Life of the party personality type
Here's What You Do at a Party, Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
BySusan Storm
Are you the life of the party or do you find any imaginable reason to bow out? Today we’re going to take a (tongue-in-cheek) look at how each type shows up in a party atmosphere. Keep in mind, this is more humorous than serious. We’d love to hear YOUR thoughts on the party life in the comments!
Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new questionnaire here to find out!
Table of contents
- Here’s What You Do at a Party, Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
- The ENFP
- The ENTP
- The INFP
- The INTP
- The ENFJ
- The ENTJ
- The INFJ
- The INTJ
- The ESFP
- The ESTP
- The ISFP
- The ISTP
- The ESFJ
- The ESTJ
- The ISFJ
- The ISTJ
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
The ENFPGathers all the misfits and iconoclasts together to take down the popular, oppressive leaders in the group. Also gives lots of hugs and rescues anyone being bullied.
Gets in a debate with the ESTJ about politics, religion, and the organization of the snack table. Doesn’t care at all about how the snack table is actually organized. Later, joins in with the ENFP group because the brainstorming session is way too enticing.
The INFPRemains snuggled up in the corner with whatever furry creature happens to be around, along with a worn-out copy of “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.” Feels like a prisoner at this party (but enjoys the furry friend they made).
The INTPTries to avoid making small talk by taking his Playstation to a private room where he can play “Elder Scrolls” in peace. Gets an unpleasant surprise when his best friend stumbles in later with his secret crush.
The ENFJBecomes part chef, part fortune-teller. Makes cookies for everyone while rallying them together to be their best selves. Listens to everyone’s life stories and is the last person to leave the party. A stranger gives them a tearful hug before saying goodbye.
Hates small talk and meaningless banter so he connects an earpiece to his Bluetooth to discuss work projects, to-do lists, and the meaning of life with his closest friends. Confuses a lot of people in the process who think he’s talking to them.
The INFJFeels slightly awkward initially, but gradually looks for outliers to connect with. Winds up counseling them on their relationship issues, childhood traumas, and existential crises. Leaves feeling productive but totally drained.
The INTJInwardly berates themselves for arriving early, and makes awkward small talk with the host for a while. Eventually finds a comfortable spot in a quieter corner of the room and listens to a podcast while analyzing the body-language of the various guests. By the end of the party, he’s figured out everyone’s motives and insecurities and has lost respect for the human race.
Sings karaoke, break dances, and somehow convinces a large group of people to blow their savings on a last-minute trip to Buenos Aires. Winks at the INTJ as they say goodbye.
The ESTPSomehow manages to win beer pong and a game of Risk while inebriated. Rescues a cat stuck in a tree in an attempt to win the ISFJ over.
The ISFPPaints a portrait of the INFP and the puppy while jamming to her favorite tunes on her headphones. Looks for anyone unique and quirky and takes stunning Instagram-worthy photos of them on her phone. Is admired by everyone but hardly notices.
The ISTPComes in second place to the ESTP at beer-pong, but then triumphs over everyone else at pool. Tries to avoid all the people who are doing a bad job of hiding their infatuation with him.
The ESFJMakes sure everyone has a drink, a snack, and a warm hug. Finds themselves mentoring a group of younger people about various relationship issues.
Decides this party isn’t being run efficiently and proceeds to re-organize the kitchen, living area, and bar while cracking quirky, offbeat jokes.
The ISFJAfter helping out in the kitchen, finds themselves circulating through the crowd with outward signs of ease but inward feelings of exhaustion. Escapes outside to feed a stray cat that looks hungry.
The ISTJWas dragged to the party by somebody else and would really rather be home. Spends a great deal of time alphabetizing the host’s DVDs and books, then heads up to the roof to look at the stars and listen to a playlist of their favorite songs.
What Are Your Thoughts?
Are you a party lover or a party pooper? Let us know your thoughts and funny experiences in the comments!
Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!
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Susan Storm
Susan Storm is a certified MBTI® practitioner and Enneagram coach. She is the mom of five beautiful children and loves using her knowledge of personality type to understand them and others better! For fun, she enjoys reading fiction, spending time outdoors, or challenging her friends to tabletop board gaming competitions (Settlers of Catan, anyone?)
