Free adhd testing near me
19 Tips for Finding Low-Cost ADHD Treatment
Attention Magazine October 2018
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“Help! How can I get an ADHD assessment when my insurance doesn’t provide adequate coverage? Many doctors in my area don’t take new patients or don’t participate in my insurance plan or they charge way too much. I’m not rich enough to pay for it myself.”
“How can I get my child evaluated and treated for ADHD? It’s too expensive and we can’t afford it. Can somebody help me—please?”
CHADD RECEIVES QUERIES LIKE THESE ALL TOO OFTEN. Insurance companies generally pay for standard doctor visits, but many do not pay for lengthy evaluations. Psychological testing generally takes hours and can cost thousands of dollars. Many doctors assess without testing or lengthy interviews. But even if a doctor is very knowledgeable about ADHD, a twenty-minute visit is usually not adequate.
Just how common is the affordability problem? Recently, ADDitude magazine conducted a comprehensive online survey of more than 600 US participants. Here are some of their findings.
● More than 16 percent of the respondents reported that the costs of managing ADHD exceeded 10 percent of their family’s income.
● 65 percent of survey participants, with and without insurance, said the costs for care had affected their ability to treat their ADHD.
● Only about 8 percent said their plans paid 100 percent of costs for medication and treatment.
● Just over 7 percent said their plans paid none of these costs.
● Nearly 25 percent of the survey participants who had insurance said their plans paid for less care in 2017 than previously.
● More than 50 percent said they had been limited by insurance in taking the medication they wanted.
● 23 percent said it had greatly affected that ability, limiting, and sometimes eliminating, treatment options.
A 2012 study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry estimated the annual costs of caring for ADHD at up to $2,720 for children and $4,120 for adults. The ADDitude survey suggests that these costs were understated, especially when the costs included non-medical strategies such as coaching, tutoring, non-prescription supplements and vitamins, neurofeedback, etc., not to mention costs incurred with common coexisting conditions such as depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and substance abuse.
● On average, respondents estimated $3,509 in annual expenses for “nonmedical” costs that they associated with ADHD care.
● 84% said their household was living with one or more diagnosis (such as anxiety, depression, or learning disabilities) in addition to ADHD.
When it comes to finding low-cost evaluations and treatment for ADHD, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that there are many resources available.
The bad news is that you will have to do the research to find them.
To help you find affordable evaluations and treatment when insurance coverage is lacking and fees are too high, the members of Attention‘s editorial advisory board put their heads together. They compiled these 19 tips out of their collective wisdom and experiences.
TIP #1
If you are an adult with ADHD, or a parent surrounded by chaos, this project can be a real challenge. This is a good time to get creative. Perhaps a friend or relative could help you with this research in exchange for something they need done. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Many people feel that the support they receive from other individuals or parents is the strongest help they have. Take advantage of organizations such as CHADD and its National Resource Center on ADHD, ADDA, NAMI, Learning Disabilities Association, and so forth. These national groups offer valuable support and education, as well as useful educational materials such as books, audiobooks, articles, podcasts, and brochures. They provide services (in-person and online) through support groups, training programs, telephone contact, online communities, blogs, conferences, and newsletters. Much of the help these organizations offer is available free of charge.
TIP #2
Your pediatrician or primary care doctor can do the assessment. However, be aware that expertise in ADHD varies greatly—especially with adults. To make your doctor’s job easier, you and a teacher can fill out an assessment checklist before the visit. The American Academy of Pediatrics has an ADHD Toolkit with an ADHD assessment checklist and treatment recommendations. This toolkit is available to doctors and non-medical people. The AAP toolkit provides Vanderbilt Rating Scales for parents and teachers; you can find the toolkit at You can also download the Vanderbilt Rating Scales from other websites. Doctors for adults vary greatly in using assessment tools for ADHD. For an adult ADHD assessment, you can download checklists such as the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRSV1. 1) or the ADHD Rating Scale (ADHD-RS-IV).
TIP #3
Your doctor may refer you to another specialist. A psychiatrist or a psychologist can do the assessment. Your doctor may be able to contact a professional colleague who will do a pro bono or sliding scale assessment, or a medication review, or even help with behavioral parent training.
TIP #4
If your child is having significant problems in school, he or she could qualify for extensive psychological and educational testing by the school staff. First, ask through the principal’s office for the education management team. If approved, the school evaluation may include a thorough assessment for ADHD, learning disabilities, and psychosocial difficulties. If your child has significantly impaired availability for learning due to ADHD, then the school is required by federal law to provide necessary accommodations and interventions. Although the school cannot prescribe medication, your doctor could review the school report and possibly follow through with treatment.
