Amazing personality quizzes
14 Free Online Personality Tests to Figure Yourself Out
I’m an introvert *and* an extrovert!
I’m sensitive, but strong-minded!
I’m destined to marry rich!
Alright, that last one’s my horoscope, but the others are results of personality quizzes. There’s something wonderful about personality tests—the idea that you can put yourself into a category (or categories), just like that, is so relieving and satisfying.
And while we can understand that these quizzes will not be completely accurate, a lot of them do provide us with some insight into who we are, how we act, what our potential is, and where our ambition might take us. The more you know and understand about yourself, the more likely you are to find a career path you’ll love.
So if you’re looking for some great personality quizzes—or even just something fun to do over lunch, keep scrolling.
Based on Carl Gustav Jung’s study of psychological traits (for example, introversion and extroversion) and the famous Myers-Briggs test, 16 Personalities covers the “big five” personality traits of individuals: mind, energy, nature, tactics, and identity. As one of the most popular personality quizzes online—taken more than 500 million times—it’ll cover everything from your basic qualities to your romantic relationships to your workplace habits, strengths, and weaknesses.
The “Who Am I?” Visual DNA test is one of the most fun personality quizzes you’ll come across. Formatted less like a Q&A setup and more like a “pick a photo that you think is pretty” system, it’ll show how your character defines your outlook on and approach to life.
The HEXACO PI-R measures six major dimensions of personality: Honesty and humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to experiences. You’ll rate how much you agree or disagree with 100 different statements and as a result, gain some insight into how you relate to other people and react to different kinds of scenarios.
An IQ test is typically something you have to pay for and have professionally administered to get a truly accurate score (and even then it only measures one specific type of intelligence). But there are some great, free resources out there like 123test. Their free IQ tests are just shortened versions of the real deal and they even have a “culture fair” test which is great if English isn’t your first language.
If you think you’re smart enough to join the prestigious and oldest high-IQ society, Mensa International, take this free exam and try to score in the 98 percentile. Then, you might consider taking their official test and if you ace that, it’s off to have some intellectual conversations!
Emotional intelligence is just as important as IQ—in and out of the office. EQ is the ability to process and manage your own emotions, as well as understand and influence the emotions of others. IHHP asks short, straightforward questions about how you act around others and how you handle certain situations. It’ll not only tell you where your emotional intelligence (EQ) currently is, but also suggest ways to improve weak areas.
This test is inspired by Daniel Goleman, psychologist and science journalist who wrote for The New York Times, as well as author of Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, a book discussing the many reasons why EQ shapes who we are. Instead of being direct, this quiz presents stories and asks you to answer how you’d normally respond in those circumstances.
Skills You Need covers four major components of interpersonal skills: listening, verbal communication, EQ, and teamwork. Your answers will determine if you’re above, at, or below average, and give you some direction on how to better interact with others.
This awesome, in-depth assessment takes you through various career situations, gauging both your skill level and interest. Then, it provides you with several options for your ultimate career. (OK, it might not know you perfectly, but you may enjoy knowing which jobs you could totally pull off.)
Do you know what your “dream job” even is? Let BuzzFeed decide for you—based on what outfit you put together. (Obviously, you shouldn’t take this one too seriously.)
If you’ve dreamed about going to Hogwarts your whole life (childhood and adulthood, I won’t judge), now’s your chance to know which house you truly belong in—and maybe learn a bit more about your personality along the way.
Just by choosing your favorite and least favorite colors (yup, that’s it), this test will tell you about your leadership, your management skills, your imagination, and more. But keep in mind, you’re just picking colors from a limited (and kind of ugly) selection here—so this one’s more for fun than it is an accurate assessment of who you are as an individual.
You’ve likely seen a “which character are you?” quiz for everything from Jane Austen novels to the Marvel Cinematic Universe to Mean Girls—but what if you could take all those quizzes at once? This quiz draws on a crowd-sourced database of the personality traits of more than 2,000 characters across film, television, and literature, so you can see which fictional character you’re most like. Or, after you take the test, you can filter your results by individual properties and scroll through your top characters for all your favorites.
Aesthetic can be hard to define, but this BuzzFeed quiz—that’s been taken more than one million times—makes it easy. While your external aesthetic revolves more around your fashion and design preferences, your inner aesthetic is more about your personality. Find out if your personality aligns with an aesthetic like cottagecore, dark academia, or something else.
If you were wondering, I’m ENFJ, I have high emotional intelligence, and I’d be in Hufflepuff (go badgers!). What’d you learn?
