between us. Most of all I want to make peace with you!

I sincerely ask you to excuse and forgive me for the fact that at the moment of anger and bad mood I said a lot of superfluous and indecent things, which of course became very offensive to you. I admit I was wrong and bitterly regret my ridiculous act. I hope for your benevolence, that this trouble will be safely forgotten in time and our relations will become wonderful again.

We sometimes want to stop time or turn it back. All because we are people, and people make mistakes, for which they are ashamed and insulted. And now I have a very heavy and bad heart. Only your kind heart can ease my suffering, forgive me.

I sincerely apologize and apologize for all my bad deeds. I didn't want this to happen. Please smile, I want to see your beautiful, dazzling smile. Only in this way I will understand that you are no longer offended by me. Forgive me again.

It's always difficult, but when you have to apologize to your loved one, who is dear to you and whom you love, it's ten times harder.

Today we will not consider the case when it is enough just to say: "I'm sorry." This often happens if you accidentally push someone or step on your foot, but if your words and behavior inflicted severe emotional wounds and went through the heart of your loved one with a sharp blade, a simple “sorry” is no longer enough.

It is very difficult to ask for forgiveness, looking into the eyes. Because of the excitement, thoughts go astray, it is impossible to speak clearly and express your feelings. There is another obstacle - he may not want to meet with you and not want to listen to you. Therefore, there is only one thing left - to write an apology letter.
Words are a double-edged sword. Not realizing this, many use the same words to apologize that caused the pain!
An apology letter meant for your boyfriend is not easy to write because you cannot afford to lose your loved one. Usually, it is difficult to find the right words and in the end, everything that can be written comes down to one phrase - “I'm sorry”, only written with a large number of words and sentences, often chaotic and inconsistent.

In the heat of the moment, you can say things that can destroy your relationship and leave permanent scars on the heart of a loved one. What is the use of the fact that in fact you do not think so, as everyone said it. "The word is not a sparrow ..." and no explanations work anymore, it is useless to make excuses. After such an incident, there comes a moment when there is nothing left but to write a letter of apology. This is exactly what I'm going to help you with.

How to write an apology letter to your boyfriend

Remember, now we are proceeding from the fact that you want to return the guy, and not to prove your case.

Before I go directly to the text of the letter, I will give some very important tips that you should definitely take into account before you start writing a letter. If you do not take into account these tips, you will not succeed, i.e. - You won't get it back.

  • Start writing the letter as soon as possible before he thinks you don't care.
  • Admit your mistake and your fault, even if you think it is only partly your fault and partly your fault. And in no case do not write about it - because now is the wrong time for mutual accusations, especially if it is important for you to maintain a relationship with a guy at all costs.
  • Do not write too briefly or fill the whole sheet with one word "sorry" 10 pieces in each line and end the letter with that!
  • Do not mention past quarrels and grievances, as this can only worsen the situation.
  • Let him know that he really means a lot to you and that what you did was a ridiculous accident because you just lost control of yourself.
  • Many people think that a person in anger says what is on his mind. Your boyfriend may feel the same way, so it's important that he understands that this is not the case and that you really love him.
  • The most important thing is to write a letter from the heart. Do not write just for the sake of a beautiful written form of expressing your thoughts.
  • There is no point in "crying over a broken vase", so don't talk, analyze or "suck" the incident that caused it all.
  • If possible, write a letter by hand, this will allow each of your words to be more personal. You can even use paper dyed in his favorite color (or pen ink). It may look naive and childish, but don't you want to return it by hook or by crook?

Example of a letter of apology from a girl to a guy

This sample letter is based on the most common situation - a jealous outburst! When the sense of ownership is limited to sighs and frowns, then this is still tolerable. But if jealousy overflows and spills out in the form of words, insults and unacceptable behavior, this is already beyond the scope and can cause a major quarrel. The following letter is based on one such incident.

My beloved ________, I am sorry from the bottom of my heart for my terrible act last night. It was entirely my mistake and my fault, please give me just one chance to explain myself and read this letter to the end.

I love you very much, and the only thing I live by is our relationship with you and your love, which protects me and allows me to feel protected. Yesterday I was in seventh heaven until Tanya appeared. Before that, I didn’t know anything about her existence and had absolutely no idea that you had nothing to do with her except friendship!

When I saw you look at her, I ignored it at first, but you looked again and again. In your eyes, it seemed to me that you had some kind of feeling for her, and I was furious!

I'm very hot-tempered, you know that very well. At that moment, everything inside me turned upside down, emotions raged, I lost control of myself and could not think soberly and rationally. All I saw was that you look at her and stop noticing me!

