Calming your nerves
How to Calm Down Fast
When stress, anxiety or fear flare up, these 9 techniques help keep you calmer.
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We all get stressed and agitated sometimes. It’s a product of our busy, over-scheduled lives and living with circumstances we can’t control.
When you’re stressed or anxious, it causes your body to release stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can increase how stressed you feel. You may also feel other symptoms, like headaches, dizziness and depression. Long term stress can negatively affect your weight, heart and chronic health conditions. In addition to your physical health, untreated stress can have a negative effect on other areas of your life, including your mental health, professional life and social relationships.
When you’re feeling stressed, anxious, scared or nervous – or you have the urge to lash out – the last thing you want to hear someone say is, “Just calm down.” That never works. But here are 9 calming techniques that do work – and they work quickly at that.
- Just breathe. Breathing seems like the most natural thing in the world. But there are ways to breathe mindfully that help calm our bodies and minds almost instantly. The 4-7-8 breathing technique, known as a “relaxing breath,” is especially effective:
- Breathe in quietly through your nose for 4 seconds
- Hold the breath for 7 seconds
- Exhale forcefully through your mouth with a “whooshing” sound for 8 seconds
- Repeat as needed
- Close your eyes and count to 10 slowly. It really works! If you need more time, count to 20 or count backwards once you reach whatever number you are counting up to. Just taking a few minutes to concentrate on something other than your stress will do wonders for your mood.
- Chew a piece of gum. Studies show that the slow, methodical act of chewing gum keeps blood flowing to the brain, allowing you to concentrate better and keep a level head during a bout of anxiety.
It also helps you resist the urge to reach for a less-healthy option, like a pint of ice cream or a cocktail, when you’re stressed.
- Phone a friend – preferably a funny one. Touching base with someone you love can provide instant calm. Laughing is proven to release endorphins, the “feel-good chemicals” in our brains that help release tension and elevate overall mood.
- Smell lavender. Light a lavender candle or soak in a lavender bubble bath. In aromatherapy, lavender is one of the stars of stress-relief, along with chamomile, rose, ylang-ylang and citrus.
- Curl up with your cat or dog. Just 10 minutes of petting your furry pal can reduce stress hormones and promote a feeling of calmness.
- Listen to calming music. Cue up your favorite tune, but nothing with a frantic beat or depressing lyrics. Then sit back, close your eyes and concentrate on the words and the rhythm. Go ahead and sing along if you wish.
Studies show singing releases endorphins.
- Exercise your body. Physical activity of any kind helps release stress. Take a 15-minute timeout for a brisk walk around the neighborhood; the fresh air will also help clear your head. If you’re stuck indoors, try a few reps of jumping jacks, jog up and down the stairs or take a spin on your exercise bike.
- Exercise your mind and spirit. Practice yoga, meditate, get a massage, write in your journal, give yourself a pedicure or take a relaxing nap.
If you find these calming techniques aren’t helpful, explore other methods that may provide longer-term relief for your stress and anxiety. Eat right, avoid alcohol and caffeine, exercise regularly, always get enough sleep, and if needed, consider making an appointment with a mental health professional.
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Date Last Reviewed: November 13, 2020
Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Contact Editor
Medical Review: Perry Pitkow, MD
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5 Ways to Beat Pre-performance Nerves (for Teens)
Reviewed by: KidsHealth Behavioral Health Experts
en español 5 formas de afrontar los nervios anticipatorios
Lots of people stress out about talking in front of the class or getting laughed at if they make a mistake in front of an audience.
Feeling nervous before a performance is natural — and part of your body's way of helping you do your best. The "stress hormones" (like adrenaline) that your body produces at times like these can actually help you focus.
But when worry and stress about performing get to be too much, these hormones give people that "red alert" feeling — the one that causes you to feel cold or sweaty, get butterflies in your stomach, or feel like you can't think straight.
These tips can help you manage that feeling:
- Be prepared. You're less likely to freeze up if you're well prepared. Rehearse as much as you can and practice — alone or in front of others — at every opportunity. Practice until you feel relaxed and ready. Nothing calms nerves like the confidence that comes from knowing you're prepared.
- Psych yourself up. Instead of dwelling on what could go wrong, rev up some positive energy. Watch a football team before they run onto the field.
They get in a group and pray or sing a team song to pump themselves up with positive energy and team spirit. You can do this whether you're performing alone or as part of a group. Have a friend give you a pep talk. Give yourself one too. Tell yourself, "I got this!" "I'm ready to do this — here goes!" or, "This is going to be fun!"
