Why do people dream of falling
Why does 'falling' in dreams happen?
Matthias Clamer/Getty Images
Why does falling in dreams happen? You can be drifting off to sleep and then the feeling that you are falling suddenly brings you back to reality. Do other people experience this?
Madeleine Walmsley, Surrey, UK
Over the past few years, I have experienced “sleep falling”, and subsequently waking up abruptly, on several occasions. Having explored sleep science as part of my undergraduate degree, as well as finding that many others also “fall” in their sleep, it appears that you and I are not alone or weird in experiencing this.
The feeling is triggered by an involuntary muscle movement called a hypnic jerk that occurs when the body is in the transitional stage between wakefulness and light sleep, known as the hypnagogic state.
When the body enters a state of deep relaxation in preparation for sleep, this sensation can be misinterpreted by the brain as the body falling and therefore being in danger. So the hypnic jerk knocks you back into full consciousness. One proposed explanation for the link between “falling” and experiencing a hypnic jerk in the hypnagogic state is that it is a reflex that improved the chances of survival for our ancestors.
Experiencing hypnic jerks isn’t considered to be abnormal or a cause for concern, but it can be exacerbated by the consumption of stimulants as well as by stress. This is why people might experience this strange but harmless sensation at particularly stressful points in their life.
Steve Jacques, Head of anatomy, Leicester Medical School, UK
I get asked this one quite a bit when I’m teaching neuroscience to medical students. My hypothesis is that it is related to the shutting down of the sensory system as we go through the stages of sleep.
While awake, we are normally aware of the effect of gravity. For example, sitting writing this answer, I am conscious of the pressure of the chair on my bottom, as well as the fact that I can see that objects are orientated correctly along an up-down axis. Furthermore, my inner ear uses gravity to provide constant input about the position of my head.
While falling asleep, a crucial sensory relay station deep in the brain known as the thalamus becomes inhibited. The thalamus is the pathway through which sensations become conscious. If the brain doesn’t receive information on the direction gravity is acting, it may conclude that there must be no force pushing back against the body from the floor (or our bed). This is consistent with weightlessness or free fall.
Matt Chamings, Barnstaple, Devon, UK
One reason why the sensation of falling causes us to wake suddenly might be because our distant ancestors lived in trees. Falling out of a tree is a serious health risk and falling asleep is a critical time when it is more likely to occur, as the body relaxes and shifts position. A defence mechanism that wakes the sleeper when this begins to happen would be a distinct survival trait that could be passed on to future generations.
Even though we no longer sleep in trees, the mechanism might still be at work in the form of dreams about falling.
Vittoria Dessi, Surmulins, Switzerland
Whatever the cause, the phenomenon is certainly widespread. The ancient Greeks believed that Hades’s army of oneiroi, Greek for dream demons, were responsible for delivering both visions and nightmares. They liked to play tricks on mortals by making them believe they were falling during dreams.
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Possible Interpretations and How to Stop Them
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Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, PhD, PsyD — By Ann Pietrangelo on October 12, 2020
There’s a rush of air on your face as you plunge over the edge into nothingness. You flail about, frantic for something to grab before you hit bottom, but there’s nothing — and no one — to save you. Terror consumes you as the bottom comes into view, and then, slam!
You wake up in bed. Your heart is beating too fast, but you’re safe. It was just a dream.
Not that it makes them any less disturbing, but dreams about falling are not uncommon. Read on as we take a close-up view of dreams about falling, what they could mean, and whether you can do anything about them.
There’s no scientific consensus as to the psychology behind dreams.
Studies show that certain dream themes, including falling, are common. Researchers theorize that this may reflect feelings of helplessness or rejection.
You can have a one-off dream of falling simply because you went hiking near a cliff or rolled too close to the edge of your bed. But dreaming of falling could mean that you feel:
- insecure or unstable
- inadequate or inferior
- anxious
- overwhelmed
- out of control
If you frequently dream of falling, you may want to figure out why. Nightmares can sometimes be a sign of:
- sleep disorders
- anxiety
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Some specifics may matter.
