Comparing your girlfriend to others
How to Stop Comparing your Partner with Others- BetterLYF
Love is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. Ideally speaking, it is involuntary, gratifying, and rewarding. Coming to romantic love – Psychologists define it as the strong desire for emotional union with another person. Love as a whole may mean different things to different people, but romance generally has certain commonalities in terms of its building blocks and foundations. As dreamy as the movies might make it seem, romantic relationships come with their own fair share of baggage, among which the factor of comparison can be found, which again is a part and parcel of every relationship.
As individuals, we often tend to have a basic idea about the kind of partner that we would like to be with. Some wish for a person who is athletic, some want an individual who is intellectually very sound, while some simply desire an understanding and jovial partner. That said, we not only are at least mildly aware of the kind of person we want to romance; once we do find that somebody, we continue to pitch their strengths, and primarily their drawbacks against those around us.
In simple words, it is called comparing your partner. While it would be great if we appreciated the person we’re with by drawing positive comparisons, what majority of us do is its exact opposite.
I Don’t Compare My Partner, BUT
What We Commonly CompareThere is no limit to the number of factors upon which comparisons can be drawn. The basis on which we compare our partner to another being may vary from person to person. However, some of the prime factors serving as reasons for comparison have been identified below:
- Physical Appearance
- Family Background and Socio-Economic Status
- Educational Background
- Personality Type
- Popularity Quotient
- Romantic Equation of another Couple
The key to a lasting and content relationship lies in your ability to deal with unflattering comparisons. Psychological research also says that comparing your partner to someone else’s could be a key source of stress and conflict, which is why it is important that we view our partners and ourselves as one single unit.
First thing’s first – irrespective of the fact that comparing your partner to another is a part of the relationship that you share with them, we must not forget that there was a reason why we chose to be with them in the first place. There were certainly some qualities of theirs that made us make that choice. Instead, we can remind ourselves of the choice that we had made, and thus make conscious efforts to accept our partners for who they are.
Envy v/s Inspiration v/s Jealousy
Knowing the difference between these three concepts is key. You are envious when you admire a characteristic someone possesses, and inspired when you wish to imbibe that quality you admire. However, comparisons are primarily drawn in a negative aspect rather than a positive one, which in turn may spoil a great or a budding romance.
As much as I would advice self-reflection to those who wish to discover more of themselves, in this case it would mean for you to remember your own flaws and how you are living with them. Nobody is perfect, and so the way we accept and love ourselves, we must do the same when it comes to our partners as well.
Love and it’s Expression
We all have certain characteristics that contribute towards our uniqueness, and make us different from those around us. Likewise, every being has their own way of both loving, as well as showing love. By looking at your friend’s or your cousin’s partner, or the way people express love in the movies, the only ones to undergo stress and a low would be none but you yourself. Both acceptance and gratitude are key, here. Appreciate the things – both little and big that your partner does to let you know how much you mean to them.
If it Hurts that Much; Don’t Do ItThis reminds me of the story of a man who pays a visit to the doctor telling him that each time he pinches his calves, it hurts. The doctor smiles, and simply says, ‘Then stop pinching your calves’. As ridiculous as it may sound, the reason I mentioned it is because if you’re doing something that hurts you, why do it in the first place? If comparing your partner is emotionally distressing, tell your mind to stop doing it. It may be easier said than done, but it sure as hell is not impossible.
As humans, we all have the tendency to expect from those who we love. The easiest way to convey this would be to communicate with your partner. At times, our partners may be aloof towards our desires, which again is okay and natural; however, by expressing our wishes, some (or all) of them may actually stand a chance of getting fulfilled! It is all about being aware of what would make the other person happy, so as long as the goal is achieved, the power of speech I say, would be put to some good use!
Lastly, drawing comparisons as mentioned, is a part and parcel of every relationship. However, it is always wiser to focus on the “we’s” and not the “I’s”, so that we can efficiently have a fulfilling romance brimming with love and contentment.
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10 Reasons You Should Never Compare Relationships or Your Partner
In This Article
Couples fall into the trap when they compare relationships with other people. By doing so, they’re setting themselves up to fail. Everyone will always appear perfect from the outside looking in. That’s how they want you to see it.