TIP #5
Many counties have behavioral clinics that can help an adult or child with evaluation and treatment. Your local county mental health centers and community service boards may be able to provide assessment and treatment services on a sliding scale. The website for the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration lists these nationwide programs. There are also county Early Intervention Programs that will provide services for very young children who need testing and follow up services. Under the US Department of Education, statewide Parent Information and Resource Centers help parents of children with disabilities find resources and provide up-to-date training. For therapy or behavior management, you may find that group therapy or training is more affordable than individual therapy.
TIP #6
Some hospital-based clinics offer services for free or on a sliding scale basis. Hospital clinics are more likely to participate with a wide range of insurance plans. Many hospitals have interns and residents in training who provide treatment under mentor guidance. Some adult and children’s hospitals have specialized ADHD clinics that take finances into consideration. Hospitals that are a part of a large healthcare system can also have outside clinics for low income or uninsured children or adults. Some of these centers will consider sliding scale or free rates.
TIP #7
There are county medical clinics in all states. These clinics provide medical care for uninsured families with low incomes. They may be able to arrange for services with outside specialists if they cannot perform the treatment themselves. These clinics may also provide help with medication. To find these centers, visit the websites of the Health Resources & Services Administration or to the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics.
TIP #8
College and university programs set up training centers for future doctors, psychologists, and social workers. Your local colleges may have such a program. This could make assessment and counseling could be affordable.
TIP #9
Clinical research programs may qualify adults or children for an ADHD assessment and treatment. Check out your local academic hospital or the National Institute of Mental Health to see if one of their studies might be a good fit.
TIP #10
Check ADHD websites such as for information on how to look for resources and free assessment forms.
TIP #11
Parents can keep their children on their private health insurance plan until age 26. Most states allow children with disabilities who are not able to be self-supporting to stay on their parents’ insurance after age 26.
TIP #12
Check to see if you qualify for Medicaid in your state. Some states qualify both adults and children, though some cover only children. There is also a federal program called Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This state program qualifies children of working parents who have incomes higher than Medicaid requirements. A family of four in Virginia can have a yearly income of $32,256, while a family of four in Texas can have a maximum income of $21,404, to qualify under the CHIP program.
TIP #13
County social services agencies can assist you with finding federal, state, and county funding for services and treatment you need. Search for your local office via your state government website; for example, Alabama – Department of Social Services.
TIP #14
Faith-based social services agencies and churches can also guide you to services in your area. Organizations such as Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, United Methodist Ministries, Jewish Social Services, etc. may be able to help you get the services you need and provide limited financial assistance.
Some foundations provide local medical care; for example, the Children Partnership Foundation in Springfield, Virginia. Some national foundations may be able to assist as well, such as the Children’s Health Fund for Medically Needy Children or the HealthWell Foundation, which provides funding lists for specific diseases. Foundations work with local agencies and hospitals to help those individuals and families not covered by other programs.
TIP #16
The Department of Vocational Rehabilitation in each state provides assessments, financial assistance, referrals to training programs, and counseling for adults with varying degrees of disability.
TIP #17
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability (SSDI) are federal programs for more severely disabled children and adults who qualify to receive financial and medical assistance.
TIP #18
Pharmaceutical companies and pharmacy networks often have medication assistance programs to help offset the cost of your medication. Also, some nonprofit programs assist with paying for medication or offer discount prescription prices; for example, needymeds. org,,, and Dispensary of Hope is a charitable medication distributor but it only operates in some states.
And remember, one of the benefits of CHADD membership is a free discount prescription card. All CHADD members and their families have access to the CHADD UNA Discount Prescription Card. Simply download your card and receive savings of up to 75 percent at more than 50,000 national and regional pharmacies. You may create as many cards as you need. Participating pharmacies include CVS, Kmart Pharmacy, Walgreens, Publix, Winn-Dixie, and Albertsons, as well as thousands of independent pharmacies.
TIP #19
Something to be aware of is that short-release generic versions of methylphenidate or an amphetamine (even though they are taken 2-3 times daily) are cheaper than the premium prices paid for the extended release products whether generic or brand.
REMEMBER THAT TRAINING YOURSELF IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS WITH ADHD. There are many people and organizations out there to help you!
This article was compiled by Maureen Gill, LCSW, ACC, and reviewed by Dan Shapiro, MD, and Max Wiznitzer, MD.
