Traits to describe someone
Character Traits List with Examples
Character traits are the individual characteristics and qualities that make characters from books, stories, movies, plays, and other art forms come to life for readers.
Use the following list of character traits as a guideline when writing book reports and essays about the different characters you've read about. Don't stop with this list, though; you can probably think of many more terms to describe your characters.
Search and explore the definitions of character trait with our sister company Infoplease's dictionary.
Values, Morals, and Beliefs Character Traits
- Honest
- Brave
- Compassionate
- Leader
- Courageous
- Unselfish
- Loyal
- Hard-working
- Independent
- Selfish
- Responsible
- Considerate
- Self-confident
- Humble
Looking for a printable list of character traits?
Our printable character traits list features more than 200 characteristics and qualities that your students can use for writing or a character study.
Physical and Emotional Character Traits
- Poor
- Rich
- Strong
- Tall
- Dark
- Light
- Handsome
- Pretty
- Ugly
- Messy
- Gentle
- Wild
- Joyful
- Busy
- Patriotic
- Neat
- Popular
- Successful
- Short
- Prim
- Proper
- Dainty
- Able
- Fighter
- Tireless
- Plain
- Expert
- Imaginative
- Conceited
- Mischievous
Personality Character Traits
- Demanding
- Thoughtful
- Keen
- Happy
- Disagreeable
- Simple
- Fancy
- Plain
- Excited
- Studious
- Inventive
- Creative
- Thrilling
- Intelligent
- Proud
- Fun-loving
- Daring
- Bright
- Serious
- Funny
- Humorous
- Sad
- Lazy
- Dreamer
- Helpful
- Simple-minded
- Friendly
- Adventurous
- Timid
- Shy
- Pitiful
- Cooperative
- Lovable
- Ambitious
- Quiet
- Curious
- Reserved
- Pleasing
- Bossy
- Witty
- Energetic
- Cheerful
- Smart
- Impulsive
- Humorous
- Sad
- Lazy
- Dreamer
- Helpful
Just like real people, literary characters have behaviors, attitudes, traits, and beliefs that give them a unique personality. These can be surface characteristics, like personality or physical traits - or they can be deeply-held values and morals. Writers develop characters with myriad traits to help readers build empathy or antipathy, relate to the narrative, create realism, and develop various plot points and storylines.
Looking for activities, lessons, and printables on character traits to use in your classroom? View all of our character trait resources here.
Recommended Character Traits Classroom Resources
Describe That Character Printable
Describe a character's physical and personality traits.
Introducing Character Traits
Introduce the concept of character traits in your instruction.
Your Character Comes Alive
Answer questions about a character's implicit and inferred traits.
CHARACTER TRAITS - Vocabulary List
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PracticeAnswer a few questions on each word. Use this to prep for your next quiz!
Vocabulary JamCompete with other teams in real-time to see who answers the most questions correctly!
Spelling BeeTest your spelling acumen. Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it!
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QuizCreate and assign quizzes to your students to test their vocabulary. Assign activitiesAssign learning activities including Practice, Vocabulary Jams and Spelling Bees to your students, and monitor their progress in real-time.
marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful
possessing or displaying courage
able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching
of great consequence
adroit or imaginative
tenaciously unwilling to yield
steadfast in allegiance or duty
naive and easily deceived or tricked
concerned chiefly with your own advantage
willing to give and share unstintingly
showing poise and assurance in your own worth
exhibiting an attitude of admiration or esteem
showing concern for the rights and feelings of others
marked by independence and creativity in thought or action
full of light; shining intensely
having the ability or power to invent or make something
free from external control and constraint
without trouble or worry
characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading
having the capacity for thought and reason to a high degree
marked by truth
naughtily or annoyingly playful
willing to undertake new and daring enterprises
characterized by hard work and perseverance
a challenge to do something dangerous or foolhardy
pleasing or delighting
disinclined to work or exertion
inspired by love for your country
having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome
worthy of or requiring trust; held accountable
providing assistance or serving a useful function
showing careful forethought
showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc.
