Symptom of falling in love
22 Signs You’re Falling in Love, According to Therapists
During Greece’s Mycenaean age, whether or not someone was falling in love required little decryption. All one had to do was ask whether their beloved would incite war with a number of wrathful Spartans and they would know whether what they had was real. These days love is a different kind of tyranny.
Like an accidentally vegan snack food, love can stop you in your tracks. It can also be consciously welcomed in soft, rolling waves. Call to mind a time you’ve fallen in love and you’ll recognize the usual trends of emotional bedlam: the giddiness (and extreme bodily grooming) before the next date, the mutinous thrill of purchasing LinkedIn Premium to stalk exes, the plugging of headshots into a future baby generator.
Falling in love can feel like floating into an aromatherapeutic sauna and reclining against the gently sloped log seats only to realize that the door is locked from the outside—it’s disorienting and maybe full-on panic-inducing. But it doesn’t need to be this way, for we have gathered the relationship experts.
If you’re in the middle of some kind of casual inquiry into whether you’re falling in love, then this article is for you. If you’re in bed invoking a dreamless sleep to snatch you because you’re still overanalyzing their last text, this article is especially for you. Here are 22 expert-backed signs you’re falling in love.
1. You feel adventurous.
There’s a reason you suddenly feel open to trying homemade sushi or wearing yellow. It’s love, baby! Love can make us more daring and open to new experiences. “When we fall in love, we can expand our view of our self, who we see ourselves to be. It’s a great time to be creative,” says Clair Burley, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist in the U.K.
2. You’re intensely curious about them.
Forget your investigative pop culture podcasts and crime docuseries—your new lover is the latest subject of your deep dives. When we’re falling in love, we tend to “study our beloved's every move, gesture, and word with steadfast interest, keen to know everything about this fascinating, one-of-a-kind creature,” says Maci Daye, a certified sex therapist and author of Passion and Presence: A Couple’s Guide to Awakened Intimacy and Mindful Sex.
3. You feel their pain.
Love can make you feel attuned to your partner’s needs. “Your love is growing when you have an increased sense of empathy toward your partner,” says Madeline Cooper, LCSW, a psychotherapist and certified sex therapist in New York and New Jersey. “When they feel sad, you feel sad. When they feel happy, you feel happy. This might mean going out of the way to give them love in the way that they want to receive it, even if it is not the way you would want to receive love.”
4. You’re full of date ideas.
From exploring the city to spending the night in to act out every Olsen twin film from 1998 to 2002, you’ll find any excuse to spend more time with them. “You just want to drink in all that they are about,” says psychotherapist and sex therapist Kat Kova. “You will want to go on adventures together and learn more about each other by having shared experiences, and this increases the good feelings associated with novelty, challenge, and learning.
5. You forget your other priorities.
We’ve all had a friend who vanishes the minute they start a new romance. This might even be you. “Another sign of falling in love is wanting to spend all our time with our partner, sometimes excluding our friends,” says Burley. “When we start to bond, our attachment systems are activated, which pulls us to seek proximity and closeness.” This doesn’t last forever. Attachment systems eventually settle, meaning you’ll feel ready to retrieve other parts of your life again.
6. You crave sex.
They don’t call it the honeymoon period for nothing. “When falling in love, we are turned on like a megawatt light bulb,” says Daye. “Testosterone and dopamine create an arousal spike and lower inhibition. We are willing to have sex nearly anytime and anywhere, forsaking caution and the voice inside telling us to get back to work.” This is why anyone who has spontaneous sex on a grand piano is probably in love.
7. You feel like moving really fast—or slow.

Depending on your attachment style, new love might have you moving toward extremes. “There are individual differences in how we each fall in love,” says Burley. “In attachment terms, this is due to a preoccupied attachment (leaning in) or an avoidant attachment (leaning out). A person with a preoccupied style is more likely to press the accelerator, and a person with an avoidant style is likely to take things slow.”
8. You enjoy sex more.
For some, sex feels better when there’s a little love. “You might know you are in love when a sexual experience feels better or more fulfilling,” Cooper says. “This could be for several reasons, including the ability to be more vulnerable and say what you like and do not like to your partner, trusting your partner during the experience, and not feeling like you will be judged.”