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Here’s How Each Personality Type Behaves at a PartySome people adore the chance to get out to a party and have a great time, other people despise this sort of interaction. Here is how each personality type behaves at a party, and how they feel about it.
INFJs absolutely hate large crowds, which usually means they dislike parties. INFJs might enjoy small gatherings with people they care about, especially if it results in interesting conversations and bonding time. INFJs often dislike most parties because they can feel rather shallow to them. They especially dislike wild drinking parties, since it often feels like there is nothing valuable happening. INFJs become quickly drained with too much social interaction, especially if that interaction is shallow and meaningless. This often leads them to dislike parties, and they might be rather quiet only forcing themselves to interject once in a while. INFJs are capable of being social, but often dislike these sort of events and will avoid them at all costs. They will take one on one interactions over large parties, any day.
ENFJENFJs definitely enjoy parties, and are often the person hosting them. They love hosting events that bring together their loved ones and helps them bond with one another. ENFJs often find themselves becoming the center of attention, without even trying to be. They love making other people happy, and hosting the perfect party can often bring joy to their loved ones. ENFJs do need time alone though, and might not want to attend a party every single weekend. They do enjoy having parties though, and will certainly not be the wallflower hanging in the corner of the room. ENFJs are hardworking people, but they certainly know how to have fun.
INFPs dislike parties with large crowds, especially if the event is filled with strangers. They prefer to have a small get together with people they love and trust. Meaning is extremely important to INFPs, and because of this large parties are often exhausting and miserable for them. They know how to have fun but will rarely consider a party something enjoyable. INFPs prefer one on one connections, and would rather do something that brings them closer to their friends and loved ones. INFPs often have fantastic senses of humor, which makes them fun to be around and capable of being entertaining at parties. They simply prefer not to experience this, and would rather be around a small group of people they can really connect with.
ENFPs are often extremely charming and entertaining people, which causes them to be a real hit at parties. They know how to amuse people, and are not afraid of being the center of attention. The ENFPs charismatic personality makes it rather easy for them to attend and even enjoy parties. They definitely prefer having one on one connections with people, but that doesn’t mean they cannot enjoy the occasional party with friends. ENFPs do become drained and need time alone though, and prefer to have a combination of social interaction and personal space.
INTJINTJs rarely enjoy parties, and usually find them to be draining and pointless. They prefer to have meaning in their lives, and would much rather be around people who challenge them mentally.
Being around large crowds of people is extremely draining both mentally and emotionally for INTJs. They honestly prefer to have a lot of time alone, and sincerely dislike being around most people. INTJs do have certain individuals who are very special to them, and they would rather have one on one time with those people. They do know how to have fun, they just rarely consider a loud and crazy party to be a good time.
ENTJs are often excellent at putting on a show at parties, and are naturally good at entertaining others. They are social and charismatic people, who truly enjoy being around others. They will often be the life of the party and will find themselves jumping into the event rather easily. ENTJs do prefer small gatherings with friends that they can trust, but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy the occasional party. ENTJs love to push themselves, and are always looking to mix things up in their lives.
INTPINTPs rarely enjoy parties, and might even cringe at the suggestion. They dislike feeling like other people are watching them or judging their behavior in any way. INTPs often attempt to push their own limits though, and might force themselves to interact at parties. They will usually do well with a few drinks in them, and become much more outgoing and entertaining. INTPs have great senses of humor, which can often be showcased at parties. INTPs usually prefer one on one interactions with people they connect with and care for. They might feel like larger parties simply lacking meaning, and would rather feel like they have gained something from the event.
ENTPs are often great at parties, especially after they get a couple drinks in them. They enjoy being around people, and know how to have a good time. ENTPs are often very funny and charismatic individuals, which makes them skilled at becoming the center of attention. They certainly don’t mind entertaining a group of people, and often enjoy being able to make others laugh. ENTPs do like plenty of alone time, but they also enjoy receiving attention from others sometimes. ENTPs love mixing it up, which makes them enjoy pushing themselves at certain social events. They might prefer small gatherings with people they truly care for and trust, but that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the occasional party.