Regina Borsellino contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.
Updated 5/13/2022
Previously an editor for The Muse, Alyse is proud to prove that yes, English majors can change the world. She’s written almost 500 articles for The Muse on anything from productivity tips to cover letters to bad bosses to cool career changers, many of which have been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, Inc., CNBC's Make It, USA Today College, Lifehacker, Mashable, and more. She calls many places home, including Illinois where she grew up and the small town of Hamilton where she attended Colgate University, but she was born to be a New Yorker. In addition to being an avid writer and reader, Alyse loves to dance, both professionally and while waiting for the subway.
Personality Quizzes - Playbuzz
Are You a Good or Bad Guy? Let's Let Billie Eilish Decide... Santiago Lechmann
Eat Some Gourmet Toasts and We'll Give You A Pop Song to Jam Out To Lea Abelson
Which Holiday Is Actually Closest to Your Personality? Lea Abelson
Create a Hallmark Movie Storyline and We'll Reveal Your Best Holiday Trait Lea Abelson
This Quiz Will Reveal if You're a Cool Kid or a Nerd Lea Abelson
Which Major Celeb Would Be Your Ideal Christmas Date? Tal Garner
Pick a Cat & We'll Tell You Which Taylor Swift Album You Are! Santiago Lechmann
Decorate a Gingerbread House and We'll Tell You What Hallmark Movie to Watch Lea Abelson
This Ugly Christmas Sweater Quiz Will Reveal Your Relationship Status Lea Abelson
Which 'Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery' Family Member Are You? Lea Abelson
What Type of Ugly Christmas Sweater Matches Your Personality? Victoria Hicks
If Twitter Dies, What’ll Be Your Last Tweet?! Victoria Hicks
Which Disney Character Would Be Your BFF? Santiago Lechmann
Yes, Your Taste in Cake Will Reveal Which British Royal You're Most Like Carly Wallace
Which U. S. State Matches Your Personality? Carly Wallace
Answer These Random Questions and We'll Reveal Which Holiday Dessert You Are Carly Wallace
We Can Guess Your Favorite Animal Based on the Cities You've Visited Carly Wallace
What Type of Movie Matches Your Personality? Victoria Hicks
Hocus Pocus Quiz: Which Sanderson Sister Are You? Victoria Hicks
How Much of a Wednesday Addams are You? Santiago Lechmann
These 7 Questions Will Reveal What Chocolate Dessert You’re Most Like Tal Garner
Your Choice of Snack Food Will Reveal What You're Looking For in a Partner Carly Wallace
We Bet We Can Guess Your Fave Animal Based on Your Fave Holidays Carly Wallace
Create Your Dream Brunch and We'll Reveal What Color Looks Best on You Carly Wallace
Tell Us Your Favorite Colors and We'll Guess Your Soulmate's Personality Carly Wallace
THESE Were Google’s Top Searches of 2022… Tal Garner
10 Small Etsy Shops You Should Look Into for the Holidays! Victoria Hicks
These Beauty Trends are Set to ABSOLUTELY Rock 2023 Faye Remedios
7 of the Very Best Advent Calendars Just In Time for Christmas Lea Abelson
HOW TO: Rock Velvet This Winter & Not Look Frumpy Faye Remedios
A Scalp Detox Is THE Secret Hair Treatment You Need. .. Faye Remedios
These 5 Fashion Rules Are Made To Be Broken... Faye Remedios
8 Ways to Get Rid Of Dry Skin in the Fall Lea Abelson
9 of Our Favorite Items for Self-Care Sunday Lea Abelson
9 Essentials You Absolutely Need to Survive This Fall Lea Abelson
The Only Beauty Guide You Need Faye Remedios
5 Ingenious Ways To Use Rice For Your MealsLea Abelson
5 Make-Up Products That Are Worthy To Be Bought Over and Over Again Lea Abelson
HOW TO: Transform Your Life By Building A Gratitude Habit Faye Remedios
Our Guide to Clever Beauty Products That Do Double Duty Faye Remedios
8 Tools You Need In Your Kitchen for Fall Cooking Lea Abelson
These Genius Hair Oils Can Give You Gleaming Locks Faye Remedios
Caffeine Lovers Dig These 5 Tasty & Healthier Swaps Faye Remedios
5 Avocado Recipes That'll Totally Inspire Your Week Lea Abelson
Dermatologists Swear By These 8 Beauty Tips for Acne Prone Skin Lea Abelson
12 Unique Breakfasts We Bet You Never Knew Existed Lea Abelson
HOW TO: 5 Ways to Add Monochromatic Magic to Your Wardrobe Faye Remedios