9. You’re more affectionate.
You wanna get physical? Hear their body talk? Thank the oxytocin for that spike in physical attraction. “We are more drawn to kissing, hugging, and touching when we’re falling in love,” says Burley.
“Some theorists say it’s instinctive; some say it’s learned. Either way, physical closeness causes a burst of the bonding hormone oxytocin into our system. Named the ‘love hormone,’ it feels good and helps us feel bonded.”
10. You feel positive about the future.
There’s a reason Joe Cocker’s “Up Where We Belong” still absolutely slaps nearly 40 years on. Love has the transcendent power to lift us up where we belong, to set things straight. “When we fall in love, our sexual and emotional issues can go into storage,” says Daye. “The future seems bright and full of potential.”
11. You’re worried.
It’s normal to feel slightly hesitant when you’re falling in love. “We can experience insecure and anxious feelings,” says Burley. “We experience what’s called ‘attachment panic’ if we feel there is a risk that a relationship is not secure, and we might be rejected or abandoned.” If you’re feeling overly anxious about your partner, it might be a sign to reassess the relationship. So check in with yourself and your mental health and be honest about your feelings and what you’re looking for in a relationship.
12. You can focus only on your next date.
Whether your usual mode of distraction is kitchen-based dithering or a Zillow stalk, nothing beats love. “When we are falling in love, the dopamine levels in our brains increase because we are expecting or experiencing pleasure,” Bruley explains. “This drives us to concentrate on the source of our pleasure: our date.” It explains that can’t-eat, can’t-sleep feeling of new romantic love.
13. You’re glued to your phone.
Nearly blacked out when you saw your latest screen time stats? That’s amore! “We can be prone to checking our phones to see if they’ve messaged and analyzing the words they used in their reply,” Bruley says. “This is our brain scanning for signs that our partner is available and responsive to our emotional needs.”
14. You feel invincible.
You don’t need to be bitten by a radioactive spider to feel like you can scale a skyscraper with your bare hands. “When we’re falling in love, we feel invincible, omnipotent, and daring,” says Daye. “We have copious amounts of energy and can feel impervious to stress. Our rise to superhuman status is due to elevated levels of testosterone, dopamine, and epinephrine. We can function on a deficit of food and sleep without feeling cranky.” Still, eat something.
15. You can’t stop smiling.
Ever wandered the streets and spotted someone smiling to themselves as if they’re in on some kind of secret? Chances are they’re either plotting a kind of interstellar diplomatic mission, or they’re falling in love. “We can experience ‘butterflies’ in our stomach, feelings of excitement, and not being able to stop smiling,” says Burley. “These physiological effects are due to raised dopamine levels. Smiling can establish a feedback loop. The happier we feel, the more we smile, and the more we smile the happier we feel.”
16. You’re suddenly single-minded.
Falling in love can border on obsession. “We rehash conversations and fantasize about our lover morning, noon, and night. These thoughts are intrusive and relentless,” says Daye. “Our friends think we are obsessed, and for good reason: The sudden drop in serotonin at this early stage matches the levels of those with obsessive-compulsive disorder.”
17. You feel more love for others.
You and your beloved might not be the only ones feeling the love. “Oxytocin and the ‘love drug’ phenylalanine make us more open and connected with others,” says Daye. “We are patient, kind, and generous. We give spare change to buskers, smile at strangers, and bear no grudges.”
18. You’re not as perceptive.
In the early stages you might be more conscious of how your lover is making you feel rather than who they really are. “We see our partner as flawless, possessing infinite charm, charisma, and smarts,” says Daye. “In other words, we fall prey to what scientists call ‘selective bias.’ We overlook or find endearing the very qualities that would be deal breakers in different states of mind. ”
19. You daydream.
New love can engage your imagination. “You begin envisioning your future together and wanting to make further plans with them,” explains Kova. “Lust, love, and attachment have evolutionarily evolved to help create lasting attachments and mutual feelings of caring, which are feelings that increase sexual engagement and thus chances for reproduction.”
20. You feel like a better person.
While self-improvement isn’t contingent on romantic love, it can certainly help. “Despite the grandiosity, intensity, and obsessiveness that accompanies the state of new love, we also become a bigger and better version of ourselves: open, trusting, loving, generous, kind, present, patient, and forgiving,” Daye says.