Being pushed off a cliff could mean that you don’t feel secure with others or with unseen forces. Tripping and accidentally falling off a cliff might say that you lack self-confidence. Either way, things are out of control or you’re trying to hang on to something.
Dreaming that you parachuted out of an airplane or took a graceful dive into a safety net isn’t so scary. This could be a sign that you’re letting go of something negative or setting yourself free.
Other details may not matter as much as the prevailing emotions the dream provokes.
Co-creative dream theory suggests that how we respond to what happens in the dream provides more insight than individual details.
Certain objects, people, or events mean different things depending on your culture and personal history. Particular details of your dream may be significant enough in your experience to provide context for your dream.
When trying to understand your dreams, write down as many details as you can remember before they fade.
Then consider how people, places, and objects from the dream fit into your waking life. Try to zero in on the emotions you felt and what real-life events mirror those emotions.
Just as you’re about to hit the surface, your legs jerk and you wake up with a start, a motion that saves you from the fall. It’s a discombobulating way to wake up.
Hypnic jerks are sudden, involuntary muscle contractions that usually occur just as you’re falling asleep. It’s something that affects 60 to 70 percent of us.
The exact cause isn’t clear, but one symptom of a hypnic jerk is the sensation of falling.
Sometimes, there’s an overlap between hypnic jerks and dreams about falling. This phenomenon probably has more to do with your body falling asleep than your mind trying to tell you something.
Jerking awake from a falling dream feels like you’ve been saved. It also makes it more likely that you’ll recall this dream later. But you don’t have to fear not waking up. Hitting bottom or dying in a dream won’t kill you.
There’s not much scientific research to explain the meaning of a dream where someone else is falling.
It’s possible that you’re deeply concerned about someone you know whose life is spinning out of control. Or maybe you’re worried that someone is leaving you, emotionally or physically.
Think about the person in the dream and what they represent to you.
You can’t totally control your dreams. Falling dreams may be stress-related, so there are some things you can do to transition to a more peaceful sleep.
- Cut back on caffeine.
- Do breathing exercises or other relaxation techniques to wind down before going to bed.
- Avoid emotionally stressful or physically strenuous activities in the hour before going to sleep.
- Remove work-related items and electronic devices from the bedroom.
- If you wake up and can’t go back to sleep, leave the bedroom and do something relaxing until you’re tired again.
Nightmares tend to occur during stressful periods. Your dreams about falling may stop as you work through your problems.
Research suggests that evaluating dreams can be therapeutically valuable. If dreams of falling don’t subside or they continue to trouble you during the day, you may benefit from therapy. A qualified mental health professional can help you deal with your dreams and manage the stress that triggers them.
Persistent nightmares can be a sign of prolonged stress, anxiety, or sleep disorders. If you can’t improve sleep on your own, talk to your doctor.
Whether you remember the dreams or not, you probably dream four to six times a night, mostly during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. During REM sleep, your brainwaves are nearly as active as they are when you’re awake.
Dreams have no logic. Though they contain snippets of our daytime experiences, they’re random and nonsensical. They often have a surrealistic quality, especially when it comes to space and time.
Though many types of dreams are easily forgettable, it can be difficult to shake vivid dreams, such as those in which we fall.
Does dreaming have a purpose? Though there are many plausible theories as to why we dream, there’s a lot we can’t say for certain.
Dreams may help us form memories, work through problems, or help us practice various scenarios. Perhaps dreams serve multiple functions.
Science has yet to determine exactly why people dream or what specific dreams mean. Dreams about falling tend to occur as you fall asleep and sometimes coincide with involuntary muscle spasms.
There are some good theories about dreams and the emotions they convey. Because we’re all different, you should interpret the details of your dreams by what they mean to you personally.
Dreams about falling may reflect feelings of inadequacy or a sense that your life is out of control. Dealing with your stressors may encourage less frightening dreams.
Persistent nightmares may be due to an anxiety or sleep disorder. If dreams are affecting your physical or mental health, talk to your doctor.
