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What is pop-it, simple-dimple and squish
Beginner's guide: what is pop-it, simple-dimple, squish and how to play with them
Nadezhda Afanasyeva
17 May 2003 19051
Relaxing toys often become incredibly popular thanks to social networks. So it was with fidget spinners, then with slimes, in 2021 people discovered a new hobby for children and teenagers. We tell you what pop-it, simple-dimple and squish are and why everyone suddenly started talking about them.
Pop-its (from the English pop-it - “burst it”, the name “try” has taken root in the Russian-language Internet) are silicone sheets with cells that make a pleasant sound when pressed, which resembles bursting bubbles on a packaging film. But the toy has an advantage: as soon as you have finished pressing the pimples on one side, you can turn the sheet over and start popping again.
Simple dimple works on a similar principle, but this toy, which differs in different sizes of pimples and their chaotic arrangement. The base for pimples comes in different shapes and sizes, and, for example, the smallest ones in the form of a keychain allow you to take it with you to burst anywhere.
Squishy is a toy made of a material with memory: if it is crushed, it will take time for it to regain its shape. However, TikTokers call all toys that can be crushed squishy, including liquid-filled needle-like silicone balls. Squishy appeared back in 2018, but now they are experiencing a second wave of popularity.
What they say about pop-its and simple-dimples
Some marketplaces indicate in the name of toys that they are related to Montessori pedagogy, which is based on the method of free education, when children themselves learn and discover the world with the help of a developing environment and toys. To develop fine motor skills, you can use simple objects - for example, invite your child to collect puzzles, string beads on a thread, or shift peas or beans, or buy a pop-it. Thus, toys not only relieve stress, but also develop.
Children and teenagers were the first to talk about new anti-stress toys on social networks, mainly on TikTok. Adult zoomers and millennials, like the editor of Afisha Daily, also learned about these toys from TikTok when some videos of young bloggers began to get into recommendations. If you go to their pages, you will notice that many of them are entirely devoted to toys.
Older TikTokers started asking questions about toys because they didn't understand them, made videos parodying a new teenage hobby, and even bought pop-it themselves to play with. Then the trend was picked up by the media: SRSLY published an advertisement on Instagram for a vacancy for a pope, and The Village raffled a toy among subscribers.
The main question that senior bloggers ask is: is there really so much stress in the lives of today's children that they needed whole boxes of anti-stress toys. In fact, a year and a half of the pandemic left no opportunity for everyone to relax: in 2021, the demand for such toys, including spinners from 2017, both among children and adults, reached its maximum over the past three years. AliExpress experts attribute this to the anxiety and uncertainty that the pandemic has brought.
How it is played
Older tiktokers often portray trying as a rather primitive hobby, but in fact it is not. The number of possible ways to play with anti-stress, on the contrary, indicates a high level of ingenuity of children. Here is some of them.
— Exchange. Children love to exchange their stress relievers. To do this, buttons in the form of a checkmark, plus or cross are drawn on a sheet of paper on both sides. Then they offer a toy for exchange and receive a counter offer. If everyone is satisfied with everything, they click on the checkmark. If someone considers the exchange unequal, he can ask to add toys or refuse the deal using the appropriate "buttons".
- Guess where the ball is. The number is written in the comments, and the tiktoker throws the ball under the pop-it and starts popping the bubbles. If the commentator guesses the cell in which the ball lies, he won. As a reward, he can often get likes and subscriptions from the tryer.
- Pop-it for two. Two players alternately roll a die and each player starts popping as many pimples as they come up. The one who at the end does not have enough cells to click them lost.
- Freeze soda. Many bloggers try to freeze their favorite soda in pop-it cells and get delicious semi-circular ice cubes.
- Pop-it racing. The task is to burst all the cells of your pop-it in the shortest possible time.
Show your collection. To different sounds, bloggers show their collection of pop-its, simple-dimples and squishes of all shapes and sizes.