ISTJs are definitely not party people, and often find these sorts of gatherings to be rather obnoxious. They prefer to be alone most of the time, and become drained by too much social interaction. ISTJs might find that they dislike being around most people, and only prefer to spend time with the individuals they care for deeply. ISTJs want to feel connected to their loved ones, but usually prefer one on one time with those special people. They dislike feeling like they have to impress others, and might feel pressured during larger parties.
ESTJESTJs are great at being the center of attention, and have rather gregarious and charismatic personalities. They often have a work hard and play even harder mentality. ESTJs are great at keeping other people entertained, especially when it comes to hosting social events. They might enjoy the occasional party, but only if this includes the people they know and care for. ESTJs will dislike being around completely strangers most of the time, and prefer parties with friends and loved ones. They enjoy being around people, but this really only includes the people they know and care for.
ISFJs are often good at hosting family events, but might feel uncomfortable at larger parties. They dislike feeling pressured to be social, even though they are often good at interacting with others. ISFJs are perfectly capable of being entertaining and polite at parties, they simply become drained by this. They require plenty of alone time to feel recharged, and will often push themselves into a point of exhaustion when it comes to parties. ISFJs prefer to spend one on one time with their loved ones, and might event feel a bit drained at family events.
ESFJs are often excellent hosts and hostesses, making them truly enjoy parties. They love being able to put on an event for their loved ones, and enjoy making others happy. ESFJs can put on some truly impressive parties, but will often prefer something more mature than an all-night drinking binge. They love being around people, and are usually very social creatures. ESFJs don’t mind being the center of attention, but they also enjoy letting others shine. They are certainly not afraid of parties, even though they might prefer gatherings with their favorite people.
ISTPISTPs are perfectly charming people, which makes them capable of interacting and being entertaining at parties. The major issue is that ISTPs simply do not enjoy parties most of the time, and prefer to be alone or experience one on one time with someone special. ISTPs might like attending the occasional party, but simply because they enjoy living in the moment and experiencing new things. They will likely find themselves feeling drained rather quickly though, and will need to recharge for a while after the party is over.
ESTPs definitely don’t mind parties, and might enjoy being able to interact with others. ESTPs are very capable of being the center of attention, especially if they are around people they trust. They are funny and entertaining people, making them great at entertaining. Some ESTPs might prefer one on one time with their favorite people, especially during times when they are feeling a bit antisocial. Generally though, ESTPs enjoy attending parties and see them as a great way to unwind and recharge after a long work week.
ISFPISFPs are often perfectly capable of being social at parties, especially after they have a few drinks to loosen up. They usually dislike large parties though, and find them stifling and exhausting. ISFPs prefer small gatherings with their favorite people, and will feel truly happy during small parties like this. Just sitting around a campfire with their closest friends and loved ones, is likely the most enjoyable thing for an ISFP. They love these close connections and the chance to really talk and bond with others.
ESFPs are often excellent at parties, and are great at being the center of attention. ESFPs are truly the best entertainers since they actually enjoy making others people laugh and smile. They aren’t afraid of embarrassing themselves, and will go that extra mile just to make sure everyone else is having a great time. ESFPs are the natural entertainers of the personality world, and are great at being the life of the party. They know how to have fun and will be sure to bring everyone else into the excitement. ESFPs love parties, and this is often where they are truly allowed to shine.
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here. Sign up for less than $70/week.Political party - types, scheme, structure, functions
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A political party is an organized group of like-minded people (almost like anime or Tolkienists). In this article, we will find out what types of political parties are and their characteristics.
The concept, functions, features of political parties
Political party is an organized group of like-minded people that expresses the interests of specific social strata and at the same time seeks to achieve power in the state. Examples of such goals are the conquest of state power or participation in its implementation. nine0003
The elements that make up the structure of the party: party leader, party apparatus, rank and file members, party supporters.
Main functions of political parties:
- struggle for power in the state and influence on state policy;
- participation in the exercise of power;
- participation in the formation of the political system of the state;
- formation of public opinion;
- expression of interests of social groups;
- political education; nine0024
- training and promotion of political personnel;
- protection of the interests of various social groups.
