Things to masturbate too
26 Things to Use While Masturbating
One Cosmo writer once described masturbation as "the key to world peace" and "dealing with dick bosses everywhere." Though it may seem like an exaggeration, she's really not wrong. Not only does masturbating help boost your confidence and body image (with all those feel good endorphins released after orgasm), but your solo sessions can actually help reduce stress too.
Whether you opt for your rubdowns in the morning or at night, it's oh-so-good for the soul... which is why we want to enhance your masty time even more. Sure, you don't need these things (your fingers and body work juuuust fine), but if you ever want to like, really, really spice things up, check out the list below for the items you didn't know you needed while masturbating:
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1. A blanket. For one of two reasons: One, it can get a lil chilly with your pants laying low around your ankles (don't pretend like you take them all the way off). Two, what if your roommate barges in about a cockroach she found? Blanket = easy cover up.
2. Noise-cancelling headphones. You know, to drown out your roomie's fight with her parentals. The sound of her crying low-key makes your eyes swell with sympathy, and the only thing you want swelling rn is your vaginé.
3. Masturbation playlist. Cardi B and Lizzo bops shouldn’t be reserved for your partnered sex playlist. Listening to some stiff beats will def have you feelin' some type of way with or without a man pretending like he knows where the clit is.
4. Lube. Please, please, please invest in some of this gooey goodness. The extra liquid makes every touch feel better, and when you think it's literally not possible to produce any more natural wetness during a masty bender, this will slide you right on through.
5. Nail clippers. I mean, is there any more of a turnoff than your sharp, janky nails scratching your clitoris? Cut 'em, girl. (FYI after that visual, I think my clitoris just went into hiding. BRB while I go find her...)
6. Clothes pins. You'll use these to clamp on your nipples if you're feeling kinky. The added—okay, slightly painful—sensation will heighten your sensitivity to major extremes. Oh, and this will wake you the eff up too if you're an a.m. masturbating stan.
7. A chip clip. Not everyone has a clothes pin, so the thing holding your Cheetos together will work.
8. ….and some Cheetos while you're at it. You're hungry!
9. Okay, also a wet wipe. You now have Cheetos dust all over your fingers and you don’t really feel like contracting a UTI today.
10. Mouthwash. Your Cheetos breath is the opposite of an aphrodisiac.
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11. A vibrator. Sure, your fingers are fine, but FWIW, vibrators don't cramp up or lose their speed.
12. An ice cube. Place that melty thing all around your labia. It'll desensitize everything to make your orgasm feel That. Much. Better.
13. A heating pad. You just placed an ice cube all over your vag, aren't you cold?
14. This Smells Like My Vagina candle. To set the mood, y'know?
15. A Monster energy drink. Maybe you need that sugar rush to keep you awake, maybe you need that sugar rush to turn your hand into a makeshift vibrator.
16. A Beanie Baby your middle school crush gave you. It just seems like something good to hump when you're really feeling it.
17. Your fave John Mayer CD. Because Continuum. That's all.
18. A pillow. Okay, if the Beanie Baby took it a lil too far, a pillow works for your horny hump session too.
19. One of these audio erotica sites. Because the audio > visuals of porn.
20. That poster of Justin Bieber hanging up on your wall. Okay, this is if you do need a visual.
21. A rhythm. Don't just start rubbing your clitoris like you're applying self-tanner the day before prom. According to research, there are four motions that women love most on their c-spot: Up and down, circular, side to side, and rapid pushing (pulsating). Find and stick to your favorite.
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22. A phone charger. Because PornHub is obsessed with drowning your battery.
23. A planner. So you can schedule your next masturbating session.
24. A lint roller. You don’t want to be distracted by all the hair on your black shirt, right? Right?
25. A crate… for your dog. "No, Buddy, this is not the time to pounce on me."
26. Gatorade. Girl, it's time to hydrate and replenish those electrolytes.
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20 Items Women Have Used to Masturbate
- Sex + Dating
By Charyn Pfeuffer
Published on 4/15/2016 at 2:36 PM
Flickr/Thomas Hawk
Whatever happened to getting-off go-tos like humping a pillow or stuffed animal? Hell, even a trusty hand or vibrator is quite common these days. Nope! At least, not for some female Redditors who've taken, umm, creative liberties when it comes to masturbation.
