Masterbating before sleep can cause
Does Masturbating Help You Sleep?
Does Masturbating Help You Sleep? | Manual Skip to contentIn 30 seconds…
Lots of people like to masturbate before going to bed, but it doesn’t necessarily help you sleep. Whilst chemicals released during orgasm can help make you feel happy and relaxed, they don’t necessarily precede sleepiness. If you’re worried about masturbation and sleep, read on for some helpful advice.
Everyone does it. Loses sleep, that is.
Many of us are familiar with the anecdotal effects of a bad night’s sleep, and for the 30% of the UK population with insomnia, it’s an all-too-frequent occurrence. That’s why the internet is peppered with tips for sleeping better, such as taking a hot bath before bed, limiting alcohol, or masturbating before sleep.
But while cosying up with a chamomile tea feels a bit old fashioned, self-gratification is newer — and more X-rated — advice. So, does masturbating help you sleep? In this article, we’ll discuss the science behind masturbation and its effects on your Z’s.
When you orgasm, your body releases a mix of neurochemicals, including oxytocin, serotonin, vasopressin, and prolactin, all of which can help prepare you for sleep.
Oxytocin and serotonin make you feel euphoric and relaxed and inhibit cortisol, the hormone that makes you feel stressed. Vasopressin has a known antidiuretic effect — reducing the need to urinate in the night — and recent studies show its effectiveness in managing stress and pain. Finally, prolactin makes you feel satisfied, with increased levels associated with a better orgasm and longer “recovery time” — a.k.a the time it takes men to be able to have sex again.
Your body naturally releases all these hormones at night, alongside melatonin, as part of your sleep-wake cycle. While melatonin is the hormone responsible for making you feel tired, the mix of these other hormones can help put you in the right frame for sleep. If you masturbate and orgasm, you’re effectively boosting that process.
The other way masturbation can help you sleep is via a placebo effect. Research has shown that the perception of orgasms as a proponent of better sleep also plays a part in achieving better sleep. In other words, if you believe an orgasm will help you sleep, you’ll fall asleep faster after orgasm.
This helps to explain why the majority of respondents in surveys claim that masturbation before sleep is a good sleep aid, and why research is being conducted into masturbation’s effectiveness in treating sleep disorders like restless leg syndrome.
Does Masturbation Without Orgasm Prevent Sleep?So far, we’ve looked at how orgasms from masturbation can help you sleep, but what if you don’t get there? This is where scientific research runs thinner on the ground. In fact, there’s only been one investigation to examine sleep following masturbation with vs. without orgasm. It found that both had no major effect on sleep.
However, it’s worth noting this study had limitations, the foremost of which was that the experiment required a researcher to remove an anal probe from participants following orgasm, which could have affected how quickly they fell asleep afterwards.
One conclusion that masturbation without orgasm can prevent sleep can be drawn from the aforementioned study measuring the placebo effect of orgasms. If you believe an orgasm will help you sleep, a lack of one could negatively affect it.
There’s also evidence that masturbation before orgasm can make you feel more alert. As you reach climax, your body releases hormones called epinephrine and norepinephrine, which give you energy and increase your blood pressure. If you don’t climax, you won’t release the “relaxing” hormones to counter this “fight-or-flight” response, so you could feel more awake.
Is it Normal If I Can’t Sleep After Masturbating?Short answer: yes.
When you masturbate or have sex, blood flows to all parts of your body, alerting your nervous system, muscles and brain. At the same time, as you build to climax, your body releases epinephrine and norepinephrine, which make you feel alert.
This is why some people prefer to masturbate in the morning: it’s a mood-booster thanks to oxytocin and serotonin, and an energy-booster thanks to these invigorating hormones. In fact, this mix of chemicals mimics the effects of meditation, which is why masturbating can help clear your head.
So, why does masturbation work as a sleep aid for some people, and an espresso shot for others?
One explanation comes from the release of prolactin at orgasm. Prolactin levels are naturally higher during sleep, and when researchers administered it to animals, they became tired immediately.
However, you don’t always release the same amount of prolactin; higher levels are associated with better orgasms. If you reach a more satisfying climax, you’ll release more of this hormone, which may help you relax before sleep. Conversely, lower prolactin levels mean you’ll release less of this relaxing hormone to counter the energising ones, so you’ll feel more buzzed.
