Words for forgiving
FORGIVING Synonyms: 5 Synonyms & Antonyms for FORGIVING
See definition of forgiving on Dictionary.com
- adj.sparing
synonyms for forgiving
- lenient
- magnanimous
- merciful
- accepting
- kind
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
On this page you'll find 24 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to forgiving, such as: lenient, magnanimous, merciful, accepting, and kind.
TRY USING forgiving
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START THE QUIZHow to use forgiving in a sentence
The item is easier to fit than, say, pants or a suit, and more forgiving of any measurement errors.
The easiest, most forgiving, and flexible way I’ve found to use up spices is to turn them into tisanes or herbal infusions.
This dough is surprisingly forgiving thanks to the shortening, so don’t be nervous.
Customers surprisingly have been very forgiving about losing some of their familiar favorites.
Diouf says he was understanding and forgiving, up to a point.
He was beyond reach of earthly justice, anyway; and one can't help forgiving much to a man who faces death with a smile.
He did not possess the same courage as Oroboni, but followed his example in forgiving all his enemies.
Although Arnold could thus show himself both brave and forgiving, he had one great fault, his vanity.
Paul was indeed neither so forgiving nor so long-suffering as he appeared.
He really seemed to have difficulty in forgiving himself for writing at all.
- affectionate
- altruistic
- amicable
- benevolent
- charitable
- compassionate
- comprehending
- comradely
- cordial
- disinterested
- forgiving
- fraternal
- generous
- humane
- intimate
- kindly
- neighborly
- personal
- philanthropic
- selfless
- solicitous
- sympathetic
- tender
- understanding
- all heart
- benevolent
- big
- bighearted
- broad-minded
- clement
- considerate
- easy
- favorable
- forbearing
- forgiving
- gracious
- humane
- indulgent
- kindly
- lenient
- magnanimous
- merciful
- sympathetic
- thoughtful
- tolerant
- understanding
- accommodating
- amenable
- benign
- biddable
- charitable
- clement
- compassionate
- compliant
- condoning
- deceivable
- deludable
- dupable
- easygoing
- excusing
- exploitable
- fleeceable
- flexible
- forbearing
- forgiving
- gentle
- gullible
- humoring
- indulgent
- kindly
- lax
- lenient
- liberal
- light
- merciful
- mild
- moderate
- mollycoddling
- naive
- pampering
- pardoning
- soft
- spoiling
- submissive
- susceptible
- sympathetic
- temperate
- tractable
- trusting
- unburdensome
- unoppressive
- unsuspicious
- accommodating
- amenable
- benign
- biddable
- charitable
- clement
- compassionate
- compliant
- condoning
- deceivable
- deludable
- dupable
- easygoing
- excusing
- exploitable
- fleeceable
- flexible
- forbearing
- forgiving
- gentle
- gullible
- humoring
- indulgent
- kindly
- lax
- lenient
- liberal
- light
- merciful
- mild
- moderate
- mollycoddling
- naive
- pampering
- pardoning
- soft
- spoiling
- submissive
- susceptible
- sympathetic
- temperate
- tractable
- trusting
- unburdensome
- unoppressive
- unsuspicious
- accommodating
- amenable
- benign
- biddable
- charitable
- clement
- compassionate
- compliant
- condoning
- deceivable
- deludable
- dupable
- easygoing
- excusing
- exploitable
- fleeceable
- flexible
- forbearing
- forgiving
- gentle
- gullible
- humoring
- indulgent
- kindly
- lax
- lenient
- liberal
- light
- merciful
- mild
- moderate
- mollycoddling
- naive
- pampering
- pardoning
- soft
- spoiling
- submissive
- susceptible
- sympathetic
- temperate
- tractable
- trusting
- unburdensome
- unoppressive
- unsuspicious
- being big
- charitable
- clement
- considerate
- easy
- forgiving
- gentle
- going easy on
- going easy with
- humane
- humanitarian
- indulgent
- lenient
- living with
- long-suffering
- longanimous
- merciful
- mild
- moderate
- patient
- soft-shell
- thoughtful
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
FORGIVE Synonyms: 53 Synonyms & Antonyms for FORGIVE
See definition of forgive on Dictionary.com
- verbstop blame and grant pardon
synonyms for forgive
- absolve
- condone
- excuse
- forget
- acquit
- amnesty
- clear
- commute
- efface
- exculpate
- exempt
- exonerate
- extenuate
- overlook
- palliate
- purge
- release
- relent
- remit
- reprieve
- respite
- spring
- accept apology
- allow for
- bear no malice
- bear with
- bury the hatchet
- dismiss from mind
- kiss and make up
- laugh off
- let bygones be bygones
- let it go
- let off
- let off easy
- let pass
- let up on
- make allowance
- think no more of
- turn other cheek
- wink at
- wipe the slate clean
See also synonyms for: forgave / forgivable / forgiven / forgiving / unforgivable / unforgivably
On this page you'll find 72 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to forgive, such as: absolve, condone, excuse, forget, acquit, and amnesty.
antonyms for forgive
- condemn
- accuse
- blame
- hold
- increase
- keep
- maintain
- sentence
- censure
- charge
- punish
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
TRY USING forgive
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
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Quaere Yourself: Can I Ace This Week's Word Of The Day Quiz?