— Do it yourself. Almost all popers are expanding their collection, including through homemade anti-stress. The basis for them can be packages of pills, marshmallows, and balls with shaving foam inside are great as squishes.
tell your friends
Pop-itPop ItSimple DimpleSquishSimple DimpleAbill Daily
"In my opinion, photography is one of the most mysterious and even mystical inventions of mankind.

“The Unity of Counterpoint” is the title of a retrospective photo exhibition by Stas Namin, a musician, composer, producer, artist, director. The exhibition became part of the cultural program dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Stas Namin. Stas Namin spoke about how the exhibition was created, about photography, about creativity, about beauty and harmony in an interview for The exhibition is open until January 16, 2022 at the Moscow Gallery of Classical Photography.
Vernissage of Stas Namin's exhibition "The Unity of Counterpoint". Stas Namin in the photo in the center / Photo provided by the press service of Stas Namin
- Stas, this is not your first exhibition. But this is the first project, which is a kind of photographic report to the viewer. Are you summarizing?
- Yes, I had quite large and serious solo exhibitions in the Great Manezh, the Central House of Artists in Moscow and the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg and in some other places around the country, but that was a long time ago, at the end of 90s - early 2000s. For the last twenty years I have concentrated on something else and, unfortunately, there was neither time nor space left for photography in my head. What I did before, and what I shot in recent years, I did not show at exhibitions and did not release in albums, although, of course, I thought about it. Oddly enough, my anniversary helped (smiles). The team with which I have been working for many years - those people without whom it would be very difficult for me to do so many different things - they offered me to make a kind of creative report in the year of my round-the-clock, that is, to present to the public everything that I have been doing for the last twenty years. I thought that maybe it makes sense, since the reason is respectful (smiles), and since I usually don’t advertise what I do, many people don’t even have an idea about it. Most people only know about my song “We wish you happiness” and maybe they have heard about the theater out of the corner of their ear, but they don’t know about the rest (smiles).
As a result, we got almost a festival stretched over a whole year, presenting the different areas in which I work. Photography was present in two projects - in July-August at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, where, in addition to photography, analog and digital, my works in various genres of visual art were presented - painting and graphics, sculpture and video mapping, video art and installation. And in the Gallery of Classical Photography, at the exhibition, which opened on November 18 and will run until January 16, 2022, only photography is presented.
© Stas Namin
— Please tell us how the works for this exhibition were selected.
- To be honest, realizing that in this rather big space, but not enough to show everything that has been done over the years, I decided to present a little of the different series, projects and techniques in which I work. I thought that such a decision would give a more or less complete picture of what I basically do in photography. In the near future, I plan to release several albums and will upgrade my photosite, where you can see more complete versions of these and my other series and projects. Actually, each of the cycles, fragments of which I presented in the gallery on Savvinskaya Embankment, could become an independent full-fledged exhibition, but such eclecticism can also probably take place. It so happened that it was not me who selected the photos for this exposition, but specialists and curators who were not connected with me, who collected something from my different series to their liking. Maybe I should have dealt with everything myself from the very beginning, but, on the one hand, I was very busy with other projects that were concentrated in November, and on the other, I thought that this third-party view would have a certain objectivity and "impartiality", from which it would be difficult for me to free myself.
— The exposition contains more than a hundred photographs. This is a certain statement with the name "Unity of counterpoint". What is your message, what is the meaning for you in this "Unity"?
- Actually, despite the seemingly unexpected combination of words, the meaning of the name is quite simple and formulated a long time ago in various works of art and by many philosophers - the unity of opposites. In many ways, this theme echoes the title of my exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art - "Confrontation". In both cases, I am trying to formulate the idea in the language of visual art that the essence of the world is not only in the opposition of opposites, but also in their unity, and without this unity, life would be incomplete or even impossible at all. But, in addition to the conceptual component, in art it is important how it is formulated. That is, to put it simply, HOW is sometimes more important than WHAT (smiles). Therefore, with this exhibition, I do not pretend to a new philosophical understanding of life, but rather offer my artistic vision of those ideas and thoughts that I share.