Last medically reviewed on October 12, 2020
How we reviewed this article:
Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
- Chiaro G, et al. (2016). Hypnic jerks are an underestimated sleep motor phenomenon in patients with parkinsonism. A video-polysomnographic and neurophysiological study. DOI:
10.1016/j.sleep.2016.07.011 - Hill CE, et al. (2004). The Hill cognitive-experiential model of dream interpretation.
psycnet.apa.org/record/2004-00029-011 - Ruby PM. (2011). Experimental research on dreaming: State of the art and neuropsychoanalytic perspectives. DOI:
10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00286 - Schredl M, et al. (2018). Nightmare themes: An online study of most recent nightmares and childhood nightmares. DOI:
10.5664/jcsm.7002 - Sparrow GS. (2020). The construction and analysis of dream metaphors from the standpoint of co-creative dream theory. DOI:
10.11588/ijodr.2020.1.69293 - Weinstein N, et al. (2017). Linking psychological need experiences to daily and recurring dreams. DOI:
Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.
Current Version
Oct 12, 2020
Written By
Ann Pietrangelo
Edited By
Roman Gokhman
Medically Reviewed By
Timothy J. Legg, PhD, PsyD
Copy Edited By
Stassi Myer - CE
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Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, PhD, PsyD — By Ann Pietrangelo on October 12, 2020
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Every year on the Friday before the vernal equinox, the world celebrates Day of Sleep 03/15/2019, Sputnik Kazakhstan
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Would you like to lie in bed for five minutes or fall asleep next to your work computer? No wonder, because today the world celebrates Sleep Day.
Some people sometimes need four hours of sleep, others need up to 12 hours, somnologists say.
"Sleep is important for our life. The fact is that during sleep our memory is formed. What we studied during the day passes into long-term memory. Daytime sleep is somewhat more superficial than nighttime. Sleep less than seven hours is considered insufficient effective," emphasizes doctor Pavel Kudinov.
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In ancient times, priests were engaged in the interpretation of dreams, after a while serious studies on the topic of dreams appeared. Psychiatrists Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm tried to understand why people come to certain images.
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Why dream of falling from a height
Many dream books on the World Wide Web claim that falling in a dream is a sign that something has gone wrong in life. People who fall in their sleep are advised to rethink their decisions or think about any changes.
"Instead of worrying about losing control, sometimes you just need to trust yourself and others. Let things happen naturally," advises psychologist Ian Wallace.
Snowy owls sleep like they've been drinking all night pic.twitter.com/nWN4aMp37n
— Ilya Govorko (@Govorko81) March 12, 2019
According to one theory, the feeling of falling in a dream can be associated with exertion and stress. Insomnia specialist Guy Meadows notes that the feeling of falling occurs because the brain distorts the natural relaxation of the muscles. Imitation makes you wake up in order to restore balance, the author concluded.
Why do you dream of teeth falling out
Psychologist Ian Wallace emphasizes that teeth are a symbol of self-confidence. In his opinion, teeth falling out in a dream can be a signal that something makes a person feel insecure.
According to another version, problems with teeth in a dream may be the result of problems with communication in real life.
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According to some dream books, nudity in a dream means fear of opening up in front of other people.
"Seeing yourself naked in a dream portends a scandal and generally unseemly deeds. Seeing others naked is a sign that ill-wishers will try to lead you astray," wrote in his book the American entrepreneur Gustav Miller, whose dream analysis has become widely popular.
University of California professor William Domhoff, who has devoted his life to the study of dreams, notes that "naked" dreams can indicate daily problems that torment a person.
How to prepare for sleep
People with good sleep have three simple steps to prepare, writes Guy Meadows.
First, 40-45 minutes before going to bed, you need to stop watching TV, listening to radio, music and talking on the phone.
Secondly, before going to bed you need to engage in quiet activities. For example, brush your teeth, drink a warm drink, prepare for the day ahead.
I want to sleep more than I want to live. pic.twitter.com/PNifNJPIlJ
— 🥀lady talean🥀 (@Talean_heart) March 12, 2019
Thirdly, you can read a book or magazine, or talk to a loved one.