having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
a person who rules or guides or inspires others
requiring more than usually expected or thought due
offensively self-assured or exercising unwarranted power
soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe
feeling or showing love and affection
feeling self-respect, self-esteem, or self-importance
beyond ordinary understanding
having or showing keen interest or intense desire
having or manifesting optimism
having or bringing good fortune
involving the joint activity of two or more
having a strong desire for success or achievement
characterized by an absence of agitation or activity
eager to investigate and learn or learn more
having reached full natural growth or development
demonstrating striking cleverness and humor
having been learned or found especially by investigation
possessing or displaying forceful exertion
not agitated; without losing self-possession
socially correct in behavior
belonging to an early stage of technical development
rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard
troubled persistently
lacking good sense or judgment
annoyed and irritable
very unhappy
endowed with talent or talents
marked by skill in deception
having or showing knowledge, ability, or aptitude
possessing material wealth
exhibiting or characterized by careful consideration
showing or characterized by broad-mindedness
worthy of trust or belief
wanting in physical strength
having intelligence and discernment
suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival
lacking companions or companionship
loyal and reliable
showing fear and lack of courage
timid and lacking self-confidence
Created on September 30, 2010
90,000 adjectives characterizing a person (list)Content
- 1 adjectives for describing the human appearance
- 2 adjectives describing a person’s behavior
- 2.1 adjectives describing positive behavior 9000 2.2 adjectives for characterizing negative qualities
- 3.1 Description of a positive character
- 3.2 Adjectives for a negative characteristic
- 3.3 Neutral adjectives
When we mentally describe a person or talk about others, we use a huge array of adjectives every day to describe a person's appearance, character traits, and habits.
Adjectives to describe a person's appearance
When meeting someone, a person first of all subconsciously evaluates the appearance and selects the appropriate words. For this, the following vocabulary is used:
- attractive, charming, stylish, elegant, handsome, imposing - to describe the image as a whole;
- tall, short, slender, thin, full, fat, well-fed, pumped up, thin - help to characterize the physique;
- young, adult, young, old, elderly - characteristics of age;
- long-haired, curly, wavy, bald, cropped, as well as the names of colors (red, black, dark chestnut) are popular adjectives for describing hairstyles;
- chubby, freckled, bony, big-eyed, big-mouthed, light-skinned, snub-nosed - these and other words allow you to describe the features of the face.
Adjectives describing human behavior
Even before direct communication with a person, you can draw some conclusions about him that do not require long contact or excellent psychological skills. This will require adjectives that will help characterize a person’s actions and tell about his personality and place in society.
Adjectives describing positive behavior
- authoritative;
- neat;
- active;
- aristocratic;
- carefree;
- frugal;
- true;
- cheerful;
- strong-willed;
- educated;
- gallant;
- delicate;
- cheerful;
- caring;
- incendiary;
- playful;
- resourceful;
- initiative;
- executive;
- flirtatious;
- companionable;
- eloquent;
- cultural;
- affectionate;
- dexterous;
- loyal;
- curious;
- merciful;
- peaceful;
- mobile;
- soft;
- direct;
- courteous;
- neat;
- insightful;
- punctual;
- frisky;
- bold;
- tolerant;
- industrious;
- balanced;
- economic;
- brave;
- human;
- honest;
- smart;
- generous;
- humorous.
Adjectives to characterize negative qualities
- authoritarian;
- aggressive;
- spoiled;
- commonplace;
- irresponsible;
- tactless;
- shameless;
- windy;
- domineering;
- warlike;
- harmful;
- vulgar;
- coarse;
- formidable;
- despotic;
- cheeky;
- cruel;
- evil;
- vindictive;
- infantile;
- hysterical;
- capricious;
- puffy;
- conflict;
- lazy;
- crafty;
- manic;
- manipulative;
- slow;
- vengeful;
- unbalanced;
- boring;
- touchy;
- possessed;
- picky;
- sharp;
- weak-willed;
- demanding;
- cowardly;
- stubborn;
- familiar;
- boastful;
- swaggering;
- shebutny;
- is naughty.
Character Vocabulary
There are many adjectives that can help describe a person's character. Here is a detailed list:
Description of the goodie
- adaptive;
- ambitious;
- vigilant;
- fearless,
- lively;
- inspired;
- thoughtful;
- generous;
- attentive;
- ingenious;
- flexible;
- wondrous;
- kind;
- quick-witted;
- soulful;
- natural;
- cheerful;
- funny;
- perky;
- ideological;
- imposing;
- sincere;
- competitive;
- constructive;
- sociable;
- is correct;
- inquisitive;
- loving;
- laid-back;
- spiritualized;
- optimistic;
- true;
- attractive;
- versatile;
- quick-witted;
- talented;
- creative;
- balanced;
- charismatic;
- clean;
- sensual;
- emotional;
- energetic;
- erudite;
- bright.
