Michio kaku personality type
Michio Kaku Personality Type | Personality at Work
Friendly with endless energy the ENFP personality type will be at the heart of where the people are, future oriented looking far beyond the obvious often seeing things that others fail to. They are driven by the new and have an insatiable curiosity making them mercurial, fresh and enthusiastic. However, having so many interests can mean that, at times, the ENFP may have trouble keeping still, prioritising and focusing on the task at hand, especially if something more interesting is looming. The routine and detail bore the ENFP who wants life, work and social to merge into one stimulating environment with endless possibilities shared with people.
The ENFP personality type is the heady individual, creative, quick, impulsive who will get up in the morning thinking of how many possibilities the day may bring. They are excellent at devising new ways of doing things and bring a totally unique and fresh perspective to people, projects and situations.
People-centred, caring and spontaneous, the ENFP will be excellent at getting things started and they'll do so with energy, enthusiasm and zeal. However, the ENFP may not be so good at follow-through as they are interested in exciting possibilities and may move on to 'the next big thing' before the 'previous big thing' is completed. They can find overwhelming and utterly compelling reasons to convince others of their point of view and will be animated, expressive and full of life.
The ENFP personality type cannot help but see possibilities. Future oriented they will look far beyond the obvious often seeing things that others fail to. They are driven by the new, the complex, the novel and people will see them as mercurial, fresh, and enthusiastic. Friendly with endless energy the ENFP personality type will be at the heart of where the people are, loving fun and a good drama. They will excellent team players and the one who will work hard at maintaining group morale and making people feel special. Unconstrained by rules, regulations or structures the ENFP will be expedient in their search for what pushes their buttons and every day is a big adventure. Being empathetic to the needs of others also means that ENFP can be sensitive the other way and can get hurt by slights or perceived criticism, especially so when they themselves worked so hard at relationships. They will discover, nurture and support talent in others, seeing the good in people and genuinely wanting to see others succeed. And the ENFP will know exactly which buttons to push to motivate each individual.
They will discover, nurture and support talent in others, seeing the good in people and genuinely wanting to see others succeed. And the ENFP will know exactly which buttons to push to motivate each individual.
Having so many interests can mean that, at times, the ENFP may have trouble keeping still, prioritising and focusing on the task at hand, especially if something more interesting is looming.
The routine, the detail and the mechanical, bore the ENFP who wants life, work and social to merge into one stimulating environment with endless possibilities and lots of people to share them with. The ENFP is impatient, wanting things to happen now, not comprehending deferred gratification, and usually have the determination to make it so.
Giving an ENFP targets, or rules will only make them think up original, inventive ways of breaking them and they will do this with such charm and ‘jois de vivre’ that others will be very forgiving. The ENFP personality type will see themselves as unique and will revel in this uniqueness finding creative and innovative ways of solving problems and overcoming obstacles. Being part of a group brainstorming possibilities is ENFP territory, but they won’t be the one who takes away the notes to type up as they’ll be off looking for the next thrill. So, follow-through tends to be a problem, as the ENFP will tend to get bored very quickly, especially if a newer, more interesting project comes along. They also tend to be procrastinators, both about meeting hard deadlines and about performing any small, uninteresting tasks that they've been assigned. The ENFP has great energy and enthusiasm but they tend to like the bits they like, which can mean that those issues they don’t like may not get the attention or discipline they require. It also means that the ENFP will be constantly on the look-out for the next adventure and may be tempted from the agreed route by something just a little more fascinating and fresh.
Choose another celebrity type to compare side by side the different approaches work, attitudes to conflict and the way they engage with others.
Michio Kaku | Typology Central
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- #1
Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics at the City College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Host his own show on the science channel.
I think he is probably ENTP or INTP.
- #2
ENTP but he's often types as an INTJ
- #3
he's quite charismatic and spends a lot of time in his lectures making jokes
Yeah, I can fly.

- #4
I think ENTP as well.
New member
- #5
In a way, he kind of reminds me of Carl Sagan and Bill Nye, being a popularizer of science.
New member
- #6
Same (ENTP).. I think he's cooler than Sagan and Nye at what he does too.. even though they're more well known.
- #7
who's read the physics of the impossible by him ?
lol you can hear the excitement and love for science in his words
- #8
Michio Kaku's hero is INTP 5w4 Albert Einstein so he is probably the same type.
- #9
ESTP (which is unusual, I'll admit...though it does make sense since he's a talented popularizer and a likeable, outgoing personality.)
Don't even start, either, you dunces. I know it's impossible in the little world of typology forums for anybody doing anything science or philosophy related (or really anything important or visible other than the odd actor here and there) as a profession to be typed as S. It's a failure of your minds that you'll hopefully all get over one day.
New member
- #10
Orangey said:
ESTP (which is unusual, I'll admit...though it does make sense since he's a talented popularizer and a likeable, outgoing personality.)
Don't even start, either, you dunces. I know it's impossible in the little world of typology forums for anybody doing anything science or philosophy related (or really anything important or visible other than the odd actor here and there) as a profession to be typed as S.