Preparing for bed, according to the author, will signal to the brain that "it's time to party."
Why dream of falling - the meaning of falling in a dream
Why dream of falling
Anyone who had to fall from a height in a dream will face losses. Most likely, you will lose your credibility in the workforce, lose in a lawsuit, find yourself on the list for dismissal, become a victim of scammers, or undermine your health. Frivolity and riskiness will accelerate the moment of the onset of adverse events.
Do not take any major steps in the near future. If you stumble, no one will lend you a helping hand.
Falling according to Miller's dream book
Falling in a dream and being very frightened at the same time promises you to overcome significant difficulties, the struggle with which will lead you to good luck.
If, having fallen, you are seriously injured, expect loss; it is possible that friends will leave you.
Falling according to Freud's dream book
For any person, falling in a dream symbolizes the possibility that he will become a victim of sexual harassment. For a man, this can also symbolize - his fear of being insolvent during sexual contact.
Fall according to Hasse's dream book
Fall - believe only in yourself.
Fall on the Family Dream Book
The dream in which you fell and were very frightened by this promises you to overcome difficulties and good luck.
If, having fallen, you are seriously injured, you may have misunderstandings with your friends.
Fall according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima
A dream about falling is a sign of an unexpected obstacle in business. The accompanying images of sleep often carry a hint about which side you should beware of trouble from.
Unexpectedly fall out of the blue - means that the case, which seems to you reliable and strong, may present an unpleasant surprise.
If you slip, it is a sign that you should postpone all risky activities for the time being.
Climbing up and falling from a height - suggests that the difficult task that you have undertaken or are about to undertake is unlikely to be within your power. Perhaps, before taking on it, it does not bother you to get a good rest.
Falling down stairs is a warning that your position is in danger. It is possible that you made a mistake in business, and this can turn into trouble.
A dream in which you have fallen out of bed - suggests that relaxation is inappropriate at the moment and can lead to serious trouble.
Falling on the run in a dream is a bad omen. This is a sign that you anticipate a very serious obstacle in your path, but do not know which side to expect it from. You should conduct your affairs with great care and caution.
Falling according to the dream book of Simon Kananit
As a rule, dreams about falls in which you are not a navigator, pilot or driver indicate that you feel helpless and therefore transfer control over control to someone else. A dream where you see yourself as the captain of the Titanic, and not just a passenger, may mean that you feel responsible and feel guilty for some of your actions that led to sad consequences.
To the rescue
So you're falling faster and faster. You are afraid that you might break. Are you afraid?
Usually a person wakes up before he falls to the foot of the cliff. Sometimes a collision is inevitable. Just last week you dreamed that you were driven into a narrow passage. You tripped over a trash can and fell through a sewer grate. Suddenly someone - yes, it's your cat! - came to your aid and pulled you out of there.
Fall on the Esoteric dream book
Fall - to failure in undertakings, sharp negative changes. If at the same time they woke up, the “fall” will be soon.
To fall in the dream book of a modern woman
To fall in a dream and be very frightened at the same time - in reality it means overcoming significant difficulties and, as a result, victory over circumstances.
If, having fallen, you are badly hurt - expect material losses or loss of friends.
Falling according to Azar's dream book
Falling - to see how a child falls - obstacles in undertakings.
Fall from a great height - promotion, well-deserved honors.
Fall according to Evgeny Tsvetkov's dream book
Feeling of falling - to loss, bitter regrets; actually falling - to trouble, a risky business; a shooting star directly to the sleeper - the fulfillment of the most cherished desires, but if in water or the sea - there will be no fulfillment of desires, the innermost will not be fulfilled.
Falling according to the Modern Dream Book
If you dream that you are falling and experience strong fear at the same time, in reality you will undergo severe trials, but gradually fame and fortune will come to you.
If you were injured during a fall, in real life you will face difficulties and loss of friends.
Falling along the Eastern Dream Book
A dream in which you fall and experience fear at the same time means: on the way you will meet serious trials, but you will successfully cope with them. It's worse if you fall into an abyss.
If you dreamed that, having fallen, you hurt yourself, get ready for difficulties and conflicts with friends.