From the “Magic of Venus” project © Stas Namin
— Can this exhibition be connected with your personal interest in constant transformation or is it a response to the instability of the world?
- It seems to me, just the opposite, that it is in this struggle of opposites that the stability of the world exists. Just like transformation, this, as I see it, is not only “my personal interest”, but probably a law of nature independent of people. I think that the struggle of opposites and transformation ends only with life (smiles).
— How important is participation in exhibitions for you?
- In general, of course, it is important for me to show what I am seriously doing. Actually, why then do this if you don’t show anyone and keep secret your work, which, as it seems to me, succeeds in some ways and I myself like it? And on the other hand, the organization of exhibitions takes so much time and effort that sometimes it seems to me that I’d better spend this time on something more important and do something nice, and someday I’ll show it . ..
Stupid logic, but that's probably why I haven't had a big solo photography exhibition in about twenty years.
— Are you satisfied with the current exhibition in the Gallery of Classical Photography? By the way, did the gallery itself respond to this project with interest?
- Probably, it would be possible to make the exposition more stylish and elegant and even change its very principle, choose and maintain one style, but what happened, I think, gives an idea of what I'm doing in photography, and this is probably the main goal of this exhibition. When I say that I am trying to express beauty in art, it is probably important to show how and in what I see this beauty. Actually, this is the main thing that I try to formulate in any art and in particular in photography. And since beauty is a very subjective concept, the opinion of both ordinary viewers and those experts and professionals whom I respect and who, in their originality, skill and grace, are unattainable for me, is very important for me. I am talking not only about photographers, but in general about everyone who has achieved high professionalism in any field.
"Twins". New York. 1999 © Stas Namin
— What impression do you think visitors will get from viewing your photographs?
— Well, probably, first of all, I would like people to feel the warmth and love that I put into all my work. Without this, I don’t see the point at all, in any kind of creativity.
— There are some very unexpected works at your exhibition, which it is not clear how they managed to shoot, and at the same time, there are works, as it were, on the verge of what is permitted, but not crossing this line. How do you do it?
- It's hard to say, but there is probably one very important principle for me, which, perhaps, contains the answer to your question. I think that in any work - and in photography in particular - the ethics of the artist, his inner attitude to what he depicts, is very important. This is a rather delicate topic, and I will try to formulate it based on my personal experience.
I am often asked how I managed to film the forbidden rituals of African tribes, or hermit yogis in India, or the prayer service inside the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, where tourists are not allowed, let alone photographers. Also, many are interested in how it happened that beautiful and worthy women agreed to pose nude, and even in the position of pregnancy and with newborn children. These are really very important questions, because the answers to them should be the key to a serious understanding of the essence of not only photographic, but any kind of creativity. I never persuade anyone, I don’t “stimulate” and I don’t specifically agree. It happens to me as if by itself, naturally, and I don’t know how to explain it, except for some special human trust, which even unfamiliar people probably have in me. Maybe because I feel sincere respect for these people. That is, I am not a paparazzi, and people feel this with some kind of inner feeling. I have never had such thoughts that now I will shoot something or someone, and it will become mine, and I will do what I want with these pictures. It still remains theirs, and I respect photographs as if they were real people. In other words, I do not steal from people their image, face, appearance, their energy and the depth of their eyes, but the fact that they trusted me only imposes some special obligations on me.
From the International Geogrphic project © Stas Namin
...It's hard to explain, since I'm only speaking at the level of inner intuition now. I think that this applies to any art, at least for me, but photographs in particular. This is such a strange and delicate nuance that it is even difficult to formulate, let alone prove. Where is the sensation, what sensation... what difference does it make what you feel and what you think at this moment, but I am sure that this is exactly how everything happens, as I tried to explain.
