Personality type meyer briggs test

Personality Test of Myers & Briggs' 16 Types


Q. What is this personality test based on?

A. This test is based on the personality theory created by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs. It measures your preferences on Myers and Briggs' four dimensions of personality type, as well as 23 more detailed facets of type to personalize your results.

Q. How long is this personality test?

A. The test consists of 130 questions and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Q. Is this personality test really free?

A. You do not need to purchase or register to take this test and view an overview of your results. If you would like, you can purchase a more comprehensive full report for a small fee.

Q. Is this personality test accurate?

A. This test has been researched extensively to ensure it is valid and reliable, using a variety of statistical methods. These results are detailed in the TypeFinder technical report. Most of our users describe their results as both accurate and insightful. However, it is important to note that no test can determine personality type correctly for everyone—it's essential that you evaluate your results on your own to decide if they describe you well, and research other possible types if necessary.

Q. What will my results for this test look like?

A. You will first see a brief, free report showing the key points from your results. After reviewing your brief report, you then have the option to unlock your full report for a small fee. To see what you can expect from your full report, see this sample report.

Q. How can I access my personality test results?

A. After you take a test, you will have the option to create an account by entering your email address. If you create an account, you can view your test results at any time by returning to and logging into your account. We do not email your results to you.

Q. Do I need to complete this personality test all at once?

A. If you’ve created an account and are logged in when you take the test, your responses will be saved as you go through the test. If you do not log in to a Truity account before starting the test, your progress will not be saved and you will need to complete the test all at once.

Q. Can I have my employees, team or group take the TypeFinder test?

A. Absolutely. Our Truity@Work platform is designed to make it easy to give a TypeFinder personality test to your team or group. See discounted group pricing and learn how to quickly and easily set up testing for your group on the Testing for Business page.

Q. Will this test tell me which careers are best for my type?

A. This test has brief information about the careers for your type, but if you main goal is to find the right career for you, then we recommend you take the TypeFinder for Career Planning, which is specifically designed to help you find the right career for your type as well as your individual interests and strengths.

Q. Is this personality test appropriate for children?

A. None of our tests are appropriate for children under the age of 14. Some of our tests may have mature content, and anyone younger than 18 should only take the test with parental guidance.

Q. Where can I find more information about the 16 personalities?

A. You can find comprehensive profiles of each of Myers and Briggs' personality types here: INFP • INFJ • INTP • INTJ • ENFP • ENFJ • ENTP • ENTJ • ISFP • ISFJ • ISTP • ISTJ • ESFP • ESFJ • ESTP • ESTJ

Q. Can my personality type change over time?

A. If you asked Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs (the creators of the 16 personality types) or Carl Jung (the psychologist whose theories Briggs and Myers studied), they would say no, a person's personality type does not change over time. However, personality psychologists who study large populations have found that shifts in personality do occur over time. Research shows that age and individual life experiences can cause a shift in your personality. However, drastic shifts in personality are unusual, and most people find that changes are small and gradual.

Q. I'm looking for the official MBTI® assessment. Is this it?

A. The MBTI® is the original assessment developed by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs. The TypeFinder® is based on Myers and Briggs' theory, but is not the same as the MBTI® assessment. Some key differences:

The MBTI® Assessment

  • Developed by Isabel Briggs Myers
  • Based on theories of C.G. Jung, Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers
  • Measures 4 preferences of personality type
  • Available through certified practitioners or online
  • Results cost $49 (for MBTI® Online)

The TypeFinder®

  • Developed by Truity
  • Based on Myers and Briggs' theory and original empirical research
  • Measures 4 dimensions and 23 facets of personality type
  • Available online
  • Results are free, or choose to purchase an expanded report
Are you going to sell my data?

A. . We do not sell your email or other data to any third parties, and we have a zero-spam policy. We carefully comply with applicable privacy laws in handling your personal information. You can read more in our privacy policy.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Myers-Briggs, and MBTI are registered trademarks of The Myers & Briggs Foundation in the United States and other countries. Truity has no affiliation with the organizations publishing or holding rights to the MBTI® assessment.

Myers & Briggs' 16 Personality Types

Explore our in-depth descriptions of each of the 16 personality types to learn more about yourself and your loved ones. Or, if you're not sure which personality type fits you, take our free personality test .

The 16 personality types were created by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs, developers of the MBTI® assessment. Myers and Briggs created their personality typology to help people discover their own strengths and gain a better understanding of how people are different.

When you discover your own personality type, you'll understand more clearly why you do the things you do. You will gain confidence in your strengths and be better able to make decisions that suit your true nature.

Find Your Type


The Healer

INFPs are imaginative idealists, guided by their own core values and beliefs. To a Healer, possibilities are paramount; the reality of the moment is only of passing concern. They see potential for a better future, and pursue truth and meaning with their own flair.