What If I Can’t Sleep Without Masturbating?Solo masturbation doesn’t cause any harm, either physically or mentally, even if you do it often. If you’re worried that you’re masturbating before sleeping too much, however, remember that sleep requires routine.
The regularity of your masturbation might lead you to believe that you need it to sleep, but adopting new habits — and sticking to them — can help.
Read our tips for getting better sleep for more help.
If you still can’t sleep without masturbation and you find yourself doing it compulsively at other times, it could be a sign of an addiction. Other signs include feeling like it’s out of control, feeling guilty or depressed, and finding that it interferes with your daily life. If that sounds like you, contact Relate or find your local Sexaholics Anonymous for support, or make an appointment with a medical professional.
Key TakeawaysMasturbating before sleep can help you get a better night’s rest, largely because the chemicals released in your body as you orgasm make you feel relaxed and happy. Additionally, just believing that an orgasm will help can make you fall asleep faster. However, it’s also normal to find you can’t sleep after masturbating, because of other chemicals released in your body during arousal that make you energised.
It’s important to note that while feeling relaxed and happy may ease sleep, it doesn’t necessarily make you feel sleepy. The hormone that does this is melatonin, which has nothing to do with orgasm or masturbation. Your body naturally releases this before bed, but it can be affected by factors like light exposure and sleeping patterns.
Read more about melatonin and how you can boost yours for better sleep, or pick up more tips for better sleep so you can make the most of your Zs.
What happens when you masturbate and orgasm?
When you orgasm, your brain releases a host of hormones including oxytocin, serotonin, vasopressin, and prolactin. These hormones help make you feel happy, relaxed, destressed, and less likely to need a pee during the night. They can help put you in the right frame for sleep, but don’t necessarily make you feel tired.
Why does masturbation make you sleepy?
If masturbation or orgasming makes you feel sleepy, then it’s probably a combination of stress reduction, relaxation, increased-happiness, and the placebo effect: you believe it will help you sleep, and so it does.
Is it normal not to feel sleepy after masturbating?
It is completely normal for masturbation to make you feel more alert, rather than sleepy. Masturbating effects everyone differently, and some people prefer the energising effects of masturbation in the morning, rather than at night.
Is it okay if I need masturbation in order to sleep?
Routine is important for everyone when going to sleep, and masturbation may be a healthy part of that routine for you. However, if you are worried about how much you masturbate, or feel like it would be impossible to sleep without masturbation, then it’s worth trying to adopt some new, different sleep habits.
NHS – Sleep problems in the UK highlighted:
E. M. Hull, J. M. Dominguez and J. W. Muschamp – Neurochemistry of Male Sexual Behavior:
Ferenc A. Antoni (2017). Vasopressin as a Stress Hormone:
T H C Krüger, P Haake, J Haverkamp, M Krämer, M S Exton, B Saller, N Leygraf, U Hartmann, M Schedlowski (2003). Effects of acute prolactin manipulation on sexual drive and function in males:
Michele Lastella, Catherine O’Mullan, Jessica L. Paterson and Amy C. Reynolds(2019).Sex and Sleep: Perceptions of Sex as a Sleep Promoting Behavior in the General Adult Population:
Luis F Marin, André C Felicio, Gilmar F Prado (2011). Sexual intercourse and masturbation: potential relief factors for restless legs syndrome?:
Suzanne Brissette Jacques Montplaisir Roger Godbout Pierre Lavoisier(1985).
Sexual activity and sleep in humans:
Haake P., Krueger T.H.C., Goebel M.U., Heberling K.M., Hartmann U., Schedlowski M (2004). Effects of Sexual Arousal on Lymphocyte Subset Circulation and Cytokine Production in Man:
Divya Krishnakumar, Michael R Hamblin and Shanmugamurthy Lakshmanan (2016). Meditation and Yoga can Modulate Brain Mechanisms that affect Behavior and Anxiety-A Modern Scientific Perspective:
K Spiegel, M Follenius, C Simon, J Saini, J Ehrhart, G Brandenberger (1994). Prolactin secretion and sleep:
Livescience – Why Do Guys Get Sleepy After Sex?:
NHS – Is masturbation normal?: https://www.