21. You believe things will last forever.
Love can make you feel like you’re in a fairy tale. “We merge, sexually and emotionally, enjoying an interlude of perfect harmony that leads us to assume that our partner is ‘right’ for us,” Daye says. “We also believe our off-the-charts sex will last forever and that we can avert the boredom, conflict, and disenchantment that beleaguer other couples.”
22. You feel safe.
If you can be vulnerable with your new partner, then it’s game over. “Long-lasting love is driven by the release of hormones vasopressin and oxytocin. When we feel an attachment to a partner, our bodies recognize a sense of security,” Cooper explains. “Long-lasting love gives a feeling of having a solid ground, a safe space where you can share your inner self and be vulnerable with your feelings.”
18 Signs You're Falling in Love with Someone, According to Science
Wondering whether you're really, truly falling in love with someone? Chances are, you've probably already asked a close friend or family member for the telltale signs. And if they're like most people, they probably responded with "you just know," "it's hard to describe," or something equally vague—all of which, needless to say, are pretty unhelpful.
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But just as there is no hard-and-fast rule for how long it takes to fall in love, there's no set checklist for how to know if what you're feeling is the real deal. Some people know after a single moment; others develop the feelings after months or even years of small gestures.
That said, though, there are some common (and scientifically backed) signals that you're likely falling in love...and we're not talking about those all-encompassing "can't eat, can't sleep" feelings that let you know you're living a real-life version of your own rom-com. For instance, you feel the need to share even the smallest moments of your day with your person, and maybe you discover that their interests are suddenly becoming your interests, too. Or, perhaps you seamlessly start rearranging your schedule to make more time for your partner. And, of course, you might start wondering—perhaps even daydreaming—about the moment when your special someone will admit they love you, too.
Ahead, we ask therapists, researchers, and other relationship experts to share the classic indications that you are, indeed, falling in love. So now all you have to do is prepare to say those three big words.
Dawoon Kang, cofounder and co-CEO of online dating platform Coffee Meets Bagel, tells Oprah Daily, “Falling in love is different for everyone,” adding she believes in Robert J. Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, which identifies three main aspects: intimacy (the desire to feel closely connected), passion (physical and emotional stimulation), and decision/commitment (the resolve to stick together).
“You don’t need all three components to know that you’re falling in love, but they are strong indicators that you’re on the way,” she explains. “But don't conclude that someone isn't falling in love with you because they aren't showing the same exact signals as you do.”
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That said, the most telling sign, according to Kang, is if you find yourself wanting to divulge as much as you can to your love interest, from a small win at work to your relationship history.
“I knew I was falling in love with my now-husband Jack when I found myself calling him every night, wanting to share every little detail about my day and wanting to know about his,” she says.
They’re always in your thoughts.Sure, it might be trite—but it’s true. You know you’re falling in love when your someone begins to take up major real estate in your thoughts. You might find yourself rehashing your conversations in the middle of work, thinking about your next date days in advance, or even envisioning your future together. For Kang, she remembers rereading her husband's text messages and viewing his photos over and over again when they first began dating because she thought about him so often.
And you’re dying to know if they love you, too.
If you find yourself considering whether this person feels similarly and you look for for signs that they're missing you, too, that's another signifier, Jacqueline Olds, MD, an associate professor of clinical psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, tells Oprah Daily.
“Your stomach and heart may take a leap every time they contact you or suggest spending time together,” adds Olds, who has completed extensive research on long-term marriage, alongside her husband of 41 years, Richard Schwartz, MD. (The couples therapists cowrote Marriage in Motion: The Natural Ebb and Flow of Lasting Relationships.)
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Along this same vein, if you’re falling in love, you tend to experience a warm feeling when you think about your significant other, according to Kang. That may mean you can't stop smiling, or you might notice that you generally feel more positive and hopeful.
Falling in love has a way of making you feel like a wide-eyed, wild-hearted teenager again, and that's no coincidence, says Kelifern Pomeranz, PsyD, a California-based clinical psychologist and certified sex therapist. "When you fall in love, your body produces a cocktail of chemicals, including dopamine (for wanting more), noradrenaline (for excitement, focus, and attention), testosterone (for sexual interest and drive), and a drop in serotonin (which can cause that low-key obsessive feeling). These chemicals make us feel happy, giddy, energetic, euphoric, and youthful."