The Mastermind

INTJs are analytical problem-solvers, eager to improve systems and processes with their innovative ideas. They have a talent for seeing possibilities for improvement, whether at work, at home, or in themselves.


The Counselor

INFJs are creative nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others realize their potential. Creative and dedicated, they have a talent for helping others with original solutions to their personal challenges.


The Architect

INTPs are philosophical innovators, fascinated by logical analysis, systems, and design. They are preoccupied with theory, and search for the universal law behind everything they see. They want to understand the unifying themes of life, in all their complexity.


The Champion

ENFPs are people-centered creators with a focus on possibilities and a contagious enthusiasm for new ideas, people and activities. Energetic, warm, and passionate, ENFPs love to help other people explore their creative potential.


The Commander

ENTJs are strategic leaders, motivated to organize change. They are quick to see inefficiency and conceptualize new solutions, and enjoy developing long-range plans to accomplish their vision. They excel at logical reasoning and are usually articulate and quick-witted.


The Visionary

ENTPs are inspired innovators, motivated to find new solutions to intellectually challenging problems. They are curious and clever, and seek to comprehend the people, systems, and principles that surround them.


The Teacher

ENFJs are idealist organizers, driven to implement their vision of what is best for humanity. They often act as catalysts for human growth because of their ability to see potential in other people and their charisma in persuading others to their ideas.


The Protector

ISFJs are industrious caretakers, loyal to traditions and organizations. They are practical, compassionate, and caring, and are motivated to provide for others and protect them from the perils of life.


The Composer

ISFPs are gentle caretakers who live in the present moment and enjoy their surroundings with cheerful, low-key enthusiasm. They are flexible and spontaneous, and like to go with the flow to enjoy what life has to offer.


The Inspector

ISTJs are responsible organizers, driven to create and enforce order within systems and institutions. They are neat and orderly, inside and out, and tend to have a procedure for everything they do.


The Craftsperson

ISTPs are observant artisans with an understanding of mechanics and an interest in troubleshooting. They approach their environments with a flexible logic, looking for practical solutions to the problems at hand.


The Provider

ESFJs are conscientious helpers, sensitive to the needs of others and energetically dedicated to their responsibilities. They are highly attuned to their emotional environment and attentive to both the feelings of others and the perception others have of them.


The Performer

ESFPs are vivacious entertainers who charm and engage those around them. They are spontaneous, energetic, and fun-loving, and take pleasure in the things around them: food, clothes, nature, animals, and especially people.


The Supervisor

ESTJs are hardworking traditionalists, eager to take charge in organizing projects and people. Orderly, rule-abiding, and conscientious, ESTJs like to get things done, and tend to go about projects in a systematic, methodical way.


The Dynamo

ESTPs are energetic thrillseekers who are at their best when putting out fires, whether literal or metaphorical. They bring a sense of dynamic energy to their interactions with others and the world around them.


Personality typing is a system of categorizing people according to their tendencies to think and act in particular ways. Personality typing attempts to find the broadest, most important ways in which people are different, and make sense of these differences by sorting people into meaningful groups.

What is personality typing?

The personality types described here were created by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Briggs, in the 1960's. Their theories were based on the work of psychologist Carl Jung, although they extended his ideas to create a more complete framework of personality typing. Myers and Briggs proposed that there were four key dimensions that could be used to categorize people:

  • Introversion vs. Extraversion
  • Sensing vs. Intuition
  • Thinking vs. Feeling
  • Judging vs. Perceiving

Each of the four dimensions was described as a dichotomy, or an either/or choice between two styles of being. Myers and Briggs described this as a "preference" and proposed that any individual should be able to identify a preferred style on each of the four dimensions. The sum of a person's four preferred styles becomes their personality type.

Myers and Briggs theorized that our preferences on each of the four dimensions would combine to create predictable patterns in thought and behavior, so that people with the same four preferences would share many commonalities in the way they approach their lives, from the hobbies they choose to the work that might suit them.

What is the meaning of the four letters in a personality type?

Each of the four letters in a personality type code stands for a preference in your style of thinking or behaving.

I/E: Introversion or Extraversion

The Introversion/Extraversion dimension describes how a person manages their energy.

Introverts are energized by spending quiet time alone or with a small group. They tend to be more reserved and thoughtful.

Extraverts are energized by spending time with people and in busy, active surroundings. They tend to be more expressive and outspoken.

S/N: Sensing or iNtuition

The Sensing/Intuition dimension describes how an individual processes information.

Sensors focus on their five senses and are interested in information they can directly see, hear, feel, and so on. They tend to be hands-on learners and are often described as "practical."

Intuitives focus on a more abstract level of thinking; they are more interested in theories, patterns, and explanations. They are often more concerned with the future than the present and are often described as "creative. "

T/F: Thinking or Feeling

The Thinking/Feeling dimension describes how people make decisions.