Distinctive features of political parties:
- focus on the conquest and exercise of power;
- the presence of a political program - a document that formulates the goals and objectives of the party;
- the presence of an organization - governing bodies, membership, party charter;
- the presence of an extensive network of local organizations, the core of which is formed by volunteer activists; nine0024
- the presence of a certain ideology or a special vision of the world and man.
Let's move on to the most important thing - the main types of political parties.
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Classification of political parties
Political parties can be classified into types and types according to different criteria.
By type of ideology:
- Liberal parties are aimed at minimal state interference in society, freedom of economic and political life.
- Conservative parties are aimed at maintaining the current order and rejecting the ideas of serious reform.
- Social Democratic parties are oriented towards state participation in the life of society and state regulation of the economy while maintaining fundamental freedoms.
- The communist parties stand for complete equality.
- Nationalist parties build their activities on the basis of ideas about the advantage of a certain nation in the life of the country.
- Clerical parties are aimed at strengthening the influence of the church and religious ideas.
- "Green" parties are aimed at protecting the environment.
- Fascist parties are based on the idea of the suppression of the individual, the elimination of freedom. nine0024
- Monarchist support the existence of monarchies and sole power.
In relation to social reality:
- The revolutionary parties are aimed at the radical transformation of society with the help of means of struggle.
- Reformist parties strive for the gradual transformation of society through legal means.
By type of membership:
Cadre parties are based on a small, free membership, while relying on professionals and active activity during the election period.
Mass parties are based on numerous masses of the people, aim at political education, have a branched structure and systematically participate in political life.
Centralized parties are based on a system of mass membership and strict discipline, which requires the performance of certain functions by each member of the party. nine0003
Types of political parties in relation to power:
- The ruling are in power at a certain moment.
- Opposition (legal, illegal) seek power.
By place in the political spectrum:
- Leftist parties are in favor of reform, state regulation of the economy and the displacement of the private sector, social protection of workers and radical revolutionary methods of implementing changes. This group includes the socialist and communist parties. nine0024
- The center parties are based on a balance between social equality, social hierarchy and resistance to political change both to the left and to the right.
- Right-wing parties stand for the idea of a strong state, the stability of social life, and the protection of private property. These include liberal and conservative parties.
According to the source of occurrence:
- Independent arise as a result of citizens' initiative.
- Pro-government are created on the initiative of the state during the election period.
- Associations of social groups created on the basis of .
According to the position in the governing structure:
- Parliamentary implement their policy through the Parliament. Their main goal is to get the maximum number of votes and seats in elected bodies.
- Avant-garde do not consider participation in elections a key activity. Actively participate in public life. nine0024
Types of political parties by organizational structure:
- Classic - with a clear organizational structure and permanent membership.
- Movement - formal membership is characteristic.
- Political clubs - characterized by free membership.
Now we know the activities of various political parties.
We will help you consolidate new material in social studies courses at the Skysmart online school. nine0003
The concept of the party system
The party system is a set of parties that participate in the formation of legislative and executive power structures.
Depending on how many parties exercise political power, one-party, two-party and multi-party systems are distinguished.
Consider the types of party systems in the table.
Party system name | Essence |
One-party system | One political party is active in society, the power of which is enshrined in legislation and is undeniable. Examples of countries with a one-party system: USSR, Cuba, India, China, North Korea. |
Two-party (binary) system | There are two strong parties in society that periodically come to power, replacing each other as a result of elections. Other parties do not have enough popularity to come to power and influence political life. Examples of countries with a two-party system: US (Republican and Democratic parties), UK (Labor and Conservative parties). |
Multi-party system | nine0227
A party can come to power democratically, as well as during a revolution or military coups. In Bhutan, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the activities of political parties are officially prohibited. nine0003
The system of political parties in the legislation of the Russian Federation
The exact legal definition of a political party is enshrined in the legislation of each specific country. These definitions may vary depending on local political and legal traditions.
