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[ nim-fuh-mey-nee-ak, nim-foh‐ ]
/ ˌnɪm fəˈmeɪ niˌæk, ˌnɪm foʊ‐ /
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a woman who has abnormally excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire.
adjective Also nym·pho·ma·ni·a·cal [nim-foh-muh-nahy-uh-kuhl] /ˌnɪm foʊ məˈnaɪ ə kəl/ .
(of a woman) having abnormally excessive sexual desire.
What Is The Origin Of The Term "Nymphomaniac"
The term nymphomaniac may sound dirty or risque today. But back in Ancient Greece -- well, it also was dirty and risque. Take a look at the origin story of this word!
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Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Origin of nymphomaniac
First recorded in 1825–30; nymphomani(a) + -ac
Words nearby nymphomaniac
nymphet, nympho, nympholepsy, nympholept, nymphomania, nymphomaniac, nymphs, Nymwegen, Nynorsk, Nyoro, NYP
Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
What does
nymphomaniac mean?A nymphomaniac is a woman, though occasionally a man, with an uncontrollable desire to have lots of sex, especially with different partners. It can be both a positive or pejorative term, depending on context.
Content warning: the following content includes references to sexual activity.
Where did the term
nymphomaniac come from?The word nymphomaniac ultimately comes from Greek roots that give us nymph and mania. The Ancient Greek source of nymph meant “young woman” or “bride,” and may be most familiar in the form of beautiful, powerful, sexualized, mythological maidens. Mania literally means “frenzied madness,” seen in words like pyromania or egomania.
Nymphomania is found in the early 1700s, its noun form, nymphomaniac, in the 1820s. In the 18th and 19th centuries, some doctors treated nymphomania as a disease and sent women to hospitals or asylums for horrific surgical treatments. They were mostly perfectly healthy—just, in the full force of double standards, not conforming to the sexual norms of the day.
In his 1955 classic Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov has his adult male protagonist call his 12-year-old obsession, Lolita, a
nymphet. As linguist Christen Helper found, the novel helped increase both nymphet and nympho, a shortened form since the 1930s, in the mainstream. As women gradually became more open about their sexuality, they were more often called nymphomaniacs, implying they were sexually promiscuous.
Nymphomania is not a formal disease name. Hypersexuality (sex addiction) is a recognized affliction affecting all genders and sexual orientations, and those affected with it may get called nymphomaniacs in popular culture.
While nymphomaniac is occasionally for men, it is mostly a gendered, when not outright sexist, term for a “female sex addict” or a woman perceived as promiscuous. There is a male equivalent, but it is rare: satyriasis, after the mythic, sexualized satyr.
In 2013–14, director Lars Von Trier released an epic, erotic, and darkly funny two-part film called Nymphomaniac, recounting the many sexual experiences of a woman and self-described nymphomaniac.
Who uses the term
nymphomaniac?As noted, nymphomaniac usually refers to a woman. When women use of it themselves, it is usually sex-positive for a high libido and openness to many sexual partners.
When men use it of women, it can be used in desire, for a partner who wants to have frequent sex, or denigration, just like a fancy word for the slur “slut.”
Nymphomaniacs are also, unsurprisingly, common in pornography.
This content is not meant to be a formal definition of this term. Rather, it is an informal summary that seeks to provide supplemental information and context important to know or keep in mind about the term’s history, meaning, and usage.
Words related to nymphomaniac
prostitute, concubine, courtesan, floozy, hooker, hussy, slut, streetwalker, strumpet, tramp, whore, bawd, harlot, hustler, moll, pro, working girl, call girl, lady of the evening, painted woman
How to use nymphomaniac in a sentence
Then there was the geriatric nymphomaniac who proceeded to snort lines of cocaine from atop the marble countertop in the kitchen as we discussed selling her house while the pool boy hung out in the nearby cabana.
Real estate’s occupational hazards|Valerie Blake|May 9, 2021|Washington Blade
But, you’re on the definition page for nymphomaniac … So, nymphomaniac is a sex-obsessed woman, got it.
But he broke it to discuss the uncut version of Nymphomaniac at the Venice Film Festival (kind of).
Lars von Trier Breaks His Vow of Silence to Discuss ‘Nymphomaniac’ in Venice|Marlow Stern|September 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But first, Skarsgard discussed how he came onboard Nymphomaniac.
Lars von Trier Breaks His Vow of Silence to Discuss ‘Nymphomaniac’ in Venice|Marlow Stern|September 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The second “lifeline” was what von Trier had learned about female sexuality by making Nymphomaniac.
Lars von Trier Breaks His Vow of Silence to Discuss ‘Nymphomaniac’ in Venice|Marlow Stern|September 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But even his biggest defenders will flinch at the assaults, sexual or not, that Joe has to endure in Nymphomaniac.
Charlotte Gainsbourg’s Raw Performance in ‘Nymphomaniac’ Is Not About the Sex|Jimmy So|March 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The best and hardest thing about Nymphomaniac is watching the toll that sex takes on Joe.
Charlotte Gainsbourg’s Raw Performance in ‘Nymphomaniac’ Is Not About the Sex|Jimmy So|March 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The maternal great-grandmother was a nymphomaniac, whose son married a woman of loose morals, by whom a daughter was born.
Degeneracy|Eugene S. Talbot
And he said nothing when still a third nurse came his way; a woman who was callid, complaisant, and nauseatingly nymphomaniac.