In my quest to better understand the solo-sex habits of women, I sought out subjects who turn to offbeat items to orgasm. Self-pleasure away, ladies! Who am I to judge what turns you on? Trust me, I'm all about coming as often as possible. I'm just damn glad that Reddit doesn't have a visual component. Wandering down the Reddit rabbit hole isn't for the faint of heart. Praise the lard, but realistically, I'm never, ever going to stick a pork loin or frozen sausage in my pussy.
Here are 20 not-so-common items the women of Reddit have used to masturbate:
Flickr/Blondy Toys1. Holy water blessed at the Vatican... then used as lube
The eighth deadly sin: orgasms shalt not be fueled by religious objects. Especially brought back from the holy city. By your aunt.
2. A beeper (in 1995)... down her pants
Remember how high-tech pagers seemed back in the '90s? Redditor jLjbear went all the way.
3. A chef's knife
"The handle of an 8" French chef knife. I was careful (and dumb?)! I did it the first time alone, but when I found out the idea of it sort of turned me on, I encouraged my boyfriend at the time (and partners since) to bring daggers into the bedroom :O." -- RampagingKittens
4. Barbie's appendages
"The legs of Barbie dolls. Long before I was old enough to figure out how to find porn, I acted out erotic stories with my Barbies." -- anarkitty
Thrillist TV
Flickr/Kenny Louie5. Ice cubes while driving
"I was in a car with no AC driving for 12 hours on the hottest, most humid day ever. Bought a bag of ice and drove with it on my lap -- putting pieces in my mouth. Started putting them in my bra. Still hot. Started putting them in my vagina. Ahhh, much better." -- r4raccount
6. Basically anything that fits in a hand or down pants
"Vacuum cleaner hose, hairbrushes, the leg of a chair that had fallen off. Once I got my PlayStation controller to glitch so it continuously vibrated and used that. Oh, and a revolver! That one was my favorite." -- philobug
7. Jacuzzi jets
"My sexual discovery phase all began with the jets in my parents' Jacuzzi, I'd put my legs up over the side and go to bliss-land." -- watercracker
8. Real wood
"Anything with a wooden handle....PUT A CONDOM ON IT. It's REALLY hard to get slivers out of your bajingo." -- fireandrice
Shutterstock/Liga Alksne9. A hammer
"At the time, the rubber grip seemed like a great idea. But after practical application, I realized that the rubber that covers a hammer is sincerely different for the rubber-like silicone that covers dildos. :(" --deleted
10. An electric toothbrush
"...and I still use it. Best, most inexpensive vibrator ever. " -- tabihf
11. A rolled-up magazine
Hello, paper cuts in the pussy! No thanks, Chapsticklover.
12. Not inserted, but the neck of a guitar
Well, that's how OwlEyed made a guitar gently weep.
Adisa/Shutterstock13. Frozen sausage
Syllie chose to rise and shine for some breakfast magic -- although, I'm pretty sure this isn't what Jimmy Dean had in mind.
14. An "Answer Me Jesus"
"I have this pink plastic Answer Me Jesus, it's like a Magic 8 ball but it's in the shape of Jesus. I fucked his round, bumpy head." -- panicmo
15. Barbie's main squeeze
"When I was about 9 or 10, I tried to insert my Ken doll (head first) into my vagina." -- mawkishhag
16. A Q-tip
"Once I masturbated with a Q-tip and orgasmed. Totally serious." -- preggohottie
17. The end of a lint roller
"I took off the sticky roll to be safe though." -- dellie44
18. Actual meat
"Pork loin, triple wrapped in condoms. I was single and in my early 20s with the libido that could crush all libidos. I hated the dildo I bought because it was really hard to the touch and those cyberskin ones were really expensive at the time. So I got creative, did the deed, came, and then threw the pork loin away in shame. Feel free to tag as pig fucker." -- CloakedWarBird
19. Skates!
"Not really 'in,' but I used to masturbate with a rollerblade. I would just run the wheels up and down until I came... still haven't had a comparable orgasm." --
20. A renaissance fair souvenir
"One of those hand dipped candles you make at the Renaissance festival. " -- grangerdanger
OK, fess up ladies. What's the weirdest thing you've used to get off? Leave your answer in the comments!