Do I Have ADHD? Take Our ADHD Quiz to Screen for Sumptoms
Answer the quiz questions below to see if you have symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Medical ReviewerBarton Herskovitz, MD
Who Is This ADHD Quiz For?
This simple assessment is for adults who think they may have symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Below is a list of questions that relate to life experiences common among people who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Please read each question carefully, and indicate how often you have experienced the same or similar challenges in the past few months.
This quiz is NOT a diagnostic tool. Mental health disorders can only be diagnosed by qualified mental health professionals.
Psycom believes assessments can be a valuable first step toward getting treatment. All too often people stop short of seeking help out of fear their concerns aren't legitimate or severe enough to warrant professional intervention.
How Is ADHD Treated?
Treatment for adult ADHD typically involves medication, psychotherapy, and/or psychoeducation. There is no cure for ADHD, but a combination of these treatments can effectively reduce symptoms and improve work and home life.
Your privacy is important to us. All results are completely anonymous.
Alchemer is an advanced survey platform for professionals. scalable. secure. integrated. Please take my survey now
I thought ADHD was only in kids. How many adults have ADHD?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is primarily diagnosed in children ages 4–17 but according to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 4. 4% of adults aged 18-44 have ADHD. ADHD is a neurological disorder present from birth and has a strong genetic component. If your symptoms are being caused by ADHD, they may have been present but not noticed in childhood. Many parents of children with ADHD are diagnosed when their child starts to struggle at school and are referred to a specialist.
Is ADHD a mental illness?
ADHD is a neurological condition. While it technically falls under the umbrella of mental illnesses most practitioners see it as a behavior disorder rather than a mental illness. ADHD is associated with behavior problems caused by working memory and executive functioning deficits (i.e. the ability to plan and be organized). It also commonly co-occurs with mental illnesses including bipolar disorder, social anxiety disorder, substance use disorder, and learning disabilities. Another term that is gaining acceptance that may more accurately describe ADHD is neurodiversity. Neurodiversity is a term that describes people who think and learn differently.
What is ADD behavior?
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is one of the three subtypes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and is no longer an acceptable acronym (in the clinical sense). Today it is referred to as ADHD predominantly inattentive type. While it has many overlapping symptoms, ADHD predominantly inattentive type lacks the hyperactivity piece but includes distractibility, impulsivity, trouble focusing (unless it’s something you find very interesting), and executive functioning challenges, meaning you have trouble planning, following instructions, and being organized.
Is it possible to have a successful life when you have ADHD?
Absolutely. Many people with ADHD thrive and often it’s because of (not despite) their ADHD symptoms. People with ADHD in business are known to be strategic, outside-the-box thinkers who have an enviable ability to handle many different tasks. People with ADHD are often very creative and have a unique ability to make connections others fail to see. Celebrities like swimmer Michael Phelps, Will Smith, Justin Timberlake, Emma Watson, and Zooey Deschanel all have ADHD.
Is ADHD something you can develop as an adult?
No, if you are experiencing symptoms of ADHD as an adult you had it in childhood and either found ways to work around your difficulties or had mild enough symptoms they were overlooked. This is especially true in women/girls females who often manifest their symptoms by turning inward and keeping their problems hidden. They also typically lack the hyperactive component. It's important to note that depression, anxiety, and some mood disorder can resemble ADHD so it's important to rule out those causes of your symptoms. Research shows that ADHD is largely hereditary so if you have a child diagnosed with ADHD, you or the child’s father may have it as well. Untreated ADHD can strain relationships and contribute to other challenges so if you suspect you have ADHD seek the guidance of a licensed mental health care provider.
How accurate is this ADHD quiz and what do I do with the results?
This online assessment is not a diagnostic tool. Only a licensed mental health provider or doctor can properly diagnose ADHD. You can use the results of this ADHD test as a way to start a conversation with a partner, relative, therapist, or medical doctor.
Who can diagnosis ADHD?
ADHD cannot be diagnosed by a blood test. Share your symptoms with your doctor who can conduct a physical exam, review your medical history, and rule out other causes of your symptoms. You may be referred to an ADHD specialist for further testing after an initial consultation with your doctor.
What if I do not have insurance and/or can't afford a doctor to diagnose and treat me for ADHD?
Research has shown that interacting with others that share similar challenges can be a helpful source of knowledge, camaraderie, and effective coping strategies. Connect with support groups online through reputable organizations like CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness). Apps can also be a helpful tool. Many are designed to help you cope with related anxiety, stress, insomnia, and organizational challenges. For a list of mental health apps visit
Notes: This article was originally published December 30, 2021 and most recently updated June 28, 2022.