The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Political Parties" states that a political party is a public association created for the participation of citizens of the Russian Federation in the political life of society through the formation and expression of their political will, participation in public and political actions, in elections and referendums, as well as for the purpose of representing the interests of citizens in public authorities and local governments. nine0003
A political party in the Russian Federation must meet the following requirements:
- Have regional branches in more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, while only one regional branch of this party can be created in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
- Consist of at least fifty thousand members, while in more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation the party must have regional branches of at least five hundred members. In the remaining regional branches, the number of each of them cannot be less than two hundred and fifty party members. nine0024
- The governing and other bodies of a political party, its regional branches and other structural subdivisions must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.
- A regional branch of a political party is understood to mean its structural subdivision, which was established by decision of its authorized governing body and operates on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
- In a subject of the Russian Federation, which includes one or more autonomous districts, a single regional branch of a political party may be created. Other structural subdivisions of the party (local and primary branches) are created in the cases and in the manner prescribed by its charter. nine0024
The goals and objectives of a political party are set out in its charter and program. The main goals of the party are:
- formation of public opinion;
- political education and education of citizens;
- expression of opinions of citizens on any issues of public life, bringing these opinions to the attention of the general public and public authorities;
- nomination of candidates (lists of candidates) in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, to the legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, elected officials of local self-government and to the representative bodies of municipalities, participation in these elections, and also in the work of elected bodies.
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Types of Economic Systems
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Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. Interesting facts of the biography
He went down in history as a fighter against the "cult of personality of Stalin", to which a separate hall in the historical park "Russia-My History" is dedicated, but he himself inflated the same cult of his own personality.
He tried to democratize life, but squeezed the vise of the totalitarian regime even tighter.
Today, for many, the harm that was inflicted on Russia during the reign of Khrushchev is becoming more and more obvious. Indeed, often, hiding under the good idea of debunking the Stalinist ideology, he destroyed and destroyed the economic component of the country's life. He, in fact, managed to "tear the navel" of the country because of the global competition with the most economically powerful country in the world. And with some savage voluptuousness, he managed to finish off the peasantry, which was barely recovering after the plague of collectivization and the terrible war. nine0003
During the reign of Khrushchev, the Leninist post of chairman of the government, that is, the head of state, finally fades into the background. The slogan "The Party is our helmsman" is becoming a reality.
Khrushchev's decision to increase world influence turned out to be no attention to the internal problems of the country's life. Having built the Druzhba oil pipeline, he, in fact, "hooked" the country on an oil needle. The sale of crude oil, and not gasoline, that is, a refined product, ultimately made the country a raw material appendage of Europe. nine0003
After the death of Stalin, Khrushchev methodically removed all the "political wolves", his competitors from the coveted trough of power, then dispersed the sluggish "political jackals". But he let young wolf cubs into the Politburo. It was they who ate him later ... but they were no longer able to recreate the country destroyed by Nikita Khrushchev.
The deadline for building communism announced by him - 1980, became the very boundary, after which it became clear that the collapse of the Soviet communist system was inevitable. nine0003
Right place, right time
Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was born on April 3, 1894 into a peasant family, in the village of Kalinovka, Dmitrievsky district, Kursk province.
In 1908, the Khrushchev family moved to the Donbass. Since 1912, Nikita worked as a mechanic at factories and mines in Donbass. In 1917, he was already chairman of the Poor Peasants' Committee in Kalinovka. The column on education in the biography of Nikita Khrushchev was modestly absent. And this is not the modesty of the party leader and head of state. He didn't actually go to school. nine0003
During the Civil War, he was a political worker in parts of the 1st Cavalry Army. In 1918 he became a member of the RCP (b).
Since 1920, at the economic work in the Donbass and in Kyiv. But he left the economic service for the sake of a party career: in 1924 he was already the secretary of the Petrovsky-Maryinsky district committee of the CPSU (b). In 1926, he headed the organizational department of the Stalin District Committee of the Party, and from 1928 he took the post of deputy head of the organizational department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of Ukraine. It was from this position that he, with the support of Kaganovich, went to Moscow. Kaganovich took him to his office in the Central Committee and sent him to study at the Industrial Academy. Promakademiya - Industrial Academy - an educational institution created on the basis of the Moscow People's Open University. A. L. Shanyavsky. The Industrial Academy trained "a Bolshevik detachment of leaders of socialist industry." nine0003
Education, so necessary for a 35-year-old party functionary who never studied, nevertheless did not become the main thing during his stay within the walls of a higher Soviet educational institution. The attestation of Nikita Khrushchev in the Industrial Academy has been preserved:
“Personal data. Energetic, resolute, disciplined, made hikes with a rating of "satisfactory".
