Angel wing colors meaning

Angel Colors Meanings and Symbolism (Truth Revealed!)

Ready to discover angel colors meanings?

Most depictions of angels show them in flowing white robes, which is what most people picture when they think of angels.

However, when people see angels, they can appear to them in many colors.

The color of the angel has a specific meaning, and this information can help you understand angel colors meaning.

Updated 2/11/2020

Table of Contents

  • 1 What Seeing Angels Means
    • 1.1 How Angels Help You
    • 1.2 What Angels Look Like
  • 2 Angel Appearing in Colors

What Seeing Angels Means

There are many reasons why someone may see or have contact with an angel.

Most people have two to three guardian angels that watch over them.

Seeing one of your guardian angels may mean they have a message for you or they are trying to help you.

How Angels Help You

Angels assist people in many ways. They may assist people with:

  • Love and compassion
  • Protection
  • Healing
  • Understanding
  • Abundance
  • Intuition

However, when you see an angel, it may not look like the angelic being depicted in works of art or what you may imagine in your mind.

What Angels Look Like

Angels are beings of light and represent the belief of Divine love and light shining down on you.

However, angels usually do not appear as humans, they are genderless, and they are without judgment.

If you’re seeing coins and pennies, angels may be near.

Angels can take on almost any appearance, and there are signs that you are seeing an angel, although it may not be obvious to you.

Some signs that an angel is near you are:

  • Numbers – When numbers appear to you in patterns, such as 10:10 or 222, then that is one of the first signs an angel is trying to contact you.
  • Feathers – Finding feathers in unusual places could be a sign an angel is trying to communicate with you.
  • Coins and pennies – When you find shiny coins, that could be an angel telling you to keep going and that everything will be fine.
  • Rainbows – Seeing rainbows without rain is a sign an angel is present.
  • Cloud shapes – If clouds appear in shapes of symbols, like flowers or hearts, then those are signs from your angels.
  • Feelings of being touched – If you experience a tingling sensation down your spine or feel as if someone is touching you, then that is an indication high vibrational beings are contacting you.
  • Scents – If you smell pleasant aromas, especially flowers, that could be a sign from an angel.
  • Flashes of light – Since angels are beings of light, seeing flashes or sparks of light from the corner of your eye is a sign an angel is near you.

Angel Appearing in Colors

Sometimes, angels appear to people in different colors, each of which has a special meaning.

The colors for angels are based on seven light rays, which may be based on rainbows or sunlight.

You may be protected by an archangel.

Here are the angel colors meaning for each ray of light.

  • Blue – Seeing a blue angel represents power, protection, faith, strength, and courage
  • Pink – This color represents love and peace.
  • Yellow – If you see an angel that is yellow, it may mean they are helping you decide something as the color represents the wisdom for decisions.
  • White – If the angel appearing to you is white, then they represent purity, as well as the harmony of holiness.
  • Red – A red angel represents wise service so that they may be offering you their wisdom.
  • Green – When you see a green angel, it stands for prosperity and healing.
  • Purple – An angel in purple may be offering mercy to you, or transformation.

There are also archangels that lead the angels of each color, and they are:

  • Blue – The Archangel Michael, who is the leader of all holy angels, oversees the blue angels.
  • Pink – Since pink represents peace, the Archangel Chamuel oversees it. Chamuel is the angel of peaceful relations.
  • Yellow – The angel of beautiful thoughts, Jophiel, is in charge of the angels in yellow.
  • White – Gabriel, who announced the upcoming birth of the Christ child, oversees the color white.
  • Red – Fittingly, Uriel, the angel of wisdom, oversees the red angels.
  • Green – Raphael, who is the angel of healing, takes care of the green angels.
  • Purple – Zadkiel, who is the angel of mercy is in charge of the angels in purple.

Knowing the angel colors meaning can help you understand why an angel of a certain color may be trying to communicate with you or the message they are sending you.

Watch this video for more information about the colors of angels:



What Are Angel Colors And What Do They Mean?

Angel colors are a simple method to connect with your angel, god, or what you believe to be ‘the source’. However, if you are new to the wild and varied world of modern-day spiritualism there’s just one thing you really need to know in the beginning.

No matter what you believe in there is something out there that will resonate with your soul.

For many of us, we grew up already believing in the possibility of angels. Whether that be from a Christian church-going experience or just little things your mother may have told you. Like the falling of a feather in your path meaning your guardian angel is with you.

Angels are beings of a higher vibrational frequency than ourselves. Divine spirits that serve as a bridge between us and God. They provide us with gentle nudges of guidance and protection throughout our journeys.

For those of us who believe in the presence of angels – be it in the form of archangels, guardian angels, or however you choose to make sense of them and their existence.

Knowing and understanding their angel colors can help us to strengthen our bond with them and help us to identify them. These colors can also help us focus our prayers on the angel who is best equipped to help us in our times of need.