7 Hogwarts-Inspired Meals [With Recipes] Lea Abelson
7 Apps You Can Use to Start Investing Your Money Lea Abelson
11 Fall Makeup Tips From Professional Beauty Experts Lea Abelson
7 Hairstyling Tips for Curly Hair That Professionals Totally Swear By Lea Abelson
5 Unique & Affordable Ways to Wind Down Before Bed Victoria Hicks
6 Freezer Snacks You Can Make In Just 10 Minutes Lea Abelson
6 Beauty Tips for Flawless Eyebrows Lea Abelson
5 Journaling Prompts To Help You Move Forward In Life Lea Abelson
8 Almond Butter Recipes that are Healthy and Downright Delicious Lea Abelson
7 Easy Meals You Can Take With You On The Go Lea Abelson
10 Solo Travel Tips From Experienced Nomads Lea Abelson
Sexy, Smoldering or Sultry: Do You Know Which Swimsuit Suits Your Shape? Faye Remedios
8 Miracle Beauty Products Reviewers Swear By Lea Abelson
10 Films About Fashion You Should Watch Immediately Victoria Hicks
Women's Fashion: The Best Women's Suits of 2022 Lea Abelson
The Most Interesting Ways To Style A Little Black Dress Faye Remedios
11 Unique Handmade Soap Recipes That Give You the Most Beautiful Results Lea Abelson
These Ancient Remedies Will Instantly Heal Your Skin Lea Abelson
4 Crystals That Will Attract the Right Lover to You Lea Abelson
Get A Major Glow Up With Face Oils Faye Remedios
13 Ways to Make Hair Grow Faster Lea Abelson
How Healthy is Your Gut? Take This Quiz to Find Out Lea Abelson
Want To Get Your Resume Noticed? Avoid Making These Mistakes To Land Your Dream Job Faye Remedios
We Can Tell Your Gender Based On What's Inside Your Kitchen Santiago Lechmann
Looking to be More Photogenic? We've Got the Best Tips for You! Faye Remedios
These are the top 30 quizzes of 2022.

2022 is the year of quizzes! If you're feeling bored or just intrigued by what amazing quizzes await you in this huge list of fantastic content, you're in for a treat!
These quizzes will help you learn more about who you are and what you like, from finding out which movie character you represent to which country best suits your personality. These online quizzes will help you pass the boring hours! nine0005
Here are the 30 best quizzes of 2022 you should take right now!
🤩 Best quizzes of 2022
Get ready for our best quizzes of 2022! We guarantee: you will find what you have been looking for. Have fun!
1. Sexuality quiz: Am I gay?
Many people in the past year have asked themselves whether they are straight, gay or bi. If you are asking yourself this question too, don't hesitate any longer and take the quiz right now!
What kind of soda are you?
Have you ever wondered which soda is your favorite? Take this quiz to find the answer!
Start quiz
Quiz: Am I gay?

Harry Potter fans around the world have fallen in love with this exciting quiz. And I'm sure you'll love it too! What is your home at Hogwarts? Find out right now!
Quiz: nine0027 Pottermore House Quiz
3. Which Genshin Impact character are you?
Genshin Impact has taken the world by storm. No wonder, because this game is just great and easily accessible! Find out which Genshin Impact character you are right now!
Quiz: Which "Genshin Impact" character would you be?
4. How will I die?
It may be a bit of a sick question, but everyone wants to know the answer! Take the quiz now! nine0005
Quiz: How will I die? Test
5. What kind of person am I?
Have you ever wondered what type of person you are? Take this quiz and find out what type of person you are. Take the quiz now!
Quiz: What kind of person am I?
6. When will I find love?
Have you ever wondered at what age you will find your true love? Take the quiz to find out when you find your true love. Take the quiz now! nine0005
Quiz: When will I find my love?
7. What is my zodiac sign?
Can this quiz guess your zodiac sign? I bet it can! Take this quiz now!
Quiz: What is my zodiac sign? Horoscope test
8. Do you like your crush?
Is your crush in love with you? Find out with the next quiz! The result may shock you! Take the quiz now! nine0005
Quiz: Do your admirers like you?
9. How attractive am I?
Everyone wants to know how attractive they are, right? Take the quiz now!
Quiz: How attractive am I?
