Test to see what job you should have
Career Tests: Our Top 10
Not sure what kind of job is right for you? A career test can give you some answers.
Take a career test to help you find the right job.
We get it: Figuring out what you want to be when you grow up is hard, but a career test can make it easier to find your path.
A career test isn't like a test you take in school; think of it as more like a career quiz that you might find in a magazine. You answer some multiple choice questions and come to a conclusion that is meant to analyze what your answers reveal about you.
What Is a Career Test and How Does It Work?A career test (also called a career aptitude test) is a series of questions that aim to help you learn more about yourself so you can discover which jobs mesh best with your personality, needs, and goals. Because when it comes to finding a job you'll actually enjoy doing, you need to consider factors beyond your paycheck, commute time, and the like.
You also need to think hard about what kinds of work and environments fit in with you and will provide you with the most satisfaction in both the short and long term.
That doesn't mean you need to go on some soul-searching walkabout; a career test or career quiz is a practical tool that can offer insights as to what makes you tick, whether you're choosing or changing your career.
Among the factors a career test may cover:
- skills
- strengths
- interests
- emotional intelligence
- values
- personality traits
- motivations
And while many career tests work best when administered in full by a professional who can interpret the results, the 10 self-assessments listed below can give you a sense of where you should be headed and how you should be marketing yourself. Many of these are free career tests so you can get started without your having to spend a single cent.
The below career quizzes are broken into two categories: personality assessments and career assessments. We recommend trying both kinds of tests to get a thorough picture of what kind of job and workplace would generate maximum career satisfaction. Pick one (or more!) of the following career tests and prepare to glimpse your future.
This assessment can help you identify your motivations and what's really important to you in your career. MyPlan.com ranks different aspects of work, and the results can encourage you to look at jobs or industries you may not have considered before. You'll walk away from this career test with a list of 739 jobs rank-ordered based on how well they suit your style. Not bad, huh?
2. iSeek "Clusters"The iSeek survey lets you rate activities you enjoy, your personal qualities, and school subjects you like. Then you can see which career clusters are a match for your interests. And this is another quick one, clocking in at five to 10 minutes.
MyNextMove is a tool that uses information from O*Net, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, to help determine your interests as they relate to work. Unlike the other tests, this one asks you how to rate how much you'd enjoy performing very specific work tasks like "building kitchen cabinets," "laying brick," and "buying and selling stocks and bonds." Hang in there, this one is 60 questions.
4. MAPP TestMore than 8 million people around the world have taken this career quiz. It tells you what you love to do and what you don't love to do. It also uses the O*Net job list to identify which jobs might be good fits.
You'll have to fork over $90 for their "starter package," in which you'll see your top 20 general career matches. Their "executive package" costs $149.95, and you'll get a 30-page assessment and ranked matches to 900 careers. But if you just want to try it for free, you'll be matched with five potential careers.
The Holland Code self-assessment examines your suitability with different careers based on six occupational themes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. The test identifies your top interest area and how it compares to the other areas, and what this means for your career interests. This test clocks in at 20 minutes.
Personality Assessments1. Keirsey Temperament SorterThis personality assessment is based on Keirsey Temperament Theory, which divides people into four "temperaments:" guardian, idealist, rational, and artisan. The assessment measures how people communicate and what their actions tend to be. Yes, the test is 71 questions long; no one said getting to your emotional center would be quick.
2. Big FiveBig Five personality assessments divide people into five personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The assessment identifies a preference out of the five and can help you identify learning styles as well as work preferences.
According to the Enneagram Institute, the enneagram (a structure that sort of looks like a handful of triangles within a circle) is a model of nine distinct, interwoven personality types: the reformer, the helper, the achiever, the individualist, the investigator, the loyalist, the enthusiast, the challenger, and the peacemaker. You can take the test for $12 on the Institute's site, although there are also a handful of free enneagram-like tests on the web.