START THE QUIZHow to use forgive in a sentence
Rais Bhuiyan survived one of Stroman’s shootings and the book explores his quest to forgive.
Instead, the heroes held up in media are the family members and activists who forgive their attackers or retain faith in the political system.
You can be forgiven for not knowing what to make of Tesla’s amazing run and the battling views on whether it can keep racing.
A popular sentiment on social media suggests you’re either willing to forgive or overlook the rioting or you’re not really with the protesters.
As of today, it has been 131 days since the NBA last conducted a regular-season game, so you’d be forgiven for not necessarily recalling the particulars of where things left off.
But "the cards never forgive," and as a rule Dame Fortune is relentless to the reckless player.
If I don't hear from you very decisively to the contrary, I shall come, and trust to your good nature to forgive it.
And man hath bowed himself down, and man hath been debased: therefore forgive them not.
Nor would it be just for you to forgive him because another son of yours was willing to be punished in his stead.
“You must forgive her, Mrs. Foley,” Jessie said, coming down to meet the woman and taking the baby from her.
- acquit
- bleach
- blink at
- clear
- discharge
- exculpate
- excuse
- exempt
- exonerate
- forgive
- free
- go easy on
- launder
- let off
- let off easy
- let off the hook
- let up on
- liberate
- lifeboat
- loose
- pardon
- release
- relieve
- sanitize
- set free
- spare
- spring
- vindicate
- whitewash
- wink at
- wipe it off
- wipe the slate clean
- write off
- accept apology
- bear no malice
- end a quarrel
- forget
- forgive
- hold out an olive branch
- kiss and make up
- let bygones be bygones
- make a peace offering
- make peace
- smoke the peace pipe
- wipe the slate clean
- buy
- disregard
- excuse
- forget
- forgive
- give green light
- go along with
- ignore
- lap up
- let it come
- let it go by
- let pass
- look the other way
- nod at
- okay
- overlook
- pardon
- pass over
- remit
- wink at
- acquit
- alibi
- apologize for
- appease
- bear with
- clear
- condone
- cover
- defend
- discharge
- dispense from
- exculpate
- exempt
- exempt from
- exonerate
- explain
- extenuate
- forgive
- free
- give absolution
- grant amnesty
- indulge
- let go
- let off
- liberate
- make allowances for
- mitigate
- overlook
- pardon
- pass over
- plead ignorance
- pretext
- purge
- rationalize
- release
- relieve
- remit
- reprieve
- shrive
- shrug off
- spare
- take rap for
- tolerate
- vindicate
- whitewash
- wink at
- acquits
- alibis
- apologizes for
- appeases
- bears with
- clears
- condones
- covers
- defends
- discharges
- dispense from
- exculpates
- exempt from
- exempts
- exonerates
- explains
- extenuates
- forgives
- frees
- gives absolution
- grants amnesty
- indulges
- let goes
- lets off
- liberates
- makes allowances for
- mitigates
- overlooks
- pardons
- passes over
- pleads ignorance
- pretexts
- purges
- rationalizes
- releases
- relieves
- remits
- reprieves
- shrives
- shrug off
- spares
- takes rap for
- tolerates
- vindicates
- whitewashes
- wink at
- absolve
- amend
- appease
- atone
- atone for
- compensate
- correct
- do penance
- excuse
- forgive
- pay one's dues
- rectify
- redeem
- redress
- remedy
- square things
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Apologies to a friend in your own words in prose
Woman: Understand, forgive, forget sadness Man: I don't need anyone else Woman: I miss your caressesAll musical apologies
Look ♫ Audio Wishes!
I'm sorry, friend, that I allowed myself to offend you, I couldn't control myself. I'm very unsettled by what I've done. I would never have thought that I could do this. I'm very sorry for letting my emotions out. I am sad to the core that I could hurt you, your vulnerable heart. You are a person who is capable of great things for me, and I took advantage of this. Regret.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkResentment is the most difficult feeling in the human soul; no one sees her, but sometimes she hurts more than a weapon. I don't want to hurt you, but if I had to do it unintentionally, unintentionally, please forgive me. Words are faster than our mind - now I understand my mistake. I accept this experience and hope for your kindness, generosity and understanding!
CopyPermalinkBookmark I am bitter that we had a falling out, and now there is a misunderstanding between us. Worst of all, it's my fault. I really want to apologize to you. Let's discuss it and together, as usual, have a great time. Because you miss it as much as I do. I feel it, friend. Let's make peace. After all, our friendship has experienced not such trials before.