Fall according to the dream book Feng Shui
What a dream to fall - If in a dream you fell from a great height - to a demotion.
If you fell together with your wife - to love for life.
If someone else falls in a dream - to loss.
If the patient has fallen from a height, his illness is difficult to treat. The merchant fell from a height - to losses in business.
If in a dream you saw that you were falling from a horse, expect misfortune.
If in a dream you fall from the roof - to exile.
If you fell into the water - to bankruptcy in business.
If an elderly person saw himself falling from the bed to the floor - to an imminent death. If a woman saw her children fallen - to the serious illnesses of her children.
Fall according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book of A.

Fall - Fear of succumbing to something that falls under moral censorship.
Falling according to the Icelandic dream book
Falling - to the loss of honor.
Fall on the Psychological dream book
Fall - usually indicates an increased level of anxiety.
If you dream of a fall, it means that you succumb to difficulties, give in to the struggle of life (or, at least, in the depths of your soul there is a desire to give up and give up), lose control of yourself, admit your helplessness.
Falling according to Rick Dillon's dream book
Falling for what you dream of - you should only believe yourself.
Fall down the Ladies' dream book
Falling to what dreams - loss of confidence; voltage.
Falling according to the Worldly Dream Book
Basically, dreams about falling are associated with a loss of control over the situation and a feeling of helplessness. It is possible that our first steps as children and the many falls that come with it are related to our future dreams of falling.
There is also an assumption that they are an echo of the fear of primitive people before falling from trees. We know a woman whose father, when she was just a baby, every day, when he came home from work, would grab her and start tossing and twirling her over his head. And until now, the dreams of this fully grown woman, in which she flies or falls, are filled with a sense of fear, horror and admiration. Who (or what) will protect her from falling?
Do your dreams resemble rapid state changes?
Do you anticipate your fall, or does it happen suddenly? When you fall, do you break through the ceiling, stumble, fly out the window? Or do you suddenly find yourself just flying down?
Falling according to the Modern Dream Book
There is a widespread prejudice that if in a dream we fall and fall to the ground, we will surely die soon. Nothing like this has ever happened in our practice. So why does this myth continue to exist?
Usually, if we start falling in a dream, we wake up immediately, because we have been taught that it is very dangerous to fall. Researchers know that falling dreams are common for people in the REM stage of the first sleep cycle—a little over an hour after you fall asleep. Those who fall in their sleep sometimes twitch, move their legs or arms, and eventually wake up. We don't know for sure why this happens, but these movements, which are called myoclonic, may be an instinctive response to what the brain considers potentially dangerous.
Fall according to the Christian dream book
Fall to what dreams - Good luck will come to you through overcoming difficulties. Imagine that you fell and immediately got up. You didn't receive any damage.
Fall according to the dream book of catchphrases
FALL, (sink) - “fall low”, “completely sank!”, “sink to the very bottom” - strongly degrade. "Go down to earth" - gain a sense of the real; “stop soaring in the clouds and go down to earth” - realistically assess the situation.
Fall according to Shuvalova's dream book
If a person sees that he is falling, this reflects the collapse of his romantic aspirations or desires, reflects his inability to cope with his problems and fear, he is not able to stand on his own two feet. Often this means the loss of the right direction in life, one's own ideals and attitudes under the influence of some kind of strong personality.
Fall according to the Old Russian dream book
feeling of falling - to loss, bitter regrets; actually falling - to trouble, a risky business; shooting star (directly to the sleeper) - the fulfillment of the dearest desires; into the water or the sea - there will be no fulfillment of desire, the innermost will not be fulfilled.
Falling according to the Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams
Falling is an insult.
Falling in the dream book of the future
Falling in a dream and being very frightened - promises to overcome significant difficulties, the struggle with which will lead you to good luck; falling from a great height - well-deserved honors, promotion.
To fall according to the Idiomatic dream book
“Mouth low”, “completely sank!”, “to sink to the very bottom” - degrade strongly; "go down to earth" - gain a sense of the real; “stop soaring in the clouds and go down to earth” - realistically assess the situation.