4. 16personalities16personalities' assessment starts with Myers-Briggs dichotomies (see below) and adds archetypes from Jungian theory as well as some from the Big Five, which is a fancy way of saying you'll learn whether you're an introvert or extrovert if you take this test—and at the end, you'll be labeled with one of 16 personality types with cool names like "Mediator," "Commander," and "Defender. " Bonus: the test promises to take less than 12 minutes.
The Predictive Index predicts primary personality characteristics that describe, explain, and predict day-to-day workplace behaviors. This rigorously tested study looks at your strongest workplace behaviors and determines your management and influence styles.
Bonus: Myers-BriggsOne of the most well-known self-assessments, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is less of a career test than it is the gold standard of personality tests. Created by the mother-daughter team of Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers in the early- to mid-20th century, the MBTI results in a four-letter "type"—INFP or ESFJ, for example.
The test is meant to identify basic preferences for each of four dichotomies (such as introvert and extrovert) and describes 16 distinctive personality traits. For $50, you can join the more than 50 million people who have completed the test.
The better you understand your motivations throughout your career, the better you can spot a job that satisfies you. And keep this in mind: What you're chasing today might not be the same in a year or two. A career test helps to focus on your professional development in order to keep your career path moving forward. Need some more guidance? Monster is the perfect resource. You can get expert career advice and job search tips, plus workplace trends and industry insights, for free today. Figuring out what you should be doing, who you should be working for, and when to move on isn't easy, but Monster is here for you every step of the way.
13 Best Free Career Tests for 2022
If you’ve seen a TV series set in a high school, you’ve likely seen an episode where the characters take a career aptitude test, get their results, and then hilarity and/or drama ensue.
Whether you’re just beginning to figure out your future profession or you’re looking to make a career change, the idea that you can just answer a few questions and have a test spit out the perfect answer to “What should I be when I grow up?” is enticing.
Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple. But you also don’t have to just drift along in a sea of choices: There are plenty of resources out there to help you narrow down your options and find a job where you’ll thrive.
We’ve researched the best career assessments and job personality tests to help you identify which occupational fields and career paths might help you live your best professional life.
Let’s get this out of the way: No test can guarantee it’ll tell you your “dream job” or your forever career.
These quizzes will ask you about your values, interests, skills, and goals and give you some ideas for careers or types of careers to explore further—in other words, they’re a “jumping off point,” says Muse career coach Lynn Berger, who’s used these tests for over 20 years to help clients gain focus and direction in their careers.
Some will also help you learn more about your working style or what type of environment you thrive in. Your results might even provide a little help for you in your current position—setting you up for success, no matter where you are in your career journey.
Free career aptitude tests
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, this free job quiz will help you identify where your career interests lie, then point you toward career paths that might feed those interests.
The results section has a “Current Job Zone” where you can explore opportunities based on the experience you currently have as well as a “Future Job Zone” that showcases how much education and experience you’ll need to secure the job you want.
Rather than answer questions on a sliding scale of agree or disagree, this free career test shows four photos (each picture depicts work associated with a specific type of personality) and you choose both your favorite and least favorite illustrated activity. After 15 questions, you get a “Holland Code” result, based on John Holland’s theory of personality types and careers, along with a list of suggested occupations that match your specific type.
What’s unique about this test’s approach is that you’re asked to rank your skill set, interests, work style, and values, plus say how much money you’d like to make, what education requirements you’re looking to meet, and how much potential growth you’d like to see in your career field. The results are no-nonsense—with links to job descriptions as well as job openings.
With this free career personality test, you’ll discover more about how you relate to others in less than 10 minutes. The results detail how open to new experiences you are, how much self-discipline you may have, how much of an extrovert you are, and how you handle stressful situations—not just how you imagine yourself to be. This intel is especially useful to understand when it comes to how you handle your job and coworkers and what kind of work environment would be best for you.
Note: While the basic results are free, you’ll have to pay to see your full report.
MyPlan.com offers four different assessment options—a career personality test, a career interest inventory, a career skills profiler, and a career values assessment—that together will measure your career personality and help you find your ideal career.
You can still learn things from each test individually, though. For example, the “career values test” will give you a sense of what to look for in a position in order to find meaning, while the “careers personality test” includes 739 careers ranked according to how well they align with your personality.