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience I have caused you. Believe me, I am very ashamed of my helplessness and importunity. Somehow I didn’t think that you already have enough problems of your own, and I’m still loading ... I promise you by all means to correct the situation, and I also remind you that if you need my help, you can always contact me! And again, forgive me.
Author: Yana Sergeeva
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CopyPermalinkBookmark You won't believe it, I'm sitting and crying. I am so bitter and heavy at heart that I simply cannot express it. Forgive me, I beg, I pray, I conjure! I don't remember the last time I felt so bad, ashamed, hurt, unbearable. The last thing in the world I wanted to offend and upset you, an unfortunate misunderstanding happened. Sorry. Believe me, my soul suffers unbearably!
Dear friend, I'm sorry. I confess, I was wrong, upset you. Believe me, I really value our friendship and really appreciate you. Therefore, I ask sincerely and from the bottom of my heart for forgiveness. Let everything that interferes with our friendship disappear. I thank fate for giving me such a wonderful friend like you. Forgive me, and may our friendship grow stronger and last for many years.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkI am very sorry to you. I apologize for what happened. I am very hurt and ashamed of myself. I sincerely apologize and hope that you will forgive me and not be angry and upset. This is very important to me, because you mean a lot to me. I am sorry again!
CopyPermalinkBookmark I consider myself the richest person because I have a friend like you. I'm sorry about what happened - I didn't mean to upset you. Believe me, I really appreciate our friendship and value communication with you. Let's forget all the hardships and throw all the nonsense out of our heads!
Dear friend, today was a very difficult and unpleasant day. I do not even know where to start. I guess I'll start by saying I'm sorry. I somehow got completely confused in the situation, allowed unpleasant emotions to take precedence over common sense. I know that it was not easy for you at that moment. Forgive me, honey. Thank you for always understanding and supporting me.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkPlease forgive me, my dear friend. I appreciate your presence by my side. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I know that the relationship between two people is built on understanding and trust, respect and care. I sincerely apologize for all insults, misunderstandings, wrong steps and harsh words.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Woman: Understand, forgive, forget sadness Man: I don't need anyone else Woman: I miss your caressesAll musical apologies
Look ♫ Audio Wishes!
Friend, please accept my sincere apologies for the situation! You can make excuses for a long time, compose many circumstances. But there were different things between us - both good and bad. You know that there was not the slightest thought of insulting you! Once again I apologize, do not hold a grudge. After all, we have shared joys and troubles for so many years. I remain your sincere friend.
Girlfriend! I ask your forgiveness and I want to say that I am very ashamed and I am very sorry about what happened. More than anything, I don't want to see you upset and sad. You should always rejoice, be in a great mood, and I will definitely contribute to this. I'm sorry. I love you very much!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Lately I can't concentrate on anything, I think only about my act, about the offense unfairly inflicted on you. Believe me, it hurts me a lot to remember this. Sorry. If only it were possible to return everything and cross out everything that hurt and offended you! With all my heart, with all my soul I ask for forgiveness, I sincerely repent and pray to fate to reconcile us.
Sincere apology to my friend in my own words
Girlfriend, for the first time in my life I want to say: "Forgive me"! Yes, I am really very guilty before you, because I offended you without thinking about your feelings! I really want quarrels and conflicts in our lives to never be repeated, so that we always understand each other!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkMy beloved friend, it's a pity that things have turned out this way. No matter how old a person is, no matter how experienced he may be, no one is immune from mistakes. So I got into a situation where you just need to admit your guilt and bow your head. You are so kind and understanding to me - forgive me, dear. I promise this will never happen again.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Friends, like relatives, are not chosen. The soul finds them, responds to the sounding strings of another soul and carries this melody through life. I thank you, my dear friend, that you have been and remain in tune with me for so many years. Please forgive me for my unintentional mistake. Your heart is precious to me, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt it!
Excuse me, please! I fully understand and admit my mistakes - in the future I will never do this, I promise. I really hope that you can understand and forgive me.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkI sincerely, earnestly, with all my heart, beg your pardon. I pray the Lord to help me find the right words, receive your forgiveness and make amends for my mistakes. I am a sinful person, and this once again confirms my rash act that hurt your heart. How embarrassed and embarrassed I am. Please, please forgive me.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkMy dear, dear! Well, please, please, forgive your negligent girlfriend! Bes misguided me, probably that she said unpleasant words to you. I will try my best to avoid such liberties in the future. Love you, honey. Excuse me and let's make up!
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Apologies to a friend in your own words
Once upon a time we shared sweets, then dreams, then plans, then problems, troubles and joys. Along the way, we had a fight over a guy, an argument about whose favorite group is better, whose favorite team is the real champion.