Relate – I’m worried that I (or someone I know) might be addicted to sex:
Sexaholics Anonymous -Sexaholics Anonymous Meetings In The UK:
MarkusHeinrichs, ThomasBaumgartner, ClemensKirschbaum and UlrikeEhlert (2003). Social support and oxytocin interact to suppress cortisol and subjective responses to psychosocial stress:
Ståle Pallesen, Siri Waage, Eirunn Thun, Cecilie Schou Andreassen & Bjørn Bjorvatn (2019). A national survey on how sexual activity is perceived to be associated with sleep:
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Why You Should Masturbate Before You Go To Bed, According To Science & Experts, Because Self-Love Is The Best Love
Sometimes, the stars align perfectly and something you love to do winds up being good for you, too. For many, masturbation is one of those activities, boasting tons of benefits that range from sleeping better to improving your awareness of your own sexual desires. As psychologist and sex therapist Janet Brito previously explained to Bustle, "For those who may have a tendency to prioritize other people’s needs, feel unworthy, or have hang ups about experiencing self-pleasure, masturbation is a great start to reclaim their sexuality on their own terms. "
And while when you choose to masturbate is totally a matter of personal preference, as sex therapist Vanessa Marin explains, there are some specific benefits to masturbating at night, like helping you relax.
So even if you're typically a morning orgasm kind of person, it might be worth giving a nighttime routine a try to reap some of these benefits.
1. Masturbating Before Bed Can Help You Sleep
As Marin explains, the main reason why masturbating might make you tired or why it may help you sleep is a “straight up neurochemical thing.” One study published in Frontiers in Public Health, citing existing literature, explains that the release of oxytocin and prolactin following sexual activity are some of the factors behind improved sleep. And while you might be concerned that you won’t get those sleep-inducing effects without the physical exertion involved in partnered sexual activity, there’s hope. The same study found that masturbation alone was enough to improve reported sleep quality.
Even if you don’t orgasm, masturbating without a climax could still help you nod off. “For some people, it can lead to a general sense of relaxation, even if they haven't had an orgasm, or if their orgasm hasn't brought that sense of relief or release with it,” Marin adds. Basically, masturbation can make you tired with or without an orgasm.
2. Masturbating Can Aid Stress Relief and Relaxation
Mikhail Reshetnikov / EyeEm/EyeEm/Getty Images
Another brain chemistry benefit of masturbating is the inhibition of cortisol, the chemical associated with stress. Naturally, if you’re trying to wind down for the night, stress typically isn’t super helpful when it comes to relaxing. But there’s more than just chemicals at play. “For some people, masturbation can feel very transactional, like, ‘I just want to have my orgasm, get it over with, get that sense of release, or go to bed,’” Marin explains. “But I usually recommend that people, at least some of the time, try to approach masturbation by giving themselves more time to really focus on exploring their bodies — making it feel like a form of self care,” she adds.
Basically, rushing through masturbation to get to an orgasm may not be as beneficial as it could be if your aim is for evening relaxation. “If you do take a little bit of time to explore your own body, to see what feels good today, it can be a really nice ritual for bringing you back home into your body, reconnecting with yourself, and can be meditative in some senses. All of that could really contribute to a sense of relaxation,” she adds.
3. Masturbating Before Bed Could Be More Practical
From a logistics standpoint, masturbating before bed might be your best bet. By the time you’re turning down the sheets, there are no meetings to be late to and, likely, no tasks urgently requiring your attention. “You might have a little bit more privacy if the kids are in bed or roommates are asleep,” Marin explains. This sense of privacy could help your mind feel a bit more clear, she says, and perhaps make it less likely that you’ll feel rushed.
But it’s important to keep in mind that when it comes to masturbation, nighttime might also be a double-edged sword. Marin cautions that some people might start to feel anxious about cutting into their sleep time. You might start watching the clock, worrying that each extra minute you spend on yourself is one less minute you get to sleep. Knowing yourself and what your unique concerns are will help in discovering the best moments for intimacy.
4. Your Sex Drive Might Be Higher At Night
“Some people feel like they have a higher sex drive at night,” Marin explains. “So if you're just feeling more desire to, that's always a great time to do it. That's a very personal thing; sometimes some people have higher sex drive in the morning, but a lot of people have higher sex drives at night,” she adds.