10. What is your Patronus?
Another one for Harry Potter fans! Find out right now what your Patronus is! Take the quiz now!
Quiz: Who is your Patronus? nine0028
11. Truth or dare personality test
This quiz is one of a kind. Your answers to the Truth or Dare questions will tell us exactly what kind of person you are! Take the quiz now!
Quiz: Truth or Dare: Personality Test

Netflix has so many great shows it can be hard to find something new, fresh and exciting to watch. Thank God this quiz exists! Take the quiz now! nine0005
13. Which Demon Slayer character are you?
Demon Slayer is the latest anime phenomenon! As a Demon Slayer fan, you simply have to take this quiz! Find out which Demon Slayer character you are! Take the quiz now!
Quiz: Which Demon Slayer character are you?
14. Depression test
Do you feel depressed? Depression can hit anyone. Take this quiz to find out about your mental state! Take the quiz now! nine0005
Quiz: Depression test
15. Which anime character am I?
Anime fans like to imagine that they are part of the world of their favorite anime. But if you could be any anime character, what would you be? Take the quiz now!
Quiz: Which anime character am I?
16. How old am I really?
You are as old as you feel! Take the quiz now!
Quiz: nine0027 How old am I really?

The third Harry Potter quiz on this list! You Potter fans definitely love our Harry Potter quizzes! 😁 Take the quiz now!
Quiz: Which Harry Potter character are you?
18. How stupid are you?
You probably think you're smarter than everyone else, right? Well, let's check it out. Take part in the quiz and send it to all your friends! nine0005
Quiz: How stupid are you?
19. Which celebrity do you look like?
Each of us has a celebrity doppelgänger. Which one is yours? Take the quiz now!
Quiz: Who do I look like? Celebrity lookalikes Quiz
20. Who were you in a past life?
Look into our crystal ball and find out what kind of person you were in your past life! Take the quiz now!
Quiz: Who were you in a past life? nine0028
21. Alignment test: What is your moral alignment?
Fans of Dungeons & Dragons are not the only ones who have fallen in love with this amazing quiz. This alignment test reveals your true character! Are you lawful good, chaotic evil, or somewhere in between? Take the test right now!
Quiz: Worldview Test: What is your moral worldview?
22. Based on your personality, what superpower would you have? nine0015
We are all different and this amazing quiz has over 50 different superpowers as potential results! Take the quiz now!
Quiz: What superpower would you have based on your personality?
23. When will you get married?
This quiz will tell you when it's time to ring your wedding bells! Take the quiz now!
Quiz: When will you get married?
24. What is your spirit animal? nine0015
We all love animals, but what's your funny spirit animal? Find out right now!
Quiz: What is your spirit animal?
25. Friday Night Funkin' Quiz: What character are you?
Friday Night Funkin' took the internet by storm! Find out what an amazing character you are!
Quiz: Friday Night Funkin Quiz: Which character are you?

Seriously, don't take this quiz! It's an adventure through your own mind that you can't handle! Impossible to stay sane! But if you insist, take the quiz now! nine0005
27. What should I draw?
Many people have taken up new hobbies during the many lockdowns. And many of them love this quiz to find out what they should draw! Take the quiz now!
Quiz: What to draw?
28. What job should I have, based on my individual characteristics?
The pandemic has forced many people to rethink their entire work situation. They wanted to reinvent themselves. Take the quiz now! nine0005
Quiz: Which profession suits my character?
29. What animal am I?
Find out which animal is most like you with this fantastic quiz! You will be surprised! Take the quiz now!
Quiz: What animal am I?
30. Which Disney princess are you?
We all love Disney. Find out which Disney princess you look like the most!
Quiz: nine0027 Which Disney Princess are you?
👑 Honorable Mentions
The above quizzes managed to impress throughout the year. However, there are some that have only generated huge peaks at certain times or are brand new and still incredibly popular. Here are 3 honorable mentions.
1. What should be your New Year resolution?
Millions and millions of people took part in this quiz in December, while the other months were - you might guess - less crowded. But you don't have to wait until the New Year to change something in your life, you know? Take the quiz now! nine0005
Quiz: What should be your New Year resolution?
2. Take the longest quiz we've ever made to find out your universal truth!
This is one of our latest quizzes and people just love it. It has been shared many times on social networks, and for good reason! Take the quiz now!
Quiz: Take the longest quiz we've ever made to find out your universal truth! nine0028
3. Answer these 10 questions to reveal your 2 sides!
This is also a very recent quiz that everyone is crazy about. Each of us has more than one side. This quiz will show which two sides are your most dominant! I hope these two are good! Find out what two sides of you are now!