ADD(H) test for adults
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Adult ADHD Test
Test for ADD(H) for adolescents and adults 17 years of age and older, in accordance with the methodology of the American DSM-V guide.
Number of questions: 18 .
For more information, see the article from the Notes.
To answer "Yes", the symptom must be:
- Stable during the last 6 months .
- Was expressed in measure not corresponding to the level of development .
- Had a negative impact on academic performance and/or professional activities .
The test is provided for informational purposes and is not intended to diagnose any disease.
Consult a doctor for diagnosis.
Often makes nervous movements with the hands or feet, or fidgets and wriggles while sitting in a chair.
Often interrupts or annoys others.
For example, breaks into conversation, games or activities without invitation; can use other people's things without asking; for teenagers or adults - they can interfere with someone else's work or continue someone else's work themselves.
Often has difficulty waiting in line.
For example, in the shop or at the game.
Often blurts out an answer before the question has been fully asked.
For example, completes sentences when others are speaking; cannot wait for their turn to join the conversation.
Often too talkative.
It is often in constant motion and behaves as if a motor was attached to it.
For example, absolutely unable or unable to stay comfortably in one place in restaurants or meetings; perhaps people around him consider him a restless person or a person with whom it is difficult to deal with.
Often finds it difficult to play or spend leisure time quietly.
Often runs back and forth without restraint or climbs in situations where this is unacceptable.
Note: Teenagers and adults may not be running, jumping or climbing, but may be restless and out of sorts.
Often leaves his seat in class or in other situations where the person is expected to be seated.
For example, leaving one's seat in a classroom, in an office or other place of work, or in other situations where one is expected to be seated.
Often fails to pay due attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, and other activities.
For example, does not notice or misses details, the work is done inaccurately.
Often forgetful in daily activities.
For example, forgetfulness in housework, while doing errands; for older teenagers and adults - they forget to return calls, pay bills, come to a meeting or appointment (to a doctor, for example).
Often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli. For older teenagers and adults, this includes thoughts that are inappropriate for the time / place.
Often loses things needed for lessons or classes.
For example, notebooks, textbooks, pencils, books, tools, keys, paper forms, glasses, mobile phones.
Often avoids, dislikes, or reluctantly takes on things that require sustained mental effort.
For example, school assignments or school homework, for older teens and adults - preparing reports, filling out forms, studying long texts.
Often has difficulty organizing lessons and classes.
For example, trouble moving from one task in a chain to another, difficulty keeping materials and personal belongings in order, sloppy disorganized work, poor time management, failing to complete work on time.
Often does not follow instructions to the end and does not complete class work, chores, or duties in the workplace.
For example, starts work, but quickly loses focus and easily wanders off topic.
Often it seems that he does not listen to the speech addressed to him.
For example, his mind wanders somewhere else, even if there is no obvious distraction.
Often has difficulty maintaining attention when performing tasks or during games.
For example, has difficulty maintaining focus in lectures, during conversations, during long readings.
Where in the capital you can get express testing for COVID-19
You can now get free express diagnostics at 50 points throughout the city. This was announced by Anastasia Rakova, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development, Head of the Operational Headquarters for Controlling and Monitoring the Situation with Coronavirus in Moscow.
"In the context of an increase in the incidence, it is very important to detect new cases in time and interrupt the chain of spread of the virus at the earliest stage. We see interest from residents - more than 20,000 Muscovites have already passed rapid tests in multifunctional centers and shopping centers. Such rapid diagnostics help people who are worried that they might get sick or who are generally interested in periodic diagnostics in order to remove doubts about the presence or absence of the disease. Therefore, we are expanding the network of free express testing points for COVID-19, now 50 points will work throughout the city. Starting today, in addition to those 20 that are already operating in My Documents public service centers, popular public places and shopping centers, we are opening 30 more: in 13 MFCs, 10 shopping centers and 7 transport hubs. For the first time, we will use the TPU - these are points with high daily traffic, so it will be convenient for a large number of residents to undergo express diagnostics there. They will be able to take an express test, for example, on their way home from work. This is a fast process - no pre-registration is required, the result will need to wait on the spot for 15 minutes. I emphasize that these points are not intended for testing residents who already have symptoms of the disease, we ask them to immediately contact a doctor," Anastasia Rakova said.0006
A positive rapid test result is not a confirmation of the disease. At the same time, for additional diagnostics, immediately on the spot, without queues and prior appointment, a person will take a smear for a PCR study for free. Within 1-2 days, he will receive the result, and only if it turns out to be positive, the diagnosis will be considered confirmed, a doctor will be sent to the house, and treatment will begin. The PCR result will come via SMS, and will also be displayed in the electronic medical record.