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Charyn Pfeuffer is a Seattle-based contributor and longtime daily diddler. Until recently, she swore by the Magic Wand, but is fast becoming a Womanizer devotee. Follow her on Twitter: @charynpfeuffer.
18 masturbation techniques for women and men
September 2, 2021 Likbez Sex
If solo sex has lost its lustre, here are ways to spice it up.
First, let's remind you of a simple rule: if it seems to you that it would not hurt to add lubricant, it doesn't seem to you. Dry masturbation can lead to irritation due to friction. So be sure to use a lubricant in all the techniques below. Better water-based: such products are universal.
If you already use lubricant, try increasing the quantity. A light wet slip can take your fingers further than usual, and make your movements more confident and bold. And perhaps this will be the key to orgasm.
Masturbation techniques for women
1. With shower head
Try to massage your perineum not with your fingers, but with streams of water, let them penetrate into the most secluded places of your body. If such a “tickle” seems not enough, the nozzle can be removed - then the effect of a jet of water under pressure will become even more noticeable.
Option: buy a special shower head from a sex shop. It helps to regulate the diameter and pressure of the water jet, as well as accurately set the direction of its movement. Such props can also be used to stimulate an extremely sensitive clitoris.
2. With towel
This technique can be called a simulation of the famous horsewoman pose. Take a chair, put a thick rolled towel on it, sit on top of the structure and start the classic “woman on top” movements. By the way, you can masturbate in this way without taking off your panties.
3. With a towel and a vibrator
The scheme is the same as in the previous paragraph, only wrap a sex toy in a towel. Naturally, having previously turned it on.
4. In front of a mirror
Watching porn videos is exciting. But watching yourself in intimate moments excites no less. Try masturbating in front of a mirror. You can even set it up close so you can see everything your fingers are doing in detail.
5. With video
Just turn on the video in which the main character successfully and incendiary satisfies herself, and copy her, repeat the movements. People tend to empathize with what they see on the screen, to identify with the characters, so when the girl in the story has an orgasm, it is likely that you will be covered with sensations too.
6. To the music
A well-chosen playlist can improve your training results. Similarly, music can set you up for orgasm. Pick up rhythmic songs that seem especially exciting to you, and move your fingers or vibrator to the beat.
7. Scissor hand
Make a V with the index and middle fingers of either hand and place the pads of the fingers on either side of the external labia. Then, working with your fingers like scissors, begin to move the labia towards each other, squeeze them. Increase or decrease the pressure and pace depending on how you feel.
8. With your whole hand
Grasp the outer labia with your index finger and little finger. And gently insert the middle and ring fingers into the vagina - so that their inner side touches the clitoris at the same time. Make middle and nameless translational movements back and forth. And at the same time, with the palm of your hand and your free thumb, grab and squeeze the pubic area to enhance the sensations.
9. Without hands
In principle, they are optional in masturbation. Here are a couple of easy positions in which you can achieve orgasm without hands. Sit on a chair, cross your legs and bring your hips together as much as possible. Squeeze and relax your buttocks, gradually increasing the pace.
Second option: lie on your stomach, spread your legs and, moving your buttocks, start rubbing your clitoris against the bed (you can put a pillow under your hips). At first, do it at the slowest, most relaxed pace, listening to the sensations. As pleasant warmth spreads in the groin, accelerate.
Masturbation techniques for men
1. Rubbing against the palm of your hand
Grasp the erect penis at the base with one hand and rub its shaft and head against the open palm of the other. Due to the fact that the point of contact is constantly changing, stimulation will seem unexpected, varied and quickly lead to orgasm.
2. Descent-ascent
Another way to diversify stimulation. Grasp the penis at the base in a fist, squeeze and slide upwards to the head. When you reach the end, turn your fist so that your thumb is down, and go down to the base of the penis. Repeat the movements, turning your fist up and down.
3. "Milking"
Grasp the penis at the base in any convenient way - for example, in a fist or in a ring of forefinger and thumb. Slide your hand to the head of the penis as if you are trying to “milk” something out of it. When you reach the head, open your fingers and at the same time grab the base of the organ with your other hand. Repeat. Alternate hands, gradually accelerating the pace.
By the way, the “milking” technique is the key to jelqing. This is the name of the method of physical stimulation, which some optimists use to increase the penis.
