Positive thinking healing
The Power of Positive Thinking
Here’s heartwarming news: People with a family history of heart disease who also had a positive outlook were one-third less likely to have a heart attack or other cardiovascular event within five to 25 years than those with a more negative outlook.
That’s the finding from Johns Hopkins expert Lisa R. Yanek, M.P.H., and her colleagues. The finding held even in people with family history who had the most risk factors for coronary artery disease, and positive people from the general population were 13 percent less likely than their negative counterparts to have a heart attack or other coronary event.
Yanek and her team determined “positive” versus “negative” outlook using a survey tool that assesses a person’s cheerfulness, energy level, anxiety levels and satisfaction with health and overall life. But you don’t need a survey to assess your own positivity, says Yanek. “I think people tend to know how they are.”
Hope and Your Heart
The mechanism for the connection between health and positivity remains murky, but researchers suspect that people who are more positive may be better protected against the inflammatory damage of stress. Another possibility is that hope and positivity help people make better health and life decisions and focus more on long-term goals. Studies also find that negative emotions can weaken immune response.
What is clear, however, is that there is definitely a strong link between “positivity” and health. Additional studies have found that a positive attitude improves outcomes and life satisfaction across a spectrum of conditions—including traumatic brain injury, stroke and brain tumors.
Can You Boost Your Bright Side?
Although a positive personality is something we’re born with and not something we can inherently change, Yanek says, there are steps you can take to improve your outlook and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Simply smile more.
A University of Kansas study found that smiling—even fake smiling—reduces heart rate and blood pressure during stressful situations. So try a few minutes of YouTube humor therapy when you’re stomping your feet waiting in line or fuming over a work or family situation. It’s difficult not to smile while watching a favorite funny video.
Practice reframing.
Instead of stressing about a traffic jam, for instance, appreciate the fact that you can afford a car and get to spend a few extra minutes listening to music or the news, accepting that there is absolutely nothing you can do about the traffic.
Build resiliency.
Resiliency is the ability to adapt to stressful and/or negative situations and losses. Experts recommend these key ways to build yours:
- Maintain good relationships with family and friends.
- Accept that change is a part of life.
- Take action on problems rather than just hoping they disappear or waiting for them to resolve themselves.
Cardiovascular (car-dee-oh-vas-cue-ler) disease: Problems of the heart or blood vessels, often caused by atherosclerosis—the build-up of fat deposits in artery walls—and by high blood pressure, which can weaken blood vessels, encourage atherosclerosis and make arteries stiff.
Heart valve disorders, heart failure and off-beat heart rhythms (called arrhythmias) are also types of cardiovascular disease.
Immune response: How your immune system recognizes and defends itself against bacteria, viruses, toxins and other harmful substances. A response can include anything from coughing and sneezing to an increase in white blood cells, which attack foreign substances.
Positive Thinking For Healing – Chase Away Your Illness
Skip to content Positive Thinking For Healing – Chase Away Your IllnessWhatever diseases or health issues you face, a positive, optimistic outlook can help you recover. Positive thinking for healing can make a big difference to how you feel about yourself and the world around you. Research indicates it can help you stay stronger in the face of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, or kidney failure.
Practice positive self-talk while being gentle on yourself and humble in your dealings with others. Many people with heart issues, depression or anxiety can also benefit from changing their outlook on life. Daily affirmation techniques and meditation can transform your sense of self and bring an inner calm. Such techniques are great for relieving stress, which is a strong driver of many diseases.
Taking time out to examine negative self-talk will help you approach unpleasant situations in a more positive frame of mind. It will help you think more positively about the healing process and life itself. It can help you manage stress, one of the world’s biggest killers.
Even if you are not naturally optimistic, don’t worry because you can learn how to tackle negative self-talk. Getting help to switch from negative to positive thinking is worthwhile and can have huge health benefits.
Positive thinking for healing has also been shown to have a positive impact on depression, pain, resilience, and coping skills. Research indicates that it also reduces the risk of many physical ailments such as cardiovascular disease.
So, yes, you can heal yourself with positive thinking, but you may need emotional support, and lots of perseverance.
