Opposite of excessive
What is the opposite of excessive?
(moderate) Opposite of more than is necessary, normal, or desirable
“We only ate a moderate amount of food at the party.”
(deficient) Opposite of more than is necessary, normal, or desirable
“We had a worryingly insufficient amount of funds to last us till our next paycheck.”
(necessary) Opposite of more than is necessary, normal, or desirable
“We always make a conscious effort to only purchase what is necessary.”
Opposite of that has been described as greater or better than it actually is
“There is understated confidence about the food, and the service allows you to sit back and truly relax. ”
Opposite of much too high, especially in price
“I love cheap thrills!”
Opposite of severe or intense, especially in a painful or unpleasant way
“Whenever he tried too hard to recall the sequences, he experienced a dull headache which, though not incapacitating, was unpleasant.”
Opposite of too bad to be justified, excused or tolerated
Opposite of extreme or severe
Opposite of recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources
Opposite of extremely large
“It was an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny yellow polka-dot bikini.”
Opposite of requiring, or involving, great mental or physical effort
Opposite of of great size
Opposite of requiring more effort than could be reasonably expected or asked for
“Given the ample time they had to amend the education bill, the interns felt that it was an easy task to complete. ”
Opposite of devoted to pleasure
Opposite of strict or exacting in standards
Opposite of harsh or severe in nature
“Nelson was a gentle soul who wouldn't hurt a fly.”
(of an action taken) Opposite of very severe or strict
“Many saw the sentence handed down to Paul as very lenient.”
Opposite of extreme in intensity
“The two opposing groups had a half-hearted fight before going their separate ways.”
Opposite of of exaggerated importance or value
Opposite of extravagantly ornate in expression or prose
Opposite of harsh, usually to a disproportionate degree
“The company afforded him flexible hours to accommodate his long commute to work. ”
Opposite of involving the use of exaggerated or flowery writing or language
Opposite of blatantly obvious or conspicuous
45 Synonyms & Antonyms of EXCESSIVE
Save Wordgoing beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount
- nerdy hackers who spend an excessive amount of time sitting in front of their computers
- baroque,
- devilish,
- exorbitant,
- extravagant,
- extreme,
- fancy,
- immoderate,
- inordinate,
- insane,
- intolerable,
- lavish,
- overdue,
- overextravagant,
- overmuch,
- overweening,
- plethoric,
- steep,
- stiff,
- towering,
- unconscionable,
- undue,
- unmerciful
- boundless,
- endless,
- immeasurable,
- infinite,
- limitless
- unbearable,
- unjustifiable,
- unwarranted
- improper,
- inappropriate,
- thick,
- unseemly
- unrestrained
- a bit much,
- over the top
- deficient,
- inadequate,
- insufficient
- minimal,
- minimum
- middling,
- moderate,
- modest,
- reasonable,
- temperate
See the Dictionary Definition
Frequently Asked Questions About
excessiveHow is the word
excessive different from other adjectives like it?Some common synonyms of excessive are exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, and inordinate.
While all these words mean "going beyond a normal limit," excessive implies an amount or degree too great to be reasonable or acceptable.
excessive punishment
When is
exorbitant a more appropriate choice than excessive?The words exorbitant and excessive can be used in similar contexts, but exorbitant implies a departure from accepted standards regarding amount or degree.
exorbitant prices
Where would
extravagant be a reasonable alternative to excessive?While the synonyms extravagant and excessive are close in meaning, extravagant implies an indifference to restraints imposed by truth, prudence, or good taste.
extravagant claims for the product
When might
extreme be a better fit than excessive?Although the words extreme and excessive have much in common, extreme may imply an approach to the farthest limit possible or conceivable but commonly means only to a notably high degree.
extreme shyness
When can
immoderate be used instead of excessive?The words immoderate and excessive are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, immoderate implies lack of desirable or necessary restraint.
immoderate spending
When is it sensible to use
inordinate instead of excessive?The meanings of inordinate and excessive largely overlap; however, inordinate implies an exceeding of the limits dictated by reason or good judgment.
inordinate pride
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excessive was in the 14th centurySee more words from the same century
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“Excessive. ” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/excessive. Accessed 14 Oct. 2022.
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Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/excessive. Accessed 14 Oct. 2022.">MLA Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, s.v. “excessive,” accessed October 14, 2022, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/excessive.">Chicago Merriam-Webster.com thesaurus. Retrieved October 14, 2022, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/excessive">APA Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/excessive. Accessed 10/14/2022.">Merriam-Webster
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The economy of freedom from excessive state intervention
During economic crises, the question always arises of the role of the state in dealing with emerging problems and the extent of its intervention in the economy as a whole. In this debate, supporters and opponents of active public policy rely heavily on the ideas of two of the greatest economists of the 20th century. - John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich von Hayek. Keynes showed that active state intervention in the economy can play a positive role, especially in times of crisis, von Hayek, on the contrary, pointed out the dangers of such a policy. It is the latter that can be considered the main classic of economic liberalism.