I don't show much of what I shoot online or in the press. Why am I filming? Hard to explain. There are photos that only a few people have seen. For me, these are very serious photographs: they exist, and it is enough for me that they exist - it is not at all necessary to show them to everyone in a row. For me, showing any of my photos to people is a special intimate act of trust. I think that the people I shoot also subconsciously feel this, and maybe that's why they allow me to shoot what they usually don't. These are just my guesses, but I only explain some of my unique shots with this.
- What is your favorite job?
- In all series and projects there are those works that are closer to me and which, it seems to me, turned out to be the most expressive and beautiful. But one favorite, I think not.
- Please tell us about some other interesting works.
- If we talk about those presented at the exhibition, then perhaps the most unexpected and even breaking the style and rhythm of the entire exhibition is a series of "home" photographs. They were not planned to be exhibited at all, and they were shot by chance and not for display, and only when it suddenly turned out that in the center of the exhibition space of the gallery there is a working wall that is usually not used for photographs, it seemed to me that something like home living room or that corner in the house where photos of close and beloved people usually hang. Since I really respect and love all the characters in this series, it turned out to be very subjective and even somewhat intimate. In general, it is wrong to call it a series, these are just portraits of my friends and relatives, whom I at some point saw very sincere and cordial and photographed from a surge of warm feelings. In fact, these are ordinary everyday photographs. Among them there are also famous people, but these are not staged photos, but really “homemade”. It may seem to someone that they do not look like their usual image, but I did not plan to take advertising shots, and it seems to me that there is a special value in these simple photographs.
- Which of your photo series do you consider the most successful?
A fragment of Stas Namin's exhibition "The Unity of Counterpoint" ©
— It's hard for me to judge objectively, because it's hard to ignore my own feelings during shooting, selection and processing. I shoot not to order, but only for pleasure, and this makes it almost impossible for me to look from the outside and objective analysis. Perhaps, judging by the assessment of professional art historians, the “Magic of Venus” project, on which I worked for about fifteen years, turned out to be the most fundamental - as a kind of study of the phenomenon of the transformation of female beauty during pregnancy and after the birth of a child. In any case, this is what experts from the State Russian Museum, who oversaw this project, say. But it seems to me that there is something interesting in each series.
— What inspires you as a photographer?
- You can talk for a long time, but in short - beauty.
— I wonder how the sense of visual composition correlates with the sense of harmony in music? What should be a "hit" in a photo?
— Probably, photography really has a lot in common with music. In any case, that's how it is for me. I don't know what happens at the moment when I suddenly want to take a photo. Some kind of delight rolls up somewhere inside, and I want to capture it. But this doesn't always work out. Sometimes a photograph does not convey what I felt at the moment of shooting, and I don’t know if it’s because I couldn’t capture it, or it was objectively impossible. This happens to me in music too, sometimes some kind of melody appears in my head and it seems significant to me, and then I don’t like it when I’m sober. But even when it seems to me that what I would like has not worked out, people often do not notice this, and it happens that they like even what I think is not particularly successful. After all, they don’t know how I wanted it to be. .. (smiles) Be that as it may, in photography, as, in fact, in all arts, the main result is a rather ephemeral criterion - TASTE. And this despite the fact that there is no objective explanation of what vulgarity is and what distinguishes good taste from bad. But if these concepts did not exist, then there would be no recognized geniuses in the history of human culture. So, the most important thing is inexplicable and elusive (smiles).
— Do you shoot on film or digital? Why?
— I shoot both film and digital. Since I started when there was no digital yet, then, in fact, there was no choice, and now, when technology allows you to do everything digitally, even the film effect, then shooting on film, it seems to me, has become only a more accurate effect - a kind of retro with grain, which is not so easy to imitate digitally.
— Do you process your pictures yourself?
