Stress eater quiz
Test: Are you an emotional eater?
Question 1/8
It’s one of those hectic days and you’ve got a million things to do. You come across a large box of chocolates left over from Easter. You:
All questions are required
- A Choose your favourite, sit down with a cup of tea and give yourself five minutes to make a plan
- B Seek refuge in the kitchen with the chocolates and a cup of tea
- C Collapse on the sofa at the end of the day and dive in – you’ve been resisting all week
- D Make regular pit stops all day for just one more
Question 2/8
Going to the cinema means:
All questions are required
- A Agonising over the pick and mix.
You know you shouldn’t, but you give in
- B Treating yourself to Doritos, a Coke and ice-cream. You’re going to make the most of your night out
- C Watching a film, and enjoying a good discussion afterwards
- D A large tub of popcorn and a Coke. You couldn’t possibly watch the film without them
Question 3/8
You meet friends at a restaurant but you’re not hungry. You:
All questions are required
- A Eat everything. It would be rude not to
- B Order pudding, even though you’re trying to be good
- C Indulge in the decadent chocolate pudding – it’s been a long week
- D Sit and enjoy the conversation without eating
Question 4/8
Your flatmate leaves a packet of chocolate digestives in the cupboard.

All questions are required
- A Sneak a few at the end of the week – you never buy these for yourself and she’ll understand
- B Ignore them – they’re not yours
- C Polish off the packet on a lonely evening then rush out to buy her another one and replace it before she notices
- D Obsess – you can’t stop thinking about them
Question 5/8
You’re at a party and there’s loads of food. You:
All questions are required
- A Choose a few things you like and enjoy them
- B Keep a track of calories until you hit the mayonnaise, then just give up and give in
- C Stack your plate repeatedly because you feel a bit nervous
- D Punctuate your conversations with trips to get more food
Question 6/8
It’s 4.

All questions are required
- A Have an oatcake, then a handful of raisins, then a sugar-free drink, a low-fat yogurt and so on
- B Take a trip to the vending machine – it will take up at least 10 minutes
- C Make yourself a cup of coffee and stare out of the window at the birds
- D Make yourself a slice of toast with butter… and then another… and another – you can’t bear having nothing to do
Question 7/8
You’re offered a second helping of your favourite pudding. You say:
All questions are required
- A ‘No thank you, I really mustn’t’ then go home and eat a bar of chocolate later, when you’re alone
- B ‘No thank you, I really mustn’t’
- C ‘I really shouldn’t’ then have it anyway
- D ‘Yes please!’
Question 8/8
Your friend is getting married in a few months’ time.