It's a failure of your minds that you'll hopefully all get over one day.
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I wonder if Kaku ever wears a wifebeater.
- #11
KDude said:
I wonder if Kaku ever wears a wifebeater.
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Then we'll know for sure!
- #12
Who are some famous people that you actually think are intuitive [MENTION=4490]Orangey[/MENTION] ?
- #13
RaptorWizard said:
Who are some famous people that you actually think are intuitive [MENTION=4490]Orangey[/MENTION] ?
Click to expand.
There are a bunch (a lot that I can't think of off the top of my head.) Bertrand Russell, for instance, is I/ENTP. Hannah Arendt, INFP. Kurt Gödel, INTP. Chomsky, INTP. Stephen Hawking, INTP.
There are a ton more I'm not remembering right now, but that's a start. There are even a lot of N actors, though they (and any other type, actually) are drowned out by the sheer preponderance of ESFJs.
Anyway, I resent that I'm being asked to "prove" that I'm not favoring S over N, especially when the de-facto typing of anyone famous (except certain of the most vapid actors) and certainly anyone intellectual is N.
- #14
Orangey said:
There are a bunch (a lot that I can't think of off the top of my head.
) Bertrand Russell, for instance, is I/ENTP. Hannah Arendt, INFP. Kurt Gödel, INTP. Chomsky, INTP. Stephen Hawking, INTP.
There are a ton more I'm not remembering right now, but that's a start. There are even a lot of N actors, though they (and any other type, actually) are drowned out by the sheer preponderance of ESFJs.
Anyway, I resent that I'm being asked to "prove" that I'm not favoring S over N, especially when the de-facto typing of anyone famous (except certain of the most vapid actors) and certainly anyone intellectual is N.
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You bring up a very good point in the bolded and you know have me questioning my own type! I still don't know how you can tell who is intuitive and who isn't.
Futurologist Michio Kaku talks about the near future of mankind
American theoretical physicist of Japanese origin, writer, futurist and well-known popularizer of science spoke in Moscow at the Third Forum of Regional Social Innovations.

A new wave of innovation
We physicists are the people who create the future. It was we who invented transistors, radio, television, X-rays, lasers, the Internet, space programs and much more. And now we are working on creating the future of today - artificial intelligence (AI), nanotechnology and biotechnology. Innovations in these technological areas will ensure the wealth of the entire society in the near future.
The main resource of the modern economy will be information. To evaluate and structure information, you need analytics, and to apply it, you need intelligence. Only AI can process such an amount of information as we have now. There are three main types of artificial intelligence: robots, pattern recognition programs, and machine learning. In the future, AI will be everywhere.
To effectively interact with such a world, people will need a fundamentally new access to the Internet. It will be provided by special contact lenses: all information will be received on their surface, and it will be possible to control them simply by blinking your eyes.
The future of education
Students who are taking exams will be the first to use these lenses. They will blink and see all the answers to the tests. And it will affect all aspects of learning. Memorization will no longer be required: the learning of the future will depend less and less on memory. If you want to know something, you just blink.
An infinite amount of knowledge will be available to everyone. Professors in such a system of education will stop teaching and turn into mentors,
who guide students in their careers and provide advice.
About the future of consumption
In the future, to buy gifts for Christmas, you will not need to go to the store and stand in line, just download a virtual product model on the Internet and print it on a 3D printer. When you come to the sneaker store, you will only need to choose a model, and the shoes themselves will be printed right there, and they will fit you perfectly in size. The same will happen with so many other things.
In the future, people will have one device instead of many devices - computer, smartphone, tablet, laptop. The size of its screen can be adjusted, and due to this it will replace all the others. Wallpapers in houses will become interactive. This means not only that the style of the interior can be changed at any time, but also that if you wake up in the middle of the night with chest pain, you can call a robo-doctor who will listen to your symptoms and give recommendations. To do this, you just need to turn on the bed to the wall. In similar ways, it will always be possible to contact a robot lawyer, an accountant, and anyone else.
In the future, all cars will be self-driving. Moreover, it will be good to talk with the car. And cars will fly, and such cars already exist. How long travel will take will also change. For example, to fly from Moscow to New York, it will take not ten hours, but two. So move will allow new supersonic aircraft. In addition, space tourism will become widely available.
About ideal capitalism
The ability to access the Internet at any time will radically change the structure of society and make capitalism ideal. When buying a product, a person will be able to compare prices from all sellers, find out the history of this product and how much it really costs. In such a society, the value of intellectual capital will increase more than goods. This is already happening: to date, England, for example, has received more total income from rock and roll than from the entire coal industry.
Every revolution has its winners and losers. Most of all, people whose work boils down to repeating the same actions will suffer the most from a change in the technological structure. But this is normal - we no longer have blacksmiths or workers who assemble wagons. Those who own intellectual capital will win: they are creative, they know how to invent new things, plan, think strategically. These will be the main values of the new time.
Very soon all spheres of human life will be finally digitized. The richest man in the world today is Jeff Bezos, he moved retail online, made it digital. Uber, Airbnb and others do the same. Such services are the future.