Fall according to the dream book of the past
If a person sees that he is falling, this reflects the collapse of his romantic aspirations or desires, reflects his inability to cope with his problems and fear, he is not able to stand on his own two feet. Often this means the loss of the right direction in life, one's own ideals and attitudes under the influence of some kind of strong personality.
To fall according to A. Roberti's Italian psychoanalytic dream book
To fall means a loss of vital orientation, under someone's influence. Very often this image can be associated with the fear of career destruction, the feeling that any relationship is coming to an end, the fear of physical death or death desire.
If a person sees that he is falling, this is a reflection of the collapse of his romantic aspirations or erotic passions, a reflection of his inability to cope with existing problems and fear. that he cannot stand on his own feet.
Falling along the Universal Dream Book
Why are we so afraid of falling, because the sensations that we experience are quite exciting? What we really fear is the lack of support and an unpleasant landing.
If you fall in a dream, it means that you do not have enough support. Why don't you feel supported? What can you do to regain your footing in life? Remember where you fell from in a dream (from a cliff, from a ladder or just from the sky) and where you fell. What area of life was affected in a dream: work, relationships or social status? This will tell you in which areas of your life you lack support.
If you fall down stairs in a dream - first of all, inspect the stairs in your house to make sure they are in good condition, and then think: perhaps in a dream you assumed that someone would hold the stairs for you.
If in a dream you see another person falling, think: maybe he needs support. Or has he fallen out of favor with you? What does this person mean to you? Perhaps it symbolizes some aspect of your personality? Think about your life. Perhaps in a dream you foresee failures at work, a decline in a relationship, or another area of \u200b\u200blife?
Fall according to the American dream book
Fall - loss of control over oneself or over life. We often fall when we learn to walk. Situations when "the earth has left under the feet", as well as self-doubt during personal growth, all this often causes such dreams.
Fall down according to the Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs
If a person sees himself in a dream falling from the wall - well, this means the end of strife.
Fall according to the Old English dream book
A dream in which you fall from a height (from a tree or from the edge of an abyss) means a loss of position and property. If you are in love. You needlessly endow him (or her) with your affection. You can't get married!
For merchants and businessmen, a dream portends failures in business, financial difficulties, and the like. Those who set sail are in for a big trouble: a shipwreck and all the troubles that follow from here.
Falling in the dream book of lovers
If you dream that you fell and got hurt, this promises separation from your loved one.
To fall according to the Lunar dream book
To fall is an insult; to fall and hold on - the return of the lost.
Fall according to Martyn Zadeka's dream book
Fall - loss of property and health; from a high place - squalor, deprivation of a relative.
Falling according to Daniel's Medieval Dream Book
Falling from a height - to a serious illness.
Seeing yourself falling is a joy.
Fall according to the Russian dream book
Fall - grow; into the abyss - interesting things; but if you fell and crashed, you will not achieve success in business.
Fall according to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor just stupid). All actions in this state are meaningless and self-destructive. One way or another, all actions will be aimed at maintaining one's own security, which will lead to quarrels and deterioration in relations with others, if one does not realize that the main enemy and source of the fall is in the chaos of one's own thoughts.
Falling into the abyss is a major spiritual loss, miscalculation (physical illness), not having obvious obvious consequences - they are in the future. All variants of dreams here are unfavorable, all report varying degrees of damage to the liver, kidneys and spleen.
Falling according to V. Samokhvalov's Psychoanalytic Dream Book
Falling is an inevitable dangerous situation, often accompanied by anxiety, an indication of the true causes of failure.
Fall - is associated with falling into the hands of the enemy, danger of failure, misfortune, high probability of death due to the fact that it indicates a symbolic descent into the grave. Closely related to this is the experience of falling asleep or self-laying into bed, as well as birth (falling out).
Falling in a woman's dreams is sexual intercourse, because the physiology of female sexuality implies falling and sinking (fallen woman).
The fall of another person is an unconscious wish for death or a man's fantasy about a "fallen" woman.