Service data. Military training - I learned the shooting business satisfactorily, completed the shooting. Political studies "Our Western Neighbors" learned satisfactorily. nine0355
Tactical training. He understands the situation quite well, he has a language. There is no system in thinking for assessing the situation and making decisions.
Company commander foreman of the political staff Strashnenko, September 3, 1930. I agree with the certification and conclusions, the head of the political department Isaenko, October 17, 1930.
Instead of studying, he zealously opposed the "right deviation", led the "orthodox communists" who fought against Trotskyism and in 1930 was elected secretary of the party committee.
It so happened that in his party organization there was a young Bolshevik and a student of the Industrial Academy Nadezhda Sergeevna Alliluyeva, the wife of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. It was she who drew her husband's attention to the efficient and energetic Khrushchev. And, thanks to Stalin's attention, Khrushchev's career began to develop successfully.
It is believed that Khrushchev was one of Stalin's favorites. Stalin called him in the Ukrainian manner Mikita and poked his finger in the stomach. nine0003
The progress was fast. In January 1931, Khrushchev became secretary of the Bauman and then Krasnopresnensky district committees of the Moscow party.
From January 1932 he was the 2nd secretary, and from January 1934 the 1st secretary of the Moscow city and regional committees of the CPSU (b). Since 1934, a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). In 1937 he became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
As head of the Moscow Communists, Nikita Sergeevich showed himself to be a man devoutly devoted to the cause of the party and its general secretary. Under his leadership, unprecedented arrests of the leadership of the party organization took place in Moscow. Sanctioning the actions of the NKVD, Khrushchev urged, at the same time, to increase "vigilance" more and more, which can be found in more detail in the halls of the historical project "Russia-My History". In a speech at the Moscow Party Conference on May 23, 19For 37 years, he declared: “The working class and all the working people of our country have achieved great victories of socialism thanks to the wisdom, thanks to the vigilance, inexhaustible energy of the great successor of the cause of Lenin, the leader of the peoples of the USSR, the friend of the working people of the whole world - Comrade Stalin! .. However, one cannot calm down - the enemy not finished yet."
In 1938, Khrushchev was appointed First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of Ukraine. And he immediately began mass purges, although their main wave in Ukraine fell on 1936-37 years. The years of Khrushchev's rule in Ukraine are among the bloodiest.
From January 1938 he was a candidate member, from March 1939 a member of the Politburo (since 1952 - the Presidium) of the Central Committee of the Party. It was in his position as a member of the Politburo in December 1939 that he proclaimed: "All the peoples of the Soviet Union see in Stalin their friend, father and leader. Stalin is a friend of the people in his simplicity. Stalin is the father of the people in his love for the people. Stalin is the leader of the peoples in his wisdom as a leader in the struggle of nations." nine0003
During the Great Patriotic War, he was a member of the Military Councils of various fronts. It is known that he was involved in the hardest defeat of the Red Army near Kharkov, so he diligently avoided listing his military merits. When he found out that Marshal Zhukov, who had been dismissed by him, was writing memoirs, he tried in every possible way to prevent this, as he was afraid that Georgy Konstantinovich would tell the whole truth about the Kharkov story.
From 1944 to 1947 he was the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of Ukraine and at the same time was the chairman of the government (sovnarkom) of the Ukrainian SSR. nine0003
In March 1947 he was removed from his posts in Ukraine, but in December 1947 he again took the office of the first secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party.
Since December 1949 - he was the secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the 1st secretary of the Moscow Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
After the XIX Party Congress, at the suggestion of Stalin, a "leading five" was created as part of the presidium, which included Khrushchev.