This comprehensive career test measures your interests, history and goals, and workplace and personality traits. Then it matches you along several dimensions so you can make an informed decision regarding your career. You also get personalized top career matches and insights.
Note: While the basic results are free, you’ll have to pay to see your full report.
This 60-question quiz not only helps to identify your personality strengths, but also applies the results to how to find the right career. While you can check out the free career test version for your core strengths and management style, in our opinion, it’s worth the upgrade for the premium 10-page report that includes the best career choices for your personality type, details about potential weaknesses, and info about your ideal business environments.
Note: While the basic results are free, you’ll have to pay to see your full report.
The Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential (MAPP) test focuses on your likes and dislikes and is designed to be taken quickly so that your answers are based on your instincts rather than letting you overthink things. There are various packages to choose from for more in-depth information, but the free results offer ample insights about career motivations and suggest 10 possible vocational areas for you to check out.
Note: While the basic results are free, you’ll have to pay to see your full report.
Other career aptitude tests
The Self-Directed Search (SDS) is a career assessment test that matches people with jobs based on aspirations, competencies, activities, and interests. The result is a personalized report ranking and detailing how realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, or conventional you may be—a version of the Holland theory called RIASEC. Along with your personalized summary code, you’ll receive a list of careers with salary data as well as educational opportunities that best fit you and your results. The SDS also has specialized reports for veterans and students.
Cost: $14.95
This test tells you which of the nine Enneagram types you are most like: the reformer, the helper, the achiever, the individualist, the investigator, the loyalist, the enthusiast, the challenger, or the peacemaker.
Understanding more about your type can help you get along better with your coworkers and clue you in about which characteristics you need to look for in a career in order for it to be fulfilling.
Cost: $12
Formally known as the Clifton StrengthsFinder, this assessment tells you your top five out of a pool of 34 possible strengths. Muse career coach Elena Pastore often uses it with clients to “help them synthesize and understand what they are actually good at, what they thoroughly enjoy, and how to identify a job that is aligned. ” It’s worth noting that “CliftonStrengths is not a personality assessment, and therefore cannot and should not be used to push people to a specific career path,” Pastore says. “This tool is best used to help individuals identify their talents and then determine what they need to thrive and what they bring to teams rather than predicting a specific career.”
After taking the quiz, you’ll get a customized report that lists your top five dominant talents, along with videos and supporting materials to help you achieve academic, career, and personal success.
Cost: $19.99 and up
Applicable across all areas of your life, the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is probably one of the most-used assessments by career centers and managers alike. “Many companies use the MB test to evaluate counseling, leadership training, and work-team development qualities,” says Muse career coach Steven Davis, a technical recruiter and owner of Renaissance Solutions Inc. So not only can your results point you toward possible jobs, but they can also “be a powerful tool for advancement, receiving recognition, and promotions. ”
The MBTI gives you your personality preferences: where you get your energy, how you like to take in information, how you make decisions, and what kind of structure you like in the world around you. While these preferences can certainly point to careers that might suit you well, they can also give you a lot of valuable information about what kind of workplaces might be best for you, what your working preferences are, and how you can best relate to others at the office. When taking the test, Davis suggests that you “approach the test to discover more about who you are as a person,” as well as how you might communicate best and how others may perceive you.
If you don’t want to pay to take the official test, you can take a pretty good (and free) online version here.
Cost: $49.95 for a basic online report; $175 with personal feedback
This nonprofit research foundation has been studying innate human abilities and aptitudes since 1922. Its goal is to help people make informed decisions about their career paths based on the idea that the career someone finds most rewarding is the one that uses their natural aptitudes and strengths. By identifying those aptitudes, they help you home in on the fields that are most likely to bring you career satisfaction. Unlike most tests that can be taken online, these tests are only available at 11 testing centers across the country.
If getting to a center is not in your future (or the $850 price tag is too hefty!), you can get a taste for the Johnson O’Connor approach via a free career assessment test they developed for Oprah.com.
Cost: $850
Here’s a bit more about career assessments and quizzes, with some insight from a few of our Muse career coaches.