Rise and fall - exaggerated ambitions often erect a barrier to children's fears, but over time the old fear breaks through again. A life curve of ups and downs.
Fall of the individual, loss of consciousness - loss of the Ego. Death and dreaming are often associated. The transition from an active to a passive state, from resistance to compliance.
Falling in the French dream book
Falling in a dream, but immediately getting up is a sign that honors and well-being await you soon.
If you could not get up after the fall - your dream is a harbinger of future misfortunes.
Fall on the dream book for a bitch
Fall - well-deserved honors, promotion.
To be frightened in a dream when falling - you will have to overcome possible difficulties.
Hit - separation from friends.
Falling on Longo's dream book
Feeling a fall in a dream - to the troubles that lie in wait for you both in public and in your personal life. Important in solving such a dream is the height from which you fall.
Fall from a great height - several unpleasant events will happen in your life. This state of affairs will unsettle you for a long time, as difficulties will fall on you one after another, not giving you the opportunity to rest. You will lose your foothold, your fall will be inevitable. With great difficulty, you will be able to recover from the blow. It will take a lot of strength from you to withstand the test of strength.
If in a dream you fall from a small height, this means that you will find yourself in a difficult situation from which it will be very difficult for you to get out. But not much time will pass, and you will again be able to enjoy life, despite minor troubles.
If you get seriously injured as a result of a fall and feel severe pain at the same time, this means that you will be in despair for a long time, close to mild insanity, as you will get tired of waiting for your life to change even slightly for the better.
Seeing someone else fall - hurry to help a friend in need.
Falling according to Denise Lynn's detailed dream book
We often fall when we learn to walk. If the ground has come out from under our feet - in some situation or we are in the process of personal growth and are not confident in ourselves, such signs will often appear to us.
When we “tread new ground” and take risks, the reward will often be success. Sometimes we even have to stumble first in order to succeed. Learn to take risks in life.
Fall - may also mean that you are losing control over yourself or over life. If this is true, you must find one area in your life that you have control over and build on that to gain control over other areas of your own life.
Often they say “to hit (fall) in the dirt with your face”, “fallen woman” - these expressions can be symbols. Does this symbolism apply to you?
Fall according to the dream book Veles
Fall - humiliation, bad, misfortune, illness, loss, failure; in a pit - death, fire; into the water - the wish will not come true.
Fall on the Ukrainian dream book
Sometimes our dreams about flying are so wonderful that we don't want to go down to earth. We spread our wings and want to fly on. This happens more often in those dreams where we fly ourselves, and not in an airplane, train or car. You are left alone with the open sky. You are free from pedestrian duties.
At some point you may notice someone calling you from the ground. Maybe you are flying to school in a dream, you hear a bell, but you don’t want to go down. This may indicate a desire to live more freely and carefree. It may also indicate that you do not want to take on any responsibility. Rather, you should go down and see what the person who is calling to him wants from you. Maybe it's time for you to get down to business on your own. Only a little later, with the hope of turning your most fantastic dream into reality.
In dreams of flying and falling, we can travel from heaven to hell and visit any point in between. More precisely, we can experience the whole gamut of emotions that can fill this vast space. So, start looking at all these "ups" and "downs" from this point of view: what can they tell me about my real life?
Falling according to the Children's dream book
Seeing yourself falling - you lack self-confidence.
Fall according to the Gypsy dream book
People often dream that they are falling, gypsies say that this means that you are unhappy, especially in your personal life, and you want to get out of this situation.
Fall according to the dream book 2012
Fall is a reflection of the fear of failure. Reflection of risk.
Fall according to the ABC of dream interpretation
If you fall from a tall building or into an abyss, this is a symbolic warning that evil fate can play a dangerous joke on you. You will lose status, fortune, honor, etc.
Falling from a height - failure, exposing your secret.
Falling into a pit - illness, deterioration of social status.
Awakening in a fall, horror is a neurotic anxiety, a crisis, a transition to recovery.
Falling into an abyss or from a height - your plans are unrealistic. Correct them, simplify.
Falling off a horse - you will have to pay for a pleasant adventure.