Von Hayek focused mainly on the long-term consequences of dealing with crises. Just as drugs given during the acute phase of a disease can have very negative side effects in the future, so the economic measures that manage a crisis can be harmful if they are long-term. An example would be loosening monetary policy and lowering interest rates. These measures can be very effective in times of crisis, but it is dangerous to use them to try to increase long-term growth rates. Von Hayek noted that such a policy leads to higher inflation as the crisis ends, that artificially low interest rates generate distortions in the capital market and bubbles in the asset market.
In his book The Pure Theory of Capital, von Hayek argued that economic crises are largely the result of artificial economic booms provoked by an abundance of too cheap money. This conclusion of von Hayek would be very useful to remember for anyone who advises using monetary policy to accelerate economic growth in Russia. Manipulation of interest rates is, of course, an important element of the anti-crisis program, but from the point of view of long-term growth, they are not an effective tool, and stable inflation plays a key role above all.
An important difference in von Hayek's approach was that he pointed out the danger of analyzing the economy solely in terms of total demand and total supply. The economy does not consist of the same "representative agents", but of a huge number of people with different preferences and abilities. Ignoring this diversity is fraught with extremely unpleasant consequences, since it can lead to the fact that government assistance will end up in the hands of the wrong people and enterprises that need it most, and government programs distort the incentives of individual market participants. As a result, the cure may be worse than the disease, and government intervention may do more harm than good to the economy.
Von Hayek was one of the first to point out the importance of information and its role in economic development. In his book The Use of Knowledge in Society, he wrote that information about exactly what goods and services people need cannot be collected centrally - and this is one of the main arguments against a planned system of economic management. Such information is distributed among all agents participating in the economy, and only free markets are an institution that allows this information to be fully aggregated due to the free interaction of all participants.
Any attempt by the state to centrally determine which industries should be developed, which goods should be produced and which services should be provided to the population, is doomed to failure, because officials do not understand exactly what people need. This warning of von Hayek should be remembered by all those who advocate derijist management of the economy, in which the state determines national champions and sectors that should become engines of growth. In fact, neither officials nor economists know which industries and which companies will grow the fastest in the future and whose services and products will be in demand among the population. Technology and people's preferences are changing too fast for any government overseers to keep track of. Ultimately, only free markets allow all information from both producers and consumers to be aggregated and give signals of which goods and services are most in demand and should be produced.
Perhaps von Hayek's most influential work was his book The Road to Slavery, which pointed out the dangers of the state becoming too big. The enthusiasm for such a policy in the United States and Europe during the Great Depression and World War II (for which Keynes, in particular, advocated) seemed to Hayek a very big threat both to the effective functioning of the economy and to basic human freedoms. Von Hayek was absolutely right to point out that state control over the economic sphere is more than control over one aspect of human life. This, in fact, is total control over human life, since in modern society it is economic independence that is the means to achieve all other goals. That is why Hayek saw in such control the embodiment of totalitarianism.
Von Hayek also made a significant contribution to the development of political science. Largely due to his work The Constitution of Liberty, the term "rule of law" began to be used when discussing the rule of law. This concept emphasizes the fact that not all laws adopted by the state can be considered legitimate. There is a basic notion of justice that all laws enacted in a country must satisfy in order for the existing political and legal system to be considered to meet the criteria of the rule of law. Unfortunately, this restriction is sometimes forgotten by our parliamentarians, who believe that any law they pass in record time immediately becomes a legitimate restriction that will be observed by society.
Many of von Hayek's ideas were too radical and did not find any real implementation. For example, the idea of abandoning the state monopoly on the issuance of money has remained a hypothetical construction, not supported by any other economists, let alone governments. But in history, von Hayek will remain one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century. and one of the brightest supporters of liberalism. His polemic with Keynes remains relevant today. Moreover, as is usually the case in a dispute between two great thinkers, both were right, pointing out the possible pros and cons of state intervention in the economy. Only by accepting the considerations of both Keynes and von Hayek can the right balance be struck that allows the state to play the role of a rescue doctor in times of crisis without jeopardizing long-term economic growth.
Excessive sweating - Diseases - Medical Center Health Clinic
Under hyperhidrosis (from the Greek "hyper" - excessive, increased, "hidros" - sweat) in medical practice, it is customary to understand profuse sweating that occurs regardless of physical factors: increased motor activity, overheating, high ambient temperature or others. Sweating is a physiological process of secretion of watery secretion (sweat) by the sweat glands, constantly occurring in the human body. The process of sweating protects the body from hyperthermia (overheating) and helps maintain its homeostasis (constancy): evaporating from the skin, sweat, thereby, cools the surface of the body and lowers its temperature.