“We make time for what–or who–we love,” says Rachel DeAlto, the chief dating expert for Match (formerly known as Match. com). “If you’re rearranging, reprioritizing, and reimagining your life, you may be falling in love,” she explains.
Equally important: It doesn't feel like a sacrifice when you have to make changes to your calendar (say, brunch with your girlfriends) in order to ensure you're available to attend something important to them (like a family party or dinner with a sibling who's visiting from out of town).
You crave them.Yes, you read that right. Similar to how you can crave a favorite food or even a seasonal cocktail (hello, frosé), you can crave a person, too.
Match’s chief scientific advisor, Helen Fisher, PhD, has studied these feelings and found that an area of our brain associated with focus and craving called the ventral tegmental area (VTA) causes increased levels of dopamine to be released when you’re falling in love.
As DeAlto notes, this yearning is usually coupled with feeling a rush when you think of them.
You even find their quirks attractive.
Perpetual apologizer? Neat freak? All (innocuous) traits of your beloved are fair game and welcomed when you’re falling in love. “You start to find everything about them irresistible," explains DeAlto. "That even includes their little quirks, their odd sense of style, and their particular way of doing things, which all become endearing.”
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There is one thing, though, that's more important than how they act or what they do: You’re mindful of the emotional climate within the other person, including what troubles them, what brings them joy, or what triggers anxiety. “You care about their happiness, as much as your own,” says DeAlto. “Empathy and compassion for your partner rises as you fall in love.”
They make you feel better about yourself.

People in the throes of falling in love often report feeling like they know more, or can do more, according to Theresa E. DiDonato, PhD, an associate professor of psychology at Loyola University Maryland. She describes how an experience of “self-expansion” often occurs as people fall in love, meaning their own sense of self grows through their relationship with this new person. For example, someone whose partner loves hiking might start to see themselves as a hiker too.
You’re ignoring other attractive people.Gone are the days of swiping right on dating apps or DM'ing other potential partners. If you realize you’re not as inclined to investigate those other fish in the sea, that can be telling, DiDonato tells Oprah Daily.
“Falling in love may correspond with changes in attention–specifically people in loving, committed relationships show less attention to other viable partners,” she says.
Finding yourself suddenly enjoying small chat with your less-than-pleasant coworker, or striking up conversations with your crabby neighbor? Your loved-up vibes could certainly be radiating beyond your partnership, notes Pomeranz. "Falling in love can knock us out of autopilot and allow us to see everything and everyone in a new light. Love can contribute to an increased sense of well-being and lead to a positive outlook, which can extend far beyond the person directly in front of us."
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Replaying interactions in your mind. Analyzing text messages. Mulling over what to wear. Haven’t we all been there? “Changes in stress or anxiety may correspond with the early stages of falling in love,” explains DiDonato. While exhilarating, the newness of a relationship, the uncertainty, and the intense experience of new romantic love can predict stress, as indicated by cortisol levels or self-reported anxiety, she says.
Whoever first coined the term “two become one” wasn’t kidding. As a romantic couple get to know each other, their own perceptions of self begin to merge, says DiDonato. “Because of this self-other overlap, individuals feel real pride for their partner’s achievements, see themselves more like their partner, and can mistake their partner’s characteristics for their own,” she says. On top of that, you may even start to dress or talk like your significant other.
You want to say those big three words.You know it’s love and not just lust or a physical attraction because you’re curious and interested in what makes them tick, says Olds. “You want to hear their words and their thoughts, not only feel their body,” adds Schwartz.
But, as you expected, you find yourself wanting to take the courageous leap of saying “I love you,” according to Kang. (And, for the record, there are no rules surrounding the "right" time to tell someone that.)
Friends are noticing.Are you always talking about your partner or asking if you can bring a plus-one along? Yeah, your friends see that. And they also might notice that you've been spending less time with them as you're devoting your attention to your romantic relationship. While your BFFs are likely to understand (hey, they probably did the same thing), don't forget to try to strike a balance, DiDonato urges.
You might notice that it doesn't feel weird to book your flights for that destination wedding six months from now or even to start talking about where you'll spend the holidays—because you know they'll be around to go with you.