This is not something you do once. Rather, it is a lifestyle and life-outlook change we’re talking about here.
Chase away illness with keeping positive
Identifying negative thoughts is part of the battle as it will help you home in on what needs to change. This may relate to relationships, diet, alcohol intake or other aspects of your life.
A good tip is to stop and check yourself once or twice during the day. Are you still churning negative thoughts? Can you talk to someone who will help you see things differently? Would a brisk walk in the park aid positive thinking for healing?
Always be open to social interactions as they can lead to humorous situations which are good for your mental health. Laughter helps you keep things in perspective and reduces stress. Try to surround yourself with positive people who can give you the emotional support and encouragement you need.
Smile whenever possible and sing – all these things will help positive thinking for healing. Various techniques such as meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, Pilates and Tai Chi can help engender positive thinking about your condition.
Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens NY has the expert medical staff that can devise tailored treatment plans. Its well-trained professionals also provide emotional support, therapeutic recreation, and fun activities to promote positive thinking for healing. The physical therapy we offer is also great for emotional and mental health as well as balance, coordination, self-esteem, and pain relief.
This article contains informational and educational materials and does not replace health or medical advice. For questions or concerns regarding your medical condition or health objectives, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.
Healing through awareness. I can do everything! Positive thinking according to the method of Louise Hay
Healing through awareness
Any problem in the human body "opens the door" to awareness and illuminates the problem in his soul. Pain wants to draw his attention to an internal problem.
For true healing, we must first of all give up the mental cause of ill health and its physical manifestation. Following the mental healing, there will also be the elimination of physical disharmony in the body. To activate this process, we can actually proclaim our perfection. And let the inherent human race belief that “nature dominates man” no longer dominate you!
Revision of thoughts and rejection of them
I give up habitual thoughts and beliefs that limit my health, energy, understanding, and ability to do good.
I free myself from all thoughts that can prevent the perfect manifestation of peace, health, wealth, prosperity and happiness in all areas of my life.
By my almighty word in the presence of almighty God, I reject all foolish and ignorant statements that hinder my perfection.
My word is the measure of my inner strength.
And so it is!
Healing comes through awareness, forgiveness and taking responsibility for your health. No angels and teachers accompanying us, no ancient secret or new revolutionary techniques can save us from ourselves or make us conscious. We took on human form to learn how to perfect life here and to fill the void between the human personality and soul consciousness.
For healing, something needs to happen at the level of the heart (for example, the heart jumps with joy or moves with pain, compassion). Further, the love that originated in the heart, like a magnet, attracts the love of others, and as a result, the very blood passing through the heart changes. The blood carries love throughout the body, and then healing occurs. This process strengthens and even restores the body's immune system.
Movies with aggressive or bad endings are known to impair the functioning of the immune system, and this leads to diseases and nerve disorders. When the heart stops not from love, but from fear or from the pain of empathy for the heroes of the film, negative energy spreads through the body, respectively. The more we are in aggression, the less becomes the resistance of our body.
We often don't understand why this happens. Science does not know where the superconscious or subconscious is, because it cannot find it in the human body. It is the same with feelings, emotions and thoughts: science knows what we think, but does not know how. That is, we, of course, know that we think through the brain, but where exactly in the brain are thoughts?
Modern doctors have achieved tremendous success - they can already operate on the fetus in the womb. The successes in organ transplantation are also amazing! Perhaps, over time, science will understand that a person is not just a physical body, and then it will begin to work with all three of its bodies together. The theory that we create our own diseases is finding more and more followers.
Earth is a school of life. There is no need to fight death, because death is not a loss. This is the return of the physical body to the earth. And the soul does not die, it only passes into the world of souls, and when it returns to Earth, it will not need to go through such an experience again. On the contrary, she will need to prepare for another experience.
Previously, all science, including medicine, was controlled by physicists, and now it is the pharmaceutical industry. In every country they are afraid that a person will become more knowledgeable, and therefore more free and healthy. Cancer is an industry for pharmacists. He brings them 75 billion dollars a year! Isn't it surprising that the cloning of humans and animals is just around the corner, while cancer is an epidemic of the planet?
The body has its own mind, and it always tries to come into harmony. Our brain is the organ that connects the body to thoughts. If we are cold, it means that we are cold on an emotional level. The skin becomes cold when it needs to draw our attention to what is happening in the body. Fear at the mental level signals to the brain: “I'm afraid!”, And the brain sends a signal to all systems that should energize the body. There is a reaction to fear - the heart beats stronger, the vessels narrow. The heart is generally the most vital and responsive organ.
By itself, the physical body cannot do anything. When pain appears in the body, it means that your brain has given a command to the body to draw your attention to an internal conflict.
Every ailment says that there was blockade on emotional or mental level , which led the organism to this ailment.
A person in harmony has only memory.
When I was a child, I was only scolded and called names. But for me it was like I was beaten, humiliated. Can you imagine how strong the emotional load was? And even now I don't want to go through that pain again. The memory of the past can become so powerful that it begins to control our lives: the inner higher self wants something, but the mental body blocks this desire. The human mentality never knows what the heart needs. When the mental block increases, there is a signal that these kinds of beliefs can lead a person to serious problems.
This blockage in the physical body means that the person neglects his true needs, ie the needs of the spirit.
The reason for serious illnesses lies in the fact that in childhood a person experienced isolation, that is, there was no one next to him with whom he could share his thoughts and feelings. Not knowing how to ask, ask and demand, a person thinks that everyone around is telepaths and must guess for himself what he needs. Out of resentment towards people for this “slow-wittedness”, he tries to suppress in himself the natural inner need to have a loved one and does not pay attention to it. When we retain most of our painful memories, it takes a lot of energy from us. To keep them, energy is also required, and much more than to tell or ask for something. It's like swimming against the current.
If you get sick at 50, it's not about what's happening to you at the moment. This is a replay of the childhood script, and therefore it is important in treatment to go to the root cause from early childhood and find one of the five traumas that we have already talked about. Unfortunately, a person lives consciously for about 5-10% of his life time.
This text is an introductory fragment.
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Read the book “The Healing Energy of Thought and Word. Self help. Healing. Health» full online📖 — Louise Pearl — MyBook.
Translation into Russian S.V. Alex
Proofreader A. Ivanova
© Louise Pearl, 2023
ISBN 978-5-4498-6481-9 Ridero
Healing energy of thought and word
Health is our main wealth. Our health depends on the purity and light of our thoughts and words. Exactly. Our thoughts and words carry energy, and it depends only on us how healing the energy of our thoughts and words will be.
The health of the body and the harmony of the soul is what each of us strives for. Our body reacts sensitively to the internal emotional state.
Positive affirmations are a very effective tool for working with your own subconscious, similar to self-hypnosis. By saying positive affirmations mentally or out loud, we eliminate negative attitudes, blocks and negative scenarios for the possible development of events from our subconscious and program ourselves for a healthy, happy, rich and harmonious life.
So if you want to heal your body, first heal your way of thinking. Start thinking positively right now by reading this book.
Read positive affirmations several times a day for one to three months. Imagine that what you are reading about has already happened in your life. Feel, live each positive statement, try to experience pleasant positive emotions.
The energy of thought and word is boundless. Every word contains energy. The energy code of the word contains the image, meaning and sound vibration.
Remember that you create your own reality. What you think and say today will become your reality in the future, so try to always think and speak positively.
Healing affirmations will help you change your mindset from negative to positive.
Affirmations for positive thinking
My thinking is tuned to a wave of positivity and health. My positive thinking brings me the desired benefits. My life is getting better every day. With my positive thoughts, I attract happiness, luck, success, happy events and new opportunities into my life.
I program myself for a happy, healthy, rich and harmonious life. My positive thoughts attract only positive energies, happy events and positive people into my life. I repeat positive affirmations every day and improve my life. Every day my life gets better and better.
I radiate positive thoughts. I think and act in such a way that my thoughts and actions purposefully and inevitably lead me to well-being and prosperity. I attract positivity and positive change into my life. My life is getting better and better.
I create my happy reality with my positive thoughts. I transform the space around me, improving it, changing it in a positive way. My positive affirmations are more powerful every day, have a beneficial effect on the positive changes that occur in my life.
Every day positive affirmations penetrate deeper into my consciousness. Positive affirmations help me create the reality I want. Thanks to affirmations, every day I become happier and more prosperous.
Affirmations gradually replace my old negative thoughts and become my reality. Everything I dream of is possible. All my ideas are coming true.
I get rid of bad thoughts. I get rid of negative beliefs. I give up those thoughts that do not bring good into my life. The more negative I let go of myself, the stronger I become.
I now and always think positively and get rid of internal and external barriers. I calmly part with the past and joyfully welcome everything new in my life. I move forward confidently and joyfully, because I know that everything will be fine in the future.
I choose new positive thinking for myself. My positive words and thoughts have healing power and energy. I reveal my positive potential.
My body is healthy and strong. My body always heals easily and naturally. I am constantly drawing the healing energies of the universe to me. The healing energies of the universe help my immune system work.
I allow healing energy to flow through me. My healing positive thoughts and words bring complete healing and recovery to my body.
My positive healing thoughts renew my mind and body and create my good health. My mind and body are now and constantly attuned to the wave of universal wisdom. The source of universal wisdom, good health and healing life energy and strength is within me.
I am by birthright a person who deserves all the best. I always keep calm and balance. I trust myself and life. I love, approve and appreciate myself. I surround myself with unconditional healing love.
Day by day, all my positive affirmations affect me more and more. I can achieve anything if I believe in it. My positive attitude allows me to create the reality that I dream about.
There are positive changes in my life every day. Changes for the better in my life are happening right now. I attract bright and happy events into my life. I attract the best into my life.
I like to be myself. I accept myself as the person I am. I love everything that I have. I live easily and freely. Life is constant change. Change is a natural process of life. I accept change.
I easily get used to everything new. I am happy to let change into my life. I have confidence in life. All the answers to my questions are within me. I am here to learn and discover. I am here to develop and learn new things. I am constantly changing, developing and improving.
I am a worthy person. I am an independent person. I'm on the wave of luck. I am a whole person. I deserve to always feel great. As I relax, I allow the healing energy to flow through me.
I feel great physically and mentally. I control my thoughts and think only about the good. I think about what benefits me. Every day my happiness and wealth grows and multiplies. I feel that the universe loves and supports me. I thank the universe for love and support.
The world around me is a reflection of my positive thoughts. With my positive thoughts, I create the life of my dreams. I choose a happy, healthy and rich life full of abundance and prosperity.
I lead an active and healthy lifestyle. I am supported by life. I am a person full of joy and light. I hear the voice of my intuition. I create my own reality.
The present is the result of my past thoughts. My thoughts today create my future. I think positively and joyfully.
I am a confident person. I am a brave and determined person. I am a strong person. I like positive attention to me. I discard unnecessary embarrassment. I always think positively. I am freeing myself from the inner constraint that prevents me from succeeding.
There are many opportunities in life. You can always choose another path. I am completely safe. I am constantly and always discovering new and new opportunities for myself. I have enough strength and energy to turn my ideas, plans and dreams into reality.
I am the creator of my life. I make my dreams come true. My dreams come true. My positive thoughts and words today create my happy tomorrow.
I create my perfect health. I always heal easily. My healing is happening right now. I proclaim health and well-being, love and happiness, success, beauty and joy, healthy relationships and positive people around me, life-affirming bright ideas, prosperity and wealth.
I allow only those thoughts of mine that help me in life to remain. I send love to any of my positive thoughts.
I treat my mistakes with understanding and patience. I forgive myself for all my mistakes and get rid of guilt. I easily get rid of negative memories and resentments. I accept, forgive and let go of my anger, irritation and my fear. I release the past.
From now on, and always, I solve all the problems in my life easily, joyfully and with love. I meet every new day with pleasure and joy. I successfully solve the problems that life sets before me. I'm reaching the pinnacle of success. I attract good luck into my life.
I control my thoughts. I independently program myself for success, happiness, health, well-being, abundance, prosperity, wealth and good luck. My thoughts and my body are in complete harmony and balance.
From now on, with my positive thoughts and actions, I create my healthy, happy, prosperous, rich and successful life.
I allow positive things to happen. I accept whatever life brings me. Life is Beautiful. I treat life with love and gratitude. I love life. Life loves and supports me. Tranquility, serenity, peace and harmony reign around me and in me.
I am a purposeful and persevering person who reaches the pinnacle of success. My thoughts, ideas and plans lead me straight to success. My positive thoughts, skills and acquired experience are my reliable support in life.
I keep my mind and body in great shape. I respect the need of the mind and body for rest. Taking care of my body is a natural part of my self-love. A healthy lifestyle is a natural part of my being.
I reject those thoughts of my own that interfere with my healthy and happy life. I give up negative thoughts. I'm safe. I discard fear. I am always comfortable. My optimism helps me build my life in prosperity.
My life becomes easy, pleasant and joyful. I love my wonderful and happy life. I direct my attention to my strengths and let go of everything that bothers me and that I cannot influence.
I reveal my positive inner potential in every life situation. My inexhaustible optimism helps me overcome any difficulties. With my positive thoughts and actions, I can independently create my happy reality. Every day my life gets better and better.
It is easy and pleasant for me to keep my positive attitude. I control my thoughts, feelings and emotions, and right now I choose joy, prosperity and abundance. I choose positive, positive and healthy thoughts that heal my body.
I can do bold things. When I need to, I know how to get out of my comfort zone. As a result, I become stronger and more confident. Success and wealth come easily to me. Success and achievement are the natural result of my work.
My work brings me joy and moral satisfaction. Success, professional and spiritual growth inevitably come to me as a result of my efforts.
All money channels are open to me. Money comes into my life easily and freely. Money contributes to my intellectual and spiritual growth. Every day the abundance given to me by the universe grows and increases.
I open up and freely accept new sources of income that the universe gives me. I am grateful to the universe for abundance. The wealth of the universe is enough for everyone. I wish other people health, happiness, success, wealth, abundance and prosperity.
I choose bright and positive thoughts. My thoughts are creative. I create my reality with my positive thoughts. I am the creator of my healthy, prosperous, rich and happy life.
I can achieve anything I want. The Universe every day constantly opens the way for me to health, happiness, success, wealth, abundance and gives me endless opportunities to achieve success. I thank the universe for all the good things in my life.
I focus my attention on everything positive in this world. I try to communicate more with positive people. I choose only positive thoughts and experience happiness regardless of external circumstances. I only focus on pleasant, positive and joyful thoughts.
I easily absorb ideas that help me live. I create a world of harmony, tranquility, love and happiness. I show care, kindness, gentleness and tolerance towards myself. I allow pleasant events to fill my life.
I am a person full of joy and gratitude. I live in complete harmony with myself and the world around me. My abilities and talents are given to me by the universe. The best doors and opportunities in life are opening for me. Every day everywhere and in everything I become better and better. Every day of my life is easy and busy.
My mind and body are designed for a healthy, happy and harmonious life. I feel harmony within myself. I praise myself daily for my virtues, achievements, and strengths. I love to praise other people.
I am the creator of my healthy, happy, successful and rich life. I take responsibility for my life. Every day I get stronger. I live in peace and harmony with all those around me. I am at peace with myself.
I fully accept myself. I love, respect, approve and accept myself. I'm safe. Life is kind to me. I trust the process of life. Life loves and supports me.
My positive thoughts and dreams become my reality. Life supports me in everything. I look at the world with tenderness and love. I forgive myself for everything. I forgive other people.
I control my thoughts and always think positive things. I think about what brings me real benefit in life. My positive thoughts lead me to health, happiness, well-being and prosperity. My mind has great power. I can create whatever I want.
I am aware that all my thoughts are material. I am aware that my thoughts shape my belief system. My thoughts create my happy reality. My positive thoughts make my life wonderful.
With my positive thoughts I can change my life and make it healthy, happy, successful, rich, joyful and beautiful. I choose balance, harmony and peace. Every day my life gets better and better. I thank the universe for this.
My daily positive affirmations are the most powerful way to create my new happy reality.