Negative adjectives
- gambling;
- greedy;
- immoral;
- apathetic;
- asocial;
- limp;
- illiterate;
- ruthless;
- indifferent;
- suggestible;
- stupid;
- dramatizing;
- bad;
- hairy;
- sly;
- greedy;
- rigid;
- envious;
- snickering;
- closed;
- boring;
- ordinary;
- perverse;
- selfish;
- crooked;
- mercantile;
- suspicious;
- indecisive;
- embittered;
- frenzied;
- fisted;
- scattered;
- haughty;
- cunning;
- boorish;
- cynical;
- misanthropic;
- swaggering;
- selfish;
- self-centered;
- eccentric;
- holy fool;
- caustic.
Neutral adjectives
- adventurous;
- altruistic;
- ambivalent;
- apolitical;
- ascetic;
- susceptible;
- contactless;
- careless;
- untalented;
- chatty;
- susceptible;
- impressionable;
- sad;
- trusting;
- dramatic;
- thoughtful;
- improvising;
- ironic;
- frenzied;
- meek;
- frivolous;
- hypocritical;
- flattering;
- mannered;
- scale;
- many-sided;
- silent;
- illegible;
- frank;
- desperate;
- principal;
- unforged;
- fussy;
- temperamental;
- vulnerable;
- phlegmatic;
- tenacious;
- eccentric;
- prim;
- spectacular.
examples. Description of a person's appearance. Verbal portrait of a person
26 41 531 0Describing appearance correctly is far from an easy task. Here you need to take into account all the anatomical features, characterize each part of the body step by step. Such practices are often used in psychology, but the topic of creating a correct verbal portrait of a person is touched upon more deeply in forensic science, where this is especially important.
Regardless of the type of activity, everyone should have basic skills in describing appearance. In order to master it as quickly and easily as possible, we offer step-by-step instructions.
Main features
First of all, you need to determine the initial features. These include:
- Gender: male or female;
- Age. If you do not know the exact age, indicate it approximately in a certain limit.
- Nationality.
You can visually determine. Thus, it is necessary to indicate who he looks like: a European, a Caucasian, a Chinese, an African, etc.;
- Rost. To visually determine the approximate height, you need to compare it with a nearby one, the parameters of which you know. According to the male classification, height up to 167 cm is considered low, average up to 175 cm, and high, respectively, above this value. For women, these figures are less than 5 cm each.
Body features
The main types of the human figure are thin, athletic, dense and obese. It is also necessary to pay attention to the presence of features in the form of humps, a curved spine, uneven shoulders, and so on.
The size of the head is also important. Compared to the general appearance of the physique, the head can be small or large.
Facial features
Perhaps our face has the main distinguishing features.
It is its features that make us unique and inimitable. Therefore, it is extremely important to carefully describe all the details.
The first thing to determine is the shape of the face. It can be round, oval, rectangular, square and triangular. Skin color is described next: pale, swarthy, red, yellow. It is also necessary to take into account some distinctive features, such as dimples, wrinkles, problem skin (blackheads and pimples), age spots and birthmarks, and so on.
- Eyebrows. They are classified by length, thickness and density. Depending on the shape, they are straight, arched and winding. As for female eyebrows, they can be characterized as dyed or tattooed.
- Eyes. It can be described in several ways at once. First of all, in shape, color (blue, green, gray, brown), cut and fit (low, protruding) and some other features (oblique, with a walleye, multi-colored, and so on).
- Nose. Features are determined by the width, shape in profile (humped, straight, upturned, snub-nosed).
- Lips.
It is necessary to accurately note their thickness, the position of the upper and lower lips, its height and elevation.
- Ears. Based on the size and shape of the auricle, they can be divided into round, oval and triangular. The position of the ears are vertical and oblique. The degree of protrusion of the ears can be upper, lower and general.
Hair and hairstyle
There are many parameters by which they can be classified.
- First of all, it is the color (light, red, blond, dark, etc.).
- They can be divided into medium, short and long, and by density and shape - straight, wavy, curly.
- Women's have a few more features: dyed, natural, the type of haircut and hairstyle is also taken into account.
- Possible mustaches, beards and sideburns in men are described in the same way.
Good afternoon, dear student!
Today I would like to pay attention to such a topic as the description of a person. Very often we need to describe someone's appearance or character, and as a foreigner studying Russian, it is quite difficult to find the right words or build sentences. Let's see where do we start and how easy and right can we do this?
In Russian, I think it's best and easiest to start describing appearance from a person's face. This is the part of the appearance that immediately catches the eye, what people first of all pay attention to. In Russian, there is even such an idiom or, as we often say, a "stable expression" that carries a hidden meaning:
Don't lose face! The Russian traditional idiom which means not to lose yourself in kind of difficult or confusing situation.