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This is a strong sign and reveals commitment blossoming, according to Kang."You might also find yourself planning and taking more weekend getaways with them,” she says. Or perhaps what you envision goes even thinking about your engagement or playing around with the idea of relocating to another city together.
In addition to envisioning a future with him or her, you might also start to talk about what that would actually look like—from what you'd need to feel happy in your marriage to whether or not you want kids to how you'd handle any religious or political differences.
And the most prominent sign you’re falling in love? It feels
right.“I actually think for a majority of people it’s not a hard question and the answer is perfectly obvious to them,” says Schwartz. “And part of that is because one of the characteristics of being in love is this feeling of rightness and certainty and absence of doubt,” he adds. You might start to notice that you no longer worry whether you'll get ghosted or you don't even consider the possibility that they could be scared off by your collection of stuffed animals.
That's because, according to Schwartz, the parts of the brain responsible for social judgment and critical thinking go into a slower operation when we’re falling in love, and there isn’t the kind of scrutinizing, questioning, and assessing we may undergo in alternative circumstances. “Love is something we feel and, when we do, we say, ‘This is it.’”
Stephanie L. King
Stephanie L. King has had an obsession with words since she was seven and chronicled her life in a red and blue Bugs Bunny diary. She’s a poet who wrote for The Wall Street Journal and The Patriot News in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, before transitioning careers to become an English Language Arts teacher to talented urban middle schoolers. She’s also the brand new mom to a baby girl named Ella Grace and considers the sweetest fruit of her life her husband, Lionel. The reason for the slob on her pants? Her English bulldog, Ice. She lives in New Jersey, where she’s grateful for parking—but she will always be a New Yorker at heart.
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What happens to us when we fall in love?
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Image copyright Thinkstock
Image captionLove goes through several stages, but not necessarily in the same order. The stages are always the same - but their sequence can be anything.
The word "chemistry" is figuratively used in relation to love, but in fact love is really a series of chemical reactions. Scientists believe that falling in love triggers a number of processes in our bodies that are ultimately aimed at preserving the human race.
The symptoms of love are like a disease state: sweaty palms, loss of appetite, euphoria, flushed face and rapid heartbeat.
Love goes through several stages - each of them depends on certain chemical elements that trigger the corresponding reactions in the body.
Image copyright, Thinkstock
Image caption,The first stage, the desire stage, is determined by the action of sexual hormones and is expressed in the search for a partner
But the order in which the stages follow one another can be arbitrary, emphasizes a researcher at Rutgers University in New Jersey Helen Fisher.
"You may have a strong attachment to someone at work or in your social circle, and only after many months or years something happens, the situation changes, and suddenly you find that you have fallen in love with this person," explains Helen Fisher .
"So first comes attachment, then comes romantic infatuation, and only then emotions associated with sexual attraction. Or we can meet someone who seems sexually attractive to you, you fall in love with him, and only then come to a feeling of deep affection Or you can suddenly fall in love, literally lose your head because of someone with whom you had sex a long time ago, at that moment it did not cause strong feelings, "continues Fisher.
image copyrightThinkstock
Image caption,The symptoms of love are similar to a disease state: sweaty palms, loss of appetite, euphoria, flushed face and rapid heartbeat.
At each of these stages, different chemicals come into play, and scientists now know which elements correspond to which process.
Stage 1: Sex
Desire (or to put it more roughly, but exactly - lust) is caused in us by sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. Testosterone is not exclusively a "male" hormone. In the female body, it plays the same important role in arousing sexual desire.
Stage 2: Attraction
Image copyright Thinkstock
Image captionLong-term relationships are based on the instinct to care for children and secure their future apart from the object of desire, they sleep badly and are always in a state of blissful or disturbing thoughts about it. They may even lose their appetite.
At the attraction stage, a group of neurotransmitters from the monoamine group enters into action:
- Dopamine is the same substance for which some people inject cocaine and nicotine into their bodies
- Norepinephrine is the closest relative of adrenaline. Makes us sweat and our hearts beat faster.
- Serotonin is the main "engine" of love, its deficiency leads to depression, and its excess leads to natural madness.
Stage 3: Attachment
These are the feelings that arise in us if the relationship is destined to last for a long time. If the attraction stage continued indefinitely, they would hardly have turned out to be anything worthwhile, except for a bunch of children.