What Do The Angel Colors Represent?

There are seven commonly considered angel colors and each one has a double-layered representation. Not only do they represent a specific angel but they also represent traits.

Don’t worry we’re not going to make you scroll through pages upon pages to work out what each color means and which angel it is connected to. We’re going to put the eight angel colors right here in this section for you.

Angel Color White

Represents unity, honesty, purity, and peace. White light tends to be associated with God itself or ‘the source’ and many believe it indicates an open source of communication with angels.

The angel color white represents the angel Gabriel.

Angel Color Green

The color green represents luck, growth, healing, and prosperity. Seeing the color green can sometimes indicate that it is time to focus on yourself. Heal your body and soul before continuing on your journey of loving and supporting your community.

The angel color green represents the Archangel Raphael.

Angel Color Blue

This color tends to fill those who see it with a sense of tranquility and calm. Blue is the angel color of harmony, patience, and health and this color also has a profound effect on your methods of communication. Channeling this color as you pray can help improve how you convey your ideas, wants, and needs to those around you.

The angel color blue represents the Archangel Michael.

Angel Color Yellow

Yellow has the most beautiful connection to hope. Symbolizing healing, joyousness and, connecting to your truest self. It really is a color that helps you hold your chin up high, see the positivity in the world that surrounds you, and focus on who you truly are.

The angel color yellow represents the angel Jophiel.

Angel Color Red

As you may expect, the color red is associated with passion, desire, and the need for self-sufficiency. The color red is all about the development of your inner strength. Your angels are pushing you to believe in yourself, to stay motivated, and to follow your heart’s truest passions.

The angel color red represents the Archangel Uriel.

Angel Color Purple

Purple is the color of mercy and transformation. You may find that some people like to split purple into two further categories – violet and indigo – but if you are a beginner at recognizing angel colors it can be difficult to truly pull these two colors apart. Regardless they both have a general meaning of spiritual growth and awakening.

The angel color purple represents the angel Zadkiel.

Angel Color Pink

Pink is the color of love and kindness. This color is often seen alongside many of the other angel colors and can represent your angel’s love for you, them letting you know that love is coming to you, or that it may be time to focus and grow your own compassion for others.

The angel color pink represents the Archangel Chamuel.

How Do I Use Angel Colors?

Many people use angel colors in a variety of different ways to connect, communicate with, and summon their needed angel. From color visualization, the chakras, to crystal color choices. There is a multitude of ways to use angel colors that connects with you on a spiritual level.


For those who pray, visualizing the color of your angel can help you connect with them faster and more directly. As you talk to them pull your chosen color to the front of your mind and allow it to wash over you.

But what if you don’t pray? Don’t worry, prayer can be uncomfortable for many of us and this doesn’t mean that you will be excluded from the power of angel colors. Meditation can be the perfect time to visualize your needs, or questions while focusing strongly on the color of your angel.


Many people choose to burn candles of the same color as their desired focus as they pray or meditate. Some who choose not to pray or meditate may write down their questions or desire for help onto a piece of paper and leave it by the colored candle as it burns.


Many people use different areas of the body to enhance their prayer through the power of chakras. Chakras are the different energy centers of the human body. There are 7 chakras in total and each one has its own representational color which can be linked to the seven angel colors. Many people will use chakra opening exercises such as singing, dancing, and even certain yoga moves which helps them connect more deeply with their angels through the power of their color.


Many people believe that different crystals hold their own vibrational energy and crystals have been used for generations as additions to prayer, mediation, and healing ceremonies.

So it’s no surprise that many people use crystals to help them communicate with their angels. Choosing a matching color crystal and then either wearing it daily or weaving it into your daily spiritual practices can help strengthen your relationship and connection with your angel.

Connect With Your Angels Through Colors

The topic of angel colors can seem a little out there. Especially if you have never considered yourself a particularly religious person. However, if you have been drawn to this then it is usually for some reason that is connecting to your soul.

It’s important to remember that these colors are more of a vibrational method to connect with angels, or ‘the source’.

It doesn’t mean that the archangel Chamuel is pink but more that the vibrational energy of that color is easier to connect to for them. Helping them to guide you, support you, and provide you with all the strength of the universe.

Angel wings: what is their meaning and photos depicting wings

One of the most beautiful images that almost everyone sees or even has something associated with at some point in their life is angel wings. Whether it's a charm, a tattoo, a poster, or a simple image, this image offers us not only peace and purity, but also hope and the desire to "run away."

Angel wings are one of the most common visual elements among many designers. nine0008 and possibly the first drafts of it. But what does this mean? What do they mean? We will talk about all this and more.