This expression means that a person should not disgrace himself or do something for which he will later be ashamed. Thus, you can understand that the face in Russian takes an important place in the description of appearance. How can we describe the face, what words to choose? For example, let's look at some words:
A chubby, moon-faced person
Fair face A fair face
Gentle face A gentle face person
Fresh face [Svezhee litso] A kind of fresh face person
A girl had a pleasant face, quite gentle and fair.
He looked great and his face was fresh He looked great and his face was fresh
The round-faced girl ran into the bus and smiled to me.
After we have described the face in a few words, you must describe what is considered very important in a person's face. What do you think it could be? According to many people, the next part of the appearance that occupies an important place are the eyes. If you recall the history of the Russian people and language, among other things, you can come across such an expression: "the eyes are the mirror of the soul." The fact is that in Rus' they did not say the word "eyes", but used "eyes" and often, when the spouses turned to each other, they uttered the following phrase: "the light of my eyes", which means spiritual closeness, a very sincere attitude of a person to someone he loves and respects. Over time, people stopped using the word "eyes" and replaced by "eyes". How to describe eyes in Russian? In fact, it is very easy and you can describe the eyes endlessly, from color to shape and expression. 9
Ann has a very beautiful eyes
Bright eyes
The old lady had bright eyes, despite her age
Big eyes girls are big, like a doll, eyes The girl has big eyes, just like a doll.
Wide eyes
People who have wide eyes are very interesting.
A boy had narrowed eyes, just like he was going to do something tricky
Light blue eyes
Most Russian people have eyes light Most Russian people have fair eyes
To describe the rest of the face, you can use these words:
Snub nose / aquiline nose
Snub nose means that the tip of the nose is upturned and the nose itself is short in shape. The aquiline nose usually belongs to people whose hooked nose is convex.
Pink cheeks, dark skin
A baby girl has pink cheeks
Pink cheeks are also a characteristic feature of fair people who have light skin, eyes and hair color. Dark skin is a type of skin that is darker from the sun, tans.
Thick/thin lips
The woman next to me has so beautiful chubby lips
Now let's move on to the description of the human figure, for this you can use the following words: A tall girl old man He was a shorty old man
Very often in Russian adjectives take on a diminutive form, as happened with the adjective "low" - "low"
Legs can also be described:
Short/long legs
Thin/slender/chubby Thin/slender/chubby
Adjectives can be used to describe the back:
Straight A straight back
Stooped A stooped back
Wide A wide back
Very often, in addition to appearance, we need to say a few words about a person's character, about his inner qualities, Russian-speaking people even have such a proverb that is still relevant: "they meet by clothes, but see off in mind. " This means that in addition to appearance, people pay great attention to the mind, the character of a person, what makes him stand out. We can use these simple adjectives to describe clothes:
Beautiful Beautiful
Fashionable Fashionable, trendy
Bright Bright
Neat Neat
Evening wear/dress
Business Dress code, office/business clothes, formal clothes
We have to wear business clothes at work formal/business clothes at our work
Tanya loves bright and fashionable clothes Tanya is keen on bright and fashionable clothes
Well-bred person A well-bred person
Sloppy An untidy/sloppy
Sloppy A ragged person
Kind A kind person
Open-hearted An open-hearted person
Secretive A secretive person
Uninhibited An uninhibited person
Shy A shy person
A confident person
A smart/intelligent person
Describe the figure of the character. An essay describing a person's appearance. Start describing the person, starting with the head. What kind of person? Did you describe the person correctly? Describe a person using the very first method given in this article. Look at the drawing for three seconds, and then turn away and describe the person's eyes.
Answer this question: if you saw a stranger on the street, can you describe his appearance after a while? Or, let's say you met a person who made an impression on you, but later, when you were asked to describe him, you could not do it.
Is this person tall, short, thin, young or old? The process of human perception can last only a few seconds. This guy has a huge tattoo on his forearm, and that girl has a revealing outfit - take the person in passing and take into account all the details. Look at your loved one's hair and give it a brief evaluation. Is this person brunette, blond, or red? Does he wear a certain hairstyle?
Look at the picture and then describe everything you remember about this girl's hairstyle. Assess the person's physique. Is the person beefy, plump, fat, thin or buxom? The easiest way to describe the legs of a person. In fact, if you notice a person's legs, some feature has caught your attention. Describe what you see. These details will help you not only get to know the person the next time you meet, but also get to know them a little better.