Forgive me my youthful antics, my whims. Our friendship has gone through many trials. I know that no one will console me in my heartfelt suffering better than you, no one but you will wipe my stupid tears and say: we will still fight, we are the best! Forgive me with the hope that our friendship will keep us all our lives!
All musical apologies
Look ♫ Audio Wishes!
From the bottom of my heart I ask your forgiveness for causing you inconvenience and ruining your plans. I'm really ashamed of this. I assure you that I will certainly try to somehow make amends for my guilt, and I count on your understanding! I'm sorry that this happened.
Author: Yana Sergeeva
I like it! ❤
CopyPermalinkBookmark Sorry for the inconvenience. I sincerely believe that we will be able to improve our relations and restore trust to the previous level. And I want to make the best of it. Believe that this will never happen again!
What's done is done. It happened. But how to make amends, how to atone for this terrible mistake?! The remorse is so deep, and the pain from this ridiculous situation just breaks the soul. If there is any chance of forgiveness, however small, I will wait. I will wait for forgiveness for as long as it takes to prove my sincere repentance.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkMy dear friend! I definitely have something to apologize to you for. In the rhythm and bustle of modern life, sometimes we do not notice that we can hurt our loved ones with our speech or actions. If I inadvertently offended you with a word or deed, or maybe with indifference, you forgive me and do not take me to heart.
CopyPermanent linkBookmark Girlfriend, forgive me for my harshness, for understatement, for the words that sometimes come out. I sincerely wish that your heart does not know anxiety, suffering and cold. I wish that your happiness fills all of you from the inside, pleases and stays near you. Let love, understanding and kindness into your heart, and let the guardian angels protect you from bad weather and worries.
My good friend, I have no words to express how sorry I am for this unfortunate oversight. There are strange days when things don't work out. No matter how hard a person tries, the hands themselves do something incomprehensible, the legs are not carried there, the tongue does not listen to the head. This is how it happened to me. Excuse me please. I understand and will try not to let this happen again.
CopyPermanent linkBookmark Someone creates - and I get up, someone enters the story - and I get into trouble. I’m such a person: either I’ll blurt out something in the heat of the moment, or I’ll mess it up. It justifies me only that it is not from evil, after all. Forgive me. To fully reform is beyond my power, but I promise to try hard to do so.
Forgive me for everything: there is always something a person might regret. Let only sincere and kind people meet in your life who do not hold evil. And understanding and acceptance lives in your heart, the ability to forgive not only others, but also yourself. The Lord is merciful, in his heart there is a place for everyone, do not forget about it. Peace and grace!
CopyPermanent linkBookmarkMy dear friend, charming, clever and bright little man! Let me express my sincere regret and ask for forgiveness for the casually inflicted insults, for imprudently spoken rude words, for reckless actions and for the fact that I so rarely tell you how proud I am of friendship with such a beautiful woman!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Dear friend, forgive me for all the inconvenience caused to you, unpleasant moments, unkind look. It was unconscious, I did not want to cause discomfort. You deserve only kindness, positive, happiness, sympathetic and loving people. I love you very much and cherish you.
All musical apologies
Look ♫ Audio Wishes!
Dear friend! I cherish you very much. I want to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused or unpleasant words spoken. Excuse me, my dear!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkGirlfriend! Forgive me for uncomfortable moments, for unspoken words of tenderness and love, for insults and sadness. Let there be no more room for quarrels and vain experiences in your life. Remember that I love you very much and wish you happiness, harmony with yourself, well-being!
CopyPermalinkBookmark With God in my soul, I apologize for the offence! I prayed and lit a candle in the temple for your health. Let nothing darken your heart! A strong person is one who forgives, not one who holds hatred.
Girlfriend! Forgive me for all insults, for anxiety, for stupidity and rude words. I love you with all my heart, I wish you to live in joy, love, comfort and care of loved ones. Be happy and smile more often.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkWell, my friend, it's amazing, but we managed to quarrel. I have to admit it's my fault. Forgive me, dear, because you are my closest friend. I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. I hope for understanding and speedy forgiveness. Love you!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkDo not anger God, do not take sin into your soul, do not be mean - forgive me! I'm not perfect, not a saint, I could hurt you with a word, upset you with an act and not even understand when and how: I'm not strong with my mind. But I know for sure that you have a big heart and a kind soul, and I believe that you do not want to carry a heavy burden of grievances. Forgive me - get rid of an unbearable burden!
Author: Natalya Kuldoshina
I like it! ❤
I apologize in my own words
Forgive me, my friend! There was no time to meet, but I so wanted to break away from business and remember that you and I are women, that it is not necessary to carry a load of our own and other people's problems. Let's fix this situation and sit for a cup of tea in my territory. Take a taxi and remember the address! Waiting for you, dear, and I hope that you are forgiven.