What is the best career test?There is no one best career test. And of course, nothing is stopping you from trying more than one…
Different tools with resonate with different people, Pastore says. “Use that tool that works for you that you feel you can understand and identify with. If you don’t identify with any you’ve taken—that’s OK too!”
Are career tests accurate?Career tests are helpful “to gain focus and clarity,” in your search for the right job, Berger says. Pastore stresses that “taking the assessment and receiving your results is just the first step.”
If the results include specific jobs or paths, make sure you still do your research about what they entail before jumping in. Consider doing some initial reading online, and if the career sparks your interest, try setting up informational interviews with those already in the job to find out more. Or you could use your results to start a conversation with a career coach or counselor.
You might even think of a career test as just part of the first step—you should definitely explore careers that don’t line up with your results if they interest you, and take all these tests with a grain of salt. You’re the only one who can truly decide what you want.
How will a career test help me?“The purpose of [a career test] is to build self-awareness about what we are good at, how others view us, and what we bring to the table,” Pastore says. This insight may help you find new careers to explore or it may help you thrive in your current job.
Regina Borsellino contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.
Updated 5/27/2022
A test that will help you better understand yourself and choose the right profession — Work.ua
We passed and we liked it. Pass it too, suddenly this test will help you decide what to become when you grow up;)
professional guidelines.
We in the editorial office have already passed and confirmed that we are where we need to be. You go too, get recommendations based on the answers and share the results. I wonder who among our readers is more - Leaders or Helpers? :)
Anastasia Pankovetskaya
Author and presenter of the training "Enneagram - a unique personality typology", trainer of Alla Zadneprovskaya's Living Business Consulting Group
Enneagram (from the Greek ennea - nine and grammos - figure) - a psychological model that combines nine types of personality , describes each type and the relationship between them.
Type 1: Perfectionist or Reformer
Occupations 0027 : The office environment is great for your love of rules, organization, and attention to detail. Work where you need to improve business processes. The area of education is also ideal for you.
Not the best choice : companies where the process has not yet been established (example: start-up).
Type 2: Friend or Helper
Occupations Possible : Community oriented caregivers - teaching, health care and counseling. Work in non-profit organizations and the service sector.
Not the best choice : anything that could harm others (example: law enforcement).
Type 3: Achiever
Possible professions : managerial positions or anything loud and public (example: project management, public relations, politics), project tasks where it is clear what result needs to be achieved and where they can be "challenging" tasks.
Not the best choice : no career advancement - only climbing to the top will satisfy your needs.
Type 4: Individualist
Possible professions : a career that allows you to express yourself and show your creativity, where you need to create a unique product, launch an unusual advertising campaign that will not leave people indifferent. Not every field provides such opportunities, most likely it is writing, psychotherapy and professions where you can show your uniqueness.
Not the best choice : companies that do not develop a system of non-financial motivation. Working solely for money is not your approach.
Type 5: Observer or Thinker
Possible professions : creating a strategy and vision for the development of a company, IT, scientific research.
Not the best choice : perhaps typical, "shallow" office work - there are too many distractions.
Type 6: Skeptic or Loyalist
Possible Professions : you will appreciate the development prospects in a large corporation, where you will be able to show your unique abilities in risk research and miscalculation of various options for further actions; great intelligence officers.
Not the best choice : Startup, small business, or any other company that loses out to the benefits of corporations.
Type 7: Optimist or Enthusiast
Possible Professions : areas where you can see opportunities around you, brainstorm different ideas. For example, the tourism industry, the work of a photographer or a writer, or a combination of all of the above.
Not the best choice : routine and endless work with documents is not your story.
Type 8: Boss or Leader
Possible Professions in which you cannot take responsibility, where there is no way to achieve ambitious goals; places where you will feel total control.
Type 9: Peacemaker or Mediator
Possible Occupations : Work at a slower pace and less stress. As an option, consider a career as a mediator, diplomat, product testing. You will like a place of work where you can create a family atmosphere and take into account the opinion of all employees during decision making.
Not the best choice : rate + bonuses for factorial or external performance (example: sales, investment banking or consulting).