- Before, when I started shooting, I even developed it myself, working with an enlarger, developer and fixer, and this was the only possibility for processing. And today processing is an art form that is closer to painting than to displaying reality...
— What advice can you give to young photographers?
— Look for beauty around you and get high from beautiful photographs, but don't be afraid to work on commission. It is necessary that custom-made works turn out beautifully. Never "steal" - do not stoop to the mentality of the paparazzi and respect those who, or even what you are filming.
— Do you think a photographer needs a personal website or is a social media profile sufficient?
- Here, I think, there is no single answer. It depends on what you are shooting for, what your goals are. But for greater popularity, probably, both will not hurt (smiles).
Lake Sevan. 1965 © Stas Namin
— What is photography for you?
- I spoke about this in various interviews and even in this one, but if you want to hear a kind of declaration, I will try to briefly summarize and formulate what is most important for me.
In my opinion, photography is one of the most mysterious and even mystical inventions of mankind. If it is possible to capture life in time on film, then photography stops time, grabbing from life some infinitesimal fraction of a second, some moment that cannot be predicted in advance. This moment may turn out to be an even more expressive image of nature or a person, more general and alive than cinema. The photographer intuitively presses the button, but according to the theory of infinitesimals, it does not depend on him what moment remains in the frame. It is this inexplicable phenomenon that interests me most of all, therefore I am not very fond of the technology of this process, but rely more on chance, intuition and the subjectivity of taste.
I'm not very interested in shooting polished staged shots, it seems to me that something is lost in them: naturalness, life, originality. For me, those photographs are especially valuable, in which documentary and artistry are organically combined. Such shots cannot be repeated - just like entering the same river twice.
The mystical essence of photography also lies in the fact that, it seems to me, it not only stops time, but also steals from it a piece of life or a charge of energy or information, by which you can at any moment return to that moment on some not fully understandable for me astral level, uniting time and space. This is probably why psychics find missing people from photographs, treat them, or, conversely, cause damage. No wonder it is believed that strangers should not be allowed to photograph newborn children until they get stronger in spirit. As if you can steal a piece of energy, disrupt the immune system, which is not yet ready to protect itself from the external environment. In this sense, it is very important who holds the camera in his hands, what kind of aura he has, what kind of “eye”. Probably, a photographer, like a doctor, should be bright in spirit. I feel something similar in relation to painting, poetry and music.
I only photograph what I find beautiful. My choice at one time or another is dictated by the diversity of life itself. It can be landscapes and portraits, nature and abstraction - anything. It seems strange to me to highlight or ignore any one theme or style.
Whatever I photograph, at the moment of shooting, I feel some kind of concentrated warm energy filling my lungs. Often, at the very moment of pressing the button, it is as if my breath stops and there is an almost physical union with what I am shooting.
For me, photography is a way to get closer to yourself and cultivate beauty.
Fragment of Stas Namin's exhibition "The Unity of Counterpoint" ©
— Would you like to live forever?
— I ask myself this question from time to time... (smiles) But there are many nuances. First of all, what kind of eternal life are we talking about? After all, Dostoevsky is eternally alive, as Behemoth the Cat claimed. Or if we are talking about eternal material life, then everything is not so simple here either. You are not your body, but your personality, which is most likely broadcast from "heaven" through the brain. I have no doubt that after some time people will become in many ways biorobots and only the brain will remain indispensable, as in Professor Dowell's Head. By the way, we are all already partly biorobots if we have an implant instead of a tooth, or a heart pacemaker, or any kind of prosthesis. It is said that human brain cells practically do not age and can live for a very long time or even forever, like some creatures recently found in the depths of the ocean.
So your question is not as fanciful as it might seem. But whether I want this, I don’t know, there are many reasons for and many against. I haven't decided yet... (smiling)
Stas Namin / photo from Stas Namin's official website
Stas Namin is a musician, producer, composer, theater and film director, artist and photographer, creator of major international music and film festivals and festivals culture.