You can now get free express diagnostics daily according to their work schedule in 13 centers of public services "My Documents" of the districts:
- ● Kosino-Ukhtomsky (12 Svyatoozerskaya street)
- ● Dorogomilovo (2 Kievsky Vokzal Square)
- ● Savelki (Zelenograd, building 337)
- ● Beskudnikovsky and Vostochnoe Degunino (Dubninskaya street, 40Ak1)
- 0016 ● Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo (Tushinskaya street, 17)
- ● Yakimanka (Yakimansky pereulok, 6с1)
- ● Nagorny and Nagatino-Sadovniki (Varshavskoe shosse, 47k4)
- ● Donskoy (5th Donskoy proezd, 15с16) ● Lefortovo (Proezd Serp i Molot, 10)
- ● Severnoe Butovo (Kulikovskaya street, 6)
- ● Troparevo-Nikulino (Pokryshkina street, 4)
You can take an express test for COVID-19 at 7 points at transport hubs daily from 09:00 to 21:00:
- ● TPU Gagarin Square (in the underpass between metro station Leninsky Prospekt and MCC station Gagarin Square)
- ● TPU Luzhniki (on the second floor of the main building, to the right of the main entrance)
- ● Panfilovskaya transport hub (on the second floor, near the escalator to the platform towards Streshnevo station)
- ● Zorge transport hub (opposite the exit from the overpass to exit 1 (toward Berzarina street))
- ● Lokomotiv transport hub (on the second floor of the northern ( No.
2) concourse, opposite the turnstiles)
- ● Izmailovskaya transport hub (on the second floor of the transport hub in the center of the hall between the escalators)
- ● Nizhegorodskaya transport hub (opposite the main entrance at the end of the hall, next to the ticket office)
- You can also do this in 10 shopping centers according to their opening hours:
- ● Kvartal West (6 Aminevskoye Highway)
- ● City (Entuziastov Highway, 12, building 2)
- ● Gagarinsky (Vavilova Street, 3)
- ● Shangal (62A Zeleniy Prospekt) )
- ● "Salaris" (Kiev highway, 23rd kilometer, building 1)
- ● Kuntsevo Plaza (Yartsevskaya street, 19)
- ● Solnechny (Borovskoye highway, 6)
- ● European (Kyiv square, 2)
- ● Darya (Stroginsky boulevard, house 1)
- ● "Kaluzhsky" (Profsoyuznaya street 61A)
Anyone can make such an express test for free. To do this, you only need a passport for an adult or a birth certificate for a child and the CHI policy number, if available. Children can only take express testing in the presence of their parents. Residents who test positive on a rapid test will be asked to stay at home until the PCR test result is received. It will come in SMS, and will also be displayed in the electronic medical record. If the result of the PCR test is positive, the case will be considered confirmed. A doctor from the clinic will come to the patient's home, prescribe treatment and give the necessary drugs. If the result of the PCR test is negative and if there are no symptoms of the disease, the person is considered healthy.
Rapid antigen test for coronavirus infection is a quick diagnostic that allows you to detect COVID-19 in 15 minutes with a high degree of probability, but its result does not mean a diagnosis, but only shows the likelihood of the disease. The diagnosis of "coronavirus infection" must be made by a medical professional by conducting PCR testing. Express testing is carried out according to the same technology (taking a swab from the nose) as PCR, but to obtain a result, the biomaterial is immediately placed in a specialized solution and test system.
The full list of free express testing points for COVID-19 is published on the portal.
Recall that you can also take an express test for free in 10 shopping centers and public spaces according to their work schedule: in GUM, TSUM, shopping centers "RIO" on Dmitrovskoye Highway and Leninsky Prospekt, "L-153", "Yerevan Plaza" , "Kaleidoscope", "Oceania", "Pike", food mall "DEPO". Every day from 10 am to 10 pm you can take an express test at the flagship offices of "My Documents" of the Central Administrative District (TC Afimall City, Presnenskaya nab., 2), South Administrative District (TC Columbus, Kirovogradskaya st., 13A), Eastern Administrative District (Shchelkovsky shopping center, Shchelkovskoye sh., 75), SAO (SEC Metropolis, Leningradskoe sh., 16a, building 8), SEAD (in the Leroy Merlin building, Ryazansky Prospekt, building 2, building 3), SAD (Spektr shopping center, Novoyasenevsky Prospekt , 1), as well as in the centers of public services of the Krylatskoye districts (Rublevskoye highway, 42 k.