Even twins have differences in their faces - that is why all people on the planet are unique. Does this person have small or large eyes? Are they deep set or bulbous, almond shaped or round? What kind of eyelashes does a person have: long, thick and curved, or vice versa, sparse, straight and short? Nose. The human nose can be of almost any shape and size. Is this person's nose long or short, upturned or hooked? Wide or narrow? The nose often determines the general idea of a person's appearance, because the viewing angle is of paramount importance (profile or full face).
When a person laughs, gets angry or shouts, the shape of his mouth changes depending on the emotion. It doesn't matter what a person experiences: there are a couple of details to choose from. Or maybe a person has lips with a bow? Details such as a mole or birthmark, scar or tattoo will help you remember the person.
When you complete the task, take the opportunity to earn bonus points - describe everything you remember about the girl. Pay attention to the movements of the person. Sometimes people use verbal and visual associations to remember a person's appearance. Go for a walk in the city and choose any person on the street. For five seconds, fix all the external features.
When you get home, write down everything you remember about the person, even the most obvious or trivial details. No need to stare at a person - it's impolite. Try to note the most noticeable feature of the person. Take a step back and note what you noticed about the person in the first place. Looking at a person for a long time can be taken as a sign of aggression on your part.
Description of a person's appearance using the verbal portrait method
If you're writing a story, you need to not only describe your character's appearance, but also know how the details of his appearance make an impression on the reader. Start with the shape of the character's face. Remember that people often associate certain personality traits with the appearance of characters.
Wide-set eyes are associated with innocence, while deep-set eyes are associated with a sense of distrust and insecurity. Describe your character's eyes. People with such eyes often inspire confidence and sympathy in the reader. Slightly parted lips indicate a relaxed person.
Describe the character's posture, body language, and clothing style. These things speak about who this person is and what he does in life. If your character is a rebel, he should dress casually. If he is a discreet and reasonable person, most likely he dresses very neatly. Describe other details of appearance. You can give your character the appearance of one of your friends or relatives. Hair accentuated the attractiveness of fine facial features. The look in the grandmother was kind and deep.
Write a description of the character's appearance
And this, in fact, is true, since there is no better football player in the entire parallel. He has a round face, thickly dotted with freckles. Katya, I will certainly fulfill your request, but this essay is on the site, and I searched for it using the search. Ready-made school essays and retellings of literature. The description of a person's appearance in forensics can be carried out arbitrarily or by a special method using special terms.
You most likely have a poor memory for faces. Don't be afraid, you have a chance to fix everything. If you follow our tips, you will be able to improve your memory and no one will read your mind! Take a quick look at the picture and then describe what you see. You only need a first impression. Describing hairstyles can be more difficult than describing silhouettes, as the latter has more nuance.
Today I want to help you cope with the task of writing an essay describing the appearance of a person. Look at the person's face. Describe your character's nose. As with other descriptions, this can be a life experience where the verbal portrait is recreated from memory (for example, "The appearance of a person I saw once. ..").
Cool! 10
In this essay I want to describe the appearance of my dad. The choice fell on him, because for me he is the standard of masculinity, and I always wanted to be like him.
Dad has deep blue eyes with long and thick eyelashes. When he looks at me, it seems to me that he sees right through me. A distinctive feature of his appearance are the superciliary arches. I often pay attention to the appearance of people and rarely see pronounced brow ridges. This feature gives it, in my opinion, a wise look. In the evening or in cloudy weather, his eyes are rather gray, but in the morning and in bright daylight they are bright blue.
Dad's nose is quite large, slightly snub-nosed. His lips are quite distinct. When he loses a little weight, the cheekbones become much more expressive, but because of the beard, they are not so noticeable. In general, dad rarely shaves, he likes to walk with stubble more. Only occasionally before some solemn event, he can shave. Personally, it seems to me that with a beard, dad looks much more mature and masculine.
Dad has coarse brown hair. He has a short haircut and wears such a haircut for as long as I remember him. I have never seen him bald or with long hair, even in photographs in which he and his mother are still very young. When it's wet outside, his hair curls more than usual, which I find funny. As a child, I always thought that my ears were too big. Turns out it's for dad. I can’t say that he has huge ones, but, in any case, when compared with people from my environment, then dad’s ears are larger than average.
Father's height is 180 cm. He has an athletic build: broad shoulders, strong arms. He often goes to the gym and tries to watch his diet. In general, our whole family adheres to the principles of healthy eating, and my father played a big role in this direction. In the summer, he spends a lot of time in the country and his skin gets an even, beautiful tan.