One study based out of Poland found that the female-identifying subjects felt the strongest sexual desire in the evening, from 6 P.M. to midnight. So if you’re finding nighttime tends to be your peak horny hours, just going with it might be the key to unlocking a slew of other evening masturbation benefits.
5. Masturbating At Night Might Help With Body Self-Consciousness
As Marin explains, many people struggle with their body image when they masturbate. If that’s you, blaring sunlight, reflective mirrors, and other visual cues that might be present during daytime could steal focus to those anxious thoughts about your body at the exact moment you want to be focused on making yourself feel good. “For some people having that cloak of darkness can make it feel like a more enjoyable experience for them,” she adds. You want to set yourself up for a positive experience, and altering the time of day you masturbate might be one way to achieve that.
And if you’re someone struggling with body image, there are lots of little ways to be gentler with yourself.
Time of day aside, one of the most important thing to keep in mind when it comes to masturbating, Marin underscores, is that you do what feels right for you.
Lastella, Michele et al. “Sex and Sleep: Perceptions of Sex as a Sleep Promoting Behavior in the General Adult Population. ” Frontiers in public health vol. 7 33. 4 Mar. 2019, doi:10.3389/fpubh.2019.00033
Konrad S. Jankowski, Juan Francisco Díaz-Morales & Christoph Randler (2014) Chronotype, gender, and time for sex, Chronobiology International, 31:8, 911-916, DOI: 10.3109/07420528.2014.925470
Janet Brito, PhD. PSY, LCSW, CS
Vanessa Marin, sex therapist
This article was originally published on
What is a mastermind and how to organize a mastermind group
To solve problems that you won't tell your friends and family about, gather your own mastermind. It is a group of people who come together to support and help each other. We tell you how to organize it
What you need to know about mastermind:
- What is
- People in the mastermind group
- How works
- Principles for success
- How to find mastermind
- How to organize remotely
- How to evaluate effectiveness
- Helpful Hints
What is Mastermind
Mastermind is a group format of like-minded people who meet regularly to support each other and help with personal and professional problems.
For example, if you lose your job, group members will help you create a new resume, share contacts, and recommend you to people you know. nine0003
Here you can share personal problems and thoughts that you do not want to discuss with relatives or friends. You will be supported, accepted and offered non-violent help. At the same time, they will expect the same from you. Mastermind is a mutual improvement group.
Some groups meet to solve a specific problem. For example, you are starting a new project. You select people with positive experience who will help you avoid mistakes and bring the project to launch. After the problem is solved, such groups are disbanded. nine0003
Mafia members have funded or run several of the world's largest technology companies. Fleximize talked in detail about the composition of the PayPal Mafia and their relationships
Other mastermind groups support each other constantly. In such groups, people work on their goals as a team. Everyone invests in the success of other participants, supports, shares experience and resources.
For example, PayPal Mafia is an association of former founders and employees of PayPal, including Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, Peter Thiel, president of Clarium, and Reed Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn. nine0003
The idea of mastermind was proposed by Napoleon Hill. He studied successful Americans: Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Theodore Roosevelt and interviewed more than 500 people to find the secret to success. In his books The Law of Success and Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill described the idea of a group of people working together to help and support each other. Modern historians have criticized Hill for deceit and fraud, and in 2019 Gizmodo called him "the greatest fraudster of all time". At the same time, the concept of mastermind groups turned out to be working and took root in many countries. nine0003
Hill described the concept of the mastermind group in 1928, but such groups had existed before. In 1727, Benjamin Franklin organized the Junto Club of 12 members. Club members gathered on Fridays to share their discoveries, discuss politics, morality and philosophy.
The more carefully the goals of the participants are formulated, the easier it is to choose formats to support these goals. For example, invite an expert or use brainstorming (Photo: Natalia Yadrentseva)
Mastermind group is your “personal board of directors” that will help you achieve your goals, gain new experience and support in difficult moments. Here is how it will be useful:
- Mutual support. Group members will support you despite failures and will not laugh or downplay problems. Support, safety and understanding in the group is built on the reciprocity of all participants, so the same will be expected of you.
- Other points of view.
nine0051 The different points of view of the participants in the mastermind group will help you see problems that you did not notice before. Feedback from other people may not be pleasant, but it will give a new vision of the situation and opportunities.
