National introverts day
WORLD INTROVERT DAYWorld Introvert Day on January 2nd serves as an opportunity for people around the world to better understand and appreciate introverts.
An introvert is best defined as someone who focuses on internal feelings rather than external sources of stimulation. The opposite of an introvert is an extrovert. There are less introverts in the world than extroverts. It is estimated that between 25 and 40 percent of the population are introverts. They are often described as being quiet, reserved, and introspective. Instead of receiving energy in social situations like extroverts do, introverts expend energy.
Are you an introvert or extrovert? Here are some ways to tell if you’re more introverted:
- Introverts may feel exhausted after spending time with people and need to retreat to a quiet place afterward.
- It’s not unusual for an introvert to enjoy spending time alone.
However, they don’t want to be alone all the time.
- Having a small group of close friends is more common for introverts than a large group of friends.
- Others described introverts as quiet and hard to get to know.
- Too much stimulation is distracting for introverts causing them to become unfocused.
- Introverts understand themselves quite well. They know their ticks, motivations, and insecurities.
- They prefer to have a job where they work independently than with other people.
There are many benefits to being an introvert. Most introverts are good listeners, they think before they speak, they are very observant, and they make loving romantic partners.
If you are an introvert, you’re in good company. Many world-famous scientists, philosophers, and artists are introverts. Some of the most famous introverts include J.K. Rowling, Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Courtney Cox, Albert Einstein, Laura Bush, Rosa Parks, Warren Buffet, and Roy Rogers.
If you’re an introvert, this day is just for you. If you’re not, talk to an introvert so that you can better understand their world. Other ways to participate include:
- Download the free ebook, Happily Introverted Ever After, written by the founder of this day, Felicitas Heyne.
- Learn more about famous introverts.
- Watch movies with introverted main characters including How to Train Your Dragon, The Hobbit, The Avengers, and Dead Poets Society.
- Think about the people in your life and try to determine whether they are more introverted or extroverted.
If you’re an introvert, you probably don’t want to spend this day socializing with other people. You can still share it on social media with #WorldIntrovertDay.
WORLD INTROVERT DAY HISTORYThe first World Introvert Day was held on January 2, 2011. The day was created by psychologist and author, Felicitas Heyne. He felt January 2nd was the perfect date as the holidays, which can be agonizing for introverts, are finally over. They are no longer forced to socialize and make plans. Introverts can simply recharge and enjoy the peace and quiet. This isn’t something introverts simply enjoy doing, it’s something they need to do.
Lifestyle NATIONAL INTROVERTS WEEKThe third week of March is set aside for National Introverts Week. The week confronts the stigma associated with introversion. It also celebrates the inherent strengths and qualities that make introverts such a dynamic and successful part of our world.
Modern life seems geared to benefit the extrovert. For example, rewards seem to flow to those who embrace social interaction, and introverts are too often regarded as scared to speak up, trying to avoid attention. What many people don’t realize, however, is that introverts can and do achieve fantastic success. And they achieve this success in the quieter realms like creative or intellectual work (J.K Rowling, Albert Einstein). Still, also areas traditionally thought of as extroverted territory, such as business, sales, entertainment, and many more.
Take the business world, for example. Many assume that industry titans must be extroverts. After all, they are constantly in the public eye; they regularly appear on TV. At speaking engagements, they lead meetings, they’re master networkers and salespeople, and they have to be the face of their companies. These introverts have changed the world!
- Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft)
- Ivan Misner (founder of BNI, the largest networking organization in the world)
- Zig Ziglar (one of the best-known salespeople of all time)
- Judy Robinett (author of the INC top-10 book, How to Be a Power Connector)
- Jaime Masters (host of the top-ranked Eventual Millionaire podcast)
- Brian Smith (founder of billion-dollar brand UGG Footwear)
They’re all self-proclaimed introverts. And that only scratches the surface. Guy Kawasaki, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg – all introverts who have changed the world.
And in the entertainment industry, we have Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey, Meryl Streep, Steven Spielberg, and Emma Watson, to name a few.
The point is clear: Introverts can and do achieve incredible success; it’s a mistake to think of them as withdrawn, reserved, and hiding in the background. Achievement is not a matter of personality or sociability; it comes down to an introvert’s ability to discover and master the strategies to harness their inherent strengths.
During National Introverts Week, identify and celebrate the introverts in your life, and consider the ways you might point them to resources that help them achieve their true potential. If you’re an introvert, embrace the power that comes with knowing you can be successful in business, your career, and your overall life. Understand that you’re not disadvantaged; you’re just different, and you need to embrace that. You have all the abilities you need to succeed in any area you choose.
Introverts, commit to discovering the secrets of introverted leadership, business, networking, sales, presenting, parenting, whatever speaks to your interests and goals. Master the strategies of other successful introverts who are leaders in that field.