Of course, you can track manifestations of different types in your character and behavior. In particular, this is due to the fact that we grow up in certain conditions, communicating with different people. And the enneagram does not drive people into "portrait frames" - on the contrary, it shows the path of personal development.
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Test: Which profession suits me?
Do you get to know people easily?
Probably not
Your friends notice and say you're good...
Work with numbers/languages/maps
Care for plants/animals
Understand technology
Where do you feel comfortable?
In the company of nice people
In nature
In the workshop / laboratory
Your ideal home should have a lot of ...
Beautiful interior items
Convenient technology
When you need to find a solution
in a new situation for you, you...
Study literature on the subject, analyze, make calculations
Seek advice from an expert you know
Conduct experiments
Scribble on a sheet, watch films on the topic
As a child, you most often ...
Walked in the yard, in the garden, in the forest, not always in the company , disassembled and repaired
Invented their own world, drew maps and invented a language
Draw, dance, sing - express themselves
Play with other children, organize their games
Going on a trip abroad, you will definitely. ..
Walk in the parks, go to the zoo
Go to a party, meet someone
Go to a spectacular show, go to an exhibition, take home souvenirs study the architecture of a city
You capture new information best when...
Telling someone
Writing it down in a well structured way
Get it in practice yourself
Come up with a vivid association or image
In your work you tend to...
Consult with colleagues
Follow a clear scheme
Monitor intermediate results and structure everything
, then start work change something repeatedly
What does your computer desktop look like?
Wallpaper with nature views, lots of free space
Meaningless wallpaper, everything in order convenient for you
A chaotic set of icons, bright wallpapers, files are organized in a creative mess
Everything is clearly structured, the desktop is not crowded, any program is easy to find
As a child, you dreamed of . ..
Beautiful dolls and toys cars
Travel and adventures
Marriage and family
Imagine that you are moving to another planet. What worries you first of all?
What physical laws work there
Will I be there alone? Who is there to talk to?
What kind of flora and fauna is there?
It is necessary to draw up a plan of the area
What will I see from the window?
What do you like to watch?
Animal Planet and nature films
Melodramas, comedies, series
Video tutorials, reviews of technology and MythBusters
Feature films, music videos
What gift would you like best?
New device or tool kit
Book, training course
Concert ticket, art supplies
What helps you calm down in a difficult situation?
Own action
Living being nearby
Support of a loved one
Detailed analysis of the problem and ways to solve it
Draw, listen to music
You are a man of nature
You are predisposed to work with plants, animals, biological processes and nature as a system. You are fascinated by the way living organisms are arranged, you love and know how to take care of them, and they are of great importance to you. Surely as a child you brought home animals from the street, but now you may have a talent for growing and healing plants. You are also able to predict changes in living systems and thus prevent unforeseen situations. You are balanced, capable of painstaking work and independent. You can best prove yourself in the professions of a biologist, zoologist, ecologist, veterinarian, landscape designer, florist, pharmacist and others, work in an animal shelter.
You are a technical person
You are predisposed to work with technical systems, machines, devices and installations, materials and energies. You like to carefully understand how mechanisms and processes work, you can repair devices or even invent new ones. You are excited and inspired by progress, and you see the meaning of your life in making life better with the help of technological advances. You are practical, disciplined and accurate enough. You will be able to prove yourself in the best way in the professions of a mechanic, power engineer, engineer, technologist, architect, builder, assembler, designer, constructor and others from this field.
You are predisposed to work with people
You are good at getting along with people, working in a team, coordinating the work of a team. You may have developed leadership qualities, or you may simply be comfortable working among people, you easily read them, determine their needs and know how to help them. You can prove yourself in the professions of a doctor, teacher, educator, trainer, psychologist, psychotherapist, HR specialist, HR manager, social worker, technical support specialist, administrator, sales assistant, waiter, insurance agent and other positions, involving human interaction.
You are a person of sign systems
You are predisposed to work with various sign systems: foreign languages, notes, drawings, maps, numbers, formulas, programming languages, codes and ciphers.