- Resources. Each group member will have a different set of skills and contacts. By asking for help, you can find suitable competencies in other people to solve your problems. Conversely, offer your skills, experience and connections to help the rest of the group. nine0008
- Networking and promotion. You will meet new people and get useful contacts that will help you grow your business, find a new job or like-minded people. You can promote projects and profiles of each other. For example, group members will talk about your blog or product on their social networks, and you will talk about them.
What kind of people are needed for a mastermind
A mastermind group consists of five to eight people. In such a composition, there are enough people and life experiences - in a large group they will be too different. Group members should be about the same level: similar income, position in society, education, so that no one is jealous or looked down on. nine0003
The group should not have the same people, competition for the same clients or projects. We need participants with different backgrounds, experiences and worldviews. The difference in life experience helps to find optimal solutions, but if people are too different, the dialogue may not work. Try to choose people from different fields of activity. So each of them will bring ideas and thoughts that are different from the others. Here is an approximate composition of such a group: an entrepreneur, a designer in a large company, a sales manager in a small company, a freelance programmer and a photographer in a studio. nine0003
Different composition of the group improves its productivity. According to the womanonoards study, teams with mixed compositions at the strategic level of management contribute to a more active growth in business value, or hold back the fall during periods of crisis (Photo: womanonoards)
At the same time, the relationship between the group members should be approximately the same level. No need to take relatives or colleagues, otherwise you will not be able to fully trust each other. nine0003
How mastermind works
Group members gather in a quiet, cozy place: apartment, coworking or office. You can call via Google Meet, Zoom or Skype, and meet in person several times a year. One meeting lasts about four to five hours.
First, the participants exchange news for five to seven minutes per person. Everyone tells what happened in his career, self-development, personal life, health. Participants then propose issues and topics for discussion that have accumulated since the previous meeting. nine0003
What can you choose as a case per group:
- specific tasks you need help with;
- difficulties in work or study;
- building a career, educational or other life strategy;
- everyday problems: cleaning or finding a place to live;
- questions about money;
- personal relationships;
- life goals;
- physical and psychological health.
Each person is allocated 20-30 minutes. During this time, he talks in detail about his problem or idea, asks for advice or shares plans. Then the rest of the group gives him five to ten minutes of feedback. The person whose problem has been discussed should draw up a plan of action and share it with the other participants. The group then moves on to the next problem.
If you scheduled a meeting for four hours, it will end when the time expires. Problems that have not been discussed are transferred to the next time. At a new meeting, the participants talk about what they did or did not manage to do from the planned plan. nine0003
Principles and basic rules for the success of a mastermind group
The concept of a mastermind group differs from mentoring or friendly conversations in a strict format. Participants must take meetings seriously and keep the principles of mastermind in mind.
- Trust. Group members trust each other as much as possible.
Maintain confidentiality to ensure trust. At the first meeting, sign a non-disclosure agreement. Say that for its violation the participant will be expelled from the group. nine0008
- Do not interrupt. All group members are equal. Everyone gets the same amount of time and attention. Do not interrupt the speaker or interfere in the discussion unless you have a specific question. Write down your thoughts so you can express them at the right time.
- Meet regularly. Group members regularly attend meetings and do not miss them without a good reason. Keep track of your schedule and plan ahead. If participants are consistently late, come up with penalties. Let the latecomer treat everyone with food, pay for coworking or a program for calling. nine0008
- Select a moderator. Moderator - a person from the group or an invited expert. He makes sure that the meetings do not turn into gatherings, are non-conflict and end with a result for each participant.
The moderator encourages everyone to work at the peak of productivity. If members do not want to be honest with themselves or others, the group will stall. In this case, the moderator will remind you that asking for help is normal, this is growth above yourself.
nine0007 Fix. Group members write down their thoughts and ideas that come up during the meeting. If your problem is solved, draw up an action plan, fix it and share it in the group chat. This will help structure the knowledge in your head and start acting. Recordings can be made in Google Documents, Notion, Trello, and other programs.