When they go back home (or turn the social media lens off), you don’t know what happens behind closed doors. At the same time, the partnerships could be truly idyllic. 6t
There’s the possibility the partner has more problems than you’re aware of, perhaps more than you have with your own couplehood. In fact, no relationship is without its share of issues, but most people don’t talk about these except with close friends and family.
The vital thing to recognize is that one pair’s version of perfection is different from someone else’s. Whether spending every moment of every day together or choosing activities and having minimal time as a couple, if it makes each partner happy and satisfied, that is as close to idyllic as you can get.
No one should engage in comparing relationships because what makes you happy is unique and individual from those other partnerships. Stay focused on yourself since relationships are hard enough work without bringing other people into it.
Why do people make relationship comparisons?
Relationship comparisons are genuinely a normal part of human nature in kind of the same context as establishing healthy “competitions” for lack of a better word throughout developmental stages from childhood up to adulthood in varied ways.
Perhaps who’s taller, who can run faster into the teenage years when asking who’s better looking, who can get the date, maybe who can do better in school. Then comes adulthood. How does your couplehood compare to everyone else’s?
The comparisons aren’t meant to ensure that you supersede everyone else. These act in the sense of clarification for yourself as to what you want, helping to incorporate self-image and encouraging personal growth.
It’s a healthy part of development at each stage of life, a form of self-measurement and motivation to keep you moving towards personal goals.
If used positively, seeing a healthy relationship should motivate you to either continue on your current path if you’re doing well or make changes where they’re needed to enhance the partnership.
Why is it not healthy to compare your relationship to others?
The current digital landscape disallows for realistic comparisons among couples that can genuinely motivate or encourage but instead cause toxicity. There are ways of how to maneuver social sites without making comparisons.
The “performances” you see on social media are explicitly for the audience. There is no consideration for the sincerity others might place on the posts and how couples might use these as a relationship comparison causing rifts between some mates because their partnership doesn’t come close.
First, no relationship is perfect. So, when these people post continuously how amazing their life together is – perhaps it is; but where’s the passion?
Passionate people will have differences, arguments. The problem is if the two of you have what should be a healthy, dynamic relationship, you’ll feel it’s imperfect because these unrealistic couples on social media have set the standard for how you believe your relationship should now be measured.
Since it doesn’t, there must be problems. Irrational thought processes like these have individuals attempting to reach unattainable goals and compare your partner unfairly away from the traits that initially drew you to this person.
The perspective you initially had regarding love is skewed detrimentally, and there is nothing that can fully satisfy you at this point, leaving your partnership in danger of a break.
Related Reading: How Important Are Common Interests in a Relationship?10 reasons you should never compare a relationship
In all fairness, to a spouse or a partner to compare relationships is wrong on many levels but primarily because we’re all unique.
When you set out searching for the partner that was ideal for you, it wasn’t the partner that your friend on social media is posting about, was it?
There’s a reason that person is the perfect match for your friend; they share compatibility. You should never compare your partner to another person’s partner because you’ll never be satisfied. You will always find that your partner is lacking since the traits you’re looking for belong to someone else.
Again, everyone’s different. Sadly, if you feel your significant other is not adding up when you compare relationships, you need to let that person go so they can find someone who doesn’t see the need to compare relationships.
Let’s check out some reasons why you never want to compare relationships.
Related Reading: How to determine relationship compatibility1. A comparative relationship is unrealistic
When you met your partner, you found this person to be an unusual character, someone who specifically answered your needs in only the way they could.
There was no one like them when you compared them to all the other people you were looking at to date. But now, you’re looking at this person as part of a couplehood and somehow sensing the comparison is different, and you’re not sure you’re satisfied.
Instead of accepting individuality, do you want this person to “equate” to the previous few you dated before? Why would you? It would be best if you never compare your past relationships.
Turn the tables for a reaction when your partner compares you to others and consider how you would respond. This partner is different, and you like that. Accept the positive changes and move forward. Learn how to stop comparing your relationship to others.
When you begin comparing your girlfriend to others or your boyfriend to another, it sparks a nagging sensation that perhaps something is missing in yourself.
You can start to develop low self-esteem or lack of confidence in your own judgment. That can create problems not only in the relationship but with your mental health.
Comparisons become obsessive and not worth the effort since you’ll always find something you believe is more gratifying than what you have that you need to try for that you’ll never achieve. No one will ever satisfy you because these ideals are unrealistic.