I have always liked his sense of style. Dad's clothes are neatly pressed and clean, and his shoes are always polished to a shine. He likes to take care of his appearance and from childhood this trait was instilled in me. In everyday life, he wears jeans and a sweater. He has a huge number of sweaters, all different colors. He wears a suit for various festive events and theaters. Dad has a whole collection of ties, and I can’t even imagine how you can make a choice among all this variety. He has shirts of all shades, in his closet they are neatly weighed in a row. When he goes to the gym or when we go out with the family, dad usually wears a tracksuit. He loves sneakers and often buys them for himself. This love has been passed on to me. For every holiday, I ask my parents for a new pair of sneakers as a gift. It's good that dad shares this passion with me, so he always helps me with the choice with pleasure.
I like my father's appearance and, as I wrote above, he is the standard of masculinity for me. I'm glad that I have someone to look up to.
Even more essays on the topic: "Description of a person's appearance":
In a nutshell, it is difficult to describe a person's appearance, since each person has his own characteristics. I will talk about the appearance of my friend Marina.
My friend is a cheerful and lively person, slightly overweight, with luxurious red hair and milky white skin. There is nothing remarkable about her, but if you look closely at her face, you can see so many distinguishing features that if you meet her on the street, you will not be mistaken - my story is about her.
The first thing you will see are huge green eyes with golden sparks. Eye color is very rare. The emerald green iris of the eyes resembles a gem. Golden blotches give the eyes an unusual depth. Long brown eyelashes enhance the magnetism of the eyes and give the impression that you are diving into the warm sea, and beautifully arched eyebrows emphasize all this magnificence.
The shape of the nose is normal in appearance. Thin, even back of the nose, slightly upturned tip, small nostrils. On Marina's round face, a small nose looks funny.
Bronze freckles can be seen on the nose and under the eyes. They do not spoil the appearance of my girlfriend at all and give her an image of charm.
Marina's lips are the envy of all the girls you know. In the corner of the mouth on the left side is a small pretty mole. The beautiful line of the upper lip resembles Cupid's bow. The lips themselves are full, coral in color, hiding perfectly even teeth behind them.
The beauty of Marina's eyes and lips distracts attention from her slightly plump cheeks. But not when she smiles. At this moment, two small dimples appear on her cheeks, which complete the image of Marina. If my friend smiles, it's impossible not to smile back. Such a smile can be called radiant.
Kind and pretty. Redhead chick. This is my friend Marina.
The beauty of a man is in his heart.
Not the good one who has a handsome face,
and he is good who is good for business.
Dima is my best friend. He looks like the sun, as his always smiling face is framed by bright red curly hair. “A smile on his face that the sun is in the window” is about him. His snub nose is covered with freckles, his cheeks always have a slight blush. Dima has slightly protruding ears, which make his appearance even more mischievous.
It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.
I fully agree with this. Dima's sparkling, crafty eyes give out in him a cheerful, resilient person who loves adventure. He was the ringleader in all our games. When talking, he always looks into the eyes of the interlocutor, which speaks of his honesty, sincerity and openness.
Dima is short, which sometimes makes him very frustrated, but at the same time he is very mobile, runs faster than anyone in his class and plays basketball well, despite the fact that this game is for tall people.
My friend has a very contagious laugh, which makes the whole class laugh, and a charming smile, at which Dima has lovely dimples on his cheeks.
Dima's gait is swift, which betrays a determined person in him. Despite his love of adventure, my friend has a neat appearance. In everyday life, he likes to wear jeans, a shirt and a sweater - clothes that are comfortable for games and entertainment.
I like to be friends with Dima, because he is a real friend, a cheerful and optimistic person. His charm draws people to him, and I am very glad that he is friends with me.
I want to talk about my dad. They say I look a lot like him.
My dad has blue eyes, straight nose, always smiling lips. Once he had a beard and mustache, but now they are gone, and I like it better that way. Dad is tall, and sometimes he hits the chandelier with his head at a party, but laughs at it. Everyone says that my dad has skillful hands, as he always does something at home: he makes shelves, repairs appliances, hangs pictures. I love watching him work. He always does everything very easily, but I don’t, but I’ll learn someday.
My dad is also strong. Once upon a time, he went in for sports, and now at the dacha he carries buckets from the pond for watering the beds and digs up the ground, helping his mother. My dad is a man of few words, but he loves to visit and talk with his friends about football and cars. When dad gets angry, a wrinkle appears on his forehead. From it you can immediately understand that dad is unhappy. But still, he smiles more often, likes to play a trick on me or laugh at a comedy.