4. On your side
Lie on your side with your knees drawn up to your stomach. By moving your upper leg towards and away from you, you will be able to stimulate the shaft and head of the penis. When the excitement becomes palpable, straighten and stretch your legs, clasp your penis with your hand and, moving your hips, complete the process.

Lie on your side, grab your penis closer to the head with your hand. Then roll over onto your stomach so that your fist rests on the mattress. Begin to enter the hand, as you do with normal sex - moving your hips.
6. In the shower
Shower games are not just for women. Take a shower sprayer, direct jets of warm water to the perineum, pubis, base and shaft of the penis, testicles. Make circular movements to catch the most pleasant pace and find the most sensitive points.
When the excitement becomes unbearable, without postponing the shower, help yourself with your free hand.
7. With toys
The simplest and most affordable option is a male masturbator. There are dozens of types of them: gadgets for simulating vaginal and oral sex, manual and automatic, with heating and realistic sound. Just walk into a sex shop, ask to see the assortment, and your masturbation will never be the same.
8. With pillows
Place two pillows side by side, pressing tightly against each other, and place the penis in the gap between them. Start moving your hips as you would during normal intercourse and at the same time squeeze the pillows with your hands, shifting them at different angles and adjusting the depth of the hollow.
Please note: after such masturbation, the pillowcases will have to be changed.
9. With elements of anal sex
The prostate is called the male G-spot, and it may be your way to achieve an amazing solo orgasm. Try to find her.
To do this, gently explore the area near the anus with your fingers (lubrication is required!) Gradually penetrating into the anus. The prostate is located at a depth of about 5 centimeters, from the side of the pubis. It is easy to identify by touch - it is a small rounded bulge.
Gently and gently massage the prostate with up and down strokes. With your free hand, you can caress the testicles and penis to increase arousal.
If you feel uncomfortable using your finger, try anal stimulators - these tiny vibrators, adapted to the male body, can be bought at any sex shop.
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best masturbation tips and hacks
Masturbation is part of the sexual development phase. When there is no close man around, you get the opportunity to learn more about your body and its reactions to touch. It contributes to the knowledge of the stages of one's own arousal, which provokes and strengthens it. If you know how to please yourself, then in sex with a partner you will be as open as possible and ready for bliss. We provide 20 different ways to masturbate for every taste and color - from the most old-school to those that require additional devices.
Website editor
sex life
Masturbation can help relieve stress any time you are on your own. In some cases, both home conditions to give yourself pleasure, and a lunch break in an office with a secret room are suitable. Someone likes the realization of complete unity, and someone enjoys the urgency of the situation to be at this moment outside the walls of the house. There are many options and you can experiment.
Shower head
At first we wrote "soulful", but then we corrected it. In general, the good old shower has never let anyone down. Many girls know how to use it to please themselves. Play a little with water pressure and temperature to add different pleasant sensations.
If you prefer the faucet, move your hips to find the most comfortable position for orgasm. And if you choose a shower, drive it around the intimate area at different inclinations and angles.
Classic Fingering
Even if you know how to please yourself with your fingers, the surroundings have value too. Another old-school way involves gentle clitoral masturbation somewhere in a secluded area. We open our masturbation selection with such a classic as a French manicure duet.
Before that, it doesn't hurt to tune in. Turn on relaxing musical compositions, take a fragrant bath, start studying the body and fully concentrate on your beloved. Touch and squeeze your chest, run along the inner and outer sides of the thighs and until you reach the crotch. A girl can please herself with the same touches as a man does. And excite yourself before the main course.
Vaginal fingering
Even if you remember that you can't orgasm from vaginal penetration alone, try... don't crave orgasm. How, in this case, to give yourself maximum pleasure with your hands?
Just caress yourself until you get really turned on. In fact, it's often not just about which zone you're stimulating, but how excited you are. For a woman, thoughts and fantasies play a primary role in this. And then competent and targeted actions.
The clitoris is the last
To properly please yourself like a sex guru, try not to touch the clitoris. Be patient until you are completely "on the edge". Study your body, press on the labia and the anterior wall of the vagina with different force, slow down and speed up the pace, choosing the intensity of the movements. And you will see that the clitoris is far from being your only sensitive area.
Pillow between the legs
Probably, there is no girl in the world who has not tried to masturbate at least once, squeezing the pillow with her hips. This is from the field of options, how you can please yourself with the help of improvised means.