- Learn ways to chill. Young performers, such as Olympic gymnasts and music soloists, talk about how important it is to prepare for the pre-performance jitters as well as the performance itself. At certain types of competitions, there's quite a wait before it's your turn to perform. Some people take along inspirational photos, put together a playlist to help them relax, or learn yoga and breathing techniques to help them feel calm. Some people need to be active to relax, others need to be still and calm. Find out what technique works for you, then make a plan to use it in the downtime before a big performance.
- Don't be afraid of the nervous feeling.
When you feel performance jitters, don't freak out! Don't let the feeling stop you or intimidate you. Just let it be there. Remind yourself it's natural, just your nervous system revving up to get you ready and set to go. Know that it's up to you to manage it to your advantage. Use your positive pep-talk and calming strategies to do just that. Then, go for it!
- Look after yourself. Before big performances it's easy to let taking care of yourself slip as you spend too much time on rehearsals and practice. You'll look and feel your best if you get enough sleep and eat healthy meals before your performance. Exercise can also help you feel good, and along with sleep and nutrition, is an excellent way of keeping those stress hormones from getting out of control.
Reviewed by: KidsHealth Behavioral Health Experts
How to calm your nerves: 7 quick ways
© Chester Wade/Unsplash
Author Uliana Smirnova
August 30, 2021
RBC Style shares proven methods that will help relieve emotional stress and calm down in a matter of minutes
Stressful situations happen to people almost daily. Lack of time, difficulties at work, illness of loved ones - all this can unbalance. At such moments, the heartbeat quickens, adrenaline is released, muscles tense up, breathing gets out of hand. However, the possibilities of the nervous system are not unlimited - its defenses are gradually depleted.
Prolonged stress can weaken the immune system, provoke nervous breakdowns, upset the psyche. According to doctors, many diseases arise precisely on the basis of nerves. For example, diabetes and bronchial asthma. Some experts even find a link between stress and cancer.
Protecting yourself from nervous situations is almost impossible. But learning to manage your emotions and relieve stress is quite real. Meditation, yoga and proper nutrition help a lot with this. But what about when you need to quickly pull yourself together? The main task in this state is to reduce the level of adrenaline in the blood. We talk about the most effective methods that will help calm the nervous system and return to a familiar state in a short time.
1. Restore your breathing
A five-minute deepening of the breath will help reduce the level of adrenaline and relieve tension. The best-known method is to slowly count to ten or twenty while controlling your inhalation and exhalation. Straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Breathe slowly, without jerks, concentrating on each breath. Try to stretch the exhalation and make it longer than the inhalation. After each respiratory cycle, there is a short pause of 3-5 seconds. This exercise increases attention, calms the nervous system and reduces stress. If you feel discomfort or dizziness, return to your usual breathing rhythm.
© Natalia Figueredo/Unsplash
2. Create a virtual image
The adrenaline rush will stop if you take your mind off the stressful situation and start thinking about something else. This method is useful when you are provoked to an outburst of aggression. Start remembering the multiplication table, your favorite poem, phone numbers and friends' birthdays. It is even better to connect the imagination and visualize thoughts, presenting them in the form of pictures, colored and as detailed as possible. Try to mentally draw a cozy cafe or sea coast. Try to feel how the water gently touches your body and takes away negative emotions. If possible, take a comfortable position, relax and close your eyes. To calm down, 4-5 minutes will be enough.
3. Go for a swim or shower
A warm, powerful shower will not only relax your muscles and improve circulation, but also calm your nerves. And half an hour in the pool will relieve stress after a working day. Another way to relieve emotional stress is to turn on your favorite music and take a hot bath. The effect will be enhanced if you add a few drops of soothing chamomile, lavender, tangerine or lemon balm essential oil to the water. If there is no time for long water procedures, wet your hands and run wet palms over your face, neck and shoulders. Cold water well tones the skin and soothes the nerve receptors. Alternatively, you can use a rose water spray to help freshen up.
© Robson Hatsukami/Unsplash
4. Turn on the music and dance
Any physical activity can restore mental balance. For example, a half-hour run in the fresh air or an intense workout in the gym. Instead of exercise, you can dance, go for a walk, play badminton, or do some cleaning. During such a load, the brain produces neurotransmitters that are responsible for a good mood and reduce anxiety. It is the body's response to muscle stress. Scientists say that regular exercise is an excellent prevention of depression. And improving the appearance and physical performance will be a nice bonus.
5. Make tea with honey
A glass of clean water will help you quickly restore a normal heart rate and relax. You need to drink slowly - in short sips, taking short breaks between them. In addition to water, hot tea with dessert helps to cope with anxiety and irritation. Swallowing movements calm the nerves, and sweet stimulates the production of “happiness hormones”. At the same time, it is better to replace cookies and sweets with healthy treats. For example, honey, dried fruits or dark chocolate. The latter is good at removing cortisol and catecholamines that cause stress. You can add ginger root, a sprig of oregano, a few mint leaves or jasmine flowers to the drink - these additives are known for their calming effect.