Never compare your girlfriend to your ex or someone on social media or your boyfriend to another because it will ultimately leave you sad and alone.
3. Missing what’s greatWhile you’re fretting over what you’re lacking from this wonderful person because you’re trying to compare relationships, you’re missing out on the great parts.
You could be out experiencing what you’re seeing all these other couples “talking” about in real-time but, instead, you’re dwelling that you don’t have what they do – you could.
4. What happened to be happy for othersWhen your man compares you to another woman, how would he react if you responded positively? Nothing is saying you have to be the jealous person in the relationship.
Whatever happened to being happy for other people’s successes. If he makes the issue a challenge, that’s his own insecurities, not yours, and you shouldn’t dwell in those.
It’s better to express an appreciation for her work ethic, or whatever may be the celebration, and move forward feeling great about your personal achievement and attributes even if he’s stuck amid comparisons.
5. Sometimes it’s OK to let it pinchProbably most of us have fantasies of traveling the world, fine dining, and an elaborate lifestyle.
When you see someone living some of these dreams, it can sometimes send a ping of jealousy, ultimately leading to you looking at your partner to compare relationships, wondering why you can’t have some of what that person has.
Perhaps your friend is in a hot tub at a five-star hotel in Paris, or another friend is dining at a posh restaurant in the big city. Maybe they’re celebrating a special anniversary, and it was a gift from a family member.
In any case, it’s okay to be envious as long as you let it go and don’t allow the emotions to fester.
Undoubtedly you know your partner would give you the world and will when it’s feasible; never compare your husband with another and in that same vein, never compare your wife with others – it’s unfair.
Check out this insightful video to understand how you can let go of envy:
Comparisons are challenging because you create expectations not only that a partner is unable to meet but instances when it comes down to comparing yourself to your partner.
That becomes a competition where no one wins because ultimately, each person feels alienated, whether it’s who makes more money, has the better job, possesses more assets, whatever your basis for the comparison is.
In this scenario, a third party would be a welcome impartial mediary to guide you to a smooth resolution if the two of you hope to repair the relationship.
Related Reading: 5 Ways to Stop the Expectations Trap
A professional couple or even individual counselor can help each partner see the other’s attributes where they might have lost sight. It might otherwise be challenging to maneuver through this unhealthy pattern the couple developed with comparisons.
7. Why wouldn’t you merely leaveRather than compare relationships, if you’re unsatisfied with the partner you have, why wouldn’t you merely leave the partnership and find someone with whom you can genuinely be content instead of complaining about this person.
If your heart is truly not in the partnership and you feel something much better might be out there for you, you owe it to yourself to continue searching for that. It’s only fair to you and the person you’re with.
Despite your best effort, you can’t mold someone into your idea of the perfect partner. They’re either suitable for you or not and vice versa. No one should ever chance to suit someone’s expectations either.
8. It’s rude and demeaningWhen you’re in love with someone but find it necessary to continually criticize and complain because they are not like someone or don’t do the same things as another person does for a friend, that’s ill-treatment of your partner. It demeans and diminishes self-esteem.
If you truly love your partner, there should be no comparatives. You should appreciate all the eccentricities, the uniqueness, quirks, and flaws, with no anticipation that this person will in any way mimic the behavior of anyone else and sadness if someone were to copy what you have.
9. How would you feelIt would be best never to compare relationships because the tables could easily be switched. It wouldn’t be nice to be caught on the other end of someone showing dissatisfaction in the partnership or a desire for characteristics that don’t come naturally for you.
If you find yourself about to compare relationships, think back to why you chose this person, remember why you love them, why your relationship works, and let the comparisons go.
Related Reading: 8 Causes Of An Unhappy Marriage and Solutions10. Nothing is perfect
A primary reason to avoid making comparisons is the relationships you’re comparing to are less than perfect, as you might have yourself believe.
Any healthy partnership has its share of issues, but no one will share publicly or tell their friends about the major arguments or when their spouse doesn’t fold the laundry or stack the dishes.
We want everyone to see our partner as the perfect person we feel in our hearts they are, and that’s how it should be. Here is a study on comparing relationships to those on popular social sites and how these can make you feel.
Final thoughtThe digital world we live in today has its positives and its negatives. Many people succumb to the throes of social sites, leaving them exposed to other people’s lives or what those people want you to see.