My dear and wonderful girlfriend, God knows, didn't want to upset you one bit. But you know me like no one else. You know that sometimes I am emotional, unrestrained, I can act thoughtlessly, and then I am not happy with myself. This time it happened just like that - forgive me, my friend. I'm bored and uninterested without you. Let's make peace soon!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkMy dear friend! I am very, very sincere and from the bottom of my heart I ask for your apology! Experience passed, errors taken into account. Forgive me, please, for all the unpleasant words and deeds.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkI'm sorry if I hurt you intentionally or unwittingly. Let the heart and soul be cleansed of all insults, negative thoughts and all sorts of misunderstandings. Let the head become clear, thoughts be only positive, and expectations bright and joyful!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Woman: Understand, forgive, forget sadness Man: I don't need anyone else Woman: I miss your caressesAll musical apologies
Look ♫ Audio Wishes!
I'm waiting for your call, dying of shame - but you don't excuse me, you tear my soul apart. I'm sorry that you don't want to forgive me.
Please forgive me for the hassle! I feel very uncomfortable in front of you. I know that you, of course, will laugh it off, they say, it’s uncomfortable to sleep on the ceiling, but I still worry. After all, you have your own affairs - and here I am with my problems, it’s not good. So I beg your pardon! And thank you for your understanding!
Author: Yana Sergeeva
I like it! ❤
CopyPermalinkBookmarkApologies to a man in your own words in prose
Woman: Understand, forgive, forget sadness Man: I don't need anyone else Woman: I miss your caressesAll musical apologies
Look ♫ Audio Wishes!
Please forgive me! I'm so sorry it turned out the way it did. There was no bad intention on my part, I sincerely apologize and hope that everything will work out. You are a very important person for me, and I will do everything to make us happy, so that love and mutual understanding reign between us. I hope for a speedy reconciliation, please accept my apologies…
It was so bad yesterday, I just can't forgive myself for offending you. And the worst thing is that I offended undeservedly. I ask your forgiveness and hope for your forgiveness. I know that you have the kindest heart, the most angelic character. I feel so good with you and I can’t even imagine that because of this stupidity I can lose you. Forgive me, my affectionate and most beloved person in the world. Let our quarrel be like the worst dream. Let's wake up together from this nightmare and in reality everything will be fine with us, as before.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkPlease forgive me. I appreciate your presence by my side. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I know that the relationship between two people is built on understanding and trust, respect and care. I sincerely apologize for all insults, misunderstandings, wrong steps and harsh words.
Please forgive me.

My apologies won't bring you the long-awaited peace, but still I feel a mad pangs of conscience. I am ashamed of the perfect deed, for the pain caused to you, for the consequences of my antics. I want to believe that in the future you will forgive me and learn to trust me recklessly again.
Words of apology to your beloved
Today you are not in the mood at all, you are not smiling and you are not joking as before. The whole reason is only in me and I realize it. I offended you today, brought you undeserved pain. Forgive me, please, my beloved and only. I am so ashamed of my act, but there is nothing to return back. Now all I need to do is earn your forgiveness. Honey, let's forget all the bad things and make up again. I promise this will never happen again. Trust me, please, my good.
Touching words of apology to a man in prose
I don't know if I can count on your forgiveness, but just believe me, I didn't mean to offend you at all. Everything turned out terribly stupid and wrong. Please forgive me. Let's never fight with you again. I feel very bad without you and your smile.
Forgive me for being tired, for bad mood and whims. I'm sorry that in this frenzied world, perhaps I pay little attention to you. I know how insulting it is when you want to reach the depths of the soul of a loved one, but he does not listen to you, he is tuned in to his own, different wave. But you should know, my dear, how I appreciate your support and understanding, your patience, your reliability. I am happy to be with you and with these words of apology I want to tell you: "I love you"!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkI sincerely apologize to you for causing you any inconvenience and disrupting your plans. I'm really ashamed of this. I assure you that I will certainly try to somehow make amends for my guilt, and I count on your understanding! I'm sorry that this happened.
Author: Yana Sergeeva
I like it! ❤
CopyPermalinkBookmark My actions are dictated by the fear of losing you forever and jealousy. I adore you madly, I will try to think several times before saying so as not to hurt you ever. I apologize for the offensive words and I want to apologize for the offense caused by my unacceptable behavior.
My kind, affectionate and most wonderful person in the world. I'm so proud to have you. You will always support me in difficult times, give good advice or just say gentle words. I want to apologize to you for my thoughtless act. I know that I offended you very much with my distrust. I'm to blame for everything, and I ask you, forgive me, my beloved. Let our quarrel be forgotten forever. Please give me one more chance to correct my mistake. I know that you are my best, and you will definitely forgive me.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Woman: Understand, forgive, forget sadness Man: I don't need anyone else Woman: I miss your caressesAll musical apologies
Look ♫ Audio Wishes!