My dad really likes to look neat, so he is always attentive to his clothes, never disheveled or dirty. Even when it works, it does not get very dirty. It surprises my mom. She is glad that in this I am like my father.
My mother is very tender and feminine. She is 40 years old, but everyone says that she looks much younger. Her short stature and fragile figure make her look like a girl, especially when viewed from afar.
My mother's gait is fast, energetic, and her movements are precise. Mom loves to play sports and therefore is always in good shape.
Brown hair, falling to the shoulders in large curls, is the envy of all our acquaintances, and sly and kind blue eyes and a funny upturned little nose give mother's face an inexpressible charm.
Thick and fluffy eyelashes and dimples on the cheeks give mom a childish expression, and a strong-willed chin and neatly defined lips speak of her as a determined and courageous person.
When mother is calm, a soft smile plays on her lips. I love watching her while reading. At such moments, my mother’s face is spiritual, often she looks dreamily and thoughtfully into the distance, dissolving in the world created by the writer.
I love my grandmother and spend all my weekends with her.
Grandmother is short, thin, with blue veins on her neck and arms. Facial features are expressive, clearly defined, correct. They indicate that she used to be a beauty. I especially love her eyes. There was never any falseness, slyness, or trickery in her gaze. Her blue eyes are lit from the inside with a soft, vibrant glow, they radiate warmth and sincerity even when her grandmother is angry.
Whenever I arrived, my grandmother was wearing a white handkerchief, which sharply set off her black eyebrows and tanned face. Grandmother knows many fairy tales, and I like to listen to her quiet, unhurried tale. There she is, my dear grandmother.
When a new personality is born, it is gifted with a unique character. Human nature can consist of traits inherited from parents, or it can manifest itself in a completely different, unexpected quality.
Nature not only determines behavioral reactions, it specifically affects the manner of communication, attitude towards others and one's own person, to work. Character traits of a person create a certain worldview in a person.
Behavioral reactions of a person depend on character
These two definitions create confusion, because both of them are involved in the formation of personality and behavioral responses. In fact, character and temperament are heterogeneous:
- Character is formed from a list of certain acquired qualities of the personality's mental make-up.
- Temperament is a biological quality. Psychologists distinguish four types of it: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic.
Having the same temperament, individuals can have a completely different character. But temperament has an important influence on the development of nature - smoothing or sharpening it. Also, human nature directly affects temperament.
What is character
Psychologists, speaking of character, mean a certain combination of traits of an individual, persistent in their expression . These traits have the maximum effect on the behavioral line of the personality in diverse relationships:
- among people;
- in the work team;
- to self;
- to the surrounding reality;
- to physical and mental labor.
The word "character" is of Greek origin, it means "to mint". This definition was introduced into use by the naturalist of Ancient Greece, the philosopher Theophrastus. Such a word really, very accurately defines the nature of the individual.
Theophrastus first coined the term "character"
The character seems to be drawn as a unique drawing, it gives rise to a unique seal, which a person wears in a single copy.
To put it simply, character is an aggregate, an association of stable individual mental characteristics.
How to understand nature
To understand what kind of nature an individual has, one must analyze all his actions. It is behavioral reactions that determine examples of character and characterize the personality.
But such a judgment is more often subjective. Far from always a person reacts as intuition tells him. Actions are influenced by upbringing, life experience, customs of the environment where the person lives.
But it is possible to understand what kind of disposition a person has. Observing and analyzing the actions of a certain person for a long time, one can identify individual, especially stable features. If a person in completely different situations behaves in the same way, showing similar reactions, makes the same decision - this indicates the presence of a certain nature in him. .
Knowing what character traits are manifested and dominated by a person, it is possible to predict how she will manifest herself in a given situation.
Character and traits
A character trait is an important part of a personality, it is a stable quality that determines the interaction of a person and the surrounding reality. This is a defining method of resolving emerging situations, so psychologists consider a trait of nature as a predictable personal behavior.
Variety of characters
A person acquires features of character in the course of his entire life span; individual traits of nature cannot be attributed to innate and characterological. In order to analyze and assess the personality, the psychologist not only determines the totality of individual characteristics, but also highlights their distinctive features.
It is character traits that are defined as the leading ones in the study and compilation of the psychological characteristics of a person.
But, defining, evaluating a person, studying the traits of behavior in the social plan, the psychologist also uses knowledge of the content orientation of nature. It is defined in:
- strength-weakness;
- latitude-narrowness;
- static-dynamic;
- integrity-inconsistency;
- integrity-fragmentation.