It can prove detrimental to relationships when couples compare their partnership to the ones they see in posts or even among friends in real-time.
Essentially, couples need to recognize that every relationship offers its own set of imperfections and uniqueness; none are without flaws, but each works because the two people involved create a match.
If you put in two different players, you have a unique game that might end up askew.
When what you have is not working, or it’s making you unhappy to the point you’re looking at other relationships longing for what they have, you must reach out for a third-party mediator to counsel the two of you back to a healthy partnership. Or speak to your partner about ending the relationship so you can each find a more satisfactory partner.
Commonly asked questions
That’s somewhat subjective whether it’s OK or not. Many people do compare their partner to other couples or other individuals, and it’s not unnatural, but it can be unhealthy. It’s a matter of how far you allow the feelings from the comparisons to go.
If the experience genuinely bothers you to the point, you feel unsatisfied with your current partner, which requires further examination. Either you go for couple’s counseling to save the relationship, or the two of you choose to make the break for each of your greater good.
No one person should have to change to meet someone’s idea of perfection in order to keep a relationship going.
Yes. These are two completely different individual people. A current girlfriend has her own set of attributes, accomplishments, achievements that need to be appreciated and honored. Comparing those to a previous relationship diminishes and demeans.
Comparisons shouldn’t be shared with a current boyfriend. Most people do this innocently and with no harmful intention – but do so silently to themselves. After being with someone for some time, the comparisons stop, and most people settle into their new relationship letting go of the past.
Do men compare a new girl with an ex and why do they do it
If your partner or young man starts comparing you with other girls, does this mean that your relationship is over? Maybe. However, in many cases, such behavior indicates the presence of a problem in the relationship, the need and opportunity to solve it. Why a man compares with an ex - we list only a few possible reasons.
In this article:
Comparison is part of a relationship Trying to get your attention Inner complexes and problems He doesn't love you Wants to make you feel better
Comparison is part of relationships
Photo by Alex Green: Pexels
Hearing that your girlfriend is more beautiful, cares more about children, cooks better, of course, you will immediately become furious. How so, your husband, a man, compares you with others. Surely you will immediately decide that the faithful no longer loves you, is cheating on you or is about to leave you. And therefore, a scandal or tears in a girlfriend's vest is unlikely to be avoided.
But now stop. Remember, did you yourself compare your man with someone else? For a girlfriend, for example, her husband himself takes the children to training, and at that time she does a manicure. And the colleague's guy is always polite, courteous, smiling, and as if he doesn't know how to get angry at all.
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Or, remember, you saw a tall young man in a suit in a supermarket, and the thought flashed through your head - why are you not with him, you would be a great couple.
Most women not only catch themselves thinking these thoughts, but they can express them in the heat of a quarrel. Why is it possible for them, but not for men?
It turns out that comparison with others is part of the relationship. You live among people. There are a lot of young, beautiful, rich, bright, talented people around you. If you and your friend or spouse continue to love each other, trust, then a casual comparison, or rather an admission that someone may have a more beautiful figure, is unlikely to spoil the relationship. Perhaps it will give a deeper understanding of how you need each other.
A man compares with an ex
Speaking about comparison as part of a relationship, it is worth mentioning that this is in no way about concentration and purposeful emphasizing the difference between you and other girls. This is one of the characteristics of ordinary relationships in a couple.
A wise approach and the desire to keep in touch, contact allows partners to shift the focus of attention from other people to each other, to see good features in themselves and begin to appreciate them. It is observed in those relationships where people, despite possible life difficulties, negativity, recognize that their partner is close to the ideal for them.
In other words, to someone you might be a pretty girl with a charming smile and pretty legs. But he will be disappointed when he sees signs of cellulite on the hips or a slightly sagging tummy. However, the other person will see you deeper. And any unevenness of the skin, gray hair will seem beautiful to him, because it's you.
An attempt to get your attention
This reason has already deeper roots and indicates a problem in the relationship.
For example, you are completely buried in household problems, you cannot tear yourself away from children or work. Beloved husband, with whom you once did not take your eyes off, was ready to devote all your time to him, remained outside the orbit of your attention. And then one day he throws that your girlfriend wears more beautiful and fashionable clothes, and in general she is sexy.