I know that I did not want to hear you out right away, but I was still in a state of emotional shock and therefore could not perceive your words at all. And then, later, when you called after I ran away, I know that I should have at least given you the opportunity to explain everything, and not turn off the phone.

Yesterday, when I saw Tanya, it seemed to me that I was losing you forever. I was scared, because I don’t want to lose you and I’m very afraid of it. There was a feeling that I would now fall into the abyss, and everything would come to an end. You mean so much to me, you gave me everything - happiness, love and so much more . .. much more than I deserve.

I have nothing against your friendship with Tanya. I didn't really know you were just good friends. You know I've always been good to your friends, boys and girls alike. But I really don't understand what came over me yesterday, and why I behaved so horribly, even though it does not justify what I did.

Please forgive me, I promise this will never happen again. And yet, I beg you to convey my sincere apologies to Tanya. I hope she will forgive me. I really will always be glad to see her.

Forgive me my love!

Forever yours ____________.

This is how it should look like. It is not necessary to adhere to the text "letter for letter". I will even say in another way - be sure not to adhere. Your boyfriend should see and feel that it was you who wrote the letter, with your characteristic turns of speech and phrases. Only then will he believe in your sincerity.

You can also add quotes (no more than one or two) or even photos of your happiest moments. With this, too, try not to overdo it, so as not to distract from the text. One small photo - no more!

There are a million ways to apologize, but a handwritten apology works best. I hope this article will help you restore your relationship.

FROM THE AUTHOR: My responses in the comments are the opinion of an individual and not the recommendation of a specialist. I try to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately I don’t physically have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then answer in detail, and I also don’t have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because this requires a huge amount of free time, and I have very little of it.

In this regard, I kindly ask you to ask specific questions on the topic of the article, do not try to use the comments for correspondence or chat, and do not expect me to advise in the comments.

Of course, you can ignore my request (which many do), but then be prepared for me to ignore yours. This is not a matter of principle, but exclusively of time and my physical capabilities. Don't be offended.

If you would like expert assistance, please feel free to contact me and I will dedicate my time and knowledge to you with full dedication.

Regards and hope for understanding, Frederika

How to apologize to a guy and not remain guilty?

Even if it's not your fault, but you really want to apologize, act in such a way so as not to remain guilty in the eyes of the guy!


  • 1 How can a girl ask for forgiveness from a guy so as not to be guilty?
    • 1.1 Wait out the intensity of your relationship
    • 1.2 Look for a favorable moment
    • 1.3 If you want to apologize, then don't justify yourself to him!
    • 1.4 Apologize to him frankly, regretting what you did!
  • 2 Examples of expressions to ask for forgiveness from a guy
    • 2.1 Gentle and affectionate
  • 3 From a personal archive
    • 3. 1 I didn't want to hurt my boyfriend!
    • 3.2 I always smiled at everyone when I said hello
    • 3.3 Why does he not appreciate my love?
  • 4 How do you apologize to a guy if you can't approach him?
    • 4.1 I won't survive if I suddenly see him with another girl!

How can a girl ask for forgiveness from a guy so as not to be guilty?

Wait out the intensity of your relationship

Do not strain the guy for a while and do not remember the guilt. Just don't talk! It will be 2-4 days. Relax, think it over, get ready.

Look for the right moment

If you're lucky, the right moment will appear. A general meeting of friends, a birthday, a hike, a meeting in an interest club and others.

If you want to apologize, then don't justify yourself to him!

Even if you think that he is wrong, or not completely right - do not prove anything, you will not change anything, he is offended! You are to blame! Dot!

Apologize to him frankly, regretting what you did!

Frank words always forgive! Make a confession sincerely, frankly, regretting what is done or said.

Remember: the one who Loves will forgive!

Examples of expressions to apologize to a guy

I think I was wrong, don't be angry, I'm sorry!

I want to ask your forgiveness, I don’t understand why I offended you, something came over me, forgive me!

I think I screwed up and told you complete nonsense! I'm sorry if I was offended, I didn't mean to make you so angry, don't be offended, I sincerely apologize.

I'm still a little “Forgive me, I won't do it again”, you will forgive your little one.

I don't want you to be offended by me, I realized that I acted like a fool, I want to improve, do you have any wishes? I will do everything!

Forgive me, it's my fault! Don't be angry, I'm sorry, understand: I didn't mean to prick you so painfully. Let's forget!