They say to live life, not to cross the field. And that's right. After all, everything happens in life. Sometimes, even simple words can offend a person to the core. Honey, I ask your forgiveness, I did not mean to offend you, but what happened, it happened. I promise this won't happen again. I really appreciate our relationship with you, and I hope that you will forgive me. You are the best in the whole world, you are my most important of men, kind and gentle. I love you madly, and I really want to be with you all my life.
You act like you don't need my apology. Only I read such resentment and pain in your eyes that I don’t know where to go from guilt. I'm sorry. If I could fix everything ... Give me the opportunity to prove to you with my love that you are more important to me than anything in the world. I know this is hard for you, but just let me fix it myself.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Resentment is the most difficult feeling in the human soul; no one sees her, but sometimes she hurts more than a weapon. I don't want to hurt you, but if I had to do it unintentionally, unintentionally, please forgive me. Words are faster than our mind - now I understand my mistake. I accept this experience and hope for your kindness, generosity and understanding!
Lately I can't concentrate on anything, I think only about my act, about the offense unfairly inflicted on you. Believe me, it hurts me a lot to remember this. Sorry. If only it were possible to return everything and cross out everything that hurt and offended you! With all my heart, with all my soul I ask for forgiveness, I sincerely repent and pray to fate to reconcile us.
CopyPermalinkBookmark I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience I caused you. Believe me, I am very ashamed of my helplessness and importunity. Somehow I didn’t think that you already have enough problems of your own, and I’m still loading ... I promise you by all means to correct the situation, and I also remind you that if you need my help, you can always contact me! And again, forgive me.
Author: Yana Sergeeva
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CopyPermalinkBookmarkYou won't believe it, I'm sitting and crying. I am so bitter and heavy at heart that I simply cannot express it. Forgive me, I beg, I pray, I conjure! I don't remember the last time I felt so bad, ashamed, hurt, unbearable. The last thing in the world I wanted to offend and upset you, an unfortunate misunderstanding happened. Sorry. Believe me, my soul suffers unbearably!
Apology to a guy in prose
I'm afraid to say it to your face. Just know that I'm very worried that I could hurt you like this. I didn't want it. It sounds trite, but it really happened. Forgive me if you believe me. Please talk to me. I need it very much.
CopyPermalinkBookmark I'm sorry, my dear, that I put you to the test and told you too much and unworthy. I perfectly understand that you are now very hurtful and unpleasant. I will do my best to make amends. I don't understand how I could let this happen. It is very hard to realize that I hurt the closest person, but I promise that I will not let my emotions rule me from now on.
Of course, you're still sulking at me, but I'm so worried. I am guilty before you, but you know, I do first, I think later. If it were possible to rewind this misunderstanding, I would give everything for it. I already cried my eyes out from the experience and fear of losing you forever. How can I redeem myself? I so want us to be together again. I love you so much.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkExcuse me, please! I fully understand and admit my mistakes - in the future I will never do this, I promise. I really hope that you can understand and forgive me.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Woman: Understand, forgive, forget sadness Man: I don't need anyone else Woman: I miss your caressesAll musical apologies
Look ♫ Audio Wishes!
My favorite and the best! I ask your forgiveness and I want to say that I am very sorry that everything turned out this way. Please accept my apologies - and I beg you, let's forget this oversight. This will not happen again. I love you very much and I get upset when I let you down and your trust. Forgive me again!
Forgive me, my love
My love! You are the only person who understands and accepts me. I am grateful to heaven for giving me a person like you - with a beautiful soul that knows how to truly love and forgive. Forgive me for hurting your heart with a careless and sharp word. I promise to heal your wounds and heal with tenderness and care.
CopyPermanent linkBookmarkSomeone creates - and I get up, someone enters the story - and I get into trouble. I’m such a person: either I’ll blurt out something in the heat of the moment, or I’ll mess it up. It justifies me only that it is not from evil, after all. Forgive me. To fully reform is beyond my power, but I promise to try hard to do so.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkMy dear! You probably aren't angry with me anymore because you've known me for a long time! Sometimes I get too emotional, and I do stupid things! I'm really sorry! Is it true! I was wrong! Sorry my dear! Excuse me please!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Now I remember your eyes, your sunny smile, our meetings, words of love, and it hurts me unbearably that I ruined everything, offended you. My beloved, I am fully aware of my guilt and sincerely, with all my heart, I ask you to forgive me. I would give a lot to turn back time and replay everything in a new way, not to make a mistake. Please excuse me.
I sincerely ask your apology from the bottom of my heart! Experience passed, errors taken into account. Forgive me, please, for all the unpleasant words and deeds.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkForgive me, my love, that I could not contain my emotions and feelings. Sometimes I am overcome by confusion, worries and uncertainty. Let my words not be imprinted on your heart. With all my heart I want to heal your wound from my resentment. Forget what I said, you shouldn't keep the words in your memory - it's useless. I am guilty before you and I realize my guilt, but I repent from the bottom of my heart.