If you know how to do it, go ahead, we have nothing to tell you. If not, believe me, you will have many happy seconds. A pillow is considered an excellent way to stimulate the clitoris gently. You can squeeze it between your legs or lie on top of it.
Washing machine
Try to sit on the washing machine with your legs tightly together so that the vibration responds between them. And what a good replacement in the absence of intimate products at home!
Just before you indulge in masturbation, you need to make sure that the machine is stable and you won't fall off it in moments of orgasm.
Erotic reading
Reading something version is suitable for both a beginner and an experienced woman who can easily please herself. For example, erotic prose, fanfiction, or just hot scenes from a romance novel (it is not necessary to read the entire romance novel). What matters here is not plot twists, but how much they turn you on. The speed of excitation is different for everyone and this is absolutely normal.
Audio porn
You can read more about what is auditory porn, what it is eaten with and what to do to make it beneficial. Recordings include sensual stories in the first person, sounds of lovemaking, moans, dialogue or dirty talk.
Women love with their ears: what is audio porn and why you should listen to it
If watching a video about how to please yourself is not always convenient and appropriate, then with audio it’s the other way around. You can listen to the recording in headphones and start up on the way home.
Mirror in hand
Watching you caress yourself can be very helpful. You get to know your body better, learn to love it, care for it and cherish it. Your body becomes for you not a subject for criticism, but a source of joy and pleasure. Arm yourself with a mirror, look and learn how to give yourself maximum pleasure.
Self-satisfaction of the other person
You can always offer your partner to show what you are capable of. The fact that men are turned on by a woman caressing herself, do not even doubt it. Masturbating opposite each other can be very sexy. Especially if, for some reason, sex is contraindicated for you, and you don’t want to lose libido points.
5-minute at work
Tired, but coffee doesn't invigorate you? Try locking yourself in a toilet cubicle and lightly caressing yourself between your legs. No one offers you to arrange a real marathon of full-fledged masturbation. Take it as a short break, during which you will only have time to “light yourself up” a little - to invigorate your spirit and cheer you up, so to speak.
Vacuum Stimulator
In case you forgot or didn't know, a vacuum stimulator is the kind of thing that gives you pleasure. But not due to the fact that it vibrates or pulsates, but literally with air.
You don't put it in, but put a hole in the clitoris. And it lifts you up to the seventh heaven of bliss quickly and without extra labor with light air shocks. Such sex in solo performance will allow you to please yourself as soon as you get used to your new toy.
Rabbit vibrator
"Rabbits" is suitable for those who most effectively get an orgasm from double stimulation: through penetration and stimulation of the clitoris. If possible, choose those vibrators where you can separately control the process and the base.
Vibrating phone
But if you don't have a vibrator and you don't plan to buy it, you can use improvised means. Fortunately, ways to please yourself with the help of familiar gadgets also work. We don't put anything anywhere! We just turn on the vibration and clamp between the legs right next to the clothes (it can also come in handy for the previous paragraph).
Butt plug
This device can be used for masturbation, although it is more often preferred by men, but completely unreasonably. Anal plug paired with clitoral stimulation, including a vibrator, gives an excellent result.
It can be anything. You can alternate the application of a spoon with a warm shower jet. We do not recommend experimenting with ice, because this is a rather harsh effect. It is better to either use a warming-cooling lubricant, or a different temperature of the water from the shower. Find the appropriate video on how to please yourself in the bathroom. You can discover new sensations and gain useful experience.
Masturbation at a distance
Relax and put yourself in someone else's hands. Yes, this kind of self-satisfaction is also available. Some toy manufacturers (for example, We-Vibe) allow you to control gadgets from the application. At the same time, you can send a link to your partner so that he can control the toy from any part of the world. This is very disturbing, especially if for some reason you are forced to spend time apart.
Excitatory lubricants and liquid vibrators
Another new addition to the world of sex toys. Liquid vibrators are designed in such a way that they understand better than many how a woman can please herself. These are gels that are applied to the genitals and from them a feeling spreads, as if the lubricant is vibrating on your skin.
Lie on your stomach
Simply put, change your position. Most women (no statistics, purely empirically) masturbate lying down and spreading their legs or standing up if in the shower. And you try to look at the situation from a different angle - turn on your stomach and caress yourself in front or behind. This is one of the most convenient options for pleasing yourself with your fingers.