  • 1 Image of angel wings
  • 2 Meaning of angel wings
  • 3 Is it easy to draw wings?
  • 4 Picture of Angel Wings

Picture of Angel Wings

The thought of angel wings is sure to make you create a clear picture of them. Depending on each of them and their circumstances, they are usually represented as open, closed, with one wing, black or ivory white. Depending on this tone, they may indicate a dark being, fallen or sad; or a being of light, meaning positive, goodness, hope and faith. nine0003

These wings are connected to the guardian angel that every person has, in such a way that we are talking about the representation of this guidance that you have from someone who cares for you and tries to guide your steps so that your life will be the best possible. In fact, in the Bible itself there is a reference to the same "angel". It's about the moment when God speaks to Moses and tells him that he is going to send an angel to get ahead of him to protect him and help you get to the place that God himself has prepared. Therefore, we can say that such an opinion about the wings of an angel is not without meaning. nine0003

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Although they are usually presented in pendants, earrings or even rings, the truth is that there are also many who dare to tattoo wings or paint them. And the fact is, although it seems easy, creating angel wings that really seem to come to life, that seem human and heavenly at the same time, is not easy. That's why many designers try to create them, each in their own way, but few achieve the desired effect, giving hope and at the same time impressive, thinking that they cannot be a creation of man. nine0003

Go ahead, want to know what they mean?

The meaning of angel wings

Angel wings have several meanings , but they are all closely related to purity, strength, perfection ... This is the image of a mentor, the desire to protect another person and bestow on him the favor of a guardian angel next to him, to protect him and others. At the same time, it serves as a guide in your daily life.

However, this is not the only value. Also talk about being connection between earth and sky , especially when this wing is presented individually, since it makes this person a celestial and a human being, since it retains only one wing. On the one hand, he has the freedom that wings give him; on the other hand, the power to live.

There is no doubt that wings symbolize the possibility of freedom, the ability to fly and go on adventures, the achievement of a goal that must be fought for (remember that everyone who has wings must take a leap of faith to learn how to fly and that is not always possible the first time). nine0003

It should be borne in mind that the wings that are usually drawn are associated with magical creatures such as dragons, angels, demons, glued, fairies ... which gives it a more paranormal meaning, as if it were an attempt to feed on the magic of these mythological creatures to face the various challenges of life. But, in the case of angels, they are most often associated with the protection of the bearer, as well as the involvement of this "special person" for help.

Is it easy to draw wings? nine0023

If you're a designer, it's probably not difficult to draw wings, as there are so many easy designs out there these days. And depending on your skill, you can create other designs. However, angel wings are one of the most difficult to achieve. Especially to achieve the desired effect, which is that they seem to come out of the paper or computer itself.

It's not that easy and very few professionals do it. However, it is also possible if you know some of the tricks that exist to achieve this effect. For example:

  • Use of shadows. Shadows - one of the most commonly used techniques to add volume to them. But also the depth of lines that seem to stand out or even give the illusion of movement.
  • Textures Using different types of paper will help you make the angel wings more realistic.
  • Soft hits combined with stronger ones. You add more realism to the drawing by focusing on different parts, which, in combination with the above, will create a combined effect. nine0014

Photo of angel wings

Finally, we leave you with a selection of angel wings that can give you ideas for creating your own designs to use in banners, logos, magazines . .. So you can create a portfolio with one of the most famous designs and at the same time harder to get time with the "wow" effect.

We recommend that you do not rely solely on one design (or several), but you create your own creation, giving it a special touch. This will be what sets you apart from other designers (even if it's very different from the angel wings you usually see). You never know. nine0003

What color are angel wings?

kavery - 07/13/2020 In my post about the rainbow, there were two illustrations with angels that have rainbow wings.
Let me remind you of one of them.

We had a discussion in the comments about what color An angel must have wings. Rainbow wings caused some amazement, and it was suggested that they should be white. nine0090 I propose to see a selection of reproductions of paintings by artists of various time, and everyone will decide for himself what color the wings are angels.

Angels as beings of a spiritual nature, incorporeal, but appearing in the world people, they take on human form.

Detail of Giotto's painting where he tried to convey the incorporeal nature of angels.

Based on the incorporeality of angels, we can say that in essence they are colors and do not have. And here we immediately remember that white is not there is a lack of color. nine0003

In the pictorial tradition, it was customary to draw angels in the form humanoid, but with wings. We can say that the wings are the main attribute of an angel, its identification sign. "Wings are a symbol of aspiration to heaven", in this case, heaven is the highest, divine world, not just heaven. Like a flight tool a disembodied angel doesn't really need wings. But if we see someone winged in the picture, we immediately understand that this is not a saint, but a divine messenger.