Such nuances constitute the general, complete characterization of a certain person.
List of personality traits
Human nature is the most complex cumulative combination of peculiar features, formed into a unique system . This order includes the most vivid, stable personal qualities, which are revealed in the gradations of human-society relationships:
Relations system | Traits of the individual | |
Plus | Negative | |
To self | Picky | Indulgence |
Self-criticism | Narcissism | |
Meekness | boastfulness | |
Altruism | Egocentrism | |
To other people | Sociability | Closure |
complacency | Callousness | |
Sincerity | Deceit | |
Justice | Injustice | |
Commonwealth | Individualism | |
Sensitivity | Callousness | |
Courtesy | shamelessness | |
Get to work | Organization | Slackness |
Mandatory | Stupidity | |
Performance | slovenliness | |
Enterprise | Inertia | |
Diligence | Sloth | |
To items | Thrift | Waste |
Thoroughness | negligence | |
Neatness | Negligence |
In addition to character traits included by psychologists in the gradation of relationships (a separate category), manifestations of nature in the moral, temperamental, cognitive and sthenic spheres were distinguished:
- moral: humanity, rigidity, sincerity, good nature, patriotism, impartiality, responsiveness;
- temperamental: gambling, sensuality, romance, liveliness, receptivity; passion, frivolity;
- intellectual (cognitive): analyticity, flexibility, inquisitiveness, resourcefulness, efficiency, criticality, thoughtfulness;
- sthenic (volitional): categorical, perseverance, obstinacy, stubbornness, purposefulness, timidity, courage, independence.
Many leading psychologists tend to believe that certain personality traits should be divided into two categories:
- Productive (motivational). Such traits push a person to commit certain acts and actions. This is the goal-feature.
- Instrumental. Giving personality during any activity individuality and way (manners) of action. These are traits.
Allport gradation of character traits
Allport theory
The famous American psychologist Gordon Allport, an expert and developer of gradations of individual personality traits, divided personality traits into three classes:
Dominant . Such features most clearly reveal the behavioral form: actions, activities of a certain person. These include: kindness, selfishness, greed, secrecy, gentleness, modesty, greed.
Plain . They are equally manifested in all the numerous spheres of human life. These are: humanity, honesty, generosity, arrogance, altruism, egocentrism, cordiality, openness.
Secondary . These nuances do not have a particular effect on behavioral responses. These are not dominant behaviors. These include musicality, poetry, diligence, diligence.
A strong relationship is formed between the traits of nature existing in a person. This regularity forms the final character of the individual.
But any existing structure has its own hierarchy. The warehouse of man was no exception. This nuance is traced in Allport's proposed gradation structure, where minor features can be suppressed by dominant ones. But in order to predict the act of a person, it is necessary to focus on the totality of the features of nature .
What is typicality and individuality
In the manifestation of the nature of each personality is always a reflection of the individual and typical. This is a harmonious combination of personal qualities, because the typical serves as the basis for identifying the individual.
What is a typical character . When a person has a certain set of traits that are the same (common) for a particular group of people, such a warehouse is called typical. Like a mirror, it reflects the accepted and habitual conditions for the existence of a particular group.
Also, typical features depend on the warehouse (a certain type of nature). They are also a condition for the appearance of a behavioral type of character, in the category of which a person is “recorded”.
Having understood exactly what features are inherent in a given personality, a person can make an average (typical) psychological portrait and assign a certain type of temperament. For example:
Positive | Negative |
Choleric | |
Activity | Intemperance |
Energy | Hot temper |
Sociability | Aggressiveness |
Decisiveness | Irritability |
Initiative | Rudeness in communication |
Impulsivity | Instability of behavior |
Phlegmatic | |
Perseverance | Low activity |
Performance | Slowness |
Serenity | Inactivity |
Uncommunicative | |
Reliability | Individualism |
Integrity | Sloth |
Sanguine | |
Sociability | Monotonicity aversion |
Activity | Surface |
Kindness | Lack of persistence |
Adaptability | Poor perseverance |
Cheerfulness | Frivolity |
Courage | Recklessness in actions |
resourcefulness | Inability to concentrate |
Melancholic | |
Sensitivity | Closure |
impressionability | Low activity |
Performance | Uncommunicative |
Restraint | Vulnerability |
cordiality | Shyness |
Neatness | Poor performance |
Such typical character traits, corresponding to a certain temperament, are observed in each (to one degree or another) representative of the group.