Thinkers tend to make decisions with their heads; they are interested in finding the most logical, reasonable choice.

Feelers tend to make decisions with their hearts; they are interested in how a decision will affect people, and whether it fits in with their values.

J/P: Judging or Perceiving

The Judging/Perceiving dimension describes how people approach structure in their lives.

Judgers appreciate structure and order; they like things planned, and dislike last-minute changes.

Perceivers appreciate flexibility and spontaneity; they like to leave things open so they can change their minds.

How do I know which personality type I am?

Easy—take our in-depth personality type test!


THE FINE PRINT: Myers-Briggs® and MBTI® are registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc. , which has no affiliation with this site. Truity offers a free personality test based on Myers and Briggs' types, but does not offer the official MBTI® assessment. For more information on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® assessment, please go here.

Luscher test | Blog 4brain

The Lüscher Test is a personality test developed by the Swiss psychotherapist Max Lüscher. The essence of the test is the ranking of colored cards. Based on your individual preferences between colors, certain conclusions can be drawn about your personality.

We invite you to take our online Self-Knowledge Program to get to know yourself better. In 4 weeks, with the help of psychological tests and exercises, you will find out what you really want in life, understand your strengths and weaknesses. nine0003

What is the Luscher test and how does it work?

The method of color diagnostics, developed by the psychotherapist Max Luscher and named after him, was developed in the middle of the last century and immediately became popular.

The test was the main development of Luscher and the main business of his life. For several decades, he conducted research and improved his methodology.

Max Luscher believed that color perception is universal, but color preferences are individual. Based on this, knowing the colors preferred by the individual and their meaning, one can draw conclusions about the properties of his character and internal state. nine0003

Also, the results of the Luscher test help psychotherapists determine the causes of stress and, accordingly, find ways to get rid of it.

It should be noted that according to Max Luscher himself, his test is applicable to every person. Regardless of gender, nationality, age, etc. The test will allow you to make a correct diagnosis.

There are various variations of this test. The most popular is the eight-color Luscher test. In this version, the person is asked to rank the colors below. nine0003

As already mentioned, there are several Luscher tests, and, of course, each of them is real. They differ in the number of colors, the size of the cards and the colors themselves (shades).

Clinical Luscher color test

This test is called the complete Luscher test, because it contains more colors.

It requires the following conditions:

  1. Good natural light.
  2. No direct sunlight. nine0032
  3. Using the original colors (if you change the set of colors, the interpretation of the results will also change)

This test is carried out as follows:

  1. Select among shades of gray.
  2. 8 colors.
  3. Choice of four basic colors.
  4. Among the blue.
  5. Among the green.
  6. Among red.
  7. Among yellow.

You can take the Luscher test here (including the full one) and here. nine0003

Meaning of colors

Each color has its own special characteristics.


In the Luscher test, gray is a neutral color. If a person puts it in the first place, then he wants to separate from the rest of the world, to avoid the influence of any incentives. If gray is not chosen first, it means a person's desire to move away from the problems that indicate the least attractive colors. The gray color in the first three positions is interpreted as a tendency to self-deception. nine0003


Red is the color of excitement. It means the desire for power, success, rich and vibrant life. If the red color is placed in the first place, it means that the person wants to experience this excitement in the near future. Red in the last places means fear of excitement, unwillingness to experience it.


This color means perseverance, perseverance, constancy and reliability. Also resistance to change. If a person chooses green first, then they probably want to increase their confidence in their own worth. Green also means the desire to establish control over one's own life and improve it. The green color in the first place is a sign of a thirst for recognition. Green in the last places means the same desires, but the unwillingness to realize them. nine0003


Blue is the color of peace, the color of the absence of irritation. Therefore, the choice of blue color means the need for peace and relaxation. That is, blue is a sign of susceptibility. If a person puts blue in last place, this means unwillingness to rest. A person believes that he cannot calm down, slow down, without losing anything.


Somewhat similar to red, but weaker. Yellow is brightness, fun, hope for happiness. If a person chooses him one of the first, this means the desire for liberation from what is currently oppressing a person. Yellow in the last places is a sign of the destruction of hopes. nine0003


Brown - muted red. He is more passive. Brown suggests sensory perception, not agitated activity. This color in the first places denotes the desire for peace and relaxation. Last but not least, the desire to stand out.


Violet is obtained by mixing blue and red, two opposite colors. Purple can represent unity or uncertainty. It is often one of the first choices of teenagers. Purple in the last places means the desire for merger and unity. nine0003


This is the color of negation, "nothing". Black in the first place means a protest against one's own destiny, its denial. Black in last place is the belief that rejection leads to scarcity, deprivation. Therefore, the person who put black in last place does not want to give up anything.