Photo credit, Science Photo Library
Photo caption,Oxytocin is responsible for a strong emotional bond between mother and child
Attachment is a long-term voluntary commitment, it is a bond between people who decide to form an alliance and acquire offspring.
At this stage, the nervous system releases two hormones into the body, which, according to scientists, are responsible for the social connection between people:
- Vasopressin is an important chemical element for establishing long-term commitment. Experiments on mice allow us to conclude that as soon as the amount of vasopressin in the organisms of males decreases, their ability to create a pair with a female immediately decreases. They stop caring about the female and become indifferent to the attention paid to her by other males.
- Oxytocin - secreted by the hypothalamus during childbirth and also helps the mammary glands to secrete milk. Socially, it helps to strengthen the bond between mother and child. In addition, this hormone is released by both men and women during orgasm and - as scientists believe - brings partners together emotionally. According to the theory, the more sex you have with your partner, the stronger your relationship!
Being in love, signs of falling in love, love and being in love, being in love
Love is, of course, not a disease, but it has clear signs that are difficult to confuse with anything. Usually a person quickly realizes that he has fallen in love, but how? Scientists are trying to decompose the feeling into components and find out their causes. We collected signs that indicate that there is more than just friendship between you.
You feel a little drunk
"Drunk in love" is not such a figurative expression. A slight dizziness, a feeling of euphoria and a feeling that nothing is impossible - familiar feelings after the first date? Scientists have found that alcohol and oxytocin, which is called the “hormone of love,” act on the brain in about the same way. In an experiment on animals that were injected with oxytocin through the nose, it turned out that with an increase in the level of this hormone, sympathy for one's neighbor, a tendency to self-sacrifice, generosity and trust increase, while fear, anxiety and stress levels are greatly reduced. Therefore, after the first awkward kiss, a person feels the same as after drinking a glass of champagne.
You become less sensitive to pain
A Stanford University Medical School study found that falling in love has an effect comparable to that of pain medication. This is due to the activation of the nucleus accumbens. The same zone wakes up when you receive analgesics or, for example, when you win big in a casino. For the experiment, the researchers recruited students who were in a romantic relationship for up to nine months. A thermal stimulator was attached to their arm and heated to a temperature that caused pain. After that, students were shown photos of lovers, and the level of pain decreased significantly. At the same time, activation of the nucleus accumbens was clearly observed on MRI. In addition, students were shown photos of random attractive people, but this effect no longer arose.
You feel like you've run a hundred meters
You are thrown into a fever, your heart is pounding, your breathing is fast and intermittent - as if you are not looking into the eyes of another person, but just set a world record in sprinting. It's all a surge of hormones. Falling in love increases the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which causes the pulse to increase. Breathing involuntarily quickens, and you become hot. This is all reminiscent of the body's reaction to a very strong fright. But this is the charm of the human psyche: one emotion differs from another by a set of elements. When falling in love, a pinch of dopamine and other hormones of pleasure is added to adrenaline, and sensations are born that are not at all the same as with fear.
You lose your appetite
Just yesterday, eating a whole pizza alone was not difficult, but today, after that very meeting, you don’t even want an apple? It's oxytocin again. Studies have shown that increasing the level of this hormone dulls the feeling of hunger and leads to a decrease in the number of calories needed. So from love you can really lose weight.
Seeing a loved one makes your pupils dilate
This unusual physiological reaction was noticed by scientists from the University of Rhode Island (USA). When a person sees the object of his love, his pupils expand to cover the entire image. The same thing happens when we first see a person we find attractive. Then the whole world around seems to fade, and all our attention is focused on it. Romantics explain this with love at first sight, scientists - with the expansion of the pupils.
Your face is glowing
Love decorates, that's a fact. A light appears in the eyes, the skin seems to glow from the inside, and there is a constant smile on the face. The thing is that hormones accelerate blood flow, which means that more oxygen enters the skin. Because you look like you just had a rest in an alpine village.
You can't connect two words
When a person is in love, he is a bit like the characters in Jane Austen's books: he blushes, turns pale, mumbles something unintelligible. The palms become wet, and the mouth is dry, like in the desert. This is what an explosive mixture of noepinephrine and oxytocin does to us. Their level rises sharply when the one with whom we really want to start a relationship is nearby. Over time, this passes.