CopyPermalinkBookmark My most gentle and reliable person, I sincerely apologize for my unfortunate oversight. I know that no one understands me the way you do. In your kind warm heart there will always be a drop of warmth for such a stupid person like me. I fully admit my guilt and am ready to atone for it with an amazing candlelight dinner. Sorry honey.
Our love cannot be broken by the pitfalls of resentment and disappointment. I admit that I was wrong and I want you to give me a chance to express my love for you. I suffer away from you, I'm so afraid that you will turn away from me forever. Are you going to let everyone who didn't believe in us triumph? Let's start over. Don't kill me with your alienation. Sorry.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkHello, honey! I wanted to add "mine", but I feel guilty and do not know if I now have the right to call you mine. Please forgive me! I did not want to ruin our relationship and somehow intentionally offend you. I promise to be more careful with words and actions in the future.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Woman: Understand, forgive, forget sadness Man: I don't need anyone else Woman: I miss the caresses of your handsAll musical apologies
Look ♫ Audio Wishes!
My love, I used to look into your understanding eyes when I talk about something important. But today I want to apologize to you here. It's both easy and hard. It's easy because I don't see your reaction, it's hard because it's my fault. If there is any chance to fix what happened through my fault between us, I ask for the sake of our past, forgive me, love.
Excuse me, love
I've done so many stupid things. Especially lately. I hope you will excuse me.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkMy favorite! I am guilty before you. I am very angry at myself for my stupidity. I didn't sleep all night thinking about it. I am very sorry. Excuse me please! You are the smartest, the most generous. You yourself already understand that this is not from evil. Sorry, my love! I'm so ashamed and so bad!
An apology to a loved one for an offense
There is an opinion that forgiveness is a sign of a person's spiritual strength. I beg you - forgive me for causing you trouble, for insults, for a heart full of bitterness, for rash words and deeds with which I hurt so deeply without even thinking. I'm sorry, I know you're strong!
I'm very worried, I worry, I reproach myself for all the inconvenience caused to you. I thank you for your kind heart, excellent character and nobility, thanks to which you did not show even a shadow of displeasure. Excuse me. People like you are a gift of fate. Thank you for your patience and kindness. Once again I apologize. May life generously reward you.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Without you it would be very cold in this life. Without you, the dawn would not have seemed so joyful, and the sunset would not have seemed so promising. Without you, the heart would not beat so often, the greenery would not be so bright, the flowers would not exude such a delicate intoxicating aroma. Without you, life would be just life, but with you, life would be happiness. Forgive me for not noticing your colors. I'm sorry if I accidentally offended you with indifference. Sorry! With the hope that only the joy of communication, mutual understanding, love and many joint joyful events await us ahead.
My favorite, the only, closest and dearest person. Please forgive me for my mistake; I realized how wrong I was. Now your resentment is growing in my heart like a heavy stone, and I really want to drop this burden as soon as possible. My dear, our sincere love can dissolve even the darkest grievances and feelings. I want to hug you, I'm sorry!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkMy dear! Today I want to apologize to you for any unpleasant situations, for any hurtful words. Please forgive me. Let's live in peace, understanding and love!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkWith God in my soul, I apologize for the offence! I prayed and lit a candle in the temple for your health. Let nothing darken your heart! A strong person is one who forgives, not one who holds hatred.
Forgive me, please
My dear, dear, kind and most beloved person on the whole planet, I am madly sorry about all the words I said, but know that I will never stop apologizing to you. I will always be there, I will help in every difficult life situation in order to forever erase uninvited tears from your eyes.
All musical apologies
Look ♫ Audio Wishes!
My love! I am guilty before you and with the awareness of the whole situation I want to apologize. I'm sorry, I was wrong. Don't be angry and don't be offended. I will try not to upset or disappoint you anymore. You are very dear to me, and I do not want to be with you in a quarrel and separation!
CopyPermalinkBookmark What's done is done. It happened. But how to make amends, how to atone for this terrible mistake?! The remorse is so deep, and the pain from this ridiculous situation just breaks the soul. If there is any chance of forgiveness, however small, I will wait. I will wait for forgiveness for as long as it takes to prove my sincere repentance.
Sorry for the inconvenience. I sincerely believe that we will be able to improve our relations and restore trust to the previous level. And I want to make the best of it. Believe that this will never happen again!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkDarling, forgive me for everything. I'm sorry I caused you any inconvenience. I didn't want it to be like this. I wish the two of us joy, happiness, harmony and mutual understanding. Let's try to find a common language and let's not allow quarrels, resentments and unspoken thoughts.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkI deeply regret what happened. I do not want to say that it is not my fault, but the circumstances dictated this situation. Unfortunately, no matter how much you want to return everything, nothing can be fixed. I only sincerely wish that you would not be angry, that your eyes would not look at me with reproach, that your soul would not suffer from vexation as mine now from guilt.