How to find the right mastermind
If you want to start your own mastermind group, start with a goal. Choose a specific aspect of your life that you want to improve. For example, to develop professional skills in order to take on more expensive and interesting projects. nine0003
Make a list of friends and acquaintances with similar values. Tell them about the format of the mastermind group and invite them to join. If there are few such people, tell us about the creation of your group in social networks. Go to mastermind dating meetings that are looking for people for mastermind groups. For example, such events are held at the Kocherga rationality center in Moscow, and the Random Coffee project gathers online groups for entrepreneurs and IT specialists with the support of experts.
Julien Gordon and his team have organized over 100,000 mastermind groups around the world. In his talk, Gordon talks about how coaches and communities will change the world
Together with your group, come up with and write down the ground rules and principles. Remember about mutual assistance and respect. Sign a non-disclosure document, create a group chat in a convenient messenger and schedule your first meeting.
How to organize a mastermind remotely
Yulia Sadovnikova, head of the Retail practice at the Russian office of Spencer Stuart, believes that mastermind works better when participants communicate in person. Due to the pandemic, we do not know when we will return to safe in-person meetings. At the same time, it is important to change right now in order to enter a new round of development and win after the peak of the crisis. The mastermind group format helps generate ideas for these changes, so it's important to adapt it effectively to the new reality. nine0003
Julia shared the algorithm and key principles of organizing a remote mastermind group, which she developed and uses together with her colleagues.
- Check…your channel seven times. Incorrect communication tools and a slow connection channel are obvious things that often get in the way of effective group communication. Make sure you choose a convenient and secure communication channel. Try several video calling services and programs in advance with other participants. nine0008
- Seeing each other is critical. In the current climate, it's important to have video calls, not calls.
People are dispersed physically, subject to stress, their attention is scattered. Without a camera, the focus will blur even more. To make remote meetings useful, arrange with your group to use cameras.
- People are greeted by clothes. This principle remains true - people form an opinion about you by appearance. Formal wear helps keep you on your toes and contributes to the work of the mastermind group. If you are dressed very relaxed, it will be more difficult. You don't have to wear suits, but having roughly the same business casual style is important. Put on trousers, a shirt or a simple sweater without prints, this will be enough. nine0008
- "How much to hang in grams?" The clarity of the agenda and action plan is very important. Carefully prepare topics and questions, think through possible objections and conflict points, provoke correct disputes. It is the polarity of opinions and respectful disputes that give rise to new meanings in the mastermind group.
- Facilitation. Take the time to understand where you are with the group now, what you got, what you achieved, what didn't work out. This will help to find solutions faster, and all group members will be in the same cognitive and emotional state. Do not think for someone, clarify everything. It's better to over-communicate than under-communicate. nine0008
- Check-in and check-out when meeting with a group. People can remain out of the meeting with attention and emotions, so you need to “bring yourself” into any conversation. Before the meeting, check-in, do not rush into brainstorming on important topics right away. Ask the group members how they feel, what their attention is focused on in principle. It looks like a "check-out" at the end of the meeting. Find out from each participant: with what he leaves the meeting, what ideas, steps and actions he takes to work until the next time. nine0008
- You and I are of the same blood.
Participants must understand why they are in the group, why they make time for meetings and follow generally accepted rules. What is important is the equal level of people in the group and approximately the same length of time in the respective roles. For example, Julia and her colleagues often organize mastermind groups of the CEOs of the largest companies in various industries. In such groups, participants should be from companies that are similar in size, business complexity, and context. At the same time, the duration of work in the role of CEO should not differ several times. nine0008
How to evaluate the effectiveness of a mastermind group
Coach, mastermind expert and strategic development consultant Natalya Yadrentseva believes that each participant evaluates the effectiveness of the group's work.
Some indicators can be measured. For example, a person joins a mastermind to realize their idea or create a new product. The result may be a test of the idea for viability or the first sale. There are also indirect indicators. For example, the lifetime of the mastermind group. There are groups that continue to meet regularly for years. This speaks to the value the participants receive. nine0003
How to increase trust between members
To increase trust between group members, Natalya Yadrentseva suggests using three tools.
Conduct a motivational interview to form a group. Ask questions to better understand each other. Here are sample questions that will help you open up your interlocutor:
- What will be a breakthrough for you now?
- How will you know that you have achieved a result?
- Why haven't you reached this result yet? What stops? nine0008
- What kind of support do you need?
- Why do you want/wanted to join the group?