Quiz: Answer these 10 questions to reveal your 2 sides!
So what do you think? Aren't these the best quizzes you could ever imagine? We hope you've had as much fun with these quizzes as we have with creating them! ♥
👉 If you want to run more quizzes, check out our main quiz page to see the latest additions to our huge quiz universe! Keep having a great time on our page!
Animal quiz "These amazing animals"
Animal quiz
"These amazing animals"
Hello dear readers of GROW TOGETHER!
Today I bring to your attention animal quiz .
You can conduct this quiz in different ways: with the whole group of participants at the same time or by dividing the participants into teams of several people. And, perhaps, you are respected teachers, you want to organize a competitive event for knowledge of the animal world between school classes.
Questions for animal quiz are selected as follows. About each of the fifteen animals, five interesting facts are voiced. You can guess the animal after pronouncing each clue fact. At the same time, the number of points for the correct answer with each voiced fact from the life of the animal, each subsequent information about it, decreases. For example, if the animal is called correctly after reading the first (out of five) information block about it, then the participant or his team gets 5 points, if after the second, then 4, after the third - 3, after the fourth - 2, after the fifth - 1 point. nine0005
I must say that information blocks (interesting facts), five about each animal, are selected in such a way that it is quite difficult to guess the name of the animal after reading the first facts. But with the announcement of each subsequent fact, the characteristic features of a given animal become more pronounced.
By the way, all fifteen animals are quite famous for both adults and children. But, despite this, some information about them may be surprising for you and very interesting at the same time. nine0005
Instill in children an interest and love for such a fascinating and diverse animal world of our planet, dear adults! I wish you success!
Quiz about animals
Questions for quizzes
(facts, information about puzzled animals)
Victorine animal No. 1
1) This is a very common animal, which is not found only in Antarctica and Australian swims well, keeping the tail above the water. nine0324 (For the correct answer - 5 points)
2) These animals also communicate with each other with the help of tail movements.
(For the correct answer - 4 points)
3) The diet consists of both plant foods and animals: small rodents, bird eggs.
(For the correct answer - 3 points)
4) Of his large stocks for the winter, he eats only a quarter. The remaining stocks help out birds and other rodents. And from some stocks-seeds new trees grow.
(For the correct answer - 2 points)
5) The tail of this animal serves as a sort of rudder and parachute.
(For the correct answer - 1 point)
The evaluation of the correct answers when guessing the following animals is similar.
Correct answer
Animal No. 1 - PROTEIN
Animal of quiz No. 2 900 comparable to the intelligence of a two-year-old baby15
2) It is believed that this animal is the only one that is able to recognize the emotions of a person (owner) and empathize with him. nine0005
3) This animal drinks water with its tongue curved back in the shape of an inverted spoon.
4) The tongue also helps to regulate the temperature regime of the animal's body.
5) Its ability to recognize odors is about 100,000 times better than that of humans.
Correct answer
Animal No. 2 - Dog
The Victorine animal No. 3
1) This animal can be carried out in hibernation if the surrounding conditions become quite unfavorable. nine0005
2) These animals can not only drink in the usual sense of the word, but also absorb moisture on the surface of their bodies. They do not chew food, but grind it.
3) They are able to carry objects ten times their own weight.
4) This animal has horns that replace its nose (all the receptors that are located inside the nose in humans are outside it).
5) The dwelling of this animal is always with him. This is a shell, the spirals of which almost always twist clockwise. nine0005
Correct answer
Animal No. 3-Snail
Quictoric animal No. 4
1) The average life expectancy of these animals is 60-70 years, during which the teeth change about 6 times. The last time was around the age of forty.
2) They have an excellent memory. They remember both good and bad attitudes towards themselves. Possessing self-consciousness, they distinguish their reflection in the mirror.
3) The ears of animals are permeated with a network of blood vessels that help regulate the temperature regime of the body. For example, during intense heat, these vessels expand and give off heat abundantly to the environment. nine0005
4) The average body weight of these animals is about 5 tons, the body length is 6-7 meters. And the average amount of food that one animal eats per day is 300 kilograms.
5) These animals can greet, take objects, drink, draw, wash and much more with the help of their trunk.
Correct answer
Animal #4 - ELEPHANT
Quiz Animal #5
1) These animals are very curious and capable of learning. By nature, they are peaceful and active. nine0005
2) They do not dig holes for themselves, but prefer to occupy other people's. But more often, hollow trees are still chosen for living.