First Secretary
After Stalin's death, during the "division" of the inheritance, he was given leadership of the party apparatus. Georgy Maksimilianovich Malenkov, and others considered that the Stalinist post in the Council of Ministers was much more important and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers left the post of Secretary of the Central Committee. nine0003
After Stalin's death, Malenkov spoke more than once about the need for "collective leadership" of the party in order to avoid another cult. But soon after Beria's arrest in June 1953, a struggle for power began between Malenkov and Khrushchev. Khrushchev won this behind-the-scenes battle. At the September plenum, Khrushchev, who managed to bribe party functionaries in advance by returning to them the envelopes selected by Malenkov with additional financial rations, was elected First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and, thus, took the leading position in the country. nine0003
At the beginning of 1954, at the initiative of Khrushchev, the start of a grandiose program for the development of virgin lands was announced in order to increase grain production.
In February 1955, Khrushchev succeeded in persuading the central committee of the party to support the course towards the predominant development of heavy industry, and, consequently, the production of weapons, and abandon Malenkov's idea to give priority to the production of consumer goods. This was the formal reason for the resignation of Malenkov from the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers. nine0003
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bulganina was appointed to the post of Prime Minister. This appointment provided Khrushchev with real power and the position of the first figure in the state.
The most striking event in Khrushchev's career was the XX Congress of the CPSU, held in 1956. At a closed meeting, Khrushchev condemned Stalin, accusing him of unjustified repressions. Previously, Khrushchev tried to destroy all documents that would expose him as a loyal Stalinist-Leninist, and one who himself put a lot of effort into mass repressions. nine0003
The result of this report was unrest in the countries of the Eastern bloc - Poland (October 1956) and Hungary (October and November 1956). These events undermined Khrushchev's position, especially after it became clear in December 1956 that the implementation of the five-year plan was being disrupted due to insufficient investment. However, in 1957 Khrushchev succeeded in persuading the central committee to adopt a plan to reorganize the management of industry at the regional level and create economic councils.
Head of State
In early 1958, while remaining the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, he took over as chairman of the government and became the full owner of a vast country.
All-Union census January 15, 1959
An ill-conceived and uncalculated policy in agriculture has led to food problems. Interruptions began not only with meat, milk, butter, but also with bread. I had to import grain from Canada, the USA, Australia, flour from Germany. For all this they paid with gold, up to 500 tons were exported annually. In fact, the gold reserves of the USSR were used only to maintain, strengthen and develop foreign farms, while the farms of Soviet peasants were persecuted. Personal household plots gave up to 1958 years from 40% to 60% of meat and dairy products, vegetables, fruits, berries, while occupying less than 10% of agricultural land. But in 1958–1964, the size of household plots was reduced: on collective farms by 12% (to 0. 29 ha), on state farms by 28% (to 0.18 ha). By the mid-1960s, private household plots had practically disappeared. Khrushchev motivated the attack on subsidiary farms by the fact that they allegedly hinder "the final victory of socialism in the countryside, encourage the petty-bourgeois feelings and moods of the peasants, take away the time necessary for rest and the comprehensive development of the individual." nine0003
Khrushchev's policy and in general, not only in agriculture, was inconsistent. In addition, the preservation of the totalitarian regime in the country - the suppression of dissent, the shooting of workers' demonstrations (Novocherkassk, 1962 and others), arbitrariness against the intelligentsia, the aggravation of the military confrontation with the West (Berlin 1961 and the Caribbean 1962 crises and others), as well as political projecting (calls to "catch up and overtake America!", promises to build communism by 1980), nullified all his undertakings.
The dissatisfaction of the state and party apparatus led to the fact that the plenum of the CPSU Central Committee on October 14, 1964 released Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev from the duties of the 1st Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and a member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. The removal of Khrushchev took place according to the scenario of a conspiracy, which Nikita Sergeevich himself used more than once.
He was retired.
Interesting facts about the time of Khrushchev's rule and a rare photo chronicle of those days are presented at the exhibition dedicated to the 20th century in the historical parks "Russia-My History". nine0003
Nikita Khrushchev's first marriage was with Efrosinya Ivanovna Pisareva. In 1920, Efrosinya Ivanovna died of typhus, but two children remained: son Leonid and daughter Yulia.
According to unconfirmed reports, his second wife was Nadezhda Gorskaya.
The third wife in 1924 was Nina Petrovna Kukharchuk, with whom Nikita Sergeevich lived until the end of his days.