Criticism of the test

Critics often point out that the wording of the test results is rather vague and universal. That is, because of the Barnum effect, people think that the test is incredibly accurate and “just about me,” but in fact, its results are suitable for almost everyone. nine0003

There is no convincing evidence that the Luscher test is really accurate and gives a purely individual characteristic, therefore, its results should not be taken too seriously.

We wish you success and proper self-esteem!

Key words:1Self-knowledge

Typing employees on the 16 personalities test: 6 ways to use it at work

You may have noticed that the pandemic era, lockdowns and a general state of uncertainty and suspension led to another banal, but still interesting consequence . Scientific and near-scientific psychological tests, socionics, astrology and other topics about self-knowledge are again more relevant than ever. nine0003

People change jobs, people look for themselves again, people go freelance or go to telecommuting » , their schedules, places of residence and values ​​change. Therefore, everyone wants to know a little more about themselves - what can an HR specialist do in such a situation? Let's try to follow the rule "if you can't stop, you need to lead." Let's enlist the help of one of the most popular personality tests - MBTI test or "16 Personalities" - and see how trends can be turned in favor of the team and workflow. nine0003

What are 16 personalities?

Imagine: you go to Steve Jobs' Instagram, and his page description says: ENTJ . The four mysterious letters are sometimes really written in the biography or social networks - but now you are docked in this matter and you will know that this is the Myers-Briggs personality type designation. It is also sometimes called the 16 personalities test (16 personalities / personalities). And the letters mean only that Steve passed this test and found out that he is a “commander” (of course!). nine0003

Myers-Briggs Personality Test is a 4-descriptor psychological assessment of personality traits that examines a person's predispositions for work activities, character and behavior that help him feel comfortable and develop his best qualities.

There are 16 total results after passing the Meyers-Briggs test. These are 16 personality types.

How to pass the test and what is it based on? nine0110

You can take the test in English or Russian here. It takes literally 10-15 minutes of time, and you immediately get the result with a detailed description of the type you belong to.

Questions like these are waiting for you:

You often remain calm, even during stressful situations.
It's easy for you to make new friends.
You do not hesitate to introduce yourself first in an unfamiliar society.

To answer the question, you need to put down a score from extremely positive to extremely negative. nine0003

The test evaluates you on four graphs (scales), depending on what you rely on in certain circumstances: Intuition N )

  • decision making (Logic T - Ethics F )
  • Acts (rationality J - Irrationality P )

    How can the Meyer-Briggs test be used in HR?

    Let's go through the areas where the 16 personalities test can help. Let's start with the ones already mentioned:

    1. In recruiting

    We at PeopleForce are for a simple and understandable recruiting process that is not overloaded with unnecessary information for the candidate. But if your company welcomes pre-testing of employees for more than just their hard skills, the Meyer-Briggs test could be a great addition to the recruitment process. Especially if it is submitted informally, or already at the stage after accepting the job offer. The latter can be presented to the employee as an additional task for onboarding - they say you want to get to know the newcomer better and are ready to communicate in a way that makes everyone feel comfortable.

    2. In team building

    Get together and take a couple of tests to discuss the results and get to know each other better? Sounds like a great team building plan. And if you include the test in some kind of self-development training, it can also become an entertaining part of the training (the same edutainment that we already talked about earlier). Team building results can be fixed somewhere, and participants issue cards with characteristics of their personality type.

    In addition, when discussing the most suitable for each type of work, employees in an informal setting will discuss their plans and wishes for the development of much more openly . What if the test will help you make career plans for your colleagues?

    3. In conflict resolution

    The working process is impossible without conflicts, they are part of progress. And, as is often the case, sometimes you can inadvertently ignore the feelings of an employee, or do the wrong thing with him. To consider how best to build communication in conflict situations, it would be nice to know0109 what personality types are you dealing with . Consider the recommendations for communicating with the conditional manager Andrey, who is a “strategist” and always wants to do things his own way. Promise him space to implement ideas - and the conflict will dry up.

    4. In the development of team leaders and promotion of employees

    There are many tools to help you find out who in the team has leadership qualities, but the 16 personalities test will not be superfluous here either. Pay attention to "commanders", "polemicists", "coaches" and others types of personalities who have inborn manners of leaders. But remember that the test does not always display the truthful alignment - you should not focus only on its results and ignore other, conditionally non-leader types.

    5. In the self-development of employees

    Of course, there are those in the company who have never heard of the MBTI test. It's quite normal. But perhaps by asking them to take an assessment, you spur such employees to look at themselves from the other side , understand your strengths and weaknesses, think about self-development. On your part - a minimum of effort, and the team - an impetus to work on themselves.

    6. In working experiments

    Set up hypotheses based on the test and try to test them. For example, there is a stereotype that extroverted types are better suited for teamwork, while introverts perform well on the “remote”.

    Learn more