3) Outwardly, this animal looks like a small fox or dog, but its paws are distinguished by more elongated pads.
4) It has thousands of tactile receptors on its paws, with the help of which the animal is able to identify an object without even looking at it.
5) In water, the action of receptors only intensifies, so the peculiarity of the animal is a special love for rinsing. nine0005
Correct answer
Animal #5 - ROCCOON
Quiz animal #6
2) The animal breathes air, but can survive underwater for about 7 minutes, and in case of special danger - up to 20 minutes.
3) He gets food, or rather, looks for it with the help of echolocation.
4) One of the loudest sounds an animal can make is a click. nine0005
5) Has a high intellect and a cheerful disposition. He loves to play very much.
Correct answer
Animal No. 6 - DOLPHIN
2) An animal's sense of smell is 14 times stronger than a human's.
3) Running speed is about 5 km per hour faster than the fastest person on earth. nine0005
4) The animal loves to sleep sweetly. He spends two-thirds of his life sleeping.
5) It is believed that the frequency of the rumbling of an animal corresponds to the frequency of vibrations of the internal organs of people, and contact with this animal contributes to the improvement of the human body.
Correct answer
Animal #7 - CAT
Quiz animal #8
2) These animals are smart enough to disarm hunting traps. They just throw sticks at them to make them slam shut.
3) All species of these animals, except those that live in the very north, are omnivores.
4) Most of the animals living in the forest are good at climbing trees.
5) The sight of this animal is similar to that of a human, but hearing and smell are much superior to ours. For example, an animal can hear the buzzing of bees while being 4 kilometers away, and smell the smell of honey - 8 kilometers away. nine0005
Correct answer
Animal #8 - BEAR
Quiz animal #9
This is confirmed by the fact that the human brain can recognize up to 16 different images per second, and the brain of a given bird can recognize up to 150. In addition, they distinguish colors more than we do.
2) This bird is considered one of the smartest and most trainable among birds. nine0005
3) It can be attributed to feathered centenarians: large representatives are able to live up to 100 years.
4) The bird has an excellent sense of rhythm, as evidenced by the ability of the animal to move rhythmically to the beat of music.
5) These birds are the most famous imitators of various sounds, including human speech.
Correct answer
Animal #9 - PARROT
Quiz animal #10
1) For twenty-three nationalities of the world, this animal is sacred.
2) It is very smart, but it is also very shy, which makes it difficult to work with it.
3) These are herd animals. The mother takes great care of her newborn baby, and over time, other members of the herd begin to patronize and protect the baby.
4) These animals almost always sleep standing up.
5) In the wild they live in small herds.
Correct answer
Animal No. 10 - HORSE
Quiz Animal No. 11
1) This bird belongs to the order Galliformes.
2) The life expectancy of a bird is about 20 years, which exceeds the life expectancy of chickens by at least 4 times.
3) In Hinduism, this bird is revered as sacred.
4) The bird is famous for its beautiful plumage and loudness.
5) The body length of this bird is about 100-125 centimeters, but the length of one feather from a fan-shaped tail can reach two meters. nine0005
Correct answer
Animal #11 - PEACOCK
Quiz animal #12
2) They are very trainable.
3) Unfortunately, they are not physically capable of looking at the sky.
4) These animals are omnivores, unlike many other artiodactyls.
5) They prefer mud baths not because they are sluts, which people often reproach them for, but because they take care of their skin: so that it is cleansed of parasites, cooled in the heat. nine0005
Correct answer
Animal No. 12 - PIG
2) These animals swim well, and in shallow water they are excellent at catching fish and crayfish.
3) They are able to hear and smell a mouse under a meter layer of snow.
4) These animals are excellent at covering tracks during a chase.
5) They received the title of "The most cunning animal." nine0005
Correct answer
Animal No. 13-Fox
An animal quizzes No. 14
1) The heart of this animal beats with a frequency of 300-500 shocks per minute, and the average life expectancy is around two years.
2) These animals can jump to a height of up to two meters, while they are excellent swimmers and able to dive. In addition, they constantly communicate with each other through ultrasound.
3) They have a highly developed sense of smell, as a result of which they can smell even the smallest concentrations of poison in food.
4) The teeth of these animals are very strong and grow throughout life. They can gnaw holes even in concrete.
5) They adapt to the most difficult conditions of existence, so they can be found even at abandoned research stations in Antarctica.