All questions are required
- A Look in your wardrobe, go into a panic and end up feeling fat and disgusting
- B Can’t bear to think about what you’ll wear
- C Buy something to wear that you feel and look good in
- D Buy a dress a size too small, promising yourself you’ll get into it
Are you an emotional eater? Take my emotional eating quiz now!
Go through each question and answer “yes” or “no”. (Tally up every “yes” or “true” answer to each question as one point)
1. When something stresses you out in your day (a boss, a child, your coworker, your mom, etc), your go-to response is to grab a cookie, some chips (aka crisps for the Brits!), a soda (pop), or a piece of candy.
2. You go to a party but aren’t hungry when you arrive. You feel a little bit anxious about making small talk with people. Do you immediately go to the food table to eat or drink so you have something to “do”?
3. It’s 8 pm at night. You’re feeling bored & restless like you don’t know what to do with yourself. You meander into the kitchen, open the fridge & pantry in an attempt to find a snack to eat.
4. When you feel uncomfortable in an outfit, you often find yourself grazing or turning to food to help you feel more comfortable.
5. Does your “me” time typically involve food?
6. When you think of how you cope with hard situations & emotions, you can’t think of anything you regularly do that doesn’t involve food. (Regularly means at least once a week!)
7. Do you think about food more than 50% of your day? (In an obsessive way, not in a “here’s what I’m going to make for dinner” way!)
8. When there is a celebration in your life (or your family’s lives), do your festivities always involve food as a means of celebration?
9. You have a hard time remembering the last time you did absolutely “nothing”. (Meaning…no phone or TV!)
10. Having a rough day significantly impacts your food choices (i.e. when stressed or overwhelmed, you tend to eat more snacks, eat erratically, binge, mindlessly graze, etc)
11. You can easily eat when you’re not hungry, just because food is there.
12. Think to a time when someone has made a critical comment to you about your weight or a hurtful comment about something in your life. Do you usually eat to make yourself feel better?
13. You don’t often take much time for yourself on a regular basis (any kind of self-care activity!)
14. When you need to “reward” yourself, it usually involves a sweet of some kind.
15. Think of the last big stressful event or situation that caused you distress & anxiety. Did you eat over it? (Remember, NO judgment!)
16. When you have a difficult emotion to express, you often find avoid having the conversation or find it extremely difficult to talk about it.
(Tally up every “yes” or “true” answer to each question as one point)
Drawing a stress map and calculating time wasters
Draw a stress map and calculate the time wasters
September 22, 2017 6 117 views
Tatyana Burtseva
Cordula Nussbaum is one of the most famous German organization experts and a leading time management expert. Her book "Planning" from the series "Simple Practices" says that the reasons for lack of time are different, just like us. There is no single, universal solution to the problem. First you need to determine what exactly you do not have enough time for. Let's try to figure out a little about our planning, shall we? nine0003
First test
Do you have a lot of urgent business to do? Are you in a society of procrastinators? Read the statements and evaluate how well they reflect your situation - "rather yes" or "rather no":
- It takes you many days to complete a simple action.
- In the morning, you usually know exactly what needs to be done. And then you do something else.
- Some tasks you complete earlier than necessary, but others, more important, you leave unfulfilled. nine0019
- You often grab onto things that you then leave behind.
- You often have the feeling that things that have not been done are growing and multiplying.
- In the evenings you often think: "Much has been done, but little has been achieved."
- It annoys your loved ones that you have so many unfinished business.
Making a diagnosis
Less than three "yes" means that you are clearly not procrastinating. Four or Five: You have difficulty completing certain tasks. You can, of course, consider this a “calm attitude to everyday life,” but there is clearly a tendency to procrastinate. If this does not create problems for you, then continue in the same spirit. More than six "yes" means that you are in the acute phase of procrastination. In everyday life, strive to do important things immediately. nine0003
Mapping stress
Draw a circle on paper with the word "I" in it. Around this circle, write all the tasks, activities, and people that are important in your life, and circle each one. The closer the new circle is to your "I", the more important it is at the moment and the longer it takes.
Rate each individual factor on a scale of 0 to 5, where zero is not a stressor and 5 is a high stressor. Place a plus or minus next to each circle. A plus means that you get energy from it, and a minus means that you put effort into it. nine0003
For example, you received an assignment from your boss with a deadline on the same day. This circle will stand close to your "I", but at the same time, this task exhausts you a lot (4 points out of 5) and steals energy ("-").
Often things and people that are closest to your "I" and get a large number of points or minus. These are the aspects of your life that it is time to reconsider.
Time Thieves
Choose a day for the most careful analysis of your personal and professional life. Write down everything you do, what time wasters make your life difficult, and how you feel about it. For convenience, make such a table for 24 hours. nine0003
Read your notes at the end of the day. What conclusions can you draw? Where would you like to urgently change something?
Task for the night
Before going to bed, think about the three things you definitely want to do tomorrow. It is important to remember that these tasks can be changed or subject to circumstances, but they will determine the direction and purpose of the next day. Don't wind yourself up like everything will fall apart if it doesn't go according to plan. At night, in a dream, your subconscious will already begin to find solutions, and the next day you will be able to do everything much faster. nine0003
Based on the book “Planning. Simple Practices.
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