And he does it just to get your attention. He is tired of being on the sidelines, tired of seeing you fall on the bed exhausted and immediately fall asleep. He needs that cheerful, pretty girl whom he chose as his wife or girlfriend.
Of course you will ask why he doesn't say it differently. But, perhaps, he spoke, invited you to a cafe, hinted that a mother might stay with the children on weekends. You just brushed it off, and he had no choice but to start provoking, stinging you. The fact is that many couples, having lived together for several years, cease to be attentive to each other.
Internal complexes and problems
The next common problem is a man's complexes. Through constant reproaches and injections, he tries to realize himself. Perhaps he feels insecure, worries that he is not worthy of his woman. Under the influence of all these experiences and feelings, he tries to belittle her dignity, looks for flaws and even inferiority. Sometimes this desire develops into a desire to remake a person, to change him.
This approach can be demonstrated by:
- Losers. Especially if a man cannot succeed, but his wife or girlfriend succeeded.
- People suffering from alcohol or other addictions.
- A person who cannot find a job, occupation, interest, and therefore begins to "rummage" in other people.
- People who are consciously and purposefully accustomed to comparing everyone. This is the meaning of their life, hobby, pleasure.
In such situations, a woman feels really humiliated, experiences stress, fear of the risk of losing her family. Under the influence of a partner-manipulator, she often begins to compare herself with others, and not in her favor. The situation may end with the development of the syndrome of the victim or codependency.
But there is another side to this approach. Perhaps a man behaves this way because he is afraid of losing you, opening his heart and showing how important you really are to him, how special you are.
Fear goes away when trust appears. If you feel that your partner is worried about the possible loss of you, show that there is no need to be afraid of this, that you also love and appreciate him.
He doesn't love you
When a man with complexes and internal problems tries to compare himself with his ex or his other women, it doesn't mean that he doesn't love you.
Photo by Keira Burton: PexelsHowever, there are situations when a partner begins to deliberately humiliate a girl precisely because he does not feel love, respect for her. There is no compassion in him, he takes revenge, seeing how she becomes ill from sharp words of comparison.
Among the main motives are revenge, insult, an attempt to show one's greatness or power. Such cases are very dangerous, because the comparison can be followed by aggression and violence.
By the way, a common explanation why men do this is that they want to make a woman better. Roughly speaking, you do not suit your friend, and he, comparing you with the rest, wants to motivate you to change. At the same time, he promises to love you changed or marry you.
Wants to make you feel better
This reason differs from the previous one both in meaning and emotional evaluation. Perhaps in comparison, as your partner sees it, there is nothing wrong. He is just trying to figure out how to make your life better, more comfortable, especially if you work too much time or do household chores.
Sometimes you can hear such explanations as: “your friend has brighter and more stylish clothes, maybe it would suit you too? You would look confident and even more beautiful in it.”
Some take such advice with hostility, but for others it is a concern.
The situation when a man compares you with other girls or with his ex is not easy. Perhaps this casual comparison is part of a relationship or caring for you. However, there is a risk that this is a sign of a rapidly deteriorating relationship, loss or lack of love and respect.
He starts comparing you to other women: what do guys do when they're in a bad relationship | Lifestyle
Unfortunately, not all relationships last forever. Sometimes love passes, but not all people are immediately able to understand that there are no more old feelings. Then tension begins to grow in relations with a partner. Women, as a rule, do not hesitate to express their claims. Men often don't show their emotions. How to understand that your partner is not too happy with the existing relationship? This can be determined by their changed behavior. Let's talk below about the most characteristic signs that indicate a guy's hidden discontent.
He will start comparing you with other women
No wonder they say that to love means to stop comparing. When a man is infatuated with a woman, he does not pay attention to other representatives of the fair sex. He does not want to meet and communicate with them. He does not see the point in this, because he has already found for himself the girl he fell in love with.
But the situation changes when the feelings start to cool down little by little. When we don’t like something, we usually look for the reasons for our discontent not in ourselves, but in the people around us. Therefore, the guy will involuntarily begin to compare you with other women. As a rule, he will constantly point out your shortcomings, criticize and ask you to change. And as an example, a man will begin to cite women he knows. This is one of the clear signs that your partner is unhappy with the relationship.