Gentle and affectionate

Kitty, forgive me! Your pussy scratched you by accident, somehow it happened ... Don't be mad at me my fluffy, I'm sorry.

Kitten, don't be mad! Your pussy begs your forgiveness. I stand on my hind legs, my tail between my legs, and make a long meow - about forgiveness. I'm waiting for your judgment!

Don't be angry, you are my favorite! I didn't want to, believe me, it happens when you love. Something came over me, probably my feelings for you froze in anticipation of our closeness.

Are you offended, my bunny? In vain! I confess that I was wrong! You know I owe you! What you want? - Choose!

Is my cat still angry? It's my fault, forgive your pussy! My pussy wants a meeting with a cat who has forgiven her and loves her.

Always remember: if you love, you will forgive!

From the personal archive


I want to apologize and make peace! I don't want to be guilty!

But this is how it happens…

I didn't want to hurt my boyfriend!

Everything turned out quite by accident and unexpectedly. We walked through the park. Igor told me something, but I hardly listened to him. I really wanted to kiss him. You understand that I was not at all up to talking.

We met my neighbor when the guy was walking me to the entrance. I greeted him and smiled. Igor began to be jealous of me. Even screamed.

He said this: “Now I understand perfectly why you didn’t listen to me!”.

I tried to explain what was what, but nothing came of it. Beloved is gone. He asked me to never call him again. Neighbor Petya became embarrassed. He started apologizing to me. I cried and did not pay attention to his words of apology. I didn't really understand what happened at all.

I always smiled at everyone when I said hello

I didn't seem to do anything, but I started blaming myself for everything. It’s just that I was often told that my smile gives people positive. So I decided that I would share it with others.

Five years ago I dated a man…. I remember how afraid to look in the direction of the guys! My ex-young man rolled such scenes that I became scared. I put up with this for two years. She couldn't take it anymore and left him. It was hard, but then... I rejoiced for a long time, everything turned out just so that I did not marry him.

So sad.... Everything repeats itself (in a sense). Is there some kind of curse "hanging" on me? I never believed in such things. I don't want to believe now. Eh, if it weren’t for my strong love, I would never have apologized for something I’m not at all guilty of. But I really love Igor. For the first time I fell in love with a man so much!

Why doesn't he appreciate my love?

I don't even communicate with my girlfriends so that I can devote all my free time to him! Now I regret what I did. I wanted to call my friend, but it's already uncomfortable. She will think that she remembered her when help was needed. Not true! I never forgot about those who are dear to me. The constant fear that I might lose my man put me in a state of "special" hypnosis. Every day I lived under the guidance of Igor.

Beloved always cited my sister as an example. It so happened in her life that she married her first "serious" boyfriend. Olga very rarely goes out somewhere, because Andrei does not let her go for a walk. She put up with it in order to save her family. Igor constantly reminds me of this. I can't be like her, because she and I are very different (albeit sisters).

I twist and turn a mobile phone in my hands. I dream of calling my wonderful man. I know that my call will be useless. He will not answer my call again (as well as all my messages that I wrote) ...

How do you apologize to a guy if you can't approach him?

I will ask his brother to drive up - Igor will again understand everything wrong. With my sister, such a scheme will not work either. Parents are there. Now I wouldn't do anything at all, but it doesn't work! There is not enough willpower to let everything “take its course”. I am ready to live with him all my life. I don't care how much the heavens "measured" me! It is important for me that this person was near.

I won't survive if I suddenly see him with another girl!

Now I am listening to a song…. She seemed to write from me! “I won't give you up. Never ever!". Cool hit. Clockwork thing. I really enjoyed dancing to her rhythm. Now I will agree to dance only with my beloved if I can get him back.

I'm definitely not going to return my beloved with the help of lies. I am not going to consider the “serial” method (about a false pregnancy). I always condemned those who dared to use such a technique!

I'm happy that I didn't tear up my poetry notebooks. And so hands itched to do it! All poems dedicated only to him. I wanted to give one notebook with my creativity for his birthday. I see. That he doesn't need me or my notebook.

Who is he with now? Where is he? How? My mind boils at the thought of this man. I would like to sleep, otherwise I have not slept for several nights. Do not advise drinking sedatives and sleeping pills! They do not help me at all (I tried the strongest ones). The specialist (doctor) I went to says that this is the first and only case. Yes, and I can’t understand why the strongest medicines don’t “work” with my body.

Here…. A new tear rolled down. And I also wanted to apply mascara to my eyelashes. It is a pity that these tears do not flow from happiness. I still hope that my Igor will forgive me. Only he is able to make me a happy woman.

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