- How can you be useful to other members of the group: skills, knowledge, strengths?
Voice stories and thanks. Personal stories bring participants together and better involve each other in life. An important part of such stories is gratitude. Set aside time at the end of the meeting for each participant to share: what he takes away from the meeting, what was useful for him and whom he wants to thank. Gratitude will help create an atmosphere of openness. nine0003
Use active listening, strong questions and mirroring. Members of the mastermind group share their problems in order to find solutions to the current situation, rather than complaining. Powerful questions and active listening help group members not worry about what others think of them. Share your ideas and mistakes to learn together. Mirroring - similar movements, facial expressions, intonation with the interlocutor help to win over the interlocutor.
Top 5 useful tips
- If you find it difficult to choose a problem, ask yourself the Hamming questions: “What is the most important problem in my life?”, “Why is it not being solved?”.
- Prepare case studies before the meeting.
- Chat on an easy-to-use platform to share useful links and quick tips.
- If you are not sure about the composition and format of the group, arrange a trial meeting.
- Try not to miss or cancel meetings. nine0023
- State the goals you want to achieve with the mastermind group.
- Think about what kind of people you need, what kind of skills, experience, values they have. Make a list of potential group members and resources to find them.
- Think of the principles and rules of the group. Sign a non-disclosure document.
- Choose a communication channel: a program for calls and correspondence, find places for personal meetings. nine0008
- Select a moderator or invite an expert to the first meeting. Get to know each other so you can understand each other better.
- Record the results of the first meeting and share them in your group chat. Pick a date for your next meeting, prepare for it, and remember how the group works.
- Work out the structure of the meeting, work out the timings and work with the moderator. Revise the principles and rules as needed. Improve yourself and help others. nine0008
- Preview of your product
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To organize your own mastermind group
How to Use Video Marketing to Grow Your Business Significantly [Video] -
Hello! Today I am going to tell you how to do video marketing so that you can get more views on your videos and get more subscribers to your YouTube channel. This will help your brand or business grow organically.
Videos are very powerful because they can portray emotions, have a human face, and therefore we can gain trust and confidence. Now the question is, what type of video content can you create? You must create original, quality content that will sell softly and benefit your target audience. nine0003
The following are various types of videos that are well suited for video marketing:
So the first step is to create videos that are relevant to your product. Make videos that contain the information that customers are looking for.
Once you've created your video, the next step is to make the content discoverable. Did you know that YouTube is also a search engine? In fact, it is the second largest search engine in the world after Google. Thus, you should also do SEO for YouTube.
1. Keywords
The number one item in SEO is keywords. You should identify high search volume keywords using tools such as the Google Ads Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest. You can also enter these keywords in Youtube and get the best videos, and you can also right click and view the page source to determine the keywords that these top videos are targeting.
2. Title
Once you have determined your keywords, you must create a title for your video and include the keywords in the title. You can use the tool header parser on a schedule. This will give a score of 100 from your title. You can target headlines with a score above 70. Include the words Power and Emotion in the headline. Powerful words are like growth, guaranteed sales growth; while the emotions of the word are such as captivating, latest, amazing, unbelievable. nine0003
3. Description
After writing the title, you must write a description that should also include your keywords. It is recommended that you have your video transcribed because transcribing will result in more text content and therefore a higher chance of being discovered.
4. Links
Link to your site in the first paragraph for more clicks. To make your description more useful, link to resources in your description. Also provide links to your other social media channels so that users can follow you on other channels as well. nine0003
5. Thumbnails
Next you need to make attractive sketches. Turn on brand colors to keep your videos consistent.
6. playlist
Organize videos in a playlist so that internal linking occurs and YouTube automatically recommends more videos as your videos grow in popularity.
7. Maps and end screen
One of the main problems with video is that people don't click and call to action is weaker. To overcome this, add a "Maps" and "End" screen to your videos so people can follow links and go to your site or watch related videos from your playlist. nine0003
To increase the views of your videos, encourage viewers to comment and reply to each comment.
9. Clock Time
Another important point is the time on the clock. The longer the watch time, the better your YouTube videos will be discovered. Hence, you may want to consider creating quality long videos.
10. Local content
Did you know that Tamils have the highest number of YouTube users in India, followed by Hindi and then English.