While selecting materials for the post, I reviewed a lot of pictures different European artists and came to the conclusion that some there was no special canon in terms of color when depicting angels. Each artist decided, according to his own taste, what color and how he draw angel wings. Although, of course, there was a choice symbolic load, where without it in medieval painting. So let's look at the paintings of old masters and compare. I don't I pretend to art history research and some philosophical discoveries in the interpretation of this topic. I made an accent on medieval painting and the early Renaissance, but will be in there are few icons in the selection, and relatively modern painting. nine0003

I'll start with a fragment of the painting "The Annunciation" by Piero della Francesca. I took this photo myself in the Hermitage a year ago, when the museum had an exhibition of works by this Italian artist. I was simply fascinated by the blue color transitions in the image of the wings and Robes of the Archangel Gabriel. And of course it's perfect here. sky blue.

(many pictures)

Full picture

Here is another Archangel Gabriel with blue wings

Gerard David

Blue-winged angels also appear on painting by Gns Mamling.

Hans Memling, Diptych with the Virgin Mary, child and donor.

Another Memling work. Gabriel's wings are white and gray, and simple the wings of angels are one-colored, brown, and one can probably say that they are white, although they are still gray, because white is here at the robes of Mary and archangel.

Joos van Cleve

Filippino Lippi. Apparition of the Virgin to St. Bernard. Pay attention to the wing angel, it's almost a landscape with clouds.

Amazing blue at the wings Hours of Henry the Eighth. But here it is worth paying attention to the image angels surrounding God, they are drawn in red.

But let's look at another picture of the already mentioned Gerard David . On it, the wings are no longer sky blue. Rather they reminiscent of the color of the wings of some bird, for example, gray dove. nine0003

Another version of the Annunciation by the same artist. There is also a color dove wings.

But many artists saw all this in other colors. For example picture below. Here the color of the wings is golden red. He actively stands out from the background of the whole picture. And it is possible that this is an allusion to the mountain world, for the image of which it was often used golden hues.

Robert Campin

Red and yellow variant. The outer side of the wings black, it only emphasizes the burning color of the inside wing. nine0003

Petrus Christus

Fragment of a painting by Jan van Eyck. Again red with yellow in black framed. And the wing itself looks like the wing of some exotic birds.

Jean Provost

And here is a very interesting option, when the outer side of the wing is similar on peacock feathers. In this case, it is the work of Hans Memling.

Rogier van der Weyden

Another wonderful peacock variant wings.

Fra Filippo Lippi

Fra Filippo Lippi

Giovanni di Paolo. The pattern also resembles a peacock

But not only Gabriel got peacock feathers. Here is a fragment of the altar depicting the Last Judgment. This is Archangel Michael.

The whole picture. Please note that there are many different angels. Near the throne are angels in red. At the top of the picture the angels are holding Jesus was tortured with spears and a cross.

A fragment of a painting. Angels in white robes, and wings of different colors in transitions from light to dark. Simple and tasteful. nine0090

What kind of bird did the author mean paintings Giovanni di Paolo - hard to say.

Simone Martini

I already showed you rainbow wings, but let me give you another example. Not all the beauty of Gabriel. Here the Archangel Michael has gorgeous wings iridescent color. It's Van Eyck again.

The next painting by Van Eyck shows St. Francis, who was a seraphim. Pay attention to how this seraphim is depicted here, very atypical. But also with rainbow wings. nine0003

Another interesting version of the image of wings similar to dragon because they are covered with scales. Peter Perugino Archangel Raphael and Tobias

Similar wings with scales we see and archangel Michael.

It was a fragment of a painting by Pietro Perugino. I have full version another version of this painting. It is worth considering in its entirety. Here we are we see many different angels. I am especially touched here six-winged seraphim. Just "eyes and paws", like wings and birdlike, but rather resembles all motley butterflies. nine0003

Another painting by Perugino. And again one of the angels has wings with scales.

Next, just look at the different color options for the wings

Archangel Michael

Lorenzo Monaco

León Picardo

Oh, here are the white wings.

Carlo di Braccesco


or angels with wings of different colors

I am not a specialist in Russian icons, but I can say for sure that on they don't have white-winged angels either. At least on the old ones.

White-winged angels appear in artists' paintings at 19century. They are more realistic, the color takes on other meanings. By the way, if in the paintings of medieval artists, angels usually look more like on pretty young men, then in the 19th century they have more and more pronounced girlish traits.

Abbott Handerson Thayer

William-Adolphe Bouguereau

George Hilliard Swinstead

Cheap pictures become popular at the end of the 19th century depicting a guardian angel. I think one example there is enough mass art here. nine0003

But to say that angels have lost the color of their wings would not

Elisabeth Sonrel, (1874 - 1953). Archangel Gabriel.

And I will finish with the painting by Alexander Yakovlevich Golovin "Angel Annunciation". And we are returning to the blue color.

Annunciation. Royal doors gate. Archangel Gabriel. 1894. Iron, oil. 92 x 52 cm. Kostroma State United Art museum

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