In a healthy person, sweating increases with an increase in ambient temperature to 20-25 ° C, as well as with physical or psycho-emotional stress. When the ambient temperature rises to 36 ° C and above, with the help of sweating, the thermoregulation of the body is carried out, it is not allowed to overheat. Low relative humidity and active physical movement contribute to increased heat transfer and cooling of the body. On the contrary, in a humid environment with still air, the process of evaporation of sweat does not occur, so a long stay in a hot bath or steam room is not recommended. Excessive fluid intake dramatically increases sweating, therefore, during increased physical activity or in a room with high air temperature, you should not drink a lot of water. As a result of psycho-emotional arousal, skin receptors, reacting, stimulate the release of sweat. Therefore, an increase in sweating occurs if a person experiences strong emotions, such as excitement, fear or pain.
Pathological disorders of the sweating process are expressed in its excessive increase or, on the contrary, decrease, as well as in a change in the smell of sweat, which becomes fetid. Excessive sweating can be common, when profuse sweating occurs on almost the entire surface of the body, and often accompanies functional disorders of the nervous, endocrine systems and a number of infectious diseases. In cases where sweating is limited to local areas of the body (soles, palms, axillary areas, elbows and knees), we are talking about local hyperhidrosis due to increased excitability of the nervous system.
Physiological sweating is an indispensable condition for cleansing the body of toxins and waste products. Bath, sauna, steam room contribute to the removal of these substances from the body with sweat and general recovery. Even in a healthy person, sweating increases with physical exertion, as well as with emotional experiences and nervous overload.
Hyperhidrosis can be one of the symptoms of a number of neuropsychiatric, somatic diseases or a consequence of non-observance of personal hygiene rules.
Clinically distinguish between primary and secondary hyperhidrosis. Primary hyperhidrosis is more common in adolescence during rapid puberty and occurs in 1% of people. Secondary hyperhidrosis is usually the result of a neurological, endocrine or somatic disease. Identification of the factors that cause hyperhidrosis predetermines the program for further examination and treatment of the patient. So, with generalized hyperhidrosis, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude tumor, endocrine and infectious diseases.
Sweat glands form and secrete sweat through the pores on the surface of the skin, and the normal regulation of sweating in the human body is provided by the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible in the human body for the processes of metabolism, blood circulation, excretion, and reproduction. The autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts: sympathetic and parasympathetic.
Sweating is regulated by the sympathetic autonomic nervous system. With hyperfunction of the sympathetic nervous system, a change in the normal functioning of the sweat glands occurs: at the slightest excitement, a person immediately becomes covered with sweat. But what is the trigger of these interconnected processes and what are the causes of hyperhidrosis - modern medical science cannot yet give an exact answer to this question.
Treatment methods for hyperhidrosis
Non-surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis
Since sweat is a biological fluid that is formed in the human body, it is an excellent breeding ground for the reproduction of bacteria, which leads to a violation of the protective functions of the skin and the development of skin diseases: prickly heat, abrasions and diaper rash, as well as fungal and pustular diseases.
Therefore, the main postulate in the fight against hyperhidrosis should be careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene.
If hyperhidrosis is not a symptom accompanying the underlying disease, then the following types of conservative treatment are widely used in medical practice for its treatment:
psychotherapeutic methods
drug therapy
physiotherapy methods
Psychotherapeutic methods of treating hyperhidrosis, in particular hypnosis, are aimed at eliminating the psychological problems of the patient. The ability to control their emotions and fears helps some people cope with the problem of hyperhidrosis.
For drug therapy of hyperhidrosis, different groups of drugs are used depending on the severity of the disease and contraindications.
Botox injections can be attributed to the modern method of treating hyperhidrosis. The pharmacological effect of this method of treatment is based on long-term (up to six months or more) blocking of the nerve endings that innervate the sweat glands, and a significant decrease in sweating.
Antiperspirants have a local effect and due to their chemical composition, which includes salts of zinc, aluminum, formaldehyde, salicylic acid, triclosan, ethyl alcohol, prevent sweating.
Among the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, hydrotherapy (coniferous-salt therapeutic baths, contrast showers) is widely used, which has a general strengthening effect on the nervous system. Electrosleep also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - a therapeutic method of exposure to low-frequency pulsed current on the brain. The method of drug electrophoresis is based on a combination of direct current and ions of medicinal substances that reduce sweating.
Local surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis
All surgical methods of treatment pose a certain risk, therefore, it is worth resorting to them only after conservative treatment has been carried out, in the case when it turned out to be ineffective and did not bring the expected results. Local methods of surgery in the treatment of hyperhidrosis involve surgical intervention directly in the area of increased sweating and are an intermediate step between conservative treatment and the central surgical method of dealing with hyperhidrosis (sympathectomy).
Currently, in the surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis, the following are successfully used:
liposuction of the armpit
closed curettage of the axillary zone
excision of the skin of the axillary zone.
The use of these methods of surgical treatment is the safest, gives a stable positive result, does not cause fear of side effects. They are less traumatic and do not cause cosmetic defects. the procedure is carried out through small punctures with a size of only 10 mm.
Consequences of non-intervention and complications
If you do not see a doctor, you can miss serious diseases that are the main cause of hyperhidrosis.