CopyPermalinkBookmark We're sorry that you had to experience the inconvenience caused by us. We sincerely apologize. This misunderstanding will not happen again.
Please forgive me for the hassle! I feel very uncomfortable in front of you. I know that you, of course, will laugh it off, they say, it’s uncomfortable to sleep on the ceiling, but I still worry. After all, you have your own affairs - and here I am with my problems, it’s not good. So I beg your pardon! And thank you for your understanding!
Author: Yana Sergeeva
I like it! ❤
CopyPermalinkBookmarkMy dear, beloved person, I can't find a place for myself because I offended you and gave rise to our quarrel. Please accept my apologies and please don't be angry with me, let go of your resentment. You are infinitely dear to me. When I see your eyes filled with sadness, I am ready to protect you in front of the whole world. But now, with my apology, I protect you from resentment! Love you!
CopyPermalinkBookmark We are very sorry that we could cause you any inconvenience; This is a complete misunderstanding, we will definitely correct it. Apparently, circumstances were above us. But we will do our best to exclude repetition and prevent trouble again. We look forward to further cooperation and mutually beneficial relationship with you. We will correct the current situation as soon as possible on favorable terms for you.
I would like you to forgive me for all the inconvenience, bad mood, insults. I wish you to remain strong, brave, fair, sincere, kind and sweet. And let there be only harmony and mutual understanding in our life.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Woman: Understand, forgive, forget sadness Man: I don't need anyone else Woman: I miss your caressesAll musical apologies
Look ♫ Audio Wishes!
We understand that in the current situation it is not entirely correct to apologize for the inconvenience caused, but forgive me anyway. Losing your trust for us will be a strong enough punishment. Believe me, you are very important to us, and we will be extraordinarily glad to see you again. We can guarantee that nothing unforeseen and unpleasant will happen in our next meeting.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by our forced manipulations to your usual life. Be patient, please, for a very short time: soon everything will be over, and you will be able to return to your ordinary way of life. Thanks for understanding.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkWe apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. There are insurmountable confluences of circumstances when everything that should go according to plan suddenly goes awry. We are always very glad to see you and hope that everything goes well next time. Don't let this misunderstanding ruin your day! All the very best to you!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkI'm sorry if I hurt you intentionally or unwittingly. Let the heart and soul be cleansed of all insults, negative thoughts and all sorts of misunderstandings. Let the head become clear, thoughts be only positive, and expectations bright and joyful!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Forgive me for everything: there's always something a person might regret. Let only sincere and kind people meet in your life who do not hold evil. And understanding and acceptance lives in your heart, the ability to forgive not only others, but also yourself. The Lord is merciful, in his heart there is a place for everyone, do not forget about it. Peace and grace!
We offer our sincere, deepest, and timely apologies for any inconvenience caused due to unforeseen circumstances! Let me express the hope that trust between us and cooperation will not be interrupted due to an unfortunate misunderstanding. We appreciate your attitude and don't want to risk it. Once again, please accept our apologies!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkWe sincerely apologize to you for the incident. We really hope for your understanding and indulgence. We also hope for a successful outcome of events and that we did not give you a lot of trouble and unpleasant impressions. Once again, we ask your forgiveness.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I ask you to forgive me for the harm done. Our Lord Almighty is a witness that there was no intent, and an unintended situation happened. I keep in my soul the hope that you will generously forgive me, for we will not be judged if we are not judged. I am a thousand times sorry that I brought grief. May our Father forgive me together with you for honest repentance.
I know that you are the most noble and worthy man in the world, that your heart is capable of infinite love and unconditional forgiveness. I know that the most priceless treasure is your attention. I want to ask you for forgiveness for my mistake and I really hope that you can understand me and forgive me. Let's forget everything that happened. Our world is very important to me!
CopyPermalinkBookmark I have no words to express how sorry I am for this unfortunate oversight. There are strange days when things don't work out. No matter how hard a person tries, the hands themselves do something incomprehensible, the legs are not carried there, the tongue does not listen to the head. This is how it happened to me. Excuse me please. I understand and will try not to let this happen again.
I know that behind your majestic, majestic appearance there is a very tender and vulnerable soul. It's easy to hurt your nerves, but I did it unintentionally. I'm sorry I offended and upset you. Know that all this was on emotions, not from the heart. I will continue to be more restrained and tolerant towards you. Let's not fight and fight!
CopyPermanent linkBookmarkMy dear, dear, there are already so many links between us! You mean so much to me! But, unfortunately, there was a misunderstanding, and I offended you. I want to apologize for this accidental oversight. I didn't mean to, it just happened by accident. Do not take everything to heart, and let's forget everything and make peace! Let's?
CopyPermanent linkBookmark Beloved, my clear sun, I offer a thousand apologies. You know my eccentric character, you know how impulsive and thoughtless I am sometimes.