He will suffer from constant mood swings
It is hard for all people to hide their feelings. When something in our life does not suit us, we begin to get annoyed. And relationships are no exception. If a partner has stopped loving you, he will pay attention not to your advantages, but to your shortcomings. Any little thing will now begin to annoy him. Because of this, a man will constantly suffer from mood swings in your presence. A partner can yell at you for no serious reason, and after half an hour apologize. Sudden mood swings are a sure sign that a man is unhappy with the relationship but doesn't know how to end it.
He will stop apologizing for his actions
When a person loves someone, he values the relationship. This does not mean that he will avoid any quarrel. All lovers face conflict. You can understand the true attitude of a partner towards you by the way he tries to resolve them. If a man is ready to apologize for his actions, then he does not want to lose you. On the contrary, a guy who is dissatisfied with the relationship will not try to make amends. If you do not take the first step, he is unlikely to react to a quarrel. Deep down, such a man dreams of breaking up with you. Accordingly, a serious quarrel is an excellent reason for a break. Because of it, you will reduce communication to a minimum, and then stop contact altogether. Thus, the man will not need to sort things out and tell you in person about the intention to leave.
He will keep communication with you to a minimum
It's simple: if you don't like someone, you try not to contact him. The same thing happens in a relationship where a man no longer feels the same feelings for a woman. He will begin to avoid her, refusing meetings and dates with the help of the most absurd excuses. For example, he will complain about problems with work or family. Or talk about your poor health. Communication in social networks, a man will also try to minimize. He will begin to respond in monosyllables to your messages and will never start a dialogue first.
He will find fault with every little thing
Sometimes men cannot decide to leave their partner, even if they are unhappy with the existing relationship. Then they unconsciously begin to provoke the woman to be the first to talk about the breakup. Such partners behave disgustingly: they constantly criticize the girl and find fault with every little thing. For example, express dissatisfaction with your appearance. Husbands may criticize the dishes prepared by the wife or complain about the mess. Moreover, often guys begin to point out to their partners each of their shortcomings. Rarely women can tolerate such toxic behavior, which is why they initiate a breakup.
He will stop making plans for the future
If you love someone, you involuntarily begin to think about joint plans for the future. That's why happy couples like to discuss them so much. They can talk for hours about their desires and dreams, exchanging opinions. The reverse process occurs if the relationship begins to burden your partner. If a man is dissatisfied with them, he probably thought more than once about their termination. Accordingly, you are not in his plans for the future, so he will stop discussing them with you. Moreover, a disgruntled man will become annoyed if you suddenly start talking about them.
He will require more personal space
Often, at the beginning of a relationship, lovers spend all their free time together. When feelings gradually stabilize, couples also remember their personal space. There is nothing wrong with spending time alone sometimes or just taking a break from each other. If the partner begins to avoid your company under any pretext, it means that his feelings for you have completely cooled down. A man can come up with a lot of excuses for not dating the woman he fell out of love with. He will begin to demand more personal space and reproach you for being imposed on him. He suddenly wants to see his friends or family more often. In this case, the guy will not even offer you to join him.
He will openly flirt with other women
A loving man will never flirt with other women. He already has a fiancee who is perfect for him. Therefore, with the opposite sex, such a partner will communicate exclusively in a friendly way.
If a man is dissatisfied with something, he will constantly look for the company of other women. However, he does not hesitate to flirt with them. Firstly, because deep down he is already looking for a girl who will replace you. Secondly, he deliberately wants to hurt you. It will be easier for him to break up with you if you initiate a breakup first.
Therefore, such men begin to openly flirt with other women. Sometimes they are not shy about doing it even in your presence. So they deliberately try to show their disrespect for you. The matter is not limited to personal communication. A partner can meet women in social networks. For example, register on a dating site. Such behavior cannot be ignored, it definitely indicates that a man is ready to leave you at any moment.
He will start to deceive you
A loving man will never intentionally lie to his partner. If the partner is dissatisfied with his relationship, he will begin to lie everywhere. For example, he will begin to come up with a lot of ridiculous excuses, because of which he will not be able to meet with you. Often men meet and communicate with other women. Moreover, sometimes they begin to cheat on their partner. They do not value their relationship, so they are not afraid that they will be caught cheating. On the contrary, their lies are a completely conscious attempt to get you to end the relationship first.
He will start blaming you for everything
If we don't like something in a relationship, we are rarely able to admit our own fault.