This Crowded Earth|Robert Bloch
For an instant "nymphomaniac" flashed across his consciousness.
Painted Veils|James Huneker
You certainly had your hands full—a dual personality and a nymphomaniac.
The Bright Messenger|Algernon Blackwood
I once described her as a maternal nymphomaniac, a metaphysical Messalina.
Unicorns|James Huneker
Nympho Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
nym·pho ˈnim(p)-(ˌ)fō
: a person affected by nymphomania : nymphomaniac
Word History
short for nymphomaniac
First Known Use
circa 1910, in the meaning defined above
Time Traveler
The first known use of nympho was circa 1910
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Cite this Entry
“Nympho. ” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nympho. Accessed 2 Dec. 2022.
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Medical Definition
nym·pho ˈnim(p)-(ˌ)fō
: one affected by nymphomania : nymphomaniac
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Independent human rights media project OVD-Info
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OVD-Info is an independent human rights media project dedicated to political persecution in Russia. We help those who are persecuted for exercising the right to freedom of assembly and other basic political rights.
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"An art gallery you don't want to visit." The story of the former photographer of Navalny's headquarters about life in SIZO Ukraine
detentions at actions against war and mobilization since February 24, 2022
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political criminal courts next week
A court in Moscow refused to exclude politician Ilya Yashin from the register of "foreign agents"
Former deputy director of the National Museum of Dagestan told about the search in his house in Makhachkala
The court commuted the sentence in the case of involvement in Nurcular. The convict has already been released
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The ECtHR awarded compensation to three participants in the protests that took place in 2018 and 2019
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Instructions and services to help protect your rights in situations of political pressure.
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The legislation on "foreign agents" is openly discriminatory and illegal: it contradicts the Russian Constitution and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Both the legislation itself and the established law enforcement practice are aimed at weakening the institutions of civil society.
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The work of OVD-Info is impossible without the help of volunteers. If you are ready to help us, fill out this form and join our human rights project!
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Unfortunately, we do not have defenders in all cities. If you want to join us as a lawyer, lawyer or defender of the rights of detainees in any of the regions, please fill out this form.
The easiest way to support OVD-Info is to subscribe to monthly donations to the project. Regular support allows us to plan our work, implement long-term projects and initiatives.
Mission, principles and goals
We believe that freedom of assembly and expression of will are the inalienable rights of every person. OVD-Info is politically neutral and protects people of all views.
Areas of work
OVD-Info is an independent human rights media project about political persecution in Russia. We collect information about detentions at public rallies and other cases of political pressure, provide legal assistance to detainees at rallies, conduct public campaigns, and write analytical reports and texts.
Much of what OVD-Info does is made possible by your donations. In our reports, we tell what we managed to do with your help, and report in detail on how and on what we spend the collected money.
If you want to contact OVD-Info, write to the telegram bot or email [email protected], you can also call the 24-hour hotline 8 800 707-05-28.
What is Azure Information Protection (AIP)?
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Looking for information about Microsoft Purview Information Protection (formerly Microsoft Information Protection, MIP)?
The Azure Information Protection unified labeling client is currently in maintenance mode. We recommend using the labels that are built into Office 365 apps and services. Read More
Is Azure Information Protection (AIP) part of Microsoft Purview Information Protection (formerly Microsoft Information Protection or MIP)? Microsoft Purview Information Protection helps you discover, classify, protect, and manage sensitive data, regardless of location or movement.
AIP extends the labeling and classification functionality provided by Microsoft Purview with the following features:
- unified label client;
- local scanner ;
- SDK .
AIP also provides an encryption service (Azure Rights Management) that is used by Microsoft Purview Information Protection.
For a complete list of features in Microsoft Purview Information Protection, see Protecting your data with Microsoft Purview.
AIP Unified Labeling Client
The Azure Information Protection Unified Labeling Client extends labeling, classification, and protection to work with additional file types, as well as File Explorer and PowerShell.
For example, you can right-click one or more files in Explorer and select Classify and protect to control AIP functionality for the selected files.
Download the client from the Microsoft Azure Information Protection download page.
AIP Local Scanner
Azure Information Protection Local Scanner allows administrators to scan local file repositories for sensitive content that needs to be flagged, classified, or protected.
The local scanner is installed using the PowerShell cmdlets provided with the unified labeling client and can be managed using PowerShell and the Azure Information Protection section in the Azure portal.
For example, use the scanner data provided in the Azure portal to find repositories on the network that may be at risk of access to sensitive content.
For more information, see:
- What is the AIP Unified Label Scanner?
- Scanner topics in AIP Uniform Labeling Client Release History
Download the scanner and client installation files from the Microsoft Azure Information Protection download page.
The Microsoft Information Protection SDK extends the use of sensitivity labels to third-party applications and services. Developers can use the SDK to build native support for labeling and protecting files.
For example, the MIP SDK can be used for the following:
- Business application that applies sensitivity labels to exported files.
- CAD/CAM design application that provides support for embedded marks.
- A secure cloud access broker or data loss prevention solution that uses data encrypted with Azure Information Protection.
For more information, see Overview of the Microsoft Information Protection SDK.
What to do next
To get started with AIP , download and install the unified label client and scanner.
- Sign up for a free trial (Enterprise Mobility + Security E5).
- Download client
- Quick guide. Unified Labeling Client Deployment
Explore the capabilities of the AIP with our tutorials and manuals:
- Manual.