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6. Do a light self-massage
A good massage therapist will quickly relieve nervous tension and eliminate muscle clamps. If a professional master does not have time for a session, a relaxing massage can be done on your own. A large number of nerve endings are concentrated in the head. Wash your hands thoroughly, sit on a chair and start massaging your temples in smooth circular motions. Gradually move on to the scalp. The fingertips should slide freely over the surface (in the direction of hair growth) and not stretch the skin. Properly performed ten-minute massage improves blood circulation, relieves stress and normalizes sleep. In addition, it stimulates hair growth and strengthens hair follicles.
7. Start a personal diary
You can relieve accumulated stress with paper and a pen. Stay alone with yourself, take a blank sheet and write about an unpleasant event. When everything is ready, it is recommended to burn or tear the written paper. You can keep a permanent personal diary - in a beautiful notebook or laptop. So you can rethink the situation and quickly get rid of destructive emotions. Moreover, the more written on paper, the less disturbing thoughts will remain in your head. This method is especially useful for those who are used to restraining their emotions and words.
© Annie Spratt/Unsplash
In addition, anti-stress coloring books or regular children's coloring books help to cope with nerves. This is one of the most popular forms of art therapy.
10 tips to quickly calm your nerves and relieve stress
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10 tips to quickly calm your nerves and relieve stress
Stress is a normal response of the body to stimuli. A dangerous situation is a constant feeling of stress, the symptoms of which are often attributed to banal fatigue. Overexertion can lead to health problems. Therefore, the state of stress must be removed, allowing the body to relax and unwind.
Let's figure out how to quickly relieve stress so as not to experience constant tension?
1. Learn to let go of the situation
Something does not work? Breathe in, breathe out, smile. If the matter can be postponed for later, return to it a little later with renewed vigor.
It will be useful to ask yourself the question: “What is the worst thing that can happen in this situation?” Think about your actions in case of the most negative scenario. For example, you do not have time to hand over the project on time. The client will be dissatisfied. Perhaps he will ask for a refund, leave a negative review. What will change in your life from this? It may be difficult for you to take a new order for some time. You will have to leave a comment on a negative review, explain to the customer. But these are all solvable problems that will not globally change your life.
As you can see, a stressful situation doesn't seem all that stressful once you figure it out. Using the technique, you will learn to let go of the situation and act calmly even in an emergency situation.
2. Look for new opportunities instead of focusing on the problem
Instead of self-flagellation, focus on what opportunities a stressful situation opens up for you. Did you have a fight with a friend? Of course, this is unpleasant, but you have a good opportunity to call another friend and go to the cinema, to an exhibition, to play sports together. Have you lost a key client? Concentrate on finding new customers who may bring you more profit. Move away from the state of stress, finding new opportunities.
Many people have achieved success after a series of failures. Remember this. “I have not been defeated. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work." Thomas Edison quote.
3. Breathe deeply
Deep breathing is soothing. Therefore, in a state of stress, start breathing deeply, with your whole chest. You will feel how your body begins to relax, and the tension goes away.
4. Squeeze the expander
Exercise helps relieve stress. For example, squeeze the expander 50-60 times. You will notice how stress begins to go away, and you can again calmly think, look for a way out of a stressful situation, and make decisions.
5. Think of those who are worse off
You feel like the whole world is against you. But you are sitting in a warm apartment, drinking hot tea, and tomorrow you will not think about the problem that torments you today. Think of those who are worse off. People who have no home, no food, no roof over their heads.
There are a huge number of people in the world living below the poverty line, without access to clean water, etc. You already understand that you are lucky, and the problems do not seem as serious as before.
6. Sleep well!
What do cats do after suffering stress? They are sleeping. Indeed, sleep helps to restore strength, the subconscious during sleep is looking for a solution to the problem, which "illuminates" you in the morning.
If you're under a lot of stress, go to bed early. Pre-listen to pleasant and calm music to tune in to rest. You will notice how stress will go away, and you will be able to enjoy life again.
7. Treat yourself to food, just be careful
Delicious food relieves stress because it gives you pleasure. Just use the method carefully so as not to run into the problem of excess weight. Chew carefully and slowly while eating. So you get more pleasure and better relieve stress.
8. Watch a funny video on YouTube
Laughter relieves stress, and if laughter is stressful, go to YouTube and watch the latest compilations of jokes. This is the fastest way to relieve stress, which can take less than 5 minutes. The main thing is to find really funny videos that will relieve your tension.
9. Call relatives and tell about the problem
Share a problem with a loved one and ask for help in finding a solution. First, you will speak out, which will relieve stress.