Use #NationalIntrovertsWeek to share on social media the discoveries you make about yourself, your personality type, and what you consider your own introvert’s edge. Extroverts, spend some time identifying the introverts in your professional and personal life. Ask yourself— Are they being encouraged to embrace life as an introvert, or forced to bend themselves to fit an extroverted mold? Suggest new training and reading material to your company’s HR department, your children’s school, or your association or conference organizer’s learning and development committee.
NATIONAL INTROVERTS WEEK HISTORYMatthew Pollard, the author of The Introvert’s Edge and host of The Introvert’s Edge Podcast, founded National Introverts Week to encourage introverts to be proud of who they are, and to draw attention to the fact that they too can be every bit as successful in business and in life as their extroverted counterparts – and in many cases, even more so.
In 2018, the Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed National Introverts Week to be observed annually in the third week of March.
2022 March 21-27
2023 March 20-26
2024 March 17-23
2025 March 16-22
2026 March 15-21
World Introvert Day - January 2nd. The history and features of the holiday in the Holiday Calendar 2022 project
Psychologists emphasize that introverts are no less valuable to society (Photo: SIphotography, licensed from
Introvert Day .
For many people, the concepts of "introvert" and "extrovert" are known from the basics of psychology, studied at school or university. Psychologists are familiar with these concepts. The fragmentary ideas that remain in the minds of most of those who have ever heard these concepts boil down to the association “extrovert - shirt-guy”, the soul of the company, introvert - “beech”, a closed and unsociable person.
However, these associative images that are well-established in the mind are just clichés, very far from an objective assessment of the identified personality types. Moreover, these assessments actually formed a false idea that one of the types - an introvert, is a person "special", "not like everyone else" (which is logical given the prevalence of the total number of extroverts), that is, which is a certain kind of deviation from the norm. But even the founder of the doctrine of the criteria for categorization and the indicator of measuring personality traits, Carl Gustav Jung, recognized that both the extrovert and the introvert are "pure" types that are rare, mentioned in 1923 about the existence of a third type, which is referred to today as ambiversion.
This personality type was identified with this name by the American psychologist Edmund Conklin. He pointed out that an ambivert is a person who combines the qualities of an extrovert and an introvert. Such people are in the majority, and "pure" types (extrovert and introvert are quite rare). Regarding ambiversion, both the extrovert and the introvert are two extremes, which, however, are not pathological. So anyone who considers an introvert a person “out of this world” should think about the fact that an extrovert is, in fact, the other side of the coin.
It is important to remember that an extrovert and an introvert are "pure" types that are rare (Photo: gustavofrazao, licensed from
less pronounced predominance of characteristics of one or another type.
So who are introverts and how do they differ from extroverts? Returning to Jung's formulation, we see that an extrovert is a psychological type of personality, focused on the outside world, where his life energy is directed. The introvert is concentrated on the inner world, from which he draws strength, on which his mental activity is focused. Hence the difference in behavior. An extrovert is active, eager to communicate with people around him, energetic and talkative. An introvert, on the contrary, is outwardly more closed, not inclined to free communication, prefers solitude.
Psychologists agree that most contemporary societies have hitherto been extraverted, that is, more oriented toward the values and characteristics of a given personality type. In this regard, in 2011, at the initiative of the psychologist Felicitas Heine, on January 2, they began to celebrate Introvert Day, in order to treat people of this type of personality with great attention and respect.
Psychologists emphasize that introverts are no less valuable for society, that they are amazing people with their own worldview, they make human society more harmonious, creating a certain balance together with extroverts.
If some people draw energy from outside, find it in communication with other people, get joy from it, then the latter prefer solitude, a deeper appeal to their own inner world. Hence the name "introvert" - turned inward. Introverts are more disposed to painstaking work, more punctual and responsible in all endeavors, persistent in achieving goals, patient. All you need is the right environment for an introvert to be able to generate an interesting idea or a non-standard solution, to achieve outstanding results.
It is no coincidence that many celebrities, people who have achieved a high position, who have succeeded in this or that kind of activity, belong to the introverted type of personality. Among famous introverts are actors Harrison Ford, Salma Hayek, Johnny Depp, Emma Watson, Keanu Reeves and others. Psychologists recall that introverts included such people as Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Dale Carnegie, Arthur Schopenhauer, Frederic Chopin, JK Rowling, Warren Buffett.
The initiators of the holiday invite all people to learn how to properly build relationships with introverts (Photo: Jim_Filim, licensed from be careful in words and try not to offend such an interlocutor, avoid quarrels, ridicule. Having gained the trust of an introvert, you will get a true devoted friend, and he, in turn, will become less of a mystery to you, as he prefers to open up in a narrow circle of close people.
In turn, turning to introverts, psychologists urge them to understand that they can be successful and happy only by accepting themselves as they are by nature, not embarrassed by the fact that something is wrong with them, because this embarrassment is false at the root.
All three types, in essence, represent three ways of adapting a person to the world around him, each of which is unique. The main thing is to remain human, which is in no way related to what psychological type of personality you belong to.
• Infographics of the holiday - poster "Introvert's Day"
• Article "How to live if you are an introvert?"
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