About the work of the future
The work of the future is where robots cannot replace people, and they cannot do three things. First, they cannot engage in low-skilled labor - sorting garbage, fixing toilets, wiring the house. Secondly, robots cannot replace professions where you need to interact with people, such as lawyers. Third, robots will not be able to replace people who have artistic abilities - those who can write a novel, appear on television, discover a scientific law. Latest,
intellectual capitalists are the main category of professions of the future.
Artists will have a new kind of art: they will come up with art forms that AI will download from their brain, and then they can be printed on the same 3D printer. Designers, architects, scientists will also work.
About the future of medicine
Digitalization of medicine will be one of the main achievements of the future. For example, in diagnostics, there is already a pill with a chip and a camera inside. It allows you to get excellent pictures of the internal organs of a person who swallows this pill, and thus detect many diseases.
But it's not just hospitals that will change diagnostics. For example, if a woman today discovers a cancerous tumor in her breast, then this means that she has about ten billion growing cancer cells. It is too late for treatment in this situation, she needs surgery immediately. And in the future, we will have toilets where toilets can analyze body fluids and detect the presence of cancer cells. We will learn to diagnose a disease when only hundreds of similar cells appear in the body, a dozen years before a severe form of the disease. "Tumor" will cease to be a frightening word and leave the lexicon altogether.
Today we are able to connect an exoskeleton to the human body and give a paralyzed person the opportunity to move. A few years ago, a football match took place in São Paulo, in which the first kick was made by a paralyzed teenager. The exoskeleton, which is connected to a chip in his brain, allowed him to do this.
If your body parts become unusable, we will print new ones on the printer. Even now, cartilage, bones, ears, skin, blood vessels, entire arteries, the bladder can be printed on a 3D printer from your cells, and they will not be rejected by the body. The next step is the liver, we are already very close to printing it too.
About the brain
The next organ we are currently working on is the human brain. Scientists today map the activity of neurons in the brain. And we have already learned how to record the simplest memories from the hippocampus of mice. Now we are testing this technology on monkeys. The purpose of this program is to use recorded memories for Alzheimer's patients so that a person can play them back.
In the next twenty-five years, the internet and the brain will be connected. We will be able to exchange emotions, feelings, memories over the network.
So it will be possible, for example, to send memories in instant messengers. This will help people to stop getting angry and fighting among themselves, because they will be able to fully understand each other. This will also form the basis of the future of television and cinema.
We are also learning how to start taking pictures of dreams. Today, the brain is analyzed by a special machine that records blood flow at thirty thousand points in the organ. The computer recognizes the brain patterns it knows and prints a picture of what the person sees. So far, these are very primitive images, but someday we will be able to press a button and watch a full-fledged recording of the dream that we had last night.
There is already a company in Silicon Valley that digitizes personality. In the future, when you come to the library, instead of taking a book about Churchill, you will be able to talk to him, with his hologram. Everything that is known about him - his thoughts, speech, judgments, appearance - will be digitized, and based on this, a copy of his personality will be created. Someday, perhaps, you will be digitized in this way, and this will give you digital immortality.
But biological immortality will also become much closer. Over the past ten years, we have learned that aging is errors that accumulate in cells. When the DNA is digitized, the AI will mark where the errors are and maybe be able to correct them. When artificial intelligence works like this with the DNA of billions of people, it will be able to calculate in which genes aging occurs. And, probably, this will give an answer to the question of how to avoid aging.
Scientists have discovered new personality types
https://ru. sputnik.kz/20180918/tipy-lichnosti-issledovanie-7280697.html
Scientists have discovered new personality types
have discovered new personality types
Scientists have replenished with categories : "typical", "closed", "egocentric" and "role model" 09/18/2018, Sputnik Kazakhstan 02-01T14:05+0600
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Sputnik Kazakhstan
ASTANA, Sep 18 - Sputnik . Researchers from Northwestern University (Illinois, USA) have presented a new concept of classifying people into personality types.
Brainpower and the Power of the Gods: An American Scientist Predicted Global Change
In modern psychology, there are five personality traits: extraversion, the ability to compromise, consciousness, emotional instability, and openness to knowledge and new experiences. Three types of personality are formed from these traits - persons with excessive self-control, individuals who are not able to control themselves, and people with a stable psyche. The analysis of a large amount of data helped researchers expand these categories, writes RIA Novosti with a link to the Medical Xpress portal.
Artificial intelligence studied the questionnaires of more than one and a half million people from all over the world, information was collected for decades. Initially, the computer identified 16 personality categories, but scientists refined the parameters - and the number of types was reduced to four: "typical", "closed", "egocentric" and "role model".
The "typical" person is characterized by openness and a high degree of extraversion, but low openness to new experiences. According to the researchers, there are more women in this category than men.
Just one sleepless night increases the risk of developing diabetes, scientists have found
A "closed" person is emotionally stable, closed and turned inward, which, however, does not prevent him from finding common ground with other people.
"Role models" have a stable psyche, are open and even dependent on